St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 09, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Mm. K. I. IIuIIiikIi spent Humtny in
Joel lllll anil J.
uirt lvrk""' Wn ,,0rt"
1lWT Krltlny. -B
A IIdIk'T Bpont Thursday
?;!urii.J. l'"' rolutlvoii.
li,ird Wim Honppooso, who
wTwrr "' ' Kro,llly lmProve1
J. ...i Mm. T. Ishlslar attended
L ttl"lrtl.m at Boappooso Hatur-
L p II l.mi'l. 0118 ot Warron's
,3,,'J.we ranchers, was III the city
. k tlll'll. OH" I l,lu "'"""""
Jh . .11 rnmiwed III auh-
,ie Ml"
Lulli.B tins
P'i" .. .... ....
gin Nl ",,("r """"""
I, on um v ,
r- . 1 iiiumi ill ii
Ileum 1
un. B. Kpeix'o ,l tlin MUI
L DHt wocK " roiiowou nor
C1 ... ...... I I. Ml- VOIIP
iirln iu ' "
it, ami Mm. F. wrigiu oi iri
j'flillwl w"1' friends In the city
Say enjoyed '18 dttJ,'
,ut llrouclit. who has been em
1 at Vancouver for some time,
return"! ti Ht. Helens. Mr
,u,lit will take in niomor uaca
hfTOlll Hull)" I" "
I Clntskanln, wero In the county sou
i mummy.
ST. TITTT TTMO Mte-r r-nrr . .
rnmfti.juLY 9, 1915.
. ... . .
Mill llll In oriirlliiir a r.,,.,1,,-.. ...
visit In
or General Tabic Use
nil not III hi; belter than our regu
home-nuul" llri'nil. which ha
(Uljrmic lux I y mm siuiniiia 10 u mm
l.;Ji un lli'nli nnil musrle, and
n tlm thin fut nmt healthy. Wf
t icrupuliiUHly careful In the a
film at our Flour and other In
UmiIi, liiivn ii splendid mot hod ot
king wlilt-h otiHtiro thn best re-
iii, mil wo Imko the tost lironil
' working people.
Robenolt's Shop
b to be a ri'llnhle man.
bio with n longuo that I true;
Kon't promlun to ilo any more thnn
i an,
W I'll ilo wlmt I imy I'll do.
umlt I'm nut clitvor, thut nonifl-
umni rni "hlunt,"
h i haro ni-ltlmr "doIIbIi " nor
M lio' Iff not "In mo" to "out
l front,"
o you nwcl mo, you'll agree I
B "tlllTI-."
uiit nin a mnn on whom to rely
to Ii bulliling for liiBtlng fucca:
M I'll pray that your apeclna may
wr ii.cri'iiB(i,
't your Khnilow may never grow
A. i.. itnitKNoir,
Tl mint inukoB it and under the
'"mi of thn I'MNTIMP.MTA f .
"UKTGAt! K COMPANY vou can
uro It nt Q nnr pntit fur n
pUrmiHR mi nnnrnvml rnnl
tlale. TcniiH oiibv. tll un vnur
0U ailll we Will mnnrnla with
' Dcnlium Uhlg. Denver, Colo.
Mr. and Mm. W. Murri
horg, attenilml tlio ciiluhrnlliin
W. II. Mackny of I'orthinil, Hpi-ut
Monday hore at tho cIiiih. Murklo
MIh Mary I Iitm litem
itpenl Monday nf the KUi'xt of MIhh
uura luiriii'r.
Mr. and Mm. Arthur Moore of
Halum, liiotorl down frnm Hi..... .
attend the celohratlon Imro.
Mr. Hurry Charlton and MIhh
Milan MrKlnloy, fpmit tho wcwk end
with their aunt, Mr. T. lnhlHtor.
Mra. Grant Wattf of HcnppooHo,
win utnoiiK the oiitMldcr- who iittond
ed the colehratlon here Moniluy.
rortland wna well tpreBulod at
the colnhrution Monday an well oh
many of tho towno over tho county.
