St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, September 24, 1915, Image 4

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rn,nrronMiTrvrTrr S
Harry Oliver Is now living at
Cheney, Kansas.
John McQueen spent part of last
week in Portland.
Perley CrouBe is the owner of a
fine new Ford car.
LeBaron Crouse was in from
Trenholm Monday.
James Dell has been on the sick
list for a few days.
Miss Juanita Moffett spent Sunday
with Yankton friends.
Jack Prescott and Harry Urie have
returned from Portland.
Mrs. C. White returned Friday
from a few days' visit to Portland.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Colon C.
Crouse, a son, on Thursday, Sept. 9.
Chas. Crouse was up from Wauna
to spend Sunday with his children
- Mrs. Roland Masten and little
daughter, Lois, have returned from
Mr. and Mrs. John Karth and
daughter, Hilda, spent the week end
at Seaside recently.
Guy Bennett has purchased a
gasoline motor engine for his wood
sawing machine.
Mrs. Bergan of Portland, is here
to visit her daughter, Mrs. Stanley
Fells, for a few days.
E. Lofstrand has painted his build
ing on Main street, greatly improv
ing its appearance.
Mrs. James Dell and granddaugh
ter. Pearl Goodman, spent the week
end at Columbia beach.
Avery and Miles Gensman returned
Friday evening from a very success
ful hunting trip in the Nehalera.
N. A. Perry spent the day Sunday
in Portland with his family, return
ing in his car Monday morning to
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tarbell
and daughter. Miss Iva, have re
turned from a visit to Tacoma friends
at that place.
Glenn Williams was down from
Portland Sunday to visit his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, near
Chas. D. Whlto returned Thurs
day from a trip to Oregon towns
near, by, in the Interest of the Colum
bia Canning Co.
Mrs. James Ketel and children are
still here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Lowe. She expects to go
to St. Johns soon to live.
Mrs. R. B. Long has opened a res
taurant in connection with her candy
shop and magazine counter, and is
serving short orders at all hours.
Chas. Olsen has returned from Al
aska, where he spent the summer.
He is visiting his wife here, who has
made her home with her mother, Mrs.
Sperice, during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gensman of
Westport, spent Sunday in this city
with George Gensman and family.
Mr. Gensman returned to Westport,
but Mrs. Gensman went to St. Johns
for a brief visit.
Chas. Graham is at The Dalles for
a while. When he left, Mr. Graham
was suffering greatly with asthma,
and unless he improves shortly, he
will go to California for the winter.
S. S. Long is in Portland this week
on business. Mr. and Mrs. Long
hope soon to leave for West Palm
Beach, Florida, for the winter. Mr.
Long spent several months there on
his property about a year ago.
E. L. Payne is clerking in Perry &
Graham's during O. L. Howard's ab
sence. Mr. Pajjne is expecting his
wife and children to return to Houl
ton from Cross Rock, N. C, in Oc
tober. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thomp
son will go to Eastern Oregon for an
extended visit as soon as they can
let their home. Mr. Thompson has
sold his blacksmith shop here to Mr.
C. C. Chambers and family will
move to Clyde, N. C, early In Oc
tober. Mr. Chambers has been in
the meat market here with his
brother, George Chambers, for some
time. George will continue the bhst
ness, however.
The Rebekah lodge of Houlton en
tertained on Saturday evening at the
I. O. O. F. hall in honor of the Odd
Fellows. A number of invited guests
were present. Delicious refreshments
were served, consisting of brick ice
cream, assorted cakes, fruit and
Howard Miller has moved to Port
land. .
School opened on Monday, Sep
tember 13.
Mrs. Joseph Sobiskey has taken a
vacation hop picking.
Mrs. Steve Lampa is boarding two
of the school teachers.
. Mrs. Eber Brown has moved near
the St. Helens logging camp.
, . Marie and George Walker are at
tending the St. Helens High School.
William Karth, wife and daughter,
spent a few days at Astoria and Sea'
A heavily loaded wagon got stuck
on Karth's hill, and after some de
lay finally reached the top. Travel
ers over this road, which goes
through Rudolph Karth'a land, will
be glad when these hills are taken
Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Portland,
are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Geo.
Most of the Yankton farmers are
preparing to go to work In the St.
Helens logging camp.
A number of women and children
of Yankton would like to attend the
Fair, but having no conveyance, will
have to remain home. ThOBe who
have an empty seat, don't let it re
main vacant. Take somebody with
you to the Fair. Fill the vacant seat
In your vehicle.
