St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 31, 1914, Image 8

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t Yourself and Others
Wise and Otherwise
ReY.jC. E. Phllbrook, founder and
pastor ot the local Congregational
church conducted both services In his
former church Sunday, July 26.
Rev. Phllbrook will preach twice
at the usual hours at Plymouth
church on Sunday the 2nd of August.
Dr. and Mrs. Peel and son left
Wednesday morning for aweeks' so
journ at Seaside.
The fire - alarm from ' Houlton
which turned out the department
proved to be only a grass fire near
the Italian Importing Co. No dam
age was done.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Klnsey, expert
photographers, will on account of
excess business remain In St. Helens
about 10 days longer than they ex
pected. . Miss Laura Barber returned this
week from a visit to Eugene, Forest
Grove and other places.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A.' Galichio
spent Sunday and Monday with rela
tives in Castle Rock, Wash.
Dave Ellerson has purchased an
Interest In the bus line formerly run
by H. McCoy. The boys have purch
ased a new White Car and style
themselves as the Red Car Line, Mc
Coy & Ellerson, Proprietors.
Rev. Asa Sleeth, formerly pastor
of the M. E. Church of this city, now
of Portland, was a visitor In St. Hel
ens Tuesday.
Mrs. Robt. Link, who has been In
the hospital In Portland for the past
six weeks, has returned to her home
in Houlton much improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Flagg of Port
land, spent Saturday in St. Helens.
Mr. Frank Hiley has just returned
from the Seattle Potlatch which ho
reports as being a huge success.
Rev. Meyer returned this week
from an outing in which he gave the
Boy Scouts their first lesson In wood
craft and self keep. Thursday ha
went to Seaside to finish his vacation
His pulpit will be occupied by the
Rev. Mr. Phllbrook.
Misses Alice and Anna Quick will
left the last of the week for Moun
taindale for a week vacation with
their uncle at that place.
Mr. F. J. Miller, connected with t'
San Francisco Exposition, spent
several days In St. Helens last week
looking after the lumber shipments
for fair buildings at the exposition
grounds. A considerable portion ot
the lumber to be used in the build
Ings there is being shipped from
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob George ett(
last Saturday for the beach where
they will spend a month.
Mr. Hayes Estabrook returned
Wednesday from an outing at Sea
side. Mr. Long, the village blacksmith,
was in Rainier Tuesday circulating
a petition to recall the Judges of the
County Court of Columbia County.
Robt. Cole has just returned from
a trip to San Diego, very much Im
proved In health.
A. T. Ecker of Victoria Is visiting
his brother A. M. Ecker. Mr. Ecker
reports Victoria as being very quiet
and can note quite a difference In
bustling St. Helens.
Fire Chief Allen and 24 men
were busy fighting forest fires all last
. night and la still looking for men at
30c per hour and their hoard.
Mr. J. H. Ltnvllle left Wednesday
tor Vancouver where he will be met
by Mrs. Hattle Rldener, whore they
will be married. Both parties are
well known in St. Helens and upon
their returnw 111 be met by a large
number of friends who will accord
them a hearty welcome.
The bride and groom arrived. In
St. Helens yesterday and were cer
tainly given a great B?nd-off ' last
night by their many friemU
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Thompson en
tertained a few friends Monday even
ing In honor of Rev. and Mrs. Frank
James who returned Tuesday to their
home in Portland.
W. J. Fullerton returned yester
day from a two weeks trip at Seattle.
While on the Sound Billy visited
several other cities and also vUited
with an uncle near Bremerton for
some days.
Mrs. T. Isbister and daughter An
nabel are visiting with friends at
Aberdeen, Wash., this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McCormick
and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Miller return
ed Wednesday evening from a three
days trip over at Vernonia.
Mr. M. M. Wright of the Holmes
Business College of Portland has
been in St. Helens a day of two show
ing a late machine called the Sten
otype. Tomorrow afternoon an ex
pert demonstrator will be here and
during the afternoon will - demon
strate the uses ot this wonderful
little machine, at the Muckle store.
Lieutenant Earl Larabee arrived in
St. Helens last week for a months
visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs
N. O. Larabee. Earl hsa recently
graduated from West Point and is
on his leave of absence before enter
ing active service in the army.
Her. F. J. Meyer and his band ot
Boy Scouts, returned home last Tues
day from a 10 days camping trip on
the Nehalem. The youthful scouts
walked all the way over and back
again and all say they had a jolly
Camp has been established by the
Sunday School classes of Mrs. La
Bare and Mrs. Laws near the Chas.
Wallace place on Upper Milton
Creek where the youngsters will en
Joy camp life for several days.
WANTED situation as house
keeper or helper by middle aged
ady. Address M care of Mist office
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McBride of
Portland passed through St. .Helens
last Saturday bound for the Nehal
em where they will camp and enjoy
an outing for a couple of weeks.
John Philip returned last week
from a trip to Med ford and Ashland
where he was looking after some
business matters. While down in
Jackson county he looked over the
work of the road builders and was
very favorably lmressed with the ex
cellent work being done on the roads
of that county under the direction
of the State Highway Engineer.
