St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 02, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    L m AM It r. - .1 .
c4l.k. Contruct Co. at ... ......
01 OClUGlllSUl rmlll,.0 cchi ii t v ii vii 11 (I i.i.! t
for new road work Hint It would not
fonlli'""'' fr,,m "UK0 ih
hTuTed by tlio Htute Highway
I"1, r" bill wlll'll HlO COIltrilCt WBS
.ml eXWUlOll. tllOU BOCtlOIIB
iftt . m,i therefrom. Not-
HH,U" '"i,.. ,.ir...-t. the oontrucl-
"onl " " ...,111ml to do any work
"'TgCouiiiy llil not want or pro
M"19. ".. i.v work to be done
1,010 iu v A m ulmwn nn dhua
i f the Htute lllKliwy Engineer,
, tlnmfxl cost of wild two hoc
M .- 7 iiuo.00. Tim contract-
Lmi'J I" "l0 controversy
,ut on. that preceded the settle
( If t Sutxr.luy. Hut said see
llMtor him .
worn i" - ;
nM 01 work uii iiiv 1-11
d tliut It wan In thr
linua tl.jk ..ti ii .... ' "
a . 1 7 . ,u'u"-u It told ,H
State lllKliwoy Commission It W(MI,
oxpnnd thin season on now work if
mm I'lllllllllHHIOIl would
ifcu.uiiu.uu of state
mfinl'le l'"'
' nl.liuiiV UII
,7imf '"""' n 11 totlie Count j
... ... .iiwirivii It of such work
10 .. I., .irlnllv W.I
uliliout pnnBiim w " - ' ,
ruulTHftor coum - -
uittltul coi.wri.lng itaitl wet Ion .
m. liiwt Justice In this claim.
hi a dlmiute urono liutwnon the
a,ti iiiKhwiiy Engineer's olllce and
oiiitructoi- an to lh. method ol
raiuBUllnit Hi" pr"'" " Pn"'
lf, ruMilt' niBHonry. 1 lie controctoi
rUlmiHt It '! mtH Icil to pay for tin
mtlre wall t tlio lilKlmt unit prlci
jpulloihla tlmrutoi and the eiiKlni
(UIiiiihI Hint the amount to he pnld
HlfiTi'iit irlct' fr dlfTiiront couram
ia kiIiI IHml fHllmute walla of thh
Unit "" cri'dlti'd at the li'Hiwr prlci
roniHiilwl ly th KiiRlnonr. We Iibvi
rrw ilnoi' uur attmitlon wna ill reel ml
in thin ffutiire hud moat aorlom
juubu to the correctnima of tin
anlnecr'n iiobIIIoii thereon.
13) The coiitrui'tor claimed thai
II bull bwn miitorlully and auliatantl
,llr UuiunKi'd ly the failure ot tin
ounly lu procuro rlKhta of way In
nrkiui iilaii'ii uloiiK the lllKhway and
III ainwMiiiiit Inuhlllty to put Hi
men and ipiliiiint to wiiri. aa earl)
all would liiivn diino had aald rlichti
ol war I'1'1' prix'tiri'd in iiroper time
know niiihliiK of the facta on
whli'li thlHcluliu waa founded and ex
PipmhI 110 opinion whatuver aa to the
urrllB llit-ri'iif.
141 Tin' nmlrurtor rlulmiid thai
II Imd hi'i'ii HiTlmiKly and iubnliiiitl
all; damnKi'd hy the KiiKlnenr'a
prmlon lit work without good cuuhi
A ariimii llnum; hut we hare alwayi
thouf; lit liml, ho Ioiik aa he acted In
loud fullli, the KiiKlueer had tin
lower unilir Hie contrai't to kuHpend
mrk on uny nnd nil parte ot tin
HiKliway ut any and all tlmea; and
f know of notliliiK upon which an)
claim of Imd fullli on Mi part In thai
ward could ho pritdlcated.
