a jS. o O U 3SF T Y , O R BE LOCATION In tin- N"rtl .-sii i,,.,. ., . ,. . . 1 11 (,"V-n. on the Cluml.iB K.v..i. w.il, ,,. ;., ,,. f llv,.r ,,, A It K A : AIh.u; "'m hi,,,(. H i irc.H III.I.AIiLK LAN It I-. 7L'.;.,,,,., Tl ,,! H,t j i4,,llillly , ,lllliuilln and I. ,ired, -c!u ,ivc ,f tA- , ( NN TII.I.AI'.I.i: I.A'; . I"' T'M . ,,:. iu-lu.1. Ml fuuUr vM,,,, ,! ,,. is V.-l ..I! !...: I,..t . ,.;:!,:,. I . I m ,, ,..,,,, I'll' I' 4 , . ! ,. I I t! ',U '.V. ' ' : i : ,m r, ,.(. ' ' ' 1 1 vl!;!-;!: ,'! .i,;v. mi ..- ;i:s ;;:!- . y .. i. iiu.vi:;.!: :.w;, .? i ; i. ti :. a .-!:.'. ; : '..i.: , ui .m.i. i -;i iri;;; i y i " .' Mil.)-..; i -i ( ., .. i v :;. .u: '" 1 "f ""ll'll I- IN ll t cl.l . ,,,. ;!,,: Ill I i ' "'I .. i I .,.. in i iv i , 1 1 c.:.. . i r i,,. mills 'i i:a;lima: - A!"'U'. I."'. t:i,i. s v. !.i li inrlu'l. s tl.e n.aill line i,f the S. '. V S a:,, I I'..- : Ii.tit K I' 'lulu. II'III.AII'IN; ' 1 ; ' ' M."."! li.it (MH-ful --H:i i.ti' lliis ' .it ,t .'. , .i t ( i.l.MAIi' ' i f . : ! 1 ii .! v On- '.iiii:iir the Uu-rm,i:ii-t.T r:uily n .!. , Inn in it,. .,,;ul,i w tho c.li'.i'.st utaihrr nf vv.nVr i ur:i!lii r h uliii t unknown. During t lit winter rti-ir.tli-. t ( i -j . m ,',,!isi li r;i!,!c lam, Lut i: t t in much. .Li t i, 'i i i ,n ,;n- cr ni- "i i failure. art' uriktum n. I'Ki ti tl t I I I i.::- ! u'.'. m:.i. ---i-,ial!y a:!-s. .cuis. i!uriis ar.tl U-riK-i. tlt.i. i and i.r.ii.M-s; ourdrn truck nf all kinds arid llllll) lne. SHII'I'INt;; Ship f;i,ni all parts of tin? worlil carry Columbia County products down tin.-Columbia Liver ami to the markets of the world. A through line "f Lailroadi travn.se the county from the North to the South. Liver boats cany local products to ..cal market at low rates. L A N It : Ihoununda of acieu of firat claKS larnl can be purchased at reasonable priccsyipun which are .stumps left from tht timber operations. This land is especially suited for farming, fruit raising and dairying. V i,,- ,V 4 I . t ! I - """" " "'-'if , T""i:-m;..,.1- ,,i"V:;:- :-::.v iif- r.. ' "' "- ZJ f - 'k a, nrr vrrr,?- ;'( r;,.'i' i- " T,,'-r; ' .7.- j - -,.. " ; 1 ... ' . ' v"' rv..-'::'--,' V -" ...'. '",... "k" .-; ' ST. II E I. K N S A city on thtf Columbia Liver, 'H miles from I'ortland, with a population of prii,c The County Seat of Columbia County. A Four year Standard llih School. Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal and Catholic Churches. All the leading fraternal orders. Gravity water system owned by the city suilicient to supply a city of 10,00(1 people. Lleclric lights, graded ami macadamized streets, sewers. Principal industries are l imbering, shipbuilding, creosoting, stone quarrying, ti-hing arid shipping. Two large saw mills with a capacity of 250,000 feet per da ; more than 5 million feet of lumber chipped each month; several lar g,- ocean going vessels built each year; timber treated with creosote and .hipped all along the coast. Two big stone quarries and rock crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of 300 tons of Columbia Liver Salmon caught and marketed. A farming country back of it that cannot be excelled in the world. Several new business blocks now under construction. Live miles of sewer lieinjf built. A PAY KOLL OF NEARLY $100,000 PER MONTH. Many beautiful and