1 AniliKEYS. GEESE. DUCKS AND , r SUCKLING PIGS WANTED Advise uiik vslut von have fur Huliduy Trade. Will m il your Poultry and give ynii prompt mat reliable erv ice fur live per cent of gross sales. Ship your Poultry where it will lie properly bundled. Cold Moray in building. CihmI saiet- wwnship ami vuii return. WANTED: LVeal,Pork, Poultry, Hides NO COMMISSION CIIAKGtD. Writ tcilsr tor tam sncl our net mh prut ll..t. guarantee la'r treatment, hivbtrnt prices, biiu rk.rk hv Return SImiI." dlvw li trial with air next Ut f i riKiutc f . II. f lintel & Co.. a-UsUaSii. SIO.OIAI. 141 111 Ilia M.. fallui Or bECOND-IIAND MACHINERY isht, sold end e,-hanird: eiurlnes. t.illere. 'wmill,. etc. l f..r bt k 1. 11 sod I'ru-e. Ilk. J. IS. MAIlllN (U la l.t St.. i'ortlaral. Or. lour, lo m. m. to p. m. MT by Kpitnintrtie'iit 1)11-1 SKl'JI Cn4lpractor ttUN 1 . 'A l)J US TM KM'8 PfWmmTrri.'P.nl nf n Aeuts andfhmnlr li'isu I i,-ens-tl I'rMi-lilluimr. faults ?4-t-7 r). lirttln'r. Sestl.e . , il . T - I Print O- GLOSSY rJAIR FREE MOM DANtTVFF . p Olrlsl Try-ill Hair gets 't, fluffy a4 beautiilil Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderitie. If yoQ enro for heavy Imlr that glls H with beauty ami is radiant with "lo; liatan I iiLom iiaratilo softness ami l fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlno. Juist oiio Hiiiillcution (loulilt'ii the. uty of your huir, besides It Imme- uely diut-nlves every partlrlo . of xlruff. You inn not have nice vy. healthy tin ir If you have dnitf. T 1 1 1 ; destructive scurf robs hair of lis lustre, lis strength and Very Jifo ami If not overcome It 4uci n fcvcrinhiiesa and lulling of icalp: the hair root famli'h, loos- Bd (Hp; then tlio hair f.illB out htin-ly j:i n cent bottle of 'Iton's Dnnderine from any drug nd Just try It. Peril Ir "White" Australia. Colonization offers Berlous problems too ilvoeil,.K of 11 "uhltn A list m- A .North Queensland is within that Hilary of J, decrees north and Mor the equator in which white aViy live, h;;t they cannot take w ives there nnd found families. ft) doctor stys. And the- doctor idled that whereas the first gen- Unirr whiles 4oes woll, tho decond atblihlrd lend down to the failure la i'lirth. I..don Standard. Ir. Gomom Sticks. Utoter Diay U said or thought tk Hon. SanuRl (lompors. he aoti how to hold his Joh as woll as njBtnxin record. New York World. Tntptaran banks have more than fcXKi.DOp 111 depeslts. C I - BE "liEP.RY It ia 13 the season for i cheer and happi but Yc u know how V it is to! 'be merry" V.Your liver ha3 de v4 a "lszy spell." Vcoraeu. is trouble aRhfir'foursG f ,v .aw s Bitters ry helpful. It ! 'petite, Nau n. Constipiy. and Grippe a 4 4 sgbd ,H rtianre -Jii a noise U.T Vud h'. the L rfie l 01 "j...-. n him and Il.liK Into T 1 . . I fAw-' TtoSo I'i I 1 J' ftranAfrl an.Mlr"' ' -i to m-a y ' H a Ll S. IB .at'Ti Ttt'r til ' J , a. A. . e j l'EAKSON -PAGE CO., Portland, Ore. SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, CASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Papa's Diapeptln" Digests 8000 grains food, ending all stomach misery In five minutes. Time it! Ia five minutes all stom ach dlBtrcKS will ko. No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of Kan, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. I'n lie's IlaieiHiii is noted for its speed In rcKiilatini? upset stomachs. It Is the surest, quickest Btomach rem edy in the whole world and besides It Is harmless. I'ut an end to stomach trouble forever by Retting a lari!e fifty-cent caso of Tape's Dlapepsin from any drug store. You reullzu in five minutes how needless it Is to suf fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. Birthplace of Individuality. Many i;reat human qualities come to their best In a life of comparative Isolation. A big tree, an oak or elm, standing out In an open field has a toiiKlmens of fiber, a spread of boughs and roundness of shape that Is never seen lu a treo that stands In the woods. So people get individuality by belmj much alone. They become self reliant by relying on themselves. They Kaln clear opinions by thinking things over, and thinking them out to their necessary conclusions. They acquire Inflexibility of purpose by facing ob stacles and conquering them. The pioneers of our country and the