t. Helens Mist M. K Mil. Ill, r.dintr. no extra charges will be made. The decision is the sub ject of much discussion. II is . : held by some people to be the tu -. Fra., - ' ony true position and constuc-! he Ml Publishing Company tion of the present tax law while) , vy others it is claimed to be only a method of trettinar oeoule into THE POLITICAL SITUATION Oregon's "Mr. Dooley" Presents His Views on Matters and Things to Columbia County Folks lvfi .II') rlM uihimt jmiiiHry 10. m III'' tkll X H""a Hvli'll OrrgoN u r ill ' MhwH I StlNHCHirTIOM Katka iiioiiilm rilsiiiK 'Hint hih'U known on -pli-it IkI iiolken 'Jh rent mi hi. trouble. Taking the entire decision as given by Judge Cleeton, it would seem that it is good rea soning and s-und "Mr Ciey" uyi Firinluan, "what's the latest news from (he fiont?" "They's lull uf news," ssys Mr Cas ey. "The week has brought out new bunch of candidates an wan ur two his judgement. '""en be the wayiide and some haia't. "Whu'i the miifortnato wan to drop out?" ant Finnigan. "Well, fer wan there'a brother Stev en haa deee'ded he doesn't want to be Guvner, cause unknown It may be," sake ye jine yer host, and after takin' a coople of shots under yer belt from the D. S's private bottle ye feel loike atein' bite, and whin the dinner is over and ye've finUhed yer cigar je think ye'll take another look at the wrick! , whin bless yer soul, yer sur prised to see the wrickige has bin cleared away and the tra-k all printed out f fifth slick as a new pair of pants. iniyui.nl) wan or the nunny arus says Mr Cucy, "that he dun't like the that f;!ln tn yer lt a a r.ilroaj soocitey at Salem, aarii it miht be komishuner. berause tha's' no GuvnoM manshun in "I seen be the papers a few days the Capital city. Ye nivir can till ego," says Casey, "that thty is a ter what the trouble is with a candidste. "hie struggle on among some of the pair ter there a yit enough good m.n lifr In ma', I ka mta bl I Via ri.immari. ml 1 . . t ... .. .. . r-...... i ne decision is a popular one fi,i i,,t,ii "Wan thing I noticed, "says Cahey "that is intriatin' to the political stud ent and that is that they in now nearly as minny randi ales fer Joostire uf the with the great masses of the people and will result in great relief to tax payers with no resultant damage to the county or state. Whi was the party that had printed the pink posters this week? lie will confer a favor cn a number of excited citizens by making known his identity. Judging from performances during the past few days in St Helens, there is a good opening for a boxing in? tructor here. PL I. m . .. ine iaw :iscii provides that un paid taxes shall become delin quent on Septembe- 1st and by ikn n,i.i;:... .7 I... 1 LOlinty UlllCial terest before that date an in- Pioer crease in tne taxes would result I ape . fore delinquency. Such a , thing would be unwarranted and On another page of this issue unwise and contrary to law. ill be fojriil some figures show- Under the law as construed by The polit cal bug gita Into a man's sys - byes to see who is goin' to be made I ir I he increased COKt of iro Vein- Judge Cleeton a payment of one- tim without wsrnin and its libleto Nashunle koinityman be the raypubli Lnr i.f the State of Oregon, half the taxes now will Drevent leave in the same .unoatabu manner. t..... rimim. uill Le found in- any penaltV or interest hpino- Howlver." says Caey."Hub's drnppin'. Bull Mooscr is hack in L.oi: t ,urU la nnvpr fn lattacherd to thi. rpminir,o. out has not upsit the game bcyant re-, Roin after t .e j ,b in gi 1 1 Lll.'1'H v - I - A v... 2 . . itl. :n .1 l.IKolf n Htaie. iney win snow mvi hormous increase in number hd cost of the various commis ims. They will give to the peo e the information in a detailed lay what has been claimed in a Ineral statement. Uead them er and you will see that the imber of Commissions has in i ne.l from 13 in 1903 to 55 in 13. Tni increaie in cost of i-se commissi ns has been even enter in proportion than the nmler, running from fG7.C00in io3 to $l,17H.0yi in 1913. Other Lures of he ircreaed cost are 1st as startling as I hose of the immiHHions. These figures are published ex imively in the St. Helens Mist k other paper in the State of regon has yet published them. ney were obtained at consider ble expense and time and were Ik en from the records at Salem 1 are authentic. After a careful perusal of this ntement you will readily see at your money is being spent Ir things that you never dream- of. Y hi di l not realize that bur money was so recklessly led. You did not realize that ere were bo many useless and iravagant commissions. You Id not know the reason for an irrease from $18,000 to $67,000 Columbia County's State tax one years. It is up to tax payers to take in . imo action In custauir.g me ii'less expenditure of money in 1 of these commissions. It is I to the people to do away with numlier of these commissions !d place the duties of state vernment on