St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, June 25, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Mlsa Cooper of Qoblo, waa In the
city Tuomluy.
8. II. SonnoliinJ was a Portland
visitor Saturday.
Mra. Fred Wnlkliu visited In Port
land Wednesday.
It. W. ltowHon nnd children wore
Portland visitor Tuesday,
II. M. Tlinyor of near Knlnlor, was
In the county aeat Weduosday.
Mra. J. W. Pay and children spent
several days last week lu Portland
Visiting trlenda.
C. A. Uramlilo of Iloulton, orders
tho Mint to follow him to Lal'lue,
Oregon, where ho will reside.
Mrs. EiiKono lUnkosloy spent the
week end In rortland, visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Sliatto.
Ilulon and Ruth Kawson, accora
panled by tholr mother, went to Tort
land Tuesday to attend Fred lVul'n
birthday party.
Messrs. Win. Hoss, Pr. Edwin Rosa.
E. A. ltoaa, Pavld Pavls and A. U
Stone motored to Portlaud iu the lat
tor'a car Monday.
Mlsa Delma Sonner of Spokane,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Konne
wlok. Wash., are guests of their sla
ter, Mra. J. 8. Allou.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Heal. Miss Mir
iam Heal and Fred Heal of rortland.
spent tho week end at tho Creosote
plant. Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Falrle
entertained for them Saturday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. PUlard. two
sous aud Mlsa l.oil Clear, motored to
Vancouver Tuesday, having to make
tho trip via Portland, on account of
the St. Johns ferry having just
On Saturday, the Columbia river
highway exhibit at the San Francisco
exposition won a medal of honor as
showing the best roadway engineer
ing, the greatest scenic beauty, and
the boat method of advertising.
Frank Miles of Portland, was vis
Hiug old friend in the elty Wednes
day. Mr. Mile, who is manager of
the Mllea estate here, was the first
marshal of St. Helens. Ailing that
otllce tweuty-ftve years ago.
Sheriff Sianwood and lVputy
Prowu were called to Soap poos Wed
nesday to take Into custody Noah
Hill, whose lulnd for the time had
apparently bevotue unbalanced. After
receiving treatment from his phyi-l
clan he has returned to hts former
Mayger achovl. la Pistrict No. SJ.
has filled the necessary requirements
and County Superintendent Allea his
otlned them that they will be rated
as a standardised publie school. The
Maygvr svhool is the last one tn the
county to fill the necessary require
ment .
Columbia Theatre, WeJaesJay,
June Swth, ' In tie Laad st the Head
Hunter." la eight act, by Kdward !
S. Curtis. Indian epic drama of the!
.-orttera se. nil native mas;c!
yntphocied. All actors primitive-W-.ans.
SvBiething never shows oa !
the screen before. IVal forget tfce;
date. Jaae Seta. I
Cecil Ross graduated trvn tie'
WasMugtva High school at IVrtlaad;
yesterday ia a class ot ISi members. '
Mr and Mr. V. M aUended '
tbe eaervisee fceM last eveaiag at the
aijta scaotvi eeiMtBg. A very iuter
estiag progress, was givea. Cecil will
apead ta vaottKa at coaie tics saat
nter and Iaa to re-eater sciool
agaia ta.i fait
-at KelVy t Warrea. was ia the
county seat Moaiay. Will ia tie
city he mad tae Mist oSce a plea
aat call aaa gwt acx;uaia.ta. Mr.
KelVy ha oa eX tie aaeet little
raacbes la tie ccttaty. aas It weU ia-
prvv4 and ay ta gwoj siape. HUi
fvrtato ctojk he say. U extra la, aad
tiat h has tlx beaa weaier f tfce
state. Soote tiaie ag sosie oae
brvmjbt jver frvm IrvUji saiaXl!
qaaatn vt , gttiag a tvw
tient at tie tiiuw lr Keiley plated
svaie. atK tot cariv'stty. tat a
tv la J that tbey mak a a
irt grvwta aai ywtv! la tils ws
tiva. Th viae ar a 5t fwi tall. J
a ta.vr--.y t tie pels eight aad .
ai fcch. Wog. wtt tS beta as!
