INDUSTRIES: Lumbering and timber Ih tlu u li.cipul ir iluttry; i) iniruliout twenty-five saw inilln. .Salmon rwhin i" ' "IK ill , ' Columbia River is alio mi important industry, j,. and fruit ruining; Stone nrrying; Ship huii.ij,,, r .. . i 'Win kinds of Iu iiImt numufucturinu; planm ohUUTUNjTIKS: There ure lire opportunities ft: lln nn all f,nir , nmn. fruit grower and truck Kiinli m r, Also a ' choice deep water sites fur n ui.ufiu lu i c lni8, T1IK HELTA C.VUPKNS: 1 J.D ).) 'HM-e-" of lo.v'l.uxU atoiiu tli,. folirnliiH a have recently been ilykeil uiul ure now in hieh J cult ivaiioii exiM-ciiilly mhpleil to flowing of veycli,l,, I ii i'. .,;. i small fiuits. LOCATION: In the Northwestern part of Oregon, on the Columbia River, with about 70 miles of river front. AREA: About 700 square miles. 422,512 acres. TILLABLE LAND: 15,726 acresv This is land that is actually in cultivation and cleared, exclusivcof town lots. NON-TILLABLE LAND: 406.766 acres, which includes all timber where there is more than 100,000 feet on a quarter section, also all log ged off land which is not suitable for and in no condition for cultivation. TIMBER: About seven and one half to eight billion feet. ASSESSED VALUE QF TIMBER: $11,467,180. ASSESSED VALUE OF TILLABLE LAND: $911,355. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION OF ALL PROPERTY: $18,000,000. MILES OF COUNTY ROADS: 500 miles, some of which is in first class condition, some in fair condition and some in very poor condition. MILES OF RAILROADS: ' About 125 miles which includes the main line of the S. P. & S. and the various logging roads. POPULATION: Census of 1910 gives 10,580 but a careful estimate this year gives it at least 15,000. CLIMATE: Temperate. During the summer the thermometer rarely reaches 100 in the shade and in the coldest weather of winter zero weather is almost unknown. During the winter months there is considerable rain, but not too much. Just enough to insure crops. Crop failures are unknown. PRODUCTS: Fruits of all kinds, especially apples, pears, plums and berries; Grain and grasses; garden truck of all kinds and dairying. SHIPPING: Ships from all parts of the world carry Columbia County products down the Columbia River and to the markets of the world. A through line, of Railroads traverse the county from the North to the South. River boats carry local products to local markets at low rates. LAND:' Thousands of acres of first class land can be purchased at reasonable prices upon which are stumps left from the timber operations. This land is especially suited for farming, fruit raising and dairying. - if .... ..." :' "" v.1 Grade ki11k,h j .J S'liOOUS; Four Hlamlaii! lliili School; locality. minimus: Nearly till di'iioiiiiiiiil ioi; n ineseiitecl. THE COUNTY OFIKEW. Circuit Jii'lfci'S, .). 0. Caiiilii'll an. I ,1. , ', District Aitonuy, V. 1.1 lill;.r. County Judge, V. A. Haiti County Clerk. II. K. Lnltute Shei iir. A. I'.. TIiiiiiho:i AH.te.sMnr, C. W. Clakeslcy School SiiHriulenli.'iit, J. It. YVilkcrson Treasurer, K. S. llaltan Coroner, F. II. Slier wooil Surveyor, Geo. Convent Commissioners, John Furr, buiis l'lulucr. CITIES. TDWN. AND POST OFFICII: ST HELENS A city on the Columbia River, 28 miles from Portland, with a population of 2500 people. The County Seat of Columbia County. A Four year Standard Hit,h, School. Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal Mini Catholic Churches. All the leading fraternal orders. Gravity water system owned by the city sufficient to supply a city of 10,000 peo Electric lights, graded and macadamized streets, sewers. Principal industries are lumbering, shipbuilding, creosoting, stone quarrying, fishing and shipping. Two large iw mills with a capacity of 250,1100 feet per day; more than 5 million feet of lumber shipiied each month; several large ocean going vessels built each year; timber treated with creosote and shipped all along the coast. Two big stone quarries ami rock crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of lino tons of Columbia River Salmon caught and marketed. A fanning country back of it that cannot be excelled in the world. Several new business blocks now under construction. Five miles of newer lieing built. A PAY ROLL OF NEARLY $10r.