St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, May 14, 1915, Image 1

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low. 1) ,
Mdld ,
'fry. H,
Pr. JJ-U
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pLUME A. v.
Lllng t Tlmt 'urlM"M lo ,to ""w
Xct Wednesday I'.veiiliiK
KvorylxHly Invltml.
L,t Wixlnoaday evening there I
W held In this city a very impor-
t toootliiK. oo In which cvory bus-
nd professional wan In the
miinlty should he dimply Interest
ed oiio at which everyone In the
,UJ community should bo pros
Hacked by the association ot
Mianla tin (Tort In to lie mode to
mil a o(id, otroiig .JiniRue ot
ooi nntl professional men, the
pot of which will be to promote
I and gounral b (minims progress
L,mo tlmo ago, when the uierch-
(i (urnnxl a protective association,
Idea of lirnuili'iilti k the scope and
hwM of tliii orgnnlxnllon was Im-
llstely advuiicml and met with
III fi'iioru! populun. favor among
memuiTs iiibv vuurw u iiibi hhii'dat t rT A VT?r0 aot?
steadily advanced, until, at the
! meeting of the association the
ii crystallized Into ao.nothing
title, unil It waa decided to pro
ki it once with the formation of a
LloHi nii'ii'a Imiguo.
It Ii (or that purpoao that the
Uiut l to bo held next Wodnea-
eveoliiK at the council chamber,
which dm entire buHluoaa oonimu-
ti Ii Mnllatly Invited.
tli a muni dlillcult matter to hold
'ther iucIi an organisation 'unleai
given the undivided and unquall
moral and financial aupport of
whole coinmuulty. It la aluo an
kllapulnlile fact that no community
Tory far in tlio way of promoting
public welfare only through ef-
llft organization, backed to the
lit morally and financially.
Through the medium ot tho Mer-
knt' awiocluUon.. aa a nucleua
Lua4 whtoU to uithllh n. 'alrawt.l
telfare promotion organisation
ft can be no doubt of the pcrnuin
Md power of the -league. Tliorf
eonrtiintly arlalng eo many lui
jct matt
mi backing
ubt of the
a of iucIi i
(tut matter, demanding unanl-
g that thero can be no
ie broad range of uaeful-
an organisation.
To bo entirely lueceaiful, howevor,
fnh iiituront in u tit never bo per
ttod to croaa the JhroHhold of lta
Hing plnco. Such an organisation
Imt bo unqualifiedly broui of acopc
14 unanlllah of purpose. With them.
rai Inculcated Into the niomuershlp
il mllgiouHly adherod to, thero can
hut one outcome auccoaii,
Ut every bUHlneaa tntoreat In thr
immunity, not St. Helena alone, but
whole dlatrlct embraced In th
Qlh oud of the county, or the en-
re county, for that mutter, make II
Mnt to ho p return t at the meeting
Ml Wednesday evening. You aro
tod. Your proaence, your advlcf
M your Kuport Is neoded. Ue there.
fflp. Come with the tdoa of getting
lehlncl tho orgaulxutlon and hooat
linker VIclcU to Perauiwloiia
VcrmiUlo Halwnmn.
t)ocIl't it linnl h nm wrAntlltur hnw
'i tondonclos of mankind Jog along
ihout tlio same well defined path
f'WH? Kven bunkers aro sometimes
nclined to follow the lead. Thla U
fo in one particular case In St. Hoi
rn, and In this Inatanoo la applicable
i'o the automobile tovor. Dert Stone.
'he popular cashlor of the Columbia
liity bonk, waa temDtod iuat a lit
hit too far by being perauadod to
gBl hphind the stoerlng gear ot a
'"fa. and thla tells the story. He
'fnvo, ho meditated, be Inspected his
"wk account, he bought. Soveral
lhor sales of Fords have boon made
by tho local agoncy, the Independent
Aulo (larnKO. this wook.
The ladles ot the Eolscoonl Guild
"ill hold a rose nhnir nt tho Guild
'1 In Ht. Holons In the near future.
