St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 10, 1914, Image 7

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ams Uit jear. The seven sugar
mills of the south wilt run. In Hscra
mento Valley tlx bt-ct acreage will be
deorarscd on account of closing of one
LuuiLer. In Sierra and rfhaita re
glons of California buaim-ai has bee
ioi- uui enu-iiHive; shipments are
n. a on (lie Pari He Coaat shows great ,"okr'' f'T.luinbirmen epeiting ban
proserity prospects. Tho rain haa buen r 3'""'- (rt'K" niilla report good
K.-neral throughout the atat reoentlv . ro'"''ll(",a m' h'lKht proapects. Oil
and ha been aufllelent t.) do all that ou,uut C alifornia la placed at 970
waa required. Ihsj rrbruary atorma , 000,00 bbla. an increase of 8,000.000
..... .J . r ' ........ in i n
Report Shows Gre&t Pros
perity on Pacific Coast
The lateat report of the Southern Pa-
rill.1 Company on the condition of buai
IllletJ the under ground reservoirs and
iii'KHited an ample aupply of anow up
on the mountain!. Water fur Irriga
tion and power I aaaured.
The reMrt aaya, in part :
Oregon Outlook considered good if
not better than at the lame time in
1 1 13. Hanks in excellent condition
with heavy iceources. Ainung Lankera
mrrriiants ami nianurarturcra a more
nitiiniatic feeling prevaila than for
mine time. Lumber outlook better,
Crop proaperta good..
Nevaiia, Utah, Arizona, and Na
Mrtiro lliislneaa quiet. Merchants
liHik for big year. Mining ia active;
n;riiulluml devrlopmenta proreeilinu
atemllly; rrop and livtatock outlook
g od
('alifornia --I'rotipecla for very lurgr
yljl I of itom. Orrhaul in aplertdid
I'onilition. Slock rangea in fine aliape,
a'Tordifg an abjnjaai-e of teed. In
Santa Clara valley quite an amount of
planting to prune ami apricoU. moat
of it new, other than replanting on ac
count of dead trees due to pate two
SttP Jourpiin Vall y Condition! more
fuvorable than thry hve been for
years, djc tn heavy rainfall and the
axnuranoe of ample water for irriga
tion from the anow in the mountains.
I'nuaual amount of land planted to
.gram, urchanla In good coiwlition.
i Sacramento Valley. Outlook for
ropa haa never been brighter Grain
I'rrage large and in fine rondition. '
irrhanl all In good (condition.
Southern California. Vtry largo
f ropi i pec tod. Grain and hay rropa
f. ill probably be suftVitrit for local
Oranges Katimated of 3.r,000 eara
ii in Southern California. With the
production north of Mojave thia will
kinke total atale production about 40,.
"Ml rara.
over 1912. Mining steadily advancing
In California, Nevada and Aiizona
Aclve operation and devi lompet fe
tures of mining altuation. Increaavlng
output looked fur.
A New Publication
Editor Mint, St. Helena, Oregon:
t r ... . . .
iear sir: we nave laaued a new
publiraton deacriptive of Oregon, and
am maili.g you a ropy under other cov
er today. We have tried to include in
thia publication, auch information a
will be of intereat to homcaeeker
Our experience haa been that a gre
many people in the Eastern Statea, dt
pend oo the recommendation! of their
frienda In the Weat, aa to whether they
ill move.
Our Aral Ihiub of thia Bulletin
200,000 and thia number will probably
II be distributed between now ami
apring, and within the year, we will
probably Uaue and distribute approxi
mately GOO, 000 of theae bulletin
throughout the United Statea,
I would like to rail your attention to
the importance of trying to interisl
your local people in furniihing ua with
a liat of namea of their frienda in the
Bast to whom we might mail a ropy of
thia bulletin. If we can aecure thtsj
names, we wiil be glad to place them
on our mailing lilt and they will re
el ve copiea of our different Oregon
State publiratolua from time to time
believe that you can take thia up
throurh your newapaper, aa well aa
with individual! calling attention to the
importance of thia co-operation from
your local people.
