St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 21, 1913, Image 2

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Advise quick what you havs for Holiday Trade. Will sell your Poultry and
ftva you prompt and reliable service for five per cent of uroas tales. Ship your
Pxmltry where it will be properly hanJU-J. CooJ salesmanship. VolJ j'oruy in
building and gukk returns. pEA1S0N-PAGE CO., Portland, Ore.
Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides
Writ tcdar for taa- and ear tie cah price Hat.
We niniiix fair Iminrnt, hutrieat prw and
VWk by Kettirn Hell." t'-lve trial with
nur peat lot of prihiuca, f. M. .thitiaU 4 Ce-,
kM4Ul.flO.WlL HI 143 It X. Paiuaaa. !.
Dressed Turkeys anted Kirat tirade. SWltc
Mr pound: second Kratte lees. ltreeaed dut-ke and
gMl n to lx lb. Ship to reach ua November 2
to Cao by return mail; no conimusautn.
Assets, $30 000. 107 rtont Street
Wtfl P. "imiit,
tMnl I awi r.W MMii iiKioii
ri t AA It ni1 rw. In-
Bought, sold and exchanged: enrlnea. boilers,
am nulla, etc. Send for Stock l.iat and Prices.
THE J. fc. afAKll.N CO.. W lat St Portland. Or.
Look Mother! If tongue It coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Kiss." because In
a few hours all the clogged up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take (his harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it handy be
cause they know Its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt
and sura.
Ask your druggist for a SO-cent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Kigs."
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups.
awn. to a. III. w p. tu. mmm w ..
or by appointment
ftetotttinc Treatment of all Acute ami Chronic
P'seaaee. 1 icenaed Practitioner. Suite 4i:--7
Arcade Scatt . a
The "Topgrade" Shoe
A Really Classy Shoe
U r sal aaatt. wet la
Portland. Ore.
Heads of colleges In Brltlih univer
sities are variously known as ward
ens, principals, rectors, provosts, pres-
ideuts, deans and censors.
Acid Stomach, heartburn and sautes
quickly disappear with the use of Wright's
Indian Vegetable rills. Send for trial
box to 37a 1'earl St., New York. Adv.
The Temperate Zone.
"In what tone do we live?" asked
the teacher.
"The temp'rut lone," chanted the
well-drilled class.
"Right. And what do we mean by
temperate? Willie, you may answer."
"Temp rut Is where It's freezln" cold
half the time and roastln' hot the
other half the time."
If Willie wasn't sent to the head for
that it wasn't because he didn't de
serve the honor. Cleveland Plain-Dealer.
An astronomical clock In Germany
la so perfectly constructed that Its
errors amount to only one second In
more than 18 years.
A Woman's Court of Law.
The Lady Judge I'm getting tired
of these requests for postponement.
What's your latest excuse?
The Lady Lawyer Why, your hou
r, we only ask you to give us another
week. The fact Is, my client's dress
maker Is 111, and can t get her going-to-court
gown finished until that date.
The Lady Judge Granted. Next
ease. Pathfinder.
Oleomargarine Imports Into Ger
many during the first five months this
year totaled 22,S00,u00 pounds.
Mothers wra find Mm winsiows Snothlni
Trap the bst wr.rir to tiss to their tUilUxwJ
ituuig lb (ccttutis period.
More than 10.0(H) known species of
orchids have been listed by experts.
Cotton formed almost $11,000,000 of
Egypt's exports to Germany last year
Save Tour Horses
r"rom Distemper, Mountain Kever, and all
other forms of Contagion by using Spoha a
Distemper Compoaad. i'ut on the tongue or in
the feed. Safe at all times for all ages and
n irs. under all conditions. Mime for Dog
Distemper and Chicken Cholera. Acta on the
blood, espels the germs. Kemoves worms
from stomach and intestines. A fin tonic,
and appetizer. Absolutely safe, even for hu
man beings. Over l.oOO.ouO bottlea sold last
year. Greatest cure and preventive, ever
known forConUigiouadiseases. Nearlyevery
one knows Spuha'e, Over IS years on the
market. Have you used this great remedy!