Competition for awards will no doubt
he VflfV knnn . tl.o... .... n.nni l.nnil.
"fill and rure varletloa of roses
fown In St. Helens and vlolnlty. The
"woagement announces that close
Judging wilt bo dono on the exhibits,
and iiint na
wini .. I
u counioa. ueuntie aaios wmi v. . ." -- --- - -l8
annnunenrt i.. . ter. and Miss Deryl Muckle.
ItiMTliunulimi Habit Iti Niilt In I Inc.
for Three Hiillors.
Bomohody Rot drunk, the city mar
shal got busy, the city reeordor got
an Inspiration and some of the streets
of the city got a dunning- up, to moat
of which lot un nay amon. It Is mild
they aro tailor. That In unimpor
tant. Tne recorder fined them each
$10 and thoy aro doing tlmo on the
treet, and a good Job they aro doing,
too. M. F. Ilazon la niuHtnr of cere
monies In the early portion of the
day and the inarahul tukea charge In
I ho luttor part of the day, and the
triMiHformnllou In pleuslng to the eye
of tlio fusltillous citizen. It would
aeom as though thli nmthod might
oe a pretty good solution of the
drunk question. A lonteuco to do
time on the streets might have a moat
salutary effect upon some of the
chronica, and certainly, a repetition
of things would Iibvo a moat decided
effect upon the appourancu of the
streets of the city.
(imxl CJaiun In HcIiciIuIihI for Huiulny
tin lie. mo (irouiiilM.
A lively game of baaeball waa the
rotult of the flrat gamo of the sou Hon
on the home ground for the home
team of Rt. Helena laat Runday, when
buta were croaand with tho La ('enter
team. The acoro waa eleven to noth
ing, In favor of the home team. The
aucceaa which the fit. Helena ream
ha had this year proves the quality
of the material It Is composed of, at
It has been pitted agalnal some of the
best players on the lower Columbia,
aud defeat Is yet unknown to It.
Another good game Is promised for
next Sunday, when Wood land Is com
ing In full force to wroat victory from
the so-far undefeated St. Helens bojs.
on tho St. Helens grounds.
The Nonh's Ark Midgets wIM nf
bats with tho Yankton urutmu von.
on the school hall grounds at Ft.
Helens Sunday, and a lively rnme In
In proiipect. The youngators are go
ing against a bunch of players of su
perlor also, at leant, but the nuoatlon
of skill is yet to bo determined.
Rovernl lellglitfiil HihIuI FunitliiiiK
at Ht. Helena HonicN.
The aophoniorcs of the St. Holena
High School entortalnod the seniors
laat evening at the Methodist church
parlors. Tho rooms were decorated
with pennants and tlowors. Tlio even
ing was spent In playing games anil
songs, after which a dainty supper
wns served.
Pr. and Mrs. A. J. Peol entortalnod
Wednesday evonlng In honor of MIbb
Ethol Wood, a recent bride-elect,
with five hundred. Tho rooms wore
decorated beuutlfully In pink Le
France roBes. Card honors fell to
Mr J. W. Allen. Mrs. Peel wns as
sisted by her slater, Mrs. 8. C. Tern
of Portland. Tho guests wore: Dr.
and Mrs. Edward lloss, Mr. and Mrs.
L,. L. llakor, Mrs. C. H. John, Mr. and
Mrs. E. V. John. Hr. and Mrs. J. L.
Zlpporer, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Domlug, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Allen. Mrs. W. 0.. Mucklo.
Mr. end Mrs. W. B. nillard, Mr. nun
Mrs. J. W. Buy, Miss Ethel Wood and
ui.. mi.pi.iv. Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Edwin Ross entertained at
i vin.innmlnv In honor of
uur iiuiiiw
Miss Ethol Wood, with a luncheon
followed by a tea. The color
uo.nmo through tho rooms was red
and yollow. The table was beauti
fully decorated with a centerpiece of
red rlchmond roses and crysini cim
dloBtlcks, and the guost places were
marked with natural rosebuds cIubp-
ml with an arrow, i no guesi (
honor was showored with many boau-j
tlful llnona. Those present ui .
lunchoon were: Mosdnnies A. J. Pool,
L. L. Baker, Flora Owens, J. W.
Allon, William Boas, Frank Meyers,
John Southard, C. H. John, W. B.