(i00 I'EU MONTH. Many beautiful and attractive homes. St. Helens , Rainier C!al:knnic Ilmilu SVappoose Warren Deer Island i;,,. Yankton Vemoiila Mist (uincy Mayger Maishhnd Columbia l ily llmU Apiary Hudson Pre:icoit TnnU lnglin (T1Y OFFICERS OF ST. I11XF.NS Mayok A. W. Mueller Cit!N'll.MKN - N. O. LaraLee, ( has., M. Vjxa, li. Morgun City Aithunkv-J. W. Day Rm'uiiiiKK-- E. V. (Juick Mausiim.s -J. L. C'hittein, L. L. Decker Tkkasmkk-- It. P. Watkinn Vati:k Ckmmisshin -L. K. Allm. J. W., Ktii Dixon. F A. Crouse. John Cringle W'ATKU Sl'PKIllNTKNUKNT-ChtM. I , "Fihk Ciiikk --L. K. Allen (Continued from Page-3.) 2o 47' East 12.1 feet; thence following a 4o curve to the left 683.3 feet; thence South 26o 07' East 249.2 feet; thence following a lOo curve to the left 85. 7 feet; thence South 34o 43' East 28C.6 feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to the right 88.6 feet; thnce South 9o 55' East 165 feet; thence fol lowing a 28o curve to the left 121.4 feet;' thence South 43o 55' East 299.2 feet; thence followinga Ho curve to the left 325.6 feet; thnce South 89o 30' East 130.2 feet; thence following a 14o curve to the right 66.7 feet; thence South 8O0 01' East 260 feet; thence following a 20o curve to the left 212.5 feet; thence North 67o 20' East 135.9 feet; thence following a 20o curve to the right 121 feet; thence North 81o 33' East 144.8 feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to the left 148.2 feet; thnce North 40o 03' East 64.7 feet; thence following a 24o curve to the right 278.0 feet; thence South 73o 01' East 138 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the right 163.2 feet; thence South 27o 14' East 132.5 feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to the left 101.1 feet; thence South 680 20' East 452.8 feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to the right 190.6 feet; thence South 4o 58' East 73.2 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the left 261.9 feet; thence South 7 80 18' East 1049.3 feet; thence following an 80 curve to the left 316.7 feet; thence North 76o 22' East 651.8 feet; thence following a 20o curve to the right 127.8 feet; thence South 7 80 4' East 413.6 feet; thence following an 80 curve to the left 250 feet; thence North 81o 56' East 16.5 feet; thence fol lowing an 80 curve to the left 212.6 feet; thence North 64o 66' East 211.1 feet; thence following a lOo curve to the right 241.0 feet; thence North 89o 02' East 1905.2 feet; thence following a 3o curve to the right 8 6. '7 feet; thence South 880 22' East 1009.9 feet; thence following a lo curve to the right 133.3 feet; thence South 87o 2' East 781.8 feet; thence following a 4o curve to the left 107.1 feet; thence North 880 41' East 1283.7 feet; thence following al4o curve to the right 156.6 feet; thence South 69o 24' East 676.5 feet; thence following a 60 curve to the right 297.8 feet; thence South 61o 32' East 1698 feet; thence following a 30o curve to the right 83.3 feet; thence South 49o 02' East 480.2 feet; thence following a 2o curve to the left 137.6 feet; thence South 61o 47' East 284.9 feet; thence following an 80 curve to the left 486.7 feet; thence North 89o 17 East 1017.9 feet; thence following a 2o curve to the left 866.7 feet; thence North 72o 09 East, 537.1 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the right 158.2 feet; thence South 60o 45' East 1218.4 feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to the left 116.8 feet; thence North 860 31' East 372.1 feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to the right 60 feet; thence South 79o 29' East 605.8 feet; thence folowing a lOo curve to the right 88.3 feet; thence South 70o 39' East 274.8 feet; thence following a lOo curve to the left 189 feet; thence South 89o 33' East. n North 89o 47' West 3215.0 feet; thence fol loylng a lOo curve to the left 393.8 feet; thence South 6O0. 