St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, July 10, 1914, Image 1

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Grand Jury Makes Thorough Invest
igation of Affairs of the Office
Report Show Great Many Check lo Private Individual"
not Pertaining to Affairs of the Office
May 28, IBM
Ht. Helena, Oregon,
lion. W. II. Dlllopil. IMiitrlot Attorney
fur Columbia County, Oregon.
Hour Kir:
In tlm mat tor of tlio In vont In it Ion
or tli returns of Mr. A.K. Tliniiin,
Hlii'iiff, In F.schoat proceedings of the
KhIuIo of Antono Doorlng, would
Tlnil wo And from tlio papers on
nif in tlio cimo Hint tlio amount re
clvi'd from tlio salo of tlm land-was
$'J,HU5. Tlio court Iiiin approved of
tlm routs nnd expounds of tho wiln
amounting to $454 .10, nml that the
SVn'rllT win ordered to pty over to
II. Slain Treasurer, when costs
wo.o p:ilil, tlio balance of $ 2 , n r. 0 70.
Wo do not find Hint any receipts
for tint illnfiiirMoinoiit o f those
niiiiiiiiitu lmvo liron ! fllod by Mr.
Thorn iBon with tho paper In tlm
cam', although wo wore Mliown tho
receipts for $10.20 paid for udvor
IIhIhi: of tlio flpHt milo nnd hold l.y
Mr. TliompHon. Ali.o a receipt from
Mr. Juy II. Upton, special attorney
fur tlio Stnlo, for tho mini of $4G.10,
being Iho niiioiint of IiIh foes, tlio
Cruisers foo. Courl costs Including
$17 DO llio nmount of Iho second
advorllsi'incnt of wile, nnd tlio Itoool
Torn foes. Thin receipt U also hold
hy Mr. Thompson. Tho Imlnnto a'
t'ltemont of IH poklu anil Withdraw-
hIi of A.K. TlmmpMon, Hlicrlff with
CnliiiiiMn County Hunk In Aroount
tlio amount making up tho costs Is
$10.00 foil palil for bond and $0.00
not Hpoclfliifl. Mr. Thompson
paldMr. A. W. Muollor of this City
on April 10, 1913, tlm gum of $t7.50
claimed an unpaid advertising foes
for the wiln. Thin amount apparent
ly wai paid to Mr. Upton with tlio
lialanco of costs and would soem to
ho duo Mr. TlinnipBon.
Tho chock from tho Duholxo Lum
hor Company of $2,805.00 wan do
poKllod with Homo other Items ac
cording to tho records of tho Colum
bia County Hank on December 27,
You will nli:o nod a utatoniont
herewith of tho account an kopt In
tho Columbia County Un ti k from
November 1. 1012. It being tho ac
count from which tho Special ac
count wuh orginatcd, up to December
31, 1913, when, tho Humo wuh ex
hausted. Wo havo also prepared a statement
of checks drawn by Mr. Thompson
an Sheriff, which woro charged to tho
Tax account by tho Columbia County
Hank, but whU'li do not. pppar.n'ly
portaln to traiiKactionii involving tax
Vory rospoctfuliy,
Certified I'libllc Acc'H.
with t!ic ShhIiiI .(Trust) .Fund,
from Xovrinlicr I, IIM2 to Decern.
I or .11, IWi:t.
In Columbia County Hunk Nov. I. 1012 an per
Hlalcniout dated October 31, 1911
Poponltod during Month of Nov. 1912
For Certificates of Delinquency 1,500.00
For other Items 668.62
Deposited during Month of December, 1912 for
rroct'ilH of iinle of land of Antono Doorlng Kntato 2, ROC 00
l or other IteniH 682.73
Dopoillod during Month of January, 191.1
I or Tax Collections, ote.
Konodltod during Month of Folirunry, 1913
Charged Against Fund by Columbia County Hank on
Account of Chock 1'rcsontod and raid .
