St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, December 19, 1913, Image 7

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ZrXS:" Vtl Will your Poultry .,,
" rEAKSON-PAGE CO., Portland, Ore.
M, Pork, Poultry, Hides
Write todav f "or net rath nrlte tut.
S, auaianle. fair trrailtient. tniitia.l prii-.e, and
(-,Ma liy numn nihil u. inai arlia Ui of pnaluro. f . M. hmal ft fa.
laatt lajM lis.sw IV I'M H. retaat Die
Eggt Poultry, Hogs, Veal
kf p" n- t wiimnu, no rinmiuuin, r rn
tits) nwiii . I""' Ijr,
ptrkwl potsltry. I tnirhr. Turltry. ,H"i le
lit sjfsvl-. 'Hm: i M fmltlPM, Kamy
Koffa WWW Km; fmit-y v-at, .u rv lry rwit ' r.
khljs fur. WW. wimsir . ws, n firm. mmm, w,iwu
ruby & co.. io7 rtMi si.. roxruND. on
!()! Kt'MTnN - 4Mtr nil CmlM,
I 1.4, .11. Oul' iM-lu, at., m,.., .iitt Oi,li,
I... 1.1 II 1.. IJ. Hll..r. I.h,. ,..,. I uv ,.
Ef r.irnr. II .Lilla en.l,. in lull arte ha)
I i '. Ailvi i ill -Mb Irer
W hav an rlirU uawl in vry bom ami
want lady tn wh lwn lo rrg,rsr,,t u.
Hill hip fvu bulUi tin mn tnliMfulrnt ihjwI
km, f your own. Tint I (0. $t III, fmHitm i. k
8ava your Halrl Get a 25-esnt bottl.
f Dandtrina right now Alto
tops Itching scalp.
iufhti aMhJ and charr.; fitflrr, buttara.
Tttk J. t. MA K I IN t o., iu i.i Ht.. I' r.
i 57 U
rm. lo m. m. In n. n.
or wy iJKitilmni
Die. jom:i'II koane
Chiro praetor
SeUHitlfle Treatment nf iitl Acuta ami OirV
(naaaaaa. Mrnad I'rai-lilM'iiaff. bulla 44-4-7
rra.U Hut.lina. Slt
"Papo'a Diapepaln makca 8lck. Sour,
Caaay etomacha aurtiy uai una
In flva minute,.
If wbat you Jut ate ta touring on
your atoinacli or llrt Ilka a lump of
lead, refualim to cllK't. or you brlch
U, and pructute tour, untHKmteil
food, or hare a fpullng of dlnlnfa.
heartburn, fullnnaa, nauitoa. bad tnate
ta mouth and atomach brndai he, you
can gel bled relief In five tnlnuti-a.
Put an end to etomach trouble forever
by getting a lance flfiyent case of
Pape I Dlapri)ln from any drug atore.
Tou reallie In five nilnutea bo need
lxaa It la to tuffor from Indication,
dynpepalo or any atomach dlnorder.
It t tbe qulrkrut. aurri ""
lor la the world. It a wonuenui.
Thin, brittle, colorleaa and icraKKy
hulr la mute evidence of a negluctcd
aculp; of dunilruff that awful acurf. 1
There la nothing to dontructlve to
the hair aa dandruff. It roba the hair
of Ita luKtre, Ita etrenKth and Ita very
llfu; evriilually producing a feverlah- l
n. , and Itrhlng of the acalp, which .
If not riiiuilcd rauHPa the hair roota ,
to ahrltik. loonr-n and die then the i
hair fall, out fast. A little Danderlne i
tonlKht now uny time will aurely I
uve your nmr.
fli-t a 2G cent bottle of Knowlton'a
Danderlne from any dniK atore. You
aurely can have beautiful hulr and
lota of It If you will Just try a little
Ianilirlne. Save your hair! Try It!
Jackrabblt Stop, Faat Train.
I low a Jarkrabhlt atopped the crnck
Ori'iit Northern piuweiiKor train wan
related to a Kpokune reporter by II. II.