Frank Birklnfleld of Mist, motored
to Vernonia Sunday.
Wm. Mellinger made business
trip to St. Helens Monday.
Supervisor Gessell has completed
all road work for this season.
District Attorney Cooper of St.
Helens, was in the city Thursday.
Jessie Emmons and Mrs. Rose
have gone to Johnson's hop yard.
Alfred Pearson of Portland, spent
several days in this vicinity this
Mr. Thrapp is moving from the
Dallas place to the Gustafson place
this week.
The case of the State vs. Bert
Wood, was won by the plaintiff in
Justice Weed's court Thursday.
Sheriff Stanwood of St. Helens,
was here on official business Wednes
day. He arrested Bert and Newell
Wood on a criminal charge.
State Game Warden Shoemaker of
Portland, spent the latter part of the
week with Deputy Warden V. L. Pow
ell, and incidentally killed a large
five-point buck deer while over.
S. J. Churchill was in St. Helens
Miss Agnes Brown was In St. Hel
ens Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Kyle motored
to St. Johns Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Coolidgo and daughter,
Hilda, left for Portland Thursday.
E. A. Crouse and LeBaron Crouse
passed tlio week end with Mr', and
Mrs. S. J. Churchill.
Frank Coolldge and son, Francis,
are in Portland this week to attend
the wedding of Mr. Coolldge's daugh
ter. Miss Hilda, to Wm. Woerner.
Wm. Woerner left Friday for Port
land, having closed all business here
regarding mill. All machinery has
been shipped to their big plant at St
News was received here this week
of tho marriage of Miss Hilda Cool
ldge and Mr. Wm. Woerner In Port
land, Monday, Sept. 20. Mr. Woerner
has been very prominent here, being
the youngest member of the firm of
Western Cooperage Co., and also oc
cupying the position of superintend
ent of the mill for the past year. The
young couple have many friends who
wish them success and happiness. Mr.
and Mrs. Woerner leave for San
Francisco shortly to visit Mr. Woer
ner's home and the exposition. After
a months' pleasure trip they will re
side in St. Johns, as Mr. Woerner
holds a responsible position in the
new mill there.
Mrs. T. C. Matts Is visiting In Port
land this week.
Dr. Sims of Kalama, Wash., was In
town Tuesday.
Julian Wasner was a visitor at
Vancouvtr Saturday.
Aaron Gibersan and family left
here for Idaho last week.
Mrs. Henry Wasser of Maple Dale,
was the guest of Mrs. Philip S. Lin
ton Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lindsay visit
ed their daughter, Mrs. Minnie Bur
gen at Rainier Wednesday.
Smith Wagner and wife, who have
been visiting Mr. Wagner's father
and mother for the last six months,
left for their home at Olanthe, Col
orado, Tuesday. ,
O. Wilson is building a new barn.
E. Loyd is doing his fall plowing
Otto Judisch has built a new
Mrs. G. Jasper was very sick, but
is Improving fast.
The Deer Island ranchers finished
threshing last week. The yield was
very good.
The county rock crusher at Tide
Creek broke down last Monday, and
will cause two or three days delay.
At the home of Mrs. Emma Smith
at Portland, was the Bcene of a pretty
wedding last Sunday, where her son,
Harry Smith, was married to Eva
Gillette. Rev. Bowersocks officiated.
The bride was gowned in a pale blue
satin dress; her bouquet was white
rosebuds. The parlor was decorated
with ferns and carnations. After the
ceremony, a nice wedding supper was
served. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will
make their home at Houlton.
Enterprise Is plnnnng a sawcr sys
tem. Wooduurn voted $40,000 High
School bonds.
Eugene would have a municipal
hath house.
Eugene orders eloctric signs light
ed or removed.
Tillamook is receiving bids for
concrete streets.
Marshdeld Elks will erect a
$35,000 lodge building.
Baker county papers advocate hard
surface road to Pan Handle.
Two Ilrown-Chambors sawmills at
Cottage Grove start this woek.
The Oregon Power Co. plant at
Dallas has rebuilt Us furnaces.
L. C. Reynolds of Coos Bay, Is to
ship a saw mill plant to Florence.
Corvallls, Oregon, parties advo
cate a state-owned cement plant.
The Western Coop rago Co. of St.
Johns, starts operations this woek.
Geo. Richards of Albany, will build
a new school house at Millersburg.
Dr. Morrow and W. A. Reed of
Marshfluld, aro planning residences.
The Portland Gas and Coke Co
paid a 7 per cent dividend on all
Rails are arriving for the second
unit of the Grants Puss and Eureka
Oregon City's $375,000 pipe lint
to North Fork of Clackamas Is com
Albany has an $18,000 damage
suit tor injuries to workman on a
The Oregon Packing Co. bough.
7 acres at Kenton for a new can
nory plant.
Tho corncrstono of the now fedora,
building at Pendleton was laid Sep
tember 22.
The Schanen-Blalr granite quarn
south of Ashland, is equipped with i
25-ton derrick.
The Northwest Fruit Distributors
of Portland, closed a $214,000 applr
deal last week.
Tho flax industry noar Salem wll.
bring 250 Bolgian families to thl
part of tho state.
Abncr Weed of Hood River, i
spending $5000 on ditching hi'
20,000-acro ranch.
The concrete building for Rici
Bros. & Adams of Myrtle Creek, I.
nearly completed.
Activity in making laws ha:
raised Oregon school taxes 400 pe
cent in eight years.
The Oswego cement plunt has beei.
taken over by a new combination o!
Nevada capitalists.
The Portland school board has ap
proved plans for the first unit of i:
$100,000 trade school.
The steamer Grace Dollar took oui
800,000 feet of lumber from Flor
ence for San Francisco.
Llmcrock quarries south of Rose
burg are to be operated in connec
t'.on with Oswego cement plant.
The plans for a large tourist hole'.
at Sunset Bay are beinv made by L
J. Simpson, on new 8. P. line to
Coos Bay.
North Bend The S. P. Co. Is buy
Ing part of the Simpson Lumber Co
water front as site for shops, with
a mile of water front, for $400,000
Construction work on the exten
ston of the O. W. R. & N. railroad
from Riverside to Dog mountain in
Eastern Oregon, has begun, and a
large crew will soon be at work.
School officer convention will be
called by County Superintendent J
W. Allen to convene at St. Helens on
October 8, in the High School build
Ing. The school officers of the county
will bo asked to assemble that duy as
visitors of the Annual Teachers' Insti
tute during the forenoon, and the af
ternoon will be devoted entirely to
the convention work of the school
officers of the county. As the school
officers are most splendid people, and
are loyal to public schools. It is ex
pected that a large delegation will
attend the meeting. The law makes
the chairman of the School Board the
logical delegate to the convention. If
he is unable to attend, he should ap
point some other member of the
board, or the clerk to represent his
district. The delegate from each
district is entitled to receive two dol
lars out of the general fund of the
county. It is to be hoped that every
school officer In the county who can,
will attend even though he Is not a
The County School Superintendent
has begun his annual tour of school
visitation and inspection, and has al
ready visited Houlton, Trenholm, Dis
trict 45, and Deer Iuland. A perma
nent record will be made In detail of
each visit, on blanks used for that
purpose. This record will tell a com
plete story.
The Houlton school is under the
able management of Professor J. D.
Brehaut, assisted by Mr. C. E. Lake
and Miss -Ethel Matthews. This
school is entirely standard and every
thing ia moving in good shape. Houl
ton has a five-acre school ground.
Deer Island has a nice, two-room
school undor the management of
Miss Marguerite A, Koarns, assisted
by Miss Helen Hamlll. Those teach
ers have tho school well organlxud,
and ovorythlng seoms to point to a
prottporous year. This school was
standardised lust your, and we trust
it will maintain Us standard. It has
an enrollment of about fifty, and lu-
cludea tho ninth and tout ti grades.
Min Agues llrowu Is duly Installed
as toachor at Trenholm. Tho enroll
ment is only fifteen, owing to tho
Cooporage plant closing operation at j
that place. In spite of the small en
rollment, however, a splendid Bchoo!
spirit sooms to provall, and all art
enthuslnstto for a good school. Ever)
requirement for a standard school I
fully maintained, and the Schoo.
Ilourd are willing to mako any pro
visions necessary to tho Improvement
of their school. Director A. M. Camp
boll visited tho school with tho Su
perlnlendent. This Is ono of the best
rural schools in tho county.
District No. 45, Happy Hollow, it
under the management of Miss Etho!
M. Smith, who has Jut rot u rued from
the fair at San Francisco. She Is a
good "booster" and will nuiko good.
This Is also a good rural school build
ing, and one we aro proud of.
A l ew Silent Question for the
1. Is your Hug hoisted as required
by lawT It not, why not?
2. Do you report promptly!
3. Are you really doing your very
!wat work by way of preparation and
oarnestucss ot purpose, or could you
make quite an Improvement?
4. Aro you positively growing
stronger as a teacher? If not, why
5. Do you spend your week end In
Portland, or in your district? Ex
Main your answer to this question to
your patrons, satisfactorily.
F.vy Lynch was absent Tuesday.
Hurry Wilson was absent Monday
Adelle Link spent tho work end at
Lavtulu Kiblan was absoiit Monday
Dorothy John was abceut Tuomlay
Georgo Walker was absent Tues
lay morning.
Tho boys' gloo club practiced Mnn
lay evening at 7:30.
Miss Dunns spout the week end at
iter home In Portland.
Laurie Lind has been absent Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mason Dlllard was absent Tuesday
morning on account of slckncus.
Mary Grillls spent Saturday and
Sunday at hor home In Yankton.
Edward Veazio has returned to
icliool after a woek's surveying trip.
Miss Eunico Spinney of Prescott,
visited school Wednesday afternoon.
Harley VanDolah was absont Mon
day and Tuesday on account of sick
The DoniCBtlc Science class made
icily for the fair Monday and Tues
Arta Morrell was obliged to leave
school Friday afternoon on account
of sickness.
Miss Dunns: (In English, two
class) "Then his wlfo died ngaln
(Longfellow's second wlfo died).
Tho English throe class have fin
ished their American Literature and
have started on English Literature
Tho football team Is having scrltn
mago with the town boys, preparing
for the gamo with Rainier In tho
near future.
Tho teachers and sorno of tho pu
pils were dismissed Wednesday
morning to help decorate at tho fair
Caly Stnnwood and Margaret Brand
ran their automobiles between the
school houso and fair grounds Wed
nesday morning, carrying school ex
hibits. Tho Blxth, soventh and olghth
grades and High School met In the
Assembly hall Wednesday morning
and Dr. Emll Enna drilled them on
their songs for the fair.
The BritlBh ship Lord Temploton
arrived In port Tuesday night and
docked at the Columbia County mill.
She will take on a partial cargo there
and then come to St. Helens to com
plete her cargo, which Is destined for
dollvery at London, Englund. This
Is" the first trip of this vossel to St.
Helens for the past three 'years, when
she loaded a cargo for South Africa.
The steamer Wapama, the latest
addition to tho McCormlck (loot,
after taking on a full cargo of lum
bor for Southern California dollvery,
left out Wednesday night. She car
ried 48 passengers.
The steamer Yosemlte loft out
Friday last bound for San Pedro,
Ctl., with 85,000 thousand foet of
lumber and 34 passengers.
The mint makes It and under the
terms of the CONTINENTAL
secure it at 6 per cent for any
legal purpose on approved real
estate. Terms easy, toll us your
woa"t and we will co-operate with
PETTV A rvvuniw
' r i n r. ".., .,.1 ,
i 613 Denham Bldg, Donver, Colo.
I Rubbing Oil
All Work Guaranteed.
St. Helens -
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Wo are now prepared to
attached to any style of car
turn and ono light atralght,
turn nround a corner, up
the rnnl v,. .i ... .'
"Kht oporatog independently
'juiwiimiaio 10 you.
St. Hiu.kns, '
Keep a Record ot ill
your Kodak Pictures
From 25 Cent. Up.
ot P. Builiiin,
If you want to get some eood
summer footwear. The Z
that pleases the feet for hot
weather. All styles for n2
women and children. prjce,
that please. "
A soothing; liniment for stiffness, sprains,
swellings, rheumatism and affections of the
throat, chest and lungs. It relieves pain and
allays inflammation, reduces swellings, and
when rubbed briskly into affected parts, in
creases blood circulation.
50c the Bottle
Come in and look over the "Suprema" line of
toilet goods, at
Tha Rial Stora. Thona 100
Estimate Furnished.
All Butine. Promptly Attended To
PHONE 13 OR 42
Columbia County Abstract
. The only complete abstract system in Colum
bia County, Oregon.
nt your automobile with th
OONTKOLH, which enu
made. Ily having ono UK'"
regarding of which way y
a lane or an obHtructlon in
the light ahead of you. Kaen
or the othor. can aim
Marina F.nglna Repairing.