St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, December 12, 1913, Image 8

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O. J. Evenaon, of the Pennon Tim
ber U, of Clatskanie. was looking
after bunnies mutter in St. Helen
during the week.
There will be services in the
Kpiscopnl church next Sunday
eveninjr at 7:30.
Or. am) Mr. L. G. Rom. Mrs. J. W.
ly. Mr. W. B. PiUard and Mrs. Kd
win Ross were St. Helens people who
went to Portland last week to hear
Madame Melba at the Heilit:.
J. A. Nelson, a prominent farmer
oy the Warren country, has leased his
farm here to Joe Ericksjn, and with
hi family Mr. Nelson has moved to
I'r. C. E. Wade went to Portland
last week to look after some business
matters and while there he became
disposed tun) had to go to tho hospital
for a few days. He has recovered
and is attain at his ulfiee in the
Muel le building.
r at St. Helens Hotel again
Monday, Pec. 22nd. Don't fail to con
sult him about your eyes and glasses.
Sunday niijht at the Arcade Theatre,
two-reel feature "The Rival En
gineers" produced by the Ceres Co.
Wanted -Situation as housekeeper
or practical nurse. Address Mrs A..M
care Mist.
Horn- To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott
f St. Helens, a daughter.
Mrs. S. A. Lynge visited frier ds in
Portland during the week.
R. R. Giltner, a prominent attorney
from Portland was loeknig after busi
ness matters in St. Helens last Monday.
the Wood Orchestral Trio was the
attraction at the City Hall last Friday
evening, this being the second number
of the popular Lyceum Course enter
taiment for the winter. Three talented
young Indies from the cast compose
this entertaining company, each one of
them being exceptionally fine on their
respective instruments and the crowd
was delighted at the entertainment
Mr. and Mis. A. C. Vorhies of He
iit, Wisconsin, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robs.
F. M. Miles of Portland was attend
ing to business matters in St. Helens
The Firemen are planning oji the
biggest dancing event of the year on
Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th. at the Citv
Hall, at hie b time and place the First
Annual Mapquerade Hall will be given
by them. Suits will te for rent in the
city some place before that date, an
nouncemint of which will be made
A. H. Ueorw cottage on Columbia
Street where they will resule.
Mr. lu'tnlle has proven himself
to be a theater man of ability
and is showing: some late and in
teresting pictures at his iotular
show house. The public is an-
preciative of the character and
quality of good movies and Mr.
Hendle is securing a liberal pat-j
ronavre, which he deserves.
Mrs Hroutfh and Miss Stennick
of Rainier were jrutsts of St
Helens friends durincr the week
and ably assisted in the enter
tainment Riven by the Congre
gational ladies last nijrht.
On Wednesday evening Miss
Anna Quick entertained with a
week aided by a cane, the result L .
of a horse kick a few dav Arli-aiw. "I-' ,l audience
...... . I at the I. (). t). r. Hull lust r'riilny
u nuur MucKie is iiKiitinjf trie
jbeef trust nowadays. He has
installed a slaughter house on
the Muckle farm and is buvinir
.cattle and killing for St Helens
J market.
Two milk cows for sale. F M.
Uendure, Warren.
Mr. Georire 1). Noting:, a Port
land attorney, formerly associated
with Atty. J. W. Day of this city.
was attending to business matters
in St. Helens this week.
For Sale or Kent - Two houses
close in Inouire of Muckle Hare.
ware Co.
Xmas novelties, fancy aurons.
I bugs, boudoir caps, etc.. ut Han-
orT millinerv. I t 2 o'clock.
. .... , ... I desired
fruitanie- Rirts all the fumily
can be found nt the Pioneer Store
of Perry ci Graham. Also a full
line of the best Kcneral merchan
dise. An invitation is extended to
you to visit this store and look over
our goods.
Christmas is coming-, as is very
evident by the excellent Christmas
night on the objects and aim of
the order. After the address a
bountiful lunch was served.
The school census of Columbia
County for this year arrow a total
ofHSJ2 school children of which
'JO'JL' are male and IS JO are female.
This is an increase of 1!S0 over the
census of 1 1 2.
Mrs. J. W. VunNalta -wus shop
ping in St. Helens Thursday.
Patrick Meuney of LuCenter, visited ut the home of his
sister, Mis. L. Iv Allen, in St.
Helens thi weok. '
The Ladies of the Guild will
hold their business meetinir at the
Guild Hall on Wednesday, Pec. 17,
..'..l.w.L A ..M .. I....... ;..
IUII lOllllllttllVT in
iit onlj another indication of the
progriiwive policy of thin bunk in
doing evi) thing that it can for
tho lufety and convenience of it
I.oat - One mouse colored Jemcy
heifer, one year old, marked with slit
in one ear and a V shaped cut In the
other. Information will be rewarded.
