St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, May 07, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Kvidcncca of Home ltuildinK and Ilct
torments Are Taking HIimK.
Tliere are a good ninny very sub
stantial improvements being made in
and around St. Helens and Houlton
this Bpring. Some very substantial
residences are being built and others
are In contemplation, which will
inane a splendid snowing and are
substantial proof of the stability of
the community.
Henry Morgus & Son are just com
pleting a neat five-room bungalow In
the western part of St. Helens. This
structure is modern in every respect
and the premises are being splendidly
and substantially improved. This
Improvement will net the owner an
outlay of about $1500.
P. A. George has begun the con
struction of a modern two-story resi
dence on the site occupied by his for
mer residence.. The building, when
complete, will set the owner back
about 12500 and the town ahead
about $6000. This new addition to
the already splendid array of home
like homes in St. Helens will prob
ably be ready for occupancy about
the first of August.
Magnus Saxon has the basement
and foundation work completed for
a modern one-story residence on the
hill. Mr. Saxon informs The Mist
that this structure will cost about
$1400, and will be ready for oc
cupancy in the late summer.
strawberries and cream were served
to a large number of patrons. The
hall was nicely decorated, good music
was provided, as was also plenty of
good food, which disappeared with
an alarming rapidity. Great qunntt
ties of food hud been prepared but
the supply was soon exhausted. Some
thing in excess of $40 was realized.
to be used in making repairs about
the building.
jf Personal News j
Superintendent Is Distributing Pre
miums to the Various Districts.
School Superintendent Allen has
purchased the required number of
pictures to be given to 'the schools as
premiums for the sale of tags for the
building fund at the fair grounds.
There will be forty premiums given
and will be distributed among the
schools of the county In the following
proportions: St. Helens 7; Scap
poose 3; Houlton 3; Warren 5; Go
ble 1; Quincy 3; Yankton 3; Mist 1;
Mayger 1. Several of the pictures
have already been delivered and
others can be had upon request to
the superintendent.
Primary Department to Be Under
Miss Matthews for "et Year.
The directors of this school district
held a meeting Wednesday evening
and elected teachers for the Houlton
school. Miss Ethel Matthews, who
has so proficiently presided over the
primary department of that school,
was chosen to that position for an
other year. C. E. Lake was elected
to have charge of the intermediate
grades. Mr. Lake has had charge of
the intermediate grades in the War
ren school during the past year. The
school board will hold a meeting next
week, when the teachers for the St.
Helens schools will probably be
chosen for the next year.
V V WW www-
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- -m n n n m AM
Congregational Church.
tfiDie bchool 10 a. m. Union bac
calaureate service at the High School
auditorium 11 a. m. Christian En
deavor service 7 p. m. Evening serv
ice ana sermon 8 p. m. Please note
the change in time of the evening
service. "A church home for strang
ers and frloniln '
M. E. Church Xo tires.
Sunday School at 10 a. m., subject,
"The Friendship of David and Jona
than." There are classes for all ages.
At 11 o'clock the Baccalaureate ser
mon will bo delivered at the
High School auditorium by F
N. Sandlfur. All the congre
gations of the city will unite in
this service. Epworth League 7
o clock p. m.; leader, Harold Ross.
Dr. J. W. McDougall of Portland, will
preach at the M. E. church at 8 p m
An invitation is extended to all the
public to attend these services. Good
music by choir and soloists F N
Sandifur, pastor.
Church Notes.
Thursday afternoon of this week
the members of the Ladles Aid of the
M. E. church of this city, held appro
priate ceremonials in celebration of
the eighth anniversary of the organ-j
....Uu ui me Am society at the
church parlors.
The annual business meeting and
election of the Episcopal church or
ganization of St. Helens was held
Tuesday, at which time the following
ofllcers were elected for the ensuing
year: Warden, Charles Muckle; sec
retary, A. II. George; treasurer, M. E.
Rev. John Foster occupied the pul
pit of the Congregational church last
Sunday, and preached to a most en
thusiastic audience at both services.
Mr. Foster is a man of wide experi
ence and training, his specialty being
work with men and boys, having en
gaged in this particular line in Chi
cago, San Francisco and in Colorado.
The ladles of the Episcopal church
met with decided success in every
way with the strawberry festival and
.dinner held Wednesday evening in
the Guild ball, when dinner and,
Mayor Morton spent last Sunday
in 1'ortlund.
Thomas Cooper was up from Goblc
this morning.
