Court Proceedings Continued from Pf 3 Hart hold Barge Co. Suplle to Engineer 3.05 Spencer, Kobt., Surveyor 10.50 Patterson. Harry. Surveyor 30.10 Hall, O. D. Surveyor 36.67 Patterson, Harry, Surveyor 15.00 Hons, Harold, Surveyor 10.00 Topejoy, F. D., same 6.00 I'eters llesie. Work for Eng 2.50 Farnsworth, G. E. Surveyor 90.00 Kellogg, R. F., aame 2.60 Bennett, O. B., Livery to Eng 2.75 Clatskanie Chief, Notice of Sale of Bonds 7.25 Van Orshoven, L. J. Telephone 1.20 Van Omhoven, L. J. Surveyor 6S.20 Van Orshoven, L. J., same 43.20 Irwin Hotlron Co., Bond Register 8.00 Irwin Hodson Co., Bond 160.30 Mist Pub. Co., Pub. Court Pro ceedings, etc. 140.51 Malcom. V. L., Reg Voters 2.60 White, T. S., same 6.70 Bacon, J. S., same 6.30 Hull. W. L.. same 3.00 Class &Prudhomme, Suplies 101.85 Glass & Prudhouime, Supplies 2.05 Flulirer, Louis, Reg Voters 10.00 CUtskanie Chief, Election Notice 4.75 Watts. T. C. Reg Voters 1.30 Trow, Fred, Election Sup. 1.18 Flannigan, S. L., Election Booth 60.00 Vogel, Geo. W., Reg Voters 64.20 Peters Besle, Work for Clerk 55.00 Class & Prudhomme, Sup to Clerk -80.75 St. Helens Tel. Co., Telephone 23.30 P. D. Conningham Co., Supplies to Clerk and Treasurer 5.55 La Bare. H. E., Postage 20.00 Campbell, J. L.,' Dep. Sheriff 8.00 Dealing. A. J., Supplies 10.75 Plaza Pharmacy same 11.15 Davles, Wm. H. Livery to Sheriff 3.50 Lake, A. B., Exp of Dep Sheriff 65.65 Morton, S, C, Auto to Sheriff 3.60 Grant, Geo. W. Livery to Sheriff 3.00 Jesse James, Work for Sheriff 4.00 Bennett, O. B., Livery for Sheriff 6.00 Barber, Laura, Work for Sheriff 65.00 Larabee, N. O. Livery to Sheriff 1.51 McCoy, Henry, Auto to Sheriff 10.00 Wod, II. C. Work for Assessor 71.60 Mist Pub. Co., Supplies to As- sor 15.25 Blakesley, C. W. Postage 10.00 Wood, H. C. Exp of Dep. Ass.'r 43.75 Blakesley, C- W. Exp of Dep Asses sor 14.05 White, Martin, Exp of Dep Asses sor 14.65 Mist Pub. Co., Call for Warrants 4.20 Hattan, R. S. Postage 25.00 Hunt, J. W. Work for Treasurer 80.00 Hattan, V., same 75.00 Ketel, C. M., same 65.00 May Hardware Co., Supplies to Janitor 8.79 W. P. Fuller & Co., same 7.00 St. Helens Light ft Power Co., Light for March 41.60 St. Helens Light ft Power Co., Light for April 25.80 Crescent Chemical Co., Supplies to Janitor 3.00 Ross, E. A. same 6.00 King, Andrew, Moving Posts 6.00 Long, A. G., Supplies to Janitor 3.00 Muckle Hardware Co., same 3.00 St. Helens Laundry, Laundry .60 Fluhrer, Louis, Cora. 77.90 Farr, John, Com. 72.00 Rainier Review, Pub. Court Pro. etc 66.63 Barnes, O. W., J of P State vs. Foreman 3.30 Barnes, O. W. J of P State vs Lil- llch 4.40 Barnes, O. W. same 4.40 Barnes, O. W. J of P State vs Overlie 4.40 Barnes, O. W., J of P State vs Saarl 4 S5 Campbell, J. L. Constable 4.20 Jarvie, J , Witness 2.10 Iukonen, II., same 2.10 Jarml ('has., same 2.10 Barnes, G. W. J of P State vs . Ixvegren 4.40 Barnes, G. W.. J of P State vs Heath . 0 Barnes, O. W. J of P State vs Putie 3.55 Barnes. G. W., J of P State vs Matson 195 Barnes, O. W. J of P State vs Foreman 3.95 Clark. Mrs. B. II. Witness 2.60 Lumijarvl, Johanna, Witness 2.30 Watklns, II. P. J of P Trukosivlty 4. 