fath ers of the republic were suh 'men. The projectors of fjreat undertakings carried through triumphantly have ac quired their powtr in this way. The country is the natural nursery of such qualities. People aro wanted on the farms to raise corn and prow stock for the markets; but they are wanted there far more for the training of manhood mid womanhood in moral worth, lu rellgioim sensibility, in all the traits of a strong, upright person ality. In the future nB never hereto fore, our cities with their multiplying wealth and lavish luxury are likely to need tho country for that steady re newal of their better life which shall keep them from relaxing into sensu ality and sinking Into decay. Atlan tic. Free lo Our Rridrra Writs Murlti Fy ltmlj Co., Cti!rro, tar 4 k llluMratril Kre lluok Wee. Write U about Yuur Kye Trouble and they will ftdvlne a to tbe IroH;r Application of the Uurtne Kj Itrmerilr-e la Your Special Can. Your VruKitUt will trll jou that Murine Krllevee Pore h.jree, BtrenKian Weak Ejree. Doeno'l tiinart, Bootbea aye fain, arlil sells fol Wo. Try It In Your Eyee aud In Iiauy'a Sss for itcaly XeliJs and (Jrsnulatiun. Bad Bachelor Hippos. Sir John Kirk and Livingstone were attacked by a hippopotamus that was, no doubt, a "bachelor." Speaking of the hippopotami of tbe Chohe, Living stone says that "as certain elderly males are expelled from the herd they become soured In their temper and so misanthropic as to attack every canoe that comes near them. The herd Is never dangerous except when a canoe passes into the midst of it when all are asleep, and some of them may strike the canoe in terror. As a rule, these animals flee the approach of man. The 'solitaires,' however, fre quent certain localities well known to the Inhabitants on the bonks and, like I the rogue elephants, are extremely I dangerous." Livingstone learned that when attacked by one you should dive to the bottom and keep there a few seconds, since the hlppl soon moves off If ho finds nobody on the surface. London Sphere. , Work and the Weather. The restless days are here. All out doors invites us and our work be comes a conscious effort and a bore. It is the time when we are most In sympathy with Jerome K. Jerome In his confession, as follows: "I like work; It fascinates me. I can sit and look at It for hours. I love to keep It by me; the Idea of getting rid of It , nearly breaks my heart." Boston Transcript. Eprciblo Hoti't Be frilled With r 5. end. Dw't Stand for ihs '.fj'jss GtsodTalk. Thsre tonnt a medicine for any put osa kinre ,u-efully mad than SB. a II t " . iuciuiij 1 1 1 mi wia. 0 . u. - - represint!, he j,Ri,et tyna of medicine. Its nsilralprnpertloa ara Just as essen. tiai wru nmncea neaitn, 11 tna niooa bt !!''!. ro the nourishing elements of meaia, RuiBi. fais and suirars or our naur food. 8. S.a. ia prepared direct from native b(T,ini runtcriat Not a drop oi drum Is ftWi. Kcit a dmp of mineral la v.ttt. Ttt ona of the roost import. an iiiinn 1 know SJlfl to raraeuiuos when your ntel attention. It Is the m rfr, rtlve, ths purast, th quickest aoon-i"'. Tollable medicine known for pned bljnd, rheumatism. viinai iniws-.n, piiiiana, sum ai old sores ani 4 rii..tinn that ahow in Uie blood, sktn(,nts and muscles. An imerenUB D00k on tha blood IS mailed to thnae-hr, -.rite. Oet a bottla ol B. 8. B. todai it ta tha world's tTeat- est medicine. ,i,t upon the 4eale htn.linn you S. g. and don't let him omta about somt-ing that B can't ad- irea ir, (Hllle 01 potasa ana onr dt3stnir.,ln.mi nnurs. - a yu nil, I'tble '"ttlnf B. B. B. 1-w - .... u..rt pernio mvw own, AUaAU, UA.1 y,; 6( stuax deal stanta. fERIAL I STORY J 1 fi The il I Isolated Continent A Romance of tha Future By Cuido von Horvatb and Dean Hoard UrancM, iwi. r w u. i iapm ia tua Uauaa SlaUa aad Ura4 anuoa. n SYNOPSIS. For fifty years the continent of North America tins been Isolated from the rent of tbe world by Z-rKya. tha Invention of IlannihHl I'rudt-nt, pn nidtritt of the united Kvernm-M. A m-;fiaKj from t'ount von UnJ-nteln, charn:llor of llcrmany, that he bus siirceedud In penetrating- the rays Inim.-n, the death of I'rudent. Dylnir. he wsrns his daughter Astra that foreign In vasion Is now certain. Astra succeeds her father aa president. Napoleon Krilnon, a former pupil of Prudent', offers to RHslst Astra and hints at new discoveries which will mske North America Impr.