St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, February 20, 1914, Image 6

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    Farm and
Sti asura Fmit to
Tkaa la CMtraUjr Imml
The tnsid of aa arcle ta to
pe-ve merely a deiVaoas whitish pu p
and few tm seed in nor or
tea edlMo cor wnJ ep ta pret
try colored tX'JL Tbe reaJ structure
of tbe arple Is ty ao means ao simple.
A ade&tlAe examination shows tt to be
tar more complex. Th scompasytzg
photograph eroes section of a
Baldwin app:. It baa been treated
first with alcohol and then vita cedar
oil to uki lb atroctura of tbe CiiTer
cot parts sbow a? better ta tba photo
Eipsricsnts at St. ftaUfta.,
! Successful
Court Proceeding
Cum .." freaa Ps 3
by tba eBcer for tt ap lira L' M Hregbiy. isnse
j awl after Jeocsry J Jit. R S list
i Us, tbe duly elected qaaliced and art
! irg treasurer of Colombia county. Ore
f Coo. J ty sreratoa of law. tecocB
or axrvtc was rsmaineti.
M vtter f deed fv.r rouat y road :
Us this day J S Weeks and Jere
miah VI kite presert ta Ua eourt
their aeperata deede for eirtaia
trip of tad for road purposes. ;-
sl in af r.f 11. J I aad U
NU Wood. Ma
II J Duncan, sam
J W Bred, same
Louis IWek. ssm
Martha MsgiO. aaae
A Srhillipeil, MM
a I la Ma
el 8tc TK Cm AmM la
TrauOiawa Tmt aad cirtt
WxJy aad Way 0Tlta4.
Tt idea of bej Lag at boa baa tee
carried on atep further by at least
two AmerVaa rtOee which bare ra
! cent:y iulJ tbeir gjod at hucae Tbeiae
Tbe octer part, marked A. which la guuis consisted of manicliwJ bond,
th part generally considered tba fruit f usaaHy disused of ta some f jrvia
the part that ta eaten, ta really corra- 4al mter. WhiW cit-
por! to the octer wood of a tree or ta
th atero of a plant, W tbe real fruit i a ,
ia tba part Barked D. kaovn adectiS-
eaily aa tba rarpI. tb dark trLinf-s'-ar
marka ia tba mUJJ of tbe tbotorrapa.
Pbota by Otob AarlenitBraJ aoOa
caoaa ianoi or as arm.
Too dark apota, tnarked B. are tba
main arteries, of wbicb tbera ara tea.
tbat carry tba food tbroafb tba cet
work of Teina aeea ia tba octer aactioa.
Tbia (jctem of artertea and reloa ia
entirely ie;rata from tbat vblcb
feeda tba fruit ta tba clld:. Tba Bra
aectloDj marked C might be Ckeoed to
Etc plsma net dowa ekae togetber
vltb a stem growa up arooad tbem
(tba Cesby I art of tbe applej Tbeae
tbe borUcn.'tnral sciectlat aow ealla
"drc pea." Tba octer part, wirb tbe
pretty 1U3, la fsixlabed by wise Da in
Nature to make tbe apple attracdTe ao
U ariU be carried abost aad tba aaeda
Tbe plctore ia taken froa a balletla
oa Groee Morpbokiy of tba Apcte."
ty C. J. Kraoa, tbe first of a aeries oa
Tbe Pollination of tba Pomaceooa
Fruits' to be isaaed from tba research
laboratories of tbe Oregon Arlco:taraJ
coHee experiziect atatlon. Mr. Kraoa
treats tbe subject in a tborongbly sci
entific manner, going Into carefol de
tail aa to tbe strocture of tbe d-ferent
parts of tbe apple and their relation
witb a rew to establlsblnz bis conten
tion tbat pollination, f -r instance, of a
yeilov apple wltb pollen from a red
apple affects tba inner fruit ratbar
tbaa tbe exterior.
Tbe cry is becoming more gen
eral for better eeds. How ara
we to ret tbem! As tbe altoa
tlon ia. aaya a correspondent of
tbe Amertcaa Agrlcnltcrlst. I
believe tbe answer to tbe ?aes
tltjn is to breed tbem oarselTea.