80 Watklns, II. P. Transcript 1.75 Watkins, II. P.. J of P State vs Anderson 5.4 5 Barnes G. W., Drawing Jury List 3.00 Merlll. N., Drawing Jury List 2.00 Myers, A. F., Draw ing Jury List 3 00 Watkins, II. P., Drawing Jury List 3.00 Sherwood, F. II. Cor Exam David son 9.10 Ross, Dr. L. G. Health Ollleer 5.50 Mist Pub. Co., Supplies to School Supt. i Ralnelr Review, same 9.75 2.00 6.00 4.25 Southard, H. J. Truant Offlce Wilkerson, J. B. Postage Wilkerson, J. B. Exp of School Supt. 26.30 Laube, Fred, School Meeting 2.00 Word, T. M. Bjoard to prisoners 30.00 Isbister, Mrs. E. Board to prlsi- oners 42.25 Schmidt, Dr. R. E. Care of Buknell 7.00 Clatskanie Merc Co., Supplies to Helmer 8.00 May Hardware Co., Supplies to Poor Farm 29.00 Case, W. D., Work on Poor Farm 28.00 White, T. S. Burial of David son 25.00 Case, W. D., Supplies to Poor Farm 25.27 Erickson, J. & Son Supplies to Poor Farm 28.65 Good Samaritan Hospital, Care Foster 39.30 Rainier Pharmacy Supplies to Buckne.ll 7.65 Watts & Price Supplies to Granat 7.60 Grewell, Thos. E. Grave of Davidson 6.00 Home for the Aged, Care of McDonald & Louden 120.00 Ball Earl, 2 Cem. Lots 25.00 Ross, Dr. Edwin, AItj to Prison ers 4.00 ' Road District No. 1 Good Road Mchy Co 76.60 Constantino, R 6.70 St. Helens Quary Co., 34.00 Larabee, N. O. 3.00 Wilkins, F., 9.75 Independent Auto Co 19.60 English, C. H. .95 Skuzie, Wm. 13.25 Independent Auto Co. 10.16 Van Tassel, J. . 42.60 Sherwood, N. 31.25 Walace, C. 36.25 Cram, E. 36.25 McCanangher, II. H. 36.25 Fresh, M. 32.60 Mclntyre, P. 34.60 Iasla, B. 36.25 Campl, M. 40.50 Quick, J. 21.25 McQueen, J. 8.76 Westby, F. 7.60 Posano, A. 21,25 Douglas, E. 62.00 Watters, C. 2.50 Winchell, T. K. 7.50 Anderson, E. 7.60 Douglas, E. 10.00 Iasta, B. 15.00 Marino, J 15.00 Larson L. 7.60 Felton E 20.00 Rumgardner R 20.00 Adams Geo. - 20.00 Beegle F 12.60 ' Drockhaus O 6 00 Keelun K . 2.50 Brockaus () 10 00 Gore Lee 10 00 Gore Frank 7. CO Keehin B J 1 0 Humsey Geo. 4 60 Ramsey Geo. 1.60 Jensen Peter 3.7 5 lteeglo F 12 60 Ramsey Geo 2.10 Reinforced f'oncreto Culvert Work 117(0 Standard Oil Co 4 ! 7 A II Averill Mchy Co 5 sr. Muckle Hardware Co SS Record Pub Co. 2.10 j Saxton S i t'O Smith A A "' Morris C 2T. Tucker J :iti 2f. Vincent D 3 7.60 Felton K 60 00 Nichols V N 6 7, 00 Gallutin O IS t'O Iasla P , ?S.75 Marina J - " j Berg T 21.25 Van Dol.ih II U. 00 Willis O A I ft 7.". Black J 10 00 Corsaglia T 2.60 Kellogg W 7 60 Newman K. M 20.00 Fresli M 15.00 Galatln E 10 00 Iasia P 15 00 Saxton S .10.00 Grewell T 8.75 Eversaul E 27.00 Kllchen C W 20.00 Eversaul E 21.00 Keelan B J - 9 00 Voss II 12.50 Keelan B J 12.00 Gore A 20 00 Sidel Gun 10 00 Keelan B J 6.00 Ramsey Geo 35.00 Ramsey Geo 3.00 Ramsey Geo 24.00 Jenson Peter 16.00 Itutul District No. 2 Snider E, 51 oo Kirby D C 60. so Beall & Co 70.90 Gulker L E 6 30 Kirby DC 9.57 Oregon Lumber Co 30 S2 May Hardware Co., 4 60 Mail Jack 14 40 Blomqulst C F ?.r.( Combs J P 4 37 Dowling J r.r,o Malcom S L .18 70 Tufts U 77 00 Truman J E f 7.50 Wasser Julian 46. S5 Buskirk J E 23 00 Fowler C C 13 00 Maklnster B C 5 oo Nicholson Wm. 5 00 Stenman, Wm. 3.00 Justila A 2 50 Bishop Frank 10 15 A H Averill Mcy Co 86 .: Buffalo Steam Roller Co 35 65 Standard Oil Co. 10 .10 Fluhrer Louis 11.55 Columbia River Doo: Co 9 93 Bodder R 2 35 Gulker L E 20.00 I'rie Clyde 10 00 Combs A J 11,25 Jordan G W 15 00 Combs Wm. 60.50 McKee C B I, 5 Malcom O J 11.85 Relchsteln W L 10. 'JO BBuskirk CI, 25.0.. Stockdale B P 7.0 Nicholsan Wm. 5 00 Snee P R 2. 60 Ilnad District Xo. 3 Birkenfeld Anton ?87.97 Burt V 3.75 Reynolds E 11.88 Peterson J II 26.25 Sullivan R 33.75 Martin F 15.00 West W B 16.00 Llndberg O 10.00 Flippin Ed 6.25 Burt, Cecil 3.75 Malmberg F E 1.25 Henderson Clyde 6.00 Van W N 40.00 Hewlett W "" Llmlhern K J West A 17 r' 1. 1., chtlil C K & 00 I torn I IM-lrli I . I Vernotilu 1 .111 her. and I'"'"'! 