"Stir OFFICIAL PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY VOL. XXXII. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1913 NO 51. PORTLAND STOCK SHOW ' MECCA FOR STOCKMEN FROM THE NORTHWEST LAST WEEK Portland, Ore. (Special) I),r. ((!. The Pacific International Live stuck Kxpimition Hung open its portal Ht the Portland Union Stock Ysnls fur the third time lust week in it.4 annuul hhnw, with thernoHt brilliant tinil rcpren ntative f 11 ol entries in nil cIuhsch, individual, herd and curliutd lot that lm ever been nf.i'fi.lili'd in this fiction of lh country. S'oek thut ha never known what it is tu have their color lowered in defeat on this Pontinent or in the I'mtod Kingdom; Dennis that have uipt evuything in the way of award Ht the International Livestock Show at Chicago, the National Dairy Show at Chicago, at Mate fair ar.d district fairs without ni;mh r were rcr.-icnted in that magnificent syuipusiiim of CITY TICKET NONINATED MASS MEETING NAMES TICKET FOR CONSOLIDATED CITY Sixty-five men and one woman attended thn pnncnu o cu., Hall last Wednesday evening Mien a ticket was nominated fur city oflicerH to he voted on at the special election to he held on Janunrv 7th Th. ,.!',,. .... j .in, miaiia nuiiii-, nated at this meeting will he! placed on the ticket and any others who may want to run can do so by filing a petition within a certain number of days before the election. The otlleers to be elected at this special election win ie Irom the consolidated towns of Houlton and st. Ik-lens and after that election the town J of Iioulton will be no mere; it: will all be St. Helens The J ticket nominated was as follows: For Mayor. A. W. Mueller; for j Councilmen, M. Saxon. J. H. Cronkite, X. 0. Larabee and: BOND ISSUE TO BE VOTED ON Petitions are Being Circulated in All Parts of the County $360,000 TO BE ASKED FOR livestock tl. en llift Wtik. I he iv of all stockmen of the west were focused on Portland. Nearly 10OO t-ntriis ,' not mi nv U- animal, hut in dividual herd of varying m.es and on no lo cutlo:ji cnirie. wen livestock aristocracy ..... . . . I . . 1 - l oruami w me no ccn ior u.i i fjt,ar ( rahnm: for ' ronsi:r r. n-. - ... : II. V. Watkins; for Water Com missioners, A. L. Stone, H. K. ' McCormick. A. T. Laws, II. J. Southard and U. S. Despain. The, officers elected at the special otortion will finhl until the rotni-1 .... i ' luted with the exposition that made ar election in April. For the the alue run well up into mi!- council two of the nominees are; lioim. present C'luncilinen of St. Helens, An aggregate of Jl'.tioo it j while Mr. I.irabee and Mr. Gra-i premium were nwarded. No x ham are from Iioulton po-ition f it kind ha., iver at templed to do no much for its com munity, for the coui.tr' tributary to it. or for the industry it under take t. foster, Thousn isited . the yard to we the wcild' t'mst on exhibition and cloned la I Satur day wlu re special entertaii.n ent i. ... i i . r,.r Trie hciiooi ' " , ' . ., Columbia county's residents to this children and teacher w h i witm w d , piacc iiicso.ij' ioui-o-mo v...v. Petitions are in circulation in various parts of the rour.ty asking the County Court to call a special election to vote on the question of bonding the county for permanent road building. The petitions in form are aH follows: To the Honorable County Court of Columbia County, State of Ore gon: We, the undersigned registered Voters, respectfully petition that you call u special election for the purpose of submitting to the voters of this county the question of issuing bonds to provide for the construc tion of permanent roads in this county, to the amount of three hundred and sixty thousand dollars, to run the number of years each, as follows: Sixty thousand dollars to run five years each. One hundred thousand dollars to run ten years each. One hundred thousand dollars to run fifteen years each, j One hundred thousand dollars to run twenty years each, i I he aforesaid bonds shall bear interest at five percent per annum. The money raised from theafore I said bond issue to be expended as I follows: Twenty-five thousand dollars in improving the road from Pittsburg to Iioulton. j Fifteen thousand dollars in im proving the road from Clatskanie to Mist. Sixty thousand dollars in im proving the Nehalem road from ihe Washington county line through Mist to the Clatsop county line. Two hundred and sixty thousand dollars in improving the Columbia River Highway from 'he Multnomah countv line to the Clatsop county line. SI. HELENS 20 MS AGO MIST 0F 0ECtMER 8. 1893 The Dixon brought a number of the awatding of the prize cup. OREGON COM STATE That the Northwest ha become the rival of the "corn Mates" ha:i but, den. oust rati l ly tie frst corn hli.i held at Pendleton a we.k K" The steamer Kahani is now mak ing daily round trips to 1'ortlaiul from this place, leaving here at C a. rn. daily and returning nt 6 p.m. Milton's energetic citizens are making elaborate preparations for a Christmas tree, with the custom- nrv services. u i" - hi'1- some of them measuringl v .:gh. There was corn in bulk. ?.w corn, white corn, red corn and kvon.I (-hades between. Prize 1 ...rn it HU roortinir to ..,.. v i ordinance oeio. and others nmountid to H'". r.u-, " my M-iif h. -t Friday. The jK'ople of I r,m"ithc church nt that place on fcatur toll county had their tir.