St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 23, 1915, HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 15, Image 21

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iiomk and i.'apm mi -a. .Trrrr"""1
. - " .ufciAiu &KIT10N SERIAL.
he Secret or the Wight
ft-ronv or iiigMv i,TIfi, ,
xotkd FitKicii author.
By Gaston Leroux
r . .MBViOI'K clUrTBM.
i.wUvt ""J.. th IU.
'i".'i!r c-t . ,S..Lv.Troiicii)
, tal r- v. ,.,.ivnu .....
IS lb. Or
I Ml wi
ji.iui" h..r'1r,?!
m'Wl "r int. of "'
I''-"..,. l
n i Hi" pl7. ,f",' bom
(rdfltrairu ... - (lis .ijli.a.ii. "
. trt ! '. " ... ... ill .octot
d, giraafl. '...nui.are. tnt
.rtltwd M '' . . 7..H. In h. plot
"""'"hcV af T. (Irr.l. ""l ;
JtHI '"V, h.t. ! drlarllV.
.... ..' ..i.kiiu I...
' " " i i. , ilai I'll-. M '
fi. .o 1.1 "' "'" "
jtovi.i h . .. 4rla.rd
j mor n "
. in iha buuaual Wll
riOT r.ln.
' ' . ..ii..uIi, thaw
hi. opinion- o
2,n..ln m oil .bout
i ill. TT Biniwil, in rH"nrr
ikai coTtlin hlil rnl horror
'"' . ... . .. ,.t..l.l anl
prUI triiillll'y wnn wmrn
liar M.rV"l H miKitenl Ion" ltl"t
.i iht polM or ll.t nMiimr4 Ih n
" ... ... ... Iniinrillula ilininr.
,1. IM ork.H, or t Irut
ifciBimltallliffil wonlil drvrlop
.u.iii naclty ut 11 11 111 inn a HiUU
.. .u .... 1 ... 1
all hlM'CTIKin in win .....
ajilj W Ko'iprl.M !' Mnlrena or
UpMBliJ .Ion la ho iiiiMo axrnla,
,ittiifd 10 Nlm-lm llimlolulilllo cm
j u doubt iil qu.ka Ju( Ha h hail
Uitmi. da. Th. imira tin Inokod Into
.Ufa of Mta Iho dlmlar h raw.
L' ibimal obiurlllr. woro titer In
l ie Irlorratlnic hM.riid durlntr illit
fe.rrll llino. in l I'o "f ll"iilol-
1 f Im i Ifii n with hor for Ho.
1 Hiinfti 'til tj ft In tho Kfnornl. Hli
v4 ii)in. II" 'i'it'1 Ha 4on I
II. dorm't l"l auyllilliK. IU h
I m to prr'r r ntlu. It ll too
IU Em Irl'd In Mln, lia cannot tot
; mt'io lt lf
1, u mamini. oiirnt 10 ( lonia.
(10 DM., rs'l ai'-ri. invj pftj ni'T"
i ury f'K'd
1 for mo," wld Itoiilrtablllo. whoa
fur totr.o fow niliititt.ii had Itran drop,
to toward ono nhuiildor and now
i onothar. "I have no hood of anr
tic lo m. mo olorii. If nu will
it M, I ill itrt lo bed at our.."
Is. ( llttlo dum.ivtil il'.ulih, 1 tin (olnc
rr roil ihoro In my atma.
l'rfM rittnrft-d lirr Imco round arma
I U lloiilolalillla um ntouali h
Ixn t batijr.
