St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, December 12, 1913, Image 7

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Alvl- V" ' 'v f"f Holiday Trade. W.U sell y,ru, Poultry .,4
, y.. .r...t,,;t aij.l ri-lmhU. service for l.vr per cent of gross L. ?,;,'Ur
lu rr it will pn.pfrly handled. C old Horuut in;. C3 uL
I'EAKSON-I'ACE CO., l'ortbnd, Ort.
1 Av
lt v"
tlotcl Washington
P , . ...... ni.i i ..iM.n..irik
Portland. Oregon.
tt..liiitMlu HI" I. 1 arlftlu
(HAM. H WIV. Mkmim.
-i..n i 'in ii ifii in niri , r.UMi-i
,( ). n ihlit It. itnn'in nmi i i mn in "vi ty rva. I. Km
,,. 1 1 1 vai i.-Mi Sidif r .lniUr I. .1 riai.iti. mrt" l'
or a IVtH car u
m. 1 ii uu'i,i
r'i'..ihrf '..r md buih
..T Mm.. l,o .i.v
I. i r . ll-t.
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'.I lain"
tint t.rt i
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- I I II M.UI li-'1' W, !(
t" i i" -. Amh tie a.
II) Foal Si.. rol.lUM). UK.
m ml i
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(. .-. I tfifl lf "l-.. I
f. t W I l-l hi- I I ,'--.
,1AM IN l'.. - li M-. I'-nland. Or.
p htvp an
n i;n voi it scakk
IM(I liol.l.AUS:
in -v-fv
rihi t to. i.; U(Lm4 o
A Romance of the
Cuido von Horvath
and Dean Hoard
llall lu
'! yean Ihn continent of North
riR lM.-n iHnltttrd frotn ths rat
. ..... - "''
ilu MdM.i inf..t.i i'N-r.
Urt I " '!' fu1'
mm '"" ''"..''
ulrr. I. i;.t. i
aa, la Air I ti. aurvtur I .
I. Mnrt r-
U in all
or rtifntxl
. r iMitrt.
Itavlat.. U.
How to A'in Old Aj.
Tlir ilwuio-H of attiilnlng old an
nrp iinirli kpniIit If w. live niurb of
mr lid. In fr.ihli country air. Statin
ti ku Id bIiow, ac.i.r.liiiK to I)r. l-i-ho
of l!iiiitii..t, thai tti fourth
rullt.ii i.f ii,,, town ti t-l I. r Ik un
known; t.ut f-iitni ; U cnrrimtly if
l.'.rifil lo tl, ronrlimlon Ini.vlt Hint tin- fin,. ,i,n, n,m f i0,,tP.
Wty U u n ri.ilii aiaouiit of time pi;nt
In I In! t'onutry.
'Hit. tlty iliiM lubjpct to a niim
l r of cllmnrliliiK romlltlona otlnr
Miiiti nu ll' nlim-iit it of cri Htiire rom
li.ilrt, wlilih uniliTinlim tlm i-oiiHtltii-'tnii
J.y tl.rowlni; too tii-uvy a liurdi-n
on llni MUM. orKanti, tliroui'h tilh
liniihtlon .f tlin ci-ntnil mrvoiis ays
'in follows; uiiioiik tin-nil romlitloiiH
an- iioisin. u iii rii-tiiul rouml of hur
ry, anil mu inlltiK aoiiii.irrii of lm:l
il"i't t-xliaiitliiK th i.tti-ntlon, to
will, h nr nuiHTiulil.'il ttit) physilrnl
'CM'iiiiifiirtH of vltliiti'ii air ami ffflu
Ua from human Li Iiikh anil ast or
tiinii! iiroilurtn. hi-Klili-a offiMmlve
K :if iiml Inr.'i tlon Inili'ti dilKt. To
I it 1 1 :i : ii olil bkii wo have to relli-vn our-
ifhta from worry. Ktralna and nnxle
lira, W'tll'lni
! whirl of effortful cxiiitiMirp, tmidify
our ili-t, omit tlin UHe of (MlimiUnta
ami niirciitli-a, ami uppnil n-ai-iiimlily
IiiiiK 1 1 , -r I , . 1 1 a of time under'MHant , r1lann. Iln wiirn Aatra that th
roiiilltloiiM In linii tlral r-lir.Mii tit. I f"nolMal1 rwta of KurnrMi hav. aall-d
..... to Aintrli-a. Ha r-a a on Aatra tn
,ht:e ail, amiiMmfni tilioulil b f,,lioln night and ruplalna hta plana for
lniillfld ntld nc ri-Iiti'd rallli r than ! rVfi-naa. Hv th uaa of aroplana mart
n(iut;ht iifiir. Only vexitalili- and
Hi-mi anlimil fond a ahould h eatun.