R. A. Dupont, Warren Oregon.
Into Mimtcn'i ramp.
For vale cheap--A complete set
of tho Americana Encyclopedia.
KniuiicHt Mist ollice.
J F. Tiinonrv, PUintilt
A. J. Peel visited with
in Portland during the
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koss were
Portland visitors during the week.
Mrs. Fred Watkins
Wednesday in Portland.
t A.
' ft-
Mrs. James Grant entertained
the sewing club at her home last
Wednesday. TV afternoon was
snt with sewing and a dainty
lunch was served.
At the Sunday evening service
last Sunday at the Congre
gation Church Rev. Dr. Paddock
of Portland preached the sermon
and received i) new members in
to Plymouth church of St Helens.
.Mr. and Mrs. Hendle of the
Arcade Theater have taken the
The home of Dr. and Mrs. K. L
JefTeot located on the blun over
looking the Columbia river and in
sitfht of the business portion of the
city. This is one of the new houses
built it St. Helens during the a;;t
two years and is also one of the
fortable home and are taking much
pleasure in improving it. This
residericu is so situated that no
other buildings can be erected to
ohstru t th wonderful view from
the front d nr an I it is e;,vt.'d
that within the next few vears a
most beautiful and attractive places ! .r" ,H? "U,lt ar"Un'1 th"
in the city. Dr. and Mrs. Jetfcott u'.V" , i- a'1,lin V VR'
... , , , . ".other attractive features of the bl
are justly proud of their fine, coin- cation.
dinner party at the Quick homo goods displayed at the various, A special election was y,ii
With platl'3 laid fornix. stores here, esneeiailv NiUin,,.'., ...
rf,rf ..,n Mi,,,),.!, t.;:, r ,, . . ,, . , tne iuncy school district ast week
prtfeer.t were l-.lizaiA-th 1 ui.:p, of the A. m. Harrison store. YouL
rxlna Harris, Hessie Peters, will tind the mn ct, r.i..t,. vt,. ' ' u'' "urP"-- "i electing n di-
Madeline Allen, Alice and Anna of toys there in the town Ami it ' rL''lur t ''II the t -expired tt rm of
viuick- Will pav you to call in and ... hi one i f the d iri'Ctortf who ri'siLTii'tl
Dan Richardson is around the i!!":! J?!L C"U'M 'liry slfU'r tUv irM wi,h ,h"
streets again after a tussle withhold ehrthan v ,1 can buy "Z T Th" r,su,t
... . Tl ... ... I'll of till flOCllllO U-lilll.l ,r.
tne mumps wnich seemed to get m i-ortian-i. tic has also acorn- . "
the best of the tussle for several I'lt'te n'!t "f nt'w aluminum ware. Uiat thc m!1J';rit' "f the people
davs I Th-. P; c. .. i Ult'rt' are n,,t ln sympathy with the
UJ&- ! Ine i loneer Store. Perrv A .... . . .
' C , ' socialist methods adopted by the
James Mucklecame down from . aha'"- t"-y have a u.acht.r. fr , ,, r !irs4.n f. un
Portland Wednesday and spent 'arjf!!. a; ;."rt""'"t f Cnristma; wh fl th(. t.harKtfI fu,aitlst ,,lT
rn' lilt PLC lilt
Si'fct them
and who has been the most active
'txr-.lnut 1.... I ...I I .. .. I I-
. . i nil, n a. I'll IL'IJ ly H rillini
visitor at durir, TT.Z'"..'
" " u.. t I . . II
iin. mi' in n hi I
the day in St. Helens.
H. J. Southard was a business
the Hocialiht
heavers at sur
George Grant, the ScapDOose ' l,risi"l prices
i- , I "'siaiieu a cnecK writing machine
Liveryman, was limping around Dr. i:,heln,an of i..,ia.i .k '.k:i x..... -t . ...
o(r,.,.lo ,.t .u:. u. ....possiriie in raise
. oW .rc.e.ia mis pnysicai ,, rector ' the United or alter a check in
The Columbia County Hank has
installed a check writing machine
I.rvi S 1 holliim ami Iraiiret Johimlon
Thninas, Inn ((', (ico. W. Vogrl and
Fuel Voyel. hit wile. Jii-mi ll'mn hird,
AnvH'irilrd Ciolitori Ailjimlii nil Coin
pally, a eorporstioo, J . S Crane, Jhn
l'.Mikn. Mcrilnon Nni iotiiil Inuk id
I'oitliind. a roi p umioii, PsikerSlru
spent nick. m. F. I.orititf, Ci. V )oe,i V.