Urg as tS eaJ tt ea' tinaiD. K '
Kvnwmyiite sUatiag a gvxxi acre-'
ag t hat astfc6c seajoa. Mr. Kt-!
fcy has v4 fct tiis suctiutt f-c
past twaty-3v ir. Fy car
vyetia.g aa Banl UVt b fcas acc-
at!;vt oiu't t thb wvHii gvoU:
list he cojx eJ.y t) taiiu hia'
days. A auay ywtr a a;
9trvhajt twyoty acr raaca tor;
Mi casi. Onr a &rt tio ag
tlia sum poeve ot aiadl tcvaiti
t14 o til trkC W5a:w;JlU
&t twv yMbrt brtni k Ctm&iv
evaaty )ra 5 fta BtaJ sstaj
scridSM iia ti pat. Mr. K?.!y said
It Wis impoiBttM kyvff Ikitta wvtl-j
tut tS XtitV a4 (VS4WW4 alts JV;
enstiua for aavciur year.
Mrs. J. T. Tabor waa In rortland
Coo. ScorrIii, city engineer, waa In
rortland Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. H. Miller nnd children will
spend tho Fourth visiting with rel
atives at Astoria.
Kllialioth M. Moerk hna boon ap
pointed postmaster at Italnler by
President Wllaon.
Oeo. llroughton, manager of the
piling yards, mado a business trip to
Clatskiinte Thursday.
Mr. and Mra. Ernest Dill left Tues
day to spend several weeks visiting
relatives at Clem, Ore.
Mra. E. B. Woods entertained her
musical class at her home Saturday
afternoon with Ramos and luncheon.
Mosdamea Chaa. Itlakesley, J. II.
Cronkito, M. F. Craves and Jesse
Johns were Portland visitors Wed
nesday. J. 11. rrice, manager of the St.
Helena Shipbuilding yards, returned
from a business trip to San Francisco
The steamer Northern Taclflc
passed down the river Thursday
morning, after being In dry dock at
Portland for several days.
J. O. Hivens, the affable ageut of
the S. P. S. Co., will enjoy a two
weeks' vacattou tn Tacoma. Mrs.
Pivens and children will accompany
J. U. Miller of San Francisco, was
In the city Thursday on business. Mr.
Miller had charge ot all the lumber
used lu constructing the various
buildings at tho exposition.
Hurl Yeoman, who Is scaler on the
log deck for the St. Helens Lumber
company mill, while chopping a rock
out ot a log Wednesday, sustained a
serious Injury when the ax glanced,
cutting a great gash In his right
Editor Hall ot the Rldgefleld re
flector, was lu the county seat Tues
day. His town will not celebrate the
Fourth this year, and he stated that
St. Helens could expect a goodly
representation from across the river
to help make ours a success. That's
tho spirit. Come over, we will re
turn the compliment when the oppor
tunity presents Itself.
Portland Kose Pay drew thousands
ot visitors to the Oregon building at
San Fraucisco. An all day program
ot music and talks Interested them
and thousands ot souvenirs, including
real roses, caused them to carry away
pleasant memories. Auto loads of
roses were distributed through the
city by Manager George M. Hyland,
and a score ot flower girls and the
state was given wide advertising.
Social Events
Mr. and Mr. A. L. Stone enter
tained Wednesday evening with a
dinner party In honor of Mrs. Flora
Owea, who Waves la the near future
tor the East. The guest were: Mrs.
Flora Owea. Mrs. Richard IXnham.
Pr. and Mr. W. K. IHnham and the
R04t aad hostess.
Mr. F. A. George entertained Fri
day afternoon in honor ot her charm
ing fcou-o guest. ULs Clara Burton
of Los Angeles, Cal The rooms were
beasitifuUy decorated with Dorothy
Perkia ruses and sea-toaoi. A dain
ty luaca wa served daring the after
noon. The gaesu were: VUs Clara
i'-'j:rtca. Miss Elsie aad Eliabeth
Pittip, Mis Ethel Stea. Miss Eagvaia
rvciiag. Miss Anna Quick. Miss Lois
Clear. Miss CUra Ketel aad Miss
tVrjl Mttkte-.
Mm. W. G. MuckW was hostess at
a surprise party Mcaday evening, the
vat beiag Mr. Mid! btrtaOay.
