ST. HELENS MIST FRI DAY, JANUARY 29, 1915. JOB PRINTING j St. To xmmmmA ISi Is f II ? r iF jl I . : III Vim II Sl.rjy4. GEJ. B.McCLELLAN, District Manager cKay B!dg., Portland, Oregon Typewriter Gives Business Standing The small tovvn merchant, the rural business man or. the farmer who uses a typewriter has the advantage over the man who does not. The typewriter not only saves time in writing letters and making out bills, but it adds prestige and reputation to the user. The L. G. Smith & Bros. Typewriter is especially adapted to use in rural districts because it will stand more wear and does not require an expert operator. By following the instructions wc will give you, you will have no trouble learning. Mail This Coupon Today Please send mc yout free book O I do net use a typewriter at present. O I am vising a typewriter nnd would like to learn about your special .(TtT to exchange it for a new one. Name .. '.. ; . : p.o. "...I:,.'..,-. , . State '. : ; " ... To the L. G. Smith & I'ros. Typewriter Co. 300 OAK BTKF.ET, Portland, Ore. t AT f Helens Mist ! ISSIlllSl! a Good Salary There In a direct find easy way for yon to help yourself to a desirable portion mm k'khi pny in me irnue or prolox iilon thut best suits your taMe and ambition. All tills without leaving home; without loninic an hour of work, or a dollar cl pay. Suih benefit In made possible by a world retiowned Institution thut Iiiih hud 15 years of successful experience in training thousand of ambitious wuRe earners for advancement. This institution now offers VOU nn opportunity, Jn the coupon below, to better your earning and position, no matter how scant your time, money, or education may be. The ir..t step In helping yourself to a good salary l'es in marking and mailing the coupon. To do this Jiutii yon under no oungutiou. oo It HOW. Intornstlonal Correspondene Sohoolt ptptala, without luttli.r a.iti- itttm on tny pari, him I 'Itiilil, lui l.rfrr lalaty J ai1v.rrtul lu lb MlltuB I..I.I. bl(k 1 X. II o -kkrr AHTctrtiMmciil Wrltur fthow-Okid Wrltar Window Trtmumf M oh4vutnl Urrtttmtn lMuirior Civil HervtM ClKdlllllt Mill apt. 1 trlct.n )"-:rliil Knglnf r Trtli phone Knf incer Mm Lighting Ou pi. Purveyor Bffttlonary FnfioMf ( iil MttKinacr Iltilldliitf Cortrftfttnr Artlilieptum) lrn. AnthM(it Hiniuiurl Kng.ner Urtrtfo Unsntver vtmnait Plumber M'nln( K iik l tiff r BATHS AT KALEVA' ROOMING HOUSE Russian Baths Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday afternoons; Wednesday and Friday forenoons. Turkish bath is optn every day. I promise to frighten rheu matism out of your body with steam heat and massage. Mrs. A. Saari ST. IIF.LKXS, . OHEOOV. St. Helens Fish Market CHAS. COOPER, Prop. FRESH FISH - OYSTERS CLAMS and CRABS Salt and Smoked Fish IMPORTANT EVEtNTS , ll--IS AT OKI SUES WINTER SHORT CGURSE-JAN. 4-30 Agriculture, Including ARronorny, Animal Husbandry, Uairviug, Hunl culture. Poultry Husbandry, Insects, Plant ii n J Animal lJic.isps, Cream ry Maiiagrnieiit, Marketing, etc. Home liconomica, IncluJing Cook ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation, Sew Ihk UressmaUIng and Millinery. Commerce, Including Business Man agement, Kural Kconomks, Husiness Law, Office Training. Harm Account ing, etc. Engineering, Including Shnpwnrk and Noadbutiding. FARMERS WEEK FEBRUARY 1-6 A ge'irral clearing house session of six days for the exchange of dynamic Ideas on the most pressing pro'.mms of the times. Lectures hy leading authorities. State conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movahle schools. In stitutes and numerous correspondence ennrses on request. MUSIC: Piano, String, Rand, Vtlce. No tuition. Reduced rites on aM rail roads. For further inf rmi imi address, The Oregon Agriciilinrui Collir.-', (tw l'i-l to-l l) COKVAU.I5, tittimilN KLMMOXH FOR, PIMJCATIO.V IN I'ORF.CLOSlItK OF TAX LIK.V. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orngon, for Columbia County. Coo. II. Shlnn, plaintiff va. Charloa f'olean and uIho all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest In the roal estate doscrlbcd In the complaint herein, defendonts. To Charles Colean, the owner of tho legal and recorded title of the real property herein described, aa the same appears of record, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate lien or Interest In the real estate describ ed in the complaint herein, the above earned defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby no' fied that Geo. II. Shlnn, the holdei of Certificate cf Delinquincy numbered 90 Isnued on tho 3rd day of October.,1911, by the Tax Collector of the County of Columbia, State of Oregon, for the amount of Twenty-six and 34-100. ($20.34) dollars the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for tho year 1910 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as ippears of record, situated in said I 'ounty and State, and particularly bounded and described as follows, towlt: The northwest quarter of the outhwest qunrter (NW of SWU) of Section Twenty-three (23) Town ship Five (5) North of Range Three (3) West of the WillamoHe Meridian In Columbia County, State of Ore gon. You are further notified that said o. II. Shlnn has paid taxes on said prcmlhes for prior and subsequent years with the rate of interest on sald amounts as follows: Year's tax, 1911, date paid, March 13, 1912, tax rocelpt No. 1742, amount 125.03, rate of Interest 12 nor cent. Year's tax, 1912, date paid, April 2, 1913, tax receipt No. 3012, amount $21.58, rato of interest 12 per cent Year's tax 1913, d te paid March 31, 1914, tax receipt No. 3320, amount, 140.90, rate of interest 12 per cent. Year's tax 1913, date paid Septem ber 29, 1913, fire patrol, amount $1.20, ruto of interest, 12 per cent. Year's tax 1914, aate paid, Septem ber 23, 1914, fire patrol, amount, $t.