St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 21, 1913, Image 6

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    W aaa
- ... "x v ! J . . I I k I
VAV ' .... I V It
f ;r ' YHATS tKeuMcfa repeating gun that
x-' -. ''i"xf J VV throws the shell, smoko and gases in
1 C-V' .-" 4jT tno WBy of your aim? "ITiat'a the ques-
H : vLi4 tion that started us working cm the Rem-
ington Ihtlom Ejclkn Pump Gun the only gun
OI lts kind on the market, and used by thousands
-, V'L f gunners ail over the country.
V Solid Breech. 1 lammerless. Perfectly Balanced.
Pci"--lsJ chargo impossible. Smple Take-Down quar
ter turn of the barrel, without tool.
FiaJ tka d1 w4o la taliaa- Sxa UJ la arata aaJ
romwu.ii.xa. Ha hi W raunfi" 1 M" axa
cill bn cxm;iaiiua. od inn aJvaaca aWal
lnowu a ta ijwing hatatuuy.
Reminjtoa Armt-Vaios Metallic Cartridge Co.
r Bn aJwar 9 Na Yar
-s - ' '. ... ; t '4 . ; 'v-v' ''i.
h;Jlv..; . r 44
. mt v'- -' '. . . : : ' tV !ih: 'A
n - - : p ..: ;; f,- . wiriirA
- x- j-1 j -.-
J. A. i'.II.L IC. C. U'HKRlON
S f.PMTD A I AA A P lv FT ?
J aS I4 1 a V 'a a la. a a
I);.;kR is
FnJi and Cut-id Mints G
V.sVr u' Poultry, Produce P
Your Orders Solicited Good Prices Full Weight C
Phone 60 St. Helens, Ore. j
St. Helens
a M
Mill Co.
z r
Electric Lighting
(Saves Your Eyes)
Steam Heating
(Prolongs Your Lives)
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
All Eusiness'.Promptly Attended To
PHONE 15 OR 12
- y.J
itowt Finishings
.Concrete Work
County Court Prepares State
ment for Taxpayers to Examine
Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the Mh day of PwnniU'r,
liH:t, in the county court room In the City of St. ilclcnM, a mwtiiig of
the County Court will be held for the purpose of levying taxes to defray
probable expense of the county, and that at uid time and place any
taxpayer subject to such tax levy when made, may be heard in favor or
against uny proposisd tax levies us may be required to raise
the amounts ax shown by tho itemized estimate of contemplated ex
penditures from the moneys proposed to le raised by taxation, us made
by the County Court, being as follows:
County Court and Commissioners Salury of judro, commis
sioners, bailiiTs, livery, expeitinjr books, etc $:I,UOO.OO
Circuit Court Salary of bailitTs, reporter, jury and wit
nesses, special counsel, etc M, 000. 00
Justice Courts Fees of justices, constables, jurors, wit
nesses, etc 700 00
SheritT's Ollieo Salary and expenses of shei ill" and deputies :i,.r00.00
Clerk's oUice Salary of clerk and deputies :t,000.(l()
Treasurer's ollice Salary of treasurer und deputies for tax
collection 2.000 00
Coroner's Ollice Fees of coroner, physicians, jurors, wit
nesses, etc :u)o.oo
School Superintendent's Ollice Salary of Superintendent,
fees, etc. and truant ollicers l.iOO.OO
Fruit Inspector Sulai) etc 200.00
Assessor's Ollice Salary of assessor, deputies, I'xtra lu'lp ex
tending tax rolls, etc A. 100.00
lax Rebates Taxes to be refunded 600. 0y
Current Kxpense Hooks, stationery, postage, expressajre.
- telephones, etc., all ofllces 5,000.00
Court House Expenses Janitor, lights, water, fuel, repairs,
supplies and fixtures 2,r00 .00
Jail Hoaid of prisoners, medical attendance, medicine, re
pairs, supplies und fixtures 1,200.00
Care of Poor --Salary of physician, poor farm, provisions,
transportation, hospital churges, burials etc 1 ,000.0
Indigent Soldiers - Relief furnished :tU0.00
Insane - Examinations and expense 100.00
Flection Expenses - Registrations, supplies, election boards,
deputy sheriffs, etc ' 2.000.00
R.iads anil Highways - Uoad aujervisors, surveying, view
ing, damages, road engineer etc o, 000. 00
Fire 1'atrol Protection of forest and state apportionment '.KtO.OO
County Fair - For buildings etc 1 .000.00
Sealer of Weights and measures - Salary and supplies 1 00.00
Roads and Highways-For bridges, repairs, machinery, sup
plies and survey 00,000.00
For permanent road building in the four districts, to be di
vided according to the valuation of .each of said districts 110,000.00
Estimated amount of receipts from sources other than taxation-Fees
from clerks and sheriff's ofllces .r,:t60.00
Dated November S, ll 13.