Thanking you for your attention to
thia matter, I am,
Youra very truly.
K C I.EKDY, Gen. Immigration Agt.
Clean up Grounds While
Swatting Fly
Celery. Southern California crop! Oregon Agricutural College, Corval-
rtimated at 2000 cara. In the Anti- lie, Ore.. April 6. - Cleaning up to de
h diKtri tlhe total will be about atroy the fly'a breeding place! and then
.'till cara. .trapping or killing those that are
Cotton. Crop of Ut aeaaon now U lhe "Un f
.. el at 19.70.) bale.. Acreage for the fly prepared by the Kn-
lomulogicai ucpanmcm ui int nK'"1"
i tural College. The method of con
ducting the campaign ia published in
extension bulletin aeriea. No. ?0, and
my be had free of coat by writing t K
I) lletzel. Director of Extenaion, O A
C, Cutvalli. Oregon.
Portland Letter
I'ortlund, Ore., April 7 .Special-)
Of great intereat and importance to
the enlire Columbia llaiin la the I re-
'II t on muile recently by Major J J t
Vorro. engirt-, r in charge of II if dis- '
irlct, thut river n'emn n wniiM be
passtd through lhe Celilo Canal before
the lirn of next January. The aat '
mo ith ( f Man h was not ihle in that !
more actual prugrcs.4 waa made on the
M. E. Miller of Bt. Helens baa en
tered the race for the republican nom
ination for state labor commissioner.
Medford now haa playground
which haa been established under the
uuplcea of the Parent-Teacher asso
ciation. "Portland ftoae day," on June 18,
191S, will be one of the special eventa
aet UBlde In thai eeleliruHnna t tho
canal tha . In any other single month. I Panama Pacific Exposition.
In addition to tbe building of a pa-
From end to end the great ditch ia the
a:!ene of ct-aslcaa and effective activity.
I.ocka are being ronatructed, galea in-
atalled, the bottom of the cnnal ia be
ing floored with att I bars over which
ia poured thonurands o' toi a of con
crete, tho sloping side are being lp
rapied in one place with reinforced
concrete, in another with rubble mas
onry and in atill anolher with gnat
blocks of lava rock, accordii g to the
character of the backing material.
At the head of Five aiile Itapiils a
bttle band of men is at work boring
holes into tbe rocky walls of the gorge,
ctrcf'jlly examining tie material
brought up by tbe dr lis and urcfuly
recording their observations. Tiei-e
men are the pionu.ra sunt out by the
at.itea of Washington and Oregon to
determine tha feinibility of cjntru. t
ing a great dam acrosa the river at th s
point for tbe purpose of installing the
most powerful hvilro ele trie nlant
weat of Niagara Falls. The river is
only about 2o0 feet wide at tbe head of
the rapids, but the depth nearly equals
the width.
Preparations are practically com
pleted for the convention of the Colum
bia and Snuke liivcr Waterways ansci-
ialiun to be held at tbe i'ortlund Com
mercial Club April 13 to 14. Everyone
nterested in the success of this move
ment is inviled to site nil this melting
t which it ia proposed to cryatalize in
to actual constructive work the theor-
es, plum and dreams of the men who
ave for months been giving up their
time to the project. Katea of one and
one third fares for the round trip have
been granted by all the roads of the
1911 crop now estimated at 00,000
kuinat i.'.,000 acica laat year.
Cantalii'jpea. Southern California
treiige i.'.ia year eatimated at 7K00.
is ahnuld produce 4000 or fil'00 rara
Itcana. - The rrop laat year waa alwut
oil rara. For the coming year w ith
K increaaed arccaire the crop should
2700 cars.
Sugar It. -eta. - In Southern Culiforn-1
.. ANTSTOKE ROOM Must be well
lM-alcd for a retail business,. Addicts
JOHNSON, llox C97, Potrland Ore.
