'RAISES the POUCH 'B.it.r tb. ath.r p.d.r ' producing light, doiat. whoU. some cakes and paalrUs 'CRESCENT BAKING POWDER 'is hlgi. grade and f moderate in price I 25a lb. tin al a-rocara f r..t Ml,. C.3..UI. A W rit bout your want In thla Una U FINKE BROS. SJ Madison fcL 1'urtland, Orrgot 10 CENT "CASCARCTS" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels They work while you aletp. Kurrt'd Tuniiuo, Had Tnste, Indiges tion, Hallow Skin unj MlniTuMa Head ache coma (nun a torpid liver and cloKKd bowels, which en una your stomach to tioma filled with undl-Ki-htud food, which aoura and IcrmmH Ilka giirbiiKt In a swill barrel. That's Ilia firat att-p to untold misery Indi cation, foul !'. 1'iid breath, yellow kin. inoiit.il f".tr, everything that la borriMa and niiuitentlng. A Csscaret tun I nil I will K Jour constipated bowels a thorough clennslng and uralKhten you nut by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your elruKKlht will keep you fuel ing good fur months. Too Inquisitive. When a locul train pulled up at the Scottish Junction where passenger rhnni; for Kurrlemulr the porter put his head In the window of one of th compartment mid ael: "Any on hi re for Kurriemulr?" Titer wns no r -uponae and present ly th train innveil on. 1 linn nn did Scotswoman remarked triumphantly: 'Am for Kurrlru.ulr, but I wouldn't tell that Imjuinlilve Idiot so when be poured in!" Washington Star. A Solemn Task. "What's the condor at your houa about T" "W am discussing th adTlsablllty of Impeuihlug th cook." Kansas City Journal. Of the 34.1 women patients admitted to Middlesex County (Kuglund) asy lums In the lam year, 23 wer bousa wlvea or tlomcBtic .rrvunts. p "All Read' rm Comes the call to din ner. Arc you interest ed? Is your appetite keen and waiting? Is your digestion normal and bowels regular? If not, wc urge a trial of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters at once. For 60 years it has proven a great aid to sufferers from Stomach, Liver and Bowel disorders. kooriNd ' LUMBERS A ll fijrn lefJ rooAng, i L10prroU liavir p t MUlIlr rw vV v-' Wa'll aaa yoo ITS u BOX .a wr lui hrr hill. Our lumbar . alt flnl frsds aod nrrt quality. W youdiratt 8sd yo' lut at onra and (at our prrpaid prl" prim VL! lto mII lar mm 4 yiuiar Ixtr4 ' slf'y nw i,rtiH 7, li .......tea taal aearrtta w. air. """""'-".,,. ., Mr imw ra aen mi, - " L. m.. ' a rnwa U M. p.w.t " - -' " k-aiw tor ;.IU.r. a.S r-r. o "'"'"VmJ?Z .r, al.it - - . , ,,! iMJ Hank or 1 1 m." - nr. a.i.f ' " "''2!L ilma. ae. to tia llll ri" yuara runrw g ID tmmr An lar.. ' l-.rt r i .f s. 1 1 taim Mo-Mi n, all rlw"' ,..lr.e ,.ai.l wet raw1 St Iff TMS twvp-e- d am av.. ItMt SMsHss ff mmm tlUK, H 1 ftll prtr4 I e.m j " '"" r I iff kecs h(Tff( BARRELS awe 5 ERIAL 8TOFIY 5The Isolated Continent A Romance of Um Future Cakio von Horvith nd Dean Hoard fc . - Ma mi rormn.ni I.Mh trUl"4 u'"1'" " government wiih F-ruint aa preairt.nt. for half a i "or1'1- Th. atory opena I J". 7"ldnl Prudent critically 111. Hie ... ,. ... br tn r.ipi of a m....(. frm , ounl ron Ward.n.t.m if 0rmv that ha haa al lul .ucrJ..t I. penetratlne tha rata Dytn. K. warn hia o.wjhi.r A.ira that thla m a for in lnv.ai..n II. t.lia h.r ta horry ta ta. la land of rirrn.. but dl.a bfora ha ran tall tha loallwi f th. plr. Aitra Is nomlnatwl 1t th. nr.altonrr br tha rentln.ntal part?. Napnlaon Fd'aoa cUa 7. ?'