- SI. Xltl.LilJ.INJ IVlliJX. X'lvs. j PERSONAL NOTES Time for exams again. Some road troubles in Clatsop County. Rees Hall was a rortiand visitor last Sunday. Harold Ross made a business trip to Portland last Mnday. The program by the O. N. O. so ciety la due next Friday. Miss Leon Perkins visited friends In Portland last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hlley were Portland visitors last Saturday. H. F. McCormick was a business visitor In Portland yesterday. Miss Dune returned Monday even ing from .. visit with friends in Port land. W. W. Blakesley went to Portland yesterday to tae In the Automobile show. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorgo Shiun visited friends and relatives tver Sunday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Ballagh visited in Portland over Wednesday and Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Muckle at tended to business matters in Port land last Saturday. Rev. F. J. Meyer has been quite ill during the week. He is reported as some better today. Dr. and Mrs. J. ! Zipperer at tended the automobile show in Port land last Wednesday. - Arline Paulson was not able to at tend school for a week because of Inflamation of her eyes. Mrs. Hobbs and her daughter. Miss Lucille visited friends in Pon. land during the week. Mrs. N. H. Kinney and little son were passengers on the Harvest Queen yesteiday for Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Pern, of Portland, spent last Saturday and Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Peel In St. Helens. Mrs. Esser and Mrs. Linder, of Portland, are guests of Mayor and Mrs. A. W. Mueller this wesk. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. J C. Bryant, of Port land visited friends in St. Helens Wednesday. A. W. Norblad, a prominent attor ney of Astoria, stopped over in St. i Helens last Tuesday on his way home from Salem. Mr. W. B. Dillard and his son Mason went to Seappoose Tuesday evening to enjoy the skating on the lake3 Lear there. Mrs. J. T. Taber accompanied her n4 IT An1 Upa Tnlinann n . Portland Tuesday, wttere they will spend several days visiting. Mr. Tabor went up last night. Hiram Kinney, who has been ser iously ill for several weeks was again taken to the hospital in Portland Wednesday. His condition is still serious bnt hopes are entertained for an ultimate recovery. Dr. Enna will give a recital In the high schocl assembly next Monday afternoon beginning at three-thirty and last'eg for an hour. Glad to have everybody come. Eugenia Demming was absent from school last Wednesday in order tc go to Portland to see Forbes Robertson In "The Passing of the Third Floor Back." Mrs. J. W. Allen visited in Lents laBt Saturday, returning Sunday. Little Merle Allen, a nephew, accom panied her home and is spending the week in St. Helen. Miss Edna Harris substituted from Thursday until Tuesday for Miss Duns, who has been tn Port land during the slcknOoS and death of her uncle Mr. W. D. Scott. Mrs. John Pringle and her son, Ceorge, went to Pcrtland Wednesday to visit Miss Mablo Pringle, who is recovering from a surgical operation at the Good Samaritan Hospital. Mrs. J. W. Keck, of this city, was taken to the Good Samaritan Hos pital in Portland last Monday where she was operated upon. Her phy sicians report her condition as very satisfactory. K. F. Larson, the well known far mer of Warren, was in St. Helens last Monday on business. He left a sample of potatoes w'th us which were among the finest tubers we havo seen in the country. Mrs. W. W. Blakesley and Mrs. J. W. Allen entertained the members of the Yeoman Lodge at the hall last Wednesday "vening. After the lodge work was completed, several tables of COO were played until about 10 o'clock, when delicious refreshments were seived. When John Southland last Mon--f day took his place at the piano to play the march 3s for the week, he was greeted with some hearty ap plause by his school mutes to strengthen his lack of self -confidence Mrs. W. G. Muckla entertained Monday