I L-.rtACT LUMBER 'S i Lunu MENS Awuviwiuii ... ...i,..n of orders lioukotl, ' wan tlm Iwrt w,M,k tliree . ..... lumber liiUimtry ,1,11011 ntl Or. tKM.-ouUl.lo the . .In Lrilly lunitxTimui coiiBldiir Hie ..... .mint cm very sirun i.... Iimin sorioua r anil'"" - Uppod Y ocouiriu..- but ttlO OIltlOOK III lliumma -,. delivery ly rail soema In r wy to offt tlio export Mid M lillllK treunios. .11.1. tlm greatest monnco to riiv of tho I'uclllc Northwest . i..,lulrv thin your I 1MB IM1 strike of 400.000 railway iJflM'l. K.r.lltws of enoctivoness. a itrlke would of necessity close of 11)0 mills ami logging camps. ...m iiirwilr affect the poyroll ...i,..irv which employs clone to 1 1 It M - - - it men In Hie states of Wash- , mil Ort'Kon. lurally. therefore, lumbermen iwn for arbitration. Thoy want -a the railroad nnd their em- pt limctlicr bi-foro tho Hltu- roarhc a h I r I k u und consequent IhmI transportation. roada aro tld up mill and i must clow There In no alter- them l no other outlnt thU (or movliiK lumber slock which be tnovt'd If there U to bo an rial payroll. Jlnarlly Washington anil Oro- illli will market 0,000,000,000 if Dr. not taking cedar, spruce lii'inlork product Into conslder- lljr (( tier cent of thla la moved rkut by tlm rullronda. That l ali'tit to an average weekly iuwiI of from 3000 to car of lumber. Tho moment that meat stops nil 1 1 n and campa clone. iltuutlon In regarded with sravlty ti y lunihir shippers that latter recently wua called to the lion of tlio hoard of trustees of fA'oat Count Lumbermen's Asso- n, which, at a mooting hold In :o on tho uftnmonn of April 21, uil Ihu fullowlnic resolutions IK arbitration. lnTa, tlm public of tho Pacific Lweat will suffer ureal tucon tiro ami disastrous effects wtll lipon tlm lutiilicr, grain and other fctrlei In tlm event of Intorrup- uf public service ly a geuural ii audi aa la threatened by rall- tralnmen's orKanlzuttona, and lenrna, tho Chamber of Com ' of tlio Tutted St a tea hua takon ii looking to tin adjustment by lratlon of tho Ihhucm in contro- t aa per resolutions appended i, therefore, It resolved, by tho Woat Coast iwrmen's AaHorlatlon that In the at of public convenience and the r of I'uclllc Northwest Indua- wo urge that both pnrtloa to tho fiiveray uiljiint their dlfllcultloa ut recourse to extromo moas tliut will HUHpend the public ce, anil It resolved. Ihat wo commend If'irt of tho Chnmbor of Com- f i) of tho United Htutea to Indorse lock IntoroHla have suffered sovoro- ly. In oiio food lot In Wlunom Novada, a single coyote cauaod tho' loaa of 23 houd of 3-yoar old hoof steer. Although thla Ih regarded aa the moat aorloua, It la not tho llrat out brouk of rablea amotiK coyotea in the WoMtorn atntoa. In 1U the illHoaae miido tti appearance In Wallowa county, Oregon, and aproad aouth ward. Thla Infoatatlon .till con tinues. In the apring of 19 1 C tho dlHouito mudo Ita drat appoarance In northern Novada, and at tho prnaont tlmo aouthwoatorn Idaho, nortlioaat. orn Cullfornlu and approximately the northern hulf of Nevada are Infuatcd. Tlio noruiat coyote la cunning but cowardly and hua a particular aver- alun to tho acont of a human belli. Whim atrlckon with rablea. however, it dooa not hnaltate to anup at every thing In rnich and to attack men aa well aa doga and caitln. In thla con dition It dooa not eat and conae quently can not bo killed by polHoned ImltJ. In controlling tho dlaeaae the llu reuu of Illologlcul Survey purpoaoa fl rat to prevent Ita apread by killing off the coyotea ulung the borders of tho InftiHtcd diatrlcta. After thla haa boon done, tho Infoatod arena thein aitlves cun offoctuulty bo rid of tho anliunla and tho dlneuae atumpod out. ST. HELENS MTCT CDTntu , - "ui.imuHI MV1 9 B m I t 'if i r mmmammmmKmmma A DIGEST OF I rtp. vnvrv I ' ; RFr.ni ATinMQ I BEFORE YOU SIGN An Application for Life Insurance in any other Company Serve Your Own Interest by examining the New Low Rate Contract of Oregonlife Doci lluiinru Exclusively in Healthful Onon Best for Oregonians HOME (HIKE C'itHll IkiiUma. lor r'.HK inj Munlirm I'.kIUkJ PORTLAND 10TH AN NUAL ROSE FESTIVAL Oregon'a grett scenic roadway, the Columbia Hiver Highway, will re ceive Its national dedication tho af ternoon of June 7, opening day of the tenth nnnual Uoho Festival. Tho prealdunt of the United States, hla cabinet, repreaentutlves of for eign governments at Waahington, crowned