St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 21, 1913, Image 7

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A Romance of the
Caklo von Horvtth
and Dean Hoard
for oft years the continent of North
America lias I. II la..ale. from the real
rrf the worm ir . in Invention
llannloel I'ruilent, lrrl,Unl nf the
g,vi ninent. A Hiejiaaae from fount von
Wer.leintein. rlmn'-ll"r of Hormany, th
pe nee iiiri-rMoi in iieii.iraiina the rave
eaeiana the drain tif rrijl-iit, I'ylnf. lie
earn lila daughter Aalra that foreign In
tea'-oii la now irrtnln. Aatra eurrer.Ie liar
father aa reai.ient rMiMieon hillaon piit'll of I'riirient'e. orTers lu aaala
Aatra ant hlnta at new illerovertea whk-h
will maha .North Amarlca tlii(ranah)e.
pan caving the name of Chevalier ill
Lon orTera WeriViiatrlrt tha errt of
BAAktna ir"ln In rtutn for Kuropeen nia
armament The rhevallrr la maile a prta
eeer t minleee Hoeiny. a apy. iMromri
arteonrr In the Imii of illefoverlns ill
f.eon'e eerret. Mho falls In lova with htm
and aarrra to loin htm In an attampt to
ara(x. ny trie mm or nx'krta ha turn
awna a rurlooe ntn niarhlna. II
ear-ee antl eeiirie a rne.aaite to Aalra
hi. h reveals the fa. t that ha la Napo
leon Mleon, lla waroa Aalra tliat I ho
eonanlMate! fleets of kur"p hava Balled
to Inva'ta Amerl-e. lla i al!a on Aatra tha
following night ana aMitalna hla plana fi
Aefenaa Hy tha tiaa of eerilanae ma la
af a reew eubatani-e whl.h la Imtnatruril.
lie ha atpevte to annihilate tha Kur.'Oean
hiroaa. lla rlellvere a nola to von War-
Seneteln on hla nafehlp nrtnanillnff Irn
gve1!ite w II hilra aa. la alla-kr1 an.
av oVatroylna I wo warehlre an'l e-veral
aeroplanea, forcee von WeMenateln to
aree to unlvereal illearmament. Tha
euvnteea, who liu remaine.1 In Amerli-a
aa a guref of Aalra. re'-elvee an offer
frm von Wer1enet-ttn of tha principal
Hv of Ik'honihur v how In rat urn for
lMtaon'a aeret. K'l'aon ami hla aeatatanl.
Saatoa. gi In erar. h of new oVpoel'e of
0m remoraable eLhataro-e. i-lrymth. They
And If on tha ratal of H-homhtirff-l,l(h
w. Tha rnuntaa rata Hantos Into har
etutrbe Hha oromleea to ravaal K'lt
an'a aa- rat aa e-xin aa von WeMenateln
arn a ovar tha H'hnmhur l.lthow aaiata
Id har. On tha 1V uf tha wailillnf nf
Aatra ani (Clia.ii tha rouniaaa) and Bi
wm Aao tho rountnr.
C M A PT t R XVIII. Contlnuad.
1 am frld," anld the Count Ton
Ward-rateln, "ttint ha It pro pari nj a
vrprlM for ua. I do not ltka hla al
amo." "Or !a h alnuIy enjoyltif a torn
boMrtnocm T waa Koaltta'l aarcaatlc
Hat tit fount shook hla bead doubt-
A rr had almoat pwacd when the
Bret Buroraan ai-rodrtimone waa Dn
aihed and readr for Ita trial trip. It
vaa aa perfwt aa mochanlcal genlna
eould make It
Count von Vrdi-natln had Invited
arreral relfnli.j monarch! to attend
tha trial fllnht and 8urac rlralod the
ancient Koman tK,'n"' ln plendor.
Only a few breldoe the royal specta
tors were allowed on the plateau near
the aerodromonn plant. The police
eompelli'd the uninformed thousand
wtwo lived In the neighborhood to
keep a respectful distance.
Pantos Puprcl's hart beat high
when be and Itosltta stepped Into the
waiting machine. Itosltta had decorat
ed this first aerodromone with a or
teoua princely crown, and U glittered
bravely In the morn Inc. sun.
