r LOCAL HAPPENINGS AND DOINGS Yourself and Others fir1" ' S. C Morton was a Portland tIs- , Uor today. ' . .. v -. r " Sugar Is still on the jump. . l.ntto ; wheat and flour. ' i j , Mrs. David Davis spent a few days in Portland last week.' '- ' 'Mr. and -Mrs.-' T.; W. Blew visited friends In Portland during the week. 1 - - ' ' - v 'Mr. -and Mrs. Butler of Deer Is ' land, were St.' Helens visitors Thurs day. ' ' " ' Born on Noveinher 12." to Mr,' and I Mrs.. Reed, of Bnnker Hill, a daugli- ,tor- m, t.!,..ib.,.,;,l' .....,r S Born on "MondaY.! November 8, to -i'Mrand Mrs. JoV.n Mo. tar do a 1? ; poimdboy. tjr.iXom Cooper, of Goble, was visit ing. relatives in Si, Helens during the week. Mfs.J7"V.AVaL1gren spent a' few - days- In' rortland this week visiting ''lier "mother "'' There wlil bo ; services, in, the Episcopal church next Sunday even ing at 7:80. ; -' - -'-' Frank ! Bishop, mayor of Goble, was transacting business in SC "Hel ens last Tuesday.' " - , - - Mrs. IT. J. VanOrshoven is spend ing the week with her sister, Miss Lulu George, in Portland. Mr. C. H. English,- the Deer Is ' land merchant, "was 'a business vis itor In St. Helens last Monday. Dr. Peel went to Portland yester day in his auto and left it there to be repaired, returning on the evening train. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Masten and Mr. and Mrs. Miller of the camp spent several days In Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shinn were fu Portland the first of the week at tending the funeral of the late B. F. Giltner. ' Ms. Jacob George spent several days during the week in Por'land visiting " her daughter Mrs. V. B. Mackay. Dr.-and Mrs.-Wood, of Portland, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wellington in St. Helens last Sunday. The firemen have posters out announcing a big Thanksgiving ball In the City Hall on Saturday, Nov ember 28. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will meet witli Mrs. W. H.'Davies, Wednesday, No vember 18. ... , C. M. r Lowrey, a farmer from Boise, Idaho, arrived in St.' Helens " this weekf" He " hts ' been "looking . around this, vicinity, but has not yet decided to locate here. J. JH. Price, general manager of the f St.leln Shipbuilding Co., left this -Aveek for' San Francisco, where he .-- goes to-look after- business matter connected with his company. . i i J. S. Allen, .. of . Spokane Was'i., father of Mrs. L. R. Rutherford and Joe; Allen arrived yesterday morn ing' for a short visit at "the Ttuther .. ford aad.AUejLnomes.ar.ter which he , will probably return via Seattle. C. W. Blakesley returned Wedncs--jlay evening from J'ortlaud where he ..Jen jattendingr the Assessor's Convention. The convention lasted .for two, days and was attended by assessors from all parts of the state. Notices in the Portland papers an nounce that there will be held in St. Helens some time next week a boxing exhibition between some Portland boxers and some locals. Just what night has not been definitely decided upon." - " ' Mrs. W. L. Curry died at her home in Los Angeles, Cal., last Saturday November 7th. Mrs. Curry was for merly Bertha M. Davis and resided In St. Helens for several years and has many friends here. She was a sister of David Davis of St. Helens and C. S. Davis of St. Johns. S. R. Sonneland lepresented tho local K. of P .lodge at the open meet ing held by Rainier lodge lant Mon day night. If was planned to take down an excursion of Knights from here but on account of some tiff fa culties In securing transportation, the trip had to be abandoned - - 1 r i i i v Captain 'Abel's auto bus is' still making regular trips to l'.irilaun from St. Helens and the travel is keeping up well for this time of the year. Every accommodation is forded passengers who. jl.er 07., this bus,' It being supplied with sufficient warmth to be most comfortnb.o Wise and Otherwise IL Mr. 'Johu Philip, who has'-.been in charge of some rock work rt Sher wood, Oregon, for Jeffrey & .Burton, contractors, returned to hi home in St. Helens last week, fooling under the, weather, Since his return Mr. Philip has been confined to the house with an attack of rheumatism. ; 1 ' .; ;' . V ' The fire alarm was sounded last Saturday afternoon and a-ecord run was made by the f're boy to the Kaleva boardlug house, where tho fire in the furnaces1 heating the Turk ish baths, had spread to the wood work surrounding" if;,, A little effort quickly- ' extinguish tho fire with out much damage. . 