Aside from the mere aettlemut ol
(he controviTBloa with the contractor,
ibore wcr otlior Blronk reaaona wh)
it wai dNiili'dly to the Intoreat of Co
lumlila County to terminate the con
tract and K't rid of the contractor l
idellhiti-ly ixpri'BHud BKreeinent with
II The iirlnripul one waa that tin
County watitrd to make new con
tracts with roliulite and aatlHfuctnr)
trw contniriiiri under which It
ibould lie ri'liovod of any nhltKalloti
t build llm above mentioned fee-
llunt at Colile und Itulnler and othei
wctloua of (be hlichway ai orlnliittll:
pUnni'd mill suikIIUmI, If there wa
m eitli-tiictit with the Comiolldated
t'otitruct ( o. all unflnUhed work
cnired by Kb contract would .have to
be ri'lut und done within a irtaNonabh
lime und nil audi reletting and new
work would have to be accounted fol
to It I, v., mi Id company would In
Nilltliil to an additional credit 01
iuIiJiti to nn ndditlonnl debit, a tin
tan) miKlit be, for anld new work. (J 11
the other bund. If a aetllement wai
made with mild Company, the Count)
would be entirely free and unfettered
lode nil or any nnrt ot aald unfitilali
l work In whatever niauner It
dwini'd for lie bitBt liitoroata.
Ona oiluT Hem ot partlculur lm-
portanco Bbotild bo mentioned lire
mil tliut In the iliimiiRe cane brouxhl
In the I nlted Btutea Court by the
Spokane, I'orlliind A Heattlo Kail
ay Co. HKiiliiMt the IkinBolldated
Coiitruet Co. and Columbia County.
la mud nun the plaintiff cluiins that
Iti rullrond and roadway hna been
damni;iMl In tho turn of $20,000.00
urtlie liiiiropir locution and unnklll
w coiikI ruction of portion ot the
hlshwuy included In thla contruct.
The c.iHo wiib tried before and takun
nmlor mlvlnement by Judge Wolver
ton lHt winter and there ta a llkoll
hood tliut ho will render a Judnmonl
therein uKiiliiHt Columbia County.
I'nder hint Butunluy'a aettlement,
which la fully covered by carefully
drawn iiEroementa exocuteil by the
'I'onsolidutud Contract Co." and
Coltimlilu Cnnniv" nnd the "New
EiiKliind Canualty Co.". aald Count)
pohl anld surety 105,000.04 and aald
contract wna cancelled nnd terminal-
w and aald contractor released from
'l clultiia und liability of any and
'very kind arUiiiK out of mild con-
trait or nu Id com puny 'a work on the
1 omnium lllKhway. And by miii
iKieimient guid contractor anil Bultl
iiroty fiirtbur asroed to Indemnify
nd a.ive hurniloHa laid County from
ny lliililliiy or coBt or expense hy
feimnn or on account of any clnlnif
thnrotoforn or thereafter aaaerted
"Kuhmt Bald county by liny person
(or hibor performed or materlalf
iiivnlHliml to Raid contractor or for
ny dlrent or Indlroc.t damiiRO to per-
on or property arlsliiR out ot the
"orn iiono by said contractor ami
Mprnsnly ncrnod to nnv nny iudgmoiit
tendered iiRiiliiHt anld county In said
"It hy mild rnllwny company.
' "ii'rn is notblng lu the gettldineni
niadfl or nirrnnmnnt avnpillnd which
In any way released anld surety from
H llnblllty to third persona under
tho bond it Knve when mid contract
ua executnil. Hn fur n the rlu'its
of llilrd persona under aald bond are
conrorneil 11 u.n nni in ilip newer of
fiilumbln County to take nway the
Hut., to make the muttor cicnr
It Is oxnresHly nrovldod In said a(?roe
"fnt tliut It dooa not In any way
modify or lessen the liability of siild
'irety iindor milil bond to norsoiis
fllllllu liu.l..,!..
ucli new work, wo took tho muttor
up with anld coniiiilsBion and uhtuin
ud Its consent to a reduction of huuI
amount to ha expnndod by the Coun
ty from MO.Ooo.oo to :!fi,ooo o
anil new promlHe from -mid com'
mlsHlon of Its $50,000.00 contribu
tion on condition that tlio County
would expend $35,000.00.
Contemporaneously with the milk
ing of this aettleiiiHtit with the Con
lolldiited Contract Co. the County
'ourl awarded a now contract to the
Itiunllfer-ClnrkBon Co. for parts of
he 11 ti II 11 1 hIi oil work covered hy the
ontract with the Consolidated Con-
.raci t o. llinne new contractors are
eputed to he hlndly competent and
uoroiixiiiy rename und wo hope and
tellovo they will prove so In tbulr
ork. We prepared the contract .
icutcd with them which conforms In
he main to the printed form of con
ract Issued out of the State lllirli-
way KiiKlneer's depurtment; but we
nciuuitii in bum contruct a provlHion
of InrKO value to Colutiibla County
tliut after "it Id contractors have
uirned t00, 000 00 under said cm.
ract Columbia County may, at Ub
pi ion, terminate sultl contract by
lotlfylnir said contractors In writing
f such tcrinlnntlon. Kurtlmrmore.
