St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, December 19, 1913, Image 4

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Houlton M.E, Church First and
third Sunday rreachinjr at 11a.
m. , and 7:30 every Sunday evening
except fifth Sunday of the month.
Sunday school every Sunday at
10 a. m. H. O. Oliver, Supt. Ep
worth Leajrue, Wm. H. Smith,
president, meets every Sunday even
ing at 7:30, Wm. II. Smith, presi
dent. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening at 7:30. Wm. H.
Smith. leader.
Yankton Preachinjr on second
and fourth Sundays at 11 a. in.
ounday school at 10 a. m.
Warren Preaching at 11a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. every fifth Sunday.
D. T. Summerville, Pastor.
Woodcraft, meets the second ami
fourth Tuesday afternoon of each
month at HoiiHon, Ore. Mrs. Klsa
Wikstrotn, li n ard i n Neighbor.
Scappoose, Ore.; Minnie A. Morley,
Columbia Fncauipuient No. 77. I. O.
O. F. meets in the I. O. O. K. Hall, on
the second and fourth Thursday of each
month, sojoumeying Patriarchs most
cordially invited to meet with us.
G. C. Robey, Chit-f ratriarch.
C. W. Blakesley, Scribe.
M1ZPAII ChAlTEK, NO. 30, O. K. S
MeeU in Masonic Hall the seccnd
and fourth Saturdays Oi ?ach month
LUCY GRAY. Secretaiv
Avon Lodge No 62 Knights o y s.
meets every Tuesday Evening in as
tle Hall, Si. Helens. Visiting Knights
always welcome.
M. K. Miller, C. C.
Harold Roas, K.of R A S
V A F A A M. MeeU 1st and 3d
' Saturday In each month. Visiting
brothers cordially welcomed. U W
Clark, Master; E. E. Quick. Secretary
St. Helens Lodge No.
117,1. O. O. F. meets
'in the I. O.O. F. build
ing, on the second and fourth Saturdays
of each month, visiting members are
always given a hearty welcome.
Chag. Beeler, X. G.
J. W. Allen, Sec.
United Artisans, Assembly No. 80,
meets first and third Saturdays of each
mohth at I. O.O. F Hall. St. Helens,
officers: M. A., Mrs. Lizzie Roberson ;
Snp'nt, Mrs. Isbeeter; Sec, Mrs. Mabel
Bill; Treas.. . Bill. All visiting Arti
sans are cordially invited.
x S j Court 8t. Helens, Xo.
- 801 mets every 2nd
x tin neonesuays in
L - ... K. of P. Hall.
Alt tT.OmVAV .1 ...! ln
'i-. v V attend meetings.
Visiting Brothers always welcome
J. G. Pringle, V R.
m. J. Ford, F. 8.
J. F. Timoney, Plaintiff,
Levi S. Thomas and Frances Johnstone
Thomas, his wife, Geo. W. Vogel and
Kiel Voire!, his wife. Dean Blancbard,
Associated Creditors Adjustment Com
pany, a corporation, J. 8. Crane, John
Backus, Merchants Xational Cank of
Portland, a corporation, Parker Sten
nick, m. F. Loring, Chas. P. Doe.G. W
Ilollenl eck and L. R. Rutherford, as
administrator of the estate of rlorei re
E. Thomas, deceased wife of Levi S.
Thomas, also all other persons or par
ties uaknown, claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real estate
described in the complaint herein, de
To Levi S. Thomas, Frances Johns
tone Thomas end John Backus, also all
other persons or parties unknown claim
ing any rgbt, title, estate, lien or in
terest in the real estate described in
thejcomplaint hers in, defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you and each of yon are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit, on or before the last day of the
time prescribed in the order fur the
publication of this summons, the said
period of time being six weeks from the
day of the first publication of this
summons, snd said last day of pub
lication being the 2nd day of Jan-
nary, 1914, and if you fail to so
appear and answer said complaint
the plaintiff will cause your default to
be entered and apply to the court stove
named for the reiief demanded in said
complaint, to-wit: For a judgment
against Levi 8. Thomas and Geo. W.
Vogel for 4000, with Interest thereon
at the rate of 5 per cent per annum
from December 3rd, 1008, to date of de
cree, for 500 attorney's fees and for
costs of suit; For a decree ordering the
for closure and saleolthe following de
scrilienl real property inColumhia county,
I Oregon, tiv-wit: an that portioe of the
! Donation I .and Claim of Thomas F. Gal
j loway and Sarah . Galloway, his wife,
being n. titication No. KOI J. and Claim
I no. 41, and being paits of sections 23
and 2t5, in township 7 north of range 3
j west t'f the Willamette rutridUn, Con.
