St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 30, 1914, Image 1

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NO 6.
Greene Adams Convicted (or
Murder o! Robert Mc
pherson The jury In the cat of the State
of Oregon vg Greene Adams on trial
fur the murder of Robert Mcl'her-
on, brought in verdict of Guilty
of Manslaughter, lato IuhI night.
The trial of the cuse took two day
and there wad much intereitt niani
ffHted by the people from Vernonia.
The State wan reprenented by
County Attorney W. H. Dillard,
while J. A. Jeffrey of Portland and
Hrownell & Stone of Oregon City
defended. Thin verdict meami a
term in the penitentiary of from
one to fifteen yeurt, urilewi a new
tilal is granted. The attorney for
Adams have given notice that they
will apply for a new trial and Judge
Kukin allowed them 30 days in
which to prepare and argue their
Horse Kicks Mr. Schraeder
and Wagon Breaks Arm
Mr. Schrader. an employe of the
St. Helens Lumber Co., was badly
injured loitt Wednesday by being
thrown from a wagon. .fter strik
ing the dock the horse became
frightened and kicked the prostrate
man in the face cutting it very bad
ly. Then the horses started and the
wngon load of wood passed over his
arm. The injured man was taken
to the I'ortland Host ital by Dr.
Wade and at last accounts was in a
very satisfactory condition, consid
ering tho seriousness of his injuaies.
Hereafter Only 4 Justices'
Courts in County
The County Court at the January
term created four Justice of the
Peace and Constable Districts in the
County. The districts are the same
as tho four road districts and here
after known as Justice District No.
1, 2. : and 4. After the next ele
ction there will be only four Justice
of the Peace Courts in the County
instead of about 17.
Columbia Theatre -Coming
February R, 6, and 7, Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. G . White, magicians and ven
triloquist. Admission 10c and 20c.
Arcade Theater.
Saturday night program:
"Tho Coil of Chance" in two reels.
A thrilling Indian crsma.
"A Deep Sea Liar" dome comedy.
Sunday night matinee:
Wonderful t.-.ree reel feature, "Tann
hauser" and vjckI solo, "That's How I
Need You."
To the voters of Columbia Co., State
of Oregon: I hereby announce myself
a candidate for the office of Sheriff on
the Republican ticket, subject to your
approrval at the primary election to be
held May 15. 19H.
Grange Meeting.
Pomona Grange will meet with
Goble Grange Feb.7th 1914. A
good attendance is desired as it
will be an Important meeting.
It. N. Lovlace,
Master of Pomna.
Tells the Taxpayers of Columbia County that Road Bonds
Will Reduce Taxes
We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting tonds. If bonds are voted, we believe that under ordi
nary conditions not more than a five or six mill levy will be required to meet the interest on the bonds, the sinking
fuud, besides doing all the necessary work on the side roads and making them permanent. It being our intention to
use all the moucy available in making the side roads permanent, with the exception of what will be necessary for re
pair work and bridges. II bonds arc not voted and any amount of work is to be done on the roads we believe that a
much higher levy will bs required to keep up the work than under the bonds.
Another feature of saving if bonds are voted will be the refunding to the county by the state of the cost of the sur
vey which will be about $i2,ooo. We also believe that the state will take over the Columbia Highway and maintain it
as a state road. At least we have the assurance of the State Engineer and the State Commission that it is their inten
tion to do so and will make such recommeudatious to the Legislature. If this is done it will relieve the county from
any future expense for maintenance on this road.
Under all circumstances and present conditions we believe that the bonding of the county for roads will be to the
best interests of tin county and all the taxpayers. W. A. HARRIS, County Judge
Committee Gives in Some
Reasons for Bonds
St. Helens, Ore. Jan 28.
To the voter: We believe there are
a grst many good lemons why you
should vote at the bond elerttion to be
hold Feb 2. If you did not reenter,
have our vote sworn In on the proper
blanki, at we believe both men and
women should express thcmselvs on
thii question.
We believe that our taxes have teen
too high in the part and are still too
high considering: the results obtained.
We believe that this has been due
largely to lack of system and piece
meal road constrcution necessitating
reconstruction each year or two.
We believe that the $875,000 paid in
road taxes in the last ten years if spent
t one time in a systematic manner
would bavc g'ven us a splendid road
We believe that this bond issue to
gether with this year's road levy will
go far toward establishing a perma
nent road system.
We believe that the wives and moth
ers are entitled to visit neighbors, at
tend churches and meetings and visit
the towns and cities without dirty,
wet and muddy in winter, and dusty
and grimy in the summer.
We believe the wives and mothers
of the rountry are entitled to some
of the pastimes, plesuares and con
veniences as their sisters of the town
and cities.
We believe the country childern are
entitled to arrive at school clean and
jury, not muddy, wet and miserable.
We believe that the farmer is en
titled to haul a full load to market and
not wear out his team, vehicles and
patience and arrivee at market with
one-third of a load.