-Knatile. A man giving- the name of Chevalier dl Ion offers Werdensteln the secret of ntaklns; irold In return for Kuropean dis armament. The chevalier Is made a pris oner. Countess Koslny, a spv. becomes a prisoner In the hope of discovering dl Icon's secret. Rhe falls In love with htm and ajrrecs to join htm In an attempt to escape. Ily the iie of rockets he sum mons a curious flylns; machine. He es capes and sends a mensai? to Astra which reveala the fact that he Is Napo leon Edison. He warns Astra that the consolidated fleets of Kurope have sailed to Invade America. He calls on Astra the following- ntteht and explains his plaris for defenae By the use of aeroplanes made of a new substance which Is Indestructi ble ha expects to annihilate the Kuropean forces. He delivers a note to von Wer densteln on his flagship demanding im mediate withdrawal. He Is attacked and. by destroylns; two warships and several aeroplanes, forces von Werdensteln to agree to universal disarmament. The 1 countess, who has remained In America as a guest of Astra, receives an orrer from von Werdensteln of the principal ity of Bchomburg-I.lthow In return for Kdlson's secret. Kdison and his assistant. Bantoa, go In search of new deposits of the remarkable substance, elrynllh. They find It or. the estate of Rchoinbunr-Llth-ow. The countess gets Bantos Into her clutches. Rhe promises to reveal Kdl son's secret as soon as von Werdensteln turns over the S'-homburg-I Jlhow estate to her. On tho diy of the wedding of Astra and Kdison the countess and Santos flee the country. Rmtoa perfects a ma chine, la made, a count and marries tha countess, now princess of Schomburg I.lthow. F.'llson finds a new deposit of clrynlth tand builds a new fleet of alr- hlpa He accidentally discovers a liquid that will render opposing airships help lees. Rantos completes a fleet for tha princess The aviators of the fleet elect her queen. Rhe plans to master tha world. Werdensteln sends an ultimatum tn America. He discovers the prlficess real plana and Is In despair. Edison's new discovery enables his fleet to overcome tha fleet of the princess. CHAPTER XXIII. Continued. As soon as Santos realized what had happened, he turned to the door and opened it: "Come, Rosltta, my wife, It will be swPT-t to die together." "Idiot!" she shrieked. He looked at her and knew. He turned to his master, who waved a friendly hand at him, and said sadly: "Napoleon, forgive me. I was blind ed." He jumped into the sound and the waters closed over him. Rositta bad not even glanced at him aa he felt. She stepped into his place in the doorway and had her foot on the first rung of the ladder that led to the top of the machine when he touched the water. Napoleon opened the door for her, without Baying a word. When sjhe wne in the npper machine she stood looking at Napoleon, who was awaiting her further action. At last she said: "With you I wquld go down there." Then she flushed and an exquisite little Bmlla appeared on her face. . "You devil of a man! You have won again! What do you intend to do with me?" He looked at her sadly as he replied In a measured voice: "I will make a queen of you." "Oh, thanks! That la kind. I pre sume you have selected a very beauti ful country T" "Yes, Rosltta Roslny, a very beau tiful country. You will have every thing you need It la a veritable Gar den of Eden. She looked at him In alarm, then looked toward her fleet Every one of her aerodromones had been captured. They reached land. Napoleon called up Whistler and, giving orders regard ing the empty aerodromone that be was leaving on a sandbar, released It from the electric clutches of the Eagle. Then he flew up again, with Rositta sitting motionless and unseeing on the bench. Sending the Eagle toward the south, he turned on full speed. The man who had outwitted his en emies was silent, watching the rich country run backward under htm. Nei ther spoke on the long journey south ward to the Garden of Eden. CHAPTER XXIV. Dawn. A small house had been erected sear the Crystal Lake. It had two rooms and kitchen, that was all; but It had been pleasantly and well fur nished with everything a lone woman might want. When Napoleon