Dean. 31 J Houlli avenue, MUlyard,
Wahh., the engineer who Blood at the
throttle when the Incident occurred.
Mere U the riiKlueer'a own verxlon of
the affulr: "We were coming through
Naylor, 130 mile, went of Hpokune, at
5:110 o'clock p. m., when the accident
occurred," de'lares Mr. liean. "We
were bowling along about 60 miles
an hour, pulling our full complement
of coachei, when 1 aaw a jackrabblt
coming toward u full apeed In the
middle of the track. The animal evi
dently waa confimed by tbe brilliant
glare from the electric beadlli;ht and
mndo no effort to get out of the way.
Jut before we (truck him he stopped
and crouched down, and after the en
gine pilot plumed over blm the air
brake, began to work and the train
came to a sudden atop, the air reglnter
howing the brake. Met on the emer
gency. The fireman and I got out to
Inveitlgate, and found that the air
hone had been uncoupled between the
eimlne ami tender. There were blood-
talna and piece, of fur on the coup
ling, and It wa, evident that the body
of the rabbit had been thrown agaliiHt
the hone with aufflclent force to break
the conneotlona. While we were con
necting the bone again the conductor
came running up to discover the cauno
of the Hidden atop, and when I tola
him we had run over a Jackrabblt he
thought I waa kidding" him and got
mad. He waa from MlRHourl and we
had to ahow him the stains on the
coupling before he would be convinc
ed. We were delayed but two or three
mlnutee. and no one wa, Injured by
the audden atop."
rillLDRKN mr auhjart to CIKWP durin, tha
wlnur monlha. Molhara hould protact thara by
u.iik Uarfdar'a aaparlallr raW Thraat ''
Thar ara wfallilila and convamant to oaa. 8ati
faroon ,-uaranlaed or parrhaaa prtca rafundol.
gant pnall'ail on r-ipt of 0 wala.
A. H. WI)IAKI. t Waldkf Ml.. PortUo, Or.
A Romance of the
Cuido von Horvath
and Dean Hoard
UUMnaat, 11 Of W (I. Chaeaian la 1
aaaa ana. uraaA kniala
For fifty year tha continent of North
Amaiicu 1ih ln Inclined from tha roat
ft tha world by Z-rnya, the Invention of
HannlbHl I'rudi-nt. prenlrlenl of the unltad
eovrnmnt. A ineanKK from Count von
Wardanatnln. rhani-ellor of (iermany. that
ka haa auicei-di-d In iicnetratlnir the raya
kutana the dmth of I'rud.-nt. Tiylna;, ha
rna hla dauhier Aatra that fnralicn In
nalon la now rertnln. Aatra aucreeda liar
fathar aa prealdent. Napoleon Edlsnn. a
ormor pupil of Prurtenfa. ofrnra to alat
Aatra and hint at new dlacoverlea which
will make North America lmprenahle. A
aaan alvlnic the name of rhevaller dl
Laon olTi-rii Werdenateln tha racret or
eiaklnK K"ld In return for European dla-avmanii-nl.
The rhevalli r la made a prla
nar. Counteaa rtnalny. a apy. beeonn a a
rlaoner In the hope of diacovertn dl
Lann'a aecret. Hho falls In love with him
and avrrea to 1oln him In an attempt to
Mn. n tha ma of rockcta he aum-
eapea and senda a mexsnite to Aatra
i.i..h tha fM-i iIimI ha la Napo-
Lw rlvin 11m wnrna Antra that the
... - M . fnmm have sailed
I....... a .... . ti ,-ila on Aatra tha
Mu.i.. .ii,hi and Avnlalna hla plana for
aWenao. By the uae of aeroplanea made
J m .iil.aliinir which Is lndeatructl-
r-cta to annihilate me r."r..i'-
rtllvera a not i
fcto ha exp
iWrea. He
The. young mn wt BtrBf tt IUwi,
the machine Bantoa Dupral had used.
