NU rcgon ml "ai 1 egou HfSY NEWS ( Brlikha "I"'"' Tuesday In A ,gd. Hi f. McCornilck P"nt But I, Portland. ,d lira. A. Mump of Scnp .rln tho city Monday. r Himiwood spent the b, v uly 8uprlni'l"nl Allen made nd trip to ' liK'samns nuiur t Kwlon of i"'"r ""'" tlillur ill i coumy A. smith of Houlton, In a new i the over-growing Mini ,a Mr.. J. I.. Chlttlm vlsltod lit. and Mm. Krnnk Ilrown at ioi Sumluy. .nt Mrn. C, Chamber are the puwoiwiirii of twin baby jtlrU, Juqa tlie 0ll. Unco Oddlo, brother of the ,.f foTwrnur of I'tnh, wa In the he first of Hi" wwk. L iIhroIo dropped Into tho Mlt the flrat part of tho week and ed hta subscription. K. Campbell, a well-known tlm- of Portland, waa a business tIb the city till week. Keller, who hua beon confined i. room with a sovore attack of iti trouble, Ih much Improved. ,4 Arllno M. Ilotsford, who has tiiltlug hi I'oi tlmid for the past twka, returned homo Wedncs- mini, in nip ii.i, u e ... - v vv. rr- aon, Tuosday, Juno 15th, a boy. County Ju,K() A. L. ( lark and Commissioners Harvey unit Wmul mad a tour of liiMpoctioii through the Nolmlom district Friday. Tho busol.ull club of Houlton nd ST. HELENS MIST ppthav jtjne . '"rank (Jllnloe.kl "iihiiii-h In thn 'Hlnlnckl owns attending to city Friday. Mr a tWOIll V-Pn.. . I. M lt.,.. creek above Houlton, and Z u 1 C0'"mU"lly V"' Ho Is constructing a new reill. "IUK'"g Otlmr lll.nrr.vo. Warron crossed hat at the luttor '"" on hi ranch biuco on nuiiuay afternoon and when the scorekeopor had IumI mudo note the acore atood 22 to 8 In fuvor of the i ion lion club, ha lull spi'iu a iw unyp imp i tltli hill brother, lteese, while late la Ills homo at llolllnghaiu. in. Li Morris of Mabton, Waah., Ikp up with Ilio progress of Co- county throuKh the medium h Mint. ':t Ncliuleiu Times iiaya tboy muat 1m1 as a live town for they are h to celehruiii on July 3rd In a t llta nianiier. kiuea Anne and Husln Ketel spent I k with frleuda In 1'ortland, I tbla week are visiting their Iihor In Trenholm. ;ilnler la to commence some 1m irmrat work In the near future I m of her nuilii thorouKhfuroa, Iwaitrwt, costing $2000. Lit i few from St. Helena made trip to Itiiinler Runday and wll- ivi tho b:il I Kamo bntweun the W elub ami the Kalnlor club. JHra. K. W. Coodalo and baby ot MUfon, well known to many It i city, vbilted ut the homo ot Dr. I lira. I,. (i. ItoHa, thla week. I Mr. ami Mr. I. II. lJntlnmn a: Ulor, spent Sunday with Mr. and 1. T. Tiibor. Mr. I.lndman It ! of Rainier' progressive moron Th Mit prlntory haa Juat com il tha preiiilum liata for the coun rlr this full, which have been M In thn hnnda of tho fair of full. Wilbur (1. Mucklo departed Tuea W 'or Simko Ittver Junction, Waah. he Iiiih u nrKo whoat ranch It Murkle neronipanlml him aa fa: ' Portland. Wni. Kkudo of Warron, waa In the f"tr Tuoaday. Mr. Rkuxh that lint iny crop )n n), goct, wyoncl ull expectation and tha. ' hay Is 0f Km, (i,ttnty. Hai Clara llurton of I.oh Anirolea m mprn duya lnat wook vIhIUhj io Homo of Mr. and Mr. F. A rrge. MIhb Itiirton mid Mlu Plr. Mel worn rluaamatoa In ychnnl In l-o Enat. apeclnl from Pnlii mhtu Pttv mvi ' thn ("olnmbln City Eaglea Jour " io i),..,r Inland last Sunday and "eended on tha r ,... mwi.i 'ka and irlmm,.,! n,,., ..n. l 17 to 11. "r. and Mr. J. i. nniiiorfnrrt Mr '"d Mra. J. n aii0 u.. M t n (. lull, , . v Whorford, motored to Portland Sun nd vlnwod the Bteamer Northorn ,c'nc 15.400 persona had reglater- before thom that day. 81lrlrf K. P. fllnwnn,l nl. ''' Saturday afternoon, where ho "" Into n.Hi,wiu . . .u ' t00k ,0 'orllnnd on the evcnlng'a waseneor ,rilin .,, , . . " ,rl"' a," oy' Aid aoolety, who ,re hotneloaa children. ordon Vnii. .u. . I. Ol IIIO IIIOBI ful of tho numorou cataract " Columbia .