OFFICIAL PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY VOL. XXXII. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 NO 48. GUILTY OF John A. Pender Convicted BRIEF HISTORY OF 1,nt Saturday afternoon the jury In the cat f In State vh John A IVndor. on trial fur murder, ' (troutfht In a verdict of "guilty if ' . ,.. . . .. i .. o ninr'icr in iw nrn uogrec,' uuer ;inu rust degree awl live for convic ddilarting eighteen hour, oo the; tion in the second degree. ' . About Ievidemii that It I I three day to pri evidemi that it had taken twenty' !neytforthe state occupied about 'four hours in summing up the evi dence and ii tik about eight and one-hal for the -half hours' for the attorneys ie dofendunt to rei.nt- their . argument in bihulf of their client. lit time thu argument became itiuy- bitter, on both aides, directed , at didvrynt witnesses' and others connected with tnij cums. It fook .Judge Kakin about forty minuAes Ho deliver his instructions to tjie jjryatvi those instruction's were bo fair anJ covered the Ia4 in thu cane thoroughly that no 1 exception were taken by counsel' on either do. At K. 46 p. tn. Friday even ing thVjury retired and from that r -r ,- . - . k- "7- Mr. nd Mri Frank until 2:45 the next .lay he jury discussed and argued over tne evidence. It was anld by one of the jurymen that there was no tin., during all thoir deliberations that any of the jurors voted for any thing else than conviction of mur der in some degree, but that the evident wan gone over thoroughly so that no mistake might be made. The first informal ballot of the jury MURDER IN FIRST DEGREE Alter Sensational Trial Lasting 23 Days EVIDENCE IN THE CASE resulted in u unanimous vote for 'guilty, but no rit-greu was specified. , The first formal ballot taken gulled in seven for conviction in . . . . . . . tWelve or thirteen ballot, were 'taken with the result thut a Prst degree verdict whs 'finally agreed upon. Judge Lakin allowed the defendant's 'attorneys' thirty day in which to apply for a, new tral and in case that wan not allowed to prepared bill of exceptions with a view to appealihg the case to the upieme court. The crime which John A- Tender ha been convicted of was the most fiendish and horrible thai has ever liaommit$ed in thin cminty and ranks along with the ifumous Hill family murder a few years ago in Clackamas county. Frank Wehr man with hiswife' and baby pur chased a tWelve acre tract of land in what 1 called Apple Valley. f r7J "J Wehrman and thiw .? -K....t four miles from..'WW"o-. """" J":"- t 4911: rWl ami in in, T . ... -O chicken house, and f-ZtJ improvements on 4he little pl- I baker by Mr. Wherman was i.mtilovcd in bakery at Portland, and after a few weeks at hiH new home with the family, re turned to his work at Portland, Continued on Pg FIRST LYCEUM NUMBER Stelzl Quartette Delight ' St. Helens Audience Wednesday eveninir the first number of the Lyceum Course, under the direction of the St. Helens High School, was given at the City hall. The Stelzl Mu sical Quartette was the attrac- tion and was greeted by a fairlChittim last Saturday night on a sized audience. The performers were all first-class, the violin playing of Prof. Stelzl beingkex ceptionally fine. The next num ber will be the Wood Orchestral Trio, which will appear on Pec. 6th. . Oi; December lGth Mr.. Er nest Randall, the celebrated car toonist and chalk-talk artist, will entertain ' and this number promises to be one of the leading attractions on the list. 0 Janu ary 29th Harold Kramer, author and lecturer, will appear, and on the 24th of February the .Floyds, great family of -magicians, will wind up the course. Mrs. Ross Entertains. Minn Lillian Tingle was the honor guest at an elaborate luncheon given by Mrn. Kdwin Ross qn Fri day, Nov. 21. A. largo aquare table waa laid for eighteen guHts. The Jecorations were typicalf the Thanksgiving season, the' eenter uiece b.eing an immense pumpkin filled with autumn fruit, and bor dered "b yellow' candjtia, ' which furnished, Uht fithe dfning rtorn. The place cards, avunuNWirn; tion of the, were In the season s colors, ilecoratea wmi yellow Indian corn. ThoHe present to meet Miss Tingle were Mrs. Wil kerson, Miss Davis of the State Normal, Mrs. McCord of Clats kanie, Miss Lois Ferny, Mr. J. H. Collins. Mrs. M. E. Miller, Mrs. C. H. John, Miss Hammarstrom. Miss May Farnurn, ijMri. Hatfield of Scappoose, Mrs. A. J. Peel, Mrs. J. W. Day. Mrs. L. G. Hobs. Mrs. Holladayand Mrs. Washburn. Mrs. C. H. John and Mrs. W. B. Dillard poured coiree and Miss Hammar strom and Mrs. 1'eel assisted the hostess in serving. Miss Lois Clear. Miss Dorothy John and Miss Iro Barker assisted in the dining room. - William H. Dolman William H. Dolman, for more than twenty years a