Ktntenient of elici t Drnwn I y A. K. TIioiiiimii, HhcrlfT,
till TriiNl) l-'unil fir ItiiNliir-ut iViinNiirtlotiH, h1iI. Ii do not
or Matters IVrtnluliiu to Kniil Hiei lnl Fund, Cashed I y
Kald I'und by ColmnbU iinlj- llnnk.
2, COS. 52
Hutu IttKiiod
Fob. 28. 1913
Mar. 5, 1913
Aid. 4. 1913
Apt. 18. 1913
Ad. 21, lots
A'd. ?3, 1913
May 2. 1913
May 3. 19 1.1
May 19, 1913
May 20, 1 9 1 :t
Inn 23. 1913
Juno 20, 1913
In Favor of '
Kd IlloHHlnx
Cleo. K. Qulne
Waldorf llu (Tot
The Olympian Company
Tho Olympian Company
Tho Olympian Compnny
The Olimpinn Compnny
Tho Olympian Company
The Olympian Company
Tho Olympian Company
Tho Olvmplan Company
O. W. Coffman
AicalnKt the Smc
I'ertaln to TavoH
anil Churned to
CO. 00
Chockii ChnrRed to Account which ttro not with Rtatemenln from
Hank now.
floo. 2, 1912 .
''. . 1912
w. to, una -
lon. 20, 1912
Hon. 21)912
J"". 2, 1913 . -
J;". 31. 1913
Ald. 3, 1913
Rtatnmnnt of chock
m olnmbla County
whliili do not poitnln
A,'K- 10, 1913
't. . 1913
' 7. 1913
II, 1913
13, 1913
18. 1913
20. 1913
'' t- 22, 1913
23, 191.1
''I. 24, 1913
27, 191.1
"T' t. 1913
fv. 5, 1913
1, ii3
I"1 12, 1913
;n. 15. 1913
n,,- 1, 1913
""C 1 M. 1 a v
19. 1913
20. 1913
22, 1913
23. 1913
20. 1913
27, 1913
31, 1913
s tlrnwn by A. R. Thompnon
Hank from Annum lt, im
to tnxoa.
J. flnldlo
J. CIolillo
Tho Olympian Company
J. (loldlo
Tho Olvmplan Compnny
J. Ooldlo
Mrs. A. E. Thompson
,1. (ioldio
' Tho Olympian Company
J. (loldlo
St. VlncentB IIoHpltnl
J. Goldlo
J. Ooldlo '
J." Ooldlo
J. (Ioldio
0. C. Nopplo
J. Ooldlo
J. Ooldlo
J. Ooldle
J. Ooldlo
' J. Ooldlo
The Olympian Company
J. Ooldlo
J. Ooldle
J. GolUJo
(Continued on PaRO 5)
20 00
25 00
,8horllT on Tax Ac.toimt
to May 23, 1914. nml
CO. 00
Local Team Proves Superiority
Over Washington Players
WimhIIiiiiiI nml Kelso arc 0(0 Victims
of Three Days of llase Hull In
Kt. Helens
On Friday tlio fast Woodland toam
camo over from across the rlvor with
tlio Intention of tnkni? tho. locnh
Into enmp and from tho way the;
started out It looked as If thoy were
RoIiib to succeed, as they had the
buses loaded in tho firm with no one
out and it looked as"if Hint old say
ing (they never como back) wa no
Iub to come truo uruIii, but that old
vetorV.n of many a close battle, 1'
Drakko, turned nround and up;iet the
dopo by striklnif out the next three
men. Tho pitching of Hrukke and
tlio lleldlnK of Harry ltlclianUon
wore tlio features of this game.
Final score. St. Helens 16. Wood
land 7.
On the Fourth tho hoys defeated
tho Kelso team by a score of 16 to 7
and from tho way tho Kohio boy:
started out it looked as if the score
would be tho reverse from whnt -was.
