St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, February 06, 1914, Image 5

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St. Helens Mist
Founded 1881
Unm. Ec FriUr k
The Mitt Publishing Company
M. K Mil. us, F'litiT.
.,,i,.f,.. t rl m'ifr Jmmarjf 10.
Il i On- i-n.1 uniivM Hatnl HWn. rimii
i.,ir ll -l " "!h "'
Our yen.- -
rii iniititU -
A.lvrrtlin ratrs iiih1 kuowo on appli
cation Uk' uotlccs 2ft rnti rr linn
County Official
The voters of Columbia County
have spoken, and in n uncer
tain terms. They have Baid by
the ballot that n modern system
of buildinK ronds will be inaug
urated and that instead of a patch
work system, which was the on
ly system that could have heen
worked under the old law,
new and permanent roads will be
establihhed in all parts of the
county. The money to be raised
f J will be used by men who are ex
perts at the business. No waste
wi'l be permitted am! the tax
paers will see to it that they
et value received for their mon
ey. That there will be rumors
of jjraft and useless fruaridcr
injc f money, when tuchasum
is to be ex pcnU d, is nothing
more than can be expected, but
J th people of the county who are
I n icrenieii v 111 lliin-ni ivnu mi ii
on every movement and there
can be no doubt of the result.
To most people the election last
Monday seems to be the dating
period of the commencement of
Vi industrial and agricultural pros
H pcrity of the county. It is from
that date that everything here
after will be reckoned. It was
the greatest step forward ever
made by the county. Those peo-
1 ilo who w ere so strongly opposed
v to the measure this week w ill,
without doubt, in a few years be
the greatest beneficial ies of the
new system,
Columbia County is bonded for
road building. We all have our
tin t u lit iim ii t thnrp to hear in
I pajing for it and wc w ill all be
more than pleased w ith the re-
suit. The county will develop,
f the population will increase, the
f '.:'ii'itinn will iliiiililo oml u-n will
hardly notice the cost.
j With the near approach of pri-
tr.ary election candidates for of
J (ice are announcing themselves.
? Especially is this true of candi
dates for Governor of the state
i to succeed Oswald West. Al-
ready there are seven or eight
I men after the Republication nom
i inati n, w ith several others who
larc in a receptive mood, while
the Democrats have five and oth
f era who are sure to follow. The
v Progressives are making some
noise too for there are a number
of patriotic citizens of the Hull
Moose faith who are willing to
carry the burden of leading a
forlorn fight.
In county politics names are
being considered and talked
about for nil the offices to be
filled, on both the Republican side
and the Democratic side, but as
for the Progressives, they seem
to he a minus quantitv in Colum
bia County.
The Mist will take an active
part in the campaign . for men
. ......
$ rio seem to 113 to he Ine best
' fitted for tho various positions,
t DUt It Will be our aim to give all
I the candidates a fair deal through
; our columns. In the matter of
advertising, such as announce-
ments, cards, etc., we will not
' forget that candidates for office
come around only about once in
- every two years and that a great
majority of them are defeated;
!i so having considered the propo
sition from past experiences we
have adopted the rule of requir
J inK all candidates for all political
rule will be strictly observed and
while we are after the business
and expect to have our political
column well filled, we shall in
sist upon the candidates to pay
the small fee in advance and
then it will not seem hard for
them to receive bills and be re
quired to pay after having been
At the election there
was a very light vote cast in St
Helens. Various reasons have
been assigned for this, but to the
people of 1'recinct No.2. no other
explanation is needed than that
of the location of the polling
place. Voters in St. Helens have
been used to going to the Court
House to vote for so long that
when they were compelled to
trudge a half mile out to the fair
grounds and then climb down a
flight of stairs onto a muddy
road and up a bluff on the other
side, there were many who did
not consider the effort worth the
vote, Surely the County Court
should take some means of es
tablishmg a different voting
place in that precinct that would
be more convenient and occes
The property owners along
Columbia street between St. Hel
ens and Cowlitz streets are plan
ning on hard surface this sum
mer. With the tost office al
ready located along this street,
with the best building in the
county there and several other
large buildings in contemplation.
it will be only a matter of a short
time until this will be the busi
ness street of the city.