FOR SALE.--Fresh cow ar.d calf.
the etima ted acreage is eUut the PATIUCK KEI.LEY, Warren, Ore.ltp
Thut the wheat farmers of Eastern
Oregon do not spend all their coin in
the purchase of more land to grow
mor? wheat ia indicated bv figures sud-
plieu by the automobile dealera in that
ection. Within the past six weeks
uzz waggons to the value of $98,000
have been furnished to Umatilla Coun
ty alone and the other wheat counties
ave taken nearly as many. The wheal
rowera with large acreage find the
utomobilea necessity and they pur-
hatte them aa a regular part of their
bnsincBS equipment.
The directors of the Sherldun Fruit
Growers' Association have within the
past few days purchased a three acre
tract of land on which to erect an ui;
to dute plant for the handling of fru i,
berries, nuta and vegtables. A ip
ping and atorage warehouse will be
built at once and other buildings will
fo tow as needed. The location haa 500
feet of railroad aiding and is close to
the business center of the town.
S K o cl a R 5
DEMINGS Drug Store
-S A V E $1.00l
$1.00 can of
Cedar Polish
$1.50 Cedar
Polish Mop
While They
Tho cluBH rush has passed Into his
tory at tho Oregon norin:il school.
Hereafter InHtead of an open handed
fight for supremacy the classes will
have their days when programmes will
be presented and athletic contests
carried out. By mutual agreement the
flag of the class which la performing
will fly unmolested.
Thomas It. Kay, state treasurer, has
Just given notice that there are funds
In the state treasury with which to
redeem outstanding state warrants
drawn on the general fund and en
dorsed "Presented and not paid for
want of funds" prior to and Including
November 19, 1913. The warrants will
now bo honored at Mr. Kay'e office
and Interest on them will cease after
March 30.
Oiven a man 97 years old, birth
day rake glowing with 97 candles, a
stereoptlcon showing pictures of the
days when Oregon was young and the
man waa much younger, and a chapel
full of the friends of auld lang syne,
and you have a few of the "high
lights" of a remarkable birthday party
that was given at the Taylor-Street
Methodist Episcopal church at Port
land In honor of Rev,
("Father") Fllnn, pioneer
pastor of Oregon.
Measures seeking to abolish the rur
al school districts of the state, to place
those schools on the same basis as
those of the cities, and to be super
vised by a central county board with
a school superintendent at the head,
will be Introduced at the next sesolon
of the legislature by the Oregon Civic
league. In addition there are now
being drafted, he aaya, measures aim
ed to revise the school laws of the
state, which are characterized as ar
chaic, and to abolish the property
qualification for school election vol-Intf.
vlllon the State Fair Doard has de
cided to erect a brick auditorium for
use at the fair this year.
A strong effort la being made by the
commercial clubs of Dallas and Inde
pendence to finance the county to oil
tho roads between Independence and
Sal im during the coining aummer.
Every word In the first 92 pages of
tho spelling book waa spelled before
the winner of the spelling bee, held at
th? Rranne Hull at Mullno, could be
announc ed.
ror transporting Myrtle Kellett
from Eureka to Portland for alleged
Immoral p .-poses. Or. Harrison Keene
of Kureka, Cul., waa sentenced to one
yenr In the county Jail.
"A Pljuer and Detter Round up,
tho slogan which the directors
Pend.eton s annual frontier show
adopted at a meeting held to discuss
plana for tbe 1914 exhibition.
Pinna for the development of the
hog industry of Lane county and for
the establishment of a packing plant,
with a capital of $40,000. are being
formuluted by the Springfield Provis
ion company.
uerore tne first or May the state
highway commission will advertise for
and open bids for the construction of
the Columbia highway from Multno
mah county to Astoria,
Holding turkey raffles, playing cards
for the drinks, and betting on horse
racing, are forms of gambling under
the Oregon statute, according to an
opinion of the attorney general given
to Joseph Putnam of Monument
Rules and regulations governing tho
aunuul Polk county school children's
Industrial fair, which will be held In
Dallas September 17, 18 and 19, have
been sent out to the schools of the
county. Preparations are being made
by the pupils and a large exhibit is
Over six tons of election supplies
were shipped by Secretary of State
Olcott to the county clerks of the Z4
counties of the state for the primary
election to be held May 15. Thia is
more than twice aa great a quantity
as waa ever prepared before for an
election In Oregon.