W often sea la borticuitsral
and aTicn!taral periodlcala ar
ticles tbat bare a tendency to
tbrov a wet blanket orer tbis
proposition, claiming tbat seed
breedlcg is a boslnees of its own.
requiring special training to do
it ppjperty. This may be troe,
rlewed from a aciestlfic rtand
polnt and yet tbera ara few
market gardeners or truck fann
ers wbo cannot breed and grow
Z wbat seeda tbey reqnlra for tbetr
7 Individual plantings.
aiicuaily. tbera remain at bom tbow-
' saiid and tbotuands of dollars board
ed op by local V'e wbo are w'Jl
icg and anxkxss to lnrest tt la tbe
bonds if given tbe opportunity. Tbis
bas been demcatrated in St. raol aad
EUck of tbe exrrl3ents in Ft Paol
aa Interesting bit of bisrury. Tbat
city some time ago discovered tbat it
cooid secure better work or street im
provement by day Isbo tbaa by coo-
tract, and tt charter was ao amended
so as to admit tbe desired cbamte. Tbe
amended charter still provided tbat
improvement bonds shooed be aold aft
er bids bad bees received and cuotrarta
let. bot bef ure work bad begun. It did
not cover tba conditions f -r day labor
oa tba bond side apparently. Tbere-
fjre wbea f3X)..0 wortb of 8 per cent
paring bonds were laaoed tbera arose a
question aa to tbelr tega:i7, and bro
ker were ratber sby of tbem.
A bank inquired into tbe matter, ob
tained expert advice and found tbat
tbe bond were leaHy all rttfbt. It
tberefore parcbaed freely and, to see
wbat cooil be done in tbe way of in
teresting tbe small investors, pot be
fore one of tbe leadig department
stores of tbe city a plan to dUpoae of
tbe bonds over its counter. Tbe store's
beads fell into tbe plan at once, took
tbe bonda. announced a sale on a cer
tain day, tba bonda to be sold at tbe
price paid for tbem and roaranteed so
tbat no Investor need nave any fear
aboct getting bis money back at any
time. A limit of IIJCiO to each pur
cbaser was fixed. In aU fOO. wortb
of bonds were disposed of in Ova
boon. Tbe purchasers were foe tba
most part women, and tba average
pare base was aboct KM- Tba money
came from local savings backs, from
' tbe poetal aavicgj banks snd from per
sonal boardings.
Shorty after tbis anotber issue of
t25 wortb of bonds for a municipal
playground was offered. A bank took
tbe entire Issue and annoenced to tbe
public tbat it would seU. wltb tbesa
bonds as security, trust certlficatea la
denominations of f 10, no purchaser to
receive above $100 wortb. Tbe sale of
tbese certlficatea waa quite as success
ful as tbat at tbe de'artmect store.
In tbe city of Baltimore tbe finance
commimioners o;nei bids for an lasce
of oJ.jO of 4 pr cent city stock
which bad been duly advertised for
sale. Tbe bida received totaled only
By rejecting blda below W
and accrued Interest tbe commission
ers were enabled to award but $-!2T.-000.
Tbe sale was a distinct failure.
Within tea days, however, tbe whole
Issue bad been disposed of at V) and
Interest. A direct appeal to tba peo
ple and a sale over tbe counter t- "mall
Investors, proposed and carried into
effect by a Baltimore newspaper, ac
compbed tbis end.
During those ten days tba money
market waa In tbe worst condition It
has been in since i:7. Wltb tbat In
T j mind tbe paper anticipated tbe failure
Root Crepe rsr Dairy Caw.
No matter wbat soma peopla tail
yoa. turnips and other roots make fine
milk producing feed. Turnips wCl not
affect tba flavor of milk if fed at tba
rtgbt time. If turnips ara fed la large
quantities, and two or thre hours
before milking, tbey ara likely to give
tbe milk an unpleasant taste, but If
fed directly after milking no favor
whatever will be noticed. Farm Progress
Great care should be osed la water
ing tba horses. A little and often U
tba best way.
Moldy or filthy grain ta one of tba
vorst things tbat can be given tba
lives, as It Is productive of numerous
tative ailments.
a cows that ara oa pasture should
free access to salt. Tba dairy
eeda tbis all tbe year around, but
'IJy Just at tbis season,
frequently bear tba question
'What Is tba best size of flock
average farm?" Generally
-. from forty to sixty awe
best six of flock for a qoar
a farm.
ara not situated so that 79a
our bogs out draw a load of
6 throw H Into the pena now
.. The bogs will work It over
a lot of comfort doing tt
aem grow faster too
of tbe city to dispose of tbe full issue
and had announced tbat it would place
a small block of tbe bonds stock on
sale In denominations of flOQ and
multiples of tbat amount For this
purpose it secured flOX wortb and
placed It on sale. In two hours It waa
gone, and more was sent for. Tba first
day's sale amounted to i.X5). Oa
tbe second day 973.0 0 was dbpce4
of and on tbe third f 121.). Orders
were pouting in by every train. A
week after tbe sale waa announced tba
city made It known tbat it bad all the
money It needed and would withdraw
tbe unsold portion of tbe stock and
bold it for a better market But It al
lowed two days of grace to Intending
purchaser, and In that time tbe whole
Issue was disponed of.
