lODGES HOl'LTOS CIRCLE NO 4S, Women ol Woodcraft. meet the aecond nd ' fourth Tuesday afternoon of each month at Honlton, Ore. Mrt. Klsa Wiktrotn, Guardian Neighbor. Scappoote. Ore.; Minnie A. Morley, Clerk. Columbia r.niamptnent No. 77. I. O. O. F. meets in the I. O. O. V. Hall, on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, sojourneying Patriarch! moat cordially invited to meet with ns. G. C. Robe). Chief Patriarch. C. W. lllakesley, Scribe. MIZPAH ChAlTEK. NO. 30. O. E. 8 MeeU in Masonic Hall the sectud and fourth Saturday Ot cb month MARY UEORtiK, W M. E. A. KOTliEK. Secretaiv Avon Lodge No 62 Knights ot Pythias meet every Tuesday Evening in cas tle Hall, St. Helens. Visiting Knights always welcome. j. W. Clark. C. C. A. J. Denim. K.olRAS ST. HELENS UKXiE NO. 32. VV A F A A M. MeeU 1st and 3.1 Saturday in each month. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. John (J liage, Master: E. E. Quick. Secretary. St. Helena Lodge No. 117,1. O. O. F. meets 'in the I. O.O. F. build ing, on the Becondand fourth Saturdays of each month, visiting memlerj are always given a hearty welcome. L. E. Allen. N. G. J. W. Allen, Sec United Artisans, Assembly No. 80, meets first and third Fridays of each month at I O.O. F Hall. St. Helens, officers: M. A., Mis. Lizzie Roberson; Siip'nt, Mrs. Isbester; Sec, Mrs. Mabel Bill; Treas.. J. Bill. All visiting A'ti sans are cordially invited. xf. V Court St. Helen?, No. 80, meets every 2nd i 4th rhursoays in K. of P. Hall. All members urged to attend meetings. Visiting Brothers always welcome J. G. Pringle, V K m. J. Ford. F. S. COMMUNICATED To the editor of the St. Helena Mist Through the medium of your valued paper, with your consent I wish to con fer with the reading public a few min utes as to the propriety of bonding the county for money at this time While we believe that the tax payer of Columbia County are more nearly a unit on the question of good roads than any thing that ever came up before the voter of the county. The only differ encce rf opinion now exising is as to the ways and means by which that most desirable object may be obtained. That is good and permanent county road where they will afTord the great est good to the greatest number. I et us call attention to a few minor question as we pass along. IL . . ... in me nrm place we will notice is the the child must creep before it can walk. Why? Because it i a neces sity, this being the case, the prime ob ject of mankind ia to, first prorvide himself with the necessities of life, then the luxuries. The vital question now before the voter ol out fair coun ty is: Are we to build a great scenic nailroad along the water front of the great Columbia for the pleasure and pastime of the rich and favored few or are we to build good and substantial thoroughfares through the farming communities so that the long suffering pioneer farmer may be able to get his products to the market that he may Be able by his sturdy effort to help feed the world and thereby lessen the high cost of living, the subject of which is now uppermost in the mind of the voting millions. Do the steamboat and railroad com panies clamor for that great avenue from Portland to the sea that the insti gators of the great fiasco, as we may call it, a an inducement for people to vote a mortgaga on their heard earned horn: , that thi great enterprise? may be more expediciously consumated. We answer emphatically, No! because every ton of freight that could be offer ed and every individual passenger that might reach the various shipping points would help to swell the great volume of traffic now handled. An other falacious argument is offer ed in favor of the bonding proposition and that I the only feasible mean by which certain object may be attained. Now let us see. There are many district within the county after pay ing the usual high taxes, for ourrent expense have been in the habit Jof voting a special road tax to the high limit and had it in all ease been hand led