officers whose ty it is to assume responsibility stead of shifting it on to some iinor commission. It is high time something was ping done to check the run Way system of conducting the I fairs of the State of Oregon. "TWENTY YEARS AGO' Circuit Judge Cleeton of Port- nd has issued a permanent in- nction restraining the County treasurer of Multnomah County rom adding any penalty or in rest on taxes where one-half f them are paid before April it. This decision is far reachi ng in its effect and while the iarticular case decided only .fleets Multnomah County, other ounties in the Btate will no joubt be guided by the same ule as is applied in that county. he law as it now stands requires ie payment of all the taxes on Yr before April 1st and in case )iey are not paid by that date ) lenalty of 10 per ceiit will be idded together with interest nt I per cent a month, until the Columbia County s Tax: The tas roll for Columbia county for the year 1893 is now complete In the clerk's office, ami ahows the following uma of money to be collected in ordtr to meet the requirements: County school tax, $7.108 93; county tax, $18. 163.8 ; state tax, $0,711.91, an I poll tax $819. The tax for the year 1893 la 20 3-10 mills against 27 mills for 1892 the total tax for the latter year being $34,864.66 against $32,902.88, a differ ence of $5,617.88. Theatate tax of $rt.7U 91 will be due next Wednes day. , Charles Meserve, the editor of the Oregon City Pnterprire, was shaking hands with friends in this place this week. lie was accompanied by hit wife. I'he city has men at work laying aiiie walks arniin l the ni rth end of blixk eleven, and two creasing are being laid from tie northwest corner of that block. Destructive Fire: About 2 o'clock Wednesday morning the people of our quiet little city were rudely aroused from their slumbers b? the unwelcome sound of the fire alarm, and hastily rushing Into the etr-cU were shocked to find the largo general mwchandise houre of Dart and Wa-kins enveloped In a mass of flames. The hose com pany got to work in a creditably shoit time and through their efficient efTo ts the fire waa very quick ly gotten under control, and extinguished The fire, which was undotbtedly the work of fire bugs, started in the Interior of the store at the rear end. and when discov ered was bursting out of the window of the hat room, which is sepsrated from the rest of the store by heavy lined partitions. As the lire was well under way the steamer Telephone came up to tho duck, and rendered very effective saiHtance by running out a line of hose through which a g od stream nf water waa quickly turned on the fire The loss to the building Is nominal but the loss on the stock is heavv, and resulted principally from smoke and water. All of the goods In the main part of the store are ruined and will be irst of September when they -In-oat total loss of -bout $gooo i , i 'Messrs Dart and Walkina have been Jecomo delinquent and the usual i, M", , . . IMlt. dlivi . .... . ' in business only about thlity aays h'thod of disposing of delinquent, thcy fec, lMr ,, keeniy. Thre tuxes win prevail, it 1 1 u- Jides that taxpayers may pay le-half of the taxes before Xpril 1st and by doing so avoid the penalty but not the interest of 1 per cent each month. So he decision of Judge Cleeton Affects us all. It means that hose who pay one-half of the ax before April 1st will not be required to pay any penalty or nterest either and if the last . ialf is paid before September; is $2500 Insurance in the Hamburg Bremen Company, on the stock and building. Dr. Orville Ycargaln of On gon City, cam.' down Wednesday etoning on orofoMlonal visit to Hon. O W Ml Bride, who is dangerously home In this p'ace. ill at his WANTED -To soil or trade for two reaidence lota in St Helens, almoat g od as new alandard player piano. Apply at Mist Office. Soprime Coort as thpy is fer Guvnei which is a hi I thy sign. "If ye folloy the p apers, Finnigan, ye'll note a perculler situaahun. The Gjnvei byes is all fer cultin' out the worthliss komishnus; the Joostices ilict are all for luw ray form be illiminatin moat of the laws now on the books and be puttin' the lid on anny new laws that may be sprung; the candidates fer the assimbly are fer doin away with the Sinite anj manny of the imbrayo Sinitnrs would wipe out the Assimbly, an.l they's some of the voire of the state who favor the ideas of thim all I'd go wan slip farther in this wipin' out business and du away with the col licshun of taxes. What do ye git fer yer tax money? If ye want a de- evorce ye pay a fee fer filin' yer pa pers; ye have a deed to 'aycord, does the lad at the Coort house say 'This way please, I'll rayord the docymint fer ye with plissureT He does nit. He says 'Wan dolhr and twinty cints. and be quick about it.' Ye have I street to fix or a slice of sewer to in Uall. Do yer taxea cover these items? They do not Ye have the plissure of pay in', fer thim outen yer oan pork it. Personally I'm otipoaed to taxes at anny price. -"The eyes of the vothers is cintered the.ie days on the two min who're out fer the office of Railroad komishuner. Wan is now in and the other has Lin hcaid to admit to a close frind that whin the votes is counted after the pri mayries that people will know that he waa in the runnin. 