1 The new passenger-stORiheij.Geor-giaua.has been taken off tlie,: Portland-Astoria run for the Winter. When summer travel again starts up In. the spring, the.. GearsLana Kill re sume the run, but during the winter the river trade. Is. slack &Q Jtho boat will be given a rest fora few days. ; Tho young girls of the Congrega tional Sunday school mot at tho homo pV Mrs. W. il Plllard Wed nesday evening aund formed the PriseiHa Club. Mrs. TWlard served refreshments t the-girls and they were very much enthused with the organization oft ho club.' It Is plan ned to have many pleasant part le i during the winter. ; Work lias been started on the new. fruit and YetraWMG cannery by Louis Itosasco and his associates. Work will be rushed on the building in, time to take care of next year's crop. The buildiug Is located Just west of the Italian Importing Company store. .' ' I Rev. Meyer assembled his com pany of Boy Scouts at the Guild Hall last night where Dr. L. G. Ross lec tured to them on the subject of first aid to the injured. The boys will have regular nietings and drill 1 along these and other lines during the winter, the physicians of tho city and others giving instructions. Charles Cooper, proprietor of tli-s St. Helens Fish Market, went horn. last Tuesday evening and some time during the night went to the medi cine Chest and taking but" a "bottle he supposed was medicine, lie too!; a swallow of it. The contents prov ed to be carbolic acid and as soon as the mistake was discovered ' doctor was summoned and :tli work of sav ing his life was-begum 1 For sonu time his lifewas despaired of but at last accounts be was .getting better. The crossing of the street from the postoffice towards the court house did not improve any with ths rains of the last week, and the City Council did not deeni.ty to be up to them to build a wuikso private in dividuals, Interested' In the property along the street, took it .upon them selves to make a walk. Accordingly a new crossing was built from tin center of .the plaza to the opposite side of file street," tniia" affording a good "crossing for' tho poep'io from the down town district. , ' A number of frlendsLr Mr .w Cooper, of Warren, gailiered at the Cooper home last Thursday to spend the day, it being the anniversary of her birth. The party was in the nature of a"surpriKe","ahd among the guests 'were two real bioneerc. grandma Cooper and Grandm.i Baker,... It was truly, a delight to visit with these grand old ladies and their presence adt'ed rim.'' to the enjoyment of tho occasion. Mrs. Cooper received " several hun(1nomi presents. Mrs. Alfred J. Peel entertained oj Wednesday, November 10th, t her beautiful home in St. Helens lor the benefit of the.; Red cCrV)ss fund.. Aliout; forty "ladies aUended durin ? tho afternoon. ''' Mrs. Peel was as sisted by her winter, Mrs. Pern, of Portland. Master Rashley Peel and Harriet Peel ushered the guests In. Mrs. C. II. John served in tho-dinin room, aslsted by Misses Lois:1 Clear,' worotiiy John. and Eugenia Demln? In Rod Cross JNiirsn mglnmuf Tl, affair was a delightful one and' Mrs. Peel received a neat little sum to be forwarded to the Red Cross; Fund. i'. 1 1 1 ' . , f WILLIAMS HALL, C0 '.Trice cutting is ilone to create tlie im pression that the store is cheaper than others, not only on the cut priced articles hut on other jotvls. '" " ' . ' '" (ur ilea is to keep a fair, cVcn level of fW'iest pirces on all goods all the time... 9 Toy'Toy' Xmas Joys Noah's Ark ..CIlrUqnd Boys. i'-V y 1'OU BALK, j Thoroughbred lvfatv'- Lcfehorn Cockerels. These blrdti were raised from trap nested stock. Over. 200 eggs yearly. $3.00 each, ; - Also White Wyandotte CocWelti, ?2.C0 each, ,-ws?r., ' : - , i f '"j;;tjj v EGOMAN,' ' 4tD Houlton. WILLIAMS 4 HALL CO. HONESTY IS OUR POLICY UlIlL UlUIi liUt.Jul UUlI. ti.t.i . . . Turkey Day Will Soon be Here , If in need of a new Dining Table or a few Dining Chairs for that occasion call and see us. We have tables from $7 up, chairs from 85c. up. See the set in our window at a special price of $25 for this week. We have several others at as good value for the price we ask, SATISFACTION OUAKANTIiF.l),, .. ; - TRICKS MIGHT. 1 Furniture. E. A. ROSS U.nJertaidrJ Something- Kfe7 -3 . . 