Am. -ru an Mi-Uli al AKHOclutlon.
Kr flft
A niertia
f'f Ilia wurl.1 l.y -raya. tha Invatitlon of
If Kiinihttl J-'rudnt, r.-nMi-nt of tha united
a ovrnnintt. A mcatm from Count von
w'ardtnalaln. chancellor of flurmany, that
he haa au.-t i-rilnd In pnetratlt.K the rays
haalena the denth of i'rud-nt. Ilylna, na
"arna hla dauahler Aatra thai foreign In
vaaiun u now .rrtHln. Aaira aun ee.Ia har
futliar aa pi ealil'-nt. Napoleon Kdlaon, a
forinar pupil of I'rudent'a. nffera to aaalal
Aelra and hlma at new dlacoverlea which
lll make North America lrnpr-nH.hl. A
man (tvlna; the nnme of Chevalier dl
offera Wenlna'eln the aecret of
niaKlna sold In return for Kuropean dla
armanient. Tha r-hevallcr la made a prla
oner. f'ounteaa Hoaltiy, a apv, hecomea a
piiaonar In the hi. ne of diacoverlna dt
lii.rli.illrnllv from II, i aCTi. nne iniia in lova wun mm
m riodlraliy rrom the j n() ,Irt(., to )un hm ,n an attempt to
earapa. By tha uae of rocketa he lum
mona a rurloua flylna machine. He ea
r-apes and sends a meeaHiie to Astra
which reveals the fact that ha Is Napo-
Mu i, U
.r. If a m ' hi.
m l-r aci-n lo -.ii
nit. josi:i'ii
-l 'rn tiliar butu -4 i 7
VltM-'ifV T '' '
1 1 - I l'-n
V.rthfrt will Unfl Mm. Winii"-- Hiacthlof
aHimf.M-. Itn trr
lirwn of fruit.
awiwl.' at 'it 2 mrtm iarrt. t h"ia.
m ft turn lfg- rir.ij- tiit r--t ovr ji,
with An iftwn mrs hrntt-r . Urr mrn, tr :
Ini N fr-jm aT-l ("h-hjia vftiivr.
Ituu, r r" 1 mmkm th iMiiironwt!U f-r
a. ;.trt rah hain1i- iIma. Aiip
Li IW 4 of Itava lii'ttf.. I'urtUfMl. Orrrfn.
A ntory of Him lutti poi laureate,
Alffil Autitlu: He had Ihtii talking
a K'MJ l ul about hiuiKt if uflrr diu
nt'r, an wit hl wont, to the annoyance
of thu oiluT KiitiHtri, Mill at taut be
;.ld: "I-iidy , In It t!ni for the
KM-t luur'ute to ko to Im-J?" And
'veryon lu tho room Hald "Yen."
f K nw nubManr. whlrh ! In'lntnift!