Kii, 00. I will rot up (nor alt rlaht
K UIO1 Koilri.hlllo, rlalna .tnpltlly
Killing tihanird ut hi cxiraalv.
t w.U. lot ua huth arrmnitany him to
domarri.' j. "and 1 will
Mt (ood nmht I'm oaxar fur had
1 W11 will ail miika a kotkI nlaht
Ern-olal and (iniuiinla will watch
.1 th hwltxar In Hi 11 I. id so. Thllia
1 onaUly airanirt d nuw."
ftf HI tai'ondt 4 II10 otalra lloolota
M not avon .i In aoo th (onoral.
itr himioir on lila hod. Natarha ..t
l tho tod bo.ldn hor futhor. .nibrar.d
1 oown umra, an, wont ilownatalra
& Hilrrna follnwnl hohlnd har. rlt.oo.l
una- Inilawa, w.nt upalulra again to
f tbo door of Ihv landlnir-ul.ra and
t Hoahiabillo ii-nto.) un hi. hod. hi.
It notaad, not I. a... ...w
tr. for tl..p ,t ,. ,,, u,
Ply P-nalro al-o that th anilrty of
u. alio had bron alila in m .i.
nil of hit arm ., i.toka all any. rama
1 50011 'r liialanlly In araalar ln...a
f rvtr. 8ha tin, hod hi arm In ortlor
. ..... V luirw h"
' "" "nu. an aald. "will vuu
t now r -
J. aiadam.." h rrpliod at onra "jt
"M chair and li.i, i m. ti.... ...
'Irttrllod a rlanirMr.n.a m
L M,u"i 'lrl. Tim h,.if,i.f
frtn-".?'"1 ""'" ,0 "' """'al. At that
Nol Bo""" "0 """" "'""xkV'
Mr"kI?.S"l.h 'h" " '"a ' '
tirK-tarK than .ou ,.,. h... 1 .. ..
with ait
tlioa taiklnc
In th
a nini'omont!
And Krak low,
for th lot of
'.f.,h.,r v,r',,,l'- I hoar vrvlhlni"
"No, no; I r.mitlriod nar th ironoral (,jr
'I"1" " ""' ".Iron-
-N.lhrnV- Bn,h"'"
io'na?" C'U"d ,h" d"r l,Mni t,l0' !"
rfnll"!;r,h.! ,00r ' otalrta... Tin
oW of tho ton aula' atalrwav a ,',.
u'y "Z ? Ko: " ''"" i?a
ihJmhl? .i.'".''"."r V""",n "' Itenirala
ahot. Alt (ho othor dnora of tli rhamhor
It la .,w...ry to . , ,h
.i.'t,iTt,h.l'..I,,.''n' "" h"
ntr th. afartmoiit. nu ,m4 b ,
rot.',:"r,.""", '? Ht ,'""t ,w -
hoar. '.I!"", V ""'. "hm VU
lirard tha c- ...holk. , ronl , ' "
ror.rlu.lut, I. ,h.t ny, , Kt
r."U'i httV '"" ' Kolna-.-
What am yon tiyln t0 b4yr Matrona
dnniandoi. aatoundud.
.!.i.T.'r'L ,0. '"I"''" ' yo" '"" ,hl ah.urd
romilualon n..),. that .t 1, narir
nrr-novt. you undor.ian.1 f NAor-t.i
r.nnun iip., rv.n tho mott evldoi.t
.xtorn. .vl,l.,,,o Khrn ,,. ,,,,K';
lonrliialv. arpoara.iro. Br , (.OBmt w5
Iho llaht of day. Tho llKht of .lay for m..
ma.luino, la that th. K'liMal dura not doolr.
to romuilt a.i,,. .,! MUOV, th( h.
would not tho atraiia. mothod of
auli l.l. by cl... kwork. Tim lirht of day for
inn I that you ador your huahand and
for hlV" "' 10 "'r,fk' our 'lf
-Now!!" om lulmod Mutrona. whoa,
ton,, .Iwas-a roady In omotlnttl moinonta,
flowod frwily. "Hut. Holy Mury, why do
you ap.ak to mo without looklna at ni.T
What la li T Whni I. tr'
nont turn! Iion't muko
tou roar hot a mova!
vory low. And don't try
I. !!
"Hut you aay at 011,0 . , . bou.
iiuot! f omi. to th. roti.i.l a mom!"