Postmaster Elmer Russell, of North
Uend, discovered a new use for parcel
post when an unusual odor emanated
from a package near a warm radiator
In tbe office. The offensive package
waa removed and found to contain
skunk hides, being forwarded to P.
New York furrier.
ine nrsi excursion train ever run
Into the Siuslaw Valley over tbe new
Willamette Pacific, according to pres
ent plana, will carry a band of Eugene
Radiators, dressed in uniform, to par
ticipate in the aunual Florence rho
dodendron carnival. May 20 to 25.
George R. Castner, formerly county
Judge of Hood River county and for
many years fruit inspector, left for
Pendleton. B. C, where he has been
employed by the Canadian government
to assist In the fight that la being
waged against the fire blight, which
threatens the orchards of the Vernon
A. II. Averlll, president of the Port
land chamber of commerce, has wired
Senator Chamberlain urging hlra to
see the secretary of the navy, to se
cure the assignment of warships for
the Rose festival and enough men to
make a good showing In the parades.
Senator Chamberlain will secure as
good naval representation as possible.
Approximately $1,000,000 will be
spent at Eugene tn 1914 for public and
private Improvements according to
plnns which are being announced from
time to time for construction. The
greater port of this amount will be ex
pended In the construction of build
ings, both public and private, but a
measurable sum will also go for Im
provement of the plants of the public
service companies.
The Salem Cherrians are preparing
to hold a society circus at the armory.
April 24 25. Its official name Is the
"Cherrlngo." All the freaks and at
tractions of the most up-to-date circus
are to be on hand. The glee clubs of
John J. 1 iiinmene, i niversuy oi uregon
Methodist ,n(1 0r,Kon Agricultural college have
been engaged, and also the Willamette
university and Salem high school
When Secretary of State Olcott
closed the doors of his office Satur
day, a total of 228 dandidatea had filed
their declarations of candidacy for of
fice. Of the total number of candi
dates who have filed declarations, 175
are republicans, 39 are democrats and
14 are progressives. For the office
United States senator, governor, rep
resentatives in congress la tha first
and third districts, and national com
mitteeman, all three parties ara rep
resented by candidates.
Art Critics.
TVben On hardaoii's picture. "Ilard
Hit," was exhibited ut the Academy
tbe artist was strolling through the
rooms one day when be saw, to bis
alarm, an eicltol little foreigner mak
ing toward blm with threatening ax-
pect and brandishing a stick as be
i came. "Ah, sir," be exclaimed. "If I
thought thut by killing you I could
point a picture like thut 1 would crush
your skull thia instant!"
David Murray, a Royal Academician,
was once painting in Pleardy when his
stock of canvas became exhausted.
Being desirous of securing an "Impres
sion" for use later In a more ambitious
attempt, the artist did one bit on a
handkerchief tacked on a stretcher.
Cpon bis return to London this piece
of work waa being Inspected, with oth
ers, by a wealthy old lady, who ex
pressed a desire to purchase It Mur
ray thought It ad visa t.le to tell bcr
thut It bud been painted on his pocket
handkerchief. "On your pocket hand
kerchief:" exclaimed tbe old lady.
"Then I'm quite sure you've ruined It,
Mr. Murray. The pulnt will never
come off. "'London Spectator.
Quaint Little English Church.
Cul bone church, which among many
others claims to be the smallest church
In England. Is situated on tbe coast of
north Devon, not fur from tbe pictur
esque little vllluge of Porlock. and tbe
church la so guarded by bills and
wood tbut tbe sun's rays reach It only
four months of the year. Tbe building
la but thirty -three feet long by twelve
feet eight Inches wide and has a porch,
nave, carved onk chancel screen and
Norman font, an alnbuster altar piece
uud a quaint high mw near tbe chan
cel, used bv the family of Lord Love
lace, by w hom the property Is owned.