Will Watnra and Juniei Murkln
left TuiiHiluy for KnhlotUM, wlmre
Ihoy will work In the hutvoBt fli'liln
Captain and Mm. K. T. Watt of
Cortland, wero In Ht. HHim for tin
H'ourth, tho KUiiMtH of Mr. and Mm
David DavlN.
Humid and Or 1 1 Hokii
'.nave In a few ilayii fur Han KranclHco,
vhere they will vlHlt the expoaltlon
for Home time.
Mm. M. Ksaer, MIhh rnrrlngton'
mil Mm. Kittiilla Mmlor of Portland,
ipont the week end with Mm. (ir
ruilii Ixmdand.
Itev. 8. I). JohiiHon, who nan iieon
ingngd In newKpiipir work at Drain,
inn henii appolntud paHtiir of the
lutliodlHt church at ClatHkaule.
Attorney John II. Hall of Portland,
mown to many of our older renl
ilontf. wan In the city tho ilrat of the
eek attending circuit court.
Mm. II. V. McCormlck, MIhh Amy
liHirKO, CIiiih. Murklo and MIhh l,eo
ta PerkliiH motored to Heap poo nt
talurday to attend the celi-hrutiou.
Mr. and Mrf. P. N. Putton of
I', Bpont Monday with
Mr. and Mra. J. I,. Chittlm. Mra.
'hlttlm drovo thorn hack iu the cur
I.. I,. Cartor, one of Columhia coun
y'f promlnont cotitructora, Irnn joined
.he Kurd family, purchuHlng a Ford
'uuahout from the Imloponiloiit Auto
to in puny Moniluy. Mr. Cnrtor in now
jrectlng a large ham for Mr. Krake
.in IiIh ranch nour BcappuoHO.
Mra. Clarence MiiHlen narrowly
avoided tnjurluf Tuosday aftornoon
in front or the High Hchool bulldliig
when the home bIih wa driving he
came unruly. upBottlng the curt In
wjilch Mm. MiiHlon occupied, throw
ing hor forcibly to the pnvemont and
Inllictlng aoverul aovure lirulHOH.
J. C. Watta ot Houlion, la iu the
county gout UiIh week acting In the
capacity of court hulllff. Mr. Watts
ia one of Columhia county's oldOHt
realdentH, hla father coming to tho
county in the year 18G2. For twen
ty odd year Mr. Watta aerved the
county In nlllciul cupncltioH, and In
well and favorably known from bor
der to border.
Mm. K. W. Uoodalo, who Iiuh boon
vlHltlng at the home of Dr. and Mra.
U. U. Kobh, waa culled to DohMoIiioh.
Iowa, lute Thurxduy evening a week
ago receiving a telegram thut her two
ulsters were in the hoBpllul there and
no liopoa wero held for their recov
ery. Her little duughter, June, Ik at
the home ot Mm. Hohh until the
mother returns.
Alex. Krnkeratl, a former employe
of tho St. Helens Lumber company.
mndo more or less trouble for tho of
ficer Friday and Saturday of lust
week, in that ho Imagined ho Hhould
bo given employment by tho com
uuny and proceeded to drlvo the pres'
ent holder of hla former position out
of tho building with a club. 1 he
nlllcem were called and placod him
In the county lull. After an exumlnu
Hon by DhyHlclunH ho waa ailjungeu
mentally unbalanced. The ottlcera
turned Krokemtl over to relatives
Wednesday with the undorHtundlng
thut they wore to got him out of the
county, which they Immediately did.
Lnlo Monday evening about I
o'clock, an auto belonging to tho In
denenilent Auto company, collided
with a buggy occupied by Mr. and
Mra. Uudolph Karth of Yankton. The
accident happened In front of the
Pure Food llukory, tho cur Btrlklng
the front wheel of the buggy. Jerk
ing the horse loono, and throwing
both Mr. and Mrs. Karth to the
earth, tho hitter miMtiilnlng several
brulHOH from the fall. The buggy wag
badly demolished and tho axle of the
car bent. Mr. Htevena, mnnagor of
the Independent Auto company, as
aoon as ho was notllled of tho nccl-
ldont. Immediately took Mr. and mm.
, Karth to tholr home In hta car.