attractive homes. INDUSTRIES: Lumbering and timber ii the principal industry; there be ing about twenty-five saw mills. Salmon fishing in the Columbia River is alto an important industry. Farming and fruit raising; Stone quarrying; Ship building and all kinds of lumber manufacturing plants. OPPORTUNITIES: There are fine opportunities for the small farmer, dairy man, fruit grower and truck gardener. Also a number of choice deep water sites for manufacturing plants. THE LELTA GARDENS: 12,090 acres of low lands along the Columbia River which have recently been dyked and are now in high state of cultivation especially adapted to growing of vegetables and small fruits. SCHOOLS: I .r standard IIij;h Schools; locality. Grade schools i n each CHURCHES: Nearly all denominations represented. THE COUNTY OFFICERS: Circuit Judges, J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin District Attorney, W. B. Dillard County Judge, W. A. Harris County Clerk, H. E. LaBare Sheriff. A. E. Thompson Assessor, C. W. Blakesley School Superintendent, J. B. Wilkerson Treasurer, R. S. Hattan Coroner, F. H. Sherwood Surveyor, Geo. Conyers Commissioners, John Farr, Louis Fluhrer. CITIES, TOWN. AND POST OFFICES: St. Helens Rainier Clatskanie Houlton Scappoose Warren Deer Islpnd Goble Yankton Vernonia Mist Quincy Mayger Marshland Columbia City Reuben Apiary Hudson Prescott Trenholm Inglis Patronize the Mist Advertisen WWII Count' Court Proceedings . ' 4 .-' Are you jjcttin r.ore pay han You did l..t year? Are you reasonably sure of Ctti" still more next year? If not, this is your time NOW to mail the coupo-i K-low and let the International Corre!.ponJence Schools explain how they can qualify you to enter a more important line of work in your present occupation or in J different one where you art command a flintier salary at the start, with no limit to your earning pou cr. 9 In making this offer, all your cir cumstances have been taken into con sideration, and it only remains for you to fill out and mail the coupon. How you can succeed with the aid of I.C.S. training by mail, as thousands like you have succeeded, will be fully ex plained at no coat whatever to you. "l NTER MATIOH AL CORRESPO N DEH SCHOOL S ; ' riease explain, without further i ' obligation on my rrtjiow I can J , qualify tofa larger saiaiyym . . i. r . n,tiih I have ' position uciuii " - marked A Mi,., tmtt WHW tllu-tr-lor ,1,11 nrl- Ti.ttll- " " hart nr pltatlitnatrr Fnftll-r 1111 r".Pl"r" ll.ill.1lni 1'inHrwfct Arrklt". PlrH.-lur-l rn-rr llptrif. t Mil"" Wlnlnff rt.glPtirr St Helens I.ik!ht Co. Iiht for Sept 2.r laundry 1 linht for 4o St Helens I.itjnnly Ci'iistine li. ripnirs 5herwuil& Kii.8, furniture dlk.tr E su.uliiii II Morbus b u 1 1 1 1 1 -t St Helens I iht Co, (lit 4 1 K.h I)r I. (j. I'ruf servient l"i I'liisteer Mrs K, ImiirJ fur prisoners 1 1 Watkirin Kred sup to prisoners '.Ki Sherwood K II tiurtal of Givranni 5u Hitrne of llie Aged, i-are of Mc Donald Co Clatskanie Merc Cn.stip to Hilmcr S I'ae' Coa.t Hospital Assn. care Hoeek So Watts fc Trice, supplies Grant 12 IV- I Pr A 1 ejiant of Hunno. insane 5 Koss Kdwiii insane Kuss Ur I. G, insane Jotter K K insane Harries G W, State vs Hoe, insane Canipliell J I., State vs Hoe, insai e Sutherland G I state vs Hoe, insane Larson J II Hut voters