Dlllard. Wilbur Mucklo, Miss Ethol
Wood. Those who woro at tho toa,
at which Mrs. C. H. John and Mrs.
Wilbur Mucklo poured, wore: Mos
dames E. V. John, J. Tonzat. J
n, A. L. Stone. E. A. Itotgor,
. a - k l.n
Bavld navis. W. H. ninham. L. Ti
tus, J. H. Cronklto, E. A. Boss,
Sawyer, J.iL. Zlpporor, m. j. ''.
r t m.mbio A. H. George, T. Isues-
Itiwh Art Huiil U Ifuvo Ilwn IU'ault
or MiiNlmud'a Innblllty to Obtain
Tho announcoinont that Mrs. Geo
tvolly had commlttod suicide In Port
lund Tunsduy was a shock to a great
many peoplo In this community. The
unfortunate circumstance took place
at the rooms of the deceased In the
UndcjulHt hotel, by the drinking of
carhollc acid. Tho womun was hast
ened to St. Vincent's hospital, where
donth resulted a few moments after
her arrival.
Mrs. Kelly was well known In this
oounty, having spent her girlhood
days with her paronta at Deor Island,
being the daughtor of U. C. Enyart.
Her husband was formerly in bus
iness in St. Helens, and was raUed at
It la said that Mrs. Kelly bocame
despondent by reason of her bus
band's Inability to obtain employ
ment. Mr. Kelly had gone to the
lower river country last Monday In
sonrcli of employment. Ho was lo
cated lant Wednosday and returned
to Portland thut evening. Funeral
services will bo held In Portland next
Ktjito KuKlnecr I,eu lH to Have Charge
or All Itoad Construction
After Muy 22.
Holdlng that It was the Intention
of the recent Legislature, when It
changed tbe-stale highway act, to
ers, duties and responslullYfrea'ir'ift's
stuto highway engineer, Attorney
Gonoral Brown has given an opinion
at the request ot State Engineer
Lewis to the effect that E. I. Cantlne,
stute highway engineer, would be
come Mr. Lewis' chief doputy when
the law became effective, May 22.
Mr. Brown said it was apparent
that tho onlce of stale highway engi
neer, as a separate office, was abol-
lahed bv tho consolidation bill. He
did not aiiBwer the question as to
whether the stato engineer would be
entitled to two salaries ot $3000 each
because of tho pecultur construction
ot the act, Mr. Lewis not asking for
an opinion on that. Tho attorney-
general held thnt Mr. Lewis would
have to give an additional bond of
$10,000, as required by the new act.
and that, although tho governor
would approve the chief deputy, he
must report to the state engineer. It
Is further held that the state engi
neer would bo responsible for the
assistants of the chief deputy, the
opinion declaring thoy are In effect
the appointees of the state engineer.
Vnluiiblo PrcHeiits Mudo to Itev. and
Mrs. Meyer at Ilaiuiuet.
A Joint banquet, tondorod by the
Hoy Scouts, Artisans and members of
the Congregational church, was given
lu honor of Itev. and Mrs. F. J. Meyer
at Artisan hall. In St. Helens last
Friday evening, In tho form ot a sur
prise. Tho Boy Scouts presented their
guosts with a bible and Mayor Mor
ton, on behalf of outside friends of
the rovorond gentleman, presented
him with $10 cash. Ernest John, as
Muster Artisan, presided as toast
mnster, and rosponses were made by
V. B, nillard. M. E. Miller and L. L.
Baker, the latter making the presen
, n guc.ech In bohalf of the Scouts
A rea, doiiglitful evonlng was spent,
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer loft for their
homo In Portland last evonlng.