assisted Rosltta from the aerodromonetie led her Into the pleasant living-room She followed him obediently, as If In a trance, seating herself In the chair Indicated without a word. "This Is your future home, Rosltta," he said, simply. She did not reply, but sat looking out the window, at the clear lake and tha steen mountain aides that over shadowed the little valley forbidding ty. A strange Are ehone In her turea. She stood tip lowly and cautiously and stepped to tlm window. She looked out at the beautiful green fo liage and the blooming flowers for a long time, and Napoleon did not dis turb her. Her actions commanded re spect A smile appeared on her face, a smile that reminded Napoleon of his own mother; It expressed mother love, tbe most holy of all. "See see bow green the gra Is! How blue the sky Is! How mild the air, and the water of the Lago dt Mag glore Is as smooth as a mirror." She beckoned to Napoleon. "Just look at that sweet little girl, see how she runs on the shoru she Is after a butter fly. Don't you see her, manl Don't you see her?" She gasped these last words hoarsely and grasped Napole on' arm. A nameless terror bad bla noble soul In It grip. "Answer me, do you see hert" She began to sob. "Ah, don't say no say you see her. She Is my own little girl. She is good and not like ber mother. She Is good, I say! She must be good to be happy." She sobbed wildly. Turning to Napoleon she screamed: "Speak! Oh, speak to me, or I ehail go mad entirely." He took ber hands in his and In a mild voice said: "Ilosltta, be quiet; you don't know what you are saying." She pushed hi in away. . A wild look came into ber eyes. "You fiend! You have killed me, and I'll kill you now!" Her hand slipped into her bosom and a short gilt Venetian dagger gllBtened bright ly. She darted forward blindly and just missed Napoleon. Her dagger struck the wall fiercely. The blade broke and fell with a sharp clink to the floor. The next moment she faint ed In Napoleon's arms. He carried ber to the sofa and brought fresh water to revive her. For two long hours her soul trav eled through unknown regions where there Is neither time nor distance. When she opened her eyes again she was not the samo youthful, vivacious Rosltta. She had become old. She did not speak for a long time, and Napoleon bad the patience to await her pleasure, notwithstanding his neglected duties at Washington. At last ehe sat up and said weakly: "Napoleon Edison, you have won. You are strong; I am weak. The Queen Rositta Is dead. The only one I ever truly loved, my little daughter. Is dead, and now I can mourn the rest of my life. You may go, Napoleon. That kiss of yours on the roof at Hel goland that kiss given aa alms Is responsible for all I have done." She offered her hand. "Please go; there are many awaiting you. I want to reBt in this solitude." Napoleon took her hand. "Good by. Should you need me, there is a special signal arrangement in the other room; use It." He left, and she watched his form disappear in the dark night The man she had once feared, loved and hated was gone, and, it was strange, but she found all these conflicting emotions gone as well. That was- the last ever heard of the once-famous Princess Schomburg Llthow, the ambitious Queen of tbe Air. En route to Washington Napoleon talked with his men on Clryne. WhiBtler told him that his Instruc tions bad been carried out to the let ten, and Sullivan told of the success ful capture of the four aerodromones from the west It was: ten o'clock In the morning when he sighted the capital, and Con gress was In session. The newspapers had already de scribed the battle between tbe Eagle and the Princess and the capture of the whole aerodromone flotilla. Whistler had reported to the proper authorities, but no one knew what had become of the Princess RoBltta. Loud shouts filled the chamber when Napoleon came in. Representatives left their chairs and, lifting him up, carried blm on their shoulder to hi -vim; ' I I'sVf- ' W if WWW ' I i ' r .ill vvnm MM J) "My Son, Thou Shalt Be a Citizen of a Happier and More Peaceful Age." chair. He stood there a moment and the enthusiastic audience became silent "Gentlemen! Representative of the United Republics of America! ' "I have to tell you that the danger surrounding