Customers Included farmers and
preachers, toacbers and mechanics and
men and women In every rrade of
life One mechanic brought l-'.O In
bills, which be bad been keeping tit
years In bis house. A prleot boutcht
five share of stork "to provide for his
funeral." A woman came baUeas and
In gingham apron having to leave her
bouse In tbat way to avoid snspictoa
on tbe part of her son. wfco wanted to
take away from her the money ahe
proposed to Invest Many fathers In
vented In tbe stock 1tr tbelr children.
The object apsrt from helping out
the city n a troublous time and getting
boaidcd money Into circulation, was to
distribute the city's securities as wide
ly as possible In tbe hope that pr aee
rl.n of the stork would arouse In the
owners a civic Interest and make for
eTlcipncy and economy In tba mani-
ri;al adra!nltrst!on.
i the las colWo, fcr ss.J ,Bt,a? . u 1 r ' TV"
stau. it is there for hereby erdered , " " !T " V " ' " " Mm
I y the court U.t ta.t carta! . bod af . l ,h" l - B Sta.rt. ...
tba C.itad State, fidelity ard Cara-i fc Unt ' to '"-.O 0 Poorfson.
t, Coa-rar, oa tabalf of A E Tbop- " fjf k . , J "
. . . . la tea Courty Coort ef tba State of ., . purney
oa as tax roilector. branag dateef: t rny, hbv
March 4th A D 1)11. ard beirg aa- j Ut C"W" 1 ! Ctrl, I R E Urrhersoe. sama
bereJ 404S. ia the ft at of 110 PC M. i la tba ssaUrr af tt sp-cial bood( Wia Mellirger. sane
be aad tbe mb if hereby eawalied. tectwo held Fttrusry 2. ftl. . j I'erry Mslllmger. ssrea
ad dWUred u U el to effect from at a pecil :tion duly My Mtlltcger. same
ard after sa:d January It. ISH. 1 rrgilaily krld en it Jrd day ef urtla Derrtvry. sa-o
w , ..;.. f H.. f, F.trca... A U I9U. atiia O,lomtia V m ri.fke.
v. ---
pijssertj-j ter-.el tV tfcirg.
Ob U; iv Carl !- irpresent
to tt cocrt tfct wkile efrplovefc a
a coo fcr (Vjubia Hihsy EAgi
or. certain cU.thirg ard pfofial
trcferty cf tbe arpronnnte v!je of
the am cf I'S.W were d trocdby
fre. ard pttitiop te r-urt f 1 reim
turtetrrrt in toch 'Jt. ard the court
beicg aivid in tbe : crd-r-edtftte
court taat iiJ pctatjn t.
ard the taa i Irrety .Ienie.1.
Ct untj. Sute it 0gon. irjar ta J(a-s Adams, saaa
lb jrv;ii t cf ttt r.rts a act cf Vri S C R-4t, Mat
tbe LrxUtivc Arll tf Its Stat J HiUlcr, same
it Oregon-! at its r f'tt ?.i iljltle Arbiter, sjus
btliintks jrsr 1913. beirg Cbpter C 3 R.! I, jurr in circuit rojit
J."-3. Ua of llJ.thr w subinitled fr W bon, same
j tie ttl tote r ef sail coarty, the f E Crrat I!, linr
qoetlen cf Ite ifue of Cvksi.tia court- C I'oec k, .e
ij t'. ? to the im'd t cf Ttrr M j- yV R Mf Jin an
ired fitly TVuaand fvllar. !l C P Hull
IIIM rson, tan
irterrit at the rat af five pr c.f t pr1o J Nickcrsun.