Mrs. W. G. Muckle was a Portland
visitor Tuesday.
rreu vtaiains was a rorunnu vis-i
Itor yesterday.
Mrs. S. C. Morton was a Portland
visitor Monday.
John Manning, of this city, spent
Wednesday in Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. ZIpperer were
Portland visitors Monday.
Mrs. S. L. Butler of Deer Island,
spent yesterday in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sutherland
were Portland visitors Sunday.
M. E. Miller was attending to legal
matters in Hillsboro Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wellington were
shopping in Portland Wednesday.
E. A. Rotger was attendiug to
business matters in Portland Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Charlton spent
Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. Isbester.
Miss Bessie Lyons of Portland, is
visiting her father, H. Lyons of this
city, this week.
A. H. George and Mrs. L. J. Van
Orshoven visited relatives In Tort
land last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Blakesley and
Mrs. E. Blakesley motored to Port
hind Wednesday.
Sheriff Stanwood was attending to
oillcial business at Clatskauie and
vicinity Wednesday.
Hans Christensen of Vernonla,
was transacting business in the coun
ty seat last Saturday.
Frauk Miles of Portland, was at
tending to business matters in St.
Helens last Tuesday.
Mrs. N. A. Ashby of this city, spent
several days this week visiting rela
tives at Banks, Ore.
Sidney Malhewlsh has returned
from California, whither he went
about six months ago.
Will Clark of Deer Island, was at
tending to business matters in St
Helens last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Muckle and
Edgar Kelthley of Portland, spent
Wednesday in St. Helens.
County Coroner T. S. White was
at Rainier Wednesday preparing the
body of A. C. Gouddy for burial.
Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Robs, Mrs. A. J.
Deming and Miss Blanch Llzenbury,
were Portland visitors Monday.
Mrs. J. S. Dunn and Mrs. Janet
Scott of Portland, were in St. Helens
Saturday, the guests of Miss Helen
Dr. N. E. Barbour of Portland.
spent last Saturday in this city, the
guest or her daughter, Mrs. J. L.
Mrs. James McKlnley of Portland,
spent a few days in St. Helens this
week visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. M. E. Miller returned to her
home in this city last Saturday after
a month's visit with relatives at
lianks, Oregon.
Mrs. Grant Watts and daughter,
Helen, of Scappoose. attended the
May Festival given by Dr. Enna Mon
day evening.
Miss Mildred Allen, of Portland,
and Miss Butler, of Aberdeen, Wash.,
were guests at the L. II. Rutherford
home Sunday.
J. W. Allen was In Portland Mon
day. Mr. Allen has completed the
work of visiting the schools of the
county for this year.
Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Meyer and fam
ily are preparing to remove from St.
Helens to Portland. They expect to
leave some time next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Prichard of
Rainier, are viBiting this week at the
home of Mr. Prichard a sister, Mrs.
C. E. Winchell of this city.
Rudolph and Arthur Ketel. of St .'
Helens, spent last Sunday at Goblc
visiting their sisters. Misses Anne and
Susie Ketel, and other friends
Mrs. E. A. Rotger was In Portland
Thursday attending a meeting of the
nurses' association, of which she has
been a member for several years.
County Surveyor L. J. VanOrsho
ven went to Scappoose this morning,
where he is straightening out some
matters in connection with the F. L.
Smith road.
Mrs. W. B. Mackay of Portland,
spent several days last week visiting
relatives in St. Helens. Mr. Mackay
motored from Portland Monday and
took Mrs. Mackay home with him
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Montague and
small daughter, Mrs. Erne Montague
and sons, Bruce and Robert, all of
Portland, were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Day in St. Helens
last Sunday.
Judge Campbell of Oregon City,
was in St. Helens yesterday attending
to legal matters incident to the clos
ing of his official affuirs In this
county, which will be brought to an
end on the 22d of this month.
Edgar Kelthly, a nephew of Mrs.
James Muckle, is spending a few days
in St. Helens thiB week. Mr. Keith
ly's infancy was spent in St. Helens,
but of later years bis home has been
in San Francisco and Eastern cities.
William Ross, president of the Co
lumbia County Bank, was one of a
throng of business men of the West
who attended the reception given by
the Portland Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday in honor of Senator John W.
Weeks of Massachusetts.
Mr. and Mrs. Boeleski spent last
Saturday and Sunday as the guosti of BUILDING FUND IS
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Allen of this city. GROWING STEADILY
HIT. llUUIfORI ID llio ......
e Portland Llucoln High School,' Turned In IMirlnu the
d will have supervision of the -n-t.
