St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 21, 1913, Image 3

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KtuitHi'f a!i k .?ir.-inl'y iij'pliv.. j.i-iirs. plums ar.l
I'ffrn ;, tli..,:, an. I in a ; ; -i r 1 n truck vt all kind un.l
.In i) ;rr
ShiH from ull imrtu of (ho world carry Columbia County products down
tin- Columbia River und to the markets of the world. A through line
"f kitilnmd.s tniversi! the county from the North to the South. River
hunt curry locul products to local markets at low rates.
I. A N 1) ;
1 housands of acres of first class land can be purchased at reasonable
prices upon which are stumps left from the timber operations. This
IhihI is especially suited for farming, fruit raising and dairying.
A city on tho Columbia River, ?8 miles from Portland, with a population
nf 1 soi I people. The County Seat of Columbia County. A Four year
Standard Ilih School. Methodist, Conirrenational, Kpiscopal and
Catholic Cliurches. All the lea. lintf fraternal orders. Gravity water
s', stem owned by the city Hutlicient to supply a city of 10,000 people.
Electric lights, graded and macadamized streets, sewers. Principal
industries lire lumberini, shipbuilding creosotinjf, stone quarrying.
Iishtnn and shipping. Two larjre haw mills with a capacity of 250,000
feet per day; more than 5 million feet of lumber shipped each month;
several lartre ocean (foinir vessels built each year; timber treated with
crei.sutc nd shipped all alontf the coast. Two bis stone fpuarries and
ruck crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of 300 tons
i.f Columbia Hiver Salmon cauKht and marketed. A farming country
buck of it that cannot be excelled in the world. Several new business
blocks now under construction. Five miles of sewer beingr built.
Many beautiful and attractive homes.
Lumbering and timber is the principal industry; thtre be
ing about twenty-five saw mills. Salmon fishing in the
Columbia River is also an important industry. Farming
and fruit raising; Stone quarrying; Ship building and all
kinds of lumber manufacturing plants.
There are fine opportunities for the small farmer, dairy
man, fruit grower and truck gardener. Alio a number of
choice deep water sites for manufacturing plants.
12,000 acres of low lands along the Columbia River which
have recently been dyked and are now in high state of
cultivation especially adapted t( growing of vegetables and
small fruits.
Four standard IIi)fh Schools;
Grade schools i n each
Nearly all denominations represented.
Circuit Judges, J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin
District Attorney, W. B. Dillard
County Judge, W. A. Harris
County Clerk, H. E. LaBare
Sheriff. A. E. Thompson
Assessor, C. W. Blakesley
School Superintendent, J. B. Wilkerson
Treasurer, R. S. Hattan
Coroner, F. H. Sherwood
Surveyor, Geo. Conyers
Commissioners, John Farr, Louis Fluhrer.
St. Helens Rainier
Clatskanie Houlton
Scappoose Warren
Deer Island Goble
Yankton Vernonia
Mist Quincy
Mayger Marshland
Columbia City Reuben
Apiary Hudson
Prescott Trenholm
Patronize the Mist Advertisers
County Court
tea LA
W.l I ' . T.S 1U
m far m
Arc you cttinj r.-.ore pay tlun you
d.J List year A;o you ri:.onibly
dure of getting still n.orc nest year?
If nt, this is your time NOW to
mail the coupon below and let the
!...,,.. ,t f'r,rr,')n:iiiiVnre School
iiiii ii.i -.i'.ii.. u . . .... i
.r!im lifrnr thev can oualifv YOU to
enter a more important linecf vork--
your present ocupution or in a
i ml..t . -it r in .-nmm.mJ !
higher s.iUiy at the s.:rt. with no limit
ta '. ur eatnir.i poircr.
In making this offer, til your cir
cum .tf ravi hive been taken into con
si J. ration, and it only remains for you
to fill out and mail the coupon. How
you can succeed with the aid of I.C.S.
training by mail, as thousands like
you have succeeded, will be fully ex
plained at no co.t whatever to you.
Vternatoal correspondence schools ;
nn ctplaifl, without further ,
' oblifrition on my partjiow I can
fv Cra Inreer snlarylio the ,
ITioT"beforc which I have
. . .
rruurcvi ;.
Il.iuk kvp
I II rvl
1,.all Mill
I t-lrphiMM
I I.-. I.lathtti'f "Pt-
Mifhaa hnaUtwr
tHmUnmrj Fliir
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llnll.Hng 'frHr
ArtU'0 l llrailMM
FlrM.'tMral ll1lltBT
llntnfl tfnlwfr
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fvu. ixi'or, m. rtox n i .wwesstxa .
I J. V. REED, Manager
lit- it remtTiibtrtd. thut a regular
t.-rtu nf the County Court of the State
of tlr i;". for Columbia County, was
tii-Kun anil tulil at the court house in
Hie nty of St. llelinH, in oaid county
ami state, un Wednosiiay, the Rth day
of November, 1 91 3. tho name. bcirt
the time fixe.l by Uw for holding a
r.ubir term of naid court, when were
pn Hfnt ;
llun. W. A. Ilani.-i, County Juditc
lion. John Farr, Commissioner.