!" '"'"rma h.r that h. wu a u. II f h.r fath.r'a, and aromlaaa ta k.lp har II. aiv.a h.r a tint mad. of a .w IT 4lanv.r.1 anlMitanr. whlrb. lira, will h, th. probtam of (ll. Otrral- I. r !! In aptara In hmn. H. awlla oa UMnatM and orf.ra him th. a.rr.1 of maklna rild in r.turn for ah lut. HlMrmiiMnl and par Th. rh.val lr I. au.pm-t.4 .f bnc an Amtrlriit. II. I. ali4 at nlrht and ramcd off In an ar.opi.n. Ann to ItmnnraM as nra!t.t dh. r-.ia a m.aa. rmm K(1l.n. WhCM lona- alUniM. h. wnrrl.d : hrr. that h. Nh kan a prlwn.r for two ; mnnth. an tha taland of H.laoland and I haa )at tH M. innmmrM that th. w.nf.drat.d fl nf K'jron. haa aalled ' for Am.rlra Ha promla.a to rail en h.r ! th. follnwtna alsht f'nunta R"1nT, a PT. twmM a srtonn.r In hop. of aMur ln Napolnri-a a.rr.t Bh. falla In Iot. 'with him ah. irn.i to tola him In aa att.mpt to ..cap. 1y th. um of flr I worha h. eTimm.tna a rtirlmj. flrlnc ma Irhtn. whlrh r..ml.fe. a monater .nata. j ti .ac.r. and .nda hi. m.a.aaa to I Ara K.ltann raMa on A.tra aa promlat. H. :.lla h.r hla plana for df.n. hart i h.n nrtmpl.t.d but that h. will air. full er dtalla at hla worhihop nn th. laland i of Plryn. In th. PiHfl TTi.y mak. th. trip In thro. honr.. It'a plana ara ttutd on th. p-tillaritr of tha n.w auha'anra. etrrnlth. wfilrh la llr-t.r than any known motel and la prartlrallr Inrioatrurtlhl. Th. Furopeaoa enrrood In paMlnf th. i He. of tanlatlon hut find that th. Ameri jran. hav. Mtahltah a eacnnd on. Rdl- Mn d.lWar. a not. to von W.rd.na'eln ' In hi. nvahlp demanding that th. 0Nit h. withdrawn IMIatn la attnok.d. but ;h th. ua. of aom. mrat.rlotia powar h. ; 4-tmri two w.raMp. aod wTtrnl aero plane rV.llrtnt Ma h.lpl.MO... W S.nat.tn withdraw, hla IWt and rona.nta ! to nnlv.raal dtaarmnm.nt IMIvtn'a moth i ar I. Ill eti th. laland of Ctnrn. Count... j ftoatny off.r. to an and romfort h.r hop Inc to dlao.r F.l'aon'a tMrr.a ffb. o flna to wonv. a net around ff.ntoa Hu i pr.t. Kdl.on'a ae.t.t.ot Th. rount.aa a.t. a l.ft.r from Wrrdrnateln oOVrlnc h.r to. prlnr.dom of ahomhurr T thow i for Fd'aon'a aeor.t. fdl.nn and Pantoa art In aenrrh of a new dpo1t of etrrn rth. their ripply h.ln almo.t ehanafed Th find It on the eamte of "Irhorrhtirff- I. lthow Th. eountea finally ta ffnnfoa ,lnfo her rl.ifrhe. Phe aeta another letter from Werdrn.teln aklnr her to And out why Fd'iion la Intereat.d In th. B-hnm-h'ir eatat. Fd'aon appllea peraonally to Werdrn.teln with an offer for the prop '.rv. hot afa no attaf.otlon. Aatra and Fdlaon aet th. date for their weddlna Werdenat.ln feta a letter from th. coun I m promlalne to reveal Edlaon'a aerreta 1 s. aooe as th. property la turnod ovor to CHAPTER XVII Continued. "Both th Count Roslny and the eountoss wr members of th German secret service They needed means to keep up their title and did not heal tat to berxim spies. Penlde. sh said It was her (treatest pleasur to participate In Intrlgu and th excite ment of thla profession. "A few years later, a eomplet moral wreck. I brok awsy from ber. and went to Russia. Thar I becam a tool of that Infamous, rrewsom soci ety that work In th dark against all that Is good. It wss my fate to b se lected to do tha ugliest crime of my llf. I thsnk Ood I waa prTntd from succeeding. "I am trying to right the wrong I Intended to do you. I know my puo Ishment can only b death. I expect It. I long for It, and thas. my last words, ar sacred. "I bay not seen her for ysrs and her anexpected appearanc on th seen diverted my mind for a mo ment I wanted to kill ber. "This Is my tory, your ladyeMp. and aloe I have breathed American air. n though It came through prle on windows, I begin to underetand th greatness of U Ideals you ara sarv- tng. and I beg you not to condemn m In your thought. Th knowledg that your nobl mind pardon th unhappy 'tool of a wrong Idea, will eaa my laat 1 hour i -AKTZEL VON ROTHENBERQ." Thar th long letter nded. but an other sheet wa waiting to be read: "Your ladyship My former com munication waa written b.for I f aelved th news that I am pardoned. "Llf