Roe It la waa clever and atudled the
aerodromone undur Sntos' direction
until she waa expt-rt In It control and
manufacture. When they entered the
aerodromone, Piinme went to the
wheal, moved the etartlng lever and
tha wlnra rose slowly, then swooped
downward, cnustni? tha machine to
rlaa awlftly and surely. Everything
workd aiactly as desired and tha ma
chln soon disappeared from tba view
of tha watchora, behind a bank of
clou da.
They went op and awam ln tha
fleecy elouda that billowed In tha gold
n unahlna. They reached an enor
mous height, then fisntoa reversed the
machine, turned off tnn power
thar alld dnwnwnrd. Hosltta
by hit aide, embracing hlin with on
arm. ln hrr exuberanre sha reached
up with her free hand and pulled the
loror that emptied the braaa recep
. hii,wiin fliiHh came, striking
rlnwn'waxd ilaiiiKKlnK through
oW.nrta end mlxhty thuilder
through space.
Bha reaJlaed her might, and In that
moment of Intoxicating d-llght aha
drmed a dream-she saw herself a
the ruler of the world.
-How long will It take to hava twen
ty machlnea Ilka this, SantosT" aakad
Roaltta, aagfrly.
"Five or six months, my quoonl
-Than, then we will se." Har T"
iTlttarad itrangly with a flr that was
not lova . , ,
Whan thay landed on the spot from
where they ascended, the Emperor or
0rmany banded Santos Duprel the
parehment with the area imperial
Ual attached, and said: "Count von
Injprel. I want to be the drat to con
gratulate yOU." 'fntin t
Aa hour later the newly made Count
Duprel was receiving the matH
moclal from tha court vicar
Th orownexl heads were happy to
Ckstw th marriage ceremony.
The Garden of Edso.
Hapolnand Astra
U ttaTcountesa Boalny and th dlaa
Of HftRtm h.
.... iliKl oouia come to hla be
loved country.
Ihelr honeymoon had b..en abort, a.
.liber could be .b.eIlt from ,!
SBlit from their
poets long. Tha
returns to her pra.ld.ntUI d7e and
N.,;ole u, hi. aerodromona.
Shortly .ftr ,holr return be talkod
ong and aertously with hi. Thin
he American Kg urt tnB f
the Crystal I'aluce .o .... 7r. 1
the we.L H, a,ot)t)ed
guttloned Bulllvan ann ' .J"
Hantoa and Hoaltt. i. .uJ . "
dromon. In Ho ne kn))W th,t
-U. ny this time, perfected their
Plan, and th. fact that itosltta signed
herself , of
L ,7. r"' """l8 11 tht they
would try to take warfare Into the air.
J'Tome Whistler W r t lha laalwv..
a hit u ipuvi Wm
ory and Nap,l,n fv, him Instruo
tlons. Ho Inspected the stock of avail
able clrynlth. then stx-nt m.n. h
over his drawing Uule, but when be
-- tnrougn with hi. work began to
whlstla a pleasant melody. Rolling
up bis drawings, ha aM in . t
exultant voice: "This will coma aa a
Ha called Jerome Whletlee
turned the drawings over to Mm. It
was an aerodromone.
I am glad we have enough matort.l
to do this, friend Whlatler; besides,
we will bava enough left over for other
Napoleon returned to the csDltal to
report and advlae Aatra that ha would
make a longer trip for reconnoltcrlng
purpoaea. Ha left that evening. He
visited Buemeg. and there saw what
he expected to aea. People were
busily at work, making tha peak like
n immense ant hill. Ha aaw Hantoa
emerge from one building and walk
acrosa the plain to another. anH the
knew, then, that Santos had betraved
mm; mat aerodromonea would tight
agalnat aerodromortea in God's clear,
pure air.
lla was sad that the man whom bs
had trusted so Implicitly bad turned
raltor at tha Instigation of tba count
Hatlifled that bis surmise was cor
rect, be turned homeward and after
short conference with Astra left
again. This time ha traveraed tha Pa
cific const of the Amertcaa. Starting
from Mexico, he went southward,
watching bla electro-spectroscope In
ceanantly, while bo circled over the
volcanic reglona of tbe Andc.
Day after day be continued hla
search, going farther and farther
south, alwaya near th ocean. Hla
pnetroacope ahowed signs of clrynlth
several time, bat never ln large quan
tities. Weeks were spent this way. From
time to time he returned to Washing
ton, and each time he returned ba
topped a few hours at Clryne to se
bow the work on tbe new machine
was progressing.
