t. Helens Mist nominated by that party for State Sutierintentlent of I'ublir jlriBtruction. There is no cause for alarm however, because it is not thought probable that she le Mist Publishing Company, will poll more than a couple of Found! IM1 Utmmi tar FtMar k M. v.. Mii-us, K.liiur. ,lirrl Hfowt cIm mmtrr Jaituarr 10. M Ilia oltlra at Mahii II. Ic in Ori'iim i,t Hi arl " Man:b sVil. In St i urn. in mow Ratks . a wis r yeas - ' month - ' IvrrtMiiK rates titml known on aill- urn. 1-KI uollcca 'tt cenU per I In innnfv Official w..-"v dozen votes. Paper A letter from Kastern Wash ington and addressed "Oregon Mist" was received this week by this paper. That there was not another word on the envelope goes to show that the Mist is widely known all over Washing ton and Oregon. Ditto St. Helens. THE POLITICAL SITUATION Oregon's "Mr. Dooley" Presents His Views on Matters and Things to Columbia County Folks " says Judge Harris, nun.lier of names on 'tuple whoapad" their grounds. imt flower seeds, train ana . , i . Ire lor liowers in a yarn w Jake it beautiful and homelike to entitled to more protection t,l consideration from the van- kii.sm of care free and unthink- young people, both sexes. to hear of complaints being Ja.lo along the Houlton road lien people have worked hard 1 taken great pains with How . t i p. ( r IH'OS anu alter geiiuiK nume weri that they could admire l enjoy, have some of the unirstera who have no idea, of .slice and whose sole ambition ms to le to appear "smart funny or daring, to come ng. break danthe fence and ther all the (lowers in bloom id trample down the remaining vines. Young men should Ik? utfht a lesson by the officers of law while young ladies who such things should be sound- spanked by their parents and v en a lesson in responsibility, is high time to call a halt on iBch practices. Judge Cleeton's decision re garding the payment of taxis seems to have the approval of the entire people and has been accepted by the officials. The suspense will soon be over. r t .Again we are forcibly remind r that the mail service between Helens and other Columbia unity points is about as rotten d inconvenient as it would be isihle to make it. In getting U tter to Warren, four miles May and on a rail road where ur or five trains pus each day. is necessary for that letter, if ailed after 10.30 in the niorn jr. to go through Warren to rtland and be handled there (ji.l (hen come back to Warren it evening or the next day. ! s;irne rule applies with eipial i c to the service between St. lens and Scnppoose. It is even urse the other way lowaru iKinier. Iliii.kof it. One mail day out of St. Helens for luinbia County points while re are several mails each day rtween St. Helens and Portland. akin up by the citizens of this ty and county with the Postal part men t to see if mime relief mid lie had in the matter. TRENHOLH J Christcnscn mailo a trip to I'ort laiul Tuvsilay. Mrs Geo Wilson ami ton Max, ma.le a shopping trip to St Helens Tuesday. Mrs Oliver Smith and daughter Hcu- luh of Happy llolluw, spent Thursday at the home of her niece, Mrs Myrtle Schneider. Mr and Mrs I) K Fowler and children visited friends at Yankton Sunday. Mra Marion Hutchinson ami two hoys of Rainier visited at the home of her mother, Mrs Nina Mclntire. The htiusle of A M Camphcll ra'iuht fire Tues-'ay morning and caused somj eicitemcnt for a time at Trent. olm. However, the blaze was 'soon extin guished without much damage being done to the building. A M Campbell made a trip to St Hel ens Wednesday. Mrs F Srhnc'der entertained the ladies of the "Silver Tea" Thursday afternoon, and it also being her fifth wedding anniversary Mr anil Mrs Schneider were presented with a line oak rocker by the following ladies: Mra C llein. Griffith, Wilson. McA'lis