judiciously there would have been little if any complaint, now we believe that the tax payer of the county would prefer to uffer a special ten I mill road ta tahich in two year would ' afford the much eoveted 1360,000 and by thi mean av lo the couuty that $300,000 which otherwise would go for to fill the cofTera of tho already bloat ed bond holJer. instead of being ex pended where it would be a blessing to (he more deserving aet'.ler of our county. Finally if the advocate of this odious measure would have been a meritioua one, why should there be o much ringing of bells, aoumlirg of trumpets, etc.. as well a the importa tion of ao many silver tongued orator to help boost a qucationable proposi tion. A thing that will not bear the light of investigation and will not pas mus ter on it own merit thould be voted down. We now rest our case in the hands of an intelligent jury. I). W. FREEMAN. Armstrong Grange No. 456 Scappoose, Ore. Resolved, That the member of Armstrong Grange are op posed to the bond being issued unless money be distributed in locality where it ia collected. We also condemn the action of the county court for changing the boundaries of road districts without the consent of the people. Whereas the changing of the bound aries of the road districts in four dis- tiict in the couny, ia of no advantage to further the cause of good roads in the county We believe that the county court in appointing road supervisors tthoulld choose men of ability to builld roads instead of political favorites. Notice of Sheriff s Sale IN THE CIRCUIT COl'KT Of TilE STATU OF OREGON, KOU CoLl'MoIA COUNTY. Bv virtue of an execution in fore closure duly issued by the c'-rk of the Circuit Sourt of the county of Columbia Slate of Oregon, dated Ihe -Sill day of January, l'.U, in a certain action :n the circuit court for raid county ami stats wherein Joseph Kriekson, Jr , as plain tiff recovered judgment against James Welch for the sum of of six hundred and eighty-five and n.i-100 ilo.lars w ith intert st thereon from July 0, l'.ipj, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum ami coats and disbursements taxed at J'otl.75 on the 2Sth day of Januaiy. 1014. Noiice it hereby given that 1 will on Saturday, the 2-Sth day f February, 1914, at the front door of the county court house in St Helens in paid county, at 10 o'clock !n the forenoc n of paid day, sell at public auction to the highest did der for ca-h, the following de-cribed property, to-wit : Commencing at the nortewebt corner of the southwest quarter of the south west quarter of section 7 in town-hid 4 north of range 1 west ol the Willamette Meridian, and thence running east en the north line of said iw (jr o' sw qr of ection 7, 40 rods to a point; thence south and parallel with the west line ol tad sw qr of aw qr 40 rods lo a point, then e west and parallel with the north line of said sw qr of sw qr 40 rod to a point; thence north along the west line of said sw qr of iw qr 40 rods to the place of beginning, containing ten (10) acres ,f land situated in Columbia Co., Oregon . Taken and levied upon as tf.e proper ty of the raid defendant James Welch or so mui h thereof 83 my be n cessarr to satisfy the said judgment in favor of Joseph Erickton, Jr. against said Jvruex Welch with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue, Lated and first published January 30 1!14. A. E. THOMPSON, Sheriff of Columbia Com.ty, Oregon Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COUKT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MULT NOMAH COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Tuerck, deceased. Notice it hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale made and entered in the aliove entitled court in thealiove en titled cause the undersigaed as admin istrator of the estate of Henry Tuerck, deceased will sell at private sale to the highest bidder fir cash the following ! scribed real property, to-wi' :' the southwest quatter of the northwest (pinr ter and the northwest