Hon. Louis Klurher, Commsiuneer.
I A. K. Thomison, Sheriff.
11. K. l.allare. Clerk.
I line proclamation beintf maJe the
followiim proceedings were had:
I Journal read, approved and i;ned.
i Matter of petition of J. W. Thurston
1 et al for a county road:
! tin thif Tth day of November, 151 13,
come J on for tearing the petition of J.
I IV. Thurston et al freeholders, resid
lir.u in the toad district or districts of
said proposed road, praying for the
jrslablishmnt of a county road, de
! scribed as follows :
! Heginning at a stake marked "A"
U rods N of the NW corner of the SW
i i of the SK 1-4 of section 3d, T 7, N
0f u :!, W of V M, at the Apiary road;
thence S 91 rods to a stake marked
"H"on the SWcuruf SE 1-4 of said gee
3ti, thence S Hn rods to a stake marked
"C" aaid stake being on the SE corner
of the NK 1-4 of the NW 1 4 of nec-
tion I.Tii.N ofK 3,W of M VV ; thence in
aaontltwcMerly direction atout 100 roiia
to a stake marked "l" at the fork of
Heaver Creek; thence across the creek
'and following the SW branch and ter
Iminatingata stake marked "E" in
tersecting the Coble road at thatlplace.
' which is at the SW corner of the SKI 4
'of section 11. T 6,N of K 2. WofWM.
!Said road to be 40 feet in width.
I And it satisfactorily appearing to the
'court from proof tiled herein, that due
I notice of the pendency of this proceed
ing has been given as by law required.
! that twelve of said petitioners are legal
! freeholders of this county, residing in
tho road distirct or districts of the pro
posed road, and that a good and suffi
cient bond has beet, given and filed
It is therefore ordered by the court
that the board of county road viewers
meet at Rainier, Oregon, on the 18th
daj of November, 1913. or on their
failure to meet on said day, then with
in five days thereafter, and proceed to
view, survey and locate said proposed
Matter of petition of 0. L. Peterson
et al for a county road:
On this day comes on for hearing the
petition of O. L. Peterson et al, free
holders residing in the road district or
districts of said proposed road, praying
for the establishment of a county road,
decsribed as follows: Beginning at a
stake marked "A" set at the SE cor
ner of the SW 1-4 of NW1-4 of section
6 in T 4, N of R 1 W of W M ; thence
running eait 10 rods more or l?ss to a
stake marked "B" act in the NE
corner of Frans Lofstrand's land,
thence running south along the east
line of Frans Lofstrands' land, 80 rods
to a stake marked "C" set in the south
line of the NE 1-4 of SW 1-4 of section
6 in said town and range; thence run
ning west along the 1-4 line of said
section t 170 rods more or less to and
terminating at a stake marked "D"
set at the S E corner of N W 1-4 of SE
1-4 of section 1 in T 4, N of R 2, W of
W M. Said road to be 40 feet, in
wid th.
And it satisfatcorily appearing to
the court from proof filed herein, that
due notice of the pendency of this pro
ceeding has been given as by law re
quired, that twelve of said petitioners
are legal freeholders of this county, re
siding inthe road district or Vliatrictt
of the proposed road, and that a good
and Buctriient bond has been given and
filed herein;
It is therefore ordered by the court
that the board of county road viewers
meet a Houlton Oregon, on the 17th
day of November, 1913, or on their
failure to meet oh said day, then with
in five days thereafter, and proceed to
view, survey and locate said proposed
Matter of petition of E. J. Lindberg
et al for a change in Clatskanie-Rain-ier
road :
On this day the report of the board
Continued from Pag 6
II. Larson, formerly in the mer
cantile business at Warren, has
placed hid accounts in my hands for
collection. All persona knowing
themselves indebted to Mr. Larm n
will call at my office in St. Helens
and make settlement within the
next two weeks and save costs.
Oct. 24th, 1913.
M. E. Miller.
$100 REWARD.
The Water Commisi ion of tbe City of
St. Helens will pay $100 reward for the
arrest and conviction of the person or
persons who abut down one of tbe water
gates on the main line recently, or of
any person or persona damaging or in
terfering with any water pipes on the
line. By order of the Commission.
E. E. QUICK, See.
For Rent Rooms in the Bank
building. Steam heat, electric
light, hot and cold water.
Columbia Co. Bank.
The Mist management has made arrange
ments with Portland Evening Telegram
whereby we can give subscribers the advan
tage of a gigantic combination offer for a
limited period. You can get a Metropolitan
evening paper with all the latest news from
all over the world and all the news of St.
Helens and vicinity in the Mist at a remark
ably low price.
The Evening Telegram is the best pap
er in the state, market reports unexcelled,
Saturday edition contains a magazine and
comic section in colors.
The Evening Telegram
St. Helens Mist - -
Both Papers Through this
office if paid in advance for
i year, on or before Decem
ber 31st, 1913 - . - - -
5.00 per year
$1.50 per year
$6.50 per year