Why not? It is not an experiment. Try It;
be convinced; let "Spoha'a" help you aavs
and make money. All wholesale druggists
handle it. Your home druggist can supply
you. or write to manufacturers, with price
enclosed. A bottle, Wc and 1.00; J3.00 and
$li).(J the dozen. Local agents wanted.
Spohn Medical Co., Goshen, Ind., U. 3. A.
"She tuiinu uu iniu wTth an Icy
"And what happened then?"
"His words froze on ul; 1'ns."
fLong Abouhalksgivin, Time
lonrf about
to ftiiWetS a thing that's golri
tkt'T t UmrlrH in Bv4iviri 'lonrf aboutthJ3
Ttiit rnimHVnbout ThtanKsfi)!In with tho mdrn
ings crisp and lear V
With the -hiiarn's cheeKs a-glowin. with
And the shc&Caills a-goin' liKe red k
MU6iA it cheerih', wh6xTho pttta
t j -y r- r T - s w ,.1.- m a r s
Do VtJ iWaKJkloiV WriaaTattenea vrtth Ufa
nfcl dlad, H
yuicii i. vi fjvt. i-"-r l ".,W'-Tt x; A
, (;'!, ii i i 1 1 t' l . . . ..
Ain't dtMneMtoHfqel lithe nippin' of the rtsj oreezo
at yoW nfese i $L
V7hGfY'4he old dead, leaves go zippin dowr the-
lanesitaggly rows. ,rSQ-x
Wherry oujve hagfeedtiie cattle, whejuyou
love ibyMellow men, S - ( A
And you've money you carvrMe mybur trours,
now and ?)
Ain't tt fine to wane from reamin' of the hpmo
oun boyhood llnew i . . -
And"' to find the glad sun beamin' just tfie way
it used to do. bX'A .
Long ago, about ThanKsgivin(Wrre"hs
to spare, ' '
Vhen your pa and ma were liyin' and the days
were always fair! sJk
Three hundred Iron mines were op
erated in Sweden practically all of
;ist year.
jxt bis lyii cHUiva vlreej, miowi ioouwuiaoi tne mjm untlrlui Drm t vt r orterevl in th
history of the builJioj busineas. It will &how you how to tuv money oo Lumber, Sash, Door.
HrHwr, ptint n nM htiil.iinu mieri. Wo MI to yon Hir"t wt fuetAry pr.t.
Is) C 0O fcj
tvntn piieM b
for jro bur
ptairnL WH H
Mist for Kout.
Ploor. Wlol or
90c mo.
. Bath tuba.,
6 your
plurabtrt w
til plurr.Mr.f
matvruii of ah
kiDlt at
mi pne? Toll
. Lttorii
Sinks. Pit, nt
1 1 m c . vilvn-
if t'yle
rt ttjch
$1-23 up
Out (rM
'it thofl lb
r la tit Hm of
loert hown ony
whoro,aU at ii
s v y k. si
y re-Ji hifber from tho Hri ratlf P'1
ffvna retell yxrtr, tut twU lumMf 11
I t t t'rr 0ft It ! Krai r4 tutal ArM whl-r
w. smii a.ei m: p-i m r iv O-M
fee . x M-itaa Mains, rp l art.
r nt. tV a I ( I y j ; at tt Ui tMM fieeV
Tjf ' " Ct;oajf frosv
2205 WastlaaeAn lianla
Double Floors In Streetcars.
The new streetenrs for Ottawa, the
apltal of Canada, have floors of dou
ble thickness, with tarred paper be
tween. This makf-s the cars much
warmer than does the old-style single
floor and also muffles the noise of the
motors and running gear underneath.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Mailing His Wife's Letter. j
Mrs. Peek John Henry, did you i
mail that letter? J. Henry Yes. u,y
dear, I er held It in my hand all the '
way to the mail box. I didn't even i
put It In my pocket, I remember dls- i
tinctly becaun Mrs. PeA That!
will do, John Henry. I gave you no
letter to mail. Judge.
Make Demand Forcible
Don't Be Trifled With
Ask fcr S. 5. S. and Dcn't Stand fcr iho
"Jus. as Gocd" Talk.