-J , lino of the new Columbia '"RhWBv. hn. . .... . ((i ( " lurniaiiy preaani- " o the city of Portland, by 8. nen ""i. the ciioliniiu i... ' yoara boon apendlng hi time and of n f " frool), ,or Improvement 1 lll8 BCOIlIn rr.... hi . "isuii. ilia iraui. uii J. 1,10 fH 1 located enmnrlaea n. hmi a"l wa purchaaed by Mr. WlaOn turn . ... Mr. aud Mr. Clarence ji.nka Oilbort. Iowa, who aro enrouto back to their home In Iowa, after liavln tiiiiimu mo expoKlllon at Bun Frnn cihco, apent anvnral dnya In the city vIhIHiik with the Uoaa hrothora, who are coualua. O. W. McKay of Portland. Imih ac cnplml a poMltlon with tbu Columhlu County CannliiK ft Produce Co.. and una takon up bin now dutlea aa aimer IntendHut of tho cuiiiiIhk depurtmnnt Mr. McKay und MunuKer Hohuhc made a hualueH trip to Clntakiinl Monday. Tho fruit aenaon hero la In full awing. Whllo atrawherrlea aro about Itono, chorrlea, Kooatdiorrleg, logan- horrle and currant aro now on the market in great uuitiitltti!. The houaewivea aro buaylng thumwdvea canning and preaervlng. The diff erent variolic are of excellent nun). ity. judge A. w. Ilurrla vlaltod the paat few dnya with hi fuinlly at Hea- ifldo, whore they are apendlng the va cation at their au miner home. 1 1 1 laughtor. Mlaa Kdna. who la a grndu- ato of tho ChomlHtry department of the (). A. ('., hna accepted a poaitlon aa pharmaclal In one of the leading drug atorea at Soaaldo. Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Drown of thla '-Ity. and Mr. and Mra. Khor Ilrown of Yniikton, motored to Portland hint Thuraduy evening and attended the graduating exerclaoa at tbo St. Vin cent lloapltal Training school, Mra. Klir Ilrown being a gruduatu from that achool hint year. They report a very phmaunt evening and a very entertaining program rendered. E. II. Maronl, with two friend, en route from St. Helena to Portland Monday morning, narrowly ecapd aorloua Injur lea when the automobile which Mr. Maronl waa driving turned turtle near the railroad croaalng ut Warron, throwing him to tho ground, breaking two rlba, and apraluing a aboulder. Ilia friend, who occupied the back aeat, Jumped, aavlng them aeleva from Injury. Time may come and time may go, but tho Ford Juat koepa knocking along. The Independent Auto com pany have aold another one, Mr. Peter Serine being tbo victim. Mr. Serluo la one of Columbia county's progreaHlvo furmera, owning a good rnncn near i renuoim nnu a nico nome In Hi. Helena. Ho will make good uae of tho car In making trips to and fro. Aa aeon elaowhero In thla Ihhuc of tho Mint, the county court haa let a contract for a section of the St. Helena-Plltahurg road near Houl ton. Moat of the grading on thle oad weat from St. Helens to the sum mit of Scappuoae mountains has been xunplnted. The road when complet ed will Intersect the Nehalem valley highway at Pittsburg and will open up more trade territory for St. Hel en. In order that a channel not loss than lxteen feet In depth may be established between Tlllumook bur and the dock at liny City, the gov ernment bus ordered tho dredge Ore ion to Tillamook buy, and the work will bo pushed vigorously until com pleted. It la expected that the dredge will be employed in tbut vicinity the halunco ot thla snnxon and all of noxt. J. II. I,olt was a pleasant caller at .bo Mist office this week. Mr. Lott mo from the East horo twenty yours igo for his health, and has lived In 3t. Helens for the Inst fifteen, and although he has pussed the three score mllo post and ho and Mrs. Lott ire preparing to celebrate their gold en wedding anniversary in the very near future, he la halo and hourty und look good for a good muny more winter. Thlrty-alx thousand aero of land In Pino valley, Hukor county, will probubly bo thrown open for entry within a few woeks If present pinna sro carried out. Tho tract haa for several yoara boon tied up under a Carey act projoct, the promotors of which failed to ralso tho nocossary funds with which to carry It on. The onllre tract is favorably located for Irrigation. C. S. Chapman, socrotary of the Oregon Forest Fire association, waa In conforenco with County Judge Clark last Friday relative to fire pa trol In the county. The cblof war den, Sam Watson, and hi assistant. J. H. McDonald, who have been re cently boon appointed, are now at work laying out district and dis tributing tool. Columbia county this year appropriated $600 toward the expense of patrolling forests wlthtu It boundaries. Wlill,. l I , " ,,i iuwij "'" iHCTiptlon up B notch I'blllp Neer, who own ranch wt of Warren. ,do a call at the Mint olllco Tuesday mr,,K whlle , town and placed his standing In the Mist family g0()U for anot)K)r y(ar Mr. Neer Is one of tho county pon. "rs. II enmo to tho state flfty-two yrs ago, has llvo.l at Warren for lh past twenty-live, and although now slxty-fivo years of age, he hiked across tho country to tho city Just for exercise. That's what tho climate of Oregon does for a person. Mr. Neer "luum mat everyone was In the midst of buying about Warren. Mr. Farmer, If you are not getting tbo "WoHtorn Furmor" twice a month and you aro a member of the Mist family In good standing, let us know about It. It can be yours for tho UKklug, und Is something worth iiHklng for. You should not bo with out It, onco you are a reuder. It covers local conditions of the North west exclusively and by able und practical writers. If you aro not a reader of the county sout paper, now Is your opportunity to get it and the Farmer both for the snmo price. W. O. Duingardner of Columbia City, mudo a pleasant call at the Mist ofllce Monday. Ho tells us that his llartlett pear trees are blossoming tho second time, with tho pears from tho first blossoms half as largo as a ben's egg. Two yearB ogo Ills trees boro a second crop and the fruit fully matured, Mr. Ilumgardner murkotlng bis fruit to local buyers. Mr. Iium gardner took a first and third prize on exhibits of roses at the Clutskanle ltoso Show. He has 130 bushes of ibout twenty different varieties, some of which bore roses this year four to six Inches In diameter. Chas. It. McCornilck, president of tbo HI. Helens Lumber company, with headquarters In Snn Francisco, waa In tho city this week conferring with H. F. McCornilck, manugcr of the company. Mr. McCornilck is very optimistic about future trado con ditions In generul. Ho states his com pany Is disponing of the output from their mills us fust as their fifteen ves sels can carry it. Ho is very enthus iastic over the building of the com pany's largo flvo-mast vessel, which will soon he under construction at tbo St. Helens Shipbuilding yards. II. K. Zimet, who represents Thane Co., largo San Francisco exporters f lumber, was In the city Tuesday. Mr. timet came down to look over the no hundred thousand ties which his company have purchased from Lewis river mills, to be shipped to England for treatment. TIiobo Ilea will be moved us scion us sufficient tonnage can he obtained. Vessels for foreign trudo are vory scarce, owing to war conditions and to the fuct that every vessel obtainable having been press ed Into service on account of freight rutes having Increased about three times than under normal conditions, which means much to the owners. Pellnite and accurate Information regarding the climate, resources, pro ducts and advantages of Oregon has been mudo available to all sections of the United Stntes by the presenta tion, by the Portland Chamber ot Commerce, of copies of tho Oregon Almanac to moro than 2500 promin ent public libraries. These copleB wore sent out within the past few days and ut least 800 acknowledg ments have already boen received. Copies of tho Almanac have also been sent to tho traffic department ot all railroads and the resulting corres pondence Indicate that they will have a marked effect upon the volume of tourist travel In this direction this year. Mr. and Mra. 0. W. Wright and baby of Portland, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. L. O. Itoss. Mr. Wright returned from England Just before tho war and ho telle aome very Inter esting Incidents relative to the pres ent conditions existing there. He has one brother and six cousins at the front, another brother Just placed on the police force and expects to be called to tho front at any time. Dur ing the first raid on Englnnd which the Germnna mudo with their Zeppe lins, a bomb was dropped and explod ed right at the front door ot his mother' home. This caused the mother to move inland some twenty five miles, but during another raid ot the air vessels only a short time later, another bomb was droppod ln the front yard of her home. Frank L. Gordon, our real estate agent, 1b ln receipt of a communica tion from John H. Shaw, vice presi dent of the First National Bank ot Now Haven. Conn., In which he apeaks of having visited the Land Products show held In Portland, last Fall and recalls especially the exhib it of the Clatskanle Development League, In which he was greatly In terested. He enclosed some seed of a now kind of bean which he stated developed pods a yard long; giving It aa bis opinion that in this climate with the soil so evidently to be found here that Mr. Gordon should bo able to improve at least half a yard on thut. The bean are of the polo variety and atrlngless. Thus It would aeem that Clatskanio and vi cinity had obtained a reputation nearly as far East a It I possible to go. Clutskanle Chief. FOR SALE New, beautifully finished house and lot commanding very best river view in St. Helens. An exceptional bargain. DR. R. L. JEFFCOTT 903 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore. MONEY" The mint make It and under the term of the CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY you can secure It at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on approved real estate. Term easy, tell us your want and we will co-operate with you. PETTY & COMPANY 513 Dcnham Dldg. Denver, Colo. St. Helens will Celebrate MONDAY, JULY 5 Buy your Firework at Noah's Ark and get av bargain like you did when you bought six dozen fruit Jar rublycrs for 25 rents n nd 2.1 rent hair ribbon tor 10 rents a yunl, and guuranteetl hose for 15 rents a pair. 200 ladles saved on the aver ago of 92.00 each when they liougbt their spring; and Bum mer lints from Noahs Ark "Think of It." Watch .ur Window St. Helena 5 and 10c Store Robenoit's Shop HOULTON, ORE. I try to be a reliable man, A man with a tongue that is true; I won't promise to do any more than I can, But I'll do what I say I'll do. I admit I'm not clever, that some times I'm "blunt." ' That I have neither "polish" nor "air." And altho' It's not "ln me" to "put up a front," When you need me, you'll agree I am "there." So count me a man on whom to rely Who Is building for lasting success: And I'll pray that your specie may ever increase, That your shadow may never grow less. A. K KOBENOLT, 1IOR8ESHOKI NG AND GENERAL REPAIRING. IS IT WORTH STEALING? although so moderate ln price a to make the act unnecessary. We are proud of the reputation our matchless Bread ha earned for purity and wholesomonees and we are sure It contributes greatly to the health and happiness of the children and adults who eat It regularly. ' It I made ot the best and purest material in a most cleanly manner. ' ST. HELENS BAKERY, St. Helens, Orelton. BEFORE PARTING with your MONEY in buying REAL ESTATE secure a Complete Abstract from the Columbia County Abstract $ Company CEO. H. SHINN President L. R. RUTHERFORD Secretary Which is prepared and equipped to turn out First Class Work. This will save you annoyance. and expense afterwards. Work Done at Less Than Portland Prices The Only Complete Abstract System in Columbia County, Oregon Columbia County Abstract Co. ST. HELENS, ORECON Auto Troubles respond quickly and inexpensively to our treatment. If your car rattles, or does not run smoothly, or jars, or makes too much noise, IT IS TIME TO BRING IT TO US if you want it to last A dollar or two spent on that car today may save you ten tomorrow, and that is an INDISPUTABLE FACT. Gasoline 16 Cents. Marina Engine Repairing. CITY GARAGE St. Helens. IT 1Tl o Healing and Soothing o WHETZEL'S . DANDRUFF AND ECZEMA TREATMENT AND HAIR TONIC Prevents the hair from falling and promotes its growth. Guaranteed to satisfy or your money will be refunded. Sold at PLAZA PHARMACY BANK BUILDING O ST. HELENS, ORE. rhone 100 All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished. R. CONSTANTIN PLUMBING, HEATING, SHEET METAL WORK. St. Helens Oregon Fourth Annual Columbia County Fair TO BE HELD SEPT. 22-23-24, 1915 Premium Lists will be sent on application to G. L. Tarbell, Prest., Yankton, or J. H. Southard, Sec'y, St. Helens. t t , t