23.76 Mellnger (I C :,s 75 S cer Kobt. & ,,u Prliiisle W M '' Wilson II A -s Leslie Lnld s,i ArmstmiiK '". II 2.60 Jesle J K 6 00 Brown C C 32.60 K.lens J 3 2 60 PrliiKlo Win. Jr . 3 2.60 Counts A II I 2 60 Tucker Hoy 10 00 Kerns Arthur 00 Brown W T 22 60 j Hell J A '' 75 i MnlliiiKer V S 20 00 I Spencer Hobt. 5 00 j Hall W I. 170 I TrliiKle W M 5 00 Wilson II A 21 Sf. Stanton liussell ! S ItrmstroiiK C B 2 60 John M J 1 2 5 Duncan H V 5 0 Wood Bert 10 00 .Melliutvr W I" 2 2.. 0 ' MoliiiKcr l eny 37.60 , Mellnger Terry 3 2 60 Wood Irwin 15 00 McDavles W It 7 50 McDonald J A 9 3 (ienerul Itotul Dooley & Co. 78.75 Tho White Co 3 09 Levi W A 115 Roail District No. .1 Bennett O It 2 75 Coast Culvert & Flume Co is 00 Mller A U 4 i;o Whereupon Court adjourned un til Saturday. May th 1!IH Knturday May 9 l'.UI. - ( ti Judi cial Day Court catuo pursuant to adjourn ment. Olllcnrs nil present. Due proclamation heiiiK made the folowing proceedings were had: Muter of Bids for Komi Improve ment: On this day bids for road Improve lueut as per advertised notice there for, wero opened and examined by tho Court, being as follows: I I'll eh Canyon Head : P. Koran. Hid in Blank, accompan ied by check ill the sum of $360 On 1 to represent five per cent of bid j V. W. Mason, Bid in the sum of J!?.9S, 51. Parcher Road : No bids. Rainier Apiary Road: No bids. And It appearing to the Court that the bids submitted on the iMitili Canyon Road aro too MrIi, It is or dered by the Court that said bid be and the samp nre hereby rejected. And it appearing to the Court that there are no bids for the Improve ment of tho Parcher Road, and the Hainler-Apiary Hoad, it Is ordered by the Court that all of said work be performed by the County, under the supervision of the County Hoad Master. Matter of Plans and Sped Ill a tions for Various Hoad Improve ments: On this day this matter romlnt; on for consideration upon the plans and specifications as prepared by the County Hoad Master for the Improve ment of the following named roads: D. C. Smith Hoad. Clearing Grad ing Draining and surfacing 32I.6 feet. Beaver Creek Road. Clearing, Grading, Draining und Graveling 1205 feet. Rock Creek Hoad, Clearing, Grad Ing Draining and Graveling 2sr. feet. Keystone Road. Clearing. Grading and Draining 3537 feet; and the Court being advised In the matter. It Is ordered by tho Court that said plans and specifications ,e, and the same are hereby approved. It Is further ordered by the Court Continued on Paga 7 WASHINGTON MUCKU AUCKLC IMRDVylRC C0APMY DEALERS IN r.ixrs iuumwwk orLs uix:ss n.asv Doom P ivwurz . kiwi sntttrs st. nruvs, orecok SL. -M -M J5 jjl PLAZA PHARMACY; Pure Drills ami Medicines l I'irfurii! Clun oliilt s V funics SlnHniitrij Tot I rt . 1 1 tides BANK BUILDING PHONE 100 ST. HELENS. ORECfm :oi 101 i FISHERMEN ATTENTION Wc pay 22 cents per docn and express charges for CRAW FISH. Wc take ALL of your SKASON'S catch. Address, H0F BRAU QUELLE Portland, Ore. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable DRAYINC AND TRANSFER All Busmen Promptly Attended To PHONE IS OR 12 WM. H. DAVIES ST. HELENS, OREGON Prop i btlAiULlAiltL AAilkL UL jflt'-l MLiLi IStHelensMillCo. Electric Lighting " (Saves Your Eyes) St earn Heating (Prolongs Your Lives) Lath Wood Lumber BASEBALL MOVIES : Mr. Fan Cans the Dook For Old StufF I S AY PM,M OOOO fCttAM ,) INOCeo'. 6AStS", ARE THEy'.I X a UkK , . Wt' TH-.OO.TMTCM 90irna. AT ANY RATE VVHY V i MY W0R0, OISHONESTi ( Vu S k" ' ' rVosVZuSf r nLukt? Too" rMW'.MO. T H PLAYERS ? :.'.. IJomo stu - UrnAPUNC oowwp fso rntvu stav '( OO0CED -v f ' J