, taiulrg 311. til acres more or lea. and lot
' No. 4 of settlor) 2il. toweship 7 north of
i range 2 west of Willamette meridian.
and lot No. I of section 35 in said town
ship, ami lots Hand 9 in section 26,
township 7 north of range 2 west of
Willamette meridian which are covered
with aster during the esttcme high
flood ai d during any Hood, also all por
tions of said land hereinbefore described
lying and being between the right of
wav of the Atoria and ColumhU River
aailroad Company and the channel of
the Columbia river; also all the tide
flats lying east of and fronting and
abutting on said lot I, of Section :15 uud
said I t 4 of section 2)1 and the said lu
nation Land Claim of T. F. linllowuy i"
township 7 north of range 2 west of the
Willamette meridian and the southeast
quarter of aection 22, In township 7
north rant? 2 west of Wilamette mer
idian, and all the tide lands upon and
adjoining said property and all thereof,
except that portion of same which whs
conveyed to E. J. Hnic,ht by deed ol
warranty dated June 7, PH, and re
corded June 1 1, l!0r!, and that portion
of the same which was also deeded to
the lUover Lumber Company, and fur
ther excepting all that po tioll of said
premises which lies south of an eat and
west imainrry line along and at tne
souih end of trestle No. 1 ol the Astoria
and Columbia Kiver Railroad Corn winy,
intending herebj to convey that por
tion of the sid premises hereinbefore
legended whit h lies north of said im
aginary line and tietween the bottom or
base of the Mulls and the channel of
the Columbia river, excepting the rtht
of way of the Astoria & Columbia uiver
Railroad Co, together with improve
ments and appurtenai cea thereto be
longing; end for a decree foreclosing all
thedelencants of and from all rights
ana equity of redemption in said prem
ises. This summons is pub ished by order
of the Honorable J. A. F.akin, J Oilre of
the Circuit Counrt of the state of Ore
gon, for the county of C liinibia,
made and dated Noveuilier 20th, l".li:l.
which order prescribes thnt service of
summons in this suit be ma le Un on
by publication once a week lor six con
secutive weeks in the St Helens Mist,
which time will legin to run from the
day of the (i ret publication hereo'; an I
the tinn within which you are required
toacswer said complaint is on or before
the last day of the time pr.-sctild in
raid order for publication to-w it: Janu
ary 2nd, 1914.
The date of the (lr-t publication of
this summons is November 21st, 1!)13,
John P. Hartman ami
Dillard A Da.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Ordinance No. 165
An ordinance providing for the im
provement of Summer street in the
City of St. Helens, between the cen
ter line of Wyeth street and th cen
ter line of West street, by gr;nlirg the
same foi a idlh ol 24 feet thruugli
the center thereof and covering such
grade for a width of sixteen feet with
crushed rock; providing for an
ssessment district covering said por
tion of said street, providing for mak
ing an equitable apportioi ment and
aseHsment thereof among the abutting
properly owners; providing for a lien
docket ;snd prescribing a mode of col
lecting said assessment; ami author
izing the Common Council of said
city to issue warrants for the immedi
ate payment of said improvement,
Wheres, the owners of a majority of
Hie real property abnlting on Summer
street, In the City of St. Helens Ore.,
between thecenter line of Wyeth atreet.
and the center line of Went street, did,
on the 10th day of November, 1!1.1, pe
tition the Con.nion Council of said city
to improve said portion of raid Summer
si reet by grading the same for a width
of twenty-four feet twelve feet on each
side of the center line thereof and
macadamizing the said grade with
crushed basalt rock, for a width of
sixteen feet eight feet on each side of
the center line of paid street, such
crushed rock to be eight inches in
depth in the center and be gradually re
duced to four inches at the outer edges;
And whereas said petition was pub
lished for two consecutive weeks in the
St. Heiens Mist, a newspaper of general
circulation, published weekly in said
city, to-wit on the dates of November
14th, 21st and 2Sth, 1013, and al-o
posted in three public ami conspicuous
places in said city on the llth day of
Novemlier, 191.1;
And whereas the Common Council of
said city has heretofore, in pursuance
of said petition estimated the cost of
said improvement to be $100.00; and
no remonstrance having been filed
against said improvement within ten
days from the date ol the first publica
tion of said notice, or at all ;
Now therefore, the City of St. Helens
does ordain aa follows: .
