St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 14, 1913, Image 8

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"' Pre. Lowe ATurnor, Nov.
Milci heerin of Rainier whs looking
after business matters in St. Helens
his week.
H. P. VanBlaricom of Vernonia and
his brother John VanRlaricum of Tort
land were visitors in St. Helens during
the week.
Mrs. Wm. Dever of Albany, Oregon,
is visiting with her daughter at the
Houlton Hotel, who has been quite ill
for some time.
J Mrs. Elmer Blackburn wss the first
person to take the sd of the St. Helens
Improvment Co. to the office with the
two mistakes correctly marked. She
received the benet of one month's
payment on a choice residence lot in the
city which she purchased from the St.
Helens Improvement Co.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
church will hold theirannual bazaar
and supper at the Guild Hall next
Thursday. Nov. 20th. All kinds
of useful and fancy articles for sale.
Twenty five per cent otT on all
trimmed hats at Hanson's millinery. 2t
The Congregational Ladies' Aid will
give their annual Christmas bazaar on
Thursday, Dec. 11. They will have
their usual supply of fine needlework,
aprons, etc.
Furnished rooms for rent Tran
sient or housekeeping. Flagg place,
opposite the school house
Bill & Robertson of the Central
Market wish to announce that
they are receiving orders for
Thanksgiving turkeys, geese and
chickens. If you have not already
ordered they request that you do
so as soon as possible. Their
poultry will be the very best that
the market affords.
Coroner F. H. Sherwood of
Rainier spent several days in
St. Helens this weeiuas witness
in the Pender case.
W. R. Hewitt of San Francisco
is here looking after business
matters connected with the new
ship Celilo. He will remain here
until after the launching.
Mrs. J. M. Hanson, the St Hel
ens Milliner, was transacting
business in Portland during the
Mrs. E. E. Quick and daugh
ters Alice and Anna visited in
Portland Tuesday.
Mr. Percy George of Portland
visited over last Sunday with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
George in St Helens.
Born: On Nov. 3rd to Mr. and
Mrs. Carl snook of st Helens a
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Pope of Bachelor Flat on Nov. 8
a daughter.
Born: To Mr. ami Mrs. Chas.
Christensen of st Helens a daugh
ter on Nov. 10th.
Wm. Davies returned from
Portland Tuesday where he went
to meet Mrs. Davies and the
children who had recently come
from their former home at Girard
Kansas. The Davies family are
living in one of the Oleen houses
on the hill. Mr. Davies is very
favorably impressed with St
Helens and has purchased the
transfer business of Elmer
Twenty-five per cent off on all
trimmed hats at hanvon's millinery. 2t
Mrs. I E. Brockway and her
mother of Trenholm, visited
with St Helens friends last week.
The Ladies of the Episcopal
Guild will hold their business
meeting next Wednesday after
noon. All members are reques
ted to be present.
Irving Ixck, a man who has
been working at Trenholm, was
brought to st Helens to day on a
warrent charging him with
larcney. He stole an overooat
from one of the workmen and
was sentenced to 30 days in the
county jail.
Band dance on Saturday night.
Nov. 2i. Everybody wno enjoys
dancing is invited to come and
have a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lincoln and
daughter of Portland, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Black
burn Sunday.
The United Artisans have
changed their meeting place from
the K.of P. Hall to the I. 0. O. F.
HalL Regular meeting nights the
first and second Fridays of each
month and the second Friday of
each month for social meetings.
They have also changed the name
of the assembly from Houlton As
sembly No. M). to St. Helens As
sembly No. 80, so hereafter it will
be known as the St. Helens As
Sealed bids will be received by
the undersigned up to and includ
ing the 25th day of November for
the furnishing of 190 cedar tele
phone poles, barked and knotted, 2.1
feet long and five inches in diame
ter at the top. Also for the set
ting of the sai J poles along the
county road between Houlton, Ore
gon, and the Charles Wallis place
near Trenholm. All poles to be set
at least 4 feet in the ground, Bids
for the furnishing and setting of
the poles to be made in one bid and
the work to be awarded under one
contract. All bids to be accom
panied by a certified check of 10
per cent of bid. The undersigned
company reserves the right to reject
any Or all bids for cause.