bm eJtpM m to nn1hlUt th KurrTn
f'rcan. Hi lHvprM a not to von r
(1ntln on hi flif"ritp drmnndlnaT im-
I fTii1UU mlthrlrait'ial If. ! aftn.rkd ftnd
I hv (1'Btpoylnj.r (wo Wftrthlpft ftnd Bveral
! Hfroiilanci, forr' von wr1niteln to
Mrri to tinlvmnl diiarrnaunent. The
j rountciii, who ha rmaln1 tn Amri
I from von Wrr1natHn of tha orlncipal
! My of Hchoniburir-IJtriow In raturn for
Killmn'i aerrft. F1!aon and hla aaalatanL
! Pantoa. gt In imh h of new drpoalta of
! thm rfmarriAhli aubatanr-. rlrynlth. Thay
; ftnil It on thm mntnim of Hrhomburir-I Alti
I nw Tha rmintMa iti Hnntoa Into hr
1 rliitrhca Rha promlwa to reveal Fol-
aen a aei-ret aa aoon aa von wernenaiein
fnrna fvar tha. flrhnmhi 1 r -f ,1 1 ho W ent&ta
to ber. On tha tliy of tha weddtnic of
Antra and Krllann the rounteaa and flantoa
flvs that rntinlrv Nnntna nrfe('tB a ma
chine, la made a fount and marrlea tha
rn 1 1 n 1 a a a nnur nHm-P nf Hi'hom hllf ff-
i Hpvnith mnA hiiii,i new neat or air-
ahlra TTe arHdentally dlarovera a noma
Each "Pape't Dlapepaln" Olgeats 3000 that will rend-r ot.,alnK airahlpa help
gram, food, .ndmg .11 I !r'nr,,:"VnSer.O"K'ir,,r;,0? .hre.'slVo?
misery in iiva minuica.
rer queen. She plana to
star tha
CHAPTER XXI. Continued.
This Sunday vii the flrat real day
Time 111 In five mlnutea all atom
arh dlstrcua will Ito. No linllK'tlon
hcartl.urn, aournens or DuicuinK oi . :1 . .. , v tnr
c.-.inna nf uu.IIPHteJ 1 of rest that Napoleon had enjoyed for
i,u.i n.'i .lizzlmwa. bloaUng. foul long tlm. He found perfect peace
i.e.'th nr homlarhe. iln the comr.ny of
rara'a lUnpppaln la noted for na
IK . J,
Mile llV Kl'-I 1 AH I'lIK K II :V
Iaa4 11.10 and lh. a.t. and we will ,l-.'lvcr t"
h.i. ruttipieta w-lh
And Eveready Battery
W alan handle !!"" A rrlianrea. Xmaa Tree
Healauna. .le u.r Iua. .erriho'S r..eelrlral.
SfM) f-fH CAIAUHi.
Uril AMI PINK. tlTt.AN0. OBt
Thre ar S60.000 nutotnoMlea In the
United 8tati-a. exilualve of cornmer
lal trucks.
Alfred Imvls. of Oil City. I'a . haa a
unflower In Ma yard that la nln f'-''t
algbt Inchr-a high nnd hfiira 26 fully
layelopnl flowers, with aa many more
MtNJ $30 A WtlK EASY
I pare M ' h
0 il r
I uail IfM.a gtieli
-rr..ln la a
,le4. r,,e
speed In reKulutln upset atomachs.
11 la the surest, quickest stomach rem
edy In tha whole- world and besidea It
la harmless. Tut an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a larKe
flftycent casn of I'ape'a Dlnpepsin
from any drug store. You realize In
five mlnutea how needleaa It la to suf
fer frotn Indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder, li t tho quickest,
surest and most harmless atomacb
doctor In the world.
! The pulgnt, a Hurmese measure, is
the only foreign measure exactly cor
responding to our luch.
j Limited.
As we grow older we get senso, but
' not to eicwa. l'lttuburg Tost,
' Lord Curxon bepan a friendly atilt
In Washington nKalnst Joseph I. el er
... the tniHtei for the 1.7H0.-
imo n.arrliiKO settlement made upon
hla deceased wife. Mary Mrtorla Lelt
' o Morrla of Chicago and
tho Karl of Suffolk aro to be substitut
ed for Kobert T. Uncoln. former sec
retary of war. and Viscount M d, ll.v
ton JoKeph executor of he
hla mother and
wife. Nobody knew be had returnea.