He went etralght forward to meet the
four atranie aerodromonee that were
approaching elowly, being handicapped
by the tremendoua weight tney were
carrying. He signaled for hit three
men to come to hit assistance, iney
answered from the north and south
and he knew that they would hasten
to him. Ho sped onward, meeting the
four strange aerodromonee. They had
alackened their pace and tbe foremoat
answered BulllTon'e "Hello."
"What do you want?" be asked In
German, through the apeaklng tube.
"I want you to drop that balloon
that you are carrying Into the ocean
right here!" replied Sullivan, decid
edly. In the same language.
"We'll drop It In good time, my
When the four aerodromonee re
fused to stop tbelr flight toward Cl
ryne, Sullivan made a dart forward
and upward and those In the bur
dened crafts, knowing the significance
of that upward dart, rose also.
Will you drop that?" shouted Bul-
The answer was a hall of bulleta.
Sullivan waa surprised to see tbat
they bored Into the protecting thell
of his machine. They did not entirely
enetrate the clrynlth. "That It some
thing new," thought he. After the
return to Clryne he examined those
bullets and found each tipped with
diamond chips.
He saw. In the distance, two other
aerodromonee coming In answer to hit
call for assistance.
The four hostile aerodromonee con
tinued their Are, and finally Bulllran
pulled the lever that discharged the
collected lightning. It struck tbe metal
shell of the bomb and the next second
an explosion came that sent the flock
of machines high up Into the air. Sul
livan's 'dromone, being to one side,
did not suffer the shock that the oth
ert had, and he eucceeded In spread
ing the wings and checking the up
ward flight
The nature of clrynlth wot such that
the aerodromones escaped wltnoui
nateln on hla flnicaMp nrmannm
anodlMe withdrawal. He la attacked inn
. i- irhna and vrnl
aroplanea, foreea von Werdenateln to
i . 1 itliflrtnamrnt. Tn
mwtmmm whn haa remained In America
aa a ru'eat of Aatra. receives an off-i
from von Werdennteln of tha principal
fty of Bchomhurr I.lthow in return
Farmer Hn buck What do you
charge for pl. tures like themT
rhotogrspht r r.igni aoimra umuu.
ed. , ,. iu
Farmer HawDuca ah r'h'
Where's the horse I'm to set onT
Boston Transcript. '
Uotfcar. win n1 Mr
Syrup in. e-at remedy i" naa io.
tuna, i be leaitilu, ,""
A Fool 8tunt.
Rlnce the Incident of the "Wolf of
Wall Street," special attention Is call
ed b some of the pr-n to the fact
that It In sgslnst the law to ll-crson-ate
a congressman. We fall to i see
why any cltUcn shou d want to
be guilty of a fool stunt like thaL
Beaumont (Tex.) Journal.
Indon. Kngland. has mors than
0.000 street gas lamps.
And Which la Condensed.
The city cousin, on a short visit to
her country cousin, la watching the
latter as she commences to do tbe
evening milking.
"Oh. I say, lan't It all so very Inter
esting. An1 from which of the cows,
I.tiey, do you take the certified milk?"
Buffalo Express.
Pint fashioned almost exactly like
those of the sort Known " "
"safety pins" have been found la
Ktruscan and Roman tombs, and the
date of these has. In some Instances,
been assigned to a period prior to the
Christian era
Free to Our neadere
MN! $30 A WltK EASY
I aarn W litrsil
r. mil ! I .
Writ. Marina Fya Kemeily It... Ihlcaio, for
.... tilu.traled Kya llook frea. Wl
"bout Your Kye Trouble and Ib. y "'"'
aa to the Proper Application of tlie Murme
Eye Kemeillee In Your H,H-.lal faae. Your
in 1.11 toa that Murine ltelieres
.,ra tree. mriithena Weak Bye- Ioen l
Sairri'tha. ly. f-ls. and ...1. for 60e.
Try It la Hour Evra and Ip llaby's Kjrce tut
Scaly Eyelids aud granulation.