(I0,"rato of Interest 12 per cent. Said Charles Colean na the owner of the legal title of tho above de scribed property as the same uppears of record. and each of the other persons above named are hereby further notified that Geo. II. Shinn, who has filed .his complaint in tho above eutlted Court for the foreclosure of said certificate of de linquency No. 90., will apply to the Circuit Court of tho County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against tho property above de scribed, and mentioned in said cer tificate. And you are hereby sum moned to appear within sixty days after tho date of the first publication of this summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as abovo shown together with costs and accrued Interest, and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be ren dered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by ord er of tho Honorable J. A. Eaktn Judge of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, and said order was made nnd dated the 23rd day of December 1914, and the dato of the first pub lication of this summons is the 25th day of Decemhor, 1914. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter montloned. J. W. DAY, Attorney for the Tlaintiff. Address Bank Building, St. Helens, Orogon. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon for tho County of Colum bia. Katharine M. Livingston, plaintiff, vs. Calvin Andraw Livingston, de fendant. Calvin Andrew Livingston, tho above named defendant: In tho nanio of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filod against you in tho abovo entitled court and cause, on or before the 20th day of Janunry, 1915,, which Is six weeks nftor tho 8th day of January, 1915, tho dato ordered for the first publi cation of this summons, and It you fall to so appear . and, answer, the plaintiff will apply for the reliof prayed for In his complaint, towlt j For a decree dissolving the marriage contract heiotoforo nnd now exist ing between the plaintiff and the de fendant herein and . restoring to plaintiff her maiden name of Kath erlno M. Schmidt, and hor costs nnd disbursements incurred in tho suit. This summons Is publiBhod by order of the Hon. J, A. Eakin, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 6th day of Jan uary, 1915 DAN E. POWERS, Attorney for Plaintiff. 813 Lews! Building, Portland, Ore. 1st Pub. January 8, 1915. Last Pub. January 19th, 1915. XOTICK OF BALK OF TIDE LANDS Notice Is hereby given that the State Land Board of the State of Or egon will sell to the highest bidder at Its office in the Capitol Building at Salem, Oregon, on February 9, 1915, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., of said day, all the State's interest In the tide and overflow lands hereinafter described, giving, however, to the owner or owners of any lands abut tlio preference right to purchase said tide and overflow lands at the high est price offered, provided such offer is made in good faith, and also pro viding that the land will not be sold for, nor any offer therefor acepted of less than $7.50 per acre, the 3oard reserving the rfeht to reject any and all bids. Said lands are situated if, Columbia County, Oregon, and de scribed as follows, towit: Beginning at a point 764.9 feet Bouth cf the quarter corner between Sections 14 and 15, T. 8 N. R. 4 W. of W. M., thence on high water me ander line as follows: S. 4 9o 37 E. 7G5.0 feet along high tide ine. S. 55o 17'. E. 624.6 feat along high tide line S. OOo 27' E. 316.3 feet along high tide line S. OOo 18' E. 378.8 feet atong high tide line S. C3o 28' E. 205.7 feet along high tide line S. C7o 53 E. 485.3 feet along high tide lino S. 71o 33' E. C28.0 foet along high tide line S. 72o 59' E. 433.7 feet along high tide lino N. 89o 32' E. 76.8 feet along high tide line 8. 71o 59' E. 138.4 feet along high :ide Hue S. 81o 19' E. 201.6 feet along high lide line S. 7So 58" E. 409.3 feet along high tide line S. 79o 33' E. 854.4 feet along high lido lino S. 83o 45' E. 164.5 feet along high .ide lino S. 42o 51' E. 39.0 feet along high :ido lino S. 78o 07 E. 332.8 feet along high tide lino S. 83o 10' E. 270.4 feet along high lido line S. 80o 56' E. 415.9 feet along high tide lino S. SSo 94' E. 356.0 feet aong high tldo Hue N. SGo 58' E." 80.4 feet along high tido lino " N. G7o 5S' E. 231.3 feet along high tido liuo N. G5o 27' E. 300.0 feet along high tide line N. 60o 07' E. 160.0 feet along high tide line to pt. on perpendicular bank. S. 57o 16' W. 160.00 feet along low tido land. S. 65o 27' W. 300.0 feet along low tide lino S. G8o 13 W. 231.3 feet along low tldo line S. 74o 21' W. 85.0 feet along low tid3 lino N. SSo 02' W. 361.0 feet along low tide lino N. 81o 4 0' W. 