t precious, and whll I was ready to gl It up. I accept your kind act that waa Inaplred by fba goodneas f your heart, Jubilantly. You gar m llf and liberty and will you now Mept my tru and faithful aarrlc to long as I llrat "If I could tell you bw I fel toward yur ladyship, you would not haltt in rolr upon iii. -Ood shall ilT il - blessings soon you and your. T will b at the Columbian HoUl awaiting your decision. "Your gateful aerrant, "AETZEL VON ROTHENDERO Naooleon placed th long mlaslr oa U,, desk and looked thoughtitiUy at 'i7a.aiaaTthiTiLUL ,"" SYNOPSIS. iZ.VlntiZ T'V th w'lnn of North i ,Vl' ,..',,bn from th. rt Serfu lnv.nt f Hannibal n.4,nt lii lavanftMn K4 - .a from f,,,. i..... " ... ?"lrZ Astra, tnn wtrhont a word, trn4 to th Ictrotylograph. A fw minute later b wa talking to hi master mechanic, old Jerome Whlaller, on th Island of Clryn. "Hello. Whistler?" "Hallo, Mr. Edison I What caa do for yon." "How 1 everything at Clryar "All wll." "Th aarodromon all In T" "Yea, sir, except th Eagl, that 1 yoar prtvata machine." "Har you seo th CaunUss Ro slny todayr "8b left with Mr. Duprel. day be fore ytrday on th Hawk." "Dut Santo brought tb nacfcia backr "Not he, bat young Sulltraa. who went with thorn." "Than h doe not know wbar gaa to and th count left th mav chlnf" "H aays he doesn't" "Leave tb Hawk aa ah la; dont touch bar unUl I com. That la all I wanted; sorry that I bad to dlatvb you. Oood night" II disconnected tb 'graph and turning to Astra said: "Rantoa la another victim of th b wltchlng eo iu teas. 1 am aorry for him." "Sb seam created ta leave eorrow wherever eh goes. Poor Santoal" CHAPTER XVHt Th Secret of th Asrodromaw. Th nowly made Prlncaa at Schom burg Llthow and har Dane. Santos, reached Berlin safely. They flaw ta th Hawk to Irkutsk In Aslatl Sueala and from there continued their )oar ney on tb quick aerolln to tb Oar maa eapltaL They sent tb aarodro mon back to Clryn. Til Roslny maaatoa was ready tor than. Roeltta's first action waa to aod word to tb Count tow Werdao- eteln that sh wanted to see him. Whan th chancellor earn. Roattta racalred him alone. It waa necaasary for bar to explain th situation. Tb Count Roslny was dead. H bad been on board th Tsar that Napoleon bad sunk. This freed RosltU. bat as a prlneees sb could not marry a plain cltlion, so sh asked th count to make Mr. Duprel a titled nobleman. RosltU told all sh thought neceeeary, and they talked for a long Um. Ban toe was told tb plan without th slightest Idea that It waa a tre mendous, far-reaching plot designed to destroy ail tb achievement of th pea commltte. H could aa noth lng but Rosltta, h could think of noth ing but their approaching marriage. Th purpose th chancellor and Ro sltta bad In mind, waa to manufacture and equip a numbsr of aerodromonea If they pursued thla desire, they would hare. Inside of a year, th powr to master th situation and tak tb lead in political affair. Suameg now belonged to Rosltta and the clrynlth depoalt there waa very rich. Th Count ron Werdensteln plaeod aa unlimited account in the bank to her credit, so that sh and Santos could begin work at one. Tb people of Kiss-Cell were sur prised at the unusual actlrttle dis played by tb Strang men Imported. S aa toe Duprel waa very buay. He had been Informed that after th suo ceaaful completion of th Brat aero dromon he would har tb tltl of "count" conferred upon him, and that thla would remove all th barrier be tween Rosltta and him. Their mar riage would tak place th day of th trial flight This fired his ambition, and he worked bard and long. He waa allowed to plan aa h wlabed, and on day laid bis blue prints before tha Count ron Werdensteln. He showed him thst a largsr snd mor powerful