Probably it renulrea less capital to
bome a cynic, but of the two we
would rather see the friend we love
b." "me chief clerk at a flea circus.
girt twice it much ipesd. Tbs stri
dent was willing to learn and Imitated
Napoleon's action, getting on his trail
Just ss hs passed beneath him.
They quickly passed from the hori
zon of tbe sixteen other aerodro
monee. Napoleon was again far In ad
vance when he began to ascend rap
Idly. As be rose, he saw with satisfac
tion the faint blue 11ns of the Ameri
can coast.
The Princess was pressing him
closely, rising as be rose. The Eagle
alowed down and let them come near
er, then be turned about and faced
them. They were rising, each trying
to gain In elevation. Kositta cried to
Santos: "Why can't we rise faster?"
"There are three of us and only ons
of Napoleon."
"Did you hear that, SulamoYT"
aharply 'aid Kositta. He bowed sub
missively. "Your ancestors were always ready
to die for their sovereign; art) you?"
"I am!"
"Thank you!" She smiled at the
Russian and pointing to tbe side door
of the aerodromone, continued: "This
way. my boy. we are too heary."
Sulamov kissed ber hand and
opened the door calmly. With a last
ardent look, be Jumped. .
Tbe Princess leaped upward, gain
ing rapidly on the Eagle. RosItU
urged Santos and watched Napoleon,
who waa following every move or we
attacking Princess closely.
He could have dipped again and run
away, but that was not his game.
Ther almost touched, and the Prin
cess Rosltta shouted through the
speaking tube: "Give up, Mr. Peacs
President; you have no chance!"
Indeed, it seemed so; the larger bird
mad a leap toward the Eagle that
was below her, but a twist of ' the
steering wheel saved him. Napoleon
was watching tbe east anxiously, and
Roeltta's eyes were focused on Napo
leon. She felt sure that be was help
lessly prolonging the surrender.
This dangerous play went on until
Napoleon could see the widely extend
ed fleet of aerodromones with his
naked eye. He dipped downward, and
Better than other pewder
producing light, dainty, whole
s cakes sad pej trial
n a llltn I "-li'3 yJl
is high grade) sad
moderate in price I
25 lb. tut at grocers.
Cnnnl Mfe. CewSeeHb I
I 1 I 'J ' "Lies
Everybody loves
Do yoa want to learn to play Plane,
Organ, Violin or Guitar. For s small
sunt we will teach yoa
to play fourth grade music regardless
of number of lessons required. Any
one who can read can learn by ear
and most up-to-date system in exist,
ence. We loan yon a perfect "Time
beater" free. Write for particulars.
American School of Music
516-517 Commonwealth Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
much damage, but had the exploslTS gtopped In the air, about two hundred
Another Question.
Jonesy How did be lose ths money
he made?
Jinks I'd like to know how hs
made the money he lost Kansas
City Star. ,
Japan is
now encouraging fruit
Gets RigM Twist
On Rheumatism
Makes Short Work cl Cl.aning Out Your Entire
Sjsteai Aches ana rains w rasn
taia e r.l!ain and M I si fulfil HI II I
Samoa, to In eearch of new "posits of
th. remarkable aohatance. ctrvnlth. They
1. ,. .u. nr Schom iur-I.lth-
et fiantna Into her
-I Bk. nrnmliM lO T"' V- I Edl
eon's secret aa soon aa von ,Yk'r'1',n,,,',,n1
to ma over the Bcbomhurir-I.lthow eatata
,,. Anxr of the weddlnr of
Aatra and Edlann the eonnteaa and Bantoa
sVe the country. Bantoa rrf.cta a ma
.ki.. i. mad. a count and man-lea tne
eount'eaa. now prince of Bchomhurg
f .. i nnAm a new deposit o
.. . v. . . 1 1 . new fleet of air-
5.VL""n... l-overa a llo'lld
that will render oppoatnc alrahlpa help-
tl a.M,n. enmnletea a fleet for tne
. t v. - ..l.inra nf f l. fleet el
W queen She plans to master the
w.rdenateln aenda sn ultimatum
a AmeHca. Jl dlaeovere the prtneeas
eeJ plana and la tn despair.
rwAPTFR XXII. Continued.