Section 1. That all that portion of
Summer street, in the City of St Hel
ens, Ore on, lying between the cenler
line of Wyeth street and the center
line of West street, and all of the lots
of real e-tsto abutting thereon, as
shown by the plat thereof of record in
the office of the County Clei a of Col
iitnhia connty, Oregon, lie and the same
j are hereby declared to be within and to
constitute, Summer Street Assessment
Putrid No. t ;
j Section 2 That Ih.i Common Coun
cil of said city ia hereby authorised to
improve all that portion of aaid Sum
mer street descri' ed lu Hection 1 here
of, by grading the same to a width of
twenty-four feet through the center
thereof, to. wit for eight tet on each
sde of the center liue of said street,
and macadam sing said grade for a wldih
of sixteen bet, to wit for twelve ftet
on each side of the cvti'er line of said
street, and to that end that the Reorder
of said city tie and he hereby is required
to advertise for the period of two weeks
I in a newspaper of general circulation
published in said city, for aea'ed bids
(or the furnis'iing of all uia'erial and
laUir necessarr for the Construction of
saiil improvement and in accoidance
with the el.ihlihcd grade thereof.
Said council shall reserve the right to
reject any and all bids should they be
deemed disadvantageous to the city:
Section 3. That the contractor whose
bid shall le accepted shall lie req lifed
to enter into a formal contract with said
city for the proiecutiou and completion
of such work, and he shall execute the
usual penal bond with good ami sufll
cient sureties with the additional obli
gations that he ahull promptly make
pawuentto all persons supplyii g him
labor or maerial for the work provided
in the contract;
Section 4. That for the puriiose of
such improvement and to provide means
for the. payment of the same, the Com
mon Council shall as soon ss the actual
cost has Urn entertained. asess all if
the real property within S'tld Summer
Street Assessment Pistrict No, 1, such
assessment t be deterurned by an
equitable apportionment of the expense
of said improvement among the owners
ol the property sff.cted, haed upon the
vilue of the real estate only, as de
termined by the lust previouscounty as
sessment, and the costs and exp use of
milking said improvement shall be a
charge against aud a lieu utxn the
property within said Ase-sment District
in accordance with such apportionment ;
S ction 5. That as son aa such ap
portionment h is been made t e recorder
shall en'erin adrcket for that purpose,
by number, a description of each lot or
pa'Cr 1 of land against which a-eiienl
is made, with the l ame of the owner or
reputed owner, and the amount of the
unpaid ases uent. Such d .cket shall
thereafter stand as a lien docket for
taxes assessed and levied in favor ol said
til y, and for the amounts if such un
pad assessments therein doiketed, with
interest on sai l unpaid asemcnts at
the rate of six per cent per sntrim fr. ru
date of docketing until paid ; and all as
sessments and interest shall be and re
main a lien on Iheir r Npective lots or
parcels of land, in favor i f such city,
and have priority over all other liens
and incumbrances wh.itever;
Section II. That whenever any pay
ment of assessment, in'erest or cost
shall be made under the provisions of
this ordinance, the Recorder shall miike
an entry thereof n s iid lien docket, with
the date of the same; and such pay
ments made snd entered in said docket
sIihII opeia'e as discharge of said lien
to the am unt of such p.ivment and
from the date thereof ;
Section 7. That the Cou.ii.oii Cotin
cil of saiil ciiy is hereby auihorized to
issue warrants based upon the credit of
sdd as es in nt district to be known aa
Summer S r. ct Assessment Warrants,
Litiict No. t, bearing interest, after
endorsement, at the rate of six per C lit
per annum, w hich Mid warrants shall
he accept, d at par and issued from lime
to time hs nqulied to defray the ex
pense of said Improvement;
Section A That said warrants shall
be drawn in such form and denomin-
aiionathnt the said taxes or any part
thereof, win n collected, may lie made
itnniei'i Vcly applicable to the payment
of some potion of said warrants,
Section if Hist as soon as the as
sessment provided for in section 4 of
this ordina; c has been made, the Com
mon Council of sad city shall publish
noticeof such assessment for two flue,
cessive wieks in a newspaper published
in said city, r quiring all persons own
ing proptr.y in said s.rnt im (Move
ment district so assessed for such im
provement in the sum of 25 00 or more
at any tin.e within twenty days from
the date of the first publication of such
notice, to file with the recoidcr of said
cliy, a written application to pay said
aesessmenl In installments; such ap
plication t hull slate that the applicant
and property owner does here y waive
all irregularities or del. CIS, Jurisdic
tional or otherwise, in the proceei'ingi
to mske snib improvement for which
said ass stment is levied and in the ap
portionment of the cost thereof. Said
application shall contain a provision
that the said applicant and property
owner agree to pay said assessment in
ten equal annual installments, with in
terest st l Tie rate of six per Cent per
annum, payahleannualiy,
Section 10. That the applications so
received shall tie entered In a book kept
for that pnrpose. showing the date of
filing each sppjeation, the name of the!
