St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 02, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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rtl Wr,
was Portland
llM. Muckle was a Portland U-
!lor Monday.
, 0,brlelson of Warren, was
clt Biturua.
Lief WHI"lHn Pont tne wek
IB Portland Vismng irrenu.,
n Tliua made a business trip
U ... . a .
U. NehalbUi valley weonesoay.
L Md Mrs. Waller Illakealey and
h Tuiy-
L, ,nd Mrs. John Farr of War
....n.lmi the social nTvuiua ui
Esttsrn Star. Saturday evening.
I Lulu Owrge and Mlaa Fleek
L Sunday at tlie home 01 Mr. ana
A II. Uoorge. j 1107 in
for 8n KruncUco, where they
Uk In Hi" fair "J 0,,ier Pint
I,, ,nu Mr. Kred E. Wernta en-
1M from San Knncsco 10 '.Pel.-
tt Uarberlon, Ohio, vUlted
L t,a Walter brothera Monday.
Wernti Is a cousin or Ilia late
f, Knight of Wiley, Oregon,
K through M. neiens niouuay
a from hi ranch near Heu-
lo lit home. Mr Knight made
iMMDt call at the Mint office and
Lin scuualntad.
! . ... . - ,, tp..
r. Banmiura mnum, iu r. u
L More the War," given Friday
it lt, wa very Interesting and
U hearliiK him, apoak very highly
ill nsnnwr In which the subject
brought to tliKin.
JHor Suit of the Kalnler Kevlew,
Ks wy peasant call at the Mint
L Tuewluy while In town. Mr.
it li one of the wide-awake newa-
tr men of the went, and we com
nl ourstdves that we are a fol-
work-r in the upbuilding of Co-
kbit county.
tir. W. K. Plnliam baa the honor of
I 8t. Ileh'iis' fir lit cltlten to drive
of tlie late Dodge llro. Ave pas
ter utomilill', purchasing the
MouiUy from the Independent
la company. The car la beauty
Mr. Uliilmm will no doubt take
tnoit of bin time In allowing how
!Ur and Mr. J. I.. Zlpperet of the
Helen Telephone Co., have Juat
tchurd a Hudson road -tor and
n to b letting all the pleasure
of It iliut comp through the pos-
IkIod of an automobile. The llud-
li one uf the staudard cara, and
roiditer 1 an espoclally neat and
hlceable nmrhlne.
Mr: Edwin ltoa entertained 8at-
lljf (ftnrnimn at her home In
Icor of Mm. Flora. Owen, with tea.
I room wire artistically decorat-
vlth nuHturtluma. The guests.
ftin the hostess, were: Mr. Flora
Mo, Mm. Hannah I'artrlch, Mra.
B. Dillard. Mr. K. E. Quick, Mra.
J. Muck In.
I'hsrb-y Smith, one of the well-
n nut populur young men of St.
ient, left litre luat Monday for Ban
nmclico, w lii-re he baa entered the
pernrmmt training luatltutlon,
Icli will 111 him to become a niem-
k of the dcfendMr of the country
ill navul m-rvlce. lie will remain
8n FmnrlHco several niontha be-
N taking up life at aea.
John Karr of Warren, now sport
Overlnml automobile, having made
i purchase last Friday. Mr. Farr
lufooil many thing to hi credit.
inn he whs a county commlloner.
wi a Kod coinmlssloner; he alao
M made a decided success of the
rm,nK mid dairying business, ao
inn ao, indeed, that he can afford
luxury of a touring car.
On account of a great many mom-
t' of the Taxpayers League being
pt In the midst of haying, the
"ethig held here Tuesday waa not
Ml attended. 8. C. Caoloa tender-
hl reslKiiutlon to the league aa
IWary on uccount of leaving for
' In a few dnya. W. J. Fuller-
n u elected to fill the vacancy.
""Porta from subordinate leagues In
f county were read. A apeclal
eetlng of the league will be called
pr July 24.
