a o ia. xj m: j$ i & county, orkoon SIIII'IMNC: Ship from all parts of the world carry Columbia County product down the Columbia Itiver and to the markets of the world. A through line of Railroads traverse the county from the North to the South. Itiver boats carry local products to local market at low rates. LAND LOCATION: In the Northwestern jwirt of Oregon, on the ('ulumiiia Kivi-r, with uliout 70 mill- tif river front. A U K A : AImiuI 700 square miles. 422.M2 acres. TIM.AKM-: LAND: lj,12t acres. This it land thiit is actually in rullivation and cleared, exclusive of town lots. NMN-TII.IJVKI.K LAND: lOt! 7lf! acres, which IncluiIcH ull timlur where there is more than 100. ItoO feet on u quarter section, ali nil lvr oir luiiil which in not HiiitaMe for ainl in ho condition fur cultivation. MM 15 Kit: Aiiollt HCVfll Mild one half to eitfllt hilliotl feet. ASSK -SKi) VAI.UK OK TIMMKIt: f 1 1 . tr.7. ASSKSSKI VALUK OK I I I.I.AItl.K (.AND: $JI l.:i.r..r.. TOTAL ASSKSSKI) VAi.UA'lloN OK ALL HiOI'K.UTY: $ lH.lillO.OIlO. MILKS OK COUNTY ROADS: fid ) niiliM, Homo of which it ill first cl:isn condition, hoidc in f.iir -oiilition iiml some in very poor condition. MILKS OK KA1LUOADS: Ahont 125 miles which include the main line i.f the 8. I'. & S. and the various loygintf roadH. POPULATION: ('eiHUH of l'.MO jrivos 10,.riN0 lint a careful estimate this yenr k'v' it at least 1,1.000. ('LI MATK: Temperate. During- the sununer the thermometer rarely reaches 100 in the shade and in the coldest weather of winter zero weather is almost unknown. During the winter months there is considerable rain, but not too much. Just enough to insure crops. Crop failures are unknown. Tito DUCTS: KruiU of all kir.ds, esecially npples, pears, plums and herries: Crain and grasses; garden truck of all kinds and dairying. Patronize the x r m Btnrt FULL LYFOIIM.ITIOX JIV JDMlKSSLYCr H. V. REED, Manager 05 McKay Building Mist Advertisersl0'""' c)Urt Are you getting more pay than you did last year? Are you reasonably ureof getting still more next year? If not, this is your time NOW to mail the coupon belo and let the International Correspondence Schools explain how they can qualify you to enter a more important line of work in your present occupation or in a different one where yon cun command a higher salary at the start, with no limit to your earning power. In making this offer, all your cir cumstances have been taken into con sideration, and it only remains for you to fill out and mail the coupon. How 0can succeed with the aid of I.C.S. training by mail, as thousands like you have succeeded, rill be fully ex plained at no cost whatever to you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Tlease explain, without further Obligation on tny part, how I can qualify fora larger salaryjin the position before which I have marked X Tltfca art Mwsm. KaaTawar hW Cr4 W HIM Wln4w TriasMl 4'aswrvfkl Law 4111 lftM TaiUU MIIIttjH 111 r.atginrer An It MlrwMaral rfM Hridf KaflHMr PORTLAND, OREGON Thousands of acres of first class land can be purchased at reasonable prices upon which are stumps left from the timber operations. This land is especially suited for farming, fruit raising and dairying. ST. HELENS A city on the Columbia River, '8 miles from Portland, with a population of 2.100 people. The County Seat of Columbia County. A four year Standard Hih School. Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal and Catholic Churches. All the leading fraternal orders. Gravity water system owned by the city sufficient to supply a city of 10,000 people. Klectric lights, graded and macadamized streets, sewers. Principal industries are lumbering, shipbuilding, creosoting, stone quarrying, fishing and shipping. Two large saw mills with a capacity of 250,000 feet per day; more than 5 million feet of lumber shipped each month; several large ocean going vessels built each year; timber treated with creosote and shipped all along the coast. Two big stone quarries and rock crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of 300 tons of Columbia Itiver Salmon caught and marketed. A farming country back of it that cannot be excelled in the world. Several new business blocks now under construction. Five miles of sewer being built. A PAY ROLL OF NEARLY $100,000 PER MONTH. Many beautiful and attractive homes. Proceed in lis St Ik en Liittit ami Power Co. liht for December 55 50 I'aul Keilkft .Grand Jury witness 2 oo S J Mace, gracd jury witneis 2 oo L II Combs, grand jury witness 2 2o W A Harris, exp county juiltte 2 95 Louis Fluhrer, commissioner 35 85 John Farr, commissioner 37 oo Kainier Reveiw, puhlishing court proc 3o oo Mist Pub Co, publishing court pro, 30 52 G W Humes, justice state v Anundi2 2o J I. Campbell, constuble, state v Anundi . 11 15 G W Barnes, justice, state v Watan- ka 2 10 J L Campbell constable, same 4 oo G W Humes, justie state v Thomp son 7 6o Mat Campbell, constable state v Thompson 12 45 Nick Giirkson, witness state v Thompson 1 6o Albert llanka, same 1 tio Mat Campbell, same 1 oo Louie Mattton, s,uma 1 6a Alvin Erickson, same 1 Go G W Ilarncs, justice, state v Eri'k- son 7 C5 J L Campbell, constable, stnto v Erickson H lo Henry Hoerr, juror, 1 oo L Culbertson, same 1 oo Fred Sirin2or. fam 1 oo Chat Kice, same 1 oo J A Hunter, same 1 oo Walter Fogel, samo 1 oo Mike Richardson, witness state v I Erckfon 2 3o Elmer Joima, same 2 3o M Ilovic, same 2 3o F E Peterson, same 2 5o H P Watkina, justico state v I.ousi ' nont 6 o5 E Felton, juror atati? v l.ounitf- nont 1 oo J A Bill, isnit 1 oo John I.afferty, same 1 oo Earl Barker, same 1 00 R II Roberson, same 1 (HI I Ernest Lyman, witness state v Lousl I grtoiit 4 lo I W R Shatto, same 4 lo Raymond Shatto, inmc 4 lo Frank Hill, same 4 lo I. els Browning, same 4 lo l.ela MeCurdy, same 4 lo T Burris, same 4 lo - I - - . VI T- G I Cleance 4 lo M P Watakins, justice Btate v Lousi- J gnont 6 oo H Bennett, juror state v Loutig- pont 1 oo LA King, same 1 oo II N Cade, same 1 oo T C Kcly, same 1 oo C L Ayres, same 1 oo I) W Richardson, same 1 oo Ernest Leisman, witness state v Lousignont W R Shatto, same Raymond Shatto, same Frank Hill, same Geo Shatto, same R Tetz, same G Beilch, same Lille Beilch, same F A Browning, same lo lo lo lo lo lo 1 5o 1 5o 1 5o Lela Browning, same 4 Vera MeCurdy, same 4 lo T Burris, same 4 lo 0 I Chance, same 4 lo H I' Watkins, justice state v Nel son 4 2o II F Watkins, justice state v 01 son 4 2o H P Watkins, state v Bergquist 4 2o I! P Watkins, state v Swanson 4 2o II P Watkins, justice state v Smith Mrs T Morgan, witness state Smith, C Gillette, same F Marek, same M Pizer. tame D W Price, Jr. same Chaa Leonard, same Ed Winslow, same Jat Fisher, tame 5 25 3 lo 3 lo 3 lo 3 lo 3 lo 3 lo 3 lo 3 lo II P Watkins, justice state v Helgo land 4 2o W B Dillard. exp dist Atty 13 65 II P Watkins, justice state v Fktch er, 2 7o II P Watkins.justice state v Blew 2 7o II P Watkina justice ttate v Lin- ville 2 7i II P Watkins, drawing juiy list 3 oo C II John, tame 2 oo W W Blakesley same 2 oo Wm Symont, jtiatice ttate v Elli- hort 3 15 Nels Carlson, constable ttate Elli hort 6 9o G Weed, justice Inquest. Borleski 7 5o C FV la, ccroner't phytican Bor leski 7 oo W L Hall, coroner's juror, Bor leski Z oo G K Mils, toror.er't juror, Bor- Icsk . 