Dated this 14th day of Novem
ber, 1913.
Trenholm Telephone Co.
By P. E. Brockway,
Five Stellar Attractions
for People of St. Helens
The St. Helens Lyceum Course
of five numbers will open Novem
ber 2(, Thanksgiving evening, with
the Stelzl Quartet on the platform.
This is a well known orchestral and
vocal company, presenting both
classical and popular music. They
will give a grand concert here,
with cello, violin, trombones, piano,
French horns and others, besides
their vocal numbers.
Harold Morton Kramer, one time
cowboy and now an effete author
and lecturer will give his great
lecture on "Here or Nowhere." Mr.
Kramer is one of Amenica's most
popular lecturers.
The Floyds will give an evening
of magic. Startling tricks of
legerdermain, ten minutes of mind
v- j,-, .....
manv who have already bought ! Miss Lizzie Furnum. Mis Weed,
season tickets. A family tcket is Mrs. Saurer. S. K. Lnch. Bob
sold for $5.00. A single ticket for Peel. S. J. Muce. M. Fresh. Klla
i'lie 1 U1UUL.IV I - t I . IIL.UUI 9 ll
. h
fj.5 iifr .
i 'mi Sr f. '
Another of the new residences
in St. Helens, commanding one of
those magnificent views of the
mountains and river so often de
scribed before. This is the new
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.Allen
on the hill, and is in keeping with
theother fine residences in that
portion of the city. Mr. and Mrs.
Allen have only recently built
their house and it is considered
oneof the finest in the city, from
the viewpoint of convenience and
location. They are very proud of
their home on the hill and are
making the entire property
pretty and attractive with a lawn
flowers, trees and other improve
ments. This house, like most of
the others we have shown, isn
Columbia County product, all the
material being Columbia County
material, manufactured by Col
umbia County factories and built
by Columbia County people.
reading and the great trunk mys
tery will be shown by America's
greatest magical company.
The Woods Sisters Orchestral
Trio, a jwpular concert company,
have twh artists who have been on
the concert stake since they were
children. They captivate every
audience with their fine music and
artistic rendition.
D. Ernest Randall, the Chicago
cartoonist, will give an entertain
ment of stories, pictures and more
stories. He is a graduate of the
Chicago Art Institute. His crayon
work is not only artistic, but very
entertaining. During the evening
he draws twenty to thirty pictures,
talking as he works. Rapid fire
sketches of humorous scenes and
more carefully handled artistic pic
tures follow in quick succession.
The course this year will be well
patronized, as evidenced by the
the five attractions costs $2.00.
For high school or other children
the season ticket is only $1. It is
..... 1 M.
saul that these are the cheapest oi
any lyceurn tickets offered by any
town in the west. The following
are among those who have taken
season tickets this winter. Reserve
season seats on sale at Slieiwood &.
Ross' Friday and Saturday:
Mr. Rutherford, Dr. I'M Ross.
Mr. LalJare, M. Rosenthal, A. J.
Deming. E. E. Quick. A. S. Har-
rison. Dr. Jeffcott, Dr. L. (I. Ross,
F. H. Sherwood, Dr, Peel. J. S.
Allen, Clyde Sutherland, S. C.
Morton. C. C. Cassett, Wm. Ross,
J. L. Chittim, Mrs, Owens, Mrs.
Dahlshal, A. F. Barnett, Harry
Richardson, Mr. Olson, J. W. Mc
Donald, Mr. Felton, Fred Watkins.
A. M. Williams, Chas. I)pe, H.
W. Raggen, Mr. Baird, Miss Neil,
Miss Hammarstrom, Miss Furnum,
Hatton, H. W. White, Rev. Luther.
Hiram Kenney, Mr. Snowball, W.
J. Fujlerton, A. K. Thompson. Mr.
Johnson. C. C. Walker. Myrtle
Robertson. Ermu Robertson, Myrtle
Cole. Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Utterly,
E. I. P.allagh. J. II. Wilkcrsoi,. M.
J. Yeomans, 0. E. Stanwoixl, Justin
Wilkins, Reuben Sten. Ml. D;:dd,
Frank Cole, Mrs. Isbister, Mrs.