1 J AS; MUCKLE t SON 3j (iOODS OK QCAI.ITY ' ' ritONE NO. 3. r . ESTABLISHED 1874.' Save your S. & H. Gret n Stamps and get valuable ;'. Xmas gifts without a cent extra cost. ' . We have a new stock of Holiday goods just in ; now is the time to do your Christmas shopping, while the stock is complete and you have the entire selection from which to choose.- ..... 1 ... ; ,... , . ... We will store goods for any who desire to make .reservations.,, . '";,.'V ' T .If you want to save money shop early, and shop in your home town. "' " A Window of "Toyland . Our window is filled with toys that will delight the hearts of the children. Dolls, games books, tea, sets, trains, mechanical toys, balls, drums, trunks, pianos, whistles, horns, flutes,' kitchen cabinets and ornaments of all descriptiens; m fact everything nec essary for "child housekeeping." . . . ... Bring them in and let them see1. They are welcome.' AT T t Baseel's Store IN HOULTON IHHIIIH, VIXIKVH. .1 M1)NW CKHH at ItKHl't ia) Vtum Mho C..ni.loto I'uii Htock ofDn iiMKl, ClotlihiK, HaU sjmI (lp, lUxtU and Hliom l-'urnitur, KldVM, BMj llanlvrirc, (iriM-rrlKK, V.le.' Kvuryllilnif for KvnrylMxIy (t PHm That JWy ConiiKHiUo, , A Call Will Convince yw I COXtJItKC.ATIOXAL CJII KCH j I r ; . . J (The Peoples' Church) Itegular services for next Lord's Day.- , , , Iiible School at 10:00 a. m.. Public Worship ana sermoii 11a, m. ..... Clirtstlan Endeavor at B:30 p. rn. , Son; Service and a brief inspiring sermon by the pastor at 7:30 p. m. A church home is here for all, strangers and friends. , "Come thou with ub and we will do thee good." F. J. MEYER ; , Pastor, A BANKER'S ADVICI TO YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. v The lirst ttp tu wealth is always the li.inl- est. It i taken wlicn yon optu a sa ings ac- j count at the bank. " i- Any yottng'inan r woman who is omptoycil can saw a lit tic each week, ami when this is hanked it becomes an inspiration to yuu. You watch is grow and accumulate, until time nml Ihe habit of saving have placed yon in com fort able financial circumstance!. '.Your future ' ' . is then assured and dates from the day yotj : inalc yourr, first deposit. , . . On Dollar will stark a tavingi account in this Bank Do it today. Tomorrow never come THE COLUMBIA COUNTY BAN' f--' A Sft ill W lypewriter Gives MliTIIOOIST NOTK8 Sunday School at 10 a. m. , There are classes for all ages In this school. . A new class for young married people has Just boen oaii ized. If. you are not going to an other school we invite you to attend here. . . . '.' Preaching at 11 a. m. The theme will be, "The Ideal Church." ne sure to hear this special sermon. Epworth League ' at 8:30 p. m. Topic, "The Call to Heroic Service." ! Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Theme, "A' Treasure io : be Guarded. - Fol lowing this sermon there will bo a reception of members. - ' ' ' J ' " Special miiBic will be rendered by the choir at both preaching services and good congregational 'singing will also bo enjoyed by alt ' ' ;' ' ' HEV: FRANK. SANDIFEIt I'astor. e writer Business Standing ,r,oTteoSnla11 t0n "Jant, the rural business man or the farmer who uses a typewriter lias the advantage over the man who does not. 1 nntUu k P.CnjC not on.,y savcs time in writing letters and making out bills, but if adds prestige and reputation to tKe user. , The L. G. Smith & Bros. Typewriter :mowcnryaiaStcd t0 USC in rural districts because it will stand : hfnsTructinWMr1- an exPcr' opcratrth" MUM tne instructions we wiH gIVe you, you will have no trouble learning l:..' .4. Mail This Coupon Today ,! : " ' : : ; i.i-i z ; Select your fancy dishes for Xmas wjille tho assortment is good. Noah'i Ark . ' ' -1 ,i j . Subscribe and pay1 for- your 'ttal'ty, journal at Noah's Ark. Tatroulze Our Advertisers. It Pay. We are 'heauau'arters' for" Xmas toys and decorations. Noah's Ark. Please send me ydufree book! : ' X ;1 "ot us,a typewriter at present ' 1 !; -tcr abouryo'ur special cr.o -- V" VH unc. " Hi:, Ii!:..lwl ..... . . . . - ' M 'i b',. ' ' t.'w-t. hulk ', ,i 1 : .'I I ! 'lll.r i " ;;, ';""" ' i. i .'.-. - 5- , v.;.. w,,. ' lui I , Name.:......;,.' ..,!, , t " ...'.!- ' ' ' . ",) i, I -'II I1.V."...V.,....,,, ...., HI-----' Strife'' ' ,!"' ' ;''"' "i ' ;' fu M 4 bi.." -v,j ! '' ' '"' ' '""I". - ( , l n;-tt. , v. iui:-i Hit. 't,! 1 :, I :' 80,1 "AKHTllKKT,' Portland, Ore. .:. t Mi ' l.lU'xii it.tiV::. nil '' ':'""' i: '-! '',;,!'' ' Hi. .1 :.,,..,,:,;-,).,,, i. i. " 1 -Ml V 111;,, Jlir, .: "" 'r'-'.'vli '