evening in a unique manner. She asked eight couples to motor out to one cf the lakes on the King estate to skate, entertaining her guests later at her apartments with an elab- orata supper. W. B .Dillard went to roruana this morning to look after business matters. A. L. Larson, a prominent farmer of Warren, was transact'ng business in St. Helens today. J. R. Kllpack, representative of the Boys and Girls Aid Society, was a business visitor n St. Helens to day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. LaBare of Salem, are visiting in St Helens w ith their son H. E. LaBare. Mrs. O. E. Bailey left Wednes dav for Portland after spending some time in St. Helens visiting with her son. Jack Black Miss Mildred Allen camo down from Portland yesterday and is vis iting her sister, Mrs. L. R. Ruther ford. Mrs. J. M. Burkhend, of the Cry stal Brook Dairy, is visiting ber sister Mrs. LaBa.-e in St. Helens this week. James Hunt has taken his old position at the treasurers office where he will be found ready to hand out tax receipts to the people when taxes ere paid. The Ladles of the Congregational Church will meet next Thursday afternoon at Guild Hall for a quilt ing party. All members and friends are Invited. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wilson, of Portland, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Van Natta near St. Helens last week. Mrs. Wilson is a sister to Mrs. Van Natta and to gether the party visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Wikstrom at Seappoose. Mrs. W. B. Mackay, who is spend ing a few days in St- HelcnB visiting her mother. Mrs. Jacob George, lias been the motif of much entertain ment. Mrs. E. A. Kotger entertain ed for her sister, Mr3. Mtckay, on Thursday with a bridge tea. Many St. Helens matrons were asked In to meet the guest of honor. Mrs. Morgus returned home last Monday after having been with Fred at the hospital for several days. When she left she said Fred was get ting on fine end was able to wheel himsjlf about in a chair. He Intends to come homo about next Monday. Mrs. Charles Cooper and her son Roscoe, will leave within a short time for San. Francisco where they will make their heme. Mr. Cooper will stay in St. Helens until he gets his business matters finished np when he will also go to California to reside. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Van Natta will be pleased to learn that their little son George Is entirely recovered from his recent Illness. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Southard had as their guests on last Saturday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Wendell, Mr. Frazier, the Misses Peace and Miss Williams, all of Portland. A number of St. Helens people were asked in to meet them. COLUMBIA CITY The recent cold spell has handled us rather rough, which caused lota of growling and left us barking at our shadows. Twenty-three proves its power which has thrown this community into a perturbed commotion over chances of losing and the loss of Miss McClay's Ford car which burned along with twenty-two other autos In the gearage that burned in Port land last Saturday Mrs. Morris Kanary, of. West St. Helens, and Mrs. J. B. Thay't, of this place, spent Tuesday and Wed nesday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. O.. DevIoJ and little son Donald came down from lloulton Monday afternoon on a It. U. speeder and spent the afternoon, the guest of Mrs. Thayer. The depot at McBride has been removed to Columbia City proper. The first train to receive orders to stop, is the Rainier local, w Men takes effect the morning of January 29th. It will have a new name which as yet has not been decided. But we have every reason to believe It will ho named Columbia City. NKW8 OF TIIKXHOLM. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hydo panned Saturday and Sunday with friends at Yankton. . Mr. Wm. Woerner was a Portland visitor last week. Mrs. Hcttie McNabe is tho guest of friends in Portland for two weeks. Mr. Ed Bowlby and family have moved back ag?.ln to Trenholm. Mr. T. W. Robinson, of Olney, Ore., has been In Trenholm for a few days !n the interest of the West ern Cooperage Company. The Parent-Teachcro Club held its regular meeting Saturday evening January 16. The subject being, "Li'oraturs In tho Homo." The pro grame was in charce of Mrs. McNabo, chairman, assisted by Miss Smith 1 mriT( tot hot nV TAMTTARY 29. 1915 and Mrs. Churchill. The laot half hour was spent in general tinging at Mrs. Tatro's until a late About thirty-five persons surpris ed Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAllister at their homo Saturday evening, Jan uary 23. It was tho thirtieth cn nlversary of their marriage. A pleasant evening was . spent snd lunch served by the hostess. LUNCH MASON'S RUTHERFORD BUILDING. CHOICE Confectionery and Cigar QUICK SERVICE LUNCH ANY HOUR. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOX GOODS. AN UP-TO-DATE Jewelry Store COMPLETE STOCK OF Watches AND Clocks EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING. VON A. GRAY ;1 Yes, Williams, I'll Tell You Why I Won't Invest in Your Enterprise YOU'RE liM-atml in the wrung town. Closed evrnlren saloons bit Spring, the first institutions lo ciiii-e arrons with thfir Urns. You voted your selves out of those good funds, and what h.ns it gut you? l'ruc tii jlly a dead town. You trifij o d privi- men of liicir piT-oual tihiA. You told 'em they couldn't drink tci-r, tven moderately as they had been doing. Mm who couldn't even pet Leer in rcifH-rtuble brer kiI'Khis, got unlimited nuuntilirs of elieap, stronger drinks in the rountless blind pigs that your blue laws created. Those orderly saloons were the Liberty Hall of many work men who sought an hour's rela ation, amusement, fellowship. To them, they were wh.it elub is to vou and me. Naturally, denied the privilege of drinking an occasional glai.s, they skulked to tin: comenient K-alc-easict and became law breakers. There yon are, Williams. None of my money for a town that clamps down the lid - net uu intemperance, but on Liuincta and sobriety. Ailvrrtiwnwnt i A KKKSH RHiVR . - Willi iJ Adds tone to any man. That's why we are so busy and there are so many tony people in this town. 15 Cant a Tone. LYNCH & GIBBS, . St. Helens, Oregon j Jeweler. ST. HFLFNS 1 - , "Jk aaassssssiasV Irf . V i-r Jltit t The Lone Fir Dairy la strictly sail ltary. Milk and cream from Ihem Is pure aud clean. MISCELLANEOUS L NOTICES. FOR SALE One four-year-old Shorthorn Bull, fat, ono fat cow, four milk cews; brood sows; pigs and fat hogs, dressed or alive; bIbo White New Zenland and Shadeland Wonderseed Oats. The two varieties that yield bis crops. For pr.rticul ars, see .phone or writo. C. J. I -arson, Warren, Oregon. FOR SALE Thoroughbrad Tar trldce Cochin Chickoan. Mrs. S. Ssuerveln, Columbia City. ltp For Sale A fine home In Port land; 12 minutes walk from Jeffer son High School; sume distance from graded school. Will take 10 acres of cleared land as part pay ment. Price $3200. See picture of tho place at the M.st office. j FOR SALE Three cows, also I other young stock. For prices and I terms, see II. W, HoUonreter. War ren, Oregon. -lP WANTED An Industrious man who can earn $100 per month and expenses retailing our Products to farmers. Address W. T. RawlelgH Company, Oakland, Cal. KOIl RENT Modorn Bungalow. Near Catholic church. Inquire at i Italian Importing Co., or Mist office. FOR SALE Thorough-bred white Leghorn Cockerels. C R. Mlllor, Warren, Ore. KSTKAY NOTICE. I have lost two Holestene year 'inir linirnr. with the tiD of right car cut off. I will pay reward for recov ery of same. K. F. LAKSEN. warren. HAY KOIl Timothy, buled and loo3C, clover haled. Car load older will receive special attention. C. O. DA 11 LG REN. Phone 102-7. Warren, Ore. KOH SALE. S. C. White Leghorn Cockerel from rrle winning Btock, price $1.50. Al.to S. C. Buff Leghorn and S. C. Buff Orphington eggs for hatching after February 1. Matting list ready February 1. Mr. and Mr. Albert I.. Larson. Box 