Hin it li .
renldenco in Wimt Ht. Holena. Mr.
uiiii waa rormerly of
wnore ne nail been
dairy luminous.
ongngud in the
M Ikh Madeline A Hon of Hpokuno,
In visiting with Mr. and Mm. L, It
Hutherford, who mot hor Monduy
evening at Portland, motoring on
down to Kt. Helena.
A number of Ht. Helena citizens at
tonilei the celebration at Hcappooao
Ha unlay. They report a very onjoy
uh e tlmo and one of the most aocl
ahle occukIoiis of tho year.
Mm. Fred llhlmun of Boappoose.
Iiiih let the contract for tho building
of one of the moKt inodorn dairy
barns In tho county. A. Hart of
HcnppooHo, was awarded tho contract.
In tho program bunded us lust
week given at tho reception of Itev.
and Mm. John Foxter ut Guild hall.
. ...-n.mj uveiiiiig, mo name of J. T.
Kyle was the guest of
McAUiater over the
Mm. O. D
Mm. Henry
Mr. and Mm. Gus Wltenbol left
last week for a visit with frlonda in
Mra. Wesley Potta and family
passed the week end in Houlton and
Ht. Helens.
Estea Crouso of Olney, Ore., vis
ited hla uncle, Colen Crouse, last
Mrs. Ada Latin Is home again after
several weeks' visit In Portland and
Kustern Oregon.
MIhh Hose Raymond of Portland.
passed the week end with her sister.
Tr.ber, who rendered a solo, was ucci- Mrs- Frank Olaen.
dent-illy omitted. - Mrl1- Chaa. Heln and sons are pasa-
A large number of ,,o,,..i ,,, !nK n!outh. wltn.. .Mr8- Ileln' "l8-
Kolso un.l m,i....n..i.i ' i l"r8 m Aoorueen, wasli.
iiin,iii,ii luurutiVKii
ucrosH the river Monday and attend
ed tho celebration. A launch from
tho hitter place mudo several trips
during tho day carrying pasaon'gora
Mayor F. J. Fllppln of Rainier.
was a business visitor In the county
seat Tuesday. Mr. Fllnnln stutoil
that tho people of Ruinler wore very
much pleusod with tho urogram be
ing rendered by tho Ellison-White
In a wrlto-up In luHt week's Issue
of the Mist, of the stock holders'
mooting of the Columbia River Cann
ing Produce company, the name of
A. J. Kelly was omitted. Mr. Kelly
wus elected president ot the company
for the eiiHiiIng year.
F. H. Adams of Doer Island, was
In tho city Tuesday. Mr. Adams
tolls uh thut the heavy rains have al
most ruined the mammoth grain
cropB In ids vicinity, the grain being
so neavy thut when thn recent rains
cumo tho grain full to the ground and
will he hard to save.
Iu the year 1S77, H. 0. Howard
landed on the Columbia river, and
from that time until now Columbia
county baa alwuys looked good to
him, so much bo that he now owns
one of the host ranches In this sec
tion near Houlton, and he Bays that
era he remuins until death takes
him away. Mr. Howard was In the
county seat Wednesday trading with
tlio merchunts and shaking hands
with his many friends.
On the lilll just went of the Cen
tral Grocery, Jack flu pa In In his Ford
nil A. J. Smith, who lives between
Yankton and Trenholm, who was
driving a horse to a buggy, met Mon
duy evening about dusk and when
the smoke cleared away Mr. Smith
found himself eomewiuit shaken up,
his buggy demolished and his horse
gone, with several dents tn Mr.
DKpiiln'a car and a headlight
smashed. The accident was unavoid
able, in thut both parties topped the
hill ut ubout.the sumo time and could
not see each other until it wus too
lute to uvold a collision.
All nuMM Call at Hotel
Courteous Treatment
Chicken Dinner
Sunday 35c
THOS. ISniSTEIt, Prop.
Special Rates to Regular Boarders.
I'reo Methodist Church.
There will he quarterly meeting
services nt the Free Methodist Church
in Houlton, commencing on Fridiiy
evening and continuing over the Sub
hath. Rev. F. 8. Hums, District El
der of tho Portland District, will have
charge. All oro welcomed. J. N.