County Court of Columbia County. Oregon.
l!y II. E. LaHare, Cletk.
Court Proceedings
of county road viewers on the chunge
in the Clatskanie-Kainicr road hs peti
tioned I r y K. J. Liniibcrg ct si. Was
read in open court the Hint tirnc.
Matter of scalp bounty claims:
On this day tha clerk presents to the
court a statement of scalp bounties paid
during the morth of October, being as
follows: Oct. II, 1913, warrant No.
17 1 to Fred Floctcr $20. Oct. 20,
1913, warrant No. 175 to Fred Floctcr
Matter of casement for county
road from N. I', R, R. Co.
On this day it is ordered by the court
t) at in compliance with request made
by said R. II. Co. that certain revocable
agreement for casement for county road
made by said company, bearing date of
Marc h 1st, 1912, be returned to said
company pending the granting of a
XTB.aiitnt eahtrnciit in lieu thereof.
Whereupon court adjourned until
Thursday, Nov. ft, 1911.
Thursday, Nov. Cth, 1913, 2nd ju
dicial dsy. Court came pursuant to ad
journment. Officers all present.
Due proclamation being made the
following proceedings were had:
Matter of petition of E. J. Lind
bcrg ct al for change in Clatskanie
Rainier county road:
On this day this matter coming on
to be heard upon the second reading
of the report of the board of county
road viewers, which report was pub
licly read on two different days of this
term of court, and no remonstrance or
petition for damages being filed and the
court being satisfied that such mad
will be of public utility and the report
of the viewers being favorable thereto,
it is ordered by the court that said re
port, survey, profile and plat be re
corded in suitable hooks kept for that
purpose, and from thenceforth said
road ahall be a public highway. It
im further ordered by the court that the
road superivsor in whose district said
road is located shall upon the same for
public travel.
Matter of warrant to J. U. Wilkerson:
On this day it is ordered by the
court that tho clerk be and he is here
by iristrurted to issue a general fund
warrant in the sum of $130. in favor
of J. It. Wilkerson, Count) SchiKil
Superintendent, to be used in defray
ing the expenses of the county teachers
itiHtute about to be held at St. Hel
ens, Ore. It being umlrmtonil and
agreed that J. II, Willkerson shall
file receipted hills for such bills in
curred, and turn over to the county
treasurer any un expended portion of
said turn of tl.'O.
Whereupon court adjourned until
Friday Nov. 7th. 1913.
Friday, Nov. 7th 1913, 3rd judicial
day. Court came purusant to adjourn
ment. Officers all present. Due proc
lamation being made the following
proceedings were had:
Mattter of resolution from I'omona
On this day certain resolution from
I'omona Grango of Columbia county,
were read and placed on file.
Matter of transfer of funds:
On this 7th day of November, 1913,
it is ordcrec by the court that the treas
urer be, and he is hereby authorized
and instructed to make the following
named transfer of funis, being the
amount of powder drawn by the various
road distrctH, theretofore paid for from
the general road fund, viz:
The sum of $11.00 from the special
fund of R. I), No. 1 to Gen. R Fund
$ R3 00 from R I) No,
170 00
f.2 80
314 25
973 r,r
197 25
310 10
217 25
2nr, 00
170 00
HH0 00
203 73
275 28
170 00
$4344 21 Total transfer to (ion. Itoail
It Is further ordered that the follow
ing transfers be made 'from the gen
eral road fund to tho special funds of
the districts named pending collection
of special tax viz; $1114.44 to (list.
No. S, $748.77 to dist. No. 10.
Matter of claims against the county:
On this day claims against tl.e
county as docketed In th General
Fund Claim and Warrant Register and
in tho General Road Fund. Claim and
Warrant Register were audited by the
court and allowed in the various sums
as carried out' by the eourt on said
rcgistaT being as follows:
Mcllingcr C W, juror
Frickson Amos "
Fllppin Thoe J
Kcnni y J as H
Norwood Jos "
Davidson C N
Pidan J eh II "
Fversaul W K, grand jury
Glenn II S
Hedges Forbes "
Freeman Albert
Mayers I'eter. juror
Wilson Fred W "
Grewecll T K
llernio t'has "
I Hat I G I'
Fowler l R
George A II
Fowler tier no C
Iteavers Geurge C "
IUhop Frank
Knppler Rudolph
Nation Jessie M "
Kulo Geo W
Hutler Frank, witness befnrr
grand jury
ttouzss George
Thuratun Frank
Low Jim
Wilkerson Wm II "
lluinmonJ Harry
llacon Lola "
Haseel Nora
Decker I. 1.