S to new work as dlatlllKUlBtied frmn
InishlnK-up work covered by thin
ew contract, the unit nrlces to he
alil to the new contractors on some
f the lark-eat items ot work included
n the new contruct are less tliut the
nit prices for the sumo items In Un
til contract.
We have lindertuken herein to In-
llcuto some of the reusona why we
ncoinmeiided the settlement you
nude Inst ButiiBiluy with the CoiiboII-
lated Contract Co. Much more
nlulit bo said In justlflcution of auld
leltli'ini'iit from tlio standpoint of
olumliln County, but we think we
ave said onntifch to sntlafy any fulr-
nliided person tbut you nnd your at-
orneys carefully guarded the Inter-
sta of Columbia County In tho ne-
olIiitloiiB that led up to Bald settle-
nent and rendered It Hood Bervlces
n BCcompllBliltiK said Bottlomi'iit.
1 ours very truly,
IliU for CoiiMriii'tinK KUh'I IlrldKC
ArnmB (iiilxknnlc lllver, Are He-Jis-dil
as lU-lnit Tim IliKh.
Ruturday, June 2(1, 1915. 13th
ludlcial Day.
Court cniiio pursuant to adjourn
ment. Ollloers all present. Duo pro-
lamatlon heliiR made, tho following
iroceedlnKS were had:
In the matter of the construction
f a steel bridge across the ( lutska-
le river, near Clatskanle, on the lla-
el drove road:
On thla day nronnsnl for con
itrurtliiR a steel bridge across tne
liiikkanlo river, near tho city or
lalHkanlo. on the Hazel drove rood
ecordiuir to tlio plana and speclllcn-
Iiiiib na Dronnred by the statu uign
vay Knglneer, were opened and ex
mined by tho court, iioiiik as 101
rortland ltrldge and Iron t o. tor
l.n iiiiii nf 1 1 Kf! 2.00.
I'uclllc Iron Works, for tho sum 01
.1 111 nn
fowl tt Ilrlilgo CO., tor 1110 sum 01
I W. White, ror 1110
nn no.
Ami II nnnenrlllS ID IIIO v ouri inin
.11 nf mi til nrooiiHiils are too IiIkI), U
orderoil that tho snme ne aim nre
lereby rejected.
Whereupon, Court aujourneo.
sum of
i 11.. ..
... mo i.ircuu court of the State of eaHt Quarter of
.. ;..Ior. 11,0 ,0ll,'ty of Columbia. Br of tl,e
"lrM' Hilrtt Morse, Jacob Ilea-, UHn township
iiiiniiiiH k. Urewull, J. v. Kaxton weBt of tlio Wllla
I' rmik M. (liuiFi.ii 1....... ,;1 : """'"! c,.i.,n,i,i.. (.
llim iii 1 ,','"rlor and Cbrls
""r M"r"u,T- I''" wife. I'lulntlffs,
a. , L,'k"on Heirs of Schubel C
Acl.llles VV. U. fopolnna, Mary U
opehiml, I. 11. Copubind, Hoy ('opel
und, lx,ra Cornlck, Joseph U. Cooo
hind and llnnjamln It. Copeland, Mol
II 1' ullor, now Mrs. W. M. Law, and
all other persons unknown claiming
any Intorost In the real property do
buiiiiuii III J Jul II 1 1 iTh pnmnl.l.l 1
fendaiitH. JD-
'ot is unknown heirs of Schubel
.. Achilles, W. H, Copeland, Hoy
t opolund, Dora Camlck (or Kornlck)
Joseph I,. Copeland. Mollln v,,ur
(now Mrs. W. M. Law) and nil nii.n-
persons unknown Uulmlnir nr.v impr
est In tlie real property duacrlbed In
plaint as complaint, and hereinafter
In tlio nnmo of the State of Orm
you are hereby roiiulrml 1.. o
und answer the complulnt filed
against you In the above entitled suit
wiuiiii six weeks rrom tho dute of the
llrst publication of this summons, to
wll: on or before the 2d day of July,
Ml 5, and If you full to so annenr and
answer the said complulnt, for want
lying and beln In Columbia Cnunlv.
