L " ST. HELENS MIST; FRIDAY: AUGUST n iai k CROP CONDITIONS. U,,i rTH ' p, Wilkes '" ,Mt' n.r. & H. Ity. (Anuria, lv.) .. It ......tilllv niitiluu im, pearlies Ulll potutoes. . ituliiH lntt'ir P'Tt July ijotiloM i""1 vogolnblo cropn. Ap l,j now ripening K""'1 uHty nr ImIiiiiii - i " ii.... ..h.iii nm ulilnrn tit v lift 01 Or MKT I'MlllllHlu. .. ...I ....rnutl CrOO. kill-Ill" . , Kulnlnr HpH'niilii liny trap. rum i,,kliiir nun Willi oxcon- t,,,, rnmri' - 1l0 few cases ixigni. i kukiml'i CoulHlnww practically Ll account cold weather. Onion ircrup. Ann quality win " u) ,iflUt Mohf 'Ht- uciimiinr lining .at threshing u'l'K"" wy- uo" ,uloi fur illhlK'Hiil, also largo uuan- iririin beans, about 1000 arK. Oregon Trunk Hallway. glifrar-Threshing nbout two lrd nvr. averaging 15 to 40 Im. ,r irr. tirmirully reported 26 to i, Nu hid tit reported. Muiiii- -Grain yield good. Thresh- 1( llKlIlt over. jlwi't Harvest nboitt over. Qual- vof xrnln very Kl- Maclrnii -Very llttlii threshing to tie. KhIImiiiI" ruiiH 18 to 23 bu. pur VI .. .1 .... m hnik ,T0. ler.lllllj 1'lir.fc Ul mnuinn ,m heavier. Moliillim- Harvesting ubout two- irJ completed. Will lo over In teu .irl. IN') lliri-milllH l li. im'luM lil now estimated 12 to IS bu. ptr r for entire acreage. Fall grain pwlnl to turn out IB to 20 bu per Spring Krulii 40 to 12 bu culver Wheat romlpg lit. Full iral running IK to 22 bu. per acre r(n K wlii'at (our to tin. Lnmnuia jntry luul had rnln, bnll and wind nil rarly In August, which did nililerulile diimiige to wheat. I'd- yo crop sufflrlciil for locul demand Itnlmoiul liniln crop good roll lun. Irrigated sections prutnl.iliiK . .1 ul. .1.1 'iillltttf I. mini K'HW B"1J H"MI lil'l. UMIIIR Mil""! Iry laml Kruln K"d dinl bottur than l year. Alfalfa yluld above Hint I DM. Stock thia year In flint iu mini II Ion. tln'uiiii l:l trie Hallway. Garden lloiin Soma potatooa and (or Hhipmmit. Ijirgo crop ot nilli ami voKi'tiililo otlior tbau tlie Ulna ron h it ii i I'tl locally. llivi'rton - Win-lit and out arc lout IS por cont iitiovo avoruKi- -i cht mid yield. llarvoatiiiK and :.riililiiK now on with minimum Ioh ulr iiotatiii-H, nuullly and quantlt t; rooiI. OiiUiiih fair avornxn niy rropH hiiiiihIi. Ori'iiro All crop except bopi 'clilliiK liottor 1 It ii ti I'xpcctod. Oroi"rt kpliU lum pretty well doHtroyod li rup. lllllslioro - TliroMliliiK prnnroHMliu irnlly. U lic.it yloldliiK ubout 40 bu r uirc, until nbout CO. Hop toubliil Willi Hco but bi'lng well preyed. I'nrest (!rovo All rropa IiohI coti llion for yearn. Wliout, onta etc . NiIiik In rapidly. TlRiinl - Kxcoptionnl ucroiiRO Inif fcrodiired f.2 liu. nor aero of wlnmt nil 80 1m. por acre of ontB. Furmor) "Port jlolil very good. Potato cro "ikliiK good. Italn will makf uinnT crop. All frultH looking good, 'nam crop linn. Tualatin Hop grower advlm- f'l'lr rropa limlly diiinuKod by vor 3iilD. Thoy aro Mtirnvlnv tlioroimlily iI:rly niiloiiH dutuagod 40lo CO por F"ni niTomit riiHt. Kurly potatooos unusually nood. Si mm daiuago to y liut vory Blight. All frulU and r'UPlidiloH uliiinilaiit crop. Toniiiin Weathpr Idoal for liar "MUIR. OalH, Imy, HpilllH llllll OIllllllS ""It