'Toot! Toot!' say I'attun, 'watoh me smoke as I make the grea est race in histry fer the office of komishuner of Railroads Ye're not a railroad man, Finni gan, says uaaey, "or ye a mow now to appreciate the juti. a of a railroad komoishuner. The hours is long and arjus ihe pay isn l overly goon ana the work is hard and ti resume. Ye're at yer disk in the state hoose trying to git out a ray port that don't mane anny thing, yet says somethirg that'll look good in the daily press While ye're doin' this yer 'phone bill rings and some wan at the other ind of the line tells ye they's a wrick on the P. G. and P. 'Tis wan of yer jutiea to look in to the causes of wricks. Ye giab yer suit case and ye git a spicial Injire to take ye to the seen of the cstastrofy fer wricks wont wait fer anny man. 'Th loike whin yer wife spills the milk she runs fer a mop t wipe it up. So tis with tne Greeks aworkin' on the track. As soon as they hear the cry of the dead and diyn' theyr'e off to raypair he damage and to pi kupwhat stray joolry thcy can find. Whin ye arrive ft the seen of trouble 'tis yer juty to ast al the quitsins ye can think of and some yj can't. Wan fellow that tot ther before ye did will till ye thinks the ca ise of the wrick wss the work of a lad that was fired from the circus and tn git evin tore up a rail intindin' to wrick the circus train that is jue at this p'nt at tin forty two, but t e mis take caught the limited instid. A far mer livin' near by tills ye that its naw thing more nor lisa thin the poor con strucshun the tisck that did the dam age. The divishun superintendinl ad vances the information that this is the cul I roidil siction but that the season is changin' and the onlooked for acshun of the Deesimbcr sun and winter lain ccuplcd with the kimicle acshun of the alkili on the roadbid has had a dilyter us Iffict on the spikes ho din' down the rails and that if ye'll do him the honor t i dine with him in hi private car he'll be pleased to cite siviril similar rases, wan In particuler that he thinks will suir yer fancy. Fer manners' Lharley Akerman who was a the fold and great ft le, while Brother Williams has bis eye on the job fer another term. '"There is wan job, Finnigan, that they's nawthin' in yit they's some who want it mighty bad. Ye see 'tis like this With that job ye think ye have pristeege with the powers that be, But its only a drcm", fer under the Orgun laws ye can't deliver the votes like in the davs gone by. Iviry man thinks fer hiasielf and some thinks fer his wife on illicshun day, and usuhnal ly vots as be thinks, so where can the lad with the Nashunal title hMp anny wan with hi power. "But," says Casey, "I nearly forgot the most important turn of the week Cousin Ox has rayturr.ei from the East and almost simiUanus with his lesvin' fer home comes the word tha? Warto the Mixican prisidint was layin' down and had promised to be good. Can ye see anny conniction in the two ivints, Mr Finnigan? ast Casey. "No! onli'88 the Guvner told Wood row that he would loan him the use of his field marshall to quell the trouble in Mixico, "says Finnigan. "Yer right, Finni gan,' says Casey, "and tha word was passed onto Jawn Lind who slipped the word to O'Shan nessy who tipped it off to Warto who being advised be his cab inet ministers of what took place at Copperfield deecided that his hour had come and he's now packing his suit esse fer the South of France. Wance again has the Orgun policy b n vindi cated, all of which goes to show that Orgun beats bell, fer by the acts of wsn of her officials has war wance again bin averted." BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON A bounty on flies is going to be of fered by the Salem commercial club to the school children la Salem. Bids will be opened April 1 at St. Helena for the $360,000 bond Issue re cently voted by Columbia county for permanent highway construction. Dairy cows In Coos county this year are selling for a much higher price than ever before, due to the increase In the dairy business and the efforts to better the grade of the dairy stock. The county In which schoolhouse la located has jurisdiction in trying cases of crime in or near the building, according to an opinion of Attorney- General Crawford. The Corvallis commercial club has started a campaign to Increase its membership to 600 and to become more effective In developing Corvallis and Benton county commercially. Counties which have collected in terest on delinquent taxes without di viding it with its taxpaylng districts may be sued by the districts for their share of the money, so Attorney-Gen eral