Some people don't know that
the bond election is rver and
that bonds have carried, accord
ing to the arguments being put
To tho friends of prourcm wherever
found, ami lu the friend of R'mkI road
In particular.
Thin in to ay, that Columbia County
ha awakened at Innt. and by the vote
of citizen has declared her intention
to stand forth as one of the gieat coun
ties of the Crtater Plutc of Oregon;
and (hut we an a prople extend a ror
dial invitation to all the world to rorre
and help us enjoy the bounties that na
ture hai lavishly bestowed upon us.
We have by onr vote bonded ourselv
es to build a ayntem of roads that will
open for settlement some of the finest
land that can It found in the west, and
will, as toon as it ran be done, com
plete the work now undertaken.making
the last link in the Columbia Highway
from Portland to the Sea. We have
been greatly assisted in our work, not
only by citizena of our county, and by
citizens of Portland who have the wel
fare of our country at heart, but by
prominent citizens of our a'atcr State
of Washington., who have experienced
the benetfis derived from good roads,
and konw how best to procure them.
Wc have found it hard to get our peo
ple to agree on how to proceed in the
matter of building good roads, and I
believe, had it not been for the help of
outside friends of the cause, we would
have found ourselves no neurer the so
lution of the prcblem than before.
Therefore ,1, as president of the Co
lumbia Good Koads Asosciation, on be
half of the people of Columbia County,
do hereby extend to all who have helped
us in this fight, and especially the Otc
gonian, Journal and our own home
papers, Mr. Samuel Hill of Maryhill,
WaBh., Mr. A. S. Benson, Mr. Julius
Meier, both of Portland, Mr. Ad.lison
Ilennett of the Oregonian, Mr. Johnson
of the Journal, Mr. I.. Griawold, Asst.
State Highway Knginecr, and most
aniullv thuan tnwerf of ntrfni7th. Mr.
' "
(Frank Terrace. Mr. Terrig.) and Mr.
(Parry all of King County. Wash., who
Idid so much to spread the gospel of
good roads, our warmest thai ks and
most heartfelt apprecitaion, and wish
to assure them that they will always
hold the highest place in our esteem,
and that their efforts In our behalf
shall not be in vain; and to the peo
ple of Columbia County, I would say,
now let us work together in a
spirit of harmony in the upbuilding
of great County in a Greater State,
to the end that we may be prosper
ous and happy people.
Rainier, Oregon, Feb 4. 1914.
MIhs l.oU Stewart who died sudden
ly lust Saturday evening in St. Helena,
was Uid to rest in the Yankton cen e
tery on Tuesday afternoon, February 3.
Age seventeen yrars. Tha funeral
services went conducted by I!v. Wood
of Houiton in the Yankton church.
The ladies of this neighborhood
turned out to vote at thi special elec
tion held here Monday With many it
was their first vote.
- In the Tarbell home there is a latest
improved new Oliver typewriter and
Miss Ivy Tarbell is becoming an ex
pert operator.
Mr. Char'es Lovell expects to move
from the Yankton neighborhood s me
time this month
Fan Krown is mianed from our neigh
borhood this reason. He is away
taking a college course'
T. W. Hot inson and N. (). I.
were sern on our streets Sunday.
C. A. Bramble and D. It. Fowler
made a business trip to Portland Mon
day. Mrs. Ila-ney Kelly who has been vis
iting friends in Houiton, returned home
Harry Wilson visited friends at
Yankton Suturdny and Sunday, and
incidentally took in the Grange meet
ing at Inn Grange Hall Saturday even
ing at that place.
Mrs. George Adams and little son
returned home Monday after a visit
with relatives in St. Helens.
J. Chriutensen and family left Mon
day fur Portland for a khort visit.
Miss Glapha Brown spent Sunday
with her sister, Miss Agnes Brown at
Happy Hollow.
Mr. and Mis E. Bobby and family
returned home Sunday after a few days
visit with friends in St. Helens.
Modu Griffith transacted tuisness in
St. Helens Monday.
Ddfd Hay for Sale.
I. Norbeck & Co. and Chas. Kohl-
strand. Warren. Oiegon. 1-5
Lost A diamond brooch,
somewhere between the Cox res
idence and the Morton residence
on top of the hill. Return to The
Mist office ond receive reward.