Miss Leoea Pwrkias, Paa Kail aad
Harley Turaer rendered several ate-1
sical select ioa.i dariag th evniag.
after which, a delicsois liacit was
served. The guests were: Mr. aad
Mr K. F. McVoratick. Mr. aad Mr.
Pave Pavi. Mr. aad Mr. E. A. Rcx
ger. Pan Hal!. Reese HalL Mr. L. K
Farris. Miss Aaoy Ceorg. V js Leoaa
Pvritas, Hariey Turner as -2 Miss
Beryl Macl. '
Pr. aad Mrs. J. L. Cperer a:r
taiaeti aevenLl trtends at thetr hoete
ia tlis city hast Thwrsday eveatag'
wisi cards as J sapper. Tiree taMeel
vt tt hoadreii ovij:J the tiae,
luTiajt tSe eorty part ot tie vo;,nJ aaads beta pJayei Mra.
David Pints touk the honors. Craw-l
4sa were served, tier bwiag tuorteeo '
ea:eatiau ia VbtX gase. Haai-
paiated earL ararkwd the picv at J
tie bthard. TUuee partictpatutg ia tae''
eveaiag's pleasaree were: Mr. aad'
Mr. V. G. Mack. Pr aad Mr. A. J j
Fvl, Mr. aad Mr. M E. SUfer. Pr j
aad Mr. Edwia Rwa, M'j Lavage'
Huxt aad aiMcesi.
Mrv V. R. Piahaat eaMrtaiaed
Moa-iay aAentuva for Master Kjcarf
ard aad Geuryv Dtaoaja. Tt after-j
noon waa spent In games ot differ
ent kinds, and a dainty lunch was
served, which waa very much enjoyed
by the little onea. The little guests
present were: Dorothy Eakln, Nea
mo Eakln, Helen Dodd, Harrlotto
Uoss, Marion linker, Arllue Paulsen,
Jainos Alley, Margaret Scott. Helen
Stone, Mason Pillard, lllllto Dodd,
after visiting friends In Washington. I
George Hrouse, the mill engineer,!
wus taken to Iloulton Tuesday tor
medical treatment, as lie had been 111
soveral days. Wo hopo It Is nothing
serious and that lie will bo nlile to
return to his work aoon.
Vlnnlo McAloy ha bought the
Grtihb cottage and his mother, Mra.
Chaa Hobs, Geo. Dlnhum, Clarence McAloy. Is here for tho summer,
Aiken, Jack Haker, lllchard Dlnham.
The membera of the Congregation
al church will gtvo a reception for
llev. and Mrs. John Foster ou Tues
day evening, June 29, at the Guild
Hall. The public Is cordially invited
to attend and meet Mr and Mrs
1UKT1IIUY 1'AlflV.
Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Ross entertain
ed Friday evening at dinner in honor
ot Mr. Will, Rosa, It being his sixty
first birthday. Those in Joying the
evening were: Mr. ana Mrs. A. 1..
Stone, and daughter, Helen; Mr. and
Mrs. K. A. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Jenka and son, Lawrence; Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Ross and sons, Harold and
Cecil; Mrs. Ilanna Partridge and Mrs.
K, W. Goodale.
Mrs. J. S. Allen entertained at her
homo Wednesday afternoon with tea.
In honor of her sisters, who will
spend several weeks here. She was
assisted by Miss Delma Fowler and
Mrs. L. R. Rutherford. Those pres
ent were: Miss Delma Fowler, Mrs.
Lewis, Mrs. S. C. Morton. Mr. G II.
Metxger. Mrs. L. R. Rutherford, Mr.
Clyde Sutherland, Mrs. Kuc-ni-lllakesley,
Mrs. F. N. Sandlfur, Mrs.
U 0. Ross, Mrs. K. Goodale. M,si
Elsie Philip and Miss Heilburn.
Mesdames Martin White and H. E.
Laltare entertaiued at the former's
home Tuesday afternoon in honor ot
Mrs. Florence Owen, who is soon to
leave for an extended visit in the
East. The home wa beautifully dec
orated with wild whHe Rowers and
bluebells. All enjoyed a good old
time visit, after which they repaired
to the dining room, where the table
was spread for fifteen.
Those present besides Mrs. Owen,
were Mrs. K. E. Quick. Mrs. M. Ruth
erford. Mrs, Faulsen. Mrs. Yeaile.