Christie, Mrs. Southurd. W. W.
Mukehlry, Roy 'iaiR. Ray Chap
man, Mr. chapman. Von A. Gray,
Susie Ketil, Mr. Kilgore, M. E.
All kinds of job work dime at the
Mist office at reasonable prices.
Mb.., iu V a ioo. imam
Oar Wnn1l
Ilk Kloatl llailary
rUTM net ofua earae.
Stacking-, Kdm Cap. AafcUte
For Sale and Want Adi
Ad ia Tbata C .lumit Bring Rosulta
Fresh Skamokawa Creamery but
ter. HO cents the roll. Muckle Gro
cery Co.
For Sale 16 hrad of ksmI iNry
cow. J A. NvliKin, Warrvn. Sip
6 H-r cent loans on farms, or
chard lands, city resident or busi
nuM property, to buy, build. Im
prove, extend or refund mortgages
or other securities: terms reason.
able; special privileges; corres
pondence invited. Dept. L, ;i
Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Col.,
or Dept. I, 74'J Henry Rldg.,Se'
attle, Wash.
Houlton Free Methodist Church
J Sabbath School at o a.
, Preaching at 11 a. m. and H p. n,.
Prayer meeting on Thtrsday even
ing it H p. m.
J. N. Woo!. I'astor.
Congegatinnal Church
A church home for friends and
Services - 10 am. Bible seh.Mil.
11 a. m. i'reaching and worship.
7::) p. m. Smg service and ser
mon. Wednesday, 7-II0 p. m. Mid
week service and Hililo study.
Everyb4ly welcome.
F. J Meyer, I'astor.
Strajretl Ona Jersey heifer H
months old; lii(ht color, hole in right
rr. 1 red Jersey heifer H immtha oM,
whito star In fnreheml. Strayed from
my -i'lure at IUrhilur Flat. Any infi.r
nation as to three will be re w units!.
I'. C. Jarubnon.
Dry Fir Worn! for Sale - Delivered
in Houlton and it. Helens.
Wm. Skuzie.
For Sal - Horse ami buggy.
Good driver, good buggy. $7.1.
A. Vohs. Deer Island. Harry Wood's
place. Jtp
Anyone wanting a nice fat, corn
fed goose for Thanksgiving dinner
tell Dick Roberson alwiut it. Get
your orders in early. Have only
got about 25 to let go. Market
For Sale House ami two lots on
Winter street from owner at
reasonable price.
R. C. Karth, Yankton. Ore.
To The Ladies Liking
it rvrry itrlirlr in my hanilmnie line 'J "P"
lo-il.iir Jrwclry. Nratnru and ri Imru ire
the i liicf Ir4lurrt in all our giMnlt. Hirrloif
vjlur, giur4nlrej. Fng'grnicnl, wrilliiC,
ignrt ami (nry ringt tl all kinU, tU
jii.I lilvrr wall lira that are at i unit limf-krrM-r.
Cluiiia, rturttii, braiflcu, ImkcU,
Iur4l.iiu, car-ilnipt, luixxhc, lul pirn,
rut rlr. All al iikmIciI prirca al
v o n A. c Ryi vs
1 : 'f
l-Vf SMHiKip YOU th.i, fl5 THAT Sot NaAU j t- 1 "
yra9UcsAvecr ruu -Betc-ha five. f VEuv. -rns ONE. "IHIS THH
iCT ME Al VOJ A. RfANl mCC am , er.M c6 -r-MCC-' OTHER
a""0' WHICH SI0C 1 tOtAi flHATBTA SlDE OvER THttU Q s f0vER HE RET 1
y. V 7 r01Acl.Y ' 7 ON Tri OTMEK SIDE.' Us . OVVTR THtW-
j NKWBot.p 7 AM 1K.HT7 TAW! 1 r1 HEY I WAIT As
IwwvWar 1 you iNjiiicwK t ' minNIT f