beads of Kuropo, governors of all Btu'es nnd senators and rep resentatives have been Invited to be present. The event is to take place at Mult nomah Kails. Since thero will bo hundreds of automobiles on the highway June 7, arrangements have boon mudo to have the Oregon Na tional Guard police tho roadway. ration ami commend the attl-TThe I'ortlund Chamber of Commerce ot the railway munngera In alg- i'g their willingness to submit to patlun, and It rcaolved. that the secretory of Woat Con.Ht I.umborniim'a Abbo "i o and Is hereby dlroctod to l"iiitlcuti) this rnsolutlon to the "ilier of Comiiierco of tho United 1 EXTERMINATE RABID COYOTES 118 appropriation by congreaa In "rgoncy Dellcloncy net of $75,000 control of rubles among coy In the West has enabled the Ilu- 1 ' IHulglcnl Survey of the U. 8. "ftment of Agriculture, to put """"dors and 190 hunters In the addition to Ita mi.ii Nation. These men in .r. (,rgon, Noviidn. r.ur.ni. ro und along the border In Utah. r'"Un to thoHQ mougllre. ti.e Ne. Hablos ConimlBslon lias slgnl- ll Intention of exnnnillnv a larirn f of "'oney under tho recommen- ' mado by tlio lllologlcal Sur- 'a'"l It Is Iirnlinl.ln ik4 f 'o HkOWlBO. Ifii.T,h w"(,r8 tro co-oporatlng I "'"'"'"ng horaos and fnrairn free "rgo. Tho Imporlunco of pre- llng tho r,..i . ... . . . , ui inu uiueuae is fiie covet u i,.. . tockmen, hut with the advent of "as become a serious danger '-us as well n .i, i f ect In, of Oro Wah "laftnd Nevada n knn.1 ii..,. . nrB m i ".ir Clilldron to achnnl nnlioa y ttro well (rilnttn,l I At . fcav ,, "no more is 1,1 1 TKnr ll"t Uomestlo dogs I' D9 bitten l. m . . . h , ' l"n iiiuo animnis P Proadthodlnoasoto tho fumlllos n . ,n "rKon and Ne- has Inatltutod a cleun-up campaign and In connection with this Is offering prizes for tho best appearing farm Iioubos along county roads leading to tho highway proper. Special trains will make trips be tween Portland and MultiTonmli Kails to carry festival visitors to and from tho dedication. Tho ceromonlos will take pluce at 2 p. m. The queen of tho festival will also be crowned quoon of the highway nnd with her maids of honor, festival directors nnd the official party will proceed to Multnomah Kails Immedlutuly follow ing tho children's parade, the page ant to open tho fostivul tho morning of Juno 7, at 9:48 a. m. Tho highway as well as other Oregon sconlo attructlons such as Mt. Hood, Crater Lako, caves of Joseph ine county, mlnotitl springs and the mountulns, lakos, rivers and valloyi hnvo been wldoly cxploltod this year by tho foBtlvul association and the railroads, nnd thousands of tourists aro expected In tho state fostlval week, and throughout tho summer as a result of the advertising campaign of 1916. flTln-f.ti aim". ; B""W CAIHK ON AITUCATION TO HUM, ItKAIi 1'ltOPKKTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County In the matter of the estate of Alice M. Htout, deceased. To Kowanaza Umg, Howan Ung, James iIlg, c,,.,. "ng, C. C. Stamper and all others unknown, heirs at law of the estate of Alice M. Htout, deceased. In the name of the Stute of Oregon you are hereby commanded to appear before the honorablo County Court of the Stnte of Oregon, In and for olmnbla county, at the court house In the city of Ht. Helens, on the 31bI day of May, 1916, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., of said day, then and there to show cause, If any exist, why an order of sale should not bo made according to the prayer of the pe tition of the administrator of the above entitled estate, for the sale of the real property belonging to the said estate, the said property being described as follows, to-wlt: Mock 12, and lxt 3, Illock 9, all In Itailroad Addition to the city of St. Helens, Columbia county, Oregon. Witness my hand and tho seal of said Court affixed this 16th day of April, A. I). 