I'eterson llnrry
Welch Coluinan
Oliver Iris
Oliver Leah
Hill. Cora R
IloaU S M
Timmons I. S
Timir.ons, A K "
Harvey, Walter C "
Schonovcr, Iiltie "
Tangen G A "
Geary Julia
Geary Nellie
Graham Hazel "
Webster K It
Webster llattic
Conklin S
Cooper J W
Mcllinger C W
Scssemsn R
Stusrt L II
Kichman W C "
Mcl'herson Mrs KHa "
Itarncs G W ,
Welch W K
Watkins T M
Gallagher Mrs Nellie"
Flora Joe "
Lindsay J M "
Magill Martha
Schillipeit A
I'urney J J "
Chisholm D
Stanley Itcrt
Campbell I. J "
Varn A
Ilennett OH
$ H 20
11 20
tf r.o
4 20
27 CO
29 80
21 20
2 00
30 90
27 CO
25 20
41 20
ro 40
35 40
47 '.'
45 40
41 40
31 00
:ir. no
40 H0
4 tio
43 20
:m oo
12 oo
4 00
5 CO
5 CO
r co
5 CD
2 00
2 20
2 80
2 20
2 20
2 00
f 40
2 20
2 20
2 00
M 20
2 oo
2 00
7 00
2 20
11 20
1.1 20
13 20
12 00
9 20
9 20
9 20
9 20
9 20
9 20
9 20
10 80
10 80
11 20
5 CU
6 CO
5 CO
6 M
8 40
13 20
9 60
8 00
f 20
9 20
9 20
9 20
9 20
letters unclaimed in the St. Hel
ens 1'oat office for the weekending
Nov. 15. 1U13:
Mrs. C. M. Itecker 1 letter
K. K. Cresswell
Albert Murray
Mr. Raymoud Sutton
Mr. L. I. Williams
Mrs. G. S. Carr
letter unclaimed by Nov. 29,
will tesent to the Dead Ielter office
Iva K. Dodd, I'. M.
Logged-off Lands
1000 acres of logged ofT land at
1S an acre If you take it all or
only a little moro if you want any
portion of it. County road runs
through the tract and it is only one
mile from'the railroad and Colum
bia river. This tract is near Gobi,,
in Columbia county, and nearly all
of it will make first class farm ami
orchard land. Easily cleared and
well watered.
St. Helena Inrovement Co.
An Opportunity
The greatest opportunity ever
offered in Columbia County in the
wny of a dairy farm V.7 acrea of
the famous Sauvies Island, the well
known Abrams St Knox place, onx.
. L tr;. ....., , ' I
xiiiT ,i itiuniriii; txiowKii Ol'iween t. 1
1 1 .1 1 t , . i i
ueienn nun I oriiann, Wliere the
Klcamer America goes every day in
the week laden with cream and
milk to the Portland markets.
With the place goes 40 head of
dairy cows, 2 horses, all farm im
plements, in fact, everything t,i
enter right into tho business.
l!oiu., burns and outbuilding, 'l
complete for $10,000. with one
third null and the balance, at 7 per
cent on long time terms. This it
I positively ono of tho U st dairy
farms in the State of Oregon und
at a price that can not la- dup i
cuted. Something Good
200 acres of the best meadow
land in the world and more than D
acres of line plow land, altogether
2M.I ucres. on Ssuvias Island be
tween St. Helena and Portland,
can Im- bought for $7.r an acre, w ith
only 17000 down and tne balance at
t per cent on long timo payments.
A place where tho boat pasxes
every day in the week taking t!ie
milk, cream and other products to
the Portland markets. More than
NO tons of hay put up this year,
with the highest water ki.ewn for
several years. A 1 1 improved with
houses, barns, outbuildings and
everything complete. Alio some
horses go with tho place. A hunt
ing lease that runs for five years,
bringing in an average of JloO per
year for the lease. The It. H.
Whittcn farm. A very fine dairy
and stock farm within easy access
of the best markets on the coast.
A Snap
Tho St. Helen improvement
Co. has secured an option on the
72 aero farm known as the old
Downing place near Warren. This
place has 40 acres in cultivation and
the balance in pasture, ossily
cleared. It is on tho main Port
land rpad, on a milk route, rural
delivery, an-J telephone. Less than
one mile from a depot and about a
half mile from a first class high
school. An excellent opportunity
for a dairy farm, there being suffi
cient pasture and farm lands to
handle 110 eowa. This place can 1
bought for $125 per aero on c a-y
terms, and 7 jer cent Interest m
deferred payments. We have lso
several other good farm proposi
tions uml a number of houses and
lots In St. Helena w hich can be had
on the easy payment plan.
St. Helena Improvement Co.
A. T. Uws. Mgr.
Oliver, Oliver & Plummer
we carry an up-to-date line of DRY GOODS,
CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOKS ns well as
IIoi'i.ton Oregon