3 AUST ClItLCRY - &T. HELEU RESIDE AC E& . r - 1 - t p ; i jr. : i i rrrr t - i ill! H 1 Tr r: m i- - 1 -. 'Jt The neat little'bur jak of Mr M J Rntherford located on thu hillhabove town commanding a beautiful view of tho Columbia River anil the mountains of Washington This is one of the new tendences of thi.t portion of le city ami is one of the luteal hii. I nm.tt mod ern in thp city. ... .. . ... ..... it To 'he voters oi uiuiuum o,.... ..t r W..,r, hi' K E ' I hereby unnounce that 1 am i1 candidute for the nominutionon on J the Republican ticket for the olTice P I of County CommiHsiotier. aubject ti the approval of tho elector at the I'rimary Flection. May, lath 19H. 1M. Ad. Al.HKKT I'KKKMAN. To the voters of Columbia Co.. State of Orerri: I hereby announce that I am a ciimliilute for the nomination on the Ropublieun ticket for the office of Rcpresentatixe to the Slate 1 rixl t t.i r-. subject to the upprowd of the elector lit the I rinutry Election, .V' I'JU. I'd. Ail. J. II- t't.l.l.lss W. J. MUCKl.E WA3llirr.TON Mllr,. AUCKLE IIIRDVIRE tr0APyiY DIALERS IH '.ix's iuki)ii;e IHMJL s.is lOHLIT and KIViH STUtHTS m ST. IIF.I ESS.ORtc WWmm ao: TRENHOLH Mrs. Jas. Williams of Houlton has Mrs. Kuby James of Seattle is visit ing at the Tatro Kelley home previous to joining her husband in Caliofrnia, who is a member oit he U. S. Navy. planned surprise. It Is needless to I wish to renew my former pl-;oV to say that a very pleasant time was had conduct the office jf sheriff in a fsir. by all, Mrs. McAllister being famous honest and capable manner, and cause for her culinary kill, and entertaining to be published a monthly certified i:::. rtatemenl lu me imoiic hj iiioi j been visiting the past week w.th her; ' voter and taxpajer will know just what friend Mrs. J. Christensen. j M Ilurkhead announces .n this is- u (h(,m I sue that he will start a mux rouie on I April 1st from his CrjstalHrook Farm, j 1 Mr Uurkhead has one of the very j j choice farms of the county with ideal ! surrounding for a model dairy and Mrs. Florence Plater of Yankton wjl) po Joubt leccive hia share of pat spent Sunday visiting her friend. Mrs. rona0 Effie Wilson. ) i - Mrs. Brown of I'ortland and dauugh- ter Agnes, of Happy Hollow, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of II. J. McAllister. Harry Wilson went to Portland Mon day where he is taking treatment of Dr. Brewer, the famous eye specialist. Mrs. Carrie Fowler arrived home from Portland Thursday where she had been to visit her newly arrived grand daughter. Miss Audrey Caroline John ston. Edgar Mclntire spent Satruday and Sunday at the home of his s'ster, Mrs. Marion Hutchinson, at Rainier. The Trcnholm ladies Silver Tea was to the voU-rs of the cour ty for the loy held at Mrs. G. Wittnebel's on Thura- ; oay p. m., and a most delightful time was t ad, eighteen ladies being preesnt. A delicious luncheon was serrved by the hostess, assisted by Miss Glapha Brow n, and the afternoon was spent in ! doing fancy work and guessing conun-! drums., Mrs. Christensen receiving the prize, a dainty Japanese cip and sau-! cer, for guessirg the most conundrums, and M . E. Bringleson received the' broby prize. ! About fifty people assembled at the I home of Mrs. Frank Tatro Saturday j evening to a party, given in honor of Mrs. Euby James, grand daughter of Mrs. Tatro. The evening was spent in playing games, refreshments, etc., and a most enjoyaUe time is reported by ' (POLITICAL ( Announcements);; Candidate for Sheriff j I hereby announce myself as caiidi- date for sheriff of Columbia County, j Oregon subject to the decision of the i Republican voters at the primaries to: be held May 15, 1911. I feel thankful as we go along. In this effort to sin plifj matters in my pledge of retrench ment in expenses, I