He had raked through Colombia and
Ecuador wtth minute care and now
was on the border of I'eru. Hs con-
nued hla search with unswerving
faith In ultimately finding the precious
metal that would enable him to build
larger fleet
He had been circling over tbe An-
es, peering down on stoep precipices.
rugged slopes snd snow-covered peaks
here goats and llamas were tba only
nhabltants, when suddenly he saw an
ntansa greenish light glowing on bl.
pectroecope. He slowed down, and
the Instrument gave evidence or a
large deposit of clrynlth. Not more
than two hundred feet below him
tretched a broad anow-covered peak.
lavatlc. porous, bare space was vis
ible through the snow, on the north
eastern corner, and there he found
hat he sought. The precious clrynltn
lay In heavy layers, almost perfectly
pure. Tbe deposit was not as targe
as tba one In Hungary, but mora eaav
" - ; . ' -
Not Mora Than Two Hundred Feat
Balow Him eireicn.a '
Snow-Coversd Peak.
Ily obtainable, and It woum d bh
necessary to go through a lot of pre
liminary steps before they could carry
Z".iIk.A with hla dlacovery. ha ex-
nlored the secluded spot that nevor be
L had been touched by human foot
The geological formation was of vol
canlc origin. It seemed a. though ha
mountain had neon re... -
m " ween the raw edged
rt'dVes in tha course of time had de-
.Inned IntO a parnumo.
X place PP"ed 10 hJ' U,t,TrD-
ovar to ma ni"""-
on ma green, mmnrf graitt. Ha
en. A
"' cup rrom tba crystsl lake and
drank deep or th cool, refreshing
"lieautlful spoil" ha murmured,
stretching out his arms slowly, as If
extending his blessing. "I name you
The Garden of Eden I ' Then ba en
tered bla machine, flew ovar th clry
nlth depoalt, filled aome aucks with
the Irregular, bard cryauls and start
ed homeward. Ilia mind was filled
with schemes to frustrate the Euro
pean plans.
Tha next day ba took six aerodro
monea from Clryena to the Garden of
Kdnn, and they made trlpa back and
forth until tha whole depoalt of clry
nlth was landed on the Island cf Cl
ryne, The spectroscope showed that
there must ba more under tha surface,
but Napoleon knaw be bad sufficient
for tha time being, and was satisfied
to leave tha raat until such Urn as
be needed it
New hangars were built on the
Island. Tha work progressed rapidly.
Aerodromona after aerodromone of
the new type waa stored away by th
expert workmen.
Napoleon's visits to Astra were bla
happiest hour. He confided his hopes
and expectations to her. Bhe gave him
all tha sympathy and encouragement
at bor command. Their lives ware at
tuned to perfect harmony.
The work on Clryne had progressed
so well thst Whlatler was able to over
sea It all without Napoleon's assist
ance and one day he took leave from
Aatra with tha following words:
I am going to pay a visit to our
excellent friend, the Count von Wer-
denateln, and then, whon I hava ascer
tained hi attitude toward the peace
committee, I will go on still hunt for
the final preventive of war."
The Count von Werdenstcln's palace
waa equipped with a roof hangar, as
were all the large private dwellings.
and the Eagle found It an easy matter
to alight there without molestation.
Napoleon had sent a 'graph message
to the count to expect him, but did
not mention the time of bla arrival.
The quick descent made It Impos
sible for the observers to discern the
type of machine that alighted, and the
workmen In tha hangar did not pay
any attention to Bulllvan when Na
poleon left the craft Bullivar simply
locked tha door and eat reading until
his return.
The count was very much surprised
to receive hla card, aa the attendants
had not announced htm. Nevertheless,
be received blm in his usual suave
Napoleon saw and felt that the count
was In an extremely happy state of
mind, that h waa no more In despair,
but hopeful.
"I am very glad to aea your excel
lency drop Into our circle once more."
He grasped both hand of th presi
dent of the peace commute.
"The pleasure Is mine, your honor,"
was Napoleon's reply. "My call Is not
an official one. It Is a private matter.
That Is why I dropped Into your home
so unceremoniously."
"You are welcome."
"I thought you would be kind enough
to listen to me. You remember my
last vtalt here, when I wanted you to
sell me, or to help ma purchaae the
Peak Buemeg In Hungary? At that
time I thought the place contained the
cryatals of clrynlth, the substance
from which my aerodromone are
made." Napoleon paused, and the
count looked at him cautiously.