1916. (Seal ) A. K. HARNETT, County Clerk. Ily H. E. I-alJAItK, Deputy. Klrat publication, April 21, 1910. Last publication, May 26, 1916. HIMMOXH In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Cora Klsh, plaintiff, vs. Samuel Klsh. defendant. To Samuel Klsh, the abovo named defendant: In the name of the Stcto ot Oregon, you are here by commanded to appear and answor or otliorwlso plead to the complaint R'od agalnBt you in the above suit, on or before six wcoks from the first publication of this summons, which first publication la on the 31st day of March, 1916, and the day on or before which you are required to ap pear and answer aald complaint is the 12th day of May, 1916, and If you full to appear and answer or otherwise plead to said com plaint on or before May 12th, 1916, the plain tiff will apply to tho court for the re lief sought for In her complaint, to wlt: that the bonds of matrimony between herself and you be dissolved, and a decree of divorce be awardod plaintiff, on the grounds of wilful deaortlon of plaintiff by you for a period of more than one year preced ing the commencement of this suit. This summons is published by or der of the Hon. J. A. Eakln, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 28th day of March, 1916, ordering that this summons be published for six consecutive weeks. W. E. CRITCHI.OW, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date ot first publication, March 31, 1916. Date of last publication, May 12, 1916. Uk-lit Hlmll Ite Carried ut All Time Ifa-twern HoiiM-t mill 8unrlne. With nets In the water tlio red and white lights shall be fixed, thb rod light about two feet abovo the white light. The red light shull bo taken down when runnlne. Article 9 (c). Act of Juno 7, 1897. Pag5 8, Pilot Rules. Tho red und green lights slioulu he lighted and kept handy to ex hibit to approaching vessels to In dlcuto side of boat clear of nets Tho above apply to all flshliiK bouts under ours, sail or power. When running, tho red diii't.ng light shull bo taken down and tho combination lights fixed in place; the white light may be left for tlio ufter rango light. Sec. 3, Act of June 9, 1910. Page 30, Pilot Rules. Exceptions: When boats aro class two or throe, which must carry the lights prescribed In Sec.3, Act of Juno 9, 1910; or a boat'under oursj which shull curry a lantern lighted. A sail bout shall carry tho red und green lights only when under sail. ! Ufo preservers: Kcnyon cusli-! Ions or ring buoys Tor each persi h ' on bourd shall be carried at all times (except when currying passengers for. hire, wlion only llfo preservers can be used). Sec. 5, Act of June 9, 1910. A whistle or horn shall be carried at all times and used in glvinc pass ing signals. Sec. 4, Act of J'ine 9, 1910, nnd Rulo 9, Pago 9, Pilot Rules. Above is for all motor boats except class two and three. A fire extinguisher, or salt and sand in sufficlont quantities, shall be carried at all times and readily accessible. Sec. 6, Act of Juno 1910, Pago 32, Pilto Rules. Two copies of tho Pilot Rules shall be carried at all times and , kept in good order. All equipment shall bo carried and readily accessible ut nil times and produced for Inspection when demanded. Eton Felton, supervisor of road district Io. 2, Is being kept very busy looking after the work which the County Court has outlined for this district. Eight men aro at work or. the Bennett road between Warren and IJatchelor Flat grading, re pulrlng and doing, come necessary bridge work. On the 8t. Helens Deer Islund road he hus a force of twelve men working on the big fill at Watorvlew, r.lso dolne somo rock ing. On the Spcnco road, between tho County quarry and Houlton, there is a force of sixteen men rocking and doing much balastlng. This is a very expensive piece of work, and while it is presumed that it is be ing built for the purpose of hauling out rockj, It la tho opinion of many that It is Intended for a portion of the Highway. Call Joe Clark Passenger Service. For Light Towing. Day Calls at Fred Wat kins. Phone 28. Prompt and Satisfactory Service. Night Calls at Morgtvi Building. St. Helens dairy wants your milk and cream orders. Phone 107. George's Market ST. HELENS I'llKSH AND B.ALT MEATS Phono 8 Prompt Service Fancy Box Candy at Mason's. NONE BETTER We have just received our spring stock of the celebrated Firestone Tires. All sizes. Guarantee, 3500 miles. ALSO Fresh stock of Bicycle Tires, $2.50 to $5.00. PATTON'S AUTO GLOSS FINISH "MAKES YOUR CAR LOOK LIKE NEW" REPAIRS SUPPLIES WE RECHARGE BATTERIES CITY GARAGE St. Helens, Oregon After months of idleness, Merrill Lumber Co. starts. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court ot the State ot Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of Edward Anderson, deceased. Notice is here by given, that the undersigned hus been duly appointed administratrix : of the estate of Edward Anderson, ! deceased, by the County Court of Columbia County, State of Oregon,! and has duly qualified for said trust, j All persona having claims uguinst I said estate aro hereby notified and l required to present the same, duly verified and with proper vouchers, to the administratrix at her residence at Mayger, Columbia County, State of Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated April 20, 1916. TILLIE ANDERSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Ed ward Andorson, Decoased. 18-5 All Ituse Cull ut Hotel Courteous Treatment STOP AT ORCADIA HOTEL TIIOS. 1SIIISTEK, Prop. Chicken Dinner Sunday, 35c KATES $1.00 PEIl DAY AND VP Special RuU'N to Regular Hoarders All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished. R. GONSTANTIN PLUMBING, HEATING, SHEET METAL WORK. St. Helens -Oregon Livery, Feed and Sale Stable NOTICE OK HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT OK ADMINISTHATIUX GOBLE TRACT TO BE CLEARED Work on tfce subdivision of the tract of land at Oohlo rocontly pur chusod from tho llroughton-Wlggins Lumber Company by Akorson, Oooch & Co.. of Portland, will soon bo be gun, and before long tho 917 acres of bench and bottom Ir.nd will be put nn tlm market 111 40 and 80-ncro tracts. Tho doal was mado lust wock, and tho nrlce mild for tho land avoraged $20 an awe. Tho tract lies one milo from Goblo cn tho Columbia High way. Pert of tho ln:id Is cloaroa, but most of It is logged-off land. It In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multno mah. In the matter of the estate of Isom Truex. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, aa administratrix ot the estate of Isom Truex, deceased, has filed her final account of hor administration of said estate with the Clork of the abovo entitled court, nnd that Fri day, tho 26th day of May, 1916, at the hour ot 11 o'clock A. M., of said dato, In the above entitled court, has been appointed as the date and place for tho hearing of objections, if any, thereto, and tho settlement thereof. All porsons are hereby notified to presont uny objections that they may have thereto at Bnld time and place. Date or first publication, April 28th, 1916. Hate ot last publication, May 26th, 1916. MAY TRUEX. Administratrix. James H. McMenamln, attorney tor administratrix, 826-9 Northwestern llauk Illdg., Portland, Ore. Main 974. Hotel Barber Shop HEWITT BLIKJ. II. T. DENNETT, Propr. MOST SANITARY SHOP IN ST. HELENS A DEAL SHOE SHINE CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING A Spclulty Drliijr you wntcli to us for exiiert repairing Complete Line of Jewelry Novelties Silverware . SEE OUH LINK OK HAMILTON WATCHES VON A. GRAY, Jeweler DRAYING AND TRANSFER All Business Promptly Attended To PHONE 15 OR 12 WM. H. DAVIES ST. HELENS, OREGON Prop. LODGES Mlzpah Chapter O. E. S. meets in Masonic Hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. MRS. LILLA M. CROUSE, W. M. JOHN PHILIP, Secy. Tillicum Tribe No. 52, Improved O. R. M., ot Yankton, Ore., meets at its wigwam, second and fourth Sat urdays ot each month. W. Q. BRANNON, C. of R. EBER BROWN, Sach. GEO. II. SHINN, Pres. L. R. RUTHERFORD, Sec. St. Helens Rebekull Lodge, No. 217, meets first and third Thursday of each month In I. O. O. P. Hall. Visiting members always welcome. MRS. ANNA H. SAURER, N G. MRS. ELLA ALLEN, Sec'y. Columbia Encampment, No. 77, I. O. O. P. meets in the I. O. O. P. Hall, on the second and fourth Thursday ot each month. Sojourn ing Patriarchs most cordially Invited to meet with us HARRY BENNETT, C. P. C. W. BLAKESLEY, Scribe. Avon Lodge No. 62 Knights of Pythlns meets overy Tuesday even ing in Castle Hall, St. Helens. Vis iting Knights always welcome. JAMES O'CONNOR, C. C. E. A. ROSS, K. ot R. & S. A St. Helens Lodge No. 32, A. F. & A. M. meets 1st and 3rd Saturday In each month. Visiting brothers cordially H. J. SOUTHARD, W. M. E. E. QUICK, Secy. St. Helens Lodge No 117, I. O. O. F. meets In the I O. O. P. building, on the second and fourth Saturdays of each mouth, visiting membors are al ways given a hearty welcome. CARL H. AAMOND, N. G. C. W. BLAKESLEY, Sec. L Columbia County Abstract Company ST. HELENS, OREGON The only complete abstract system in Colum bia County, Oregon. BEST WORK ' LOWEST PRICES bt. Helens Lumber Co. Wood and Lath Steam Heating Electric Lighting Lumber Manufacturers f Pant '""" nave recoivea khin ..: lro,"nont for rablos will be usod for general farming ana 4 l,ie DftBt h.o. and Ltock-rnlslng.