us, caused by the design ing and ambitious Princess von Schomburg Llthow. are dissipated for ever. Her fleet of aerodromone I ! my possession and w ill be disposed aa you see fit "Thla act of force, committed b alone, was done In the inters peace, according to the twelfth ter of the International peace p that holds the president of the committee responsible for pe tween nations. "Ths ' manufacturing of mones 1 my exclusive priv. the next seventeen years, according to patents secured, and, since I be lieve this abortive attempt to crush liberty will not bo repeated, I take pleasure in offering my sixty aerodro mone to tbe United Republics of America, to be used In accordance i with arrangements to be made. I will I reserve the right of ownership and the engagement of aeromen for the ma chines." An enthusiastic "hurrah!" sounded and after quiet was restored Napoleon continued: "The men captured on the Princes fleet are to be returned to their re spective countries and tried aa con spirators against tbe world peace committee and I have no doubt that amicable relations will soon exist be tween ail the nations. "Tbe United Republics of America Is a monument to Freedom and Peace. These two conditions create satisfac tion, wealth and advancement of such character that we are nearer the Al mighty, who created man In hi own image." Napoleon was Interrupted here by an attendant, who clipped a small en vejope Into his hand. It was ad dressed to him in hlB mother's well known handwriting. He tore it open, ran through the lines and his face be came radiant with happiness. He waved his hand toward the waiting audience and without another word quickly left the hall. His erratic actions would have caused uneasiness It his face bad not been so expressive of happiness. He had hardly reached the exit when the representatives cheered once again. He waved his hand in acknowledg ment and dashed out He raced to the elevator that car ried him to bis aerodromone and la a few minutes he was on the roof of the Crystal Palace. He quickly de scended to the apartment of Astra, his wife. His mother awaited him outside the door; their embrace told much. A minute later the great man, the hero, the patriot, the inventor, waa kneeling at the bedside of a smiling, hapiiy mother, murmuring broken phrase of Joy at her well-being. At the mother' request, with shak ing bands In fear of hurting him, he raised the little, kicking boy and, aa he kissed his son, he said with wet eyes: "My son, thou shalt be a citizen of a happier and more peaceful age." a a There Is little more to say. That afternoon Napoleon looked through the mall that had accumulat ed and found Count von Werdensteln' message addressed to Astra. He car ried It, together with other urgent let, tere, to her. She asked blm to read It to her. "Your Ladyship: My secret service agents have Informed me that the Princes Schomburg Llthow Is plan ning to overthrow the present peace ful balance that exist all over the world. "I was reared a man of arms and I have been a believer in our glorious tradition. It has taken a long time for me to realize the blessing of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity, but I have realized them at last "I regret that I have not the power to crush the princess' conspiracy, for which I, personally, ara to blame. On account of my inability to do tbl I beg your ladyship to Inform your hon orable husband of the contents of this letter. He Is the only one who con check the uprising, and I hope this will find him prepared. "For the future. I Intend to do all I can to make tbe coming generation a better and more contented one. I Intend to try to follow the example set by the man whom I now appre ciate. "In the hope that my warning will reach you in good time and will be of service to your ladyship, I remain, with sincere regards. "VON WERDENSTEIN." "I am glad that a man like the count ha seen the light" wa Napo leon' simple comment when he had finished reading the letter. Astra' eyea rested lovingly on Na poleon, then wandered over to the crib in which their baby boy slept They both felt the dawn of a hap pier age. THE END. SAID BY THE CHORUS GIRL Reflection of One Who Ha Seen Life That I by No Mean at It Best It would be all right not to judg a man by bis money