,.t thp flel.l meet here to- Vat Few la).
sports at the
Mr. and
Deer Island,
School Superintendent Allen diir-
r r It I.'., 1 1 .. V. i r
were" among the out of lug the past week lias received sov-
town peoplo who attended th-s May
music festival in St. Helens Monday
evening. They motored to the tlty
and were accompanied home ly a
number of indies of Deer Isl uvl, v. ho
also enjoyed the festival music.
L. C. Chase and Wash Mucklo wore
the St. Helens representatives at the
Celllo canal celebration at Kahuna
today. The people of that llttlo city
celebrated the event in a thoroughly
! ...... i uiiuimitlitl additions to the
amount previously reported to the
school building fund for the county
fair groumW. Last week tlio total
reported was $261.80. Sinco that
time $21.20 has been received, which
makes a total received to date of
$280. There are several districts yet
to report. Following is a list of the
fitting manner. The principal feature contributors up to tills time:
was a salmon dinner. The town was
gaily decorated for the occasion.
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leopold
Dupont. of this city, had as their
guests severul relatives from Ridge
Held. Their guests were Mr. and
Mrs. J. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. V. Bax
ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jann, Mr. and
Mrs. II. Jann, Mrs. F. Bower, and
Misses Louisa and Margaret Bower.
I Social Events
Miss Helen Dunn and Miss Ethel
Wood, instructors of the St. Helens
schools, entertained their pupils with
a picnic near Columbia City, Friday
afternoon. Games were played and
a much-enjoyed lunch sorved.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cooper of
Warren, gavo their young daughter,
Florence, a small affair last Saturday
afternoon in honor of her ninth birth
day. A large number of children
were pre: ent. Games were played!
and a delicious luncheon was served.
Tho young lndy received several very
appropriate presents. Those present
from St. Helens were Mrs. M. F.
Hazen, Mrs. Jack Black and children
and Miss Lila White.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Baker enter
tained at their homo Thursday even
ing for the seniors of the graduat
ing class of 1915. Tho rooms were
prettily docorated with Scotch broom.
Tho evening was " pleasantly spoilt
with various gamcB, among them a
guessing contest at which Miss Dunn
was the successful one. Those pres
ent were: Miss Lucille Hohbs, Miss
Beth Perry, Fred Morgus, Miss Ethel
Sten, Miss Eugenia Deming, Miss
Wood and Miss Dunn.
Last Friday evening the Woman's
club of this city had a social evening,
which was spent at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Southard. A library
game and short musical program
were tho features of entertainment,
followed by refreshments. The fea
ture of the evening was the fact that
the gentlemen, husbands of the mem
bers, were present and permitted to
take part in the program. There were
32 ladies and gentlemen present.
Mrs. Myrtle Ricketson and Miss
Elizabeth Philip entertained at Miss
Philip's home Wednesday. The ladles
spent the afternoon doing fancy work
and enjoying luncheon. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. E. A. Crouse, Mrs.
E. E. Quick, Mrs. A. T. Laws, Mrs.
Martin White, Mrs. II. E. LaBare,
Mrs. August hetel, Mrs. Margaret
Rutherford, Mrs. E. A. Ross, Mrs. L.
G. Ross, Mrs. William Philip, Mrs.
Minnie Doleshal, Miss Gertrude
District. Teacher. Amount.
1. J. It. Purcell, Scappoose .$19.50
2. L. L. Baker, St. Helens .. 75.70
2. J. D. Breliaut, Houlton .. 16.70
3. Helen M. Buckley. Doer
Island 10.50
4. Luceile Clark, Hudsou. . , 3.40
5. Jessie McCord, Clatsknnlo 7. CO
6. Helen M. Ualbraltli, Clats
kauie 1.20
C. E. Lake, Warren 6.10
W. L. Duuton. Warren... 22.40
May Novak, Warren 6.00
113. J. B. Wllker
14. Madge Thoti
F. W. Roberts, Redtown . . 1.60
Kate Ronde, Stehmun . . . 3.00
ilkerson, Rulnler. . 20.60
mas, Vernonla. .40
Gladys Klchey, Hazel
Grove 4.00 1
Kate Mooro, Hockenberg . .50,
Anna J. Ketel, (iohlu .... 6.1 01
I.ora M. Cook, Natal .... 2.00,
Bertha Stovatl, Mayger. . 8.60 !