ter, Wittnebel, Nina Mclntire, K1 Kelley, ('hhurchill, Christenscn, Kctel, I.ois Foster and Glapha Drown. An excellent luncheon was served by the hostess axaistcd by Nina Mclntire. Columbia City Unclaimed Letters The registration books nt the urt house show that of all the rennets in Columbia C ounty here are fewer voters registered the three St. Helens precincts proiio-tion than in any other fie. Just why this is so is rot H'parent, UiU-sj it is too handy 3r voters to go into the Clerk's jnioe and register so they put it air from day to day. There is dually leBs than 40 per cent of le legal voters of this city who re registered. It was the same fay in the City election, not Cjjtio half the voters who voted 4ere registered and not more 3ian one half the voters voted. hen a state-of affairs is to be , , . m -f.., grettcd. It shows that peo, le!Kea V&im HuUMtJlb not take the interest in thel ilfairH of government of theeily,' Uinty and state that they should, i J lom 1 ' is the duty of every legal voter r register and vote. Do your; M H McSweeney u H and i Ny- "ty. i"" ""' TV: I J and ( McNnugnlon 10 aucr ii- " I ton trn,.( 17 sm 19, McNanlty a.'d. A new aign on the City Hall; ,uiier ,ilind Co to t. and M Me lds much to the appearance of 0i( ,lini, ,n 17 7 2. W 1 1 1 i :t tn Saurvein oldcHt son of Chris topher Saurvein hits tioulit the old home place ircently owned by Mrs. Kmma Vivian, dcceastd. He is putting (he place in a first i luss cumliti n and making the oil place look brand new. Mr. Saarvcin is of ligal age and ur- ninrried. Thit- ought to 'onk cnrouniK- ing to some girl who is lonkirg for a good home. Quite a lot of building and repairing is in progress in our villiige. ("apt. Spinner was busily engaged in con structing a building on his propeilty which we took to be at first sight, a green house, but later Mr. Spinner said it was only a chicken hourc. Since the spring time has clothed St. Helens in her summer hurry, it is growing attractive to Columbia City residents. Mr and Mrs l!arry Cuples. Herbert Wharton, Mr McCoy. Mr Mc Vey, motored up Tuosdr.y. "Well. Caaey "did ye see the me pitiehuneT" "1 did," says CsHey, "and while thcy's well up into Ihe th ukbiiUs wan thunsand would have had the same iflict on Kin Allcutup whin it comes to his ollicial count, J it," he says, "fer the moral illic-t on the public ye did well." "Still, "says Cac.cy."l'd sooner have the votes run into tie Ihounatda at the priinarera than tne iii'ines on the pi. tichunes before the prim'trees. I'oli lics is wain. in' op. lie .l is Legin i.in' to boil, o is M.n.e ( f Ihe cai.di- ilhtvs. 'Tis safe to say that all tl e govners is bi.rn that will be burn tbis year ixcipt (I injependint ranliili. tt'K, whu're usu'lly born after th primar ees. "The joodtices of the aoopreme oort has all got their g'twns orilereil, soob jicl of courne to roiifiniiin hune after ' May Ifi. "The attooney gin'rils Ih all ( Inning up their local oflireK, ready to move to Salem cm nhort notice. "Hal Patent and Frank Mill.-r is each rnuntin' lies, and both is sure of illiehiine to the high ollice of railroad comn ichuner. Bin Sellin' is back in the game, and this time he's goin' tn the lower house. In all rre ploitical ixpirincGe," says Cascv, "I reverb aw a belter plaj than that. Kin shows his frinds and his in einies tliat he'll work anny where, dou-j ble or single, and Ktsnd without hitch-1 in' so lung as be can hilp old Orgun. I Jut keep yer eye nn iiin in the nixt. ruHhed in with first aid to the injured. 