'I seems that some limn since an
lelon was hold for the purpose of
rnlng within the city limits that
rt of West HI. Union, k nnwn urn
foulton, tho 8. P. & S. company
wmlilng n,e citizens' at that time
till was done. Ihnv wnuM Imma-
''ely take action and construct a
e" depot and change the name of
10 nation to that nt B Tlolnns
)l( was understood h llm nnnulace
nl Under thnsn rnnrlltlrvn. rtlrt the
''Wtlon carry. The attention haa re-
ptediy imnn brought to the com-
ru'0n that thv hvn nn onmnttAd
F"h their aarenmnnt nvnn an much
J' to make a change In the name of
"tation on the depot, time tables,
'Ills Should ai-Aln ha taknn UD
f'.ths proper nartles and nlaced be-
the commission in a convincing
M Lfi.
. .-.umoy, one or our wid...v.
citizens, dropped around and con-
.r.ouieu 10 the Mist by placing ,,,s
uuscnpiion ror another year in
Mis Josephine Usher, a teacher
In a Portland High School, spent sev
eral day this week visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. h.,.,m.
L. 0. Titus returned from a busi
ness trip to Kan Francisco Monday
While In the city he visited with hi.1
brother and enjoyed a few da. .1
me exposition.
Iteese Hall of the grocery firm of
William ft Han, iUr,Hy Turner
mra. w. u. Muckle and Mr. and Mr.
David Davis motored to the Handy
river last Hunday, where they spent
1 ne nay.
Mrs. Flora Owen departed for her
son's home at Madison, Wis., Mon
day, where she will remain for ao In
definite time. Mrs. Owen will be
greatly missed In church and social
work while she Is away.
Miss Kuby tlammarstram, former
ly a teacher lu the St. Helens High
School, who has been teaching In an
east side Portlsnd High School the
past year, spent the first of the week
with Mrs. 8. C. Morton, enroute to
her home at Astoria.
It was an awful drubbing the here
tofore Invincible Mldgeta took Bun-
day afternoon at the hands of the
Yankton club. The boy had already
taken a couple of scalps from the
husky Ysnkton team this seasonand
were anxious to have another one
dangling from their belt.
Messrs. A. J. Doming and E. E.
Quick returned Monday from a couple
couple of weeks' outing up Milton
creek. . llesldes having a good vaca
tion, they supplied camp with plenty
of the II 11 11 y tribe and brought several
pounds homo with them. Hut it
seems these gent lumen have the rep
utation of being able to angle the
trout In any kind of a stream, eveni
though everyone elite falls, and It
always rain about the time they
have their tent pitched.
The Clutskanle Development
league haa gotten out some good.
snappy literature advertising their
various Industries. The circular
which we saw does credit to a much
larger city. It contains various view
of growing crops on the reclaimed
tide land, views of the town, etc. It
Is something that every live com
munity needs; something that the
81. Helens Commercial Club should
consider, as tt is absolutely essential
in getting outside people Interested
No doubt remains but what S. ('.
Morton would have "come back" and
made good, but fate was against
him and cheated him of the chance.
Ilelng short of a back stop Sunday
afternoon, Ed llallagh induced Mr.
Morton lo don the protector and
mask to complete his line-up. After
a brilliant start, this recruit wss sud
denly put on the bench when he and
another player ran together when en
deavoring to chase down the same
ball, Mr. Morton receiving a badly
sprained ankle In the mlx-up.
Fred Teach of Vancouver, has ac
cepted a position with the Columbia
Itlver Canning & Produce Co., at
process man. Mr. Teach Is a gradu
ate of the O. A. C. and has had nine
years' experience In his profession,
and after making Investigations as to
his ability, the company were fortun
ate In closing a contract with Mr.
Tesch for tho season. Mr. UoBasco,
manager of the company, tells a Mist
representative that they already find
their new quarters too small to take
care of the business, and are now en
larging tho canning room.
Mossrs. C. D. Sutherland, E. I. Hal
Ingh and 8. C. Morton attended the
smoker given Jy tho officers of the
Oregon-Washington division of the
Traveling Men's Protective associa
tion at tho Multnomah hotel, Port
land, Saturday night. Senator Cham
berlain delivered nn address and
touched on the Mexican situation,
which was received with much Inter
est by his hearers. Among others on
the program, Mr. Morton gave a read
ing entitled "J. M. Illedsoe." The
gentlemen from St. Helens departed
firmly convinced that the two hun
dred "kulghtB of the grip" who wore
presont are boosters of tho real va
Not so many years ogo It was the
A. l. lnff a
custom of some one i " -
pumpkin, a bng of potatoes, or a lew
H- Morgu was In Portland Friday
on business.