Mrs. Wm. Ross. Mrs. Partridge, Mr.
L. C. Chase. Mrs. Chaa. Blakesley.
Mrs. Part Thompson, Mrs. Graves
and Mr. F. N. Sandifur.
W. B. Mackay ot Portland, was the
guest of honor at a very pleasant af
fair ia thi city last Thursday even
ing, the occasion being the anniver
sary of the birth of that popular gen
tenian. Miss Amy George was the
hostess, the affair taking place at
the home ot Charles Muckie. Mr.
and Mrs. Mackay motored dowa frvm
Portland, arriving for T o'clock din
ner. The table was beautifully laid
with a center pieoe of blue and white
bachelor battoas surrounded by six
individual bouquet of the same
flower. The guests present were Mr
and Mrs. W. 15. Mackay. Mr aad Mrs.
W. G. Mack!. Mr. aad Mr. E. A.
Rotger. Mr. Chas. aad Wash. Muekle.
Miss Amy George aad Mis Beryl
Get yoar Sags at Eddie" Place for
your decorating.
Celebrate your Fourth ia a saae
ovaaaer aad bay aarmless tor at
Edd.e ruce.
Noah s Ark Midgvt will cross bats
with the Taaktoa club Sunday after-aooa.
Itillv Tntro was lu Portlunit last
Mrs. Mode Grlllitli Is visiting her
mother In Vancouver, Wash., for a
Mr. llrlngleson la hero for a few
days soiling his farm stock and some
household goods, His future home
will be St. Johns, Ore., as lio has a
position In tho new mill of the West
ern Cooperage Co. there.
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. lleln. Clyde
lleln, Mrs. Jack Lamherson nnd Mrs.
lleuver, motored to St. Johns last
Sunday. All report a lino trip.
lllurkberries are fast ripening
these days and as one looks from
their window tin palls are swinging
oif the arms of men, women nnd
children. Nuturo is Indeed generous
in her supply of wild fruit and the
high cost of living, size of boxes or j
so many berries to a box is not on her j
schedule. Nuturo is both beautiful
and wonderful and no thought of
self enters into her plans. I
Where is. Your Grain?!
Suppoao by hard work you had got togoihr k ua
nl of very flno, very rare, very costly grRB
wouldn't put It In an old glove you wouldn't hid "i"
In aoine out-uf-tlie way pluee. Rata, mice or birds ta u
destroy It Insect make It worthless flr destroy if
servants steal It You would keep that costly r,
safo place, so that you could plant It and got a bouuteo
harvest. Why not una tho same care with your hart
enrned dollnra. Keep thorn at the Columbia Cou t
Hank. We watch your dollars for you all thn time I
you can get them at any Unto. We are a Hank of Person i
Bervlco. '
St, Helena, Ore.
m. We
Morning ,
M. K. Churvli.
Sunday School at 10 a
have classes for all ages.
sermon 11 a. in., theme: The Armor j
of God. Epwortti I:iKue 7 p. m.,
topic: Greeks and Italians, Once a:
Prlxe; Why Not Now? Evening ser
mon S o'clock, theme: The Home J
The Young People' Relation to It. !
A cordial welcome to all F. N. j
Sandifur,. i
Congregational Churvh,
Ten a. ni , Hihlo school; 11a. m .
sermon: "The Palaces of God"; 7 p.
m.. Christian Endeavor; S p. m., a
happy Sunday evening at the City'
Hall. The answers of the prire-;
winners in the Hoys' Contest will bo
read by Rev. John Foster, Ph. It , It . j
P.. with an address on "What the
Scout Movement Means." Special
sineing and music by the St. Helens;
Male Quartette. Miss Perkins, the
Hear Orrht'stra an.i nth,.r Ituar I
John Foster.
All sites and priced Bags at Ed
die's Place.
For those who have suffered from supplies of poor
groceries. We want you to forsake the Idea that really
good groceries cannot bo bought except at extravagant
Wo carry tho best line of standard teas. eofTea.
flour, sugar, butter, cUeewt, eggs and canned goods.
The best of fruits and vegetables always on hand at
The best of the season. Friday
evening. June J5, at City Hall. :-:'t
"In Europe Itefore the War." Fri
day. June 25. at City Hall. I t.
The Congregational Ladies Aid will
hold its usual Food Sale oa Saturdiy.
at the Muckie Implement store. I t.
Remember the lecture Friday!
night. Tickets on sale at the Plaia
Pharmacy. Peming Drug Store and
Pure Food Pakery. :-2t. i
V W VV WV w We
For Sale Fresa
St. Heas.
J Skajie. '
2T-U. I
Yoaag pigs for sale.
Warren. Or.
C. J Lanoo. t
23-tf. !
Sale Sed p,;utoes. Wm
Wrra. Ore. i7-lL
For Rat Biaraluw. aliiont nw
cheap. Ia;-ir at u lul'.aa tai-
porting Co. 1
Good Coffee
If you arc not satisfied with the coffee you have
been using, try
Golden West Coffee
It's Just Right
Williams & Hall
IV. Sbe' Heave Prop cur
keavee. prwe I; for saie by ail
For Sa
warca (ja-:i;
J- M. Iu3.a.
-Pamt aai Poo-m
good reasKin ior swiimg.
IS Net ot I nmwr chao at
Warren. Aiir! Uiia Dolua. KouJ
toi IT-'Jt.
Far Sa Graded J-rtey bull. tto
.- ... v.u. i rvcorii 'a, m c-.
W"arrn, Or.
it-ix. p.L
Missee .Vaae aad Sw Ketel ot
St. Heiea. are tie gueet of Mr. aad
Mr. Waa. Ketel tit week.
Mr. aa-1 Mr. LaatVrsea are ealer
taiaiag Mr. LaatWrsoa's sister. Mr
Beaver of Sca$goo.
Fraak Create aa retaraea to
KoaSea after vii:iag Coles Croje.
Mortea McAlIbner of Astoria, is
home oa ft vaeatioa wisk ai pwjle.
Wav Woeraer U a Pw-t'aa i visitor
tli week oa bulsesa.
Mas Ague Brora ef Pur.'uiA. J u
bewa assig;aa tie Treaiolai leitdvl
. . . , ...
w va viu 44 lera.. isa Brcwai 1 -" -utizy B3g!u Hi SUat
cvaiee weu revc!nm4e4 aal ia ker .t.! rvnial aad receive
jrio't srlUMfj aa Wa very n.t 25-31.
. .... Jjr"
--- mi-reaf 9t iae seaooti -- 4 cents m:h
!(oari bidj. were revetvea for 5 ? Er'p faaaiag pro
work aal a9ifl tty corUs A MchtKf,
weua fur ciwi ase. Ca Wastes bet Waaf rr-sa Cowv w will ba
wa tie Wwees bi.Wr us wou4 aadl J'3'a' to11 rowi it te b sacufan
Ml Qti3.Hk rot tS jaajW wwk. r7'fT Write or aSone
Oa H.mdj.j evea:a. Ju Iljt. a! rJo. blaaL Ore- schooi BteeCiLg wa hra xol
ojt a a scaout eterk
-lireetur. Tt meetni wa wrr
Lost Tw jjKe,! hoan.14. large
waded 4 Jtr ComSea caoeea lil Zum
Xr. W. Ketel. C. Aberract cZstSbtfr
4i wae eetrte ever Peart Brock-! Ar. Zl-tt.
way. vie aa aeltl thai sumtuto. turi '
tw uccesBj-.e- years. Tie boar-t ao fttt: "IRI; fTRZi Wt&CZ
wnsists ef Mr Whiten bet. eiiaimua.f se r r rCT. - . j
u.l Mr. Caa.ois.rt .i v..., ff,r and
Jas. Muckie 4 Son
"Good, of Quahly-
Hosiery Satisfaction
Wir sati-ifactiort in hosiery will he insured by'
mv ttne ,( Unster Brown's lloe for Men,
r:iert .m.l t",;M-.. ... . ...-.r follf
. '"" i t;M.uaincrti t"
niouths vr rep!acel with a new pair. Four pairs to
tt'.e Ux $t iii) .... ...
Ointren's silk sox at 25c rwr pair.
SMreJ! 'W hose, in l.bck. Mue, pink, whiw
ar?'l tan. 25c pair.
Extra quality Hoys' an.l Cirls, heavy cotton
toe ivr t.-tr
Euv Hustr Hrown's guarantee J Ikne from ui
save a f f "vtam troubte."