applicant, a description ol the property
and the aim unt of the assessment ;
Seel ion II. That thereafter there
shall te due and pjv a ! annually for
(en sncces-lve year to the MCorderof
aid city, by the ow ner of each lot i.r
parcel ol lai d so as-eased for sa:d strei t
tm pro v. nieiil, whose application to pay
the coat or such Improvement by In
stallments hus been tiled as herein pro
vided, ten p r cent of the coat of said
improvement so aitsessed sgtlnsl tl t
property of such owner, aa appear by
aaid lien do. ketr with the summit of
one years In'ere-t at six per cent per
antiunion ill unpaid assessments or In
stallment. The first payment shnll be
due and pswli'e at the expiration of on
year from the date of the aaid assess,
ment in (he lien d a ket aforesaid, ai d
subsequent pa im la at the eipirnlion
of each year tin re-fter. Should such
owner or owners neglect or re'use to
pay the sum or sums aloics 1 1 as the
tame shall become dueand p yable for
a period of twenty days, then the same
shall be deemed dcllfq ,ent and the city
shall proceed lo collect th same in ac.
cordance wi'h the laws of the State of
Oregon relating to the ne'e aul redemp
tion of property so'.l for non-payment
of taxes
Section 12 That alt assessments
against any property In said imp-ov.
nient di-trict which no applic.vioti
has lrn made or allowed fo t' e pur.
pose of paving the same tiy irstalliuents,
shall be due aa soon as mode, and shsll
lie delinquent from aud after th ex
piration of three months from the .hits
of said a.vtrtsmenl ; and thncaUi r the
aane proeced'tii: shall le had f r the
col'ec ion of sntd a-.sessme .ts as sr i bail
under the laws of the State of O egon
for the sate and redemption of property
sold for the non-pyn ent of s's'e ni !
county taxes; pr.ivi.ted lint all ac s
perform. 'd by the County Cieik mi.ler
said .tate law shall hereunder bp r
formed by th Reorder of said citv at.d
the ac a of ti e sherilf shall he per
lorme I bv the city marshal ; ami pro
vided flintier tl at'all lnleier, e
and co t applicable to di li. qiiei t as
sessments shall be aa pres. ril ed by the
laws of the Stale of Ottgon;
Sect'on IV That the Common Coun.
cil of said city is hereby empowere d to
enact anv an I all addition d or supple.
mei tal ordi .arices necessiry to fullv and
Completely carry i.i'o effect the intent
and pnrjMise of th:s ordinance
Read the fl'st and second times IVc
Hth, 1I3.
Read the third tun" and pn el !'.
Approved IVcember IMh, I'.H.t.
A. W. Mueller, Major.
Attest : K E Q lick. K cor I -r.
Notice is hereiiy Riven that the
firm of Oliver, Oliver and Plumincr
have dissolved partnership, ami Mint
hereafter the firm will l.e known its
Oliver & Oliver. R I. Plummer
havinjr aold his interest in the gen
eral merchandiHinK busincsa hereto
fore conducted by Oliver, Oliver
& Flurnmer, and the said Oliver &
Oliver will assume and pay all deist
now and hereafter due against the
firm, and collect all bills now and
hereafter due in favor of the firm.
IltlS W. T. OI.IVKK.
4S-5I-at R I. Pix'MMkk.
notice to creditors
In the matter of the estate of Ralph
O. Haen, decea-ecl.
Notice is hereby gi ven that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
minisLator of the estate of ltal.h O.
Hazen, deceased ; by the County Couit
of Columbia County, State of Oiegon,
and has duly qualified for s:.l I trust.