60' West 1286.5 feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to the right 231.6 feet; thence North 61o 60' West 126. 7f eet; thence following a 28o curve to the left 223.8 feet; thence South 55o 30' West 31.8 feet; thence folowing a 2 80 curve to the right 142.9 feet; thence North 84o 30" West 69 feet; thence following an 18o curv to the left 317.6 feet; thence South 3 80 20' West 47.3 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the right 141.1 feet; thence South 77o 60' West 119.6 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the left 167.9 feet; thence North 30o 60' East 221 feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to th right 450 6 feet: thence South 23o East 116.9 feet; thence following a 20o curve to the left 137.6 feet; thence South 60o 30' East 501.4 feet; thence following a lOo curve to the left 800 feet; thence South 80o 30' East 609.9 feet; tnence following a 660 curve to the left 168.9 feet thence North 60 35' East 106.5 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the right 119.6 feet; thence North 0o 06' East 116.8 feet; thence following a 38o curve to the right 361.8 feet; thence South 2o 25' East 40 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the left 198.2 feet; thence South 67o 65' EaBt 97.3 feet; thnce following a 38o curve to the left 171.1 feet; thence North 67o 05' EaHt 280.5 feet; thenco follow ing a 880 curve to the left 154.1 feet; thence North lo 25' West 92.8 feet; thence following a 38o curve to the right 473.7 feet; thence South lo 25' East 60 feet; thence following a 660 curve to the left 154. 5 feel; thence South 87o 65' East 104.3 feet; thence following a 38o curvo to the right 164.6 feet; thence South 25o 26' East 69.7 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the left 110.7 feet; thence South 660 25' East 370.5 feet; thence following a 660 curve to the left 122.3 feet; thence North 65o 05' Entt 6 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the right 325 feet; thence South 32o 66' East 94.7 feet; thence following a 20o curve to the left 275 feet; thence South 880 66' EaBt 166.3 feet; thence following a 24o curve to the liclit 302.8 feet; thence South 16o 60' East 122.9 feet; thence following a 24o curve to the right 116.7 feet; thence South Ho 46' West 64.6 feet; thence following a 6C0 curve to the left 171.7 feet; thence 8outh 84o 25' East 86 feet; thence following a 2 Go curve to the right 186.9 feet; thence South 36o 05' East 30.5 feet; thence following a 660 curve to the left 176-feet; thence following a 2 80 curve to ther Ight 203.6 feet; thence South 77o 05' West 239.9 feet; thence following a 24o curve to the right 674.2 feet; thence South 60o 44' West 268.2 feet; thence following a 48o curve to the left 281.2 feet; thence South 74o 16' East 193.4 feet; thence following a 15o curve to the left 100 feet; thence South 89o 16' East 82.1 feet; thence fol lowing a 27o curve to the right 407.4 feet; thence following a 56o curve to the left 366.1 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the right 256 feet; thence North 67o 24' East 107.3 feet; thence following a 24o curve to the right 104.4 feet; thence South 87o 36' East 132.9 feet; thence following a 3So curve to the left 168.4 feet; thence North 28o 24' West U0.2 feet; thence following a 2So curve to the right 159 feet; thence North 72o 64' East 110.1 feet; thence folowing a 38o curve to tho left H7.4 feet; thence North 16o 54' East 314.7 feet; thence following a 24 curve to tho right 108.3 feet; thence North 42o 64' East 47 feet; thenre following a 2 So curve to thel eft 105.4 feet; thence North 13o 24' West 50. 