96. Goblo, Oro. LODGES ST. HELENS It Ell KK AH LODGE. NO. 217, metis first ar.d third Thurs day of each month In I. O. O. E. Hall. Visiting monbers ulr.iys welcome MRS. ELLA ALLEN. N. G. MRS. MARY CHRISTIE. Sec. 1IOVLTON CIRCLE NO. 478. Women of Woodcraft, mee'.s tho second and fourth Tuo.ay Rf.er-n-nn of ench month nt lloulton, Oregon. AGNES DIXON. G. N. ANNA RICHARDSON, Clerk. COI.UM 111 A KNCAM I'M ENT, NO. 1 77, 1. O. O. P. meets In tho I. O. O. P. Hall, on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, sojourn ing I'utrlitrclis most cordially invited to meet with us; FRANK GLINIECKI, C. P. C. W. BLAKESLEY, Scrlbo. Avon Lodge No. 62 Knights of Pythias meets every Tuesday even ing in Castle Hall, St. Helen. Vis iting Knights always welcome. -8. R. SONNELAND, C. C. M. E. MILLER, K. of R. & 0. ST. HELENS LODGE NO. 7V 32, A P. & A M. Meets 1st and 3rd Saturdays In each month. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. EDWIN ROSS, Master. E. E. QUICK, Secretary. . ST. HELENS -fr?" O. O. F. meets In the I. O. O. P. building, on the sec ond and fourth Saturdays of each month, visiting member are always given a lnarty welcome C. W. BLAK5SLEY, Sec'y JESSE LANSING. N. O MIZI'AII CIIIPTKH O. K. H. Meets in Masonic Hall the second and fourth Saturday of each month. IRENE M. DAY. W. M. E. A. ROTGER, Secretary. TILLICUM TRIBE NO. 52, Im proved O. R. M., of Yankton, Ore., meet at Its wigwam, Second and Fourth Saturdays of each month. W. G. BRANNON, C. of R. EUER BROWN, Sach. tt ST. HELENS A8SEM U. iV. BLY NO. 80, United Artisans, meet at I. O. O. F. Hall, First and Third Friday evening of each month. All visiting Artisan welcotno. COURT ST. HEL ENS, NO. 80, meets every Sec ond and Fourth Thursdrya In K of P. Hall. All member ure- ed to attend meetings. Visiting brothers alway welcome J. O. PRINGLE, C. It. M. J. FORD, P. 8. Junimrv 2.1. 1916. to tllO wifo of W. E. Eversol, of Treuholm, ! a son. HH H.U.K. Household furn'tuie for sale, cheap. Also one 3 Vi Milhum wag on. Must be sold at onco. J. A. Hill, 81. Helens. ' IWTIKXTH WAXTK.H. I will tako patient for nursing at my home or will do nursing by the day. Term reasonable. Mr. L. L. Moffett, lloulton. KOH HALK. Household furnlturo for aIo. En quire of Mr Charle Cooper, Mile cottago. St. Helen. Dr. I-owe, Wednesday. Don't forget to got your milk and cream from Cade Brother. ST. HELENS ROUTE via WiIUsmIU Sleuth THE PEOPLES BOAT str. yiAERieyi Leaves Portland Jaily 2; JO p. in. (Sun. 1 : JO p. ni.) Arrives St. Helms - - - 6:00 p. in. (Sun. p. m. ) Leaves Si. Helens - - - 4: Ha. in. Arrivo 1'otilarJ - - - 10:15 a in. H. HOLMAN, Agant Mukri all nay landings. Wharf fimt Mtlri Mieet. Phone: Main 1121, A Wt. FAS Wiinisi, St. Hrlrm Anew Books! Books! Books! DEMING'S Kcxall and I JAS. MUCKLE & SON "GOODS 3- Special Sale of Childrens School Shoes YYc arc making a sjiccial price on all boy's and girl's shoes for this week. To reduce stock of heavy winter school shoes before lighter weight shoes are in demand, we will make a special offer for the coining week. A saving for you in Children's School Sluies this week, if you take advantage of this sale. REMNANTS Short cutis of holt goods and rihhons arc made into remnants ami marked far below the regular price for quick disposal. SKK DIS PLAY ON OUR COUNTERS. "ARROW COLLARS" H ERE Williams JUST RECEIVED A FRESH LINE OF . iriPORTED CHEESE NEUFCHATEL CHEESE GERMAN BREAKFAST CHEESE CAMEMBERT (In Portion.) McLAREN'S IMPERIAL (Club Size) EDELWEISS CAMEMBERT TYPE 8 Williams & HONESTY rVTrt rAA sl & . . . . PURE MILK AND CREAM Furnlshad Dally by LONE FIR DAIRY Cad Bros, Proprs. Our facilities and equip ment for handling dairy products enables us to sup ply the lest grade of milk and cream which is strict ly sanitary We are anxious to se cure more customers ami promise good service. Satisfaction 'guaranteed in every respect. LONE FIR DAIRY Cad Bros., Proprietor ST. HELENS, OREGON. ' Fhun 107-4. DRUG STORE Nyal Goods I OF QUALITY i Uall Go a Hull Company g IS OUR POLICY. l 8 B Si a a