quarter of the south wot quarter all in Sectioi. Nine in Township Three North of Kangn Two West of Ihe Willntm-tie Meridian in Co lumbia county, State of Ongon, Any person desiring to purchase said property may submit bid to the undersigned at room 433, Worce l r block in the City of Portland, Multnomah County, State of Oregon, said sale to lie made subject to confirmation of the Ciicuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah county. The date of the first publication of th'a notice Is Jan 30, 1014 and. the last date of publication is Feb. 27; 1911. OSCAR TUF.RCX, Administrator of the Entate of H'-nry Tuen k, Dei en-ed Frank f-chlegel, Attorney for Admin-istrator. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR C'll.lM- MA COUNTY. I'arbtttrt I'.tmme, Plaintiff, v. Charles lUmine, IVfendant Cbarlrt Barnrne the above named drfendant. you are hereby re quired to appear ami answer to the com plaint filed against you In the ahoy en titled suit on or U foie Marcn 14, l'.UI, said -lay Wing af'er the expiration id j tix week from ttie Mate ol un nrsi puu lication of this summons, and if roil 'ail to appear and answ. r raid complaint, for aant thereof, tl e plaintiff i!l apply to the court for the ie!iel demanded therein, to-wit : For a di-ciee forever dissolving the bonds ol matrimony no existing between plaintiff and di feudal. t, ai d for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet at d equit able. This tninnions is publ'shed by order o? the Hon J. A En kin. ju.'g id the alsiye entitled coup, which order was made ai d entered on ihe 30 h dar id Jan., l!14, and the time piei rib-d for publication thereof i- six we. k, begin ning ith theisriieof .lnnna y .SO, 1!I4 and con I inning rub w i k t he tea f ei to and including tl.e iMie t I M..rch 12, 1-JH W I . I 'OOP MR, A'la' l ey for I Ininliir. Chiiinlier of Comm. rce Bui'din, Port land, Dreg, n NOTICE OF FINAL SK 1TI.K.M ENT . Is Tiik Cot NTV Cocar or Thk Stats: OF OllKl'.OS l-OH CUI.I'MHI Col'N T TV . Notice is 1 ereby given tint ihe under signed adti.inii-tr.ttor of the etat. of Henry Sanotroin. deceased, ha filed In tit. a I ace lint and rep rt in raid estate and that the Hon, V A. Ibirr s.i ounty jnd.e of Columbia cout.ty, Oregon, by order dated the fitli dsy of Janua.y, l'.M I, !i;is set M.u.day, Ft-Lrtnry lUn, l'dl. at 10 o'clock a. in. as the hour, and he county couit room in the City of St Helens, mid county and Mate, as the place for heniing raid fn.t account an-l objections thereto All percns inter eeted in said estate me notified bere'.v to attend at hhM time and pbu-e lonnike their objection", if any, to sa d final ac count and rejH.rt . I'ated this '.ill dsy of ( it.u.iry. I'M I. Jons ."Tin m'.nih Mo, Administrator of the c-lr.te of lltnrv v.mstrom, deceased . Kir-t publiiat on i n. tl, I'.il I Last p .bliiatioii Kel. , '.U. NOTICE Ol- SHERIl rS SALE. By virtue of an execution ill f ne closure duly issued by tl.e Clerk of the Circuit C urt of the County of Colum bia, State of Oregon, date I ihe 7th day of January, 1!M4, in a cettain action in the Circuit Court for said County and state, wherein . V. bmailwooiJ, as plaintiff, recovered judgment against Edward Sprayue Thayer for the sum of Three-Hundred Dollars and cos's and dii-bursem. lits taxed at Eighty-Seven Dollars. Notice i hereby given that I will, on aturday, the 7ih day of FeLrnarv.H'l I, at ti e rout entianc.t of tl.e Court lion-e in St lielcis, in said c.ui.tv , at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of nid day, sell at public auction to the h'ghest bidder for rash, the follow ing dcsciihed prop erty, towit. The land, water frontage and title land lying northeasterly of the r ght-of way of the Astoria anil Columbia River Railroad Company, ?x-gini,ing at a point on the right-of-way directly west of a point on the shore line at low tide of the Columbia river 3' 0 f-et northwesterly from the northeast corner of the T. F. Galloway D .nation Land Claim; thence running in a