Wood, pnstor.
Congregational Church,
10 a. m.. llible school. 11 a. m..
"A Seeming Defeat Which is Real
Success." Most so-called success It
full of promise till meu get It, and
then It is a lust year's nest, from
which the bird has flown. 7 p. m.,
Christian Endeavor. 8 p. m., "The
llattlo of tho OoiIb." Tho pastor is
at homo every morning except Mon
day, but Mrs. Foster, because of lim
ited nhyslcnl strength, cun receive
cullers on Tuesday only. Rev. J
Foster, Ph. II., H. D.
M. K. Cliurrh.
Sunday School 10 a. m., lesson sub
toot. Solomon Annolnted King. Morn'
Ing sermon 11 a. in., theme, What
Does God Requiro of t's? Epworth
LoiiEuo 7 d. m. Evening sermon
theme. Solomon, tho Wise
kinir This is the first of a Berles ot
hioL'raDhlcul sermons for Sunday
nights. A cordlul tnvitntlon is ex
..m.i.iil tn the nubile. F. N. Sandi
The current will be on from 9 to
11a. m. on Tuesdays and from 2 to
1 n 111.. Wednesday! of each week
during the hot weather, allowing
any one to ubo hot irons who may
St. Helens Light & Power Co.
Clyde Heln, Miss Ruth Fowler and
Marie and Lena Heln motored to St.
Helena for over the Fourth.
Mr. and Mm. W. W. Dlakosley,
MIsh Eugenia Doming and Goldie
llattan were recent Trenholm visit
ors. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider and
family passed the Fourth with Mr.
and Mm. Walter Sharp of Happy
Mrs. Ed Ilowlby and family are at
St. Helens on account of the serious
Illness of Mrs. Ilowlby's mother, Mrs.
A little daughter waa welcomed
to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Rathbone, last Tuesday morning.
Doth are doing well.
. The mill closed Friday night tor
over the Fourth and nearly every one
took advantage of the three days' va
cation and Trenholm looked deserted.
Chaa. Heln and son, Clyde, Mr.
Wesley Potts and Vinnle McAloy,
took two days auto trip through the
country, returning Sunday after
noon. '
Oscar Kyle purchased a Colum
bus automobile on his trip to Port
land and he and Mrs. Kyle intend to
do their share of Joy riding this
Mrs. Fred Schneider and Mrs. '
Claude Rathburne each gave a child
ren's party recently and -from all
reports the youngsters "made good" ,
on each occasion. j
Autos of every description are;
passing through Trenholm to their
various destinations, causing us to
sit up and take notice ot how our
little town Is getting busy.
Picnics were held by several fami
lies Sunday, July 4th. Four differ
ent picnic parties were held at vari
ous places selected and from reports
he high cost of living took a rear ,
seat for the day. Even fireworks
played a prominent part in the evening.
Ernest Kelly and bride drove Into
Trenholm Monday evening and a few
hours later received the usual ova
tion accorded those who dare take
uch rash steps. But Mr. Kelly and
wife responded and the usual treat
'olio wed. Mr. Kelly Is working for
he Cooperage company. -A
surprise party was given Mrs.
''olon Crouse at her home last Wed
nesday Bfternoon. The diningroom
md table were decorated with foll-
ige and wild flowers. The center-
niece for the table being bachelor
buttons and maiden hair fern. The
ilace cards and favors were both
dainty and caused much laughter.
The affair was In charge of Mrs. Wes
ley Potts, assisted by Mm. Frank
Ob-en, Mrs. Hattie McNabb and Mrs.
S. J. Churchill.
Deming's Granular Effervescent
Sodium Phosphate
many varieties oi ureaa
Useful Kliulv enm.i. I., f.ii.,..-. uinrk Ambitious folks should consult
to concerning tho scores of tioys and girls who havo stopped to bigger
'init henuso tlioy studied Penmanship, Shorthand or Bookkeeping, or
"Mother Hummer school work.
Wuciilhin for olllcloncy to-day Is "To use the Summer, not to loso ii.