Bird II. Carke, Quincy... 18.00
William Kelty, Clatskuulu 2.001
Grace Mann 50
A. B. Owen, Yankton .... 17.60
Madeline Thomas, Mist . . 2.00.
Stella F. Ingrahnm, Mayger 2.50
Helen Hamill, Deer Island 1.00,
Irene Phalon, Gohlo 4.00
Vivian Colwull 2.80
Agnes Brawn, Wallace DIs-.
trlct 2.00
Grace Graham, Prescott.. 1.00
Bello Crawford Nelson,
Vernonla 2.60
Emma 11. Morrison, Mist. 6.00
L. K. Gulker, Warren ... 1.60
Tho Celllo left May 2 for Han
Pedro witli a full list of paHHimgers,
and carrying about 300,000 foot of
Tho Palny I'ulmnn left for San
Francisco Thursday, May 6, with a
part lumber cargo from St. Helena,
to bo finished nt W'ostport.
Mechanics are working on tho
WHuvIm, of the St. Helena Towing
Co.. which It having a complete over
hauling. Tho steamer Klamath came In
Thursday night and proceeded to
Portland to dlHchurgo. Hho will re
turn to St. Helens to load lumber for
tho south.
Tho schooner Forest Homo will
finish loading her cargo of 900,000
feet of lumber for delivery at Callun,
Peru, Saturday night, mid will prob
ahly huII from St. Helens Tuesday.
Tho steamer Santa Barbara arrived
in Thursday night and Is completing
her cargo nt tho docks of the t'olum
blu County mill. Hho will sail Satur
day night bound for San Francisco,
The steamer Wapumn, the latest
addition to tho McCnrmlck fleet,
arrived In port Thursday night and
In loading a fun oareT"
Uellrcryat Hm ?0 0,g ,
away Haltirduy mK)l, ' "J ll,
million feet of lumber ' 5 '!,
imssungora. w ibo
Firm who clmrtnr .. , i
Ign business .reTH1
tonnage they can now Bi! b
Ini more short.,,,,, th. "(i V
Tlily Is evidenced . t,V K.
Achoonor Forest Home I11!!;
hero for Peru. Z
chartered to'V
nmot me In October or N H,fc
On thin trip .,o wm H N;u
Australia. 1 10 tyfe
Dr. Uwe, My l0llL
Vlowi of the WUIrcl.JnhM '
rtg,hc Columbia rOSSX
For Sate Two
June 1,
,?"- MM ft,'
June 1, one milking J
llelzenroter, Warren, Oro J,
For Sale-Hlx acre, of U,4 J
mtlo from St. Helen.; t
good soil. Address (ieo. Z f
ton. Oregon. -Jjftfc
Louis Fluhrer, subscription.
Total rocor....dod $280.00
I Local Notes 5
Views of the Wlllard-Jolinson light
at the Columbia Thcutro Saturday
Orln Ablo was entertained In the
parlors of the Orcadta hotel Tuesday
evening, I he occasion being the anni
versary of his birth.
The Mist wants a correspondent In
every locality In the county. Send
sample letter. Stationery and post
ago will be furnished.
The ladles Aid of the Methodist
church held a tea at the church
parlors Tuesday afternoon. Tea was
served and candles were on sale.
The ladies of the Aid Society of
the Methodist church are preparing
a local talent entertainment to be
given Friday evening, June 25. The
program will consist of musical num
bers and a two-act farce comedy.
The firemen, who have been prac
ticing faithfully In preparation for a
minstrel performance, have inado
such progress that they aro ready to
announce that the entertainment will
take place on Monday evening. May
16th. The public Is most cordially
Invited to accord a liberal patronage
to tho faithful young gentlemen.
We are pleased to Btato that M. 8.
Hazen, one of the night patrolmen on
tho Portland police force, is not to
bo suspended permanently for report
ed neglect of duty, as was stated.
Mr. Hazen had been (111 rnnulnnt
The house was decorated jduty for two nights and ono duy and
with wild roses.
Mrs. C. II. Johns entertained Tues
day afternoon at her home in St.