northeast, rly direction 1400 feet r ng aaitl right of way wi'h the rtparian rights and tide lands le. longing to the Ian ft therein de scribed, the same being tho land ami tide lands lying east of anil Iron ing ami abutting lots 2 and 3 of section 2.'1, tup 7 noith, range 2 west of the Willc.mette meridian, the same being situated in Columbia county Oregon, taken and levied npon as the property of said Ivl. ward Sprague Thayer, or so much thert- of may Im necessary to satirfy the said judgment in fvor of W. F. Small wood Rttnliist said Eilaa'd Sprniftie Thayer, wi h interest thereon, ti gethi r with all costs and distumetm nts that have or may accrue. A. E. Th mi-.-on, Sheriff. Dated anil first piiolislicil Jan. 9, 1914. Last ptiblicst on Feb. (I, 1914. Summons. in the ciK.enr ccijkt ok the STATE OFOREGON, Foli COLUMBIA COL'NTY. I-ela M. Clancy, Plaintiff, vs. i . C. Clancy, I'efei dant. To J. C. Clancy, the ah .ve named de fendant, you are hereby required to at. ar ami answer to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled s'lit on tr before February 21, 1911, said day being after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publi cation ol this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff w ill apply to the rotirt for the relief demanded theiein. towit: For a decree forever I dissolving the bonds of matiimony now rxltii.Kln I'1'' tiH and.lrfei dant. and lor Such other and furiher rebel as to the Court n av seem meet and eq'lit. able. This summons it puMbhtd by older ol Ihe Hoi . I. A Eiikin. fudge ol the above eutitUd court, bi.ll older made and elite. ed oil the flth day of January, It'll, and tie lime pre-ciibed for publication thereof It sii week", be- uim.inir with the Issue of January , l'.M I and ioi tti.ui g i a. h wiek ibeie after lo ami including lhi Issue of Ken. 20, 191 4. W. I-COOI'hK, Allot nry for Plaintiff. Chauila r C inmrrce Building, Port land, Oregon. Summon IN THK Ullll'l IT ( ol'Ur FOR TIIK l-TATlt OF Ok CON, MIR TIIK Col'STV or (Vu miiia. Cl.ri-titil Beck, Pla n iff. vs. AUin J. Beck. Defendant. T-iAlvinJ. lUck alaive nimcd de. fcmlunt: You are hilel.y requited lo si. t ear ami answer th- romidaii.l 111. d against you in the alaivc entitled sni'. on or lelore F.bruarj 21. It'll, s. id day being a'ti r the i xpiratton i f six we1ks from Ihe dale ot ti e lirst publication of this summons, and if y. u f li to s ;e..r and answer sad compl.iiiit, for want Ihrreof, tlie plaintiff ill apply to the f ut t for the relief ilriniiiided ihcr. in. i. ait: Kor tie-Ire foteer dissolving the b lids of mstrimonr now rx sl ng In I seen plainl'ff and ilc'en.U- t. mid f r such o brr ami furlh. r relief as to the Court mav stem )ut nlld iqu.'al lx This suiiitii..us is i.ul-li-lit.l by order of the Hon. J A. Fakir, jndg ol the above et til led court, wiiih ..r.l.r was made and rute.ed on th- 0 h luv of J iiiu in . 191 1, Mini tlie time pre-eii eil for publication ihcr. of i six wcks, Isrginion.' with U e is-ue ;f Jsini.uy 9. 1914, and continnit g each we. k there after '( and including the is-tie of Ft I'. 20, 1911 O M. HICK ICY, At'o-ney for Plainlilf Wilct x Building. Potllanl, On gun. Sheriff's Sale IN THE CIRCUIT tltURT C,F TIIK STATU OF OI.'I-GON. IN M Ko I HE COUNTY oH t:ol.I'll l V Kai h-l M. I'.sney. Plait t g, 1 Vs. ' M Nijia Savage, f ml.iiit ) N iti.-e is h- r.l.y piwn that undo and bv virtue of an cxrcil ion in f. n -closure issued oil o! ll e above r ti 1 1 : t- I cur. in ihe als ve enlilled csu e, lo n.i d:r. ctt .l, and . atcd th.1 'JOlh day of I). C I'.li:',, upon a jil.'gmeiit. dci n c a' d t l-tb-r of sa'e, tender, d andcnteied in tan1 .n, int anil csusai in the 17th day of oendar, 19111. in fa"or of Rachel M Disiuy uud against M. Nina Savage, fo' lie sum if one-huiidrd thirty-thne and IIK-KS) d. .liars, wih intcret theie-.n from the said 17th day of Novemlier, pil.1, nt the rate ot K per cent. s-r an num ni. t I paid and fifty dollars attor ney's fie, and the further sum of twelve