All person s having claims agaii st said
estate are hereby notifl'-d and required
to present the same, duly verifiul anJ
with proper V lite hers to the alinii.i-.
trutrix at the law office of a.W. Mueih-r,
at St. Helens, Oegou, within six
month! from the dale of this i.o'.lce
Dated at St. Helens, Oregon. Decern
ber5, ln.
Louis Haen, As administrator of
the (state of Ralph O. Haen, deceased,
A. W. Mueller, attorney for the ad
IN THE Col NTY Col'RT Foil CoL
In the mutter of theestat.' of Giovanni
D. a. Messkins, ilecenseil.
Notice is hereby given that the iindei
sigried has been duly app Intcd ad
niini.trator of the estate of ''.iovanni D
N. Messkins, deceased ; by the County
Court of Colombia County, State of
Oregon, and has duly qualified for said
IriiHt. all persons having Haiti i against
said eslste, are hereby notified and i.
quiied to pr. sent the same, duly verilled
wbh the proper vouchers, to the ad
ministrator at Ihe law office of a. W.
Mueller, at St. Helens, Oregon, within
six months from the dale of this not ce
Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, Dec. ru
ber 5, 11113.
S. C. Morton, s administrator of the
estate of Giovanni D. a. Mcssk in, de
ceased. A. W. Mueller, attorney for II. e ad-minislrator.
in the tiRcrir cm ur op the
AHiert W. Mueller, I'l.ii iliri.
Irene Whinen, lef, ndant .
To Irena Whllten, ihe above mi I
III the iiitme td Ihe .-tale ol Oit'gon:
You ill? hereby rupiiied to appear
and answer Ihe comphiint lilcd Hgn list
you in the t ulitle.l court, on ol
la-lore the huh d.iy of M lietuW r, llthl, ,
'and if )ou fail to so nn-wcr, for want
ahercol the plaiutill will lake a Ju.lg
j mint agjiiot you for the sum ol fllKt,
: toveiher wiih interest on ti.Vul II e rule
of II p. r ci tit s in e Apt tl, 2l, ll I It, and
0 li re-' on V'? at the r.itu t f tl r t e;il
.siiiiu Decriiilwr 4lh, IIH2, aid the ciwia
an.' d s'nirst meiils of ihia ai th li The
IT.'i herein In lug for leif il services n n
dered by I lm plaint ifl lot ihe di lell.liinl,
and the $.5 for goot s fold )ou bv the
Ka"tern OuttitlM g Company and by It
assigned to laintifT
'I his sutitiuoiis I. pnlili-hril hyoidt r
of the lloti J. A. Eakm, .In l'e o. the
alsiv e emit led C ui t , slid sa'd unit r as
made and d eled the oth day f Novi ni-h-r.
ai d tl e date of the Inst pub
lic at ion will l the Hth day of IVc.
a. v mh. 1 I.r.
Attot in'v pio se.
ST.t ri: OK OKHGON l-i tit COL-
A, W. Mueller, l'l until!,
C. T. Pie.cott. N. O. La ill ee, I'. J.
lii tt.tis, D. C. Asl.ri ail, I.. II. Combs,
IV llansoli and F ICecvcr, le'c'id.tnls.
To F. J llastug, one of t tie
na.iu d cl. le.icl.inl-. :
In the n line ol t! e St ite f Oi Cp n :
You me hereby ie.pii'e.1 lo appear
and answer the coti pl.iiul fillil i gain .
you in the a' eve ntith d c nut,
on ot Im-Ioic the I'rlli day o. I . c licb. r ,
llihl, and if you fal si louuswtrfor want.
lher of the pl.iintilT will '.itp jn liui-nt
siin-t you for the soiu of fVi..'al, with
int-iest on 00 l0 at the rate of M pr
cent f.oiil tll JHh d i) ol Kc blu er),
l'.i:l, to h .'O.h.lay of Msv. ,tH.l , lo
a.'l'c r with iulrsst on 7I, from M-tv
J'. i;.l:i, to June 'J:!,
at the rate of
pi r c ut pet an n u :n, log"t her will, in -ten
st oil Jotl .'.0 f I tin June L'l), lohl, at
ihe n'.v of H per cent, the ro-ts ao.l d
hiirm-iiH nt" and j.:'i ut'. i ney's Les.
ThK sniiini ns la pul.'i'li'.-.l hvordi r
of tl e lloiioialile J A. llaVin, Ju.lkc
of tliM entitled loutt, and sa d
nr.ler was made and .la'e l the .list day
of n. tuber, I'.l .1, and ill" date o( ihe li'sl
publication ia the "th lry nt N. v. I'd.'!,
nncl the dat ' of laat uhli. nti. li will la
ll. c Pitlicl iv of Dtc u.brr, I'.iKJ
A W, Mm Her.