I5e. l. o,tften nd tetj r. ith j CW
, irrn.m. to rriniJc fur
Mitter cf pctit.or. cf J .knl U)trg ; ,o,4trafl;0r ;
elalfxacooatf aL , AM k,,, b lll(M
On this day IK mttcr coming on tf t ,,,1 rijr of soch elcrti-n s
to I teari upon the eco"d realirg of repiirr4 bj ,bt ci,lk f .r lht j,,f
tfce report of the b .aH ef e-ort j roai ' cf lh- ,ur. ,b,t ,t turh tlrclioa
vieaiM.abieh id report wai publicly ; krW tote re rut j f,.3r
read on t diiTertr.t days of thii term o u.t i5tue ,r(j jc2 voir sere!
of court, iiid repcrt aseirg jft eint js.b Ud iue, it i
io tbe iUTD cf $ZS CO in favor cf SeU ( thtrtf re MJrtd. and the riun-
POlson. a.-vi damages ia the turn 01 j tJ pocrt tf Culumt is count; . ?tatc cf ;
$35 00 in favor ef Joseph Eric k on. j 0reg0(,f rfoe, hereby pruclaim thai the
-r. J majority of alt rotes rut at ach lee
And no remoMtrance or pe'ition , tioa were cat ia favor of isui.-.g och
for damages beirg filed, and the curt ' bond.
being iatisf.ed that tach read illbej Aci jt fj,,,, ,rrrirt to tt
of public utility, and the report cf tbe . .from the recoria aid from Ite
viewers beirg fvortle thereto, it it ttaUler.t preparej by the clerk fcr
ordered fcy the court ttt oa tte pay- j lbt irj0.mtt.0R f the court, and the
meet by the petitioners herein, within ; fcaIt tejr,c f;;, i,ied ia the maHer
60 a)t from ttii date, of Use am of j, 0rrefcf declare that the total as
123 00 dan!igeioaseedandtte61-ite,1,Iualion tf ,u ih grcrerty
irg sf the rereipt cf Neli P OUen. for ' lttl3 tte ct, j, th sumcftlS.
luch p.jmer.t. that the taiJ rtport.3r-(6:ig,0 05. th,, tKre trt M
vey. frc(5 and pUt be recorded in btrtl f jfe Mae 4 ,r1 outjUr iog; that
soitable booki kef t fur that PP. ! th. fi.:.rci.i coodition of the gerrl
acd from thenceforth taij road ihall be j fanj ft Mij ,ourlT 4 u folio-;
a putlie bighsay, aod that the rcaj
upervisor in white di.tricl said read
perraa-xr.t rciJ.fiC Par. ssfne
r r-
1 1 i0 Joha HoUoef. sass
II o CkarWa Harma. ssm
R Kapplar sam
F W Wilaoo, ssaa
I R FawWr. mm
. cur Mstsr, mm
Eli laif, same
Frank Bishop. saa
A II George, ssm
W A KrUl. same
i J S avowry, sam
T N Nichols, aam
Fred Abbott, sam
. J II I'rie. sara
L C llaUUaJ,
Wa Kotkan, saot
U S Dspam. supervisor R l
No I
20 0 u "t opervis 11 ro t n (n
Mig IE Van. suptrviaor K " Nofl ta U
V 3 Metlir.grr, .ip-ri.i I: I)
No 4
A m 'iir,gtrrod f er .
F II Adams, f for roa l
Web II l)vir. tram for rd
mi'ii r
31 40, W w II !( lesra fi r sberi.T
31 i L C, Tts. tsper-s road master
TS 40 j F J Freeman, arveor for roavl
21 40 1 I, J Van Or-hove n. fureryef for
31 40 j read
2S CO : C ti 4 Page t
20 40
19 0
20 00
1 SO
I 80
t0 40
19 (0
20 4f
14 40.
14 40
13 CO.
13 60
14 40
1 40
16 40
12 00
74 CO
1 i 40
l 40
4 Of
M o.
2 40
o 1 l s
i located, tba't pen the tame for pub
l e travel.
Matter cf petition of J E
al fcr county road.
On this day this matter comicg on to
be heard upon tbe second resJirg of
the report of the board cf eo inty road
viewer, which aid re pert pub
licly read on two difTerert da of
this term cf court, and tte court not
being fully advised in tte matter, it if
ordered by the court that said petition
be, and tte same i herety cocticued.
Matter of supplies for Cvur.ty sealer
of W and M.
On thii day it i ordered by the court
that the clerk be. and he i hereby in-
itructed to iue a general f and war
rant in tie iiiB of 110.(0 in favor of
Pairtar.k. Hone and Co.. at a ccra-
pronvae settietnect of rlai-n heretofore
rejected ty tbe rcurt
Matter of cash account cf V S Ds-
pain, road mperviaor for 1913.
