LOCAL HAPPENINGS AND DOINGS NEWS NOTES CONCERNING PEOPLE AND THINGS IN AND AROUND ST. HELENS PERSONAL; LOCAL; SOCIAL AND OTHERWISE young ladies COST OF PROPOSED BOND ISSUE FOR PERMANENT ROADS Table showing cost of proposed Hmd Issue fir Permanent Konds. County Valuation $IH.OOO.OOO. Proposed P.ond liu $:ir.o.o(0, payable $i'.0,000 in ft ymrn; 1 00,000 In 10 year.; $100,000 in 15 year.; '' $ I OO.Ooo in 20 years; at ft per cent interest. Yr. .1 Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Masten spent Christmas in Portland with friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Cox hail as holi day guests David lavis and wife, ef Portlard. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Quick enter tained friends at Christmas dinner at their homo on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. IVming en tertained fomo local friends at Christmas dinner at their home. Prof J. I?. Wilkinson attended the meeting of the State Teachers' As sociation at Salem during the week. I.. F.. liutherford returned last Saturday from Minnesota where he has been tor several weeks on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. II. Cor.stnntin were husts at a delightful Christmas din ner to friends and neighbors yes terday. E. A. Ross, of the popular St. Helens furniture store, snertt his fhrisHnas nnrsimr a hud c nf I the night and will take on l.t'.oO. I 000. feet of lumber here for China n,unirs- ! The work of loading her has al- ent Misses Llsie Phillip. Anne Ketel j ready started and will require about completed lne ,.liunty will build up r $;,:.. Too i-ach year. ana tugema, uemmg are in m. : "" or me uac n complete me Helens for the -Christmas holidays ' f"r?'. After this boat leaves the . -.u u . i,' r li, . "ig mill in this-city will close down with their home folks. - 1 , , . . , for one week for repairs, the first Miss Amy George entertainer' on dose down for that Jungth of time Christmas day for Captain and Mrs. us4to 'the. mill started in P'O'.t. Portland with the for a week's visit. The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Morton, in this city, was the scene of a Christmas gathering yesterday, at w hich time and place a number of relatives of both Mr and Mrs. Morton were present. Mr. and Mrs. l Crandall and Mrs. 1 artndge, of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. oorhees. of Wisconsin and Miss Lulu Parmley, of Gresham were out of town guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Koss on Christ mas day. Mr. Chas. Peeler and Miss Planch Charntey, htith of St., Helens, were 14 married at Seattle Tasf ? AUinday .Vr. heeier is well arid-fuvorrtbl, known in this section of the county, where he has lived for many years. Mrs. Heeler has lieen the eomposi- 1 tor in THK MIST odice for more than a year and has many friends and acquaintances in St. Helens. The Mist extends congratulations. The big tramp Japanese steamer Kenkon Maru arrived at the St. Helen Lumber Co's dock during a 1 5' (1 7 s 10 11 12 13 i.- 17' IS l'. 2 0 Lavy .001 .001 i-a .(X)2 ,IK)2 .002 .001 1-2 .002 .002 .002 .002 .0015 .001. .00 15 .0015 .0015 .00125 O0152 .001.12 Will Rai For Intaraat For Sinkina fund Ami. IntaraM aach Yaar from Sinking Fund f ls.(XH) 21.000 at'.noo ac.otH) ati.000 aii.000 ar.,000 aii.ooo ar.,000 27.000 27. 000 27.000 27,000 27,000 22,50') 22,500 'S12.500 22.500 27 asO ' $ IS, 000 1S.O00 IS. 000 IS. 000 IS. 000 15,000 15,000 15.000 15.000 15.000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10.000 .1,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 o'.lHHJ, $ ti.oOO IS, 000 IS.000 IS. 000 12,000 21.000 21.0o) 21.000 21.000 17.000 17.000 17,000 17.000 17.IKH) 17.500 17.500 i7.roo 17.500 22,asO 210.00 '.N'.'.l.l'.O 1.727,as 171.52 C.02.21 1.4(iti.30 j.atM.iM. a,2'.t'.).5t 271 f) I U02.I0 l.OSO.'.H) 2. 12s. 13 3,205. 2ti 13.47 71 1.01 1.112.57 2.200.27 2,'.is.s.2n Total in Fund on which 4 par canl int. ia Figured $ fi.0oo.o0 24.2JO.00 13,20'.l,li0 fi2.oa7.ns 15,055.50 ai;,c.57.72 50,121.02 KI.JSS.'