In the first the bunch froir
Washington scored ono run on two
safe hits and In the second they
started out as if they wero going to
got F,iV.mau's goat and maltea walk
away of tho game by putting acrosr
three runs In this Inning. Hut in the
third tho locul boys got busy nnd
started something for themselves,
nnd after this F.ikman got his old
wind up to work nnd from then or
here was nothing to it but St. He
ens. '
On Sunday tho Kelso team started
out tho samo way they had the da;
before nnd It was that little fellow
Virgil Stevens that got his right fo;
tho first four Innings. Kelso scored
nine runs In the first four innliipp
nnd when St. Helens came to the Ini'
In their half of the fifth their side of
thes core board was a blank, hit'
what they done to the Kelso pitch
er In this inning was shame, five run
being tho total In this frame and by
this time 3tcve had got hi? eroak to
toam down, vht.e the local boy? kept
right at it and lied th icore up a"d
finally won' tho rjvne on a nice slu :!"
by old Fatlnr Tlnio flai.uiM. in tni
last half of tl'.l eleventh.
Final score, ft H';l"ns II. Kelso
rrof. Vilkerson Tenders Res
ignation to County Court
Well Known Kdueator of St. Helens
Will Take Ollioe on Hep
tember 1st
At tho meeting of tho County
Court held last week County School
Superintendent Wllkerson tendered
to tho Court hio resignation to take
effort tho first of September. The
Court accepted the resignation nnd
immediately appointed Prof. J. W.
Allen, of St. Helens to fill the vac
ancy. Mr. Allen has beon a rosldont
of Columbia County for a number
of years having been principal of tbe
St. Helens schools for fonr years nnd
holding tho same position wth the
Warren Schools for tho past two
years. He is well known throughout
the county and is a permanent resi
dent here having consldorable prop
erty Intorosts. Ho Is recognized ns
ono of tho loading educators In tils
portion of the stnto, nnd while the
people of the county regret vory
much to lose Prof. Wllkorson from
the position which ho has filled so
very sutlsfaotorlly, t is fortunate to
hnvo tho olllco fall Into tho capable
hands of rrof. Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aiken enter
tained about 20 gueBts at tholr. beau
tiful home last Tuesday evening In
honor of Mrs. Douglas nnd her moth
er, Mrs. Cory of Seattlo. Mrs. Doug
Ins ond Mrs. Cnry loft Wednesday for
Seattlo to Join their husbands whoro
they will reside In tho future
Ivliss Edrie LaBarc Again
Wins Weekly Trizc
Silver Ciisserolo Will be Olven A way
Xext Week
Again MIbs Edrlo LaHaro was the
winner of the weekly prize in tho
trade boosting campaign carried on
by J. W. McDonald and tho Mist.
This tlmo sho won a beautiful silver
Condemcut Bet. Next Wednesday
morning the candidate having the
highest number of votes will receive
a Casserole. These prizes are all
beautiful and useful and the young
Indies are beginning to get busy In
order to win them. The way sub
scriptions are coming In ths week
to the Mist there will be some sur
prises In Btore for next week's count.
Below is tho standing 6f the contest
ants at 11 o'clock last Wednesday
morning. .
Mtss Edrlo LaEa'e 5. ',180
Misj Heatrice Keke 37J0
Miss Maud Harbison ..358;
Mrs. A. M. Ecker 2800
Miss Minnio Antono . . 20ii0
..lit? Nora Walter- Ijft'.f,
Mr. Oswald Dem.i.g 2040
Mr. Lester WeH''.T'..n in'."