"When a -man i" the short e'hans
game worked on him, bo makaa a noise
Last brines the Police, and yet that same
man may walk Into a store and have the
"Just as food" frame worked on him and
i H - - y - r X "W
Vbtn Too Ask for S. S. S. Do So
With Lmphahla. Tbcy W ill
tamely erjbmlt VThy stan.1 for ltt The
u .u .tr.ra tn tr-r te sub-
tltttte aomethliis; el- lor B. B. & to the
lust for areater proni. n. a.
grastaart blood purlf.r knofja.
There Is nnt msfllrtne for any pur
pose more carafully made than B 8. B. II
represents the highest type of medicine.
Its medical properties are Just as essen
tial to wall balanced health. If the blood
be sick, as are the nourishing element of
meats, -Trains, fats and sugars of our dally
food. tt. 8. 8. Is prepared direct from
native botanical material. Not a drop of
drug; u angled. Not a drop of mineral
Is used. TUa one of the moat lmprrv
ant things to know -and to remembae
when your blood need attention.
It I the most effertlv. the purest, the
quickest and most rnllable medicine
known for poisoned wood, rneumatisna
catarrhal Infection, malaria, akin disease,
old sores snd all afflictions that show la
the blood, akin. Joint and muscles.
An Intareatlna; book on the blood la
mailed to thoa who writs. Oet a bottle
of 8. 8. B. today. It 1 the world irraau
eat medicine. Inalst upon the dealer
banding- you . B. B. ane don't let bins
orate about somathlna; that he can't ad.
vsrtlse as free from Iodide of potash, and
other destructive mineral drug.
If you have trouble Kitting fl. 8. ft.
write to The Bwlft Bpediio Co., IDS Bwtfl
Hid-, AUacta, Ga., fur Uat ef siuare AaaJ
4rpHANKSGlVINO ain't different
I from any other day." snapped
Melllcont, making the most of
the creak In her rocker. "What's th
use of having a turkey when you've
got only a reed blrd appetite!"
"It ain't Just the turkey Itself." re
piled Mrs. Delia Wyatt. with a know
ing shake of ber bead, "though It's sur
prising how plumb crazy the klddU-s
are after drumsticks. Land of love. If
Mr. Ilurbank could only produce centi
pede gobblers! Hut It's what the tur
key stands for, MelllcenL"
There was a moment's silence, then
the creak reasserted Itself. "Maybe
there Is when you've got sons and
daughters and grandchildren to tit
round the table and look for It,"
snapped Milllcent; "but I'd like to
know wbat't backing up a Thanksgiv
ing turkey when you ain't got any
folks to reunite for a family dinner?"
Mrs. Wyatt put her knitting Into her
work bag. with a sigh. "I've got to
atop in at Johnson's to buy some chest
nut for the stuffing." she explained.
In apology for her glance at the clock
and abrupt leave-taking. "What did I
do with my bat? Oh, here It la on the
chair. Melllcent. do you remember
Angelina Snow?"
Melllcent nodded, ber mouth brist
ling with five bat pins, as she stood
with Mrs. Wyatt jacket held out In
both hands toward the open fire.
"You made me think of something
ahe told me once my left sleeve's
caught there, Melllcent. Angelina had
the blues terrible bad one morning."
continued Mrs. Wyatt, sticking In the
hatpins one by one as she talked, "but
'stead of sitting down and making com
pany of them she trotted them right
out for a walk. And what do you tup
pose the did then? She went up and
down Spring street, looking and look
ing, and every time the passed a wom
an uglier than herself she counte.d
her off on a finger. When her fingers
gave out she went home cured. An
gelina wouldn't have taken a blue rib
bon at a beauty show, either."
Melllcent Jancey't practical, active
nature had no time for sentimentalis
ing, but the morning after Mrs. Wyatt's
Tlslt new, strange thoughts with
twinkling eyet and wistful smiles
kept peeping out at her from behind
the routine of daily duties, and at noon
the suddenly dropped broom and dust
er, dressed with trembling fingers, sur
prised Teddlo itoosevelt TortolHeshell
with a bear bug, and darted from the
bouse bearing the exalted expressions
of an archangel, and wearing two
gloves for the same hand.
In the gathering twilight of that
Thanksgiving eve Miss Melllcent't
doorbell tinkled excitedly, and the next
moment Mrs. Wyatt flashed Into the
-J wanted you from first, Melllcent,"
the panted, without preface, "but It
made thirteen at table, and It never oc
curred to me until an Lour ago that I
could count Jessie' twlnt as one juit
as well as not. You'll come, of course?"