The ladles of the Cathollo church
will clve a dinner and strawberry
social at the Guild hall In St. Helens
Wednesday evening, May 26. nin
ner will cost 25 cents and dinner with
strawberries will cost 35 cents. The
public is very cordially Invited to
give a Uboral patronage to the ladles.
n..nia Mr.Aiiiutnr tins lieon an -
nolntod postmaster at Trenholm, sue-
coedlng Mrs. Charles Heln.
moht HvcxmsFrii cxntkht-
Good Weather and EnthuttluHtlc
Crowd Makes Kvent a Great
The track and field meet of the
schools of Columbia county, held at
Bt. Helens last Saturday, was a splen
did success In every respect. The
high schools and grammar schools
of Scappoose, Rainier, Clatskanle
and St. Helens were well represented
by vigorous and enthusiastic young
athletes, whose Bklll was splendidly
demonstrated. Italnler made the
uubi snowing ana walked away with
me laurels, Having a total of 69
points for high school contestants
and 41 for the grammar grades. The
ui win De presented to Rainier In
the very near future.
The following shows the features
mm scores maue.
High School.
irty-yard run Furer, Rainier.
""' ratnoimj, laisxanie, second:
ai. neieus, miru; time e sec
onds. une nundred-varit i)h
Rainier, first; Price, Scappoose, se
ond; Perry, St. Helens, third; time
ax. a Bucunus.
two nundred and lwni.n
dash Furer, Rainier, first; Perry,
hsiiui, Bvoaa; rrice, BcapDoose.
Four hundred and forty-yard run
Anderson, Clatskanle, first; Beck,
Rainier, second; Perry, St. HelenB,
Mile run Beck, Rainier, first;
Philip, St. Helens, second ; Rmlth c,
Helens, third: time 6 mlnutna Rn ..a.
Half mile run Anderson, rinta.
BniuB, nrsi: uecK. Haln r. RBivn.
Pritchard, Rainier, third; time 3 min-
uib a seconas.
Relay race Rainier: timn 1 mtn.
utes 6 seconds.
One hundred and twnntv.Toprl
hurdle Price, 8cappooso, first;
Smith, Rainier, second; Eilertson,
Clatskanle, third; time 13 seconds.
Pole vault Price, Scappoose, first;
Furer. Rainier, second; .Atkins, Rai
nier, third.
Broad Jumn Furer. Rainier. flr
Price, Scappoose,, second; Atkins,
JiaiaJw.. third: distance 17 feet 10
High jump Furer, Rainier, first;
Leonard, Scappoose, second; Atkins,
Rainier, third; distance 6 feet 2
Shot put Perry, St. Helens, first;
Furer, Rainier, second; Atkins, Rai
nier, third.
Discus throw Perry, St. Helens,
first; Furer, Rainier, second; Atkins,
Rainier, third.
Javelin Eilertson, Clatskanle,
first; Leonard, Scappoose, second;
Furer, Rainier, third; distance 138
tied for second.
Grammar School.
Fifty-yard run McKlel,' Clatska
nle, first; Davis and Farr, Rainier,
feet 1 Inch.
One hundred-yard dash McKlel,
Clatskanle, first; Davis, Rainier, sec
ond; Farr, Ranler, third; time 12
Two hundred and twenty-yard run
Farr, Rainier, first; McKlel, Clats
kanle, second; Davis, Rainier, third
Four hundred and forty-yard run
McDantels, Rainier, first; McKlel,
Clatskanle, second; Chresman, Rai
nier, third.
Half-mile run McKlel, Clatskanle,
first; v McDantels, Rainier, second;
Chresman, Rainier, third.'
Relay race Rainier; time 1 min
ute 10 seconds.
Pole vault Cartley, St. Helens.
first; McDantels, Rainier, second; Mo-
Kle, St. Helens, third.
High jump McDantels, Rainier,
first; McKlel, Clatskanle, second;
Sonneland, St. Helens, third.