July 12,
"Wl School,
'"'enooiiH onlv
are baked here. Tou don't
have to put up with the same
kind day after day as Is gen
erally the case where bread
1b baked at home. So If
only for a change come and
try some other kind of bread
than that you make. You'll
like It, because everybody
does who tries it. ,
Columbia County Abstract
Abstracts, Loans, Real Estate,
Insurance, Conveyancing
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will he roceived by the County
Court of Columbia County at St.
u.iiiinn Oreirnn. until 2 P. M., July
24th, 1915, and then opened, for the
Improvement of a portion of the Mil
lard Road in District No. 2, the Ever-
...... iiniwi in District No. 4. and a
portion of Columbia Road near lied
r.Mim In District No. 8.
Plans and specifications are on file
and may be examined In the office ot
the County Clerk; plans for the Ever
man Head will uIbo be on file with
n.n Rnad Supervisor of District no
i in. la must be made on forms on
llie with the plans and specifications
.n,i Bnoh bidder shall deposit with
bis bid a certified chock for five per
cent of the amount ot Mb ma wiiicu
.1..11 i.a forfeited to the County In
lm award Is made to him and
ho shall fall, nogioci or reiunu iui o
period of five days after sucn awara
1 nindn to enter Into a contract and
nia Hie renulred bond.
Tho right Is reserved to reject any
and nil bids.
A F. HARNETT, County Clerk.
Rnven room house for rent; large
yard; opposite school house. Inquire
of Columbia County Abstract Co.
Wanted To rent a good piano by
responsible parties. Call or write
Tho Mist Olllce.-
Grange meeting was held Tuesday
Mrs. P. J. Loomls spent Wednes
day In Portland.
Ernest Anderson Is spending a tew
days at his home here.
Services were held at the Evangeli
cal Church Sunday evening.
Lew Puzey was a business visitor
In Portland Thursday of last week.
Mrs. F. M. HoyC s daughter of Se
ittlo, spent the week end at her old
Dale Semple ot Portland, spent the
holidays with his mother, Mrs. F. M.
The modern residence of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Itylander is nearlng comple
The Warren Grange had a very at
tractive float in the parade at Scap-
Misses Eva and Ruth Miles spent
the Fourth with their mother, Mrs.
L. A. Puzey.
The Dorcas Sewing society met at
the home of Mrs. C. J. Anderson Sat
urday afternoon.
C. T. Judklns of Alma Center.Wis.
cousin ot P. J. Loomls, arrived here
Tuesday evening.
A goodly number of Warren peo
pie attended the celebrations at Scap
noose and St. Helens.
Miss Hazel Ewlng of Portland
spent the Fourth with Mrs. P. J.
Loomls folks at scappoose.
Mrs. A. Johnson, with son and
daughter ot St. Helens, visited at C.
J. Larson's home Sunday afternoon.
Miss Sally Ekstrom Is spending her
vacation visiting at the home ot her
parents, Mrs. and Mrs. G. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore of
Salom, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dlller, J. Ry
an of Portland, motored down to
spond Monday with Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Loomls.
The Misses Mary and Emmy Dahl-
gren, Eleanor Larson and Leroy Lar
son, motored to Portland Saturday.
evening for a moonlight excursion on
the steamer -Joseph Kellogg, return
ing home Sunday forenoon.
Ford economy is not alone in low price
but in the low cost to operate and main
tain. For an average cost of two cents a
mile, they serve and save; add luxury to
pleasure and bring profit to business.
Over 700.000 owners have found the Ford
dependable, economical and easy to oper
ate. irwfrtSii
We are distributors for the long-looked
Automobile. It's equipment consists of
everything to make it up-to - the - minute
car. Let us demonst rate to you.
Independent Auto Garage
St. Helens Mill Co.
Electric Lighting
(Saves Your Eyes)
Miss Restora Adams la home from
graduation at Lincoln High School A .
In Portland. X Lath
JMlgllltlur Liuiiua ui me gu vui uiuciii i
survey, lias compieteu me acappoose
abstract and will move to Llnnton
to finish.
Messrs. D. W. Pue and A. S, John
son and families took In the Colum
bia Highway east of Fruitvale last
Sunday, 't ney went oy auto.
Steam Heating
(Prolongs Your Lives)
Wood Lumber