8 tent; thence follow ing a 20o curve to the light 116.1 feet; thence North 3iio 25' East 72 7 feet; thence following an 80 curve to the left 137.5 feet; thence North L'Tio 25' East 27.9 feet; thence following a 20o curve to the right 105 feet; I hence North 4 Go 26' East 271.9 feet; thence following a 2So curvo to the rlKlit 126 feet; thence North 81o 25' East 084.6 feet; thence following a 2Uo curve to thel eft 200 feet; thence North 41o 25' East 140.7 feet: tliencef oIIowIiih b 28o curve to the right 254.9 feet; thence South G7o 12' East l ilt s fee', thence following a 20o curve to tho right 191 feet; thence South 2 'Jo 0' Kuhi 439 feet; thence following a 22o curve to the left 210.7 feet; thence SoUh 75o 21' East 831.2 feet; thence following a DOo curve to the left 110 reel thence North 14o 39' East 172.6 feet; thence folowing a !IOo '-urve to the right 100 feet; thence South 76o 21' East 252.7 feet; thence SoihIi 7 Go 15' following a lOo curve to the left 11.1.3 feet; thence North 49o 0'C Kasl East 666.2 feet; thence South 74o 12' East 201.7 feet; tliemn South 74o 8' East 2010.1 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the left :i U feet: thence following a 29o curve to the right 128.8 feet; theno Sotiili "2r iV East 327.3 feet; thence following a 2Ho curve to the right 113.9 feet; thence following a 26o curvo to the left 141.1 feet; thence South 77o 39' East 4.7 feet; thence following a 29o curve to the right 107.8 rcit; thence following a 12o curve to the left 109 feet; thence South 69u 8' Hast t'il'.f. feet; thence following a 3o curve to the right 201 feet; thnc Sunt I) u'.'.o 26' East 27.1 feet; thence following a Co curve to the left 176 feet; thence South 63o 66' East 216.6 feet; thence following a 20o curve 10 llo) rlnht 91.7 feet; thencs South 45o 35' East 107.1 feet; thence following a 2 do curve to the left 255.8 feet; thence North 8l!o 16' East 105.0 .".?ei.; theme following a28o curve to the right 264.5 feet; thence following a 2 .Ho curve o thel eft 111.7 feet; thence South 54o U.S Kant 113 feet; tlieuci folic, N;; a 20o curve to the left 170.8 feet; thence South 880 13' East 81 feet; tlmuce following a 2 80 curve to the right 197.3 feet; thence following a 2 No curve I to the left 121.1 feet; thence South 6G0 55' Euxt 187.5 feet; thence Toilo i ing a 20o curve to the right 161.3 feet; thenco South 34o 39' East 4:ni'2 f, j feet; thence following a 16o curve to the lef 1200 feet; thence South 6G0 d fcast 195 reel; thence folowing a 14o curvo to tho left 221.7 feet; tuotice South 3 Bo 3C' East 70 feet; thence following a 2 .Ho curve to the right, lol l feet; thence following a28o curve to the loft 120.2 feet; thence followltiK a 28o curve to the right 57.5 feet; thence South 3Go 21' East 850.8 feet, thence following a 12o curve to left 181.4 feet; thence South 680 V East 7 feet; thence folowing a 12o curve to ther ight 184.9 feet; thence South ;i.po 66' East 12 feet; thence following a 20o curvo to the left 1G0.6 feet; thence following a 24o curve to the right 64.7 feet; thenco South 52o 33' East 283.4 feet; thence following a Co curve to ther ight 445 feet; thenco South 25o 61' East 827 feet; thence following a lOo curve to the right 470 feet thence South 21o 14' West 445.4 feet; thenco following a 22o curve to the left 116.7 feet; thence South 4o 27' East 11.4 foot; thence following a 2'lo curve to the right 176.4 feet; thonce following a 20o curve to the left 127 feet; thence South 21o 11 West 195.8 feet; thence folowing a 12o curve to the left 460 feet; thence South 33o 22' East 71.6 feet; thenco following a 12o curve to ther Ight 208.3 feet; thence South 80 32' East 80 3 feet thence following a 12o curve to tho right 147.9 feet; thonce South 9o 13'' West 129.9 feet; thence following a 28o curvo to the right 282 ' feef thence South 880 2.1" West 26.8 feet; thence folowing a 6 Co curvo