State of Oregon, to-wlt: The south
the northwest quar-
southeast quarter of sec-
7 north, range 4
metto meridian, in
.. n- .. a
bui: i.bbu in u. a. gom coin; ten per
cent to accompany bid, and balance
on confirmation of sale by said Coun
ty Court. All bids to be directed to
the undersigned, at St. Helens, Ore
gon. L. it. KUTHEHFOilD,
Administrator of the estate of Frank
A. Swangren, deceased.
Dated at Str Helens, Oregon, June
i, 115.
First publication June 4, 1916.
Last publication July 2, 1916.
publication of this summons, and if
you full to answer said cause of suit
on or before the 3d day of July, 1916,
for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief pray
ed for in his complaint, to-wit: a
decree herein awarding plaintiff an
absolute divorce from said defendant
on the grounds ot desertion, that she
be restored to her former name, Em-
1 ma Vassaw, and for such other and
further relief as the court may deem
meet and equitable.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Columbia County. Charles
W. Johnson, plaintiff, vs. Mary John
son, defendant. To Mary Johnson,
the above named defendant: In the
name of the State of Oregon, you" are
hereby required to appear and ans
wer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled court on or be
fore the 17th day of July, A. D.
1916, which is six weeks after the
4th day of June, A. D. 1916, tho
date ordered for the first publication
of suinmuus; and lf you fall to bo ap-
iiiunw.f n... . .. ... . iFr aim biihwot, piuiniiii win apply
. Zl " "1" 5'?. "Iu'"tl"s wl to" to the court for the relief demanded
Z: .-"' ' "gainst you as, ln his complaint, to-wlt: For a de-
Tlils summons is published In pur
suance of an order of Hon. J. A.
Eakin, judge ot the above entitled
court made and entered on the 18th
day of May, 1916, and .time pre
scribed for publication thereof Is six
weeks, beginning with the issue of
May 21, 1916, and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including the
issue of July 2, 1915. W. l. COOPER,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
926 Chamber of Commerce, Port
land, Oregon.
prayed Tor In plulntlffs complaint, to
wlt: a decree of the above meutlnnnd
court adjudging that tlio above nam
ed plaintiffs are tho owners in fee
croe dissolving the bonds of matri
mony heretofore and -now existing
between the plaintiff and defendant
herein, and that plaintiff be decreed
HMirti - :ev.Brully ? following I to be the owner of Lot 8 in Block 78,
described reul property, to-wlt: bo- in .i. e. t. ,...
Ill It I II rr l l n tl l VI. VI m, (ICIDUD, VUIUUlUia
"V. 1 I g a1",, ",r,mr,M County, Oregon, freed from any claim
m.l i .in 11. 1 I,0"atlon of defendant, nnd for such other nnd
7, " V""" lurtner rellet as to the court may
ginning at
Kami, kimiik jiu uu rso. ot. nn rtuUt nAr . A 4i,n
1 1 flu.. 1 1 1 . . , ... , ' i , 1 vuti aa lw mo tuui t
1 , "u, V ',r0' ,n -oiumoia gCem equitable and Just.
- 1 '..." ui i'icruii, running
uience eust 40.20 ch
34 ch
Thin mimmnni la nntillalinil l.v nr.
thence south I .inr nf ti,Q u a i ri.k i,.,i.. .i
thenco south 62 doKreeii eaHt ti.A n Ai..mki.
" 8 '? ",0r1,ll.,)0.u".".,,ry 11,.ie ot ;he ty- stute ot Oregon, made and enter
ed on the 4th day of June, A.D. 1916.
auld bchubel C. AclillloB Donation
lnd Claim to the northwest corner
of the In ml deeded to Joseph L. and
iienjumin it. ('ope)nnd, being deed
recorded In Hook X at page 449. Hoc-
ords of Deeds of said Columbia coun
ty, Oregon; thence south 28 degrees
west following the western boundary
line of the aald Joseph L. and Uenja-
111 1 n It. Copelund hind to the northeast
comer of a tract of land deeded to
Miner Miller by deed recorded in
Hook X at page 623 of the Records of
Deeds of Columbia county, Oregon:
thence south 31 degrees 46 minutes
west 40 rods more or less, to
M. E. MILLER and
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
St. Helens, Oregon.
First publication, June 4, 1916.
Last publication, July 16, 1916.
Mrs. Emma Morwln nnd Mr. ami
.Irs. Slfort of Portland, spent Sun
lay visiting their friends at Scup
Mrs. Robo Watts nnd Mrs. R. r.