Mist Tub Co, election supplies Glnss & rrudlioniine, tlectiun supplies Voel Geii W, lien votes Hush'inK & Co, election supplies Glass rrudhonitiu", electi n supplies Watts T C Ken volts Weed O G. Ken voters Lowe Mrs K, deliverirn hal boxes 'i Fow ler K M hooth for election 4 exam of liarno, turn of Nelson, care of Nelson, 3 00 14 11 11 47 37 (1 ir,o 41 13 I I 1 ' 0 I Nun , sirtrt ui4 No. , Cll -- - i-ru. i.YFon.v.mox r,v.niin:si.v. h. V. RliED, Manager PORTLAND, OREGON Darin' (' liall for election 2 Kinilifh M M " 3 School tlist No 3.' " 3 Rama.-y (ieo A' supt K D Nn 1 U Dspnin U S " " 3 15 Gaittens Jas " " I 42 Fowler C C " " 5 36 Johnson V. " " 34 lloysen I'aul Chr ' " 7 '31 Kirhy D C " " 8 31 Lovexri" Knill " 0 4 llallhorn II " " 11 12 Ca'nitiirK N " " 12 13 00 o I'eterson II " " 13 3o 00 John M J " 15 4 5o North Kdwin " " 16 39 00 Feel Ir A J exam of Nelson and treatment to prisoner. 7 00 Hunter H I' work for sheriff 2 9o Watkir.s Fred work fur sheriff 85 00 Harris W A exp of Co Jud(-e 13 o5 Hoe E M work for sheriff 3 00 Watkins 11 I' canvass votes 3 00 Watts T C 3 00 Farr John 45 60 Flurht-r L 78 25 BILLS ALLOWED DISTRICT ROAD FUND Road Dist No 1 Cooper Fred 5 00 Duncan Reelen 2 5o W atts and I'rice 2 55 Winslow J S 12 5o Duncan J U 2 5o RoaJ Dist No 2 KaHbertf John 25 00 Hennttt H T 25 00 Swift A B 12 5o Chel'.lterK A 25 00 Iloyt A 12 5o Road Dist No 3 II Woodward 66 o5 R Hustam 7 5o Woodward N 66 65 HoydJ 17 5o Rosasco L 17 5o Uluckburn E 9 00 Barnes WE 15 00 KcKan II 2 5o Rice F 2o 00 Turner C 25 00 Nicholls T N 12 5o Pspain E lo 00 Roac Dist No 4 Gaittens Ray 45 00 Roud Dist No 5 Fowler C C 16 85 Blake Ed 5 00 Road Dist No 6 James Hudson 39 60 WHlter Tracy 12 5o Lowman Lbr Co I5o 00 Wiihani Bert 3 75 Rainier Lbr and Sliinnle Co 112 "0 W arlters J C Io 00 Continued on Page 6 NOTICE H. Laiscn, formerly in the mer cantile liusineas at Warren, has placed his accounts in niy hands for collection. All persons knowinjr. themselves indebted to Mr. Larscn will call at my office in St. Helens and make settlement within the next two weeks and save costs. Oct. 24th, 1913. M. E. Miller. $100 REWARD. The Water Commis: ion of the City of persons who shut down one of the water Kates on the main line recently, or of any person or persons damaging or in- terfering with any water pipes on tbe line. By order of the Commission. E, E. QUICK, See. For Rent Rooms in the Bank building:. Steam heat, electric ia. ivu tile vii ui 1 St. Helens will pay $100 reward for the "8nt " ana COia water. arrest and conviction of the person or Columbia Co. Bank. GREAT COMBINATION OFFER The Mist management has made arrange ments with Port 1 (in (I Evening Telegram whereby we can give subscribers the advan tage of a gigantic combination offer for a li.uitctl period. You can get a Metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news from all over the world and all the news of St. Helens and vicinity in the Mist at a remark ably low price. The Evening Telegram is the best pap in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine and comic section in colors. The Evening Telegram St. Helens Mist - - -Total Both Papers Through this office if paid in advance for 1 year, ou or before Decem ber 31st, 1913 . - - $5.00 per year $1.50 per year $6.50 per year $4.75 r 505 Mo