"Not a mov.. And nmtlnu llatonlna; to
m whhout Intorruptlna:." aald ho. ai In
rllnlntc hl mr, nn.l .till nhmit looklna;
at hor. "II bo.-auao ihro thlima rr
a. Ih lluhl of diiy to in. that I any to
my.olf, -It la ii,p,.it, ,ni(l ,t ,nuull, ,
ltr.poa.lhl. for a third poraon not lo hav.
plmo.l in. honih In tho buniiurt. ftonimna
la a bio lo ontor th t.nrr. hambor oven
whon th. conoral la Wut.hlna and all III.
door. ar. lot'kod."
"OH. no. No ono rould poa.lbly ntr. !
a war It to you,"
Aa h oro It a lltll too loudly, Hou Illo at-lao.l hor inn ao that aha almost
rrlad out, but ah un.U r.tuod Inatantly that
It wa lo koop h'r quit I.
"I loll you not to intorrupt me, one for
all "
"Hut, thon. toll nio vihnt you ar looking
at Ilk. that."
"I am wai hlnar tho rorn.r whor aomo.
on. la Bolna- to out. r th aon.ral'a rhamhor
whon evorythlnif la locked, madame. t'O
not muvo!"
Vatrrna. hor tooth haltorln, roonllod
that whon alio on'orr.l Ilmil. tulnllo'a i hani
U.r ah. had found all yio doora opon Hint
rt.nimuiilia.tod with tho t ha 111 of room.: Ih.
ynilnir m.n'a rhaml.or with h.ra. th. droaa.
Ins-room and tho (onoral'a rhambrr. b'h.
Irlod, unilrr Knulolablllr'a look, to koop
ralm. but In apll. of all tho roportor'a ex
horlatlnna ah routd not hold hor toniiuo.
"Hut which way T Whrrt will thry an
tcrr "Hy Ih. door."
"Which d.iorr
"That of th. rhambrr Blv!n an th tor
vant.' tnlray."
"Why. how? Th. kty! The boll!"
Thoy hav. mad a kot "
"Hut th. bolt I. drawn thl aldo."
"Thoy will draw It back from Ik other
"What! That la llpo!ul.'
Houlotnblll. laid hla two hanili on Mnt
ron.'a Hlrnn ahouldrra and rop.alod, tle-tachlna-
ach ayllablo. 'Thoy will draw It
bark from ih othor aldo."
"It la Impitaalblo. I rrpoat It."
"Madam, your Nlhlllal. havon't Invontrd
anythlnir. It la a trlrk much In voajiin with
anouk thloyoa In hotrla. All It nrrd I a
llttlo hoi. Ih. i. of a pin barrd In th
panol nf th door abuv. Ih bolt."
Hod!" quarorod Matrona. "1 don't un
doratand what jon moan by your lltll hole.
Km, tain to m. lilt I doinuvol."
follow m. rarofully. thon.
noulotablllo, hla oyo. ull Ih. tlma find
ol.owhor. "Th poraon wno wianr. 10 an-
itnlitabill, rt,' )!,, . . . ter all.k throuarh Ih hole a braaa wlr that
hrii,o , .. y. .,rorr h had a.. .....,i iun th. noco.aarv curve to
J rr. wld: ' m.lhli.. and which la fit tod on It. o..d with a light
brMary yu .houlrl v. ,h.i point of atool curved in aro. itn aucn an
i-ona a in... 1 .....
n aiinnat ........ 11... .t.. . . '
h . .tump. ln. v,:, , :cp,n 10
rM'L''-MlrI,., a.
a ...i " "I tiinr aa a bomb
'nolo? i, ,l'"' 1
Voii'i:!"- ,,""lor",""1 - nl
k. ' '. '"" hfanj the iii-k.ta.i.