-iiblock spent the week end at Sea-
dilo and report that thriving burg nf
II ready for tlio outing season.
Tho Fourth of July committee
ro hard nl work on tho details foi
,ur coming celebration, nnd a big
afo nnd sano time Is promised. 1 m
.Vnrron brass hnnii is im'ihb "
or tho occasion and many oinei
inlqiio features are promised.
Low Snider Is planning a
mngalow, to be erected on his place
lenr Ilonoyinun'B station. Lew Ii
1 wldo awake ninu nnd will do much
o imnrovo tho country;
Supervisor Mackny Is top dressing
he main road with screenings nam
from tho St. Helens crusher, and
iromlses to give us a flno road for
ho Benson's travel.
Many Washington automobiles arc
msslng through our county on the
vay to tho big exposition nt Sun
Mrs. Hurt West and O. M. Wash
uiru wore oloctod clerk nnd director
.iiv nl tho bcIiooI mooting
.n MflllllllV.
An additional toucher will be
.laced In the High School for the
:oxt year, owing to tho number of
itudonts therein. '
The Italian sub-cent rnctora on tho
Imltli road have been discharged by
tondmaster Titus for failure to com
ily with tho specifications.
Mrs. Lily Rchell of Soasldo, Is vis
ting her brother. 0. W. Grant, uur-
ng tlio wooii.
southern boundary line of the said
Schubel ('. Achilles Donution Land
Claim; thence north (2 degrees along
tho southern boundary line ot the
Schubel ('. Achilles Donation Land
Claim to the southwest corner of the
said Schubel C. Achillea , Donation
Land Claim; thence north along the
west boundary line of the said Achll
les Donation Lund Claim to the place
of beginning, all lu Columbia county,
State of Oregon, except a tract of
hind hounded and described as fol
lows, to-wlt: Uegiiining at the south-
went corner of t lie laud heretofore
conveyed to Henry llelzenreter and
Christina Helzenreter, his wife, by
deed recorded at page 441 of Hook 16
of the Records of Deeds of Columbia
county, Oregon; thence north along
tlio eastern boundary line of said land
of Henry und ChrlBtina HeUenrcter to
tho south boundary line of the land
conveyed to J. S. Millard by deed re
corded at page 174 ln Hook "O" of
the Records of Deeds ot Columbia
county, Oregon; thence easterly along
tho south boundary line ot the saiu
J. S. Millard land to the northwest
corner of the tract of land conveyed
to A. M. Clark by deed recorded at
mice 391 of Hook 7 ot Records of
Deeds of Columbia county, Oregon;
thence southerly along the west
boundary line of tho said A. M.
Clark trnct of land to the southern
boundary line of the Schubel C
Achilles Donation Land Claim, being
claim No. 67. notification No. 4325,
in Columbia county, Oregon; thence
westerly along the southern boundary
line of' the said Schubel C. Achilles
Donation Land Claim to the place of
beciniiliiE. (The above description
Is an exact description of the land
set forth in plaintiffs' complaint but
is a shortened description of the
mi 1110). And that the title ot the said
Notice is hereby given, that ln ac
cordance with an order made by the
County Judge of Columbia County,
the Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1916
ln the matter of the estate of Ed.
Black, deceased, and under the power
and authority given to me by that
order, that on and after the 10th day
of June, 1916, I will proceed to sell,
at private sale, for cash, for the
highest possible price, the following
described real property belonging to
said estate, to-wlt: Lot Four (4) in
Ulock Eighteen (18) in the City ot
Rainier, Columbia County, Oregon;
that after said date mentioned, I will
receive offers for the sale of said
property under the terms sped lied,
from any person or persons who may
be interested in the same.
Dated this 8th day of June, 1916.
A. JALOFF, Administrator of the
ostate of Ed. lllack, deceased.
Residence Astoria, Oregon.
June 11, Jul 9.
Complete Stock of Heavy and Shelf Goods
Farm Implements
J. GEORGE, Proprietor
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Columbia County. Emma
Ilumgardner, plaintiff, vs. James
ltumgardner, defendant. To James
Ilumgardner, above named defend
ant: In the name ot the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you ln the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the 21st day
ot May, 1916, the date ot the first
Klwanda Tribe No. 63, Improved
Order of Redmen, meets second and
fourth Thursdays ot each month ln
K. ot P. hall, St. Helens. Visiting
brethren welcome.