to the left 176.8 feet; thence South lOo 37' East 12.2 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the right 100 feet; thence South 17o 23' West 31.0 feet; thence following a 6o curvo to the left 80.3 feet: thence 8011II1 S7n S7' a p nr. o J feet; thence folowing a 28o curve to tho right 95.1 feet; thnceo South lo j 00' East 107.2 feet; thence following a 12o curve to the rlKlit 217 4 fenf thence South 25o 05' West 212 feet; thenccf ollowlng a lOo curve to the rigni ou.i ie3t; tnence noum dno 40 west loii.z feet; thence following a 660 curve to the left 120.6 feet; thence South 33o 45' Enst 110 3 feet' thence folowing a28o curve to the right 205.4 feet; thenco South 23o 4 5 West 404.7 feet; tliencef ollowlng a 28o curve to the right 100 feef thence South 51o 45' West 32.6 feet; thence following a 56o curve to the leU l'7 1 feet; thence South 19o 25' East 115.3 feet; thenco following a 28o curve to ther ight 172 feet; thence South 28o 45' West 200.1 feet; thence follow ing a 20o curve to the left 119.2 feet; thence South 4o 55' Went 330 3 feef thence following a 38o curve to the left 80.7 feet; thenco South 25o 45' Kant 252.6 feet; thence folowing a 60 curve to the right 177.8 feet ; thence South I60 6 fcast 161.5 feet; thence following a lfio curvo to the right 1 29 2 feef thence South 60 35 West 262.6 feet; thence following a 80 curve to the left 107.3 foet thence South 3o 00' East 198.7 feet; thenco foUowng I 10o curve to the left 106.7 feet; thence South 13o 40' East 131.7 foot; thenco iin o . .. . 1 , w,"'ar l0"i; tnence South 26o 50' West 110.8 feet; thence following a 660 curve to the left 84.5 feet: thenco South 210 30' East 62 6 feet; thenco following a 28o curve to the rlgh? 158 9 feet; thence South 23o 00' West 47.5 feet; thence following a Mlo curve to the left 77 7 feet; thence South 20o 30' East 137.7 feet; thence following a 28o curve to the right 177.7 feet; thence South 29o 10' West 14 9 feef thence followinga 48o curvo to tho loft 82.2 foot; thenco South 13o 3' East 320. C feet; thenco following a lOo curvo 10 tho Ift 110 feel; thenrt&nu 24u 10' N 122.6 feet; theme following a 2Ko curve to the rli:M 1IiCI(o; thence Koiilh 19o 40' Went 64.1 feet; then.e following a I-'!" curve lulki left 43 t.f eet; thence South S3o 25' Kunt 209 7 feel; tin nee following D curvo lo the right 101.4 feel; thenco South Ho 15' East 105.2 t( thence following n 2o curve to tho lert 86.6 feet; thence Houlli it li Kast 32.0 feet; thenre following a 28o curvo to the left 141.7 feet; U South 60 65' Went 67. 0 feet; thence following n I 0i curvo to the Ml US' feet; thenco South l:!o 60' Easl 171.1 feef, thenco followluc a S rtm to tho left H4.7 feel; thence South UHo 60' East 61 feel; thenre fulloii an 80 curve to the right 281.3 feel; thence South 4 Go 20' Kiixt 29 9 IM thonce following a 4o curvo to the right 175 fuel; thence South Tin .'I East 2K9.C feet; thenco following a 2Co curvo to the right 84.6 fc: South 17o 20' East 146 9 feel; tlunee following a 2o 30' curve lu Hi rll J40 feet; thence South lo 10' West 106.2 fent; thenco fol'owlhi; a !SjW to the left 146.4 feet; th. uco South 3!o 60' Kant 189 0 feet! Ihciiro f Ing i lio curve to tl.e left "fi 9 feel; II enre South f.Oo 'iV Kast .114. t ft. thonce following a lo curve to the right 621.7 feet; thence Smith 4'' Kast 4S7.6 feet; thenre following a So curve lo the left 20.8 feet; tt" South Slo 18'' Kant 715.1 feef, thence following a lllo cm vu to ttttt ri;! 242.2 feet; thence South 37o 06' Kast 143.7 feel; thence following " curve lo the rlcht 27S.8 feet; thence South 9o 12' Kanl 230.1 feet; I'1 following an 18o curve to Hie left 168.3 feel; thence South 3 In 43 4 2.4 feet; (hence following mi Ho curve to the right 219 8 f""1' South 20o 08' Kast 1X9.0 feel ; thenco following a 20o curve to th 1 ' feet; thence South 40o 62" East 199.1 feet; thenco followinga 2 ' to the left 124.6 feet; thenre South 05o 46' East 4.1.8 feet; theme follu 1 20o curve to the right 9S.0 feet; thence South 40o 10' East IU I hence following a lOo curve to the left 167.3 feel; thence South - ' Kast 10.1.2 feet;, thenco following a 20u curve to the right 2- thenco Sum.) 4ilo 24' KiimI 68.0 fee.., theiic following n ;.o curve '0 n.