The surprise that swept over the
membera of the staff when he ap
peared In congress Monday morning
waa rreat
As Napoleon arose the great hall
her-nrna Instantly silent. He bowed
he said:
"Honorable President and Repre
ontettvea hefnra all else I want to
thank you for your kind reception.
A loud "hurrah!" stopped him for a
morrow tnornlrn,' was tnt count's answer.
Then do so. my dear count, and tf
one or the powers snouia reiuse u
should be conaldered as an enemy. In
league with the Americas. Tomorrow
you will kindly call me up again and
tell me the results. I will then ar
range to meet you."
The count consented, then discon
nected bis Instrument He went to
his majesty and had a gloomy recep
tion. The kaiser listened to the de
tails of the count's plans and shook
his head doubtfully. In the end he
consented to the ultimatum, remark
ing that the situation could not be
much worse.
Answers consenting to the terms of
the ultimatum came promptly, and au
thorized the count to send It out.
England, however, refused. The
Island Kingdom was the only one that
sent a flat refusal.
The count shrugged his shoulders
Indifferently. "Then we will do with
out England, that Is alL"
Calling Rosltta on the 'graph, he ad
vised her to have her man In reaal-
"to the ultimatum on 1U way?" was
her eager queatlon.
It Is ready to be sent, already in
"Then send it and in an hour an
aerodromone will call for you, I want
you to come to Sueroeg to see my
fleet" Roaitta shut off the current
before the count could answer. His
dignity was ruffled at her behavior,
but since It was Imperative that he
see her he bad to submit to her plan-
When the aeroman called for him the
ultimatum was on Its way and he was
ready to go to Suemeg.
Just before he left, however, he sat
down to hie deak and wrote a letter,
then hurriedly folded It and, sealing
It In an envelope, rang the bell for his
aide de camp.
The Captain von Hochamberg en
tered and saluted gravely.
"I have a very Important miBaion
for you, captain. Take the flrat train
to Hamburg and thence to England.
This letter contains a sealed order for
you. You must be at the German con
sulate in Liverpool by 8:00 a. m. to
morrow. If you receive no further or
ders then you are to follow the In
structions that you will find in this
sealed letter as quickly as possible.
Otherwise return It Intact Here is an
order for money and a pass. Secrecy
Is Important!" He shook hands wltn
the captain and dismissed him.
That makes me feel easier. He
sighed and started for the eleTator
that took him to the waiting aerodromone.
An hour later he was in Suemeg,
greeting Roe Hta. The man who had
made her what she was had lost his
value In her eyes. He could do noth
ing more for her, so he could be dis
carded or destroyed.
I have called your honor here, to
exhibit the fleet I possess, and to show
vou what we have accomplished and
what we can do." The latter woroa
carried a peculiar accent to the chan
cellor's ears,
I am quite curious to ee every-
thlna-. mv dear princess."
"Your curiosity will soon be grati
fied, as I have already given oraers
to my men." She placed an emphasis
on the "ray.
The chancellor only bowed; then
after a pause he said:
"I alao have some orders ror you.
princess, from has majeaty the kalaerl"
She waved her hand airuy. we
can talk about It later."
The princess led him at onoe Into
right wing of the Una; thta th ahara
battle began.
The princess could not resist the tzs
pulse lo show her prowess. Santos
flung their aerodromone Into the fight;
they dodged and turned, each trying
to gain In elevation, finally, with
quick spring the "Princess" evades
lu enemy and slid between its wings
from the back and the next moment
the enemy was a captive.
It was an exhilarating sport.
"I congratulate you, princess," said
the count to the Intoxicated Roaitta.
The "Prlnceas" carried the captive
machine back to 8uemeg with ease.
The other machines returned, one
after the other, all enthusiaatlo and
discussing the tactics of air warfare.
After the Inspection dinner waa
served. In which the whole squadron
took part Werdensteln greeted sev
eral of them as old acquaintances and
friends of those good days when the
armies held their own and when na
was planning to conquer the American
continent The times had changed.