O. A. Peterson renewed his ub
crlptlon for another year.
R. Halght la among the new
readers of the Mist this week.
J- W. Allen visited at his ranch
near White Plains, Washington coun
ty, from Batorday to Monday.
Harley Turner and it.v ik-
Foster were Portland visitors-Friday.
Mr. L. K. Karri and children de
parted Saturday for Newport, after
pending a few days at the home of
. j. muckle.
Mayor C. O. Talbert of Kelso, wss
In the city Saturday on business. Mr.
Talbert Is very enthusiastic over fu
ture prospects on the Washington
Italnlor held a Sweet Pea hn
Wednesday. After the awarding of
premiums, a musical program was
rendered and refreshments were
Mr. and Mrs. Martin White were
host and hostess at their home to
dinner Sunday, the guests being Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. H. Shlnn. Mrs. Bhlnn
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Coan.
8. C. Morton of the McCormlck
Lumber Co., of St. Helens, accom
panied by his wife snd two children,
spent Sunday at the home of his
sister, Mrs. J. N. Klce Clatskanle
fhleL, '
Kev. J. W. Thompson of Portland,
spent the past week with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson on
Casslnan street. He was BccomDan-
led by his nephew, Charles William
The Pacific Ixigglng company'a
camp In the Deep Itlver district, has
closed down on account of having a
large supply of logs In the water
and the Johnson & Schweg'.er camp
in the same section has ceased opera
tions for the same reason.
Among eight university students.
Harry Richardson, one of St. Hel
ens promising young men, was one
who sailed from Seattle a few
days ago for Ketchikan, Alaska,
where they will work for the summer
In the large flsh cannery located at
that place. Harry's uncle Is man
ager of the cannery.
Professor Ilaker, principal of the
St. Helens High School, and his wife,
were visitors one day last week at
the library. Mrs. linker is one of a
number of St. Helens women who are
Interested in starting a reading room
there, and her visit here was to
gather information that could be
helpful In the effort. Rainier Re
view. Several local men have been given
sub-contracts upon local sections of
the Columbia Highway and are rap
idly preparing for active operations.
O. I). Bennett has sections 12 and
13; Henry Olson has the section
near Palm, while Ttlden Graham has
been given the contract for the sec
tion In the vicinity of Marshland.
Clatskanle Chief.
Several of the logging camps In
the lower Columbia river district
have already closed down and the
balunce will suspend operations with
in the next few days for the annual
shut down at this season of the year.
Quite a number will start up early In
July, but a few will remain Idle un
til there is an improvement in the
market conditions.
Melvin Hall received an official
certificate from Governor Withy
St. Helen, Ore., June 30. 191 S.
nuiior nut 1 appreciate very
much your remarks in the issue of
me Mist dated June 18, relative to
my flag pole In front of my residence.
However, the flag poles which are
atanding In front of 8. C. Morton's
and J. H. Wellington's residences are
superior to mine and I believe these
gentlemen are equally as patriotic
On Wilson Day I forgot to raise the
nag until the day was partly gone,
but I am not altogether a Wilson
man and feel that I ought to be for
given. But as a President, I am one
of bla moat firm defenders.
Yours very truly,
To the residents of St. Helens, Ore
gon: Whereas, at a regular meeting of
the Common Council of the City of
St. Helens, Oregon, it waa resolved
that the shooting of firecrackers and
the throwing of confetti, on the
atreets, parka and public placea of
the City, on July 4th, 1J15, be pro
hibited; Now, therefore, by virtue of aald
resolution and the authority In me
vested, I hereby prohibit the shooting
of firecrackers on the streets, parks
and public places of the City of St.
Helens, Oregon, on July 4th, 1S15,
and I respectfully request that all
people who may be In the City on
aaid day, refrain from such acts.
" Given under my hand and the seal
of the City of St. Helens, Oregon,
this 7th day of June, 1915.
Mayor of the City of St. Helens.
Don't forget the date, Saturday
and Monday nights, at the Gymnas
ium. Come and have a good dance.
Wilson's orchestra will furnish the
New, beautifully finished
house and lot commanding
very best river view in St.
Helens. An exceptional
903 Corbett Building,
Portland, Ore.