I llollei.liek and I.. K. k ut iii-rford,
a liiiiiiiHirulor ot the i tui" of rlorti i-k
K. I ll'ltllK-, llilTOfJ (( S.
1 li , mIu all oiler 1 rr-om or (hit
tie uaknoumi, rliiiinlliK nny ilulit, title,
elati, lien or Inleir-t in lh- n l rn'iile
id s rilx d iu hi I'ompluiiit herein, tie -
! 'v I'dnnln
I lil. wiS. Ti o nn, Frinrrt Juht
Tlioit.nn nn I .I- In, lint ku. ,nlo nil
lo t erun or piiitien in kimi it rl; Ini
; mi) r k'". Hile, m'Mle, ll.--. i t ,11
jtirr.t in ill- rstii'e ile-erilir-l In
j I' H oil.plHltll I cr ill, i!t f ..l,.;l
In l!ir iiniiii- 1. 1 il.r M.,ic ; i.r-nii,
i : to I i-uli ot )ifiHr lii-n liv in olid
j i H-r m il iiii-wi r rh, urn pWi nt
jlil.d itililii-t you In tin nlk.vt i-nlilint
Mill, i. Ii or li line tl,r '! ilrtv 111.
; inir j it- t- i - I In iu., .,r ihn
j r.,i,!..-.i,.. ,.t ni mi,, ,n mil, ii,- (.nil
' p - ,k! iI inn- . ni,. nix rrki lit
i'l.iv ol l:r I rst i-lili leatiun i Hit
llllltliKII., nn. I In ,'v ,,f .i4 1
j h... Ion I i ink. tlw Vinl due of lii-
I'1' I if Vil I I l I . MO
i ir .in. I ,ni..-r Mil
!i iliii.Mll i'l . n.ioi )imt il-im'l to
In- 11 e -.l hi-iI 11 1 plv 10 ihr ii.uri nl -v
1. 1 1 .-I I r li e ! 11 I .li iii.i-ii'r I 'ii ruiid
iiiniipl ,ii. t it lor 11 ii 111,1 11I
j 1 11l11.1l vi . Thou n nut lirti. V,
( V.-gt-l for OIH), with Inli rct tluieoii
1 -til he mtr i I .) r irnl p,r aniinui
j I" 111 I) rrinlx r ;u I, i,es, to ,Uie ,,
'i.e. fMMt nttornt-v'ii fren nnd .,f
1 in ts of mil, For a dfiTf r,lr li'K II r
j f,iricloi.rr mid ' oltlitr lnlln iii dc-
u-iiU-.l irnl prnjirrty li.Colnlii In nninl y .
""K . to it; ,i Hun i.i,,r ol the
jl nation 1 4111. 1 ( li., 111 ,il Hi,, innn V. linl-
I I ... 1 . .......
i"n nn, .-urNTi iiaiiowny, nn wilt,
tieinu n tific.tim No. will, an, I CUlm
No -II, nnd Imi p.nii n trill. hi 2:1
n. ill. in tnwioiliip 7 1101th of rungi- 2
' I d ti e WilUtiii-tte rn 11, li n, con.
'mnl k "I I ! Hi rfit more 01 l . m.d lot
No I of P4 ij,,n 211. w. nli y 7 1 otlhof
mnnf 2 hp.i of Will in. -lie mrrnl mi.
...ii..- , ...
un 101 1 1, 1 . ( lion .( ,ir mini .m n-
hip, mnl lit N mii I) in .r.-io 1 26.
I'.wnnliip 7 i..rtli ol nmr 2 nl 11I
Willaln. He ineililm i hii li me . ... r-. d
lih VKli-r diirii.g io' ot rlii- regit I
fl xitl a d iluritiK miv I-nmI. uImi hi) po-. j
tl',tl ol it I mil lurdiilii lote ilt-M-rllx-il ;
lying mid lif'iij; l irtt ti c unlit i.
nr of the A'loriit nnd o kivrrj
h iilio:i, Coiiipmiv 411 I th.- e'l imiel 1
the Coliuiiliiit rive', nil tic tide
flt lylnu i f hii I Irniiiinir mi I
Irnl t inn in mud iot , ol Hot inn m,d
ii'il I ,t i of wi t 1011 2'l nnd thn mil, I I .
in-1 ion I.Hiitl CIhihi of T. I'. 'iulloMMy in
towiinhip " irmth ol ruiiKH 2 wr-ft of ihe
VN iliiiiin tte meiidimi tin. I the niiii'l enril
quarter ol et.on 22, in lownl,i 7
nnrili rHi k'H 2 west i f Wilmnetie tncr
idi.n.kiiil nil II, e tide Intnl. upon nnd
Hdj iiiiiiiR m d pri.rH ity nnd nil ihi-t.of.
except Hint portion of rmim wliit li w,n
nveveil 10 V.. J. Ilnilit l,y d.-rd of
wnrrnllty dali-tl .lunf 7, PHUI, nnd re-
ollliiinnii nhii h wm mm ,, rilt,i ,
thn Itravrr I.umltir Coii,ii, ..... .