'TIh an intristin' lint of catastropliees ye'll find ftr brii kfast each Sunday morn in'. I jsten while I read ye a few : "I'eter Mullen, machinist, lost I. if timpcr flit n' a saw. "Maude Ilrown, waitress, loot her chewln' gom dittributi.i' beans in a reatrant. "Jack ("all (hun's ro struini ii iter mi Ik (.oir.' o irti f r. j "Put Murphy, lggi r, hiir cut :ind Fhave fifty c'rls. i I "Alois Haufbrau, baker, knen wr ek ed, sint fer new one to Africa w'ere the negros. ' Sarah Silvetfttein, scamntreKS, Ihu knee wricked, sint fer new wan to Je roosalem where the the kneea gro . "Ralph Mot.res, fly swal.rr, caught in fly wheel. Tim Kelly, lumberman, hurt po litically logrollin' at Sulcm. "Jawn Shanuhan, puIeeTeman, shot in th; fracRi. "Michel Hennessy.stevedore, rhked unloadin' a schooner. "I.arry Finn, laborer, los a toe dur in' operucbune fer torr.ane poiscnin'. ' Charley Pomreoy, chicken inslpict or, eye sprained durin' inspichune. "Kate Malloy, domiKtic.feelins hurt, notice given. "Sam Mendelbaum, tiavtlin' sales man, short changed at Albany. "Bessie Swansen, bailey dancer, ligs cundimed by meat inspKtor." "And so it goes don the line for a column or moar Ve'd think thtt the NOTICE In the County I'ourt of the State of Oregon, fi.r Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of Oscai J Clark, deceased. Notice is hereby given that A L Stone, the administrate of the estate of Ownr J Clark, deceased, has ren dered and presented for settlement, and filed in said court, his final account of his administration of said estate, and that Saturday the 9th day of May, 191 1, at the hour of one o'clock p .m. of said day at the court room of said court at the. court house in the city of St Helens in Columbia county, State of Oregon, has been appointed by said court for the settlement of said final accunt, at which time and place any person interested in xaid estate may api e ir and file exceptions in writing to the faid account, and contest the tame. A. L STONE. Administrator of the cxtate of Oscar J Clark, deceased. Dated April 10. lc14. Mission of the legislachure. l ater ye prisint incumber was the busiest nrin c-in keep yer rye on the rolumes of the Ion earth patchin' up these bruised and Columbia County Bank 3 NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND IN YOUR ORDER FOR Job Printing papers, ler um win yit he Pack in Washington riprisintin' Orgun in the sir.it. jhcie'a a lot of intrif t cintered these days," says Cajey, "about the office of labor cornmichuncr. The) 's fcer luds out fer he job. l);wn in Multnomee thcy's a huky bye be the name of Mudhen, a longshoreman be prefect) tine, who is after the place. Old Ho(T- aiidiiolT, the piisint incumber, is out ' where Nick Hess of bleed in toilers, but 'tis not so He's much busier patchin' up hU poTlitical finccs, but 'tis of no use. The public is up in arms this ilichune and many a poor old prisint incumber is goin' to be turned out after long years of workin' for the state ,and new wans will take their places. These is strenyus days at the state house, Mr. Harris," says Casey. "I seen be the Sunday paper the sicrrtarv of again so that he can make it foor state's office has just got six tons of terms straight. Ha must be a UryanUe ' supplies out'n hia system, all sint to wokrin' fer sixtano to wan, yit he the 3-1 county clerks for the oncomin' rigiUrcd as a raypuWican. Another ' primarees. is tons of (.-applies to hilp man w ho is out fer the oil ice is a man ililct a guvntr whin OLDEST IN THE COUNTY Does General Banking Depository for U. S Postal Savings be the name of Miller frc m St Hclei a, and the foorth is frcm Salem be the name of Hynon. Mudhen and Miller and Hynon is each sure of the labor office, and 'tis a safe bet that two if iliim will have to labor after May nixt, at which time the gooses of two of thiin will be cooked. HolTkndhofT is a great campaner. lie's will up on moi- crn mitliods of pooblicity. He's stiong no Icttin' the pooblic kno what he's doin. ispicially jut before ilichune time. Ye pick up a Sunday paper and ye read