Now the air men ruled at the com
mand of a beautiful, bold woman,
whose only motive seemed to be
These gloomy forebodings were war
ranted sooner than he expected. Only
appetizers and soup had been served.
when Count de Korona stood up and
addressed the gathering:
"The pleasure of greeting the world
famous chancellor, the iron-handed
man of the German Empire, has been
given me. It is a great honor for as
to have you at our feast, and we, the
conauerors of the air, greet you, who
are considered the representative of
all the European powers."
Rosltta smiled sweetly at the chan
cellor, who was watching the speak.
In amazement After a short pause.
de Korona continued
"We greet you as such, as a repre
sentative, and I, In my comrades'
names, ask your excellency to be with
us In heart and drink to the elected
queen of the air, who is dlstlned to
be queen of the world. Long live our
beloved Queen Rosltta."
The huzzas that thundered through
the hall told the chancellor plainly
that this was no pleasantry. His sus
picions bad not been without founda
tion. He paled and when the tumult
died away he stood up, calm and de
termined and without a word left tha
This action made Rosltta furious.
but she did not show her Indigna
tion. "The chancellor seems to have
lost bis appetite." was all sne said.
After the dinner waa over, she gave
few curt orders and the aeromeo
Better than ether prwda
producing light, dainty, whole
some cakes and pastries
is high grade and I
moderate in price I
25c lb. tin at grocers.
Craseaat M. CoSmIIU I
Everybody loves
Do you want to learn to play Piano,
Organ, Violin or Guitar. For a small
sum we will teachyou
to play fourth grade mimic regardless
of number of lessors required. Any
one who can read can learn by our
and most up-to-date system In exist
ence. We loan you a perfect "Time
beater" free. Write for particulars.
American School of Music
516-517 Commonwealth Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
for Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Bowels The
work while you sleep.
moment men n. conunueu. tt, opcn and pointed toward twenty
hava Kan an manV chanjene Blnee I I . . .
" - i Ana aafrirnfiinnpi max werv iiauuuvu
went away mai i-u ...-on the Diateau. gllf.sring In the sun-
my opinion, particularly in regaru The uniformed aeromen stood
the politics arra.r. or ine . ttenUoB by thelr machlnes and sa
am very glad to see that congress princess and the count as
realize. It. duty and that every mem- ed p
per is prn...- ' ten the two rows of aeroaromon
The princess led the way to the ma-
ton. Joei
I.elter estate,
to the
Wonderful Blood Remedy
That Vorks in the Tissues
He Very West Thiory About How and Wk 1!
a n..Jais.Al
lilOCfl IS L'lSOiucitu.
The great experts In 0em!arr
. .....,. imt has
rnysu.logy now line,... J. ,.b.
Wong been contended by the J"','. ' ens
sratHry that th. a-rms nf Mood '
n lodgment In the Interstices w "
And herein Is where P. fl.
Work rapidly, effmllvely aud wit V
sarfully noticeable reaults. ,t.
Thta famous Mood partner jwrttslri
medicinal component 3iat
aaentlal to healthy blood aa the
elements of wheat, roa-t hfl. "d , "
ana the sugars that make up ur dauy
"Ala matter of met there Is one Inrre
lant la H. 8. H. which senrss.
Impose of ilmulHtli.a- t-' n.
of the body to the nMl'h., nutriment.
Jlsctlon of its .n e-aent .j ,lip.
That la why It r.a-'r'' ,in.nd0. In
fy why It ha. e n h " . pliu
BiwtMa In over.-,.n.l" era-ma, raan, w
!, aui all akin afVUcllv!.
........ I-one- Life and Health.
8. 8. fl. Mean- Pure Wood tne a
nu hi : .,.,t.v snl dotal -
eyes, loss of w'",ht' nd n.rva that
wlt poisoned blood.
a vouwm n't only
store, ana "' " DUt jrou will ds
faith In Its wisdom and nope tnai u
will know Its duty and do It accord-
"Compatriots, I greet you all!