An hour later an aerodromone land-
a tv. ehaneellnr In Rerlln. He re
tired to hla library and sank Into th
-v.. i. K.rnra Ma desk In dnsDalr. The
that he had counted on had
turned as-alnet blm. He. too. was glad
that hs had sent Captain Hochamberg
v.i. ntulnn hefnre the Tlslt to
Wll M. ......
The next daT four aeroaromonia
started from Suemeg. They were car
rying, suspended from their bodies a
tremendous bomb. Their orders were to
reach the Island of Clryne by morning
of the coming day.
When Washington received the
news that the European monarchies,
with the exception of England, had
sent an ultimatum, most people sim
ply tmlled and neked: "What can they
do? Napoleon Edison can take care
of them."
Captain Von Hochamberg waited in
in for orders to reach htm at IJt-
erpool. and at eight o'clock he opened
the sealed order. There was another
aealed envelorje In the packet and this
order: "Take this letter porsonally to
ths address mentioned In the quicitesi
maalhle manner.
The sealed envelope was addressed
to "Mrs. Napoleon Edleon, Washing
ton. TJ. R. of A."
The captain left the German tonsu and hurriedly secured a stateroom
aa the Quickest route to the United
States, and at eleven that morning he
sailed for New York.
found a greater resistance than air
there would have been great havoc
among the machines.
The awful shock in the air was reu
by Napoleon, who was circling shore
Madeira- He knew what had Hap
pened, aa hla aerial Instruments told
him that the disturbance had been In
the air and not on the earth's surface.
Clryne was safe. He had been wait
ing for Rosltta, but now, fearing mat
her feet had been diverted to another
course, he hastened to meet her.
Just as he sighted the Spanish coast
be saw, spread out In a great crescent,
seventeen birds. He recognized the
"Princess" as the glittering bird In the
center, leading. His powerful tele
scope showed mat me mnwi w
Bltta and two men were in ths lore
most machine.
He began to elevate the Eagta, with
out advancing, and the flotilla of the
Princess Rosltta also glided upward.
Thus he knew that hs was seen.
He still faced them and ths dis
tance between them was rapidly di
minishing. He watched ths oncoming
Princess closely and saw that ons of
the two men was Santos, strangely
changed. The ruddy cheeks were pale
and he Beemed taller. The other man
. , . i i
was a stranger, aressea in uia uuuuiui
Rosltta's fleet.
Hardly two miles separated tne
Eagle and the Princess when Napo
leon turned and flew at full speea
toward America. The Princess fol
lowed. The larger bird slowly gained
the retreating Eagle. Kositta s
eyes glowed with excitement; the man
horn she feared, loved ana bated was
running from her.
It seemed as though they gained on
him with more rapidity; half a mile,
then a quarter, then only yards were
between them. Rosltta was now sure
of her prey and clutched the railing
behind Santos, whiepering swset and
encouraging words in his ear. She
shook from the excitement of ths
jBHeaeeaHfa, -
. . .. . nrt.. Cotilco. IL
. - ti. mi Rheumausm
In S. S. S. lou is - - - thol6
tnm no""" -- r centers m
Vany a rheumatic sufferer U be. n to
hs drug stors for s bottle r w
handed "m''"''i for bread
aa good. y"'r' .., , practice.
nil K.
If you are trouble". ftn1
ny form be sure i "
Ita wonderful .B, of sk-
8. S. B. has the rfUllar ' dlre,.tlr into
In. through the " "V. nnuenc. Is
ths blood, in "v. minutes Its J n
St work In every 'ry' J ry organ
capillary. EW mS"y becomes In
ef ths body, every m;'nlth',ryb, of 1m
effect a finer " ' .Troi-rtles of B.
tmrltl.a. Ths slim"""'' . L. .la. kid-
B. B. compel ths skin. - on, ,nJ
rays, blander to all wort t.
of ca.tlng out every V" '''(t by
InBlotlng atom " '',' . m the Joints.