Mrs. W. W. BlakeBley has purch
ased the very latest 1915 Hudson
automobile which will be delivered
within a short time. Walter has
been very busy lately building a gar
age and getting ready to ride In the
car when It comes. He will occupy
the back seat and be given the op
portunity to furnish the gasoline. ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rotser vUltfd
friends at Westport last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Myers j' Lebanon,
Ore., were the guests of Mr. Biid Mrs.
J. W. Day last w)ek.
Mrs. Eugene Blakeslev i: Os
wald Demlng left last Frlduy for
Seaside where they will Join the
Blakeslay-Demlng camp an enjuy
the seashore for several days.
FOR SALE One billiard Table In
good condition.
6tp Estabrook & Cramer.
The Red Car Line, McCoy & Eller
son, have purchased a bran new
White 7 passenger car for service
on the St. Helens run. This is a
late car and one of the best ever
brought to Columbia County.
Mrs. Myers and daughter ot Cin
clnnattl, Ohio, are visiting at the
home of her brother, Hev P. J. Mey
er, In St. Helens this week.
Mrs. John Sten Is recovoring from
a severe illness of soveral i iyj duration.
Damaged Wheat and
F A WORD IS ENOUGH TO THE We extend an invitation to
$10 $12 $15 Per Ton
Speecial Prices For t
Scow Loads
3 Telephone East 534, Portlands
Corner Railroad and Lewis Sta., Lower Alblinat
STRAYED A light colored Jersey
heifer, nine months old. A reward
is offered for her return or any
information. Notify
2tp Waren, Oregon.
WANTED 5 or 10 acres of loggod
oft land, reasonable, and on terms.
"Schooliai la jroutk ahould luTrlbljr be
directed to prepare a penwa la the beat wav
for the beat permanent occupattua tor wait
ae la capaMaJ'-rreetdeal C W, HUoL
This Is ths Mission of ths
Forty-iUti School Year Opens
SEPTEHBER 18th, 1914
Writ for Illustrated loo-pafe Book
let, "The Life Career." and lor Cata
log containing full Information.
Dttrtt Courses AGRICULTURE :
Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus
bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture.
Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY,
Logging engineering. Home eco
nomics: Domestk Science, Domestic Art,
ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation,
Highway, Mechanical, Chemkal, Mining.
Vocational Cori-Arkulture. Dairy
ing, Home Makers' Course, Industrial
Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course.
School of .Vmio-Plano, String, Band.
Voice Culture. -
Fas men Butincu Can by Mail Free.
(lw-T-14 to t-) Cornllla. nregoa
our frit
for baot or trains.
make use of our store
Beautiful assortment of fancy French dres s Ginghams, guaranteed to bt abw
color fast. The yard 25c Double stamps.
Dimities in checks and stripes, plain whit e, very fine quality. Regular 25c now 5
Dotted Swiss in white, fine for summer shi rt waists. Best grade 25c Swiss at &j
oi 1. 1.a-....e Kin tirti1e ri1 u fiiti rrnm nnA nnuu on .
DOG8 FOR SALE Chespoake Hay,
Irish Water Spaniel, English Set
ter. All registered stock.
St. Helens, Ore.
You always need notions, look over these a nd make a saving on things that are J
. 1 i.i 1 - I
nil, wnue mis saie lasts.
Clarks spool Col ion thread any number at. 6 fr 25c. ..
5c Hair Nets at Ct fr 25c .Hooks and Eyes any size, cat,
i- P.ias P.iiniing, while or hlaek 2 for 15c Machine Needles, any kimlalj
Shoe Suing at 12 pair I
10c Silk Thread, IdO yds. 3 .J
Pearl Tuitions, white or hlaek, 5o dz
Elastic, white or hlaek. 2 yards 5e
50c Men's Leather Purses 35c Latest Fashion Ham-ttes 25c
Hair Pins, assorted sizes at 4c Safly Pins, any size at 4c
$3.00 and $4.00 Oxfords at $2.50
' Great saving on Ladies Oxfords in black
or tan gun metal and tan calf, for summer
Clearance $2.25
New comlLiaticn sets, gartera an.
bands in white, blue, lavender, bTA
gray. Per Set 50c
BOSTON Garters, Double Grip!
No-Shp Belts, patent buckle, each !
Churchills Leather Gloves $1.C0 vi
Men's extra lonk suspenders, pair!
Cotton, Woolen and Silk Sox,liI
at 15c up.
Everybody is talking about the high cost of living, and racking their brain foi a
That's easy. All you have todoisto solve the "Low Cost ofnuying." Study
carefully the Quality aul the Price before you pirt with your money, for the oiie is
essential as the other. A few pennies saved on each article used by the average
family would amount to a considerable sun. in the run of a year. It reduces the cost
of living.
We have solved the "Low Cost of Buying" from the manufacturer, ' and You
will solve it when you come to us, for we arc slicing off the pennies for you which
the manufacturer had to slice off tor us.
Meet us face to face aud you will go home wi'b a smile. Try our Burbou San
tos Coffee. Excellent Cup Quality. Special 25c lb.