aerodromon than Napoleon's would ba necessary; otherwise th design and make would be unchanged. Thla Improvement In six would glr mora motive power, and thus mak it u pa rlor to the Eagle. "The Power, f Courae, I Electricity." "And what la your moUr power? t don't see any detalla In your plan hat would explain th wonderful power that your darlla of th air pos ses." Santos east a questioning glace at Rosltta. She nodded acquiescence, and h began: "Th powr, of cours. is electricity. I will try to i plain things as simply aa they are. Tha flight of tha aero dromon la based on tb flight of a bird not any bird, but th king of th air, tb eagle. Slxe of body, wings, and balance ar all eonaldarad. After a long search and study, Napoleon Ed ison found that no muscle powsr could har th endurance of tb eagl and a few other bird that ar able to eorar remarkably long dlatanoaa La a vary short Mm. R closely examined Br ing birds, and took th homing pigeon, for example, after a long flight, and proved that they bad collected In their feather a surprisingly Urge quantity of atmospherical electricity, Tb feathers on the wings especially, serve as collectors, and every little hair like feather adds to the supply. 'When the bird begins to fly a regu lar magneto la created, that baa It two poles at tha two end of th wing. On sld Is th negative and the other the positive. From the moment thla electric-magnetic state is reached, all the work the muscle ar ax pec ted to do 1 to direct the flight, aa tb wings ar mored by the force of the elec tricity; that Is, tbey come together un til tb fore of th opposite magnetlo power force them apart, and th repe tition of this operation Is called flight" "That certainly sound simple," mur mured the chancellor. 'Now take the aerodromone," con tinued Santo. "Through mechanical lnrentlon, and clrynlth, wa bar Im- prored th bird's method of flight The Improvement Is in the storing away of unused magnetism. The more quickly we fly, the more magnetism is gath ered by the machine." Santos pointed to the front part of the machine on th blueprint calling tb chancellor's aV tentloa to the contrivance that gar the machine the appearance of aa eagl. It waa a large brasa ball, cov ered with a clrynlth cap. Then h pointed to a broad brass bar that ex tended over the entire top of the ma chine; that bar waa like a roand bruah, and Its duty was to gather In every little spark of electricity, and store it In the brass collector. When the Insulation waa broken, a lightning flash was sent out, directed at the will of the air man. So long as the ma chine waa In motion there was always plenty of electricity In tb collector, ready to be sent out to causa destruc tion to anything. "Wonderful!" sighed the count "1 know what those spark mean, I have seen them In action." "The simple machinery that 1 bunt Into every aerodromone is to control tbe flight and to start the wing-.. On account of the extreme simplicity of tbe mechanism and the tretnendooa strength of elrynith, th aerodromon Is. practically speaking, lncUastrao tlbl." "But bow can on machine captor tb other, or eren fight tbe other, tin der theae conditions?" asked the coast anxiously. "There are two ways In which a ma chine may gain victory orer the other. One is to disable the brain of tbe ma chine, that la, the man behind th wheel" "How can that be done V asked tha count eagerly. j "Clrynlth, as you know, la harder ; than anything except the diamond, eo I believe if bard steel bullet were made with diamond points they would penetrate the comparatively thin ahell of clrynlth that defend th airman. However, this Is only a theory. Ex periments must show th advisability of their manufacture," "What