Irrtsatlon sll ''U"',,V," t0 duolvl rsudsts
aauieas awid acurutlou ,
rb.umatio pains, remedr
And best V' U w.aae.t stomach. If
It w.lcoms to th weakest youp
'ou h:V:. n-y rra'y '.-l. you will b.
etomach is f! a a B. gives no to flnd tt Thl J-
.ensatlon but goes i rign, nfu. is I Is. a . Wood just s
pj;lU.d Rurally into your
lP,;'0t.bott..efS.S.R today, saddle
that sell, you htt,..Mw the Bwlft
""flo'co "Toi Bwrd... AUenta, Ua.
Ths Second Victory.
It was ths Tuesday beforw Thanks-
alrlnc dar.
No one would bare thought that
ths sunshiny, clear sky would soon be
ths Asia of the first serial encounter.
Napoleon took leave of his wlfs and
mother, assuring them that as soon
a he had finished his task hs would
hurry back to them. After another
embrace from Astra he aacended to
th. roof of the Crystal Palace and
rfMinad Into the Eagle. He was alons.
Hs floated slowly towa'd ths east
Hie nreoaratlons were complete.
Jerome Whistler had marshaled all
th. men toether nnd they had taken
ths aerodromones from ths Island.
Ths busy little place was as silent as
ths grave thlt Tuesday morning.
Napoleon rose hlgn in me air ana
snorted his 'graph with young Sul-
h. -ho. with hit three helpers, hsd
boon pstrolllng the Pacific Ocean all
Bltt, young Sullivan told him that
tsor had sighted four blue-flagged
aerodromones heaaea tor America aa
hour before. They were grouped to
gether and carrlod a large, heavy ob-
Napoleon told Sulllvsn to stop them
and make them drop the object into
ri. ocean. If they refused to obey
Sullivan waa ordered to uas his Judg
mr.t In his treatment of them, but
thoT wars not to be permitted near
(v, eosst Young Sullivan bowed and
ths connection was broken.
feet above the surface of Pamlico
Sound. There the Eagle awaited the
Princess. As she made a desperate
rush for him, he escaped again, almost
by a miracle, then turned and darted
after the Princess madly, changing
from the pursued Into ths pursuer.
They rose upward together and Napo
leon waved a smiling salute to the
Ths aerodromones of the latter were
approaching steadily. She seemed to
have forgotten them entirely in the
heat of the pursuit, while she was ths
sggreesor, out now, wnen napoieon
turned against her, she quickly turned
to the stylograph and gavs orders to
her fleet to close In upon them, but
not to Interfere until It was necessary
tor her safety.
Napoleon plainly heard the message
and waited until the had broken con
nection, then hs faced her machine
and unhurriedly pulled a lever that
was connected with the tube that had
been lately attached to all his aerodro
mones. A thick stream oi wo no uquiu
shot out and landed squarely upon ths
left wing of the Princess. The bird
trembled. Santos calmly turned on
ths emergency dry battery and. like
a treat wounded bird, the Princess
began to settle downward. The white
stream was stopped, a deft, turn of tbe
wheel, a well-directed move and the
Eagle slipped between the wings of
the Princess, and she was a prisoner.
Rosltta was as pale as death. The
terrible disappointment of losing,
when victory was so near, made her
faint. Then she remembered her fleet
and signaled orders quickly.
She had not noticed that Napoleon,
Just before he turned on the liquid
that bad disabled her machine, had
hoisted a red signal, and a great fleet
of aerodromones rose from the coast
along North Carolina and silently
closed In on the fleet of tne enemy.
The formation of Pamlico Sound
made this maneuver easy and Napo
leon had cleverly led Rosltta and her
fleet into the trap. He turned his
Eagle landward and, weighted as he
was, moved slowly away. His men
hsd been fully Instructed In regard to
their action and Whistler led them.