cropH than liiHt yoar. WIIhuiivIHi' ttruln nonrly liarvoHt ''Ii ThroHliIng under way. Ylold 20 t- Im. por aero. Majority of farm " KMiing won iilmvo 25 bu. por wo. ()atn yloldliiR well with avor ").b liottor tlinn laat your. Karmeri) r"l"rt liarloy o to 70 bu. por ncro "noun Kllulnly backward coinparod nii liiHt hoiihoii; oxpoct 10 por cont "Killer Vll'lcl I nto nnlnliinu lliillIK ""Hi llopa dumuKod iiimo by lice "l lionoy ilow. Hiiiiulil llarvoxtliiir about com- l)l,'l'il. TlireHliIng nnarly flnlHhed. Al Briilnn good cropa. Wliout 2B to ,0 por ncro, about 28 or 30 tta av"raK. Hurley reportod about ""'noun whout. outs not yot threalied, expectcil lo run nbout 40 to CO bu. 'T neni. (j, prop pntntooR antlcl PultKl. AniiliiH and tinnclmii fulr eron. WdHt v,),lburn ThroHliIng In PriiRroHfl. Wliout avornirlnir 20 bu. "T er. ()atn an in SB. Hav mov- '), pretty wnll. Hop crop bolow nor- "o'l lleriiiini lino "Oodburn ltnn i-nn nrnlinblv I ' ""iinui hiHt year and ullghtly poorer "'iity account hop lice. Grain crop "ulvy. iiIho potutoog and onlona. Wftcondiiwoiitlior fine for har- VCut,K ,.rt ow pt.ko( "'""1 Pondltiori. Hop crop nbout nor Ul"1' Hllght docllno account hop llco. Qulnby Fan grain cutting and iiiruHiuim auoui IlnlMlifd. KxcellHiit yield. Hprlng grain nearly all cut and ready for tl.ro,, UH r()lll. Inch good yield. Hops Hpottod. Halom Weather coiidliloim Rood for harveMtlng. lly (MinuRed by ruin and cloudy weather. Hop havo appeured. CouNldemliln iipruy Ing lining iluno. Orovlllo-AII crop proHpecta con tlnuo good, eiipeclully hopn. CroworH nghtlng hop llco. Albany IteportB uliow trnulile from hop Iouho. Winter wheat tlinmli Ing about over. Averugn 24 )U. ,,r aero. Clover ahowa decided lucreaao over 1914, pOHHlbly one-third iiiallty bettor. (Irny Fall grain all threaded. Will begin on Hprlng grain HiIh week. All rnln cropn thia vicinity hotter than 'or muiio yeara. Corvnllla HarvpHiiiiR, ihreHhliiR mil baling under way with ideal euther. All CTopa good. Wheat uv Jraglng 2S bu., outx, C7: barley, U0; .lover, 10. Hay about iih iihiiiiI. Hop rop aomewhat abort account Rroeri iphlN. Prune mill pouch cropn ul iiimt failure. llnrrlHbiirg Farmern harvoHlliig mil threnliiug. Hinull Rruln yleliln ;ood better than hint year nnd for ioiiih time buck. IihtoiihimI wheal icreage. Homo duiiiiiKo to hopH by lop llco. Hop picking couiiiii'urcn liortly. Junction City Fruit crop light, '.loun crop very heuvy. Ideal weather 'or liarveHtlng. drain being put up II very good Hhupe. Hop yield heavy nd quality fine. KiikoiioAII cropH Rood. Home 'iiinor Mllghtly dorrcuKcd hop crop ac on lit mold and lice, hut goneriil iplnlon heavier yield than lunt year. I'liltod Hullnaya Co. North I'lalim drain about ull cut lid luirvcKtcd In good Hhupe. Wheat veraged 30 to 3D bu. per acre. Outx, 10 to 4 5. Out crop below expoctu Ioiih but allglitly better than 1914. 'uriiiom iintlrlpule about 120, 0U0 bu. bin dlntrlct. Hopn reported Rood hupe. I'otatoeii coming on nicely. WilkeHlioro Farmcm JiihI IIiiIhIi ng liarveHtlng Into aprlng imiIm, riiresliliiK about half done. Wheat leldlng 20 to 4 5 bu. per ncro, aver- 'ging .12. Onta ylolillng 35 to 75, veruge 50. Hop dumaged 5 to 7 V4 ,er cent by hop llco. 1'otatoeH doiiiR veil. Very little rain. Cround very Iry. ruclflc H I jiNtern Ity. Medford Picking and packliiR mam conunenced. Fruit crop grent y below former oHtlinato account lot dry weather. Wither..