Helens in honor of Miss Ethel Wood,
a bride-elect of this month. The
rooms were artistically decorated
with pink and white roBes. A dainty
lunch was served, at which the guest
of honor was presented with a half
dozen handsome luncheon doilies by
the hostess. Those present were:
Mesdames E. V. Johns, A. II. George,
W. B. Dillard, Edwin Ross, William
Ross, J. W. Allen, F. W. Christie,
D. Saurer, Flora Owens, A. J. Peel,
T. Ibester, A. A. Baker, L. L. Chase,
J. Grant, J. George, D. Davis, J. L.
ZIpperer, J. Fouzat, E. A. Rotger,
M. E. Miller, J. Sten, W. J. Muckle,
P. T. Evans and Misses Ethel Wood,
Beryl Muckle, Dorothy John.
On Thursday evening of last week
the members of the Christian En
deavor of the Congregational church
held a surprise party on Rev. and
Mrs. Meyer at the church in this city.
After a very pleasant social time
Bpent in playing games the party
were invited to the primary room,
which had been fitted up and very
artistically decorated In Christian
Endeavor colors of yellow and white,
and partook of delicious refresh
ments. George Prlngle, as spokes
man, with very complimentary re
marks presented as a fitting remem
brance a beautiful chafing dish,
which was received by Mrs. Meyer,
who expressed great appreciation for
all assistance and encouragement re
ceived during the life and activity of
this faithful band of workers. The
Christian Endeavor Society was or
ganized by the pastor and his wife
in February, 1914, and hag at pres
ent a membership of 4 6. Their meet
ings on Sunday are an inspiration
and help to all who are in touch with
was overcome with futiiriin The
mayor Interceded for the patrolman
and his punishment wm u0 but a
brief suspension.
Fred Wutklns has boon Inoculated
with tho Ford germ and the ailment
baB bloomed Into a well developed
case. ..The patient Is being kept In an
Ice pack until tho alterations In the
top of bis car are finished. Fred will
utilize the car both as a business and
pleasure vehicle Wm. F. Jones of
Mist, has written the local Ford
agency that he Is In tlio market for a
car, and will probably make a pur
chase within a fortnight.
The Independent Auto Garage has
Just Installed a lathe and other equip
ment for taking caro of local and
general repair work. Motorists are
fortunate In finding a country town
bo well provided with equipment for
handling all kinds of repair work as
is the case In St. Helens. The City
Garage has always enjoyed a good
patronage In automobile repair work
and has been the rescue place of
many motorists In trouhlo
A. D. Lake of St. llolons was a vls-
iur nuro weunCBUay.
F. E. Whitney, postal Inspector of
Portland made an oillcial visit hero
IT CU 11 (3 Htm jr.
H. 8. Wagner and wlfo wore Rul
nler visitors Thursday.
J5"'ww' " Wagner and Mrs.
Smith Wagner are visiting with Mr
and Mrs. F. W. Jordan at Vancouver
wJ'J"P S- Llnton nnd 'am" loft
here for a month's visit with Mr. Lln-
uiuumr in roruund.
Deputy Assessor Wood Is In this
HunllLLntrV,ewln . "-Payers
J P T)i .
" " 'ur received a flno thor
oughbred cow to add to his dXy
rM- T; CV WatU ylMe the East
ern 'dge Rt Raln,er Wednesday
.J?,r 8,al Fresh milk cow and
"nail pig. c. J. Larson, Warren,
re MMay 7-tf.
Will Soon Begin
We can save you money
on your fruit jars. See us
because we buy a ml sell
for less.
j I'llONH NO. 3
Women's Underwear
and Undermuslins
Wo want to rail your attention to our romplelA Mork
of Indira Hue HIiIkiI uu.lwgnrmentx, In both regular and
I.AKIKH' ttn-TorV UI!l!li:i Vicar In regular and
outsize, Uh; 15c anil 2.V earn.
f iimfy-t ut with run't ullp strap. Trice, ttu-h Biki and W.
r.MON HVITH In flno ribbed cotton nlreveles and
hlmrt length, om-'i tVk.
All our hid lex' miixlln nmlergiirinenU, hklrU and
nightgown at HeHally reduced price thin week.
Quality First Always
! Williams Mall Go
Thin week "Wllllanm & hh wH coujioiih cut
from ailvertlHcmenta f the Quaker OaU Company for
full-Klzc iiai kKo of I-uired Wliwit or Puff)M, Rc& There
are no conditions no oblljrutlona. Utok for the Quake
Oats advwtlHomeni In the leading maKaainea, cut out the
rouiK.n, present coiiMn to "William. A Hall" and
receive a fulUM ,,,.kaB0 of Quaker OaU product free.