if there was any other way of measuring him up. I ain't a pessimist but I've seen talent too many years sticking around unregarded while tact In man aging a manager gets a taxlcab start and an electric light over tha theater finish for me to be classed with the optimist. Temper and temperament what's the difference? It' temper In th ru and temperament In th dressing room. A job that means day and dinner r saying so, la -tie feastle an en F- lt CURRENCY BILL . BECOMES LAW President Promptly Signs New Money System Measure. Applause Creets Finish of Most Im portant Financial Legislation Recorded in Many Years. WashinRton, D. C President Wil son signed tbe Glass-Owen currency bill at 6:01 o'clock Tuesday nigt, in the presence of members of his cabi net, the congressional committee on banking and currency and Democratic leaders in congress generally. With a few strokes of the pen Pres ident Wilson converted into law the measure to be known as the Federal Reserve act, reorganizing the nation's banking and currency system, and furnishing, in the words of the Presi dent, "the machinery for free and elastic and uncontrolled credits, put at the disposal of the merchants and manufacturers of this country for tbe firct time in 60 years." An enthusiastic applause ran through the ceremony, not only as the Presi dent affixed his signature, but as he delivered an extemporaneous speech, characterizing the desire of the admin istration to take common counsel with the business men of the country and the latter's efforts to meet the govern ment's advances as "the constitution of peace." The event came at the close of a day of rejoicing in the national captial, for congress has recessed for two weeks for the first time since it con vened last April. The Democratic leaders were jubilant because they had completed two big pieces of legisla tion the tariff and the currency re form in nine months, a performance which they considered unprecedented in the history of the country. Mexican Federals Adopt Revolutionist's Tactics Juarez, Mex. A flying wedge of federal troops swept into rebel terri tory Thursday and, adopting tbe tac tics of guerilla warfare, began a cam paign to destroy railroad bridges and telegraph lines, according to rebel re ports. Their first act was to cut off com munication between General Francisco Villa's 600 rebels at Chihuahua and the rebel base at Juarez. By pulling down telegraph wires south of Juarez, the federals temporarily isolated Villa in Chihuahua, so far as direct commu nication was concerned. A small federal band went out from Ojinga, on the border, and was be lieved to have been commanded by General Ynez Salazar, who is well sea soned in guerrilla warfare. The plan of the federals, as understood by tne rebel chiefs, is to operate extensively over Northern Mexico, and, by work ing in circles, to destroy all property that might be of use to the rebels, without engaging the latter in a fight According to report, Salazar's men were headed for the Casas Grandes district, west of the railroad running from Juarez, . and were designing to burn houses and other property. In this district are located - rich agricul tural and grazing fields. It is believed by the rebels that the federals are nothing more than a fug itive band, destroying what property they can reach, and will disperse be fore they can be overtaken. Exten sive destruction of railroads and tele graph wires will handicap the rebels, but S) far no serious damage has been done, as the wires between Juarez and Chihuahua soon will be repaired. Chicago School Board Re-Instates Woman Chicago Mrs. Ella Flagg Young was voted back into the superintend ency of the Chicago public schools after a stormy session of the board of education. Seven member refused to vote, on the ground that the board had no power to reconsider the election of John D. Snoop, assistant superinten dent under Mrs. Young, who had been elected her successor. Contention was also made that the four new member of the board named by Mayor Harri son to replace four whose resignations had been enforced, were not entitled to their seats. The action of the board in removing Shoop 'and replacing Mr. Young at once will be challenged in court, it was announced by the opposition. $4,500,000 Not Too N - The