frc m a colonic to a colonic and a half of huiart imlerin' accidints where the labour cowmichuner has they's twinty of the bys volnnteered their services of their own free will! Still," sajs Cas ey, "the people want to spind their money which they have contributed in the way of taxes and it seems as if there was no way of etoppin' thim." "What would )ou do, Mr Casey" says the jj Ige, "How woulJ you sti p this wasteful extravagance?" "What would I do?" says Casey "well, 'twould be cheaper to lit the candidates fur the sivral offices all sit into a game of poker, wan game for each ollice, and at the ind of the game lit the man who has the most chips be declared the people's choice." Letters unclaimed at the St. Helens, Oregon post ollice foi tlm week ending April 4th: Mrs EE Clark Jamea Sienctr J T VanPol.sh letter i unclaimed by April 18th will bo sent to the dead letter ollice. IVA K. DOM). P. M. he huilding. As a reward for valaint servic- Kainier Land Co to T U Dnvcs, liact 4S and 4 '.I. Itoulesad acres. C A ami C Anderson to A and M E fs performed in spreading the Sandalin, lot. an 1 1, i m ..- Gospel of Socialism. Mis. Flora I j foreman, the Socialist School A and M E S.mdlin to It and S Sar- :dlliU-.lll,Ak.tiilA-lls it it i n nt tt a i T" Are ion m rea ot suiiAit i While it lasts you cau buy at Har rison's i Sack of Host Fruit Sugar for $435 per Sack. This is the cheapest that sugar has ever been sold iu Columbia County. I hae bought a car load direct from San I'raucisco. The more you buy the cheaper I cau sell. This is cheaper than it can be bought in Portland. I save jobbers profit and freight and you get the benefit. A. S. HARRISON St. Helens I Special Sale for Short Time Note Prices on the . Following: CAL'CO Regular 8 and 10c va'u i at fc yard GINGHAMS - Regular 12 1 2 and 1 5c values at 10c a yard CII AMBRYS- Regular 12 1 2c v.-vlu-t at 10c a yard FIN : DRESS LAWNS-IS and 23c v.lurs at 15c a yard FINE D.1E5S L "NS-15 and 17c values at 10c a yarj PONGEE SILK 75c a!u. at 49c a yard TABIC LINEN-All oluri, regular 65c values at 49c a yard IN THE GROCERY LINE WE HAVE A NEW AND FRESH STOCK. AT LOW PRICES FLOUR Drifted Snow, per ak $1.35 Per Barrel $4.75 SUGAR -20 lbs 1.00 TOMATOES - 3 cans 25 COFFEE- 33c lb.. COAL OIL- Pur Pearl Oil - per gal Mist Publishing Company DIRECTORS Edwin Rot U R. Rutherford A L. Stone J. S. Allen Wm. M. Ross Patronize the Mist Advertisers MlLK-3cans 25 CORN -3 cans .25 3 lbs. 1.00 ..17c 5 gal 80 F.J. HASHFL Houlton iiV : I vvTrP : y atnMaa4a ! I Are you getting more pay than you did last year? Are you reasonably sure of getting still more next year ? If not, this is your time NOW to mail the coupon below and let the International Correspondence Schools explain how they can qualify you to enter a more important line of work in your present occupation or in a different one where you can command & higher salary at the start, with no limit to your earning power. In making this offer, all your cir cumstances have been taken into con sideration, and it only remains for you to fill out and mail the coupon. How you can succeed with the aid of I.C.S. training by mail, as thousands like you have succeeded, will be fully ex plained at no cost whatever to you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Please explain, without further obligation on my part, how I can qualify fora larger salary)in the position before which I have marked X IIWtMMMl ffrNtf kw 'ar4 WHM H 14. w Trtmmt lllatra-r It 'll Sartfe I tIH T.,111. VlUtavt Elctrlla Klk KmbIh IH.HWI III KIm. LlahUna Merhaa. kaaiaaa k la tl a .-7 Ka 4i.ll KaalB r BallJImi ..ti- Scra laral faalaala Hri4a K ilmMf .JMata- FULL IXFOliM.lTIOX BY JDDR1CSSTXG H. V. REED, Manager 05 HiKij Building PORTLAND, OREGON eacher of tjuincy, has been n, land in i. .