.IS llMi.7SM.S4 24.000.0S 42.022. IS (iO,"03.3S SO. 131.51 ioO.aaf.,77 17.S50.24 ati.0til.25 55,00ti.s2 71,707 o; 100.075.37 Bond Kalirad $ f.0.000 100, OIK) 100,000 100.000 Average Cost t year Coat par tioou Valuation $1.00 1.33 1-3 2.00 2.00 2.00 l.r.o 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 1.50 l.r.o l.r.o i.r.o 1.60 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.62 $1.68 For Sale and Want Ada Ada ia Thaaa C Jumna Brt Raaulu Farm For Sale. Sixty acre, for ae; 20 acret j cleared; good houae, two barna, ailo ml other outbuildings; all asyj, cleared; one cow ami team iroea with place; about 3 milts irom aw Helens. 28 miles from Poitland, oi ) good county road; $160 per arrH $2,000, balance 6 per cent., term to suit. For particulars write Jt Km N. Sihckwood. Warren. Orel I A good houw with three choir lot in good location in St. HoU-lI for Hale. Inquire for Wrva ""I term at the Mint ollicd), f Miss Helen L Andcrstf, of the nlano: several vt art ence; with Mr C. II. Johns, S Helens. at--:i ill Watts T.d other friends at the Charles Muckle home. Miss Ruby Hammarstrom, one of the St. Helens High School teach ers, is in Astoria, spending the hol idays with her parents. . L. J. YanOrshoven, deputy county surveyor, has gone to Los Angeles, Cal.. where he will visit with his home folks for a month. Mrs. W. A. Harris left last Thursday for Puilalo, N. Y. on a business and pleasure trip. She will be gone several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sutherland prepared and served a fine Christ mas dinner for Mr. Sutherland, Sr., of Portland, and other guests. The school children of this city sent a large box of good things to eat to the Boys and Girls Aid So ciety, of Fortland. early this week. Geo. Hyde and wife took passage on the Klamath this week for San Pedro, where they will visit for some time with friends and rela tives. Mrs. 'J. V. Clark and daughter, of lloulton, were in attendance at the High School entertainment and Christmas tree at the City Hall on Monday night. Mr. andIrs." W. J. Muckle held a family reunion on Christmay day at their home in thi city, all mem birs of the immediate family being present. It was an enjoyable event. Judge T. A. McBride, chief jus Lice of the Oregon supreme court, visited at his farm near Deer Is land last week and stophed over for a day to visit with friends in St. Helens. Is. aod Mrs. A. H. (Icorge enter tained MU.-.es Lulu and Ada Oeorge and Miss I'ieek, of Portland, on Christmas day and returned Baled Hay for Sale. CLOVER HAY FOR SAl.K P.y I. Norbeck & Co. nnd Chas. Kohl strand. Warren, Oiegon. 1-5 . TRENH0LM. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you 'all. Mr. and Mrs. Flton Kelley went to Portland Mondav. Mrs. Ge. Wilson and son. Max, made a shopping trip to St. Helens Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Hrockway spent several days in Portland the past week. Mrs. Nina Mclntire and son, ,Kd gar, spent Xmas with her brother at Seappoose. Harry Wilson and Henry Krom rey left Monday for Portland and returned on Wednesday. Floyd White and Gladys Freden berg took in the Heaver dance at Houlton. Saturday night,? Mr. and Mrs. J. Christensen and Iena Hein are in Portland enjoying the holidays with relatives arid friends in that city. - Mrs. Ha'ttie McXabb arrived on Tuesdav from Prosser, Wash., and wiil spend some time with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Camp bell. Mr. and Mrs. Eston Johnson, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hyde, Jr., of Yankton, spent Christ, mas at the home of I), li. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wittnebel and sons. Vernon and Theron, left on Wednesday morru'ng for Portland where they will npend Xmas with relatives. Mr. Baker, the agent for the "vertical feed'' sewing machine, made several calls in Trenholm Tuesday. I have not learned whether or not he succeeded in to selling any machines. While the above is based on pres- expending, for .... valuation with good roa.ls maintenance, about S.'O per mile, i It is eti-i i and materially increase in value iat.'