On the Alert
Watch for any sign of
CI distress in the Stom
ach, Liver or Bowels
and be sure to try
Stomach Bitters n
promptly. It will tone
. . i
and strengtnen tnose
n organs and help you Q
. 1 1J.-L
maintain neaiui auu
vigor at all times.
1 1
1 1
Look Motherl If tongue Is coated,
cleanss little bowels with "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs."
8trlndbsrg Ssw Only ths worst
Humsn Nsturs, snd wrote Ac
cording to His Convictions.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs." because In
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you bars
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep It handy be
cause they know Its action on ths
stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt
and sura.
Ask your druggist for a JO-csnt bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups.
Seldom Wlllmore, an Englishman,
enjoys the distinction of being ths
only European who has ventured to
appear at the native bar In Egypt.
Mr. Wlllmore Is a noted Arable schol
ar, and his pleadings have filled ths
native Judges with admiration, ior
rarely have they listened' to such flu
ent, classic Arabic
Strlndbery had an uncanny power ol
psychological analysis, says a priter In
the London Nation. Hs exhibits him
self to the world naked and raving,
but the exhibition causes him no
shams. He also dissects his foes with
convincing malice. So it Is In the
plays. He displays the average vulgar
coquette, the worst product of the
older social conventions which taught
her that her sex Is her fortune, with
an Insight that Is not wholly unjust In
Us remorseless and ungrateful bru
tality. But there Is in him this quality
f Intellectual honesty, that In reveal
ing the woman who Is a coquette hs .t
also compelled to exhibit ths man
ho Is a sensualist Ths latter rave-
i.Hnn la snosrently altogether uncon- Ha sees and despises thsl
' " ""r " u.. v. -e" .HwiaittY and tinsel of ths animal at-
aaroaromoue- uu .... - m.-. v. roy.ala but
v-.,- . ...-aa ln. not anoear to despise, the brutal
ya d.' SSrS" W w'h.n7hVh; ity and vulgarity ot the , animal pa..,on
' . i i- o-i,. i.r.c. ... tn tha man. He regards tne man at
arminTahed to flftV. twenty-flv. yards, th. creative mind, yet .brink, from
something happened thatopen.d plscin.
It Struck ths Metal Bnsil or tne
Bomb snd ths Next Second sn Ex
plosion Cams.
chaos and nevsr noticed that ths six-
tha eves of ths pursuer,
Napoleon mads a dip, enforced by
ths power of ths wings, so quickly
that ths Princess had sped onward
several miles before they could check
IU flight. Rosltta looked back and
saw ths treat Eagle shoot forward,
with Its wings touching ths smooth
water bow and again, thus assmlng to
what hs has written
ths woman's mind. His was a genmt
which worked Its naraesi ana nest
under ths Impulse ot hatred. Be hat
ths Insight ot malice, ths vision or
Thsre's no show for ths small boj
wht) east get Into ths circus.
In all Its forms, smong all sees of bones
and dogs, cured and others in ths same sts
bis prevented from having the disease with
Spohn's Distemper Cure. Every bottle
ruaranteea. uve r tnv,wu puiuee um
year. .50 and $1.00. Good druggists, ot
lend to manufacturers. Anan wwww,
Write for free bonk. Bpohn Med. Co., Bpeo.
Contagious Diseases, Uosnen, lan.
Ths Married Moth.
Rhlnelander Waldo, ths police com
missioner of New York, was talking
at a wedding breakfast, about a bach
elor who, after a rather crimson career
of bachelorhood, was going to get mar
ried at last
He'll keep very Qult now." sola
Mr. Waldo. "He'll maks ths very best
of husbands. A burnt child dreads
ths fire."
Hs chuckled and resumed:
"A burnt child dreads ths fire, and
that Is no doubt why ths newly-married
man avoids all ht. old flames."
New Orleans States.
Two cherry orchards In New South
Wales, Australia, yielded 110,000
worth of cherries this season.
Moscow cab drivers ars prohlbltsd
by law from carrying whips.
J StM Offk Syne, tla4 V
fed la Mae. S14 k Ptaerwa.