C O J O 33 I j& COUNTY, OREGON In Uiu N..r(hw..Hl,.,n p.irt ..f Or.g.m, ..n the Columbia Uiver, wilh about 7(1 mil.. of river fn.nt. A U K A : Alwiut 7iM( iiaro miles. 'SiJ'.t2 ncrcn. TII.I.AItl.K LAND: l.').7; acres. This inland that is actually in cultivation ami cleared, exclusive of town lots. N )N TII.I-AItI.I-: LAND: m; 7'.; urn, whir h int-Iuitt-R all timlur when- there ia more than lno.i no f.tt n a quarter HeMinn. nNt nil log gc.l nir laii'l v. Iiieli is in t suitable 1'nr ami in mi rumlitii n fur cultivation. iiMnr.i;: A'lu.it ievi n an. I oi.e half t.t eilit billion feet. assi-skd VAUT. ur i i.!i;k:;: Jll.ltlV.lMi ASSKXSKD VAI.I.'i: i!-- ..:.; LANK. . 1 1 .:!;.;.. TOIAL ASSK:-?.-.i:ii VALUATION ! ALL I'll' il'Kll'l Y: if lN.illlll.lMMI. MILKS (!!' ( (i:.TY I; )AIS": .'ml rniliM, sntiic of uliii'h ii ill lii . I fla il rnnilitii.ii, -.miir in fan I'umlitMM aril - 1 1 1 in very ninr I'miilil imi. MILKS I)!-' UAII.lMAi'S: About I'J.'i mili-H which iiH'luilcs tlic fnain lint' of the S. I'. & S. ami tin' various lugging nuuls. I'OITLVTKIN: tVnuM nf I '.(in ,'ivi-H 1 ll.r.so lint a careful estimate tliis year give it at . a-t 15.000. CLI.MAIL Ti'inim tiiIi' Km ng the summer tln theniinmeler rarely ri'iii'hr.s Km in 1 1 . j-haile anil in tin- mldest weather of v. iutt-r Zi.mii wi':.'.h"r is almost unknown. During the winter month then' is considerable rain, Imt not too much. Ju--t enough to in uirc crops. Crop failures are unknown. ritOKI'lTS: Fruits of all kir.ls, esecially apples. pears, plums and berries; drain an I g raises; garden truck of all kinds and ' dairying. SIIIiTINC: Ships from all parts of the world carry Columbia County products down the Columbia Liver and to the markets of the world. A through line of Railroads traverse the county from the North to the South. River boats carry local products to local markets at low rates. LAND Thousands of acres of first class land can he purchased at reasonable prices upon which are stumps left from the timber operations. This land is especially suited for farming, fruit raising and dairying. .. . ; .. ; ... - INDUSTRIES: Lumbering and timber is the principal industry; there l ing about twenty-five saw mills. Salmon fishing in the Columbia River is also an Important industry. Farming and fruit raising; Stone quarrying; Ship building and all kinds of lumber manufacturing plants. OPPORTUNITIES: There are fine opportunities for the small farmer, dairy man, fruit grower and truck gardener. Also a number of choice, deep water sitjs for manufacturing plants. THE DELTA CARpENS: 12,0 )0 acres of low lands along the Columbia River which have recently ken dyked and are now in high state of cultivation c.-peciully adapted to growing of vegetables and small fruits. SCHOOLS: 1 o,t standard llih Schools; locality. Grade schools I n each ST. HELENS A city on the Columbia River, miles from Portland, with a population of 2500 people. The County Seat of Columbia County. A Four year Standard IIU,h School. Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal and Catholic Churches. All the leading fraternal orders. Gravity water .system owned by the city sufficient to supply a city of 10,000 people. Electric lights, graded and macadamized streets, sewers. Principal industries are lumbering, shipbuilding, creosoting, stone quarrying. fishing and shipping. Two large taw mills with a capacity of 250,000 feet per day ; more than 5 million feet of lumber shipped each month; several large ocean going vessels built each year; timber treated with creosote and shipped all along the coast. Two big stone quarries and rock crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of 300 tons of Columbia Rivef Salmon caught and marketed. A farming country back of it that cannot be excelled in the world. Several new business blocks now under construction. Five miles of sewer being built. A PAY ROLL OF NEARLY $100,000 PER MONTH. Many beautiful and attractive homes. CHURCHES: Nearly all denominations represented. THE COUNTY OFFICERS: Circuit Judges, J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin District Attorney, W. B. Dillard County Judge, W. A. Harris County Clerk, H. E. LaBare Sheriff. A. E. Thompson t Assessor, C. W. Blakesley School Superintendent, J. B. Wilkerson Treasurer, R. S. Hattan Coroner, F. H. Sherwood Surveyor, Geo. Conyers Commissioners, John Farr, Louis Fluhrer. CITIES, TOWN, AND POST OFFICES: St. Helens Rainier Clatskanie Houlton Scappoose Warren Deer Island ' Goble Yankton Vernonia Mist Quincy Mayger Marshland Columbia City Reuben Apiary Hudson Prescott Trenholm Inglis Patronize the Mist Advertisers REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J (.'lemons, X X r Are you getting more pay than you did last year? Are you reasonably sure of getting still more next year ? If not, this is your time NOW to mail the coupon below and let the International Correspondence Schools explain how they can qualify you to enter a more important line of work in your present occupation or in a different one where you can command a higher salary at the start, with no limit to your earning power. In making this offer, all your cir. cumstances have been taken into con sideration, and it only remains for you to fill out and mail the coupon. How 0can succeed with the aid of I.C.S. training by mail, as thousands like you have succeeded, will be fully ex plained at no cost whatever to you. 