"I took aome samples of the crystals
when I discovered It, and analyzed
them. To my surprise I found that It
has not the tame electro magnetic
qualities that the clrynlth of Clryne
has." He pauaed again; atlll tbe count
aald nothing. "Now, I am sorry that
I have troubled you in this matter,
a I do not want the property, for my
experiments have proved to me that
tbe crystals are worthless for my pur
"llut you are mistaken," blurted out
the count He realized ln the same
second that he had made a mistake,
but, after all, what difference could it
make? Napoleon smiled serenely, and
gave no sign of satisfaction at having
brought this Information from th
"All I can tell you la," continued he,
"that the chemical quality Is not ths
came, and I cannot make use of the
deposit, and for this reason I do not
wish to Interest myself further In ths
Error of Trsnslator Causes a Medi
cine's Valus to Bs Over
estimated. Many newspapera are haaty In an
nouncing the discovery In Germany of
aome method of treatment mora of
less new, and not Infrequently mis
information Is given the public
through the failure to keep In mind
the actual meaning of one little word.
Tha German word kur does not mean
"cure." although It Is not an un
common thing to find It so translated
Into English.
"To cure" ln English means "to re
store to health; to effect a cur;" but
In other languages It means merely to
apply " method of remedial treat
ment of dlseaae; medical or hygienlo
care; method of medical treatment"
The German word for "restoration to
health" Is hellung, not kur.
The Latin word cura means merely
"care," a shade of meaning which Is
preserved In tha derived term "cura
in," An Italian physician waa re
cently made to say, when his article
was translated Into English, I cored
ten typhoid patients last month and
six of them died." What he really
said was that hs had treated tan pa
tient. From the Journal of th Amer
ican Medical Association.
Garbage and love letters should b
bvurnatd betor they create troafcla.
a d ol 01
Get "In touch"
with a keen appetite, perfect di
gestion, liver and bowel regular
ity and notice the improvement
in your general health. The
way to do this is to take
at mealtime for a few days. It
tones, strengthens and invigor
ates the) entire digestive system.
Start today.
Much From a 8mall 8pace.
Th garden spac was limited. A
circle waa made eight feet ln diam
eter, a stout pole was planted ln the
middle and to tha top was attached
eight wires, which were attached to
stakes driven Into tha ground ln the
edge of tba circle.
In this circle peas were planted ln
February. They were of the high
bush variety, great growers and heavy
producers. Tbe peas matured ln May
and a few days before tbe vines were
removed, tomato plants were set
After the pea vines were pulled the
tomato plants grew rapidly. By mulch
ing the ground, the limited space In
time of drouth was easily and quickly
watered. The tomatoes were trained
up tha wires and stood five to six
feat tall. Three times the yield was
secured In this way from that obtain
ed from vines that laid on the ground.
Tha tomatoes matured the middle of
August and the circle was planted at
onte to Kentucky Wonder beans.
Tkey climbed the wires Ilk trained
acrobats and later on looked down
upon tbe gardener with pods six to 10
Inches long, a single hill making a
mess for an ordinary family. After
th first November frosts hava killed
the beana tba place may b sown or
set with lettuce, spinach or cabbages.
A. Jeffers, ln Farm & Home.
T Brcal: In Naw Slvaea.
Aways ihake In Allan's Foot-rfaM, a powder.
It curas hot, sweating;, arhlnf , swollan feet.
Curat corna, ingrowing nalla and bunions. At
all drugglita and ahoa aterea, 'J.'Se. Dont acoapt
Mivaubaillute. Sainlemai.e'lrliElt. Adilraas
Alias 8. Olmated, La Kor. N. Y.
Cura Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath Candy Cathartic
No odds how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation. Indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels you always get
relief with Cascarets. They Imme
diately cleanse and regulate the stom
ach, remove tbe sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from tbe liver and carry off tha con
stipated waste matter and poison
from the Intestines and bowels. A
10-cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and head clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
Obliging Her.
The sweet young thing was being
shown through the Baldwin locomo
tive works.
"What Is that thing?" she asked,
pointing with her dainty parasol.
"That," answered the guide, "is an
engine boiler."
Sha waa an up-to-date young lady
and at once became Interested. "And
why do they boil engines T" sha in
quired again.
"To make tha engine tender," po
litely replied the resourceful guide.
Pennsylvania Punch BowL
TJs Ramaa Eve Balaam for aealdtog aaa
aatlon In avta and innnminatfou of aaa or
veUAa. Adv.