especially solicit the votes of tho lady electors who have so recently been granted a long denied right tJ express their choice in public affairs by ballot. I have always been a straight Republican and never sup ported opposition candidates. I refer you to any of the citizens or business men of St. Helens for my record. Af ter inijuiry and careful examination of my standing I hope you will feel that am worthy of your support. Very respcetfullly, N. H. K I N.N E V. FOR GOVERNOR it' .11$ To the votris of I'tduii.l'ia ('. . Stato of Oii'eor: I hrro'iy nniiounre invwlf :t camlidatc for the ollice of Sh. lill oil the Kepulilicall ticket, subject to your iipprovnl at the I'rimary I'-''"-ctioii to be held May I., hl I. I'll. Ail. I'- SlANWiMiK i I hTc!iv unnounce mys-lf us a caiuliilalc for the Kcpuplican tmmi- j nation for Coroner of Columbia County, subject to lhe voters of the conn tv at th. Primary Miction o" May the loth l!M I. J liesMCtfully I'd Ad. T. S. Witm: j i L'-'J I -1 1 1 t To the Vo'ers of Columbia Co. i State of Oregon: j I hereby announce my condi- dacy for the Republican nomination' for Sheriff, at the l'rimnry Election May ir. l'Jl t. Very resectfiiHy, I'd. Ad. A. I!. I.AKK To the voters of Columbia Co., State of Orei'on: I hereby announce my candi dacy for the Republican nomination for Sheriff of Columbia County sub ject to the approval of the voti rs at the I'rimary Klection to l held on May l.'.th I!U I. ResM-ctfullv Til. Ad. JoilN'. V. Johnson'. . ' 77; V L AZA 1 11 A R A! A C ll.lsv Hills 'r to $1.1 Ti imis Hulls '' a ml ,'t ln ii'is Unci: its S I .),) (ti,,(u ('unifies ami ('i'Jnr. In Suit ) nr II V' eiirrif n eoiiplee sluel; in tin ), Line. I'reserijiions are e, in fully Jiffeif, on ft fii re ilrii'Js nsul OI BANK BU'lIN; ST ilUTrvS. OKI CON aoi A 0 T I C E TO THE P IJ BLI( T I I huve purchased the Hiirdwarv Stmk of (. II. Smith und will continue to do business in the same location. I wil! carry n complete line of l'uilders' Supplies ami tiuurantee Satisfaction and Right 1 'rices H. W. RAGAN The Hardware Mi 4f Livery, Feed and Sale Stabf DRAY I NG AND TRANSFER All Buainna Promptly AUcnded To PHONE IS OR 12 WM. H. DAVIES ST. IIFJ.F.NS, ORF.CON PR I To the voters of Columbia Co., State of Oregon: I hereby announce that I will be n candidate for the Republican nomination for County ('Ink nt the I'rimary Election to be held on May l.'.th l'.l I. ResM-ct fully I'd. Ad. A. F. Rarn. tt. liiUiiiitaUliiLlltUL UlifcLl UilaL UiUUi GUS C. MOSER REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES MAY 15 About fortv neoole sat down to a de- ' -'""- " t.. .Uw lightful chicken dinner Sunday at the al sppuort they gave me two years ago, ; a"'1 stands for the reduction of home of H. J. McAllister, it being the "d I again ask their suffrages in the j taxes, payable semi-annually, with occasion of Mr. McAllister and Mrs. . coming rampaign, and il they nomt-out penalty. Kconomy, cdiciency Rrown's birthday, it being a well , nate m and I am elected to the office, and dignified law tiforct mint, To tho voter of Cotuniliia Co. State of Oregon. I lierehy announce my eamli ilacy fo the KepnMienn nomina tion for ('nunty S urveyor at the primary election May 1". 1!1 1. HeSpectftilly, IM Ad L. J. Van Oksiiovks. i To the Voters of Columbia Co., State of Oreirnn- I hereby announce my eamli-1 j Ltlth ilacy for the the office of ( ounly ( ommnsioner on the Reuublic:in Ticket at the 1'rimarien May ' I'.tl 1 1 1 Sincerely Yours, I'1. Ad. II. WKST. St. Helens Mill Co. Electric Lighting (SavcaYour Eye) Steam Heating (Prolongi Your Uvea) Wood Lumber MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS By Gross .C OH W-Tficc PAVS oW f iT l ttJ ... IB. u.1 f j)octt -S CT Or- '- j t " "li 1C . AW .rtll. I rr-.y t- I..- . it 4- v r it J