Tbe slanted cbuncel ,1s lit by a tin
aquare headed Iron barred window, the
oldest feature In the church, being pre
Normnn and cut out of a single stone.
It ia amplr largo for the population,
which Is about thirty Svo in a parish
of only 1.337 acres. In summer the
church Is crowded owing to the Influx
of visitors from many parts of the
Story of a Novelist.
Mrs. Henry Wood, author of "East
Ljnne," the "best seller" of its gener
ation, was forty and a wife and moth
er before she turned her hand to novel
writing, ai.d ber most famous book
seems to have been written to soothe
tbe weariness of a severe illness. Much
of It Indeed was composed lu bed, and
the writer acorcely boed to live to
complete It After running an ob
scure course In a monthly magazine
the story was refused by several pub
lishers and accepted only with consid
erable ms vlugs by Iticburd Beetle.. .
It fell Hut until some one reviewed It
enthusiastically In the London Times.
and then the printers worked night
and day to coie with tbe demand.
Within a very short time "East
Lyuue" was translated Into almost
every language in Europe, and as bovk
ai.d play Its Kpularlty has known no
eclipse. Argonaut
In on tho Ground Floor.
I have always been suspicious of
good thing!"." said a well knowu New
York luwy r, wbo has a reputation for
large philosophy. "I remember when
waa a young man I bad an oppor
tunity to get In 'on the ground floor"
of what looked to me like a load of
easy money.
I consulted one of tbe old time con
servative men of Wall street. He smil
ed and said: 'Listen to this story and
then decide:
'A wife arriving home In high
spirits tells ber husband she has pur
chased a new bonnet "And, sweet
heart," she said, kissing blm, "I got
something for you too."
" "Good' ' exclaimed tbe happy hus
band. "W at is It?"
"Tbe Mil." she said.' "-New York
Catacombs of the Druids.
Eleven utiles southeast of London, In
Kent, not -nany jeurs ago were dis
covered th" catacombs of the ancient
drulds, which ".re now much visited by
sightseers and are lighted, for a part
at least, by electric lights. Over fifty
miles of chambers, cut In the chalk
cliffs, have already been explored. Tbe
dnilds lived iu those catacombs when
attacked by their northern enemies,
and here they buried many of their
dead. The stone In which tbe human
sacrifices were made is still to be seen,
and also the well, from which water is
drawn to thia day.
Professional Bantor.
Parson A. It's hard to get people
Into the church. Dr. B. But It's eas
ier to do that than It Is to get them
Into heav . Furson A. True. We
ministers can only point tbe way to
heaven. W nen it comes to getting peo
ple there we are obliged to fnll back on
the doctors Washington Herald.
Rslisf In Music
"Did you enjoy yourself at tbe musi
cal r
"Very much. A musical la a great
rellof after a series of card parties.
You don't have to take pnrt In conver
sations or remember whnb the trump
Is." Boston Record.
Anglo-8axon Pais.
First Spi'i (looking .it magnificent
view of the Alpa-.'ot Im.l. that Sec
ond Sport-Yes. It's nil right, bnt you
needn't rnve about It lik;- u bally poet.
London Punch.
fikst class wopjc
all the time
give us a call
St. Helens. Oregon
Watch Repairing
a Specialty
Save Your Votes
I will give aa a Special
Premium, One Cockerel,
Valued at $5 00, to tha
peraon making the beat
ahowiug a t the County
Fair of atock hatched from
gga bought of me.
Send in Your Orders Early.
Eggs $2.00 Per 15
Tha Whit Wyandotte M
hot vyirrLES
"N Questions Atktd."
Advertlsl-ig In Kinrlntid for lost
pnHrty and adding "No questions will
be asked." Is Illegal, the penalty be
ing CoO.
On April 1st the Crystal Brook Dai
ry wi'l start a milk route in St, Hel
ens and make delivery each evening.
Only strictly pure and clean milk will
b sold. Telephone 105-8 Bachelor
Flat line.
4tp Warren, Cra
I la