-t view of Uy evt.ninp, the 2:ird. Literal r.-.d I Iregon field corn. There was j intr.onage has been assured and corn i f every description; corn on i ,,lt) nn"ai r promises to be a very tliv cob. in rows ami piles, com 01. ,,,US!4nt Huccess. It isn't an avalanche or a land slide, or any very great victory to crow over, but we do feel pleased to . ..... nii council has an r hear uiai "in given l y the (). W. U. V - i ..:i.i .i,i..ve..lk in our city. This trie from 1!0" individual ex- ( f )ulilj(. jtprovcment is lul.itors were represented. i rt.rmmended by our citizens and The exhibit was judged by Fro- we frt., B9 if our commendations of fesors Scudder. Ilysl.'P the ollioials at whose instance such French of the Oregon Agricultural & m,iv,lm,nt has been inaugurate! College, after which the entire ex- .j ,oai and ceaseless. U'l hil.it wasHhipped to 1'o.tlandand .u-walk movement prodomi- i. i... . 1... . -o ,,.,,-.,r tine the ilisplayed for a whole ween .o. na,i ,, wt. win 1 .. poinr praises loud ami suuo. A,, reminder of the approaching for 1894 arete- in the y'' .' sent out by the coming owo. . Innny insurance companies. County Treasurer Wharton .. yet SPRAYJOUR ERUIT COUNTY INSPECTOR SAYS LAW. Will BE ENFORCED County Fruit Inspector J. W. I'omeroy of Scappoose was in St. Helens Monday inspecting the fruits in the markets here. As a result la boxes of scaly apples were dumped in the river and others were coal oiled. At the recent meeting of the inspectors from various parts of the state it was decided by them to insist upon the laws providing for clean fruit being strictly enforced. The county papers were called upon to assist the inspectors in the matter of publicity of law violations. Mr I'omeroy says that he will enforce the laws strictly in this county and that the fruit men are expected to do their part. It would be a great advantage to all concerned, grower and consumer, if proper spraying was done and clean fruit only raised and sold, HARVEST QUEEN DAMABEP B BACKS INTO OED DOCK AT ST. . HELENS DURING THE FOG During the dense fog of last Monday the Harvest Queen in making a landing at St. Helens, backed into the old wood dock, resulting in a damaged wheel on the boat and the breaking down of some of the old piling of the dock. The only regrettable feat ure of the whole affair, looking at it from the view point of a St Helens citizen, and aside from the damage done to the fine river steamer, was that the entire old unsightly and dangerous dock was not entirely demolished. The Hassalo has been on the run in place of the Queen since that time, while the Queen is being repaired. PASSENGER RUNS AMUCK Drnukon Kan Displays Arsenal oil tue Iralfla A drunken passenger on the Iralda last Monday coming down fom PortLr.il caused a near panic among the passengers and had several fights with the crew of the boat. The man was armed with a revolver first, which, when displayed, was promptly wrested from him by one of the boat crew. Then he displayed a razor and was making threats and actions as if to carve up somebody, he was not particular who, when the members of the crew took that away from him also. After some little time the crazed man again became vio lent and pulled out a long bladed knife and was making life miser able for passengers in the ladies cabin when he received a short arm jab on ' the nose, delivered by the engineer of the boat and the man went down and out. He was then searched and all effects taken from him and he became peaceable. At Rainier the Mar shal took him in charge and placed him in jail. Methodist Services railroad. In Portland thousands were as- i.-i. i.. ..i it... corn i xhlluteii ."liiMir.l to r. . iii M... ulwU.1i .on the eats sack, in the silo and ground into ... - .1... i.i'oilllCt of men in nemg no i the Htate of Oregon, where all ' ' , tQ hh 0,r,ci, duties, spread out in convincing profusion., . m nttnck of grippe. A.i rr,..,o., comes into the insm And now Oregon comes into ranks of corn growing st;''1" REM FOR DOG SAFURQAY SUNDAY PROGRAM ARCADE THEATRE AMai,k tan nnd white c.i I iir answers to im K.i..,.l.v nieht. special .W" ." f- ' . Iv,,r IsHnd. Last seen ment Hethel & t he lUittcrfield place H .I,e big fenturo pic- nt , wl he lure. "The (Vyrnno Massacre Sunday night, p'(' Cirl Spy in Mexico nnd chain. l . . .trif ol Mi iiv. -ri,.. na d forreco.w, Sunday night. spocil f''""1"'' i,r!). Jack Api-lcton, Peer is . Dates Mixed I). Ernest Randall was adver tised to appear at the City Hall last Tuesday night as the third , number of the Lyceum Course, but somebody got their dates mixed. Hy applying the process of elimination as to who was at fault it looks like the Mist will have to bear the burden of mak ing the error. However nobody was damaged very