A sigh of satisfaction swept over
th hall when Napoleon, after thla
hnrt aoeech. sat down. An air of un
certainty prevailed; they had expect-
ed so much from him and had re-
relTiid nothing definite. The speaker
of the bouse then opened the sesaion.
D.i.0... Roaitta 8howe Her Colore.
The answers of the International
neace committee and congress of the
ttii. rtonulillcs of America were
m final in wording, and were duly
cabled to all the rebelling monarcba.
Neither the peace committee nor
congress gave a thought to consenting
to the wishes of the decree of the Eu
rn rulers, and It Is quite likely
th. nromot refusal to accede to
their demands waa not unexpected, for
.h. rmmt von Werdensteln rubbed his
hands contentedly when he read the
... ji.r,.tch Ills first act was to
dt the Princess Schomburg Llthoi
th. 'arauh. Her headquarters
..... in Suemeg.
" - Tl
Werdensteln s message iounu nu-
n the air. She connected the
nnaratus to the 'graph and bowed to
the smiling count.
"Ah, good morning, couuii morning, princess."
.m.. Americans refuse our de
mands," said the count bluntly.
,'ih Indeed!"
Tan you come to Berlin and talk
She thought for a moment "Is your
answer ready T"
-in ultimatum? Is that what you
chine that was decorated wun me
princely crown, and pulling a silver
whistle from her pocket she blew It
The well-trained men Jumped Into their
machines and sat at attention.
She blew shrill blasts on her whistle
and the fleet shot up Into the air as
one bird.
The Count Santos Duprel was at tne
wheel and Rosltta commandea tne
fe.1 bright, and "'""0
,he ploture o - , ... lahoril.
B. 8. IS Parr,. - . ,
tory "'"'" Who maintain a ver
8. 8.
r of the own B.--" - . rv
I ia tt ii .. . . ,,
Hi.ig. ''" 'cif Department, wnere ...
iont- nts te sell yol
p.wara er - .. Mtt
somemina " "
proceeded Into another hall beautifully
and regally decorated. At the far end
stood a magnificent throne.
Rosltta retired to her own apart
ment, while two men went to Invite
the chancellor to the throneroonx
Thev found him soberly pacing the
distance between the entrance gate
and the first hangar.
He followed them. Rosltta sat on
the throne with a glittering clrynith
crown on her head. She waa more
beautiful than ever.
The Count von Werdensteln was led
before her. He showed no surprise.
His face was calm and his whole atti
tude expressed disinterest
"I have requested that your excel
lency come to Suemeg, for I have a
message that 1 want brought before
the whole world."
The count looked at her steadily,
and without waiting to hear her fur
ther words he said in his strong, pen
etrating voice:
"I tell you, woman, to stand before
me. Tell me your petition standing.
Then I may listen to It Do not for
get that I represent the Emperor of
Had these words not been spoken in
uch deadly earnestness some of the
audience would have found the scene
ridiculous. As it was, It was grave
nd embarrassing and every one stood
The blood left Rosltta's cheeks and
It took almost a minute for ner to
recover her composure. Then she
rose and pointing at the chancellor,
said In a shrill voice:
"Take him away back to Berlin
quick or I shall forget myself and kill
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indlgea
Uon, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head
aches come from a torpid liver and
:logged bowels, which cause your
itomach to become filled with undi
gested food, which sours and ferments
like garbage in a swill barreL That's
the first step to untold misery lnai
gestlon, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
tonight will give your constipated
bowels a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep a 10-cent box
from your druggist wiU keep you feel
ing good for montns.
"I Tell You, Woman, to Stand Before
fleet The second line of maohroes
was signaled to reverse their flight
and the first line followed her. After
they had separated from eaeh other
mean? . . I ii. .a Ilnft, rrtw.rft
-- . . . - lallnoll I BL milB III V - "
" reTation. will be broken the center, and th. chancellor at last relations
after a lapse of twenty-four hour, and
.... will act as she sees fit
reolled Rosltta with a firm click of her
.An taath.