-ht 1GD.0 feet; tlime following .-. 20o curve 13 the rl;:hl ISO-" '" thence South 17o 30' East 60.0 feet; Ihonce following u 2" ciirvtJ left 178.5 feet; thenre South 63o 18' East 60.0 feel; thence fnllowiim 'urvo to tho right 106.3 feet; thonce South 32o 14' East 490.0 feet; tlin following a 3o curve to the right 908.3 feet; thenco South 4o f.'J' Ku'l feet; Ihonce following a Co curvo to the left 92.8 feet; theien Sonlh 1 33' East 27.3 feet; thenco following a Co curvo to tho right Rout 1 4o 27' I1U ' K. S3 I font; llien.'O thence Soiilli 4u I.U following n 2o curve to the right 130.7 foot; thence South 2I' H West 207.9 feet; thence following u 28o curvo to the rlKlit n thence South t!o 25' Wont 144.8 feet; Ihence following u ll.Hii curvet" loft 253.7 feet; tlienc 0 Sout h 2Go 69' K. 1)0.4 feel; thenco I'o'a '" !1 " mrvo to the right 1122.0 feet; thence South llo 20' East 3.16.2 f" ! 1 ollowlng a Co curve to the left 326.6 feoi; thenco South Son 58" J481"'1 eel; thence following a 28o curve lo Iho right 285.4 feel; tliencs W !8o 57' Went 2011. 8 feet: Ihonce follow Inir n 10i curve to the 4" .out; thence South Co 28' Wort 171.3 feet; thenco following an 1KC" to tho right 342.5 feet; thence South 6K0 07' Wo,t 200.8 lo.''.. tltonri lowing 1111 ll'.o curve to the left 406.1 feet; tlience South 4o t ' 2157.5 feet; thence following a Co curve to the right 400.7 feet: '; South 19o 14' Went 35.6 feet; thenco following a llo curvo to the I''" reel; thenco South l:!i H' Kast 194.8 foot; thenco following ua f to the lert 24 1.9 feel; thence South 32o 3.V East. 648.4 feet; tlience f'lH ng u 2o curve to tho leU 180.0 feel; thenco South 3llo 11' Kast 10' ' thenco following a lOo curve to tho right 166.7 feet; thence Sii'tH - UaH!:,4(Mr?"; f,lll"l''K a 16oc urve to tho loft 177.3 feet; tw South 480 R.i K,lBl 3.o f,.,,,. uienco following a Iflo 30' curve to IMt 271.6 reel; thence South 4o 05' Kast 3(1.(1 feef, thenco following curve to tho left 94.0 feel; ihence South 16o 22' Kurt 2:il 9 feel: " following a 2Ko curve to tho'left 8(1.1 feet; thenco South 39o 2S" If1,; S i wJl"l,0l"l! " 200 c,,rVH 10 ' vU;lt 102.2 foot; thence Hotic 0i Kast 68 7 feet; thence following u 1 Co curve to tho left 18- 1 oi".".Ho.utl' 1170 14' KaHt r,82 r""t; !'"" folowing u ICo curve to r 71.9 feet; thence South Co 10' West 260.9 feet; Ihonce followlnf! curve to tho loft 193.8 feet; Ihence South 4 Do 14' Kant (17.7 feet; J 3 7 I li! iWl - Yl,.ut 12(1. U""!c" fo.llowl,,K ,l -"'VO to t'ho lert 24 2.0 feet: tlience South 42' i,e..,.,T V . V lT '."'n folll,w''' a lOo curvo to tho right. 70.i . ri ' no fh.r,0"U K,lHt " following a llo curvo leU .UO.O font; thence South 24o 12' East 608.8 feel; thenco folio1 uJZ'Z h 'H rlt!la lflr' 8 f,',,l: U,0",," """ 1'3 K,,Mt Ill, WnL. ini n"f ln.K '.l,l0 n,rVB to 11,0 rlfrlit 210.3 feet; thenco South 1 S , i'9, '""'.' 1 '""r1 '""owing a 4o curve to tho left 237.6 feet i r.? .i WeBt BS- f"': lienco following a lOo curvo lo the 314.3 feet; thenco South 26o 00' Kast 105.0 feet; thenco rollowlMK curve to the right 3X6.7 feet; t,eco SoiKh Jo 48' East 62.6 feef." following 3o curvo to the right 211.4 feet; thenco South 4o 38' W (Continued to Piigo 7.) " "" "" o curve lo tho right 025.8 feet; thenco South '" "u I lb. 4 feef, thence following 1 r. ..-.. . 1... ti-.A 1 f..i ihence ,'" 47 htt,lt J!!, 0 f"ot; thenco following a 1 60 curvo to the Ml IM- ',,'.'fl,rn1i,l., :l.So 4r K,,Bl 04 0 f""t: tl" following a 15o curvo rigllt II1II.7 feet: thenen H,,nil. u in u on, n ...... 11 pa fnllli 2So curve to the r ir hi. 144 1 f .1., c....... r. ie vi,.ut 12(1.7