FOB EXCHANGE An orange grove
near Rcdiands, California for Western
Oregon farm property. The grove is
bearing aud this year turned out a $2,-
000 crop of oranges. See the St. Hel
ens Improvement Co.
Court Proceedings
Continued from Pag 6
Umptats Tribe IORM hall for
election 3 oo
A R Melis, register voters 5 3o
Libel, McCauley Co, hall for
election 3 oo
A B Lake Exit, deputy sheriff 32 2o
E N Pavcy launch for sheriff 4 oo
Hartman and Thompson premium
sheriff's bond 65 oo
Fred Watklna work for sheriff 67 5o
Laura Barber work for sheriff 65 oo
I E Dodd telephone by sheiifT 3o
St Helens Telephone Co telephone
for sherilf 6 2o
Mist Publishing Co supplies for
C. H. JOH N & CO.
All Work Guaranteed.
Plumbing and Heating
Sheet Metal Work
St. Helens
sheriff 2 So
Muck la Hardware for
sheriff 5o
E I Ballagh, launch to sheriff 5 oo
Chris Johnson and Son, livery to
sheriff 1 no
Kilham Sta and
Pig Co, supplies to sherilf 1 69
Fred Watkins, expense deputy
sheriff 9 4o
H J Southard, truant officer 3 oo
A E Thompson, sheriff's ex
pense 445 2o
St Helena Telephone Co.telpehone
for clerk 2 85
Glass and I'rudhomme Co, supplies
to clerk 19 oo
Irwin-Hodson to
clerk 1 95
Columbia Co Abst Co, premium
on clerk's bond 35 o
Pacific Sta and Pig Co, supplies
to clerk lo 6o
Pacific Coast Stamp Works, sup
plies by commissioner 6 31
Bessie Hattan, work for clerk 37 5o
R S Hattan, supplies for treas
urer 56 oo
Mist Publishing Co, supplies for
treasurer 16 oo
C II Stockwell .premium on sur
veyor's bond 15 oo
Mist Publishing Co, supplies for
assessor 14 oo
W Blakesley, postage for assess
or 10 00
Columbia Co Abst Co, premium on
assessor's bond 15 oo
Clatsksnie Chief, supplies lo assess
or II oo
Sadie Cronkite, work for assess
or 61 25
Edna Christie, work for assessor 62 6o
Beseie Hattan work for assessor 23 lu
A Barnett work for assessor 27 5o
St Helens Laundry, laundry for
court house 4 lo
St Htlcns Lumber Co.lumber for
court house 3 5o
S Harrison, supplies for janitor 4 45
R Constantine, repairs I 85
E A Rotger, supplies 2 lo
Continued next week.
plaice to
do busiaess
assets $a.7 0 ooo
Win. M. Rom, President
L. R. Rutherford, Vico-Pres.
A L Stone, Cashier
J. S. Allen, Asst. Cashier
L C. Row
Estimates Furnished.
J. HAS EEL the Houiton
Merchant has completed his
new store building next to the
Perry Graham store i n
Houiton and has moved his
entire stock of General Mer
chandise into new building.
Stock consists of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
FurnisJdngs, Furniture, etc.
Christmas Toys and Fancy
Prices as low as the lowest,
Goods a. s good, a s the best.
A call will be appreciated.
Come find look over our new
store whether you buy or not.
I F. J. BASEEL, Houiton, Oregon i
Hunt up those pictures laid away in some drawer,
or done up in a roll, and let me frame them for
you: I have several styles of frames in sizes rang
ing from 7x9 in. to 20x24 in., both round and
square. , If in need of a Sewing Machine let me
show you one. I have them with all the latest
improvements and thoroughly guaranteed. Just
now I have one that has been used just a little that
I will sell at a big bargain,
Successor to Sherwood 4 Ross
Call and look over our stock
You Always Get the Best at
Ulakesi.ey Ri.dg. ST. HELENS. ORE.
Columbia County Abstract
And Trust Co.....
Abstracts, Real Estate, Insurance.
Loans, Conveyancing
St. Helens, Oregon
work to pay in advance. This