416.0 feet along low tido lino N. 77o 29' W. 653.5 feet along low tide lino N. SOo 07' W. 147.5 feet along low tido line N. 7So 15' W. 1264.0 feet along low tido land. N. 81o 19' W. 201.6 feet along low tido line N. 76o 33' W. 135.0 feet along low tide laud. N. 83o 48' W. 75.0 foot along low tide land. N. 73o 54 W. 433.8 feet along low tide land. N. 72o 06 W. 628.0 feet along low tldo lai.d. N. 67o 46' W. 485.3 feet along low tide land. N. 65o 08' W. 206.0 feet along low tldo land. N. G2o 62' W. 379.0 feot along low tldo land. . N. 69o 00' W. 316.4 foet along low tido land. N. 54o 18' W. 524.6 feet along low tide land. N. 50o 14' W. 736.0 feet along low tido land. N. Oo 36' E. 42.0 feot to point of beginning, containing 3.85 acres of tide land frortlng on the property of Millie Taylor In Lots 5, 6, 7 of Sec tion 14 and Lot 1 of Section !i and Lots 1 nnd 2 Section 24, T. 8 N. R. 4 W. of W. M. Applications and bids should be addressed to G. 0. Brown, Clerk Stnte Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to purchase tide lands." O.O. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board Dated Novembor 23, 1914. TWENTY YEARS AGO The Mist, January 25, 1S95. At a special meeting held at the school house Wednesday evening, a special 5-raill tax was voted to raise funds for the purpose of defraying current school expenses in this dis trict. The directors will realizo about 400 from this rate and wil thus be able to conitnuo tho school until the expiration of the current school year It will be with regret that our young peoplo will 1 am that Mr. Gilson, of Houlton, will cut the greater amount of timber away from the skating-pond known as Broyles' lake. This lake has been the scene of much merriment in the way of skating, and when the tim ber is cut away, it Is feared that a difference will take effect In the freezing of the lake and thus spoil lots of sport. The people of Vernonia have been experiencing considerable difficulty of late with high water. The recent heavy snow and rain was the cause of tho Nehalem river and Rock creek raising to an almost unknown height sweeping logs, brush, etc., along with the raging to-rent, and flooding part of the town. Persons conse quently journeyed to their places of business in small boats, so we have been informed. Spencer Rose didn't tell us, but wo have good reason to believe the story. Eveiything now points to the pos sibility of St. Helens being supplied with fresh mountain water. If the proper encouragement is manifest this thing can be brought to a suc cessful termination, and St. Helens can have as pure, clean water as any own in the state, An improvement is possible over the present supply ind we earnestly hope the change -;an be brought around. The prop osition we believe is to bring the water from one of the large springs n Germany Hill, a thing which ;ould be easily done without requir ing the outlay of a great amount of money. A conservative estimate laco8 the cost of the proposition at ihout ?500. The county court at Us last ses don took a step In the right direc lon by not allowing road supervis es more than one day's pay for rvery six days worked on the roads. .oad supervisors have been known o work their office for what there vas in it In Columbia County, re tardless of the public good. The ate order of court, will, to some ex ent, prevent theso abuses of pub lic trust. Men who have the inter ests of the road districts at heart jhould be appointed to fill theso of fices; men who will not work the thing entirely In their own interests. It is true that a man should receive lust compensation for his services, but It is evident to many that some have received pay for what they have not done CLIFF. In St. Helens on Tues day night, January 21, to the wifo of Dr. H. XI. Cliff, a son. Jay Doming, a former employe of the Mist office, left Friday for Salem where he was called to take a "sit" in tho state printing office. Jay is a very faithful and efficient printer, and we beHovc will prove x valuable adjunct In the state office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United 3tates, for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of Ralph C. McCoy, bankrupt. No. 3170 In Bankruptcy. Notice is horeby given that on tha IGth day of January, A. D. 1915, Ralph C. McCoy, of Houlton, Ore gon, tho bankrupt abovo named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that tho first meeting of his creditors will be held at ny offices, Rooms 830 831 Northwostern Bank Building, Portland, Oregon, on tho 3rd day of February, 1915, at 3 p. m., at which timo said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, wd transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting Claims must be presented In form required by tho Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to. The schodule filed discloses doubtful assets of $200.00. A. M. CANNON, Refeiee In Bankruptcy. Dated, January 20, 1915. ADVERTISED LETTERS. Letters unclaimed at tho St. Hel ens, Oregon, postoffice for the week onding January 23, 1916. Miss Mary Boyd; Mr. M. Molline; Miss Myrtlo Snydor; Fred Sanders; Mr. O. W. Towne; Mr. Charles Turpen ing. Letters unclaimed by Fobruay.6, 1915, -will be sent to the dead-letter office. IVA E. DODD, P. M.