Guarding One's Health.
Not many people guard their health
so carefully aa did Sir Tatton Sykes,
who ln Winter wore five or six coats
when out riding and shed some of
them aa he became warmer. Prince
Potlaklne. however, took even strong
er precautions against Illness. If
there was a touch of cold ln the air
ha had fires lighted ln his grounds
befor venturing to stroll In them.
His waistcoats were made In two sep
arata pieces, Joined at tha sides by
buttons, so that he could take them
oft or put additional ones on without
removing his coat If caught in a
shower he sheltered himself with an
umbrella nearly two feet wide, which
earn down below his wslst and was
pleroed with little windows. In rery
hot weather the Prince wore boots
coated with tin, as a protection
against mad dogs, and carried sponges
soaked with vinegar ln his shirt front
to ward off unpleasant smells. Lon
don Tid-Blts.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets retro
laU and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowela. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
easy to take. Do not gripe.
California's greatest water power
development work on which Is under
way, eventually will transmit 150,000
horsepower about 240 miles to Los
Angeles and vicinity.
Paraguay has valuable forest re
sources, th most Important of which
Is quebracho, particularly rich, In tan
Chinas boatmea at Macao have
been letting off bombs and crackers
to Induo the gods not to injur than)
with a whirlwind.
A Real Wonder Comas to Town.
Marjorie came running Into the
houn with a "measuring worm" on a
"Look what I found on th pear
tree," she said to ber mother.
The mother looked and smiled.
"It's just a little worm," she said.
"llut wait a minute," tbe youngster
Insisted, "and you'll see him take a
tuck ln himself." Youngstown, O.,
Fre to Oar Hrndara
Write Murine Ky Krm!y Co., Chlratro, for
4R-paK IlluatraU-d Kya liook Free. Write all
sUjul Your k.ym Trouble anil Uiry will auvtae)
aa to tba Iroier Application uf tba Murine
Kra Hcmeiltra In Your Special CaH. Your
lirugglat will tell you that Jiurtne KHlevea
Hora Kyea, htrentftuena Weak Kjea. XJoeha't
bmart, Itoottiea Kya fain, and aella for &uc.
Try It In Vour fcye and In buby'e yea fur
Heal eliua and Urauulatloo.
A clergyman-reformer of Kansas
City, Kan., who bus been zealous ln
driving out dunce balls of question
able character, now proposes to begin
a cruBudo against private dancea.
"They are worse than the public
dances the ones I have witnessed,"
he says.
is a
shells and
Shooting, This Morning.
"You were shooting this morning?"
asked Smith. "Yes, I had to kill my
dog," answered Jones. "Was he mad?"
asked Smith. "Well," said Jones, "he
didn't seem any too well pleased."
" am an old man
never happened."
rE white hair and wrinkled faces of our busy men and women tell
of doubt, fear and anxiety more than disease or age. Worry plays
havoc with the nervous system so that digestion is ruined and sleep
banished. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of an engine
flolden Medical Discovery
Is to tha delicate organ of the body. It's a tonic and body tmilder because it
stimulates the liver to vigoroua action, assists th stomach to assimilata food thus
enriching the blood, and th nerves and heart in turn are fed on pur rich blood.
Neuralgia "is the cry of starved nerves for food." For forty years Golden
MadleaU Diaoovary" in liquid form haa given great aatiafaction aa a tonic and
blood maker.
How it can be obtained in tablet form from dealer In medicine
or tend 50 one-cent $tamp$ for trial box. Write R.V.Pierce,Buffala.
Rel'ev conatlpatloH, resalat the liver,
and bowels. Kauy to talc as candy.
As an additional safeguard against
icebergs one trans-Atlantic passenger
steamer is carrying a 72,000 candle
power search light with an effective
range of five miles.
The most fatal explosion ever known
was' at Gravelines in 1654. Three
thousand people were killed.
United States unions have an ag
gregate of 1,952,131 members.
sufferers find instant relief in
Sloan's Liniment. It pene
trates to the painful part
soothes and quiets the nerves.
No rubbing merely lay it on.
Kills Pain
For Nevralaia
" I wnnld not be without ymir t.lnl
aient and praiaa it to all who eulfer
with neuralumor rhrumatiam or pain of
any klod." -Mra. ilaarjr it "hop. Alalana,
Pais AD Can
"I Buffered with auite a aerere neu
ralgic headache for 4 month without
any relief. I ued your Liniment for
two or three nights ami I haren't Buf
fered with my head sines." Air. . JL
SaFMgwr, iaiwiiHa. A.