Crawford decides. A false reading of a Babcock butter fat test Is a violation of the weights and measures luw, according to an opinion written by Attorney-General Crnwford for Deputy State Sealer of Weights and Measures Buchtel. Cltixens of Qlendale have organised the Glendale-Cow Creek Good Roads association, of which Mayor Coe of Glcndale Is president The associa tion starts oft with a membership ot SS. The fortland chamber ot commerce haa filed a protest with the Oregon delegation against the proposed re moval from Tortland of the pure-food laboratory of the department ot agri culture. The delegation will try to have the order of removal rescinded. That there are thousands of acres of fine land in Oregon from five to 25 miles from railroads that may be pur chased for from $20 to $50 an acres. the assertion of Mark Woodruff, publicity agent of the Portland, Eu gene A Eastern railway. An attendance average of 96.07 per cent, 2877 pupils on record in Folk county, 1855 pupils neither absent nor late, are some of the items in a report Issued by H. C. Seymour, county su perintendent, for the month ot January. The forest service la spending $230 for roads during the coming summer in Baker and Grant counties, within the Whitman national forest The service plans to open a new and short er road across the mountains between Sumpter and lower John Day valleys, a distance of approximately 60 miles. Miss Mollie Towne of Phoenix, for merly deputy county clerk, has an nounced ber candidacy for the legisla ture on the democratic ticket, the first woman in Oregon to seek legislative honors. Miss Towne baa studied law and has been admitted to practice. It Is reported that the O-W. R, 4 N. company will build a cutoff on Its Umatilla-Spokane line from Cold Springs siding, on the Columbia river, acroKS the Irrigated section, through the town of Hermiston, connecting with the Echo-Coyote cutoff about miles west of Hermiston. George Stewart, Jr., representing McMlnnville college, won the annual intercollegiute oratorical contest of Oregon at Albany. Lisle Hubbard, of Pacific college, took second place, and Eric Bolt, of Willamette university, was third. Stewart spoke on "The Amer:-arresaa.mLW''ll Peace!"- Plans for a federated "college and religious training school will be con sidered this Bprlng at the annual Ore gon conferences of the United Evan gelical, United Brethren and Evan gelical Association denominations. The conference of the United Evan gelical churches will be held at Dal las, beginning April 4. The Anti-Saloon league of America, whose headquarters and general pub lishing house la in Westervllle, Ohio, has determined to throw the whole power of its organization to the as sistance of the Anti-Saloon league of Oregon and the other organizations co-operating with it for a dry Oregon this year. ' Believing that an eight-hour law having application to farms, dairies ' and other agricultural pursuits would ! he an Injustice, the Linn county Po mona grange has passed a resolution protesting against such a regulation. I It is recited that such a law would be j wholly impracticable to the conditions ! peculiar to farm Industries. ! To retain the services of L. J. Cha-' pin, the agricultural expert employed j during the last two years to give ex pert assistance to the farmers of Ma rion county, the promotion department of the Salem commercial club haa ap-, prorriated funds for the payment of J half of his annual salary. In the past ! this had been paid by the county court, ' . - - -O '-' " J v ov ernmtiit, but rrnrt refused ho r:--"Pcse. NOW IS THE .....TIME TO SEND IN YOUR ORDER FOR Job Anting. Mist Publishing Company this year the county i to give any funds for , Patronize the Mist Advertisers YmirJ SjBfJSBJfJfJSBSBSSS Are you getting more pay than you did last year? Are you reasonably sure of getting still more next year ? If not, this is your time NOW to mail the coupon belov and let the International Correspondence Schools explain how they can qualify you to enter a more important line of work in your present occupation or in a different one where you can command a higher salary at the start, with no limit to your earning power. In making this offer, all your cir cumstances have been taken into con sideration, and it only remains for you to fill out and mail the coupon. How you can succeed with the aid of I.C.S. training by mail, as thousands like you have succeeded, will be fully ex plained at no cost whatever to you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Please explain, without further Obligation on my part, how I can qualify fora larger salaryjiq the position before which I have marked X UWHwatriM KIm. Llkll . k tM WHM- SZfZZ. twaWln t ,:' t ! HlMraM B' KMnt ( .lniM 11.11 Sr.lMI MHm'I ItiIImh 1'k.alil ArrhltOT T.itil Minnm4 StmiirairiglMir Uatrlaiaa BriJr CIm t.,l.m sn.lnir E-cixr cr FULL IXFORMATIOX BY ADDRESSIXG H. V. REED. Manager 05 McKay Building PORTLAND, OREGON