The mint makes it and under the
terms of the CONTINENTAL
secure It at 6 per cent for any
legal purpose on approved real
estate. Terms easy, tell ua your
wants and we will co-operate with
613 Den ham Bldg. Denver, Colo.
Robenolt's Shop
I try to be a reliable man,
A man with a tongue that Is true;
I won't promise to do any more than
I can.
But I'll do what I say I'll do.
I admit I'm not clever, that some
times I'm "blunt,"
combe during the week appointing ThatI have neither "polish" nor
heads of cabbage to the editor and
expect a year's suDscnpuwi ...
ehan. You can imagine our w
Ings one day this week upon enter
ing our office to find a bag of cherries
on the desk. But after lingers
.u- ...Mr fnr some time and
over mo "'v
..miin the fruit most generously,
who should stick their head In the
door and nsk if we found a package
on the desk, but our friend E. E.
Quick, who had been so- kind as, to
bring ua some of the finest cherries
it has been our pleasure to see since
coming to this section. Mr. Quick has
only one tree of thts variety, the
Royal Ann. on hla farm, but last
year ho gathered some five hundred
pounds from tt.
him us an Oregon delegate to the
I'nlversal Corn Convention to be
held at San Francisco August 6th
and 6th. Three boys have been ap
pointed from each county, lists of
names having been furnished by the
County School Superintendent.
Clatskanle Chief.
No time has been lost by the road
authorities of Multnomah county In
taking advantage of the permission,
grunted by tho people at the recent
election, to spend $1,250,000 In pav
ing county roads. On Monday, June
21, the Warren Construction com
pany signed a contract in the office of
Roudmnster Yeon, and three hours
later work hnd been started on the
first unit of the Sandy rood, Just out
side the city limits. Two days later
the finishing coat had been applied to
this section and preliminary work on
the next unit was well under way.
Coroner White was called to Clats
kanle late Thursday evening to hold
an Inquest over the body of J. R.
Wlklund, an employee of the Kerry
Lumber company at that place. It
was brought out that Wlklund, who
was blowing out stumps to make a
place for loading of logs, had placed
powder under three logs and had
iiriied the fuse. After watting
some little time for the third one to
explode, thinking that perhaps he
bad not lit it, he went back to see,
and was almost up to the stump when
the explosion occurred, blowing his
body back near the feet of his com
panions, some two hundred feet, sev
ering his head from the body and
breaking nearly every bone in his
body. The father was notified at
Colton, and came after the remains
And altho' it's not "In me" to "put
up a front,"
When you need me, you'll agree I
am "there."
So count me a man on whom to rely
Who is building for lasting success:
And I'll pray that your species may
ever increase,
That your shadow may never grow
with your MONEY in buying
REAL ESTATE secure a
Complete Abstract
from the
Columbia County Abstract
Which is prepared and equipped to turn
out First Class Work. This will save
you annoyance and expense afterwards.
Work Done at Less Than Portland Prices
The Only Complete Abstract System in
Columbia County, Oregon
Columbia County Abstract Co.
although ao moderate In price aa to
make the act unnecessary. We are
proud of the reputation our matchless
Bread has earned for purity and
wholesomenesa and we are sure it
contributes greatly to the health and
happiness of the children and adults
who eat It regularly. It Is made of
the best and purest materials lit a
most cleanly manner.
St. Helena, Orebon.
Auto Troubles
respond quickly and inexpensively to our treatmen-.
If your car rattles, or does not run smoothly, or jars,
or makes too much noise, IT IS TIME TO BRING
IT TO US if you want it to last. A dollar or two
spent on that car today may save you ten tomorrow,
and that is an INDISPUTABLE FACT.
Marine Engine Repairing.
St. Helens.
o Healing and Soothing o
Prevents the hair from falling and promotes its
growth. Guaranteed to satisfy or your money will be
refunded. Sold at
Phone 100
All Work Guaranteed.
Estimates Furnished.
St. Helens Oregon
Self Sealing
Improved Mason Fruit Jars, in pint,
quart and one-half gallon sizes. Does away
with the old labor and trouble of sealing.
Guaranteed air tight. We have the famous
laundry and toilet,
C 11 do ma Soap
This soap is guaranteed to set colors
in any fabric rather than make them fade.
.Try it next wash day and you will use ;
" " nothing else thereafter.
Central Grocery