dollars costs, and ci sts of and ux.n th writ roiiimsndi g me to fell the follow ing dcsctilied ri al proper'y, situated in Columbia County, Oregon, towit: Lot live -S in bhark seventy live "li , in the City of St. Helens, Colum bia Ci unty, Oregon . Now, therefore, by virtue of said exe cution, judgment, decree and older of sale a d in compliance with the com mauds of Said wiit, I will, on Saturday the 31st day of January, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., st t e front entr nee of the court home, in St Helens, Columbia County, or go.l, tell at public auction subject te redemption to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title ami interest which the w ithin named defendant I ad on the 17lh day of No vemlier, 1913, or since had in and to the alsive dcscril ed real propi rty, to satisfy said execution, jndgmmt, interest, costs and accruing costs. A. K Thorn son, Sheriff of Columbia County, ore. Dated ami first published Jan. 2, 1911. l-ast puhlicati. n Jan. .10, 1914. IN TIIK COL'NTY COURT OH THE STATE OF OREGON, KOlt COL UMBIA COUNTY. In Ihe matter of the estate of C. Krt.se, deceased. Henry To the unknown ln-its of Henry C. Krus-c, deceased there being noilev iaeei or known heirs of said deceased ami to all ersona, whomsoever, Inter ested in tnid estate, greeting: IN THE. NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you are hereby cited and requited to appear in Inn County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Co I umbia County, at the court room there of, at Si. Ilelons. In the County of Columbia, State of Oregon, on W ed. nesday, (he llth day i f February, 10l4. at I o'cloik in the afterl.oon of that day, then and there to show cause, If any there lie, why an older should not I made granting to the sdmini ttator of said estate permission and directing him to sell the real estate ( f raid rie Cead,orso much thereof as shall lie necessary to pay the thntgea, expenses and claims of administration, at private sale. The followirg is a true description of all the real property Indul ging to said estate, towit : The Sou lb ha f of the southeast qilar t"r "I section 2.5, and luff north half of northeast quarter of section all '" township 7 south, range 44 east of the Willamette mer dl hi, id Baker c unty Oirgon; Als lb northeast quarter 'l lb northwest quarter ol clioli 17. town ship 3 lioilh. iang 2 west of the Wil lamelttt meridian, in Columbia oillilv, Oregon. Ti la Citation is published pursuant to the laws ol the MWle of Oregon and the rder of the lion. W. A. Hartla. Judge of the above entitled . "our , made lec. alsl, 1913. b r four tuccetslve and ecuiive weeks in t" St. Ilcleut Mist, a ncwaiwix'r published weekly iu Co lumbia County Oreg in, the first public-! lion Urn- on Friday, January .M, li'l. and the last being on Friday, January 30ih 1911 Wittiest the Hon. W. A. Ilairl-, ndge of Ihe Cou ty Court of the Stale of Or en, for C lumbia county, with the seal of said rout t aftixel this .list day of December, A. D. 1913. Atte-t: II. E. LnHaai, hkal Clerk. 2- l NOTICE 10 CREDITORS. ,N TMK cotYTY COl'KT FOU TIIK STATIC OF OREGON FOR fOLUMBIA COl'N TY. n ,i . ai,., f the Estate ol Edgar A igu tu- Palmer, dece ed. Notice ia hereby given by the under signed administratrix of the estate of p.dgar Augustus P.ltner, dereateil, to the creditoit H ereof, and all la-raont basing i Ihluis sgsiutt tl.e said decent- I, lociotl.it lie us with the necesSHij vouchers, within tlx months altei the Hist puMic.ition of this no l.f, lo the sanl ailiuinisirair.x nr iiiiuaj iii- " I im or i Uitiis w ill lbs County C irk of t'olumb a Coenty, Oirgon, the same ls-in; Ihe p ace for the trans ciiono' the l.u-ii e-t of the laid e late, or liy II. log the said vouchris with the admlnisi ra trix at I cr nsideni e at Or.gon ( py, Oregon Route No. it. ANNIE GARUHi'N, Admin strains tirst publication Jit .uary 1914. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO RM1- ITi:lt LAND TITLES IN TIIK I IIU UIT ( H!K r OH TIIK STATU OH OREGON KOU rol.UMBIA COUNTY. lite matti r i f the ai.i lt- I i-a iouof (ie.ike I. Mi Pher. n to register ilin t'l'e lo tl.e f illos ing de'CrtU d m al pr city, situate in ihe roll' ty ol Col.ni.bia, stale of Oretron, to wn : That portion i f the soutli half of sect on 17, two. 0 m r ti ratine f west of WlTauieMe meiioian, desciils d as foll.-ws: Bi ginning at a siint whe e the 'ine of the suivey in wn as the "Foster Road Survi y" In lersectt w ilh ihe south line of said section 17; he ce r.. lining in a n..rthe'ly an I eateily d. reclio.i along the south line of tai I roster road survey to a n. point where the said south li e j of said Fostrr Road Survey In- ! tersectt the east line of section 17; thence running tooth along the eatt line ol serlion 17 to the Southeast corner of said section 17,lh-i.c tunning went alot g the said line of said section 17 to th.- pi ,co of beginning; a plat id said Ko-tct Bond Survey Icing recorded in said county in the office of the county cleik . George L. McPl.ers.n. Pla.n'IT vs N. B. Moyeraml all per on and fiarlii unknown claiming any right, t tic, lntetet, esl. le of lien in or ujam the real prnisrrty described h-rein, mil All h m ll May Concern, Defendants. To N. IS. Mojer a d all whom it may concern : Take notice that on the 12th day of lannaiy. 191 1. an application wa tiled ny (ieorge L. McPhetson, in the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Coluiii Ida county, for ini inl regiatiation of title to the rial propirty hereinalsove ilescribe-L Now, iinli ss you appear on or before the 2nd day of March, 1914, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, lb tame will be taken a ion fessfd, and a deen e w 111 lie en tend ac cording to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever baried and you will be forever estopped from dl. puling the same. H.E. LaIUrk, County Clerk By A. F. Banktt, Deputy. Koi.i.ock & Zoi.i.iNC.KK, Attorney for Applicant. For Iient Rooms in the Hank liuililinjr. Steam htmt, electric light, hot ami colli water. Columbia Co. Hank. FOH POKTLANIJ l)AIL 6TEAMER leaves HI. Helens fl.00 A M. Arrives al Portland I0:.t0 A. M. leaves Portland at 2::l P. M Arrives rlt. Helen at 6:30 p. M Str. 1RALDA Summer Rates between St. Hcleus a ti d Tori I r.il 50 ccuts one way 75 cents rouml trip Tickets Riynl any lime after April 4 1 li Boat leave Si. Helen 7 M a. 111. Ketumlrg leave Portland S:.'KI p. 111, Arrive at St Helens 4 41 p. ni. C I. IIOOCIIKIRK Congegatinnal Church A church home for friends and atrunger. Services- 10 a m. Bible ech.xil. 11 a. m. I'renchitig and worship. 7:110 p. ni. Sonjr nervice ami m r nmn. Wedneaduy, 7-:0 p. m. Mid week service and Hililo study. Kverylxuly welcome. F. J Meyer, l'astor. Houston Free Methodist Church Sal dm th School at 10 a. in. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. nrul K p. m. Prayer meeting on Thtraduy rven ing at K p. tn. J. N. Wooil. Piwtor. Professional Cards Gleu R. Metsker A TTORNEY AT LAW Csfx ui Bank BuikJio ST. MCLtNS OREGON DR. C. 15. WADH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I Host ua audit .r. uiiixs, out DR. L. GILBERT 70S.S PHYSICIAN A. SUNUEON Ornre limit lll.t Holh I'll.. in-. St. Helens DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SURGEON OKHl K IN HANK HI II.IIISU St. Helens Oregon T. S. WHITE FUNERAL DIRECTOR l.ll'KNsKII RMHAI.Mia HntlHotl Oregon DR. ALFRED J. PEEL PHYSICIAN A SURGEON ILtlt II. III. tin St. Helens DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURGEON I'linne ilaln l; A Ijxii Hf. K. M 1 1 l:l in 1117 HHIItic iiiiii.iins I ortlatui, Or. DR. R. L.JKFI'COTT DENTIST Ofhce in Bank Buildin St. Helens Oregon GEORGE H. SHINN ATTORN EY-A T-LAW St. Helens - Oregon M. E. MILLER ATTORN EYATLAW St. Helens - Oregon HERBERT W. WHITE ATTORNEY-ATLAW St. Helens - Oregon Calls answered day or night Phone 93 VV. S. Armstrong, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON OFFICE AT Pacific Coast Hospital ST. HF.I.F.N9 HOULTON