Tm sorry, Delia, but Pts a previous
engagement with a Thanksgiving tur
key of my own."
"You bought one. after all? Hut.
Melllcent, It will bo so lonesome eat
ing It without any of your own folks
"I'm to have some of my own folks
ten of them!"
"Why, Melllcent. only yesterday you
told me that there wasn't a living soul
reluted to you this sldo the Hockles,
and M
"That was before you taught me
how to find them, Delia, There, don't
be frightened. I've not lost my mind.
You remember about Angelina Snow?
I got to thinking of tho uglier lives
than mine, Delia. Of the two dear
Misses Prescolt worrying over money
matters ever since they lost so much
In that mining venture; of my little
dressmaker, who was the petted dar
ling In ber home back east and has to
work for her living among strangers
out here, because ber lungs are weak
and the can't live anywhere elte; of
poor, fastidious Mrs. Adams, who can
only afford a third-class boarding
house; of I won't go on. but they're
all Invited, and they've all accepted."
She rose, and as the turned toward
Mrs. Wyatt the firelight revealed a
face radiant with happtnesa. "1 can't
talk things out the way you can, De
lia," she concluded, with a gay little
laugh, "but just you come Into the
kitchen with me and see my Thanks
giving turkey!" May C. Rlngwalt, In
Los Angeles Times.
Always Cause for Gratitude,
If you seek, you will find cause for
gratitude. If you find your heart cal
lous, ttony and rebellious, beware! It
la a pitiable stage at which to arrive.
It practically marks the end of your
Journey along the road to tomorrow.
Remember that to give thanks Is a
good thing. Never fall to appreciate
the natural beauties and Joys around
you, and from the grateful attitude of
mind and soul you will receive reflect
ed benefits. Open your heart to the
good that lies around you; make It
your own, as It has been Intended that
you should. And be thankful.
Individual Spirit
Although a national observance, the
spirit of Thanksgiving must ever be
Individual. Otherwise It must be mere
form and ceremony, lacking that heart
felt gratitude, that spontaneous Im
pulse which springs unbidden from
the grateful heart
Vegetarian s
Zt'm thankful for the celery,
" The canned peart and ihe onion taswi
I m thankful lot Ihe beam; lo me
The turnii look inviting, too;
The twret potatoes give me gles.
The patsni gladly I assail.
But best of all things is the neb
A'ima of the turkey vvl h
I am permitted to inhale.
Cruel Comment
"Women, you know, claim to belong
to the golden age."
"Well, some of them look as If
they did belong to the '49-ers."
th pfotxt thanli I break Ihe crust
That f ortune lays bruJe my plataif
I shun the oysters, for I must
Not carelessly be tempting Falr,
The giblets all aside I thrust.
To mo they are of no avail;
I prove my strength while Razing si
The tkh and juicy mince pie that
1 must nut eat, but may inhale.
5L E. Ktsm
Why Ws Give Thsnks.
Thanksgiving to Cod Is fitting, be
cause, we bave counties reasons for
IL God Is our father, and he fills all
our days with Meanings. There Is nev
er a moment when we have not some
thing nsw for which to pralae blm.
There Is blessing In everything bs
does for us and sends to us. We should
be most ungrateful If we did not give
thanks unto God. Prayer should not
be all clamor for new favors. It should
be full of recognition of mercies and
good things. It good, also, to give
thanks, because It makes ourowa Uvea
sweeter, truer and morn beautiful. Joy
Is beauty. Praise le comedy. Cne who
does not give thanks lacks the high
est element of loveliness. Ingratitude
Is dark and somber; praise Is light and
beautiful. Giving thanks also makes
ut greater blessing! to others. Prais
ing people scatter Inspiration
wherever tbey go. They make others
happier, braver, stronger. Our days
should be full of praise and song. Then
God will bo pleased with our lives and
thla world will be made tweeter and
better. J. H. MIIl: r. D. D.
' Better thaa other pwdera-
' producing light, dainty, whole.