Miss Nellie Dunn . . S.:.C
iss Hazel Lope 11, DM'
Miss Ethel Drew . . 545
Mrs. C. E. Winch; I! .' .84' 0
Mrs. Rrought 33.1U
Miss Ida Topejoy ItjM;
Mrs. E. Root L2!C
Mr. Russell Stirlan.l i:0u0
Miss Martha McCaulcy Si! 15
Miss Mona Adams MM 5
Miss Lillian Marks S3..;
Miss Alma Doucette 3160
Miss Alice Hall f.115
MUs Inez Barber 200"
Miss Margaret Pringle 2t'",
Miss Fay Lynch 20 ni-
Mrs. Bert Tlmmons 2000
Miss Mabel Colo 314'
Miss Barba DeVroy 17.1 SC
Mr. Geo. I'eterson 7. ... 2010
Mi.-is Nora Adams 305E
Mr. Christ Matheison 15,180
M'ps Mary McKie 3646
Miss Ethel Sten 35S6
Margaret Hoffman 3050
Mrs. II. Veazle 3020
Miss Edna Harls 3060
Mr. T. E. Stan Bold 2000
Mr. J.Pauoe 2015
Mr. J. Alonso . .2010
Mr. C. D. Golden 2000
Miss Winnie Melllnger 2000
Mrs. Thayer (Col City) 2000
Miss Hilda Muhr (Warren) ...2120
Miss Mary Adams (Scap) 205T
Miss Fannie Coper (Wnrren) ..2090
Miss Edith Clark (Houl.) 2000
Mrs. Van Prltchard (Rainier) .2000
Mr. John Cocal (Deer Isl) ... . 2030
Mr. A. Saxon 2030
Mr. A. Sutterwall 2020
Fred Kautzman of the Hon:t.on
Herald met with on accident Wednes
day which will lay him up for some
tlmo. While cutting meat :th a
large butcher knife tho itnifJ In
some manner slipped nd ?tntc! the
back of his left hand severing several
aiterhu and vein ami othfti .vise
badly cutting the hand nnd arm.
WANTED -Position as Lict;ernl or
Obstetrical nurse. Oks'.oiricul wrk
preferred. Will u:so Hsslst with
light housework. Charts reason
4tp D. F. D. 1 Senppoosc Or
Mrs. T. Ilsblster aid Mra. J. T.
Tabor ontortalned a number of ladi
es at a Social Whirl irf tlio inige
dining room of the Orcadia Hotel
this, Friday, afternoon. Tho tables
were decorated with large pou of
yellow Dahlias. After refreshments
of Ice cream, cake and punch, the
ladies were Invited to the balcony
whoro a moBt enjoyablo afternoon
was spent. ,
LOST Two rings of koys fastened
together. . Finder pleaso loavo at
Mist office.
Greatest Celebration Ever Held In
Columbia County, Pulled Oft
Everything From the Parade in the Morning to the
Dance At Night is a Huge Success
When it comes to conducting suc
cessful Fourth of July Celebrations
all hats must come off to the St.
Helens Volunteer Firemen. Last
Saturday In St. Helens the national
birthday was celebrated as It never
was before in this community. Sev
eral thousand people from all over
the country were here to witness the
sports and to listen to the patriotic
exercises of the day. At sunrise the
population was awakened by the sal
ute of big guns. Before 9 o'clock
the city was filled with people, all
determined to make the best of the
great holiday. Grand Marshals
Martin White and L, II. Co'mbs
mounted on fiery steeds were seen
galloping around in every drection
giving orders to the entrants for the
parade, while Fire Chief Allen and
his gallant bunch of fire-fighters all
togged out In their bran new red
shirts end caps, were as busy as bees
on swarming day. At 10 o'clock the
St. Johns Firemen arrived with their
trucks and Immediately joining the
St. Helens boys In getting things
lined up.
A few minutes after 10 the St. Hel
ons band struck up sofe patriotic
music and the parade, started from
the corner of Willamette and Winter
Streets, going down Oak Street to
St. Helens Street, to Columbia Street
then down to Cowlitz Street on down
to the Strand then back up by the
Court HoiUe and around the plazi
to Columbia Street then out to God
frcy Park where the crowd had al
ready gathered to listen to the exer
cises. The parade was very nice too.
several floats of different organiza
tions being represented. The Fire
men of St. Helens and St. Johns
mingled with their red and white
suits was one -of the features of the
parade. Then came the Boy Scouts
and the Flag Girls on foot and the
big floats with the Goddess of Liber
ty and her Court on a large auto
truck beautifully decorated with
flags and bunting. Miss -Edna Har
ris as the Goddess was pretty as
could be and Miss Laura Barber as
Columbia also brought forth many
compliments from the crowd on her
appearance. Arriving at Godfrey
Park the Band played some more
National Airs which seemed to In
spire patrotlsm in the hearts of all
and then G. R. Metsker, the Presi
dent of the Day, made his address
of welcome in a happy and patriotic
vein. Mrs. Douglas rendered the
Star' Spangled Banner to the delight
of the crowd and Mrs. Van Tassel
played a stirring piece on the piano,
dedicated to the firemen, which aus
ed much 'applause. Mrs. Glen R.