merchant and postmaster t)f'8fc Helens, died at his residence," COGVLauVel street, Portlanf4thte'',,,X morning after a linirprinJ-o!lnesa' Mr. Dolman was about t&'yt-ara old and was one of the pioneers of Columbia county Hp conducted store here for many years, selling out about 11 years ago to Celllns & Gray. He formerly owned the property where is now situated the brick business block of H. Morgus & Son. He also rwned a large tract of land at Hunker Hill in this county. In 1884 Mr. Dolman married Mrs. Nancy Mcttride Morse, who survives him Funeral services will be held today, Friday, at 1 o'clock at Holman's ChAnel in Portland. With a later service at the Portland Cremato rium, Uev. W.A. M. Breck oflici ating. St. Helens people who attended the Muckle-Fenton wedding at Portland Wednesday were: Chas. Muckle, Washington Muckle. Mr. nrt Mrs. Wm. Muckle, Mr. and Mrs Jacob George. Mrs. R. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur MucKie. wr nnrf Mrs. E. A. Rotger, Mrs. J. W nnv. Misses Amy George. Beryl Muckle, Lois Clear, Leona md MpIH Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Maiten and Mis Bernice Mas ten. ARRESTED for ASSAULT Picture Show Man Given Chance to Leave Town or Stand Trial W. L. Sharp, who has been conducting a moving picture theatre in St. Helena for several months, was arrested by Marshal comylaint of a young girl 14 years old, who had been working for him selling tickets. Sharp was placed in jail until Monday, and upon his promise to leave here was released and the cas against him continued. He left. This action was taken by the father of the girl, for the reason that Sharp has two young daugh ters of his own ' ho are de pendent upon him for support and that no harm was done to the girl here, so for the sake of the two daughters of the man he was allowed to go. Muckle-Fenton. A wedding of interest to many St. Helens and Columbia county people was the beautiful church wedding of Miss Agnes Muckle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Muckle, and Dr. Matthew 'b en ton, which was solemnized at St. David's church in Portland, last Wednesday evening, the Rev. Dr. Taloot officiating. The church was beautifully decorated with palms and white chrysan theojuno. -.Promptly at 8 o'clock thfr brfiie eatertxr the church on a" Muckle. and joined the,roorp, who. Vitli Frank Van Duyn, un cle ot the bride, was waitirfg at the church rail. , The bride was gowned in white satin, trimrued with' real lace and carried a shower boquet of bride's rosesi Miss Amy George, as bridesmaid, wore white satin with yellow- chiffon and carried yellow roses. Little Agnes Muckle, cousin of the bride, and Margaret Spencer, niece of the groom, were flower crirla Tbp ushers were. Wl bur Muckle, Dr. Hicks I-enton, Mr. Lucas and Dr. statle. Immediately after the cere mony a reception was held at the hme of the bride's pa-ents. Dr. and Mrs. Fenton left on the late train for a honeymoon trip in southern California and will be at home after January 1st at 555 Ladd avenue, Portland. ST. HELENS 20 YEARS AGO HEMS TAKEN FROM THE MISTJF DECEMBER 1, 1893 Several blockmakers packed their Saratogas and left for California on Monday. The plans for two or three good sized business buildings to be erect ed here, are being drawn up by local mechanics. Jay Doming, of InJi-pcndcnce, a well known typo ,and a former employe of THE MIST, is again at the case in this oflice. The Columbia Banking company will erect a large store building on its property and fill it with a stock of general merchandise. C. H. Newell has the contract for the building. Koy Johnson spent Thanksgiving with his parents at Clatskanie. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sin cere thanks to the many kind neighbors and friends for assist ance and sjmpathy rendered us in our recent bereavement. Also to express our appreciation to the Artisans and Grange for the beautiful floral offerings. James Gaittens and family m mi TP Hf-Pir WfllTI W Figures Obtained from Expert on Cost oi Building Docks MASS MEETING OF CITIZENS MONDAY NIGHT A public dock for St. Helens has been discuBevd for St. Helens for several years end a mass meeting of the citi zens has been called for next Monday night to talk the matter over. This week we have secured figures from an expert on dock building which show that a dock W0 feet long by 100 feet deep with a 40-foot approach from the street can be built at the foot of St. Helens street for less than t-tooo. This includes all material, pil ing, drift bolts, sway braces, joists, decking, nails and all labor, in fact, all complete, and out such a instance as will give 24 feet depth of water in front of the dock. An additional $looo will euaily build two warehouses on the dock. A dock thst site could be di- Thanksgiving Services. Union services were held at the Congregational church ou Thanksgiving day. Rev. F. J. Meyer of that church presidiog, while Rev. Luther of the M. E. church preached a very interesting and instructive sermon. -JCornerstone Laid. " The ft vmsr hi ae corner stone of the First 'Jð Epi4ioit.l. jirl, (aVcfcilV made a trip Helens occurred Wednesday afternoon of this week. The rain very obligingly held off during Uhe service. Of the contents of the old corner stone the fol lowing was put in the new corner stone: Copies of the Oregon Mist of March 2, 1900, Columbia County News of April 18. 