- , Wlt''l"Klon. (truHtee). Vntherlni) Dupont, Willow HV tum., ( John Hurtman O. E n h'Wrtr 7',J' J. II. Doan, ' A. h. Htiihumn, Oacar & Olifa I o . Win ft Maude K. (Zo.lL W MchohiH, KriiOHt dull, W. H Howl JoHepI lleoletto, John Leonard Kxt K. H. Owena, H. J. Andomon, C. W Hliermun. H. J. Houtherd. John a 'OriiuiHt, Alma M. Whittle i,i,..' L. Kat., known uml uokndtun i..... .' ItuckiiK llank of Kellwood, KUen M I la. Al,e Neer Kat.. J. K. Ward K, iv oner, a nil nil nil,,.. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Letter unclaimed at the St. llel iih, OrcKon, poHtolllco, for tho week Hiding August 21, 1915: ('. M. Fried, lln.el Kurr. Orvlllo Morrill, Jumna Htruder, Tom West. I.ettorH unclulmed by Sept. 7th, a-1 1 1 be aent to the Dead Letter olllco. IVA K. I)()II), P. M. HUE! HUE! HUE! HUE! Heo E. E. Quick, St. Helena, and Inmiro your property In tho Oregon Flrn Relief Association of McMlnn vllle, Oregon. Don't put It off. MchCtf W. L. WARREN, Agent. NOTICE TO 4-ONTUACTOK.S. Notice Is hereby Riven that Reuled IiIiIr will bo received by the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, ut tho Court Hoimo at St. Helena, until 2 o'clock P. M., September 1st. I 1R. uml then opened for the Im provement of tho E. J. Smith road, uml the Fullerton road, In District No. I. Plana and speclllontlons are ou file nnd may be examined In the ollice of the County Clerk. Hlds must be made on proposal forms on lllo with the plana and specifications. Encli bidder shall deposit with his bid s certified check for five per cent of the amount of his bid, which shall ho forfeited to the County In caso tin award Is made to him uml ho shall full, neglect or refuse for a period ol llvo days nfter such award Is miulo tc entor Into a contract and lllo the re iiulred bond. The right Ib reserved to reject an; nnd all bids. A. V. HARNETT, County Clerk. 35-2 t. HCMMOXS. Kl'MMOXH lOU IH-lll-irATlOX IX HHlECLOHritK uV TAO MEN. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County or t oiuiiiou Columbia County, plaintiff. v. 8. J lloyd. L. P. lirnnstotter. K. II. ar. Don ii W. L t..i.n ltrvnnt. U. H. Hulipy. i.. ..i iinnicl w. Carter, ' T f-imton. Emma Dol.el . Nicholas Gray. A. O. Haggln. r t nr. W H. Howe, Mrs. jeiune " K Htner. Herman F. & C. Uke. Job Leonard, H. n. Nicholas, N. J. 1 ar ker, Elno Partanen. D. W. 1 rice. J. Iff.. In All I (til ,.ederson..W. Btehn,.n. Thomas. Floronco a. -,--Tolva, John Ulmnn, Unknown. J. E. "MONEY" i:z?nt0mT "co-nV rr,rPMeSrsny logal purpose on approved real estate Terms eusy. toll UR your wants and we will co-oporate with yU TETTY COMPANY B13 Donham Bldg. Denver, Colo. the real property hereinafter doHcrlb d, the ubovo named defendants: In the name of tho State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that Columbia ounty, the holder of a certificate of delinquency Issued on the first day of June, 1915, by K. C. Btunwood, Sher iff and tux collector of said County nnd Hied In tho ofllce of the County lerk of Columbia County, State of Oregon, on the flrt duy of Juno, 1915. by the snld Sheriff and tax col lector of mild County and Btute and coverliiR the following described real property situated In tho County of t olumbla, Htuto of Oregon. The logul owners as shown by the tax rolls in tho hands of the tax collector of the sumo being the purties whose names uro set opposite the description of the property and the amount of the tax, penult y uml Interest as shown by the certificate of delinquency filed with the County Clork ou the said first day of June, 1915. A moro particular description of sultl property and owners theroof, With tllU alllOIIIlt Of tuxes Mil Inleroul due thereon, boing as follows, to-wit: Cutherlne Dupont, V acre in Aaron llroyles D. L. C. (hco I)k. 12 page 12, It. of Deeds Col. Co.) Sec 6, Tp. 4. K. 1 W.. W. M., 127.62. Willow llur Ranch Co., 8EV4 of 8 W Hoc. 3, Tp. 3 N., H. 1 W.. W. M.; lots 3, 4. 5, Sec. 10, Tp. 3 N R. 1 W W. M.; K of 8E'4 nnd NV of SK'i and EV4 of NW'4 and NK'i Seec. 10, Tp. 3 N., R. 1 W., W. M.; lot 1 less 20 acres to J. D. Drown; and NW4 of SWVi nnd W of NW Sec. 14, Tp. 3 N., R. 1 W., W. M ; lots I. 4, 5. Sec. 15. Tp. 3 N., R. 1 W., W. M., t:i54.40. John Bryant , 10 acres In of 8KV4 (Se Hk. 7, page 21) Sec. 30, Tp. 7 N It. 2 W., W. M., 1.58. John llurtniv.n, 1.017 ncres In llroyles I). L. C. (Boo Uk. 9, puge 229) Sec. 4, Tp. 4 N., R. 1 W., W. M , $3.84. O. E. and E. M. Wo-iderloy, lots 9 and 10, lllk. 9, lllunclinrd's Add. to Itiilnlcr. $7.67. J. II. and J. II. Doan, lot 4, 131k. II, I'.hirclia-d's Add. to Rainier, $4.10. J. II. and J. II. Donn, lot 9, lllk. 11, lllunchurd's Add. to Rulnier, $2.42. I). II. and A. E. St eh man, lots 5 and 6, lllk. 13, Illunchard's Add. to Rai nier. $7.94. Dean lllunclir.nl, WV4 of lot 6, Ulk. 3, Rnluler, $14.96. Oscar nnd Olgn Lcino, about 4 acres in N E i of NW14 (See Hk. 11, puge 150) Sec. 18, Tp. 7 N., R. 4 W., W. M., $.1.90. Wm. and Maude E. Cntto, lot 14, lllk. 130, St. Helens, $1.19. W. L. Cole, lot 15, lllk. 130, St Helens, $1.19. Kiln J. Clinton, lots 9, 10, 11 nnd 12, lllk. 1, First Add. to Vemoniu 89c. W. F. Stchman. lot 8, lllk. 37, Moeck's Add. to Rainier, $11.32. K. W. Nicholas, NWVi of SW'4 Sec. 26, Tp. 6 N.. H. 4 W.. W. M $10.19. Ernest Gall, lot 1. lllk. 14, Ulanch- nrd'R Add. to Rainier. $20.97. W. H. Howard, lllk. 12, Dobbins Add. to Rainier, $37.66. C. R. Melvillo, lots 1, 2, 3. 10, 11 nnd 12. Hlk. 19; and lots 1 to 12, in clusive, lllk. 20: and lots G, 6, 7 and 8, lllk. 21, rll In Neer City, $10.06. J. A. Scliuneson, lat 12, Hlk. 9 Illancliurd's Add. to H'.ilnler, $9.15 Joseph lleoletto. lot . Hlk. 7, In Georgetown. $5.36. John Leonard Est., care of John P. Leonard, 14.46 ceres (See Ilk. "Y." naee 285) Sec. 24, T. 3 N.. R. 2 W.. W. M.. $10.06. K. and II. Owens, lots 9 nnd 10 Hlk. 146. St. Helens. $1.S9. H. J. Anderson. Und. V4 Int. in lot 3. Hlk. 4 2. St. Helens, 76c. H. W. Nlchohs, E of Sec. 27. Td. 5 N.. H. 4 W., W. M $45.47 Elno Parteni'.n. R tract of land In lot 1 (See Hook 8, page 237) Sec. 8 Tn. 7 N.. R. 4 W.. W. M., $2.27. D. W. Price and J. O. Watts, SW K of Sec. 10. Tn. 3 N.. K. 2 W., W VI . S269.88. John A. Lofqulst, NW of 8EV4. 5ec. 34. Tp. 4 N., R. 4 W., W. M., 4 I'.S Alms. M. Wlil.tfg. lot 5. Sec. 16 Tn a N . H. 5 W.. W. M., 77c. W. F. Stohm.m, all that part of VV4 of NW'i lying South of County llnnd. In Sec. 31. TP. 1 w., u. i w W. M.: nnd lot 7. Hlk. 37, In Moeck's t.l.l to Hnlnler. $43.63 John Huckus, lots 1 nnd 2, lllk. 14 In Itnlnler. S22.39 Floronce E. Thomas, lots 6 and 6, lllk. 14, in Raln'.er, $34.92. .tl.n Hnckus. 100x300 ft n.,nk 9. miKO 372 and 50fl) In Ral- nl..r 11204. itnnk nf Sellwood. 120x300 ft, iSeo Hook 9. page 509 and Ilk. 10, 3-li In Hn'nler. $14.45. i,.c,,l. Tolva. S of NE14 of SW u See 24. To. 8 N.. R. 4 W., W. M ..ml (Sen Hook 8. Dnge Tn 7 N 11 4 W.t W. M.. $3.44 John Ulm: n, lot 2, Dlk. 3, nnnrcetnwn. 52c. uiinn t.. Mills, a trnct of land bO' Iwmiii lots 3 nnd 4. lllk. 9 and Rock In Vernon In. 14c. J. E. Wurd Kut., Und. V, int. in lot r. niu m In Vernonla. 56c. ' G. E. Wlthlngton (trustee) care of Nick Woltor, lot 3, HIK. 0, ill uooie 84c. You are further notified that Co lumbia County will apply to the Cir cuit Court of tho State of Oregon for failure so to do, a dooreo will be ren dered foreclosing the Hen of the plaintiff horeln for tho said taxes and co:;ts against the lend and prem Ibos above de.icrlbed. This Summons Is published under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 42, Chapter 267, General miws or uregon for the yoar 1907, in uib ai, nei; designated the mane end entered on the 14th day or AuguHt, 1915, and the date of the first publication of this Summons is the 27th day of August, 1916, All process In the above proceed ings may bo served on the under signed at the Cturt House in Colum bia County, State of Oregon. W. H. COOPER, District Attorney, Attorney for Plaintiff. - - nv avra UlO J UOl J. 0 V I 111 I St. Helens Mlut, being the pupor 4J gnuted Ty the County Court of i County of Columbia, in an order iT t t GOODIES! GOODIES! O-So-Good Hread, per loaf 6c Bohemian Rye Bread, per loaf 6c (With or without Canary Seed). Italian Hread, per loaf 6c Home Made Bread, per loaf 6c Pullman, the real sandwich Bread, per loaf . . . 10c Berry, Apple and RalBln Pies, each 10c SATURDAY SPECIALS German and French Co ffeo Cakes, each ......15c Cream Puffs with Whipped Cream, peer doz. . . .10c Hermits, per doz J 15c Egg Smacks, per doz 15c it NOIICK TO CKKIIITOHH. In the Count V Cnnrt nf tha Rtata nf OrPirnn for rViliiml.ln A..ni T ' a -'rw va V V 1 u III UIO. VvUUlH.. All . the matter of the estate of Stefan' Buwuke, deceased. Notice to credit-1 ors. Notice is hereby given that the Undersigned has linen nnnnlnteil n,l. mliiistrator of the estate of Stefan ! ' Sawuke, deceased, by the Judge of A the above entitled Court. All per- 44444444444444444444444444444)V4l sons having claims against said ffl-rTTTT T V T VTVTTT" tate are required to present the same by mall at my post ofllce address ... . . .. at St. Helens, Oregon, in care of, General Delivery. Duly verified with proper vouchers thereto attach ed within six months after the date ot the first publication of this notice. MIKE DAINLOWICH. Administrator of the estate of Stefan Sawuke. 35-5t. I PURE FOOD BAKERY NOTICE OK H.XAL 8 ETT I.EM E XT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator ot the es tate ot Ambrose Madden, deceased, has filed his final report and account of said estate and the Court has fixed Monday, the 30th day of August,' laib, at the hour or 2 o'clock P. M. of said day and the County Court room tn the Court House at St. Hel ens, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections thereto; all persons interested in said estate are notified to be and appear at said time and place and make and file objec tions thereto, if any they have, to said final report and account. M. E. MILLER, Administrator. Dated July 20th, 1916. First publication July 23, 1915. LaBt publication August 27, 1915. NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE HOARD OF EQUALIZATION OK COLl.MBIA COUNTY, OREGON. Notice is hereby given that the Hoard of Equalization for Columbia County, Oregon, will attend at the Court House in St. Helens, Colum bia County, Oregon, on the second Monday In September (Monday, Sep tember 13th, 1916); and publicly ex amine the assessment rolls and cor rect all errors In valuations, descrip tions or qualities of lands, lots or other property assessed by the As sessor; nnd it shall be the duty of persons or companies interested to appear at the time and place ap pointed. C. W. BLAKESLEY, Assessor. Dated August 19, 1916. First publication August 20, 1916. Last publication Sept. 10, 1915. DO YOU want to be convinced that we have the B'KEest Hardware Values in the market? That we have what you want right now? That's what Hve want to do, and if you need PAINT, OILS, SASH, DOORS, BUILDING PAPER or WALL PAPER, let us figure with you. . ; " MUCKLE HARDWARE CO. ST. HELENS, OREGON NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of John Fred erick Dangerfleld, deceased. To whom it may concern: The under signed hereby gives notice of her in tention to apply to the Court obovo named, on Saturday, the 18th day of September. 1915, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., of said day, at the Court room of said Court, at St. Hel ens, Columbia County, Oregon, to be allowed to resign her trust as execu trix of said estate. Dated Aug. 20. 1916. FRANCES ROSS, Executrix of Estate of John Freder ick Dangerfleld, deceased. 35-6t. EUROPEAN PLAN AMERICAN PLAN EVERYTHING MODERN AT THE ST. HELENS HOTEL J. GEORGE, Proprietor ALL BUSSES CALL AT HOTEL RATES $1.00 AND UP SPECIAL RATES TO REGULAR BOARDERS 444444444444444444444t4t4t444444 - Fourth Annual Columbia County Fair TO BE HELD SEPT. 22-23-24, 1915 LODGES Kiwanda Tribe No. 63. Improved Order of Redmen, meets second nnd fourth Thursdays of each month in K. ot P.. hall, St. Helens. Visiting brethren welcome. E. I. BALLAGH, C. of U. St. Helens Rebeknh Lodge, No. 217, meets first and third Thursday of each month in I. O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members always welcome. MRS. ELLA ALLKN, N. U. ORA BENNETT, Sec. . Houlton Circle No. 478, Women ot Woodcraft, meets the second and fourth Tuesday afternoon of each month at Houlton, Oregon. AGNES DIXON, O. N. ANNA RICHARDSON, Clerk. Premium Lists will be sent on application to G. L. Tarbell, Prest., Yankton, or T. H. Southard, Sec'y, St. Helens. ! Columbia Encampment, No. 77, I. O. O. F. meets in the I. O. O. F. Hall, on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Sojourn- ( See in g Patrlnrchs most cordially Invited to meet with us CHAS. M. BEELER, C. P. C. W. BLAKESLEY, Scribe. Avon Lodge No. 62 Knights ot Pythias meets every Tuesday even- ln In Pnatle Hull. St. HolOllB. VlS- rnd (Soe Hook 8, page 222) In Sec 8, tlng Knights always welcome. in M, E. A. ROTGER, C. C. E. MILLER, K. of R. S. St. Helens Lodge No. 32, A. F. & A. M. meets 1st and 3rd Saturday In each month. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. EDWIN ROSS, Master. E. E. quick, secretary. A St. Helens Lodge No 117, I. O. O. F. meets in the I O. O. F. building, on JESSE LANSING, N. 0. C. W. BLAKESLEY, Sec. the County of Columbia for a decree the socond nnd fourth Saturdays of forecloclng the Hen asninm mo prop- each niontn, visiting memoers are ai nrtv nhove doscrllicii ror uvxus hub oh ways given a nearly weicomo ... 'J . , I ...... .1 .T.n.l" , KTCITXTI XT the 1909 tax roiiB, aim moon. ... said cortltlci'.to nd you aro hereby ......,m.,nnl to nnnoar within sixty days after the first publication of this Summons, oxciui.vo ui nm of tho ftrst publication, nnd defend tills uctlon or pny the amount due as above shown, toptethor wltn costs and nccruod Intorost, nnd In cauo of your Tlllicum Tribe No. 62, Improved O. It. M., of Yankton, Ore., meets at Its wigwam, second and fourth Sat urdays of each month. W. O. BRANNON, C. of R. EBEIt BROWN, Sach. EASTERN aod CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS Via The North Bank Road Direct Routes limited Train t, Paul, Chicago, St. Louis. - I "THE NORTH RANK LIMITED" . AND .."INLAND EMriRE EX PRESS" DAILY, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GREAT NORTH ERA OR NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. AND lHTRUXGTON ROUTE.' Daily Until September 30-i-Return Limit October 81. Atlantic City . .9113.50 Baltimore .... 108.50 Boston 110.00 Buffalo 02.00 Chicago 72.50 Cincinnati . ...,080.50 Denver ....... 55.00 Des Moines . . . U5.70 Detroit 83.50 Indianapolis .. 81.70 Kansas City . . . 00.00 Both California: Ways One Wayi 9131.00) Milwaukee . 120.00 Minneapolis 127.501 Montreal . . 100.501 New York . Direct Via Both California Ways One Way .9 72.50 9 OO.oo Philadelphia rittsburK . . St. Louis , . 104.00 72.50 83.80 101.00 St. Paul . . , 00.20 Toronto . . 77.50 Washington (10.00 84.25 105.00 122.50 110.70 128.20 00.00 77.50 110.70 128.20 00.00 108.10 71.20 88.10 00.00 84.25 02.00 100.50 108.50 120.00 Round trip to San Francisco $30, meals and berth included. One way fares $8, $16, $20. S. S. "Groat Northern," "Northern Puclflo" train leaves 9:30 A. M. S. S. arrives San Francisco 3:30 P. M. next every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for San Francisco. Steamer day. Send for booklet. R. H. CROZIER, A. G. P. A., E. WILKINSON, Agent, Portland Houlton, Ore.