'iNTKHATlOMAL CSPONDEKCIESCHOOLS Flease explain, without farther , . io Mrt tiow I can ' Qualify forA larger salaryjia the . BrUh TSsTtiSrTbeforc which I have ; i" " ll vkr-' -ri.,f "H"" i-"Hr""V' fi. l.i.uii". pt A4MrtM.a. WrfMf Mfwhaa. JtaIMV kow 'r W " m,r,.,T I T.iUI HIUMt. Krilvlu'M ' riM4rl "'" .Unit. evil ixronu.mox y Miiihvsr.va , H. V. REED, Manager 05 McKaj Htt( PORTUND, OREGON K and (J W Vo'lo to W la ml in S4-7-!'. M M Matnon to t'ul. A k r i Co, l iml in 4-7-r.. St l.e'.tn I tn Co, to T Ci Humuul, I, 1 II) anil I I. It It Add. lHriie Waters tu I'ctcr Kiltnn lot 2 tilk 4 4. St Helens Add. M Wirkkola to John Kcli, land in 10-7-4. E and A Klnrkburn to W'm 11 Davita, part of lot 13, 'ot 14 Ilk 33 in St Hel ena. F It Hulhrook Co to K and S V Mii-nelson, imrt of tntit 13ii, Heaver Homis. V Vim Korkun to Jaa Diirt.lots R ami 7 blk r.R in Col I'ark. P II Uergerson to School Dist No 55, land. A N MiCillivury to J N Kice et al, land in 10-7-4. C J R Hoadloe to Kxel VorcI, land in 34-7-3. CAM Girt to C W and E Vogcl, land in 34-7-3. i M and II M Johnson to lionson l imhcr Co, 160 acteg in lO-ti-3. ""ScTipiiooHe Acrca Co to G Maesfrancx. tract 84, Srappooae Acres Tract. A M and li P Graham to Ja Wallace land on 27 5 4. M S Salmi to Mattie Werkkala. land in 27 -S-4. Rainier Land Co to Chaa Schmidt, lot6 Mk in Rainier. G P and I. W liaxlor, mrnicriy rac- Bride to 1. P and M '. ,H"(I 5 i. J G and R E Watts to K D Grant, lot in Scainoi!. J J H West to M Thnnipson land in 13 7-4. Columbia Ari Co. to I S Haumnard ner. land in Clatskanie l)rainaKe Din t let. 0 Werkkala to John Hill, nht of w ly. A J N Rice et al t H Kratz 2-3 int In tracts 7 and 22 in Harris A .-res. H M KruU et al to N Chrihtenaon, tract U ll"i AfCC- Col Co lnv Co to a A Huchman part of lot 105 Heaver Horrea. H H and L Coleman to J U and C Coleman, lot 100, blk 2. Fl.renee Add. J Hand M l U. il t" Fred N Cole. Innd. A W snd L. Lambert to rred N Cole, tract No 1-3 Scappoose Or ch ird. C C and M J Murti n to J W Me Cull ini. Imd E ! and M E M Fmlu:rt 'o P l-urrst, land. I and G U Sain r to Urrt Pratt, l.n.d A J ami V N I uwton to F I ar tons, land. T A Lovleace to Ethan Allen, land in 116 2. P C Boysen to F H Stanton, land in 2-3-6. Notice of Mass Meeting Notice is hereby given that a mass meeting of the citizens of St. Helens and Houlton will be held at the City Hall in St. Helens on Wednesday evening:, December 17, at 7;30 o'clock, for the purpose of noninatinK candidates for the fol lowing officers for the consolidated city, which election will be held on the 7th day of January. All offi cers nominated and elected at this mass meeting and election to serve until their successors are elected in April, 1914. Mayor, four council men, treasurer and five water com missioners. By order of the Council. E. E. Quick, Recorder. Notice Whereas, I did on the 4th day of December, 1913, take up one horse, color, bay; about 7 years old; weight bout 900 pounds, and also one mare, color, brown, about 15 years old, weight 750 pounds; both running at large in the city of St. Helens, Oregon, and have duly notified the owners thereof. who have failed to redeem the same. Now, therefore, I will on Satur day, the '20th day of December, 1913, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the Lity Pound in said city of St. Helens, Oregon, sell the said horse and mare at public auction as provided by Or dinance No. 114 of said City. J. L. Chittim, City Marshal. GREAT COMBINATION OFFER The Mhst u.anagcnicnt has made arrange ments with Portia it (I Evening Telegram whereby we can give subscribers the advan. tnge of a gigantic combination offer for a limited period. You can get a Metropolitan evening paper with ail the latest news from all over the world and all the news of St. Helens and vicinity in the Mist at a remark ably low price. The Evening Telegram is the best pap er in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine and comic section in colors. The livening Telegram St. Helens Mist - - -Total Both Papers Through this office if paid in advance for I year, on or before Decem ber 31st, I9H $5.00 per year 1.50 per year 6.50 per year $4.75 - it