FouiwUd 18SI u.4 ri The MUt Publuhing Company M. K. Mii.l t. Ktlit'ir. Ki.nrrJ u mmhiihI rUaa suiter January 10. M.' Hi Hi I"' inifl "in un-(i ,l,.rlln -l """ "' man in the Stat'. W hile he had inl.rv;(,w Wilh r n . . . opposition in the primaries, the In,erv,CW W,,h Cl D BaC0ck the opposition was so friendly "Some-one with an ai to (rind hag than no serious results will fol- 1"!en ,'",,'" out to the country papera lo'A. Kvery man who was a- ' t,ie ,tttU"' tle'"en' to the effect KainstMr. VViLhvrom In lh,t " member of the In.luktrlal Acel ------ III (IIC HiiiutcaimoM RaTxa ...fl.60 ... .7 Our ' tin months A.lrrtiliiK n,",, known on appll ratloa County Official er primaries is now for him and for him in earnest. The time has come when the Republicans can put up a united fiht for the con dent Commission has said that only five to tlx hundred of the 3000 manufactur er! of Oregon are coming under the provUlona of the compenaation act. Thia la lha runkntil kiml t.f trol Of the State Government and it-nation, and aounda like a new chap the representation in the United ter i n the war against the compenia States Senate. All of these things tion "' t carried on by the casualty in- -I..U4..II.. I l i. .1 r iiKiinuuy ue.uuK io me lie publi can party. They have been kept out by factional differences and Uki noiicee 25 cenu per line , misrepresentation. Now let us iti . .i i ... mi uKf iner anu support tne ticket from K. A. I'.xth down to Constable and put the party in Panpr power that does things and does vv aa (ja a be On account of sicknef in our office force this weeK we are compelled to anain resort to the hand type setting method with the result that our paper does not have the neat appearance it usually does. 0. K. Chiles, our very ellicient operator, has been compelled to Rive up bis position for a titno to ro to the hospital. where he will probably suffer the loss of his letf before a euro can effected for his troubles riL t 1 m . . jne neau waters or salt river is quite an attractive resort this week and the accommodations are all taker. We know whereof we speak. The cost of high living is very aptly Riven as one of the princi pal causes for the high cost of living. We have a good ticket, com- fr'or , posed of good Republicans, and some months past we have been they will give good service to the ming a simplex type setting ma-r,ut,jc after January 1st. chine and it lias been doing fine wrvice with a good operator, but tht'.Mit is Kroing in import- nee and in work, so in order to eep abreast with the times we have this week ordered the latest model Linotype machine which will be in operation at the Mist office next week. With this ma chine in operation we will have one of the very best equipped offices in the state and prepared to turn out any and all kinds of work on the very shortest notice. We will give to our readers all the news from the county seat and the surrounding cominuni tics each week together with the Karm and Homo section. Our subscription list is being revised and after June 1st only those people Mho pay up or mako some arrangement for payment will be supplied with the paper. We are anxious that our list remain u large as it is at present, and if the Riving of a good paper with extra inducements will keep our list at the head we are going to dugo. It is not anticipated that we will lose very many subscrib ers oy requiring a paid up policy tn what we do lose we will more than make up for in new ones so that our list will not only remain u large as it is but will increase without doubt. Excuse the poor paper this week but we promise to make up for it next week and all the time hereafter. It is high time that Republicans support Republicans. Columbia City surance people for the part two or three years and which la atill on, al though they must realize thu4 it i a lulling game. We have nearly 6000 employer lilted in thia office with only about C00 rejection on file. No new rejection are being received, but on the contrary practically every mail bring letter recalling rejection filed laHt winter a a direct recult of the ac tivities of the casualty insurance agents. The compensation act ia in creasing In popularity with all classes aa the people Leer me better acquainted with its many excellent feature and begin to appreciate the evila of the liability system. The liability imur ance graft i cn the toboggan and must go. It fi a bad thing for the employer and a worie tniug for the workmen and society at large. The excellent men who are engaged in marketing this shady commodity would better transfer their activities to lome legitimate branch of insurance and get behind the compensation act, which i now the law of the land and ent'tlcd to and worthy of the loyal support of every good citizcr." Postmaster Examination 1. An executive order issued by the president require com; etitive exami- nntinnrt hv thii rnrnmiiHinn fur ita rutai- Miaa Ix-va Roberts of Kalama, ' tion of pottmaster at all fourth class Wash, ia the houre gueat of her ' poat ofTicca at wnich the annual corn- sister Mrs. Emily Copies this week. ponnaiion is $180 or m re.and at which the present incumbent wax not appoint ed under the civil service regulation Hon. Robert A. Booth of Eugene was the unanimous choice of the Republicans for the office of United States Senator. Mr. Booth received the entire vote of the party, although unopposed in the primary which indicates that he will receive the full party vote at the fall elections, when he will have as his opponent Senator George K. Chamberlain, the unanimous choice of the Democrats for the same office, These warm days are bringing many visitors into our village. All come to this place when they wish to observe the beauties of natur;, but we notice since they are mostly accompanied by their fierce looking bull doira they also have an eye to safty. Rapid progress always needs Protection. Our Tost Master has got the habit of going courting about every two weeks, dood results ought to follow. McGroRors Gang of Brush Load ers just completed another load of brush. I'rayera are being said for McGregor for his kindness in staving olT starvation from claim ing their victims a little while longer. 