1900. Western Christian Advoscte uf March 21, 1900, and a copy of thejeounty and state election returns of June 6, 1898. Our Girls Won. The St. Helens High School girls and boys basket ball teams journeyed to Kalama Tuesday night in Joe Clark's launch and played the teams of that city. The result of the boys gsme was, as usual, a defeat for the St. Hel ens team, bv a score of 28 to 18. Not j so with the girls team, for our girls won I a very interesting game by a score of 3 to I. Our boys ere playing a better I gsme tiii year thun ever tit fore, but so are the other fellows, i.r.d any team that beats us has to plu) ball all the time. ADVERTISED LETTERS Letters unclaimed in the St. Hel ens Post office for the week ending Nov. 22. 1913: Mr Johan Crutzler 1 letter Joe M. Freebuig Letters unclaimed by Dec. 5th will be sent to the Dead-Letter office Iva E. Dodd, P. M. An unusual reduction sale in millinery is advertised in this issue to be held by the popular general store, of Oliver & Oliver. Read this ad on page four. The social dance given in the City hall last Saturday night by the St. Helens Social Club was a most en joyable affair. This was the first party given by the club and others will follow during the winter. Jack Lafferty returned home this week from Waldron Island, Washington, where he has been for several months working in a quarry. Jack Bays that the rock in that country is not in the same class with our rock and is not fit for paving blocks when such blocks as are made made at St. Helens can be had. COST $4,000.00 vided into 4o by 4o feet spaces and tome of them leased out to individuals, thereby bringing in enough money from rentals to pay at least 6 per cent on the test and still leave ample room for the ... public to us 'n going to and coming from the boats. The figures which we have obtained are reliable and can be depended upon. If a dock is to be built at all. no smaller one should be considered as the larger boats could' not land there with much less than a 3ffcot dock. At the meeting next j Monday night titere should be a rousing good timestith every citizen 'of the city thereto give his or her views. It means much to the city as a whole and much to the property owners as individuals. Don't forget the date. TRENHOLH Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fowler, who have been visiting ' ioT Poit- j land the past week, returned jome ' Monday. . Several from Trenhobn attended ' the Pedmen dance at -Yankton Irday n,ght.? .pT ant time. -' . . " W. H." Kastman made' a trip to Trenholm Saturday. -, ': ' At the literary entertainment) Saturday evening it waa deckled to f have on entertainment and Christ mas tree at the school house on .. Christmas eve. Mrs. Effie Wilson x " was appointed chairman of the com- ' . mittee $ on enternainmeot, with, Baron Crouse and Mrs. Nina Mc-. Intire as assistants, while Mrs. Sam Churchill and Mrs. P. E. Brock way are the committee on decor-ations. YANKTON NEWS Born On November 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter White, a aon. ( On Sunday, Nov. 16. 1913. Miss Esther Butts and Mr. Lei and Rice were united in marriage. The young people are both of- Yankton. There is not enough room in the Yankton school to accommodate the number of scholars attending this year, so a meeting waa held on , Monday evening, November 24, to decide what should be done in .the matter. Those present favored an " -overflow class in Grange hall fox the balance of the term. ' Arcade Theatre Sold, f Miss Leona Fernins has sold the Arcade theatre in this city to Mr. J. M. Bendle, of Ilwaco, Wash. Mr. Bendle will take charge on Dec. 1st Miss Per-', kins has been operating this pop-? ular show house for nearly three years and it has an established -reputation for being orderly and up-to-date. Her many friends ; and patrons will miss her face at i the window each evening but . will be glad to welcome Mr. Bendle who comes here highly recommended and with several years experience in the show business. f . Mrs. Alice Parker, of Southern California, ia visiting with her aia ter, Mrs. Casterline, at Houlton. t V