Shot put McKlel, Clatskanle
first; Farr, Rainier, second; Riley
Rainier, third.
Total Scores HIkU School.
Rainier , 69
Scapooose , 23
Clatskanle l
St. Helens . 20
Grammar School.
Rainier . 41
Clatskanle 24
St. Helens 7
Individual Scores.
Furer. Rainier 35
Perry, St. Helena 18
Price, Scappoose 16
McDantels, Rainier 16
Farr, Rainier .11
McKlel. Clatskanle (Grammar) . . .29
Officials ot Day.
R. V. Borleske, Field Judge.
H. W. White, Starter and Scorer,
S. R. Sonneland, Clerk.
Clvde Sutherland. Timer.
L. G. Ross, L. J. Van Orshoven, N
A. Perry, Judges at Finish.
Members of the , Sunset Athletic
club and their friends are keeping up
a Dersistent practice tor their mln
Btrel Derformance. but have been
cnmnniied to set the time at a later
date for the performance to "be pre
sented to the public, which will take
place Saturday evening, May 22. The
boys are working hard and will pre-
' sent a high class entertainment,
which the puhllo Bhould liberally
Hchool Superintendent Gives Valu
able Information on Subject.
The County School Superintendent
In response to many requests, baa pre
pared the following statement, out
lining the qualifications of electors
at school elections. This is of par
tcullar interest lust nt thi. imo
the time for holding school electiona
is drawing near, being the third Mon-
uuy in June.
8t. Helens. Ore.. Mnv i 9. 1 01 c
To the public: In response to many
Inquiries and by special request, I
hereby name the qualifications of a
voter at a school election. These
qualifications were not changed by
the recent legislature, nor by the
amendment requiring one to be fully
naturalized In order to vote at county
and state elections, nor WAM thaaa
quaiincauons effected by the woman
suffrage amendment.
A foreigner must have his first
vapor oniy.
Districts numbers 1. 2 K 7 i
26 are second class districts; all other
districts In this county are third
Any citizen, male or female, '21
years of age who has been In tho toi
six months and thirty days in the dis
trict and has property as shown by
mo msi county assessment may vote
in the districts of the second class.
In a third class district a voter
must have been six months in the
state, thirty days in the district. He
must have property or be the head
of a family. He may both have prop
erty and be the head of a family.
In a third claBS district both hus
band and wife may vote if they both
have taxable property. The husband
may vote as the head of a family and
the wife may vote if she has prop
erty. Any voter at a school meeting Is
eligible to hold office as clerk or di
rector. A wife's citizenship depends en
tirely on her husband. If the hus
band Is a foreigner, so Is the wife. If
he is a citizen, so Is his wife.
A woman foreign born who mar
ries an American citizen, at once be
comes an American citizen. An Amer
ican oorn woman and citizen ot the
United States marries an unnatural
ized foreigner, she becomes a for
eigner, and cannot vote.
Sincerely, J. W. ALLEN,
School Superintendent
" ". .
Make M ay With Articles of Value
Sheriffs Search for Them. -
The sheriffs office was notified late
Tuesday evening that robbers had
entered the section house at Houlton
and made way with several articles
ot more or less value, and the officers'
assistance was needed in running
down the culprits. Sheriff Stanwood
made a systematic search as tar
north as Deer Island ' and Deputy
Brown journeyed southward as far as
Scappoose, but their efforts were fu
tile. The culprits were either In hid
lng or had made their way safely out
ot the country. The depredation was
committed early in the forenoon, and
as no notice was given until late In
the evening, there was sufficient time
to get out ot the way. A revolver,
suit case and some clothing were
Contests Will Take Place on St. Hel
ens Courts Tomorrow.
Weather permitting, the tennis
championship for Columbia county
high Bchools will be decided next Sat
urday, May 16, on the courts ot the
St. Helens Tennis club. All three
high schools, Clatskanle, Rainier and
Scappoose, have signified their inten
tion of sending a team to compete
with St. Helens, whose team was
ready last year.