.l that the maintenance by the I ii t ii i il: . a. ..., . . . . . . . I wnicn snouio reduce whs eosi lt. MilU. , r ,ian, surface. roads will ! In,.nl wj Kive urge returns in average $1.20. not exceed 1200 per mile, or $17.- money, say nothing about the bene- Also when these road beds are 00(1 each year, of which Columbia : (its that cannot be estimated, but is . . ' ...:n I tin r.mi !...,,. I ...itl. .., I mn.lrf finished by the County with this "'-- '."" i v.. ' Peducting this from the amount! Ihe distribution oi the Thl t. Helens Improvement (1 Is in a position to help every pers.i whs wants to buy. H or rvntl lroj)erty. They are In touch with I buyers and sellers. Tht-y have a ' reputation for fair nesling that en- ( sures good treatment. If you hsvt anything to sell or want to buy any thing it Is to vour iiitcrmt to con sult them. A. T. Iaws. Msnsger, St. Helen. Ore. For Sule or Kent Two houses Therefore this proposed invest-1 CH(I j(l Iniiuire of Muckle Hare- ware ('. betterment nd ! i"f "f J6 each year on every f 10"0 valuation in the County, which in twenty yeHrs will amount to, with interest, more than $i'.00.0()0. bond money the state, as we are money ire now spending leaves us a realized from the sule of the bonds informed, will takeover the ';,', 1 1)ri)Iil (f f ,2,200, which is equal toto be applied on the various roads mad, ie. Columbia river road hard lin linnujl i,.vy ,,f 2.35 on each : is as follows: surface andmaintain. 1,000 valuation. ' 25,000 on the Pittsburg road; These two roads are approxi-j And if this bond issiM cost us 15,000 on Clatskanie-Mist road;' mately s5 miles in length and on $ 1. 20 we win, besides having p.nds. tiO.000 on the Nehalem road; which at the present time wo are instead of tiails, making a ret sav-' 2t0. 000 on Columbia River road. YANKTON. John Karth has been visiting in Portland. There will be open Grange on Saturday, January 3, j A literary class has been started: an 1 will meet every Friday evening at the school house. An invitation, to attend is extended to all. j A "cake-walk" will be given on Januaiy 3, 1911, in the Grange, hall. Fverybody bring a cake or a; Pie. A fee of five cents will be! charged for every walk. T)oors "3 open at 7 o'clock p. m. Given by the Yankton Grange. The Yankton school gave a Christ mas entertainment on Friday, Dec. 10. The principal of the schools gave every child present a bag of mixed nuts and candies. The other teachers remembered the children! by giving them pretty and appro priate Christmas cards. A New Year's Thought Thank God for the man who is cheerful in spite of life's troubles, 1 say. Who sings of a bright tomorrow, because of the clouds of today, His lif- is a beautiful sermon, and this is the lesson to me Meet trials with smiles and they Vanish; Face cares with a song and they iAtit,LJiUttlliifcLlAtULiialLliULlliliL.kliiiLltl Iremoval I NOTICE '. 1 1. 1 SIC EL the iron 1 1 on JTrrifint JutH com ilct cl ''his ncir store hit ifii n t nex t o the I'm i tS' (i ra h a in store i n 1 1 on I ton ami has moved Jis entire stock of (1 client I Jltr ch a nt Use into new Intiltli nJ. St oc I: consists of Dry (hunts, Clothing, J loots ami Shoes, Furnishings, Furniture, etc. Chrismas Ttnjs tintl Fttncij (loads. Prices as loir as the fairest, ( J otitis a s good a s the lust. A call will he .ajmrt cialctl. Come anil look orer oar new store whether you Innj or not. F. J, BASEEL, HoultoD, Oregon, HONESTY IS OUR POLICY WILLAMS & HALL CO.' lie 1 A To the cjIe vf I aj'irctiabc patrotiai ifivcr the Ifiitlay bl and aiarc you ' will Ivuys be first !ass ami p a- rVROTEM ( J r ft 0r. UNSOPHISTICATED OSCAR x j j I THAT riAKE? HSC sM VNIM TM'Pi.035 A. m AT INEE ' r0V f rtf AJ I l . II I n T- HAve vou Done' VT MAveXDONE? vc va14nishe0 foow (oooms, mnE Chauvs, TWO TVMiL.e A, NO t i