Treatment! for Cold and Croaai
"My littla jirl, twelra years old,
eaucht a arrera cold, and 1 cava her
three dropaof Sloan's Liniment on aug-ar
on mins to hed, and she got up tn tha
mornitei with no aliens of a t old. A lit
tla boy neit door had rroup and I sure
the nther the Liniment. .She (rare Ism
three drona on fnin to bed, and he got
an without the croup In the morning."
Aw. W. U. MfWfe, Oucmt. 1U.
llJDaU Prtoe . aeJ ILS
Sloan's Baok n Hones scat fata.
DK. fARL 1 SLOAN, loc, tUstoa, 13.
lllvll a SJ-OOV Jk S4.0O
WomeiitlaV U
Mlaaoa, Boys. Ohlldrao
I .SO 1 .78 tl-SO S3
aalaaM ta
a tLa
ti 6
Ik vrt4.
T.. Douclu thorn trv tvmmm
amr. v ay otn fiv um ft
Ttitt VaUla iOU Will raatiVa.
Ihm Urifxit to th world uiVlesT
one tuut, tvnd Me bow ci-f uU
W. 1. lJOU.f IM tab (MM ALT a BBAwlaV
rouifl uDfiwanuid why Uir 4
uLr1 to look ttttor, fit fcertlAW,
1 llieircbftp an! wmmi hinw liwii
muim ui&Atoi tor im prio.
Your d.r houI4 udoIt ran wttft
orn. i job .LUtuoUUlt.No
iiaviiiaatAfDfMd on bottom. rV.oasi
sent every w bars, direct (rota la
--. rm, poftui fre. Now
ttma to bwafin to - mooajr aa
foutwav. Wrlfa tortar fur niaa.
ta latAiof aoowing bow to
910 Bprk St., Brocktoo. 1
U Kami
aSW aagaa
. wjf ia'
.jV Jour
Black Powder Shells
The superior shooting of Winchester
"Nublack" and "New Rival" shotgun
shells is due to the Winchester method of
construction and loading, which
has been developed during over
forty years of manufacturing in a
country where shotgun shooting
science. Loaded shells that
the exacting conditions of
American sportsmen are sure to
satisfy anybody. Try either of these
then you'll understand.
A man in New York has been arretrV
ed and sentenced to 11 months la
prison for the crime of stealing baby
carriages. It seems not to have baaa
a pastime with him, but a business,
for be admitted that he had been en
gaged in it for 25 years.
and many of my trovblea
"Pape's Diapepain" makea Sick, 8oufv
Gassy Stomachs surely feat fin
in fiv minutes.
If what you just ate Is souring om
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas, and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
ln mouth and stomach-headache, yei
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent cas of
Pape's Dtapepsln from any drug store.
You realize ln five minutes how need
lees It is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doe
tor ln the world. It's wonderful.
Licorice Root In Beer.
Thousands of tons of licorica root,
an article tbat, by the natives gen
erally, is esteemed a pest and wors
than worthless, are annually gathered
In Turkey for exportation to America
for use in the manufacture of chaw
ing and smoking tobacco, as well aa
for flavoring confectionery and bear.
The business is largely controlled by
an American concern. Indianapolis
Ml fMl Vpi"OIIl (t
ttittnt of lo-riii
i , J ih ChimM doctor.
Try onc inor if ro b$m doetortnf with
thia ona uio) that one And ha not obtained r
nanont relief. Let thta treat aatura healer dl.
nosssj roar oaaa and prmoriba Kn) remrxiy who
action 1 quirk, eure and eafa. Ht prtMcrtptlona
re compounded from Root a, Herha, Hade an
barks that have been lathered from avar? aar
terof the lota. The eerreta of thee medlotaas
are not known to the omenta world, bat have baaa)
haaded down from fath to aom 1 th ihjrwtnlanwar
taaUiea Lb China.
V ynw 11 oat at town and eaaaot rail. wrH (W
ptoa blank aad eiroular, toeing 4 a
162 ra-vt St., Cor. Morris
fartlaaaV Oran,
F. N. U.
No. 47, 'IS
TtTHEM wrrUn aa i
" ctaa Ula pa Bar.