E. I. BALLAGH, C. ot R.
Fourth Annual
Columbia County Fair
SEPT. 22-23-24, 1915
St. Helens Rebekah Lodge, No.
A . aHi. A .ttmA Tlllll,nJnn
Visiting members always welcome.
the above named defendants be ad
judged to have no right, title, Interest
or estate in or to the said reul prop
erty and for Biich other and further
relief as to the court may seem equit
able. This summons is publlslied by
virtue of nn order of the above en
titled court made and entered on the
15th day of May, 1916, directing tne
sumo to he published ln tne si. nol
ens Mist, a newspupor of goneral cir
culation, publlslied at St. Ilolens, Co
lumbia county, Oregon.
Attorneys for rialntlffs.
Date of first publication, May 21,
101 B.
Date of last publication, July 2,
Sec'y, St. Heleus.
Koulton Circle No. 478, Women
ot Woodcraft, meets the second and
fourth Tuesday afternoon ot each
month at Houlton, Oregon.
Columbia Encampment, No. 77,
I. O. O. F. meets in the I. O. O. F.
Hull, on the second and fourth
Thursday of each month. Sojourn
ing Patriarchs most cordially invited
to meet with us
C. W. BLAKESLEY, Scribe.
Avon Lodge No. 62 Knights ot
Pythias meets every Tuesday even
ing. In Castle Hall; St. Helens. Vis
Ring Knights always welcome.
M. E. MILLER, K. of R. S.
North Bank Rail
26 Hours' Ocean Sail
Palatial 6-Deck, Triple-Screw, 24-Knot
SS. "Northern Pacific"
St. Helens Lodge No. 32,
A. F. & A. M. meets 1st
and 3rd Saturday in each
month. Visiting brothers cordially
welcomed. EDWIN ROSS, Master.
E. E. QUICK, Secretary.
In the County Court of the Stato of
Oregon, for Columbia County. In the
muttor of tho estate of Frank A.
Swangren, docoased. Notice Is here
by given that In pursuance of, and by
virtue of. and order of the County
Court ot the State of Oregon, for Co
lnmiiiii County, made on April 27
1916, in the matter of the estate of
Frank A. Swangren, deceased, au
MmrWlnir the administrator thereof to
sell all the real property of said es
tate, at private sale, the unaersigneo,
i. a minilnlHtrator ot said estate, will,
from and after Saturday, the 3rd day
of July, A.I).19ir, sen at private Baie,
in the hlBhost bidder for cash In gold
coin of the U. S., and subject to con
firmation by saw county uouri, ami
nnui nu iib siild sale until an ui emu m...i, r.i.nnn. r, v. a i.
" - , . . , .. I 1.1 I . I'll 1 1 V 1 1. k 1 L 1 v.. kl UigDID III
real property, or so much thereof as Masonic Hall the second and fourth
la necessary 10 py Saturdays of each month.
St. Helens Lodge
O. F. building, on
meets ln the I O
No 117. I. O. O. F.
the socond and fourth Saturdays ot
each month, visiting members are al
ways given a hearty welcome.
and expenses of administration oi
said estate has been sold, 'all tho
right, title, Interest nnd estate of the
...i.i Frank A. Swnngren, decensed,
at the time of his death, and all the
right, title ana iniorest mat mo nam
i, estate has since acquired ny opera-
- . -II l l i.j tr
E. A. UOTGER, Secretary.
WnntedTo a good piano by otherwlM, ta and to
Tm. omce ' the following described real property
Tllltcum Tribe No. 62, Improved
O. R. M., ot Yankton, Ore., meets at
Ub wigwam, second and fourth Sat
urdays of each month.
W. G. BRANNON, C. ot It
Premium Lists will Se sent on application to
L- .Tarbell, Prest., Yankton, or J. H. Southard,
SAILS June8, 12, 16,20,24,28
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday there
. .after with return to service of SS. "Great. .
SS. arrives San Francisco 3 :30 P. M. next day.
Incomparable for comfort.
Free Deck Chairs and Steamer Rugs.
Free Refreshments and Mid-forenoon boul-
lion, 4 o'clock tea and buffet lunches.
Orchestra Deck Games Palm Garden .
Rooms de Luxe Shower Baths Sun
i Parlor.
I Cuisine the Finest. $30, round trip, meals
and berth included. San Diego $48.
"An elegant Ship and a
Beautiful Trip" the
popular verdict of trav
elers on this speedy ves
sel. J. O. DIVENS, Agent,
ior tntin said County.'!