. you w.,. Vour own
M,.h l,m ,n,"- Pn. naturallv..
aw.u ini, ,- ...
tri.ona who cam lo
Inatrtimrnt It I child' play, If th. hoi ha
Loan mad whore It ought to bo, to touch
the bolt on Ih. In.lde from Ih out aldo, pick
th knob on It. withdraw II, and open Ih
door If tho bolt la Ilk litis one. a small
door-boll." , .
"tth. oh, oh." moaned Mnlrena, who paled
vlalhly. "And that hula?"
"It eilata.'
"You have dleoovered It?"
"Yre, th. flr.t hour I wan here."
"Oh. domovoll Hut how Old you do that
whan you never entered the general' cham
ber until tonight?"
"noubllraa. but I went up that lervanta'
atnlrraan much earllrr than that. And I
will loll you why. Whon I was brought
Into lb villa Ih fit at time, ana you
watched m. hlildon 1..1.1..1 ... ..1 .. .
ou know whi.1 i ... l. '. i' H to rn.
waa watching iiiynelf,
u .. 1 1 - . - - Wll
- ,- 1 auurar.i t.. i.. ...i.i.. , . .,
bo", Tii rv,,"rT fB?'S
bi.o .""m"ne hl"t P"led beer th
Si"', 1,,u runi...a; down the cloth.)
im'i HI "'"fP"" " boor. The boot-
there. Hut fr,m ,,.,. ,()
.Li!'.9 "kV1".'"' ,a"-y nd mounted lh
1.. . .. . " h0"1 '" "" " mount
int. a atulrway re.erve.l to aorvnnta and that
Koinrain. told me had been condemned,
and It waa that mad. ma notire It In a; but Ju.t then you entered."
ton never told me anything about It.
( courao If I bad known ther waa a boot
priut, ,M
y,m "Vhlng bout It be
... - .i ",y tut that, and. any-
way. th. tr.c dried whll. I waa telling you
about my Journey."
"Ah. why not have told me later?"
'He.-!,,, 1 0,ln.f hnow
Hubtl. devil! Tu will kill me. I ran
L , ":' t 't u" "" th" n
il chamber. We will waka him."
JComaln hor.. Kom.ln here. 1 hav not
told you anything. That boot-print proc
from the dining-room. I waa not eaey until
I had rllml.e.1 thnt at.lrway my.elf and
gone to aee that door, where I dlarovered
what I have Ju.t told you and what I am
going to toll you now."
"What? What? In all you har auld
there haa been nothing about the bat-piua."
wo have come to thorn now."
"And the bouquet attack, which la going
to happen again? Why? Why?"
"Thl. la It. Whon Ihla evening you l.t m
go to lb general'a chamber. I eaamlned th
bolt of the door without your au.pootlng It
My opinion waa confirmed. It waa that
way that th. bomb waa brought, and It la
by that way that aomeona baa prepared to
l ot urn."
"Hut how? Toil ar aur the little hole
la the way aomeone rame? Hut what makea
ou think that la how thoy moan to return?
You kir,w well enough that, not having
aucrordod In Ihe general'a chamber, they
ar at work In th. dining-room."
"Madam, It I probable. It la certain that
th-y have given up the work In the dining
room nine they hav commenced this very
day winking again In the general' cham
ber, yea, aomeone returned, returned that
way, and I waa ao aur of tht. of th forth,
coming return, that t removed the police In
order lo be able to study everything more
at my eaita. Do you underatuiid now my
conflileiic and why I hav been able to
a.aunio an heavy a reaponalblllty? it la
boo.u.e I know I had only one thing to
watch; ono llttlo hat-pin. It la not diffi
cult, madam, to watch a alngle little hat
pin." "A nil. lake," aald Matrona, In a low Tolce.
"Mleeruble little domovol who told m noth
lug. me whom you let go to .loop on my
inmtro.a. In front of that door lhat might
open any moment."