With the championship goes the
"Rutherford Cup," donated by L. R
Rutherford, and which is to be held
by the winning Bchool until "lifted'
by another high school team. Com
petitions will be held in May and
October ot each year to add to the
interest in the great international
game, which is played in more coun
tries than any other important game.
Mr. Rutherford s purpose in put
ting -up this cup Is to create more ot
an Interest in the healthful outdoor
game, in which both boys and girls
can compete irrespective of size and
qualifications In other lines of sports
The preliminary matches will be
played In the morning and the two
winning teams will play the finals in
the afternoon. Each winning school
will have to take three matches (com.
nosed of best two sets out ot three)
out of five. These matches to be
made up of two matches of boys'
singles, one ot girls' singles, one of
mixed doubles and one boys doubles.
The names ot winning team will be
Inscribed on the cup. Girls' doubles
will be substituted for the mixed
doubles as soon as there are enough
No admlsston will be charged, and
It Is hoped that a larger crowd will
be out to encourage the teams.
NO. 21
Construction Work on Highway Was
Resumed With Vigor on Last
Thursday, . '
An unexpected termination has re
sulted out of the controversy between
the county court and the Consolidate
Contract Company regarding finan
cial matters. The date for arriving
at some definite understanding was
set for last Saturday, but it did not
take place. No move was made on
the part of the contractors until the ;
fore part of this week, when they
notified the court that they were
ready to obey its mandates and re
sume construction work.
It has been evident right along
that the contractors were Inclined to
take advantage of circumstances
brought about by the removal ot the
former highway engineer and force
the county to pay an unreasonable
amount for what work had been per
formed. When a definite and deter
mined stand was taken by the court
that settlement could be had only on
the terms as outlined In the report of
the. engineer, the contractors were
evidently loth to attempt to force
their demands.
This attitude on the part of the
contractors is, without doubt, the
wisest course. The court has stood
ready at all times to effect a settle
ment on reasonable terms, but the
contention of the contractors would
have been vigorously opposed, even
to the extent of taking the matter
Into the courts.
Construction work on the highway
was resumed yea&erday.'.
' rtn uliwnTi wj
Cases Against AVm. Prlngle, Jr., or"
l'lttsburg, Dismissed Ben Wool
ey Indicted on Serious Charge.
Circuit Court convened here in
regular session Tuesday morning,
with some very important cases on
the docket. In addition to this a
grand jury was drawn, but its work
was interfered with Wednesday when
word was received that a sister of
one of the members had died the
night before in Portland,- and ad
journment of that branch of the ju
dicial organization was taken until
Friday noon.
The grand jury is composed ot the
following gentlemen:
Joseph Rich, foreman; H. C. Gore,
H. Cronkite, Edgar Enyart, Geo.
W. Barger, Jacob Lake and Blaln
During the brief time the grand
jury was at work it returned an in
dictment against one Ben Wooley,
charged with an unmentionable In
fraction of the moral code, and the
case will be taken up for trial later
In the session.
The case against William Prlngle,
Jr., of Pittsburg, charged with run
ning deer with dogs, was heard be
fore a Jury Thursday morning and
the defendant found not guilty. An
other charge of an infraction of the
game law was pending against Mr.
Prlngle, but it, too, was dismissed
Thursday afternoon.
The trial jury was dismissed until
next Monday morning and the ,tlme
of the Court has been consumed In
hearing motions and arguments.
Plans Take on Definite Form for a
Glorious Good Time.
Preparations are going forward for
the Fourth ot July celebration on an
extensive scale and the event will be
equal if not better, than any ever
held In this city. This year, as was
the case last year, the celebration
will be In charge of young, energetto
men, who will strive to excel their
previous efforts.
The Merchants' association, at a
meeting held last Friday evening,
guaranteed to the management suffl- .
clent funds to warrant the manage
ment In proceeding with the arrange
ments. Others will be waited upon
and there is no doubt about a large
fund being raised to Insure a first
class celebration. .
" v!4 IUVU , I