O O ILi, U IM 31 COUNTY. OREGON . JJK'A HON: In tlu Northwestern .;irt of (nvn, -,n in.- Columbia Uiver, with about 70 rnili-M (,f i v -r from. A i: i: A : AImiuI 7M) Uari' iiiiIch. -ITiJtfi arren. Tll.l.Alil.K LAND: 1 j.7'JH urres. ThiB in luml Ihiil is jiftunlly in cultivation und cleared, exclusive f I'.wn lul.i. N..N TllJ-AItl-K I -AND: lot! 7l'.; ncrv. which include) ill! timber where there ih more than duo (Vet on ; iu;ttti-r sri-iiun, :iIm stll luy-l-i fT land which i hot i i ;-.,:. ',,r ami in no nnnlilinn f . i r cultivation. It i I : I :i : : , 1 i Ht ncven ait-1 oi.f li.it t" I i ri, 'hi liilli.iri t'. rt. a.:'S!:d VA'-i'i: of Ti!"i::;: ii.h;;.isii , .I'SSKD VAU'K (iK I II.I.AiU.i; l.ND ? II. T.n'Ai. assk.;ki v.i.i:.iim is- ai.i. i'Kni i;i:rv: 1S. 000,0110. Mll.r:'. IK roUNI V K').D::: .'i lO tiiilri, snirii' nf which n in in-.l vu-m rn I i t n .n , wnni' in I'.iii .Mn'liti'iti ni"l nit in veiy i i c i 1 1 1 inn. MILLS OK KAlI.KOAh.-; Alx'ut lli.'i mill s which includes ihr mum line of tin- S. 1'. & S. nml the vtui'iii:; lodging roads. I'HI'CI.ATION: (Yiimm of I'.MO cves 0,."iS0 Imt ii can-fiil estimate this ye:ir give it at Ice t l.'.tniil. ( I IMATIi: IVui'x rate. I i:n in,' tlir siiMrnrr (In- thermometer rarely rendu loo in the shade nml in tin- coldest weather of winter zero we.itln-r m almost tinkiiovvn. During the winter months there i.-i considerable rain, Imt not too much. Just enough t" insure crops. Crop failures are unknown. IKoDt'CTS: Fruit of nil kir.il-. especially apples. enrs, plum and U-rries; Cram an. I jnus-ses; garden truck of all kinds ami dairying. SIIII'l'lNC: Ships from all parts of the world carry Columbia County products down the Columbia Liver and to the markets of the world. A through line of Railroads traverse the county from the North to the South. River boats carry local products to local markets at low rates. LAND : Thousands of acres of first class land can be purchased at reasonable prices upon which an; Btumps left from the timber operations. . This land is especially suited for farming, fruit raising and dairying. 1 n " - , y .vj . - t. wrm ; - ... INDUSTRIE: Lumbering and timber is the principal industry; there be ing about twenty-five saw mills. Salmon fishing in the Columbia River is also an important industry. Farming and fruit raising; Stone quarrying; Ship building and all kinds of lumber manufacturing plants. OPPORTUNITIES: There are fine opportunities for the small farmer, dairy man, fruit grower and truck gardener. Also a number of choice deep water sites for manufacturing plants. THE DELTA GARDENS: 12,03 J acres of I w lands along the Columbia River which have recently Wen dyked and are now in high state of cultivation especially adapted to growing of vegetables and s r.i.11 fruits. SCIIO')I: I'o.r ti'aiuiard Iiirb Schools; locality. Grade schools i n each ST. HELENS A city on the Columbia River, ?8 miles from Portland, with a population of 2500 people. The County Seat of Columbia County. A Four year Standard Hit-.h School. M-ethodist. Congregational, Episcopal and Catholic Churches. All the leading fraternal orders. Gravity water system owned by the city suilicient to supply a city of 10,000 people. Electric lights, graded and macadamized streets, sewers. Principal industries are lumbering, shipbuilding, creosoting, stone quarrying, fishing and shipping. Two large aw mills with a capacity of 250,000 feet per day; more than 5 million feet of lumber shipped each month; several lurge ocean going vessels built each year; timber treated with creosote and shipped all along the coast. Two big stone quarries