Metsker sang the Red, White and
Blue, with the audience joining In
the chorus. Miss Anne Ketel recited
the Declaration of Independence and
then Hon. W. A. Carter of Portland
dellvernd a very Interesting and
patriotic address which was heartly
After dinner the people went down
to the Court House Plaza where
the band discoursed music for some
time and then led the way out to the
School Athletic Track where the
races buu spans were neia. une or
the features of the day wasnthe bron
cho riding of Al Yancy of an outlaw
horse and a vest pocket edition of
the Pendleton Round Up was staged.
The ball games are reported In
another column. At 6:30 hi the
afternoon the St. Helens fire com
pany undertook to drown out the St.
Johns Fire Company in a water fight
but the boys from up the river prov
ed to be superior and after a hard
struggle made our boys quit. It
was an exciting fight, out of the
ordinary and was greatly enjoyed by
a large crowd. In the log rolling
contest on the river great skill was
manifested by several contestants,
one contest taking nearly half an
hour, finally ending In a draw. The
fireworks from a barge on the river
were beautiful and with the moon
shining on the still waters presented
a wonderful sight.
The street during the evening was
one of the Interesting features of
the celebraton. The festival spirit
prevailed with everybody. Stands
were filed with fakirs and some with
legitimate entertainment, but every
thing looked alike to the holiday
crowd. The festivities were kept up
until a late hour along the street.
The big day ended with the big
gest dance ever held in the city hall
given by the firemen.
Tbe prizes awarded by the Judges
of the parade went to the Boy Scouts
for the best drilled organization and
to the United Artisans for the most
artlstto float. The winners of the
sports were as follows:
J. W. WUklns 220 yds 1st.
D. Perry 220 yds 2nd.
E. W. Root Fat mans race 1st
B. H. Hoover Fat mans race 2
O. M. Brouse -Ladles race 1st.
E. Oescher Ladles race 2nd.
E. Fitzgerald Sack race 1st.
L. Weber Sack race 2nd.
D. Perry B. Mahone-3 leggei
race 1st.
G. Evans V Salisbury 3 logged
rase 2nd.
L. Bauser Girls race 1st.
L. Grtgson Girls race 2nd
M. Miller Girls race 3rd.
C. PhlUIps Boys race 1st.
R. Smith Boys race 2nd.
, W. Meehan Boys race 3rd.
R. W. Price Mens 100 yd 1st.
J. W. Wllkens Mens 100 yd 2nd.
B. Mahone Broad Jump 1st.
St. Johns Firemen Relay 1 st.
St. Helens Firemen Tug of -ar
Mathews and Clark Loc rolling
tie for 1st. ,
Jim Elliott Log rolling 2ud
The St. Helens Volunteer Fire
T'epartment desires, and takes this
means to express their sincara thanks
to each and every person who assist
ed In any way In the successful If r
mlnatton of the "Fireman's Celebra
tion" and, do, especially thank thoso
who took part in the program.
We appreciate tins asslstacce thus
rendered us, and shall hold our
selves n . readiness to rocprocate at
any time should the opportunity
Again we thank you.
By order of the Department.
Miss Josephine Sharkle of Port
land, is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. II. J. Southard In St. Hel
ens this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bendle Sell Out
to P. T.Evans of Columbia
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bendle who
have been operating the Arcade
Theatre for the past year, have dis
posed of the lease and fixtures to Mr.
Evans of the Columbia Theatre and
have gone to Ilwaco, Wash., where
they will reside In the future. Mr.
Evans has closed up the Arcade nnd
will run only the Columbia where he
gives his patrons the very best of
keeper. Address Mrs. Carr, Col
umbia City, Oregon.