..t .m .nine to see his majesty now
and will communicate with the pow
ers. Replies should reach me by to-
understood the significance of the ma
neuver when red pennants were hoist-
ad on the eleven machines comprising
the princess' fleet and blue on the ten
The aerodromone "Princess" made
a detour and took a position asi tha
In China a Man Can Dress as
Plesses Without Attracting
The fashions In Suchlen, Klangso
province, have a variety of such extent
that every man can dress according to
bis individual choice and still De in
correct taste and without attracting
special attention from anybody else.
In other words, the styles tnis year
are of personal ideals, according to a
correspondent of the British China
Dally Herald.
He save that every man wears wnai
Is right in his own eyes, and there are
few if any, to ridicule. A panama hat
goes Jauntily down the street cioseiy
followed by a fur-covered onm nai,
felt hats of scarlet and verdigris green
come along with grays and browns
that do the hatter credit for unique In
vention. These, with the Eskimo top
capes, a few derby hats and the smart
military uniforms, give the streets a
piquancy which was unknown In the
monotonous china blue of forinar
Among the notices posted on the
city gats is a fashion plate that haa
been exhibited for weeks. It displays
two or three of the typical "western
suits" tha swallow-tailed and the low-
front frock for evening wear street
arb of European and American style.
and nur other varieties. Thsre one
alao finds the plaited skirts recom
mended for tha women, and close by
them la the proud silk or stovepipe hat
of felt, which has Its peciai
with Other headgear.
To Grind Wild Rice For Food.
F. L. Vance, "the wild rice king" of
the Popple river country, of Michigan,
has commenced the manufacture of
rice flour from the products of tha
shallow lakes of northern Minnesota.
Before being ground the rice must
go through a roasting or drying pro
jess and this is done near where tha
grain is harvested. A machine devis
ed and built for this purpose by Mr.
Vance is capable of roasting 1200
pounds In eix minutes. As far as
known this is the first time an at
tempt has been made to manufacture
finnr from wild rice. The raw ma
terial Is plentiful and practically the
only cost will be the gathering and
grinding, no seeding or soil prepara
tion being necessary.
Free to Our Readers
Write Mnrln. Eye Remedy Co., Chlrafro, fp
48-page Illustrated Eye Book Free. Writ, alt
about Your Ey. Troubl. and they will advlM
as to th. Proper Application of tha Murine
Ey. Remedle. in Your Special Cue. Your
Drugciat will tell you that Murine Relieve.
Bore Ejea, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doeen-S
Smart, Soothe. Eye Pain, and .ells for 60c.
Try It tn Your Eyes and in Baby's Eye. fa
Scaly Eyelid, and (iranulatloo.
Brought Weight to Bear.
Ollie James, senator from Kentucky,
weighs somewhere near 400 pounds,
and hates to ride in an upper berth.
Once, traveling back to his home from
the capital, he could not get a lower
berth for love or money. The man who
had bought the lower berth t -nth
the bunk on which Ollle was to sleep
weighed about 101 pounds and was
timid looking.
When the porter made up the sleep
ing car for the night James examined
the upper berth carefully and shook
It violently.
"I am scared of these uppers," he
confided to the little man. "The last
time I slept in one it tumbled down."
The 101-pounder did not say a word
at that moment but half an hour la
ter, when James returned from the
smoking compartment, the small man
was fast asleep in the upper berth. A
note pinned on the curtain read:
"Take the lower, 1 hate to sleep ii
them." Judge.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta first
put up 40 years ago. They regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Sugar-coated tiny granules.
- Welcome Change.
'Before vou take this house," said
the honest real estate agent, "I wish
to tell you something that is agains
"What's that?" asked Hemmananaw.
"It's right next to a boiler shop."
As he took out his wallet to make
the first payment, Hemmandhaw re-
P"- '. ... .
"Oh, that s ail rignts ine larauy
next to where we live has a parrot, a
phonograph, and a pair of twins."
Except for quarters for the 2000 or
more operatives who wllPbe needed
in connection with the canal and the
Panama Railroad, the Canal Zone will
be a sort of military reservation. This
Is an especially bad time to go to
Panama looking for opportunities.