21 verse 18 chapter Proverbs. Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. There was a woman in our town she thought herself wondenus wise. She planned a boy-cott by herself. To nut out her neighbors eyes. But when she saw how she was beat and beat 1y her own rule, She now thinks the projer thing to do, is to back up to a good kicking mule. This school has been for the last .... ... . two weeks teaching oniy iuui scholars. This County must be very rich when it can pay $65 a month for four pupils. Mrs. Grace VanDola hhas re turned from her southern Oregon claim, she will spend the Summer at her summer home here, return ing before the expiration of the 2. Examination for fourth class postmaster under the order mentioned will be held in the state o Oregon on the date and at the examination point) mentioned in aection 3 of this circular. 3. The examination will be held only at the following named places on tqe dates indicated: June 3: Canyon City, Heppner, Jor dan Valley, Moro, Enterprise. June S: Condon. June 6: Saint Helena, Toledo. June 9: Lakeview June 10: Gold Beach, Tillamook. June 11: Summer Lake. June 13: Fort Rock, Klamath Agcy. June IS: Lapine. - June 17, : Redmond. 4. From the examinations mention ed in aection 8 of thia eircnlar th posi tion of postmaster at the following named post offices in Columbia county ill be filled: Columbia City, Deer Inland, Cubic, Houlton, Inglis, Marahland, Maygcr, Mint, Scappooae, Warren. 6. Applicant may be examined at any of the examination point and on the datca mentioned In aection 3 of this circular without regard to the lo cation of the post office at which ap-l-ointment is desired. An applicant for examination foi appointment at any post office must reside within the territory supplied by uch poit office. No change in the datea of examination points can be made. Applicanta will be allowed to be examined on only one of the datea mentioned. The applica tion form may be secured from the postmaster at any of the offices for which the examination are held, the United State Civil Service Commis sion, Waahlnkton, D. C, or the pest master at any place at which the ex amination la to be held, and should be properly executed, indicating therein the examination pint at which the ap plicant desires to be examined, and ahould immediately be forwarded to the United States Civil Service Com mission, Washington, O. C. Persona who, for any reason, are unable to for ward their applications to the commia aion in time to receive written author' ity to enter the examniation will be examined, subject to the subsequent approval of their applications, if they appear for examination at a place nda on a date acheduled in section 3 of this circular. For location of the exami nation room, apply at the post office at the place where he examination ia held. By direction of the commission. John A. Mcllhenny, President,. GO TO CENTRAL MARKET FOR BEST FRESH AND CUM) MEATS PHONE 60 FISH and POULTRY ST. HELENS 20 Acre of pasture for rent. II. T. Bennett, Warren. Phone Bachelor Flat line 108-3. ANNOUNCEMENT ""' Wc have just iustallcd a new lathe and are prepared to do your repair work cn marine aud automobile engines and machinery of all kinds A GKNKRAL REPAIR SHOP Work turned out on short notice by an experienced mechanic CITY GARAGE nd William Hanley the choice six months that is allowed to nome- ofthe l'rou-ressives. Kver Bince steaders, the primary law went into effect "i Oregon there has been a member of the minority parly elected as United States Senator. ()f course Jonathan Bourne was elected under that law. but he "m a minority candidate too. J that with all prim try friction 'voided there is no possible rea 'n why the Democrats of Oreg on should continue to elect the United States Senator. Some thing nlong the same line may e "lid with regard to the Gov Jnr. Dr. Withycombe is the Republican nominee and he ia a man of whom nothing but praise be truthfully Baid. He has a resident of Oregon for "early fifty year9 and know8 J"re people and is familiar with )he conditions all over the state, oetti II. A. Oberg went to l'ortland Monday to visit her two daughters the Misses Margarette and Ruth Oberg. Mr. I). I'awro ia becoming one our leading farmers. He now em ployes five men beside several bos to help on his farm here, is an il listration of what honesty and am bition can do. Mr. Pasero came to thia country with only money e nough to bring himself and family, he has had Iota of sickness and mis fortune since here but he is the kind of a man that'a always on the job. The loss of a valuable horse a month ago made things look dark, but he says "While theres life there is hope." V ANT STORE ROOM Must be well located for a retail business,. Address Announcement To the People of St. Helens and All Way Towns ST. HELENS -PORTLAND AUTO CO. has established Portland Office For Passenger Auto at Meier 4 Frank's Store 6th anJ Alder Sfrccts, Portland Passenger auto will receive and deliver passengers at this location beginning MAY 4th REST liOOMS-FJiEE CHECK ROOM FUJI LIC TEL EPHOXKS and every convenience i s offered to you at MEIER & FRANK'S Jtter than perhaps any other Johnson, Boa 697, Potriand, Ore, o-aBB-a-JBjae-o-' All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished. R. CONSTANTIN Plumbing and Heating Sheet Metal Work St Helens Oregon -a- Columbia County Abstract Company. Abstracts, Real Estate, Insurance. Loans, Conveyancing St. Helens, Oregon WINES LIQUORS CIGARS You Always Get the Best at DUKE'S PLACE Blakesley Bldg. ST. HELENS, ORE. EUROPEAN PLAN AMERICAN PLAN EVERYTHING MOLCRN AT THE ST. HELENS HOTEL J. GEORGE, Proprietor ALL BUSSES CALL AT HOTEL RATES $1.00 AND UP SPECIAL RATES TO REGULAR BOARDERS QSt S 1 1 1 1 6 6 las a 5 S i 5 VStZ B IT TO IflTJ B I TIT 1 1 II I'lYIS I ITaQ IMogenes fays- ( MrJm Strong " : 1 J(AW I o HOT SPRING BLOOD REMEDY Sold in St Helens at E DEMING'S DRUG STORE UtlJ JLUJUJUUL8.U1 1 1 UABERTVlrClrtC tAULIJlAXUtlJl IJLlJLiajtlJLlJlJL E. A. ROSS COMPLETE HOUSE rURMISHIttCS Bank Building St Helens, Oregon Patronize the Mist Advertisers -o ! a a I a o I