much and we will make up for it in boosting for the Lyceum Course from now on, as we have done hereto fore. Mr. Randall, the famous cartoonist will appear at the City Hull on January 16th, instead of December 10th, so don't forget the date this time. He will posi tively be here on that date and will positively please every per son who attends the entertainment. A good house with three c'.ioice lots in good location in St. Helens for sale. Inquire for prices and terms at the Mist otlice. The Methodist church will be dedicated Sunday, Dec. 24. The services will be as follows: Sunday School at 10 o'clock, at 11 o'clock Dr. Homan, President of Wil lamette University, will preach. At the F.pworth League service at 6:45 p. m. Dr. McDougall will ad dress the young peopK The even ing service at 7:30 will be in charge of our District Superintendent, Dr. McDougall, who will preach at that time. Special music is being pre pared for the occasion. A welcome is extended to all. No special pleas will be made for the raising of money. Come and enjoy the ser vices. LEASE AND STOCK FOR SALE 160 acre farm with 20 acres in cultivation; have 4 year lease which will be sold very cheap and at a cheap rental. Also 6 head of milch cows, team, hack, harness and farming implements, household goods if desired, Prices reasonable, terms cash. Fair buildings. About 4 1-2 miles from Deer Tsfand. Fine out range. 2tp W. S. Francis, Deer Island. LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS The Eastern Star Lodge of St Helens elected officers for the en suing term as follows: W. M., Mary George; A. M., Margaret Southard; W,P.,Chas. Johns; Sec., E. A. Rotger; Treas., A. King; Con., Francis M. Johns, A. C. , Florence Rotger; W., Nina B. Gaze; S., H. J. Southard; Ada, Susie B. Dillard; Ruth, Ellen Dart; Esther, Flora M. Owen: Martha, Sarah M. Quick; Electa, Bessie Popejoy. Chas. Graham Returns Hismany friends were pleased to greet Mr. Chas. Graham of the firm of Perry & Graham, who re turned home yesterday, Dec. 16, from an extended trip through Lower California and Mexico. He reports great military preparations everywhere in evidence in Mexico. Mr. Craham comes home greatly improved in . health, being com pletely cured of asthma, from which he suffered severely before taking the trip. NEW VOTING PRECINCTS COUNTY COURT CHANGES BOONDRIES OF SOME AND MAKES A FEU MORE I Among me cnaneo m lunug precincts made by the County Court this month was the creation of three St. Helens precincts and three Rainier precincts. St. Hel ens precinct No. 1 is all that portion of the present city lying south of St. Helens street, also South St. Helens and the Island. St. Helens precinct No. 2 is all that portion of the present city north of st. Helens street and ex tending to Columbia City. St. Helens precinct No. 3 is all the present city of Houlton aad ex tending about one mile bejond. toward Yankton. Yankton pre cinct joins Houlton on the north and extends to the present limits of Vernonia precinct. PYTHIAN SISTERS HAVE TREE fell Known Tonnesters Eeceiye Canfly ani Have Bii Feei The members of the lodge of Pvthian Sisters of St. Helens held a Xmas tree party last night at the K. of P. hall, at which time members of the order and their families attended. A beau tifully decorated tree loaded with goodies was fitted up and each child, including Emry Quick, Tommy Laws and William Jen nings Fullerton, received a bag of candy. After the tree, a sumptuous supper was served and these same youngsters, aided by Bertie Stone, Frankie George and Bobby Dixon, had a glorious time. All the younger children also had a fine time enjoying the good things to eat and the in teresting games. hotel mm ST. HELENS John Murphy, Bingen L M Boggs, Fortland Al W Porter, Kelso S Simon, Portland LG Means J C Hammond, Scappoose J E Shannon, Portland J B Godfrey Mrs S L Butler, Geble B J Giltner, Portland J B Fields, Astoria J S Bacon and wife, Warren L H Holman, Portland Rus Schmidt Lloyd Smith F J Cook '' Wm Holland, Scappoose TACIoninger " Thos Tracy, Portland E F Simms L Hammarstrom, SanFrancisco Ross Duncan, Vernonia Ed Garlick, Ridgefield O C Ferrill D B Brier Ed Perry ADVERTISED LETTERS Letters unclaimed in the St. Hel ens Post office for the wtekendinf Dec. 13. 1913: Mr. O. O. Nickerson 1 letter Mrs. Roneata Rann Bert Adams " Mrs. Anna Shipman J. T, Keats " M. H. H. Jennings Mr. O. P. Finnis Letters unclaimed by Dec. 27th will be sent to the Dead-Letter office Iva E. Dodd, P. M. In an effort to reduce the ex pense of buying hats the men of Spokane have inaugurated a new style of going bareheaded. If women would follow suit the object will have been accom plished. Carl Passmore O M Ellis, Portland VL Powell, Vernonia E C Baker, Cambridge. Ida Jack Doan, Portland WHGutich " Ronenta Ralen C C Carter, Clatskanie F C Parden Lena Mahn Edwin H Flies, Portland Earl R Tappe, Trenholm J McCord and wife, Clatskanie ORCADIA N H Lundberg, Portland HA Griffin Lester W. Tubbe " Phil Hopey Jack Lewis James Davis Ernest Schmidt Chas F Forrester " D D Lake