We belivee that the consumer is en
titled to pay for the products of the
farm and not pay three prices for time
lost in hauling one-third loads ovur
j muddy roads.
We belvice that improved roads
mean improved farms, improved meth
ods, and improved values.
We believe that the bonds will de
crease our taxes by allowing the money
to be spent systematically.
We believe that these improved con
ditions will warrant the expenditure of
$1.58 on each one thousand dollars val
uation allowing those who reap the
benefit to pay for it.
We believe it will dcerease our an
nual taxes at least four mills
We believe you should vote for the
Yours very truly.
Good Roads Committee.
E. C. Stanwood Makes First
Political Announcement
In another column will be found
the announcement of E. C. Stanwood
for the Republican Nomination for
Sheriff. This ia the fiist announce
ment of the campaign but before
long there will be many more. Mr.
Stanwood is a mill man who has
lived in Columbia County for many
years and i s well and favorably
known in all portions of the county,
He says hr is in the race to win and
will make an active campaign for
the nomination.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Felton are
spending the week in Portland with
Simon A. Neer
Simon Abraham Neer was born in
Butler County, Pa. on April 17. 1840.
He came w itb bis parents across the
plains witb an ox team in the yenr of
1852, locating in Columbia County.
They were about six months in making
the journey, making said county bis
home ap to the time of his death on
Jan. 22.
He was united in marriage to Miss
Laurinda Link on Sept. 19, 1883.
His remains were laid to test in the
cemetrey whicb is located upon hit own
place at Neer City. Funeral services
were conducted at the house by Re". F.
J. Meyer of St. Helens and a Urge
number of friends and neighbors were
in attendance from different parts of
the county and state.
He is survived by his wife and seven
children, Mrs John Farr cf Warren,
Mrs. Ches Metcalf, Mrs. Joseph Nel
son, Mrs. Vie Ennis, Dean, Lloyd and
, Ada, all of Neer City. Forj brothers.
William of California, John of Port
land, Philip of Houlton. West St. Hel
en and Fred of B. C. ; one sister. Mr.
Sarah Fauble of Vancourver, Wash.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. L'.
Church will meet witb Mrs. Martin
White Wed. Feb. 4th.
Grand Chancellor Grant Will
Visit Avon Lodge in
St. Helens
Frank S. Grant. Grand Chancel
lor of the Knights of Pythias of
Oregon will pay an official visit to
the local lodge of this order on
Tuesday evening, February 3rd and
plats are being made for a big
meeting on this occasion. This will
be the thirty-fourth lodge he has
visited since his installation as
Grand Chancellor on October 16th
and he has traveled almost 5000
miles in accomplishing these visits.
Mr. Grant, who is the former
City Attorney of Portland, is known
throughout the Northwest as one
of the begt informed man on Pyth
ianism in the entire country and he
is a forceful and entertaining
speaker, the address he will make
to the local Knights during his vteit
here will be of great interest to the
members of the order.
Columbia Theatre
The Harmony Three High School Or
chestra will play every Tuesday and
Thursday night. Come and enjoy some
good music.
Letters unclaimed at the St. Helena,
Oregon postoffice for the wek ending
January 24th, 1914.
Mr. F. Fisber
Mr. Hans Helmer
Kuhrasch and Snyder
L. J. Ownbey
W. L. Sharp
Mr. Joseph Specbt
Letters unclaimed by February 7th,
1914 will be tent to the dead letter
office. IVA E. DODD, P. M.
Mr.JE R. Anderson, president of tbe
Columbia County Auto Co., was in St.
Helens this week. He stated that bis
company bad let tbe contract for the
building on Columbia street. Mr. Don
hue of Portland secured th contract
and be says he will employ all local
men on tbe work. U. S. Dtpain will
do the excavating. The acual work on
the building will commnce just as soon
at the excavating will permit and it is
the intention to rufh the work as faat
as possible. The building willbe85x
140 feet, two stories high. Tbe ground
floor will be occupied by tbe company
as a tales room and machine shop
where Ford Automobiles will be assem
bled and told. The upper floor will
have offices along the front and ware
bouse rooms on Casenau street. Mr.
Anderson stated that a car of Fords
has already been shipped for the com.
pany and they will be here ready to
be assembled and placed on tale by the
time tne building is ready for occu
pancy. TRENHOLXl
Eleven inches of mow had fallen on
the lervel at Trenholm on Tuesday,
Jan. 27 at 7 p.m.
J. Chriatensen made a business trip
to Portland Thursday returning Satur
day. W. E. Eversaul made a tript to
Portland Friday returning Monday.
C E. Hein and son Clyde made a
business tri p to St Helens Friday.
E. R. Kelly, proprietor of ehtt Tren
holm boarding house, visited Portland
Friday returning Saturday.
D. R. Fowler was summoned to St.
Hel-ns last week to serve on the jury
for the Adams murder trial.
Continued on Pago 8