1 some cakes and pastries.
lis high grade) and
f moderate in pries
f 25 lb. tin at grocers
f Cnattat Mr a. Cav, SaattU
(i f(iBmiis
Write about your wants la this lias
1J Madison KL Portland. Ore
Save your Hslrl Oct a 21xnt bonis
ef Dsndsrlns right not Also
ttopt Itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scrnggy
balr Is mute evidence of a neglect
soalp; of dandruff that awful scurf
There It nothing so destructive to
the hair na dandruff. It robs tbs hair
ef ltt ItMitre, lit strength and Its very
life: eventually producing a fuvertsh
ness and Itching of the scalp, which
If not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink. Iixuteti anil die then ths
balr falls out fast. A lit tits Daiiilniinx
tonight now any time will turely
tave your bulr.
Gt a 2rj cent bottle of Knowlton'i
Danderlne from any drug store. Yon
surely can have beuutlful buir am!
lots of It if you will juat try a little
Danderlue. Bave your hair! Try It
In Ilrttlsh Arnbln, a native Inborn
ami from 12 to 18 rents a duy, on
which be eupporti himself and M
Nearly l.OoO.oon persons yearly vlilt
Independence Hall, Philadelphia.
m 1
Some Features Remain.
Thanksgiving. 1G211 How was It
celebrated? The roll of a drum an
nounced the hour for prayer. After ths
religious service cams toasting aud
outdoor athletic sports.
Thanksgiving day, liltl How wfll
tt be celebrated? With rellglout serv
ices, feasting axid outdoor athietlo
t porta.
It's coming near. It's coming
The troop of Joy are drumming;
A song l alnglng all th while, a song of Hchast Joy.
The day I drawing near ua
Whan It will coma to cheer ua
To glv us cheer and ealm eontant that nothing caa destroy.
Tha fields hold golden promise
That nothing can take from us
W see th glorious day approach srtth our prophette eye.
Full soon w will ba sighing
With happlneaa, and trying
To ooaa mora room to hold aaothar place of pumpkin p4e,
Yield to Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound.
Codar Rapids, Iowa.-" I waaslwtyi
tired and weak and my housework wis
a drsg I was irreg
ular, had cramps n
bad that 1 would
have to lie down, al
so a distressed fl
Inif In lower part of
bark, and beadacb.
My abdomen III
. Hn,l 1 know I
1 71 m"lLydia E. Pink-
ler.'.a Vaffitin I
Compound anj Blood Purifler bar
helped mo womkorfully. 1 don't hsvs
thoss paint any moro and I am all right
now. There are reet many women
here who take your remediet and I bar
told others what they have done fr
me."-Mra, Ciua. Mt KinnoN, iuu-
Ktli St W.. Cedar Uaplds, Iowa.
Women who are mircring- from tbot
distressing lilt peculiar to their tel
should not lose il,:ht of these fictt or
doubt the ability of I.ydla E. Plnkhin i
Vegetable Compound to restore W
health. .
Tbsrs ars probably huntlr.l or UW
sands, perhajs million of women to tbs
United Ststet who have leen benefit!
by this famous old remedy, which wt
produced from roots and herbs ortrlO
years ago by a woman to rellevt W
msn'ltuirerinjr. If youarelekandte-d
such a medicine, why don't you try'1'
If too want special aditr writs to
I.ydla K.l'lukliam Medicine to. (ces";
tissual) Lynn. Mass. onr letterwlU
bs opened, read and answrrrf ij
wroaaa and held la strict tosfld
J. W. Italdwln. of Pelersliam. Msj-.
ownt a tervlceablo carriage mads u
yeart ago sntlroly of wood and sol )
ly by band labor. '
Mist Edna Carr. an Americas !A
I living tbs life of a hermit In "'
log cabin near London.
Forty-one Women of Might
Thirty one womon are employ" "
railway brakemen and 10 ai ttft'
men In ths United Stntes
Warns .spelled promptly rrota J . 15
system Willi rpr. leary'S VsrailfuS
boa," Adv.
A model house, with balconr. Pf
lor. dining-room, bedroom,
bath and toilet-room was erscieo
the ninth grade pupils of the W
(Puerto Itlco) schoolt on ths fi""
of ths third Insular fair of rW
Ths psopls of the Unltsd Statet
rsad and support as many ntwipsy
aa England, Trance and Germany t
blnsd. -i
itf SMI
Craga Sr..,. Tata .
la tie,.. a,.M I'""1: