Fruit CanninSIl, 1S fet SOt? P'cse"K Plant, Two Stone Quarries, Water Plant. Columbia H XL rI IST CreamerV. Fishing Industry, Municipal Continent, Klectric Lights Wii r Wa.te,r Transportation. Greatest River on the Fair, Mild Climate, TneBes t.nrS Comrc'al Cu' Improvement Co., Columbia County i ne Best Soil, Choice Fruit Land, Prettiest Scenery, Four City Parks. I. ntL PAY 1L loo, ' Mid j 0iii ils r"?mio, i S S; 1 Wttaiii (.7 i in ENS ATMS MONTHLY u w ' lh. ; ih, in,,. Pali 01 ""I Jo, to Count, . h1 Helm,, onidi! ; I'OUOI; hereby iber J), lb. . 10 81 "WW, I uilo, t! lit. 10 (k( f "Ik',, OlIlBIl I'M, or mber, . n Willi) iwwi, VOLUME XXXIV, OREGON GRANGE MASTER PLEASED (, 0 Spi o, master of the Orogon ,.... (imiii:. ciiiiiu to Bon Francisco 0ttpnJ tlio whmIum of the Nutlonal Qmnim. i'"1 r'urnl"K ,0 Oregon ,,nil,ulamm over the work accom plice;!. Willi" Woman Buffrago was jptoaliil by the Nullonal Orange lunt ..... i.v n vntn of 2d to 24, the omi'ii ' mt tl,u VM ,,jr voto ' JO lo 25. Mr. Si"'"8 considers thin chanK of front romnrkablo unit tins wiilomoniKiit of Woman's Suffrage ai unit hup forward. Iast year, Prohibition was treated In rather Indefinite way, while 1 1. In year the National Grunge win practically a tnlt In endorsing National Prohibi tion. Tli" present conservation pol kyof the Forestry department caw It for I'liclorn'iiimit. and very progrea ,Id Moan on Hurul Credits wtire jiloplitl h i I'm policy of tho National omrn:. It ' decided to deminil dial the roverimiont provliio for rural croillt i it rpoi.i-n noma circulating mo ilium, in In Hi" cnae of the regional biiV. Tho (irniiKO arrayed ltarli miilnnt IpiiiiiIIiik fof road coiih'.- c Hmi, lurRcly on the Idoa that roai' bull'ljiK in Ktlll In tho exporlmetn flaso. II iiIho. iifciuroci in lUYor ui bulliliiiK mi.rki-t road firat. Thort a pr:irtlcally uiiaiilmoua oppoaltlon to tlio proponed Incroaae of army, navy iiml arimimont. The National CruiiK" Imliii on rnlHlnR tlio atand iril of rltlimiHlilp rather than largo mm of mom-y for deatructlve pur paiw1. KlmiiK ponce roaolutlona won tdi. pud, it wuh ill no agrood thai tlirrn hIiouIiI ho a uniformity of tax law n uITocIIiik Htutea, thla to pre Vint Hi'' tux dodging that haa be cmo no llagraut on the part ol wealthy cltUnno owning property It nany i:tnta. Tho National Grang tafonipoi;c(l of tho Muatnr and Mutror of tho Stnto Gianni' of the nation iml at thla tint 57 were proaont ffprosi'iitiiiK practically all tlx tlMro of tho trtiion. Mr. Sponco apont (nniiiihrnlilo tltnn nt the Orogon build it) k nnd on tho oxpoaltlor. troiimlH anil oMprosaod the con(ldonc Hint Ori'cmi hati mtdn a wondorfulb lfcctlvo Hliowlr.g here, ono fron which l ho Htulo l certain to dorlv gront lit-iiont. II. 0. Ixeily of for Tilllii, formerly Mitatcr of the Statt OrniiKP, wilt nhto hero, and wai equally cntliUKluatlc over the Oregon ihowlni;. YANKTON LAND UNIT. Now mi lli Market liy llio Ht. Helen, l.umher CoinpKiiy.' I'xport ai?rlouUurlHla and anecoaa .ful retired furmnra concur In the opinion Hint lliero are five tmporlnnl fiictors which ahould be conaldorod when Kclretlng a piece of land for (arm. TIioko factori are BOIL,, MAR KKTH. TUANSrOUTATION, COST W l-ANI) AND CLIMATE. How ahout Hut roltimhln county Inndi l'oiil HI. HolonaT Aa to aoll, wc h:ive rich red shot up landa with the cluy HtihHoll and the darkor loam ot llio valleys. Croamory, ennnory and lowest freight ratea to Portland llnlim Stock Yarda nnd Comuilaalon iroet, in that city, of. any agrlcul tnral dlHlrlct In the atate are our miikeiB, Trannportatlon, rail, auto and water. Coat of land, hundred! of acre of good land In excellent loca tion for less titan $40 per acre, and wo have a climate thnt will produce Hie beMt cropa III the state. People ore going to find thla out. It la go 'ft lo moan a great development for Columbia county. You who have liiipml Homo day to have a farm home should tnko advantage of the oppor tunity offered right hero nt homo. MUTS OUT FOR CHARITY. The Muta have organized for bual "". Martin White wn elected IHg Mill and A. I,. Stone, ocrotary-trona-urer, Tho executive committee Ik "mipoaod of ' five other prominent hiiHlnoBn men, Tlio Indies committee la componed if Mra. H. e. Lallnro, Mra. Elmor "'"ck burn and Mra. M. E. Mlllor. Mitt boxoa are up In different bual n,H hoHiioa. rontrlbutlotiB of wenr- 'K npparol, food, oto., can ho lo?t at fti' Rt. Ilelniifl atoro nnd will bo de livered to MuU for dUtrlbutlon. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY A. F, BARNETT KIDNAPED Tlio Waiting ;rxm l)MiipMHra Will, Itiilnler I'rlenilH. Hulnlor la tlio homo of A. K. Ilur nett, and also tho homo of hla ac compllHhed bride. Aa Muted In the Inrt Ihhuo of tho Mint, their marrluge wiia olemiil.eil In tluil city lunt week Hlu old naHoclateii dotertnlned to Imvo no ii 10 aport, to do lomotlilng "luilleroua." They kidnaped Mr llurnolt and hlud Mm away to the imtivo wlldu. "Tho lampo wore trimmed uud hurnlng, but tho briilegroom cometh not." A committeo waited upon tho dlH troaaed bride to demand the uauul rntiaom. It wna finally agreed that If ho would algn away her birthright he worried and Borrowing neur liua hnnd would be forthcoming. Tho ar- li loa of agreement provided that the li'ldo ahould voluntarily kluillo the (Iron at all time without grumbling HokkIo, who prevented the ringing of tho curfew, had no greater lovo than Mlaa I'erry, and alie quickly oltucliud her algnature, with numerous mental reMorvalloua. Tho mlHHlng grnuin waa therefore rod need and nHlilo from hla lacer i ted feellnga, was none the worao for hla aurprlHlng adventure. ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED At a luncheon given at tho Doiiii'h lc Science department of tho High School, aaya the Maker City Herald. :y a number of the teachers In honor of MUa little Wilson, fifth grade teacher In the Central building, the announcement of the engagement of MIhm Wllaon to Huy Chupman, a SiharmaelHt of St. Helena, Ore., was mndo. A tiny kitten let out of a banket carried the tidings enclosed in a tiny envelope for each guest Tho touchers prosouted Miss Wllaon with a cut glass howl, Superintend ml Strange making the presentation xpooch. Luncheon was served for 30 guests by Miss Waasor, head of tho DomoHtlc Science department, and tovornl young ludlca ot the clans.. Mr. Chapman Is one of our best young men and haa proven himself worthy of trust as he has had churgo of the Plant drug Btoro since It was established. Ho Is a graduate of Oregon Slate Agricultural College. Tho wedding will not take place until 'he flowers bloom. TKACHKtW KXAMIXATIONH Notice la hereby given that the County Superintendent of Columbia County, Oregon, will hold the regu lar examination of applicants tor State Certificates at St. Helens, Ore., aa follows: Commencing Wednesday, Decem ber 16, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m and continuing until Saturday, December 18, 1916, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon. Writing. U. S. History. Wediienilay Afternoon. Itoadlng. Physiology, Composi tion, Mothods In itoadlng, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic. History of Education, Psychology, Mothods In Geography. Tburwlay Afternoon. " flrnminar. Geograpliy, American f.ltemture. PIivbIcs, Methods In Lnniruuge. Thosla for Primary Cer tlllcato, Science of Education. lYiday Afternoon. Theory and Practice, Orthography. Physical Geography, English Litera ture. Chemlatry, History of Educa tion. Friday Forenoon. School Law. Geology. Algebra, Civil Government, Childhood and Adoloscence. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, Botany. School Admin 'latration. Hat unlay Afternoon. Goneral History, llookkooplng, Mothods. Very truly yours, J. W. ALLEN, County School Sttpt. IT'S FIRST RUN. Tho creamery will make Its first run today. It waa the Intontlon to atnrt up Thursday, but the machln n,.,l connections coum noi be adjusted In time. The power will be furnished by the mill. Aa soon as ,ii, can be made, a sep arate power wire will ho run to the ..,n,nrv. Bo ready, evorybody, to ubo St. Helena butter. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1915. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. All the High School boya who at tended the annual conference return ed sufuly. The High School baskolball team have challenged the Sunset Athletic Club and Intend to have a real warm gamu Thursday. The hoys have been practicing hard for the minstrel show, to be given December 17; so don't forget to come. Kngllsh II cluus have been kept huuy for tho last few days preparing somo lengthy themes. II. Hlchardson, one of the former High School atudonta, waa visiting hero the 11 rut of the week. The boys of the High School have boon kept busy preparing for the program to ho given by the literary coclety Friday night. Tho girls of the rllgh School have a real live basketball team. They Intend to play preliminary games for tho High School. (Jranimur tirade News. Tho Thanksgiving vacation waa very enjoyable for the members ot the Grammar school. So much waa It appreciated that thero Is a marked difference In the Interest taken in r.chool work. Kor several weeks pant tho clans In agriculture has been cultivating mold. This week mountings of bread and pumpkin mold have been ..tucllcd under the microscope. The eighth grado may become bankers, but will find It difficult to figure tho profit and loss on their business transactions. If any one la In need of having first clans buttonholes made, Just call on the girls of the Grammar grade. COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES. Tlio county superintendent visited tho Clatnkanle schools Monday and iiiakoa a very complimentary report. He reports tlio Clutskanle schools as fully abreast with the beat of them, l'rof. McCord and Ins teachers are to ho congratulated on their work. Tho Rainier schools were closed the lunt four days this week by order of the State Health office, on account of a cane ot smallpox. We trust It Is mostly scare. Prof. WUkorson and Prof. AuBtln planned tho work so the High School pupils did not loose much time. The county superintendent paid an ofllclal visit to the Warren school Wednesday. There wore 101 pupils orenent and about 14 absent. Many were out with bud colda. Prof. W. L. Dunton la principal and la assist ed by Mias Mary Dahlgren. Miss Mary Tliomaa and Mlaa Hilda Muhr. All nrn wnrklne for a good school and are succeeding nicely. WHY I AM A MUT. If In tho' hills, and a man came to my cabin hungry, I'd feed him. Beon thore. If on the trail and I met a man barefoot, and had an extra pair of atinna. I'd divide. Hnvo had cactua in my heels. If you wore crossing a Btream In x boat, and mot a man trying to swim It. would you help him? I would. Put yourself In the place of those who havn't, and you will be a Mut. Just a little solf denial and you can bo one. Try It, and when you near your neighbor cay that neighbor G. received a Christmas present, ana you know that you havo had a part i creating that feeling of tlianKtui nana won't you feol the better for having dono soT If you billcve in these tenets, drop i. coin in the Mut boxes, buy a mem bership card or wear a badge, and vou will be a Christian. If you want an Idea for being I Mut, take a chance on Miss Rosen thal's pillow top JACK MUT. DO YOU BELIEVE IT? E. I. Bullagh, who loft here on the Btenmer Wapama ft couple of weeka ago to visit the San Francisco expos! Hon. returned Sunday BY TRAIN The councilman majntains that he en toyed the sea trip and waa not sick r.nd tho only reason he returned by rail was to savo time, which of course all of his friends believed ). Ed says tho exposition Is a great show and If hla ofllco of councilman had enough Miinrv connected with it, he would have made bis stay a little longer. PIONf.f.R papfr np pni i tmri a rnimTv NEWSY ITEMS FROM HOULTON Mrs. J. O. Divcns was a Portland vlaltor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kelloy were Portlund visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Koland Musten were Portland visitors last Thursday. Mrs. Lee ot Portland, was here last week looking after her property. Miss Hazel Razey ot Deer' Island, visited her slcter, Miss Lulu, last week. Mrs. Ed Euyart of ' Doer Island, spent last Wednesday here with frlonds. MrB. Lily Perry of Portland, spent Thanksgiving here with friends and relatives. Frank Kelloy was down from St. Johns Tuesday. He haa moved hla family there. Miss Thomas, teacher at Bachellor Flat school, spent her Thanksgiving Willi Portland friends. Mrs. Thompson White and daugh ter, Helen, spent the week end In Portland with friends. Mesdames John Goodman and Zora Goodman McCallum, were re cent Portland shoppers. Mrs. Oliver Smith and baby daugh ter, Boulah, have returned from a brief visit to Portland relatives. Mrs. Wilkinson spent several days of last week in Rainier with her Slighter, Mrs. Ed Joseph. Miss Jaunlta Moffett visited Mr. nd Mrs. Jesse Barger at their home cn Columbia Heights last week. Mr. Cole has moved his family from the Creosote plant to Houlton, and they are occupying one of the Perry cottageB. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Payne spent Thanksgiving In the country at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Davis near Yankton. - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brehaut went to Portland Thursday morning to pass their Thanksgiving holidays with rel atives of the former. Mlsa Elizabeth McKlel of Clataka ule, Is spending a few days with her cousins, the Misses Lavinla and Rose Kiblan ot this city. It Is rumored that Mlsa Stella Pope, who recently went to ForeBt Grove, has married. The name of the lucky man Is not known. T. S. White and Glenn Metsker motored to Portland Wednesday to see the big football game between Syracuse and O. A. C. Rev. and Mrs. San ford Snyder have gone to Monroe, Ore., to spend a few days with their son and his family. They will return Saturday. Mrs. Pike and little son, Jack, of Seattle, are here visiting at the home of Chas. Morris. Mrs. Morris will keep little Jack tor a while. Carl Olsen, who was Injured while at work on A. T. Kiblan's store some lime ago. Is still confined to his bed in St. Vincent's hospital, but he is doing splendidly. Dr. and Mrs. Kent of Portland, came down laat Thursday to Bpend Thanksgiving with Mrs. S. S. Long and family ot this city. The doctor and his charming wife have visited here often, and have a host of friends. A. T. Kiblan Is having a new glass front put in the store room next to his new store building, which greatly adds to the appearance ot the place in general. Mrs. Nellie Letferman visited her parents in Happy Hollow recently. When she returned she brought with her her little son, who haa been stay ing with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Porter will spend the winter here. Mr. Porter la at present working down the river, while Mrs. Porter is staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Urle of this city. Miss Naomt Welst went to Port land Wednesday evening, and re mained there with her parents until Sunday evening, when she returned tore to resume her school work. The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church vlll meet on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mra. James Dell in Toulton, to discuss tho purchase ot a carpet for the aisles of the church The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, who has been ill of scarlatina In a very mild form, Is doing ntcoly, and on the way to re covery. The child fell a few days previous to coming down with the LIST OF TRANSFERS. Reported by Columbia County Ab stract Company. Nov. 17 Security Savings & Trust Co. to C. J. Cook; land in Sees. 32 and 33, T. 4 N., R. 2 W., and Sees. 32 and 29, T. 4 N., R. 1 W., 110.00. C. J. Cook ct ux to Security Sav ings & Trust Co.; description same aa above, $10.00. Nancle Fulton Batourncy to C. C. Fowler et ux; lots 6, 6', 7 and 8, Blk. 18, Nacr City; alt of Blk. 15, Neer City, $86.00. C. C. Fowler ot ux to Walter Hunt- or et ux; Blk. 18, lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Blk. 19, Neer City, $500.00. Nov. 19 Thos. LHolstlne ct ux to P. C. Warbelow; land in Sec. 26, T 6 N., R. 2 W., $1.00. P. C. Warbelow to T. L. Holstine et ux; land in Sec. 26, T. 5 N., R. 2 W.. $1.00. E. B. McFarland et ux to Alex. Waller Adkins; land In Sec. 20, T. 4 N., It. 2 W.; also W of lot 13, Blk. Spitzcnberg, $500.00. Nov. 22 Clinton W. Parsons et ux to Elon Felton; lot 13, Blk.- 6, d i?ddn.; aleo lots 10 and 11, Blk. 77, St. Helens, $10.00. - Albert R. Miller et ux to Abbie E. Frankel; lot 1, Blk. 4, Bryants at addn. to ClatBkanie, $1.00. Abbio E. Frankel to Goo. A. Gra ham; lot 1, Blk. 4, Bryants 1st iddn. to Clatskanle, $1.00. Jesse R. Sharp ot ux to William Kennell; tract 15, Apple Valley, Scappooso Orchard Tracts, $10.00. Gabriel Gabrteleon to John Gab- rielson et ux; land in Sec. 23, T. 4 N.. R. W., $1000.00.' Nov. 23 John Jokela to Col. Agric. Co.; land In Sec. 31, T. 8 N., R. 4 W., $66.66. Nov. 24 Rainier Land Co. to P. M. Magnuson; lot 12, Blk. 13, Blan ch ard's 2nd .addn. to Rainier, $1.00. A. B. Wright et ux tovP. M. Mag- auson; lot 12, Blk. 13, Blanchard's addn. to Rainier, $1.00. J. B. Wilkerson et ux to C. R. Hall berg et ux; lot 5, Blk. 37, Moeck's addn. to Rainier, $10.00. John Backus to Milton Smith; lands In Sees. 22 and 27, T. 7 N., R 2 W., $1000.00. Harry E. Girt to Emit Graunltz et ux; land in Sec. 11, T. 6 N., R. 3 W $1.00. Nov. 26 John E. Peterson et-ux to Arthur L. Can ft eld; land in Sec. 24, T. 6 N., R. 2 W., $10.00. Nov. 27 Chas. O. Bates et al to North Coast Power Co.; lot 4, Blk 8, Rainier, together with other lands Nov. 29 John J. Havllk et ux to Gustavo Lange et al.; land in Jesse Miles D. L. C, $10.00. Nov. 30 G. F. Blocher to C. E Mohler; lands In Sees. 25 and 36, T, 6 N., R. 2 W., $1600.00. fever, and crusheh her hip on the gravel road. This Injury has given her more pain than her other malady. Will Melllnger and wife went to Portland Tuesday to attend the fun eral ot Mr. MUU, fathor of Mrs. Mel linger. Mr. Mills died thore at a lo cal hospital on last Thursday. Ho at one time resided here. Glenn and Emmett Williams, who are now in Portland, came down to jpend Thanksgiving day with their mother, Mra Jaiue Williams, near Houlton, return!!. g the following day. Ted Prescott was a Portland visi tor last Saturday. He was accom panied by Sidney Usher, who has gone to San Francisco to Join the navy. . Houlton school was dismissed last Wednesday afternoon after the sev eral rooms had rendered their spec ial Thanksgiving programs, and the pupils had until Monday morning to enjoy themselves. Most of the teach ers spent the day out of town. Mrs. O. L. Howard departed Satur- y tor Seattle, where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will go to Chicago on Dec. let, and Mrs. Howard will take hargo ot her little granddaughter during their absonce. The county budget will be publish ed next week. The outside tax voting powers, such as municipal, school and road districts, have until December 1st to make their reports and until these reports are in, the court unable to completo the budget. NO. SO PACIFIC INTERNATION AL LIVESTOCK EXPO. To Be Held In Portland, December Oto 11. November, 24, 1915. Hon. S. C. Morton, St. Helens, Ore. My Dear Mayor: We wish to ex tend to the people of your city a special invitation to attend our fifth annual Pacific International Live stock exposition, to be held at the Union Stock Yards, North Portland, Oregon, December 6-11. Livestock of the highest type in the whole western country will be shown. This is purely an educational show and everything is free to the isltors, there being no admission charge. As a representative of your city. we wish to extend to you presonally, an Invitation to be our guest at a banquet to be given at the Chamber of Commerce the evening of Decem ber 9th, at which time breeders and feeders of the Northwest, the gover nors ot Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and probably Utah, Arizona and California, as well as presidents of our different Commercial Clubs, Breed Associations and others will be present. The affair will be strictly Informal, no speech making of any kind, only a few heartfelt express Ions of good will. Will you kindly advise us of your acceptance at the earliest possible date. It Is expected that at least five hundred covers will be laid. Will you please ask your local pa per to give space to this invitation? Yours Blncerely, - ' O. M. PLUMMER, General Manager. COMMUNICATED. At the last budget meeting there was a set of resolutions read to the county court which, were gotten up by the Columbia County Taxpayers' League. In this document waa a de mand that the court spend the road tax money according to law. We hereby give an eye opener for the taxpayer to look over and medi tate thereon. These, figures were compiled from the records In the court house at St. Helena. Statement ot amount of taxes levied by county court for general road purposes for 1915. -Amount of taxes levied in first col umn; amount warrants issued lor work done to Nov. 1st, 1915, in sec ond column: Gen. rd. fnd, $66,628.00 $97,115.36 $ 6,634.74 19,391.58 6,336.46 8,042.76 6.409.03 11.161.27 9,179.84 No. No. No. 1 $ 9,348.28 2 13,839.67 3 ..... 9,438.18 4 11,459.30 6 8,515.87 6 5,620.64 7 8,406.06 No. No. No. No. $133,256.00 $163,261.04 Accoidlng to Sec. 4 of Chapter 234, Gen. taws' of 1913, no greater expenditure of public moneys shall be made for any specific purpose than the amount so estimated and 10 per cent thereof. Gen. road fund of $66,624.00 plus 10 per cent is $72,890.80; amount expended $97,115.36, which is $24,- 234.66 over and above the amount allowed to be expended. Road DiBt. No. 2, tax of $13, 839.67, plus 10 per cent Is $15, 223.63; amount expended $19,391.58 which is $4,167.95 over and above the amount allowed to be expended. Road Diet. No. 6, tax ot $5,620.64, plus 10 per cent is $6,182.70; am- fOunt expended $11,151.27, which 1b $4,968.57 over and above the am ount allowed to be expended. No. 1 has a balance ot $2,713.64; No. 3, $4,096.72; No. 4, $3,416.54; and No. 5, $2,106.84, to be expended ot the original tax levied. Respectfully submitted, MRS. MILDRED J. WATTS. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Letters unclaimed at the St Hel ens, Oregon, postofllce, for the week ending November 27, 1916. John Ashburn, Mary L. Beebe, Julius Horn, J. Edgar Smith. Letters unclaimed by Dec. 11, 1915 will be sent to Division ot Dead Let ters. rVA E. DODD, P. M: