- A. JL JL a iAAAA- f NEWSY NEWS VV g. P. H. TIMK TAIHiK. Hoiiili Ilun1. ,,,l 7:03 a. m. ... t.,,.,,1 s: p. in JVorlh llouml 7:39 p. 111. 8:14 a. m. 1:68 p. in. 6:45 p. 111. inler ... I jirul Id - fj.ck IW " l'0",t,n'1 v,Mllor mrilii)'. Mr. ami lr- " M In 1'onli.iHl. 1 iiirmin of Wurron, wa In tin- .....,,lv iivulllllK. vin. EMrlilK" I'rouso " ,,orl-1 ,1 vUltor Saturday. -1 Attorney I'OIMMT apeut ev j,y. thin -k I" Olympia.waan. ,,r w. A. fummlng and family of motored to the c")' Butur- Mri. Huy null fl''i iu wm! ,t the homo Mr. ana Mr. b (Ji-orcn. 1 VutiOrnhnvtMi loft Saturday Soainw, WbhIi., whore ho will i tllO Kl'I'k. r. Kiimi I C licrt m of Noalavllle vltltvil nt tint home 01 Mr. I till wwk, Irt Kriixili llryun of Wlnlock. li upcnt Hi week end U I',0H Mr. Ia Piiil'l- t Krinl Wutklu mill MIhm Iau w am riuhiK lit Columbia Ci'y li for a week. DIM lletlllerMOII Of Aberdeen. yU IrlcmU In St. Helena and Houl the pant week. u Uittln (iray Rpunt several ant week Imti, vlalllng lier her, Von A Gray. anil Mm. A. l.urion anil Mr. on vf (ilil', Hint Huiuliiy with Kcti'l and fuinlly. II. Turlii'll of Warren, market rorul mites of nice pear In the flrHt nf llio week. r anil Mm. Frank W. Wood of hod. spent tliu week end the tiof .Mr. anil Mm. J. II. Welling- tt'. lllakeMey spent tho first f iwk wlili Mm. lUukenloy and (liter, Mm J. II. Cronklto, at te. r. mil Mm l.co It Icon and tho .-1 Itlicn of I'orthinil, pont the IpihI tho KiioHta of M. lloaonthal family. unty School Superintendent Al- pi-nt tho liml of the week on al bunlnoKH ut ( hit iik u n lo and hlnnil. i Harriet Wilkin rot u mod Krliluy from (irand Mountuln, lia hiiK 1 1 visiting for the two week. ilmon trout nro commencing to 't the nlu-rtnen. Several nice liaro been hooked the piiHl week al lilnirn.lu II. l.uml of Warren, waa lu the Uomliiy. Mp. i,,,a called at the omen mot ,.ft u' ordr for a run of Job printing. inJay an Id to ho tho warmest this rouhiiii. Wo couldn't toll, tlieriunnu-icr wuim't long 'Uli for tlio mercury. ' largo archway recently "lover the two loading hlxhwaya city, uro rocolvliiR coiiHlder PUhllclty. n nl K,lpg i Goiilovu mill Ilurlln Ilullugh Sumlny for their home In 1'ral- '''J. lowil, llft.T VlHltlllg tor two Hit with rolutlvoH Imre. I.. li;ikor loft the firiit of ,W! for polntH In New York Iti bIui will Bpoml aoveral " 'ihiiiiik roioiivoH mid frtenda. Ir' anil Mm. O. K. llrnilor and l'lron of I'lirthmd. left Suiul.iy ilMii ) L'i?MNo Hall'. '' nftor having Kpnnt two wooka camii Ing with Dr. W. II. )lum ,, f "y. l'rof. I,, Hukor WttH among the Hat who renewed IiIh Hiil.HorlplI,,,, the puHt week. Mr. linker la very niuol, plimaml that vacation la bIiuohi ovoi and thut ho can got hack t, tho k ,.i room. Mr. and Mra. A. I,. Hlone, A y Harnett and Mix l'aulli,,, 11UIh,i, returned Momluy via tho l',.,' Highway from Crater Lake, where they apont a few diiyn" vacuthm. Dr. Km 11 Knna will coinmenco IiIh piano teaching again in HI. Il..,., 0II Woilneailay, Hoptomlior IhI. h wm he glad to meet any new uiiiiIIh ihi above date and kindly aihlreitH letter In care of tho MIhI. 30-lt, W. I. RhulU of Kaliilur, purchtiMed 1 1916 11101I11I Kord touring car from the Independent Auto company the 3BHt week, tho buIo Ming mUi(. through the company' repreaenta tlvo, t'apl. Milton Smith of Kaliilur. A 111 11 11 and wife touring tho I'nlteil Btatoa paaaed thrntigli HI. Helena Wedneaday morning en route to Hun Kranciaoo, riding a tnuilom bicycle, tho flrat one to be aeen in the city for yeura. It attracted no little atten tion. Have you noticed how Kred Wal klna always Iiiih his Kord hooked onto 1 Iioho carl or two and gets them to t fire In good time. His asHtatnnre !ins been the nioana of aiding the fire iioya In nccomiillHhlng some fuat work in tho puat. Mlaa Arllno M. Ilotaford, Itmlriictor if the domoHtlc sclencn department if tho High School for the enaiilnK year, and J. T. Tabor were lu Tort land Wednesday purchasing the lecessnry eiulpnient for Miss Hots ,'ord'a department. Mr. and Mra. I. J. Monnoy of T 'lallos, waa lu the city Monday via ng with his slater, Mra. I,. E. Alii Mr. Meaney Is cashier of the Kli S'utlnnnl Hank at The Halloa. T ouplo were returning home fn heir honeymoon trip. Horn to Mr. and Mra. K. A. Hur if Warren, August 19th, a daught S. C. Morton, M. I.. Wilson a lack I)piiln motored to Astoria S irdny, the hitter making a roo ound trip of one day, going down 'our and one-half hour. The farmera of thla section hi iompleted stacking their grain ci 1 11 l aonio of It la threshed. So tarly potatoes aro being dug 0 toveral report good yields. 1'roi lent fruit grower state they v have good yloldi: of upplcg a peaches. Tho hod loa of the two dslivrn vho were drowned last week whei 'large of tho Columbia Contract co pany hit tholr boat, on the Colutn Ivor nonr Columbia City, were overed abovo Kalr.mn Monday, a nkon to Mayger for burial. One ho deceased leaves a wife and chi on. Every Sunday the crowds Incroi it the Columbia beach. Several hi Ired enjoyed the dny there Sund from the little tot to the old timi There la aome talk of having "llench Day," and open a good nu mohllo road down to the beach. " to be hoped that It la not no rumor. Jack llalmanno, wife and moth wero down from Portland Sund the guuats of Mr. Halmnnno'a 11 in On v Id Davis. Jack spent a good d of his boyhood tluio In St. Hole hut ho had not been hero for ahi five year, and noted tho many I provomenta and change with a g( deal of aurprlso and pleasure. During tho calendar year of 19 tho Oregon-Wahlngton II. & N. expended In Oregon, Washington 1 Idaho for wages, taxes, construct and other purpose incident to conduct of their business, the sum $lR.573,3r.G 92, the equivalent $50,893.30 for onch working day I the year, ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY. AUGUST' 27. 1915. u, w owns a ranch near r vvv vvvvvv WHF warren, was In the county seat Tubb-' & 1 u m-M mM ru aaja au 1 k;.'.OMNo Hall THE "GREATER OREGON" With nw liulMlnKi, hfiltnr onlimiriit, ttit Inrvfirl irruumlM, ntiil mnny mliltlliMia in It frirullr, th I Hi vtMrnlly if Drtion will brvln IU fort In h rr, Tu4Mlny, Nrptrmlivr 1 4, MmIhI irnlnliiff In Cttiiiiitr' Jouriitillniii. Arch I tM't u rt, l4iw, Mi(ll(lii, Trnrlttnv, I.Hum ry Work, Muslr, lhrl"l Tmlnlii nnl rinr A rt. fjirs nnil Hiniiis lUpnrtiiiutit itf I.lbi-r Ml Ktlumllon Llhrnrr of mora thnu Aft.OOO voliiiut tlilr tvni liiillfllnira fully (MulipMl( two ilriitllil rmniutltimn, TiiHIdit Krvr lirmllnrlt fur nnil fur woinvn. Kmnea l.owvut. Wrltfnr fi-M rnUtlnc,ndtlriiiiliis ItruUlrnr UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KVC1KNK. OKKOON II 1 Kt'OKWK. OliKHON I - A" n"w" ( all at Hotel Courteona Treutmeiit STOP AT ORCADIA HOTEL e,il"'" "t the Mist oltlco and Placed his subscription ahead for an other year. Mr. Morten say that the grain In I, l neighborhood Is most In the slack and that threshing "l so.,,, begin. A little rain now '"P '' of the luto crops, hn stated. While hurtling some logs and traah on tho street hack of C. w. Dlakea ley'a resldencn Sunday morning, Mike Hurler let the nro get away from him. and a call was sent in for the Uro department. The fire, with the "Id of the heavy wind, Kot t the ueim grass and wa making fast head way when the department ar rived. No damage wa done. The race between two of Chna. It. im-i orini.K ft co.'u Btoamers from As tiirln proved thut the Vosemlto, leav ing Astoria thirty minute after the Multnomah, arrived in San FranclBco tweiity-inlnute ahead. They left San Pranclsi'o at tlio same time and the Yosemlte reached the Ixjs Angeleg harbor one hour ahead of her rival. Tliiihornmn, dated I.os AiigeleB. J. T. Tabor received a painful In Jury Sunday evening when he dived from a ruft which hud been made for tlio youngster at Columbia beach. The raft hud been out lu deep water, but later was brought In close to the shore so thut some girls could dive Ixiotlng la lessening in Mexico; there Is a rift In the loot; In fact, It Is all gone. Next trip of Liberty Dell should be round the world. The benighted na tion need It. Nashville, Tenn., I now to be run a a business proposition. Politician will get a much needed rest. Constantinople Is reported on its last legs; and suffering from harden ing of tho arteries in those. Secretary Daniel says the next war will be fought "by men of brain." What's the insinuation as to this one? Having got poisonous gases to going, there is no occasion for any body to complain of dumdum bullet. Justice Hughe now ha ten LL IVs; and he has admirer who uisn for him a title that surpasses them all. blueberry pie time is here, but we I believe you have to go to New Eng- I hind to properly understand the blue berry pie. i urn-me-oiner-cneekera who are for peace at any price think If they persist their cheek will get callous, so that they won't mind it. Kailroads have decided that it doesn't pay to run trains sixty miles off It, am) not thinking of the change an ,lour- Tllls wlBdom mav gradually In locution. Mr. Tabor hit the bot tom of tho river, sustaining a severe loll his nock being swollen for sev eral days, and very sore. The Superintendent of the I'lsgah Homo Colony association, with liead liiarters at Hrappoose, was In the ity tlio past week in the Interest of her work. Tho association will be tlud to receive fruits of anv kind. Vjy The Steel Lined ,XiM "SPEED SHELLS' . r For Velocity and Accuracy -rrrfL-M' Sprl,,Inen fe willing to take their chances of ' sport but they want certainty in their Shelti. '2jj&2!ffl& Get the Remington-UMC "Arrow" and "Nitro Club" 5crf rjffl&flL the steel lined "Speed Shells." ' (31 l "Jt'l li The "nin lrlP' he powder puti alt the force of the 1 V Vj 'il explosion back of the ihoL Shortrr lead, leu gueu-work about .7 1 t frarliH' "!!" easier to et the "fa onen." L JLtxW. .. p2.the dealer who how the Rid BaU Hark al Rcmintlon- v rw? UMCht can fix you up right. ' fVKAV, So,d V your home dealer and 645 JVPt'-V other leading merchants in Oregon -Oav Ok, Reminfton Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. fc3Vo5. yji rK f WoolworthBldg. (233 BroaJwaT) Nw York City d f f o n g ;S, h il I te .18 I e !.d al r. le in at In ry id be T it by e- le . a or e lg th of ue he le ep is X. id x-s in a- D- e- to filter down to some motorists. When Henry Ford puts leg on hi farm tractor we shall have more faith in their getting across plowed field under all circumstances. Teaching marksmanship might overcome some of the lack of muni tion. It takes 1000 bullets to kill a man in the present war. That s wasting lead. Danville, 111., has gone dry, al though the voter decreed by 1500 majority that they did not want it so. Not only minorities are now over-ridden, but majorities. A sanitary officer at Portland offer 60 cents a quart for files; but any housewife will telephone him thut he can have all there are on the premises if he will take them away. When it hurts a father to chastise his son more than it hurts the son, It is incomprehensible that the father doesn't embrace the prevalent newer ethic that forbid hitting one' ff- Bprlng. When a man la in the neighbor hood of 70 years of age, he ought to arrunge his affairs so that he i:tn spend hi summer on the beach, iu- stead of in a calaboose at Fort Lt'lBtr, Texas. Making prison life an Arcadian existence the plan in some place Is moving forward; but the import ant question to ask is: Is crime de creasing? That, of course, Is the primary object of prison life. Say tho Toledo Blade: "There niUBt be some way to solve the high coat of living problem other than by eating goats." A goat raised on more aucculent provender than the debris of the billboards Is not such bad eating. A. R. F. postcards: "You wrote yesterday that 'a cuBtard pie la not for time and etornlty as fruit cake is; It should be eaten at once.' That custard pie which fatally poisoned several persons in Connecticut a few days ago wa for time and eternity." Well. A. R. F., it was not the pie, but what was on it. Mi BARGAINS :in: DKESSERS Large 20x41 inch Base with large 20x26 inch French plate mirror $8.75 Other of a better grade at , special price. E. A. ROSS Undertaker Embalm er THE COMMAND- MENTS MODERNIZED I. Thou shalt honor thy neighbor hood and keep It clean. II. Remember thy cleaning day and keep it wholly. ' III. Thou shalt take care of thy rubbiBh heap, else thy neighbor will bear witness against thee. IV. Thou shalt keep in order thy alley, thy back-yard, thy hall and thy stairway. V. Thou shalt not let the wicked fly breed. VI. Thou halt not kill thy neigh- 1. n U Iinntn0 AlA ' maittMB iT poisoning the air with rubbish and garbage. VII. Thou shalt not keep thy win dow closed day and night. VIII. Thou shalt covet all the air and sunshine thou canst obtain. IX. Because of the love thou bear- eat thy children thou Bhalt provide clean home for them. X. Thou shalt not teal thy child ren' right to health and happiness. ANNOUNCEMENT The following prices f. o. b. Detroit, effective Aug. 2, 1915: Kortl Runabout $300.00 Ford Touring Car 440.00 Ford Town Car 040.00 No speedomoter Included in this year's equipment, otherwise car fully equipped. There can be no assurance given against an advance In these prices at any time. We guarantee, how ever, that there will be no reduction in these prices prior to Aug. 1, 1916. rroflt Sharing with Retail Buyers On August 1, 1914, we made the announcement that If we could make and sell at retail 300,000 Ford cars between August 1, 1914, and August, 1, 1915, we would share profits with the retail pur chasers, to the extent of from $40 to $60 on each car. We have sold over 300,000 Ford car in the time specified, and profit-sharing check of 50 each will be distributed as rapidly as possible after August 15, 1915. Retail purchasers who have not yet mailed us their profit-sharing coupons, properly endorsed, should do so without delay. INDEPENDENT AUTO GARAGE, St. Helens, Ore. St. Helens Mill Go. OE TIIOH. IHM8TKR, Prop. Sicken Dinner RATES $1.00 PER DAY AND UP. Sunday 35c HMH'ial Rate to Regular Roanler. thus. Johnson, Warren. 36-3t. Dr. Stone Heave Drops cure heaves. Price 11; for solo by all druggist. A Money Saver Haiincr siriird a larfre shin- "' ... o- r ment of new tires at a reduced price, I will put them on at lower prices tor tne next six weeks. T will nn fricrri rharfrei one way on all work sent to me from out of town and guarantee j i; prompt aeuvcry. Robenolt's Shop HOULTON, ORE. Phone 114. Lath Electric Lighting (Saves Your Eyes) Steam Heating- t (Prolongs Your Lives) Wood Lumber