"No. madame. Kor I waa behind It!"
"Ah dear llltle holy angel! Hut what
worn you thinking of! Thut door haa not
boon watched this afternoon. In our ab
aenre it could have been opened. If aome
0110 hue placed a bomb during our ab.ence!"
"That la why I arnt you at once in to the
dining-room on that search that I thought
would be frullle.a, dear madame. And that
la why 1 hurried upalalra lo th. bedroom. I
wont to ihe atairwuy door instantly. 1 had
prepared fur proof po.itlvo If anyone had
puahed It open even half a millimeter. No,
no one had touched the door In our ab-aoni-e."
"Ah. oar horolo llttlo friend of Joans!
I.ial.n . .
Ah 1 t ' . " ' "". angei.
say M b,r,' r httt M
hin' " " " mor ,hsn a flabby
ba loon punctured with plna, with llttlo
hole, of hat-plna. Tell about ,h. ha !
pins, 'tight off! N. at llr,t whe t
lhat b.ukoa you believeRo Oodl-that will MUr by lhat door? How
'" """
there are two of thrni."
Two hat-pin holo.r
r."V,i.,'' on'' nd - riew on.
On quite now. Why thla eocond hole? tit.
caue the old one wa. JuUg.!d a little too
narrow and thoy wlahod to enlarge it, and
In enlarging U ,hvy brok, off ,
a hal-iiln in it. .VUdan.e, the point Is ther
yet, filling up the mtle old bole and tha
bright"' m"al r"y h'"'p ''n, Ver'
"Ah, now I un.ler.iand th examination
of the Imt-pln. Then It la so easy aa that
to got through a door with a hat-pin?"
"Nothing eaaler. especially If the panel la
or pine. Hometlmes one happen, to break.
Ihe point of a pin In tha first hole. Then
of necea.ity one make . eoeond. In order
to commence the aecond bole, th point of
th pin being broken, thoy have u.ed th
point of a penknife, that have finished th
hole with the hal-pin. Th aocond hole I
still nearer ih. bolt than th. first one.
Iton'l move like thut. madame."
"But they are going to com! They are
going to come!"
"I believe ao."
"Hut I can't und. rr land how you can re
main ao quiet with such a certainty. Great
heavens! what proof have you that they
have not boon there already?"
"Juat an ordinary pin, madame, not a
hat-pin this time. Don't confn.e th pins.
I will ahow you In a llttl while."
"If will drlv me distracted with his
pins, dear light of my eyoa! Bounty of
Heaven! Ood'a envoy! Dear Utile happl-neaa-bearer!"
In her transport she tried to take him In
her trembling arma. but he waved her back.
Kb caught her breath and resumed:
"Did th examination of all the hat-pins
tell you anything?"
"Yes. The fifth hat-pin of Mademoiselle
Natacba', the one in the toque out In the
veranda, haa the Up newly broken off."
"O misery!" cried Matrena, crumpling In
hor chair,
Itouletabllln raised her.
"What would you have? I hove exam
Ined your own hat-pins. Do you think I
would have suspected you if I had found
one of them broken? I would simply hav
thought that someone hud used your prop
erty for an abominable purpose, that ll
"Oh. that Is true, that Is true. Tardon
me. Mother of t'hrist, this boy crazes me!
II cunaoles me and he horrific, me. II
makes me think of such dreadful things,
and then ho reagaurve me. He does what
he wiahes with me. What should I be
come without him?"
And this time sha succeeded In taking hla
head In her two hands and kissing him
paaitlnnalely. Houlctabllle pushed her back
"You keep me from seeing." he said.
bh was in tears over his rebuff. She
understood now. rtiiuletnblllo during all
this conversation had not ceased to watch
IhroUKh the opon doors of Matrcna's room
and the drosslng-room ihe farther fatal door
whose brass bolt shone in the yellow light
of the night lamp.
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