2 2 INDUSTRIES: Lumbering and timber is the principal industry; there be ing about twenty-five saw mills. Salmon fishing in the Columbia River is also an important industry. Farming and fruit raising; Stone quarrying; Ship building and all kinds of lumber manufacturing plants. OPPORTUNITIES: There are fine opportunities for the small farmer, dairy, man, fruit grower and truck gardener. Also a number of choice deep water sites for manufacturing plants. THE DELTA GARDENS: 12,0 JO acrei of low lands along the Columbia River which have recently been dyked and are now in high Btate of cultivation especially adapted to growing of vegetables and small fruits. SChOOIi Four standard High locality. CHURCHES: Nearly all denominations represented. THE COUNTY OFFICERS: " Circuit Judges, J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin District Attorney, W. B. Dillard County Judge, W. A. Harris County Clerk, H. E. La Bare Sheriff. A. E. Thompson Assessor, C. W. Blakesley School Superintendent, J. B. Wilkerson Treasurer, R. S. Hattan Coroner, F. H. Sherwood Surveyor, Geo. Conyers Commissioners, John Farr, Louis Fluhrer. CITIES, TOWN, AND POST OFFICES: St. Helens Rainier Clatskanie Houlton Scappoose Warren Deer Island Goble Yankton Vernonia Mist Quincy Mayger Marshland Columbia City Reuben Apiary Hudson Prescott Trenholm Inglis J A McDonald, tame C A Mills tame M J John, tame K R Webster, tame 1 lo 2 2o 2 40 2 2o O Sedelman, coroncr't witness Bor leski 1 So Geo Tragear, coroner's constable, Borleksi F H Sherwood, coroner's exam. Palmer F H Sherwod, premium on coro ner's bond 5 So 5 oo 9 00 Columbia Co Abst Co, premium on school Supt bond 5 oo Jesse McCord, teacher's exam board 9 oo J B Wilkerson, postage 4 95 J B Wilaerson, school superinten dent's expense H 7o lo St Helens Telephone Co. telephone for school Supt 10 10 Mist Pub Co, supplies for school 16 3o J W Pomeroy, fruit inspector 46 35 Pac Coast Hospital Ats'n, care of Barck 3 oo Pac Coats Hospital Astn', care of Foster 6o oo Good Samaritan Hospital, care of Blake 34 3o Clatskanie Mercantile Co.tuppliet to Helmer 8 oo M Rosenthal, supplies to Foster 5 25 Home for the aged, care of Mc Donald C F Halstead. Barber for prison ers J W Akin, repairs to jail E Isbister, board of prisoner T M Word, board of prisoners 6o 1 5 94 66 Welch and Ames, supplies to pris oner 5 2o W A Harris, supplies county seal er 2 6o H E LaBare, postage and express- 25 ae District Road Fund. District No. 1 Geo W Ramsey 6 9 2o 11 5 7 6 1 1 Chit Lamberson District No 3 P C rouse St Helens Lumber Co S Lampa J WoodivarJ E Felton O Bandiana R B Wilson " ..r. P Kelley J Boyd J H Cronite 3 75 2 So 1 75 District No 4 Ruel Gaitens Ray Gaitens Ray Gaitens 9 4o 2o 7 Schools; Grade schools i n each District No 6 F Bishop G W Makinster C C Fowler C C Fowler District No 6 J E Johnson E Grauntx W Tracey W L Marshall S I, Flannigan 1 6o 5 oo 3 oo 9 oo 1 50 7 So lo oo 12 4o 8 75 19 25 26o 2 So 8 25 6 oo 3o 96 36 oo 6 oo 7 95 7 95 J C Girt J C Warlters C B McKee Roy Townsend W B Hankins Wester Cedar Co Low man Lumber Co Frank Rice W H Deal Geo Deal Ditrlct No 7 H F Kilby L Alley A W Atkins J Hackenberg O Stehman E Melen W L Brown P C Boysen E Allen L Sonneland Col Riv Powder Co 5 2 2 2 1 6 2 3 11 7 oo 2o oo 25 25 District No 8 Coast Calvert and Fl Co 55 9 68 6 75 2 So 9 oo 2 So 1 25 1 25 24 oo 16 oo 10 00 71 11 5 oo 8 oo 16 75 2 SO 5 So 2 So 6 oo 8 25 6 25 7 So 3 40 2 4o D C Kirby Wm Combs A J Combs D C Klrby J P Combs District No 9 W W Payne A Laure District No 10 oo D Dixon A J Palm A J Palm Summit Lumber Co 25 7o oo 65 oo So oo 25 25 V Franklin E Erickson District No 11 W M Allen Geo Fitchett Chat Co Win Wm Bross Jas Wright Fred Colvin Ira Dailey H Colvin District No 12 A .tirkenflelld R Berg Contiawed Pm oo So oo 50 5o So 25 So So 00 oo SO 80