Attoi ncy pro sc.
I'M I.I K Cdl N l V
F. M. Mi'e nnd W A. Mi'.-a. Hicni.
tors ef the .-s'atc i f S A Ml e. lt.
ci s e l, p'l.ii.tiil.
O W. VcB' K-oil, fiefc, .hint
To O. W. Y.'..rK iiii, d. leudanl nl....
named :
In the iiitm.r of Ihe Stale of cortf. n
You and each of you sre hen by r quired
to r. pear an.l snsa.-r Iha complaint
tiled nxilll-t )ou in ie i,l,..vr eulitle.1
ai tioa wliliin sii wttUt ( th- 7ih
day of NvVi-inU-r, llil.'l, beii tt sis weeks
from the first ubl citioii of 'li s suiu
mons, herein, anil if you fail lo ai pcur
and answer for want iherrof the plain
lllls will take judgment against y. it for
Hip sum of I'joo, with interest at the
rate ol 10 per lent m r annum from the
21. h day of Hecemher, lH'.il, ami the
further sum of 0) at'ornevs bestir
sucli other sum as Jlhe court may ad
Jiirljje reason cble at.d the costs and cll--
burrelnviits. of this actton, an. I i
that the al'ac hec piojaotv herein le
sold to satisfy said J ic'Kiiienl .
This sinnmoi-s is piib:h lied l-i piirsn.
Slice of an order made anil enti led n
the almve entitled court on the 1st day
of November, l!U'l, by the Honorable J.
A Kukin, Jndire ol the iihnve entitled
court. rliiectniK sad suminons to be
pu hi tailed otue a week for six. con
secutive weeks in the St. Helens Mist,
Murphy, llrndie A !weeii,
Attorni-ys loi I'Imi nl Ufa,
Date of hrat puh'icatlon Nov. 7, l'l:t.
Dale of lust publication is Dec. Ill,
For Kent - Rooms in the Hunk
huiltlino;. Steam heat, electric
linlit, hot ii in I cold water.
Coliimliia Co. Hunk.
leaves Hi. Helens fl .lKI A
Arrives at Pnrtlaftd !(:: .
la-nves Portland ut 2 'MI P
Arrivea St. Helens rti ;,( p.
Sunt titer Rates 1
St. Helens a u il u , , j
50 cents one way
75 cents round trip
Tickets k-k1 anytime after
April 4 tli
lloal leaves St. Helms 7 ..Vi a. in
Returiiieg h aves P. itlun l J :itl p. M
ArrKe at St Helens 4 '45 , m.
Congegat:rnal Church
A church home for friends and
Service 10 a ni. Ilihle wh , .
U h. in. I'n'tichinif nnd wci.,i,'
7:110 p. m. Sonjr serv ice nnd s,
limn. Wednesday, 7-:() p. tn. Mh.
week stervice and liilile stu,v
i.verytioiiy welcome.
l' J Meyer, I'tistor.
Houlton Free Methodist Church
Sulilmth School nt 10 a m
1 renchintr nt 11 U. in. nti.l S p. .
I'rayer mcetitic; on Thtrwlay cm n-
imr at K p. ni.
J. N. Wood. I'n.tor.
Professional Cards
Glen R. Metskcr
OiIk-p mi Bank BwiUmiii
ST. (Ill INS - OI'.lCON
DR. C. I). WAD1C
I'll use yj
?t .: ;..! sr. ..vs, i,r
urn.-.- n ...t nt.ii. o, 1 1 .
llolli I'liolio. ol. I If Iv 'US
I'lHc S I N II WK III ll.l.lM,
St. Helens Oupui
( )rei;iiii
ll tOc
St. HeKns
Ph. n.- Main UI, A l.vll; Iira. r..
Illll" HIT K. lllnK i 1 , r,, 1 ortlatnl, ( r.
Calls answered day or night rhonefi.l
W. S. Akmstkonc, M. I).
tIKI-'ll'K AT
Pacific Coast Hospital
sT. IIH SSs Hut I.ToS
.St. Helens Oregon
St, Helens Oregon
St. Helen Oregon
monk n:i
Pacific Coast Hospital
HOULTON ml ST. Illl.kSS, OlimiX