,llirr rxcrpling .11 thnt .,n ,j
piciidtf hii-h hra h , , rM (
( wt Itiianinrry lint) along M (
oil 11 cn.i 01 lientl . ol ,hH A
mid CohiinU, Kiver f, ., '
InlrndiiiK lirtchy to i-niiyry ,Mt
Hull of Ihf in Id pr.i.iiM., ,m((1((
dfneilUd whlih lira iior'b ol nm, ,M
giniy llnr and l-trn Ihe mit,r, Ul
Imw of II. I.luira mid ll. channel ,
Ihe Coluttilila rlvrr, exemKnu t .
ol wy ol il, e A.toiia St Colmnhia mth
nmir.i.1,1 u, oK(.,e, M id, !,,,.
inei la anil appuMrimi rcn Iherrtn I.
t lllll ,1 i I. IT ' Mll.l I..W m . I I
-! - - un irt itiri rlnaii...
, tl.edoli iu niiU of and f,m nil ,,,,,,
;mia tqnltv ol ifilclnplloii ,, iri:inJ
1 incn.
I l llll lUllillliinn i noli Ul ...1 1...
I of II,. Ilonoralilc J A . i:kin, J,k.r , ,
uir 1 inuil vimnrl ol Ihe Mm, , ,. for Hi lll.lMly Ci.l.,,,,1,,,,
iiiiinu nun nuini .Mmnnln-r Juili, i, ,
'wlneli order lir..Mi-ril..-
I - " t"rii f
,.111111001.. 111 un. .un um.U. ,, (Mi
hv pnldiratioii oiick n ci k lor ,x
I kW'll iva Uai L. In . I . .
,r r., H., M
I wlm h time w'll l.Mi ,,, , (,,
jiUy of Ihe lit.! pnltl H anoi, ,r,e,,l ,
jlli.t I nn williii, wh.eli yoiiHiereip'o,,,, md l oiiipliilm i 011 nr l-f,r
th Itt.t day of the tun,. pr .-,il r, ,
mid older lor piildu iiiioii io.n j
nry 2nd. I'll 1
I Ti c dnte ol the rl pnlilmuj,,,, ,
llil. .11111111111 a a Novell, ji,,, Min
John J lUiium,,',,,,,
1'iHnrd ,V lin.,
Alt. ri.i ye l,,r I'nlinlll.
For Sale and Want Ads
AJ. in Tb. C .liimn. Brin, R.u
I-'mmIi Skamokiiwu Creamery ln.i.
ter, s.1 cent.t the roll. Muid le (,r, .
eer y Co.
For Salt) Cy. .,.. klM,!lr ,
one l.or.e ik.iii, two n 1. ,.,.
Ad !r mi lt.. 4.1. Col ic, (lrc. j,(
Want, d 1(5 Inn frm ,,, yt
j feet each of maple (,r wruh imk t
j he u.ed for fol,mu ,,11 pd,.
j'lrivi 1. T.,. loif,, tmjsl t,. ,,u;,
j wiry and knotty. Must I..- fi,,
J to It! inei,. in .li.,,,,, (,-, ,,l.
. 'Iiimi or call on ('oluml.iu Kivi-r
j Packers Iv ,
laiih, Aifent, St. Helen.
The St. Helen Improvement Co.
U in a pimition to help every pi ion
who want to ln;v. wll or rent
property. The. are in touch with
buyer an.l rtellem They havt a
reputation for fair Cealiriir that 11
nuren Komi treatment. If you have
anything tone 1 1 or want to Imy any-
thinir it U t II V'lltir lllt..rj.ul I..
r -....- j H. in li, II-
fmilt them.
A. T. Law. ManiiK'er.
St. Helens. Ore.
I With You Good Wuh
1 iW'.yi
any way. Thin curded June II, KHirt, Hint that porlli.y
.l I, I I, I. llil ill, 4t;, I, ri,'l,.ll't' ll f
widi I .iL you , i ('nun- line ,,r .ill ,nit
nt-tU in miv I il.r .ni.l will n, ,1.1 il Hnith
ymii whilr I lun- ilu- tirivr.t i;mi.l in
llir Uriril j-.iiiriiii, ni jn, a.d only il.r itm.l
lri;ititii,ilt- in, , .
voi yi.GRylY Sl
-tf By Gregory
WELL'. Vrvruu'. SO VER
V J 5S9D1 HOW HiT Tma,t
JffrJ''t I YETCRp ? -I 7.3 -THA POPPY
llA ---.Lv s 1