and rock crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of 300 tons of Columbia River Salmon caught and marketed. A farming country back of it that cannot be excelled in the world. Several new business blocks now under construction. Five miles of sewer being built. A PAY ROLL OF NEARLY $100,000 PER MONTH. Many beautiful and attractive homes. CHURCHES: Nearly all denominations represented. THE COUNTY OFFICERS: Circuit Judges, J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin District Attorney, W. B. Pillard County Judge, W. A. Harris County Clerk, H. E. LaBare Sheriff. A. E. Thompson Assessor, C. W. Blakesley School Superintendent, J. B. Wilkerson Treasurer, R. S. Hattan Coroner, F. H. Sherwood Surveyor, Geo. Conyers Commissioners, John Farr, Louis Fluhrer. CITIES, TOWN, AND POST OFFICES: St. Helens Rainier Clatskanie Houlton Scappoose Warren Deer Island Goble Yankton Vernonia Mist Quincy Mayger Marshland Columbia City Reuben Apiary Hudson Prescott Trenholm Inglis Patronize the Mist Advertisers Notice . 4 mm MM Vw;; Ats you zettinjt r.iorc ray than you did List year? Are you reasonably sure of gcttinj still more next year? If not, this is your time NOW to mail the cou;xm b?low and let the International Correr-ponJcnce School explain how they can qualify you to enter a more import-nt line of vork in your present occupation or in a different one whereyoucjn command a hither saliry at the start, iruh no limit to your earning power. In makin this offer, all your cir cumstances have been taken into con i deration, and it only remains for you to fill out and mail the coupon How you cm succeed with the aid ofl.C.S. uainin by mail, as thouaajtdj hke you have succeeded, will be fully ex plained at no cost whatever to you. 'international correspondence schools ; vnlain. without further , obliKationonjnyjmtJiow Ican , ..ut.. r.S"l:ircer salaryjin the loncTbciSrrcri have marked X Whereas. I did on tl.e 4sh day of iKcember, l'.'l:t, take up er.e Ivrfv, color, bay; ul out 7 years old; weight -bout !'d0 pounds, ur.d also one mure, color, nrown, auoui years old, weight 750 pounds; both running at large in the city of St. Helens, Oregon, and have duly notified the owners thereof, who have failed to redeem the same. Now, therefore, I will on Satur day, the 20th day of December. 1013, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the lity Pound in si i 1 city of St. Helena, Oregon, sell the sail horse and mare at public auction as piovided by Or dinance No. 114 o' said City. J. L. Chittim, City Marshal. For Sale 15 head of good dairy cows. J A. Nelson. Warren. 3tp 30E iff AX sit U What more aDDropriate as a gift Than a Useful, Practical, Guaranteed Heating Device lllH.lr!''. ) I. II .rl l I.lktif ' H..'lUln. rmrf Arohllrrt . llrl.l F. 1 Mini... I 1 , Hftit- , gut- - n Klip II! SSI '. JttULJ n rtTm n U 1 1 GREAT COMBINATION OFFER The Mist management has made arrange ments with Portland Evening Telegram whereby we can give subscribers the advan tage of a gigantic combination offer for a limited period. You can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and all the news of St. Helens and vicinity in the Mist at a remark ably low price. The Evening Telegram is the best pap er in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine and comic section in colors. The Evening Telegram St. Helens Mist - - -Total $5.00 per year C $1.50 per year $6.50 per year E. A. ROTGER Both Papers Through this office if paid in advance for 1 year, on or before Decem ber jjist, I9H $4.75 ,(;,,,,r,,-r.7.Nv; H V. REED, Manager PORTLAND, OREGON 05 McKay Building xaoioioxx