Cah io hands cf rounty
trsarr II 018 03
Due road furd an 1912 dclin-
qoer.t tax roll 3 SIS 7S
Due road fund on I9l3rurrcr.t
Ux roll loS 3S3
Warrar.t oaUtanding
and unpaid 19 ?l 31
A hereupon court adjourned until
Saturday. February 7. 1914.
Saturday. February 7. 1914. Tin judi.
eial day.
Court cam pursuant to adjourn
ment Officer aU present
Due proclamation being made, the
fofloaing preceding were tad.
Matter of contract with A and M J
Se?ert for rock for county road:
On this dsy it is ordered by tte court
that a contract be entered into with A
and M J Stffert for tt turctiaae of
rock for read to te take
from ne cr of rw 14 r and nw qr of re qr
ofJ-Sec 36, T 6 n R 2 w of W M for the
period of five year, at and of tte
It appearing to tie tojrt that V S P'S' ot rU fr k,J l"
rrnT ixrrTTTTixrri n tt vit i 1 1 mium i uiuiiii;
Z Some Suggestions
w A. J. DEMINC. Druggist. ST. HELENS
Ciijsianjtiiaii ixxtif tiitiiiutiiiitiittituiiitiit
iiMBPi Finishing Concrete Work
Bricllajin Plastering .
Dtpain, as road supervisor cf Road
Diitrict No. 3. for the year 1913 turned
over to tte treasurer the ium of St.0,
n excess cf actual eaah on bard, a
iboan by cash account heretofore ren
dered, it is ordered ty tte court tbat
tbe clerk Le and te i hereby instruct
ed to issue a gtr.r-al read fund warrant
in the rum cf 1 1 SO, in faur of said U
S DFir.
MatU r of county j'Jdget and commis
sioner! ccr.ver.tion:
On thii day it ion!ered by the court
that tt "lerk te ard he is hereby or-
deied to iuj a general fund warrant
in tbe sum of $10 00, in favor of coun
ty j-idicei and eommiiioner convention,
in payment of duer of Columbia county.
Whereupon, eourt adjourned urtil
Friday, February 6. 1914.
Friday, February 6, 1914, Cib judi
cial day.
eourt came pursuant to adjournment
Officer all preter.t
Due proclamation teirg made, the
following proceed ir if wer bad.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
first 100 loads and two and on half
cents per load f.r alt taken thereafter,
each cf said load to cor it t cf 2 1-2
yds. of rock, and to be paid for month
ly, as ruck is removed
Mstter of apportionment of genera
road fund:
On this day it ia ordered by the court 1
that the following rarr.e l amount be,
and they are herety atporticred to tte
various road dittricta for tbe year 191 4
P.oad diatrirt No 1 123 311 21
Road district No 2 15 4C2 29
Road dialrict No 3 9 7S0 57
Kod diitrict No 4 6 446 03
Matter of drasirg jury lit for 1914
On this day tba court le'ectt 200 from tbe tax rolls to make up
it jury lit for the jrar 1914, sl y
law provided.
latter of appointment of county
lealer cf weights mrA measure:
On U.I day it if ordertd by the -ourt
that W G I'cmeroy t and he i hereby
anointed Maler ot aright and meas
ure fnr Columbia county, Stat of On -
Matter of resignation cf Fred Wat-! f&B'
sir. a conitatle cf St Helenv prrinct:
On this day Fred WaUins tender to
th court hit written reaignation cf
th office of aM of St Helens
precinct and tt court Icing advi4 in
the matter, it is ordered by the court
that laid rrsipnation be and the isme
it hereby accepted.
Mstter of claims against th county.
On this dsy it i ordered by the court !
Matter of claim against the county:
On this day tba claims against the
county, as heretofore f.led with the
county clerk, werv audited by the court
and alloaed in the various icm a en
dorsed by tha court on the face of said
claims, being a follows:
A E King, witness, itate s
R Sesneman, same
that tha clerk of this eourt be. and h J L Wooden, same
il hereby in.lructed to file ro clain ' F.;, Mcpherson, sarr
againit th county for supplies cr , c W Mellinger .a me
e her service, until property approved I S A Wilkinson, asm
8 00
IS 40
13 20
8 00
20 40
11 40
All Buaineu Promptly Attended To
PHONE is OR 42
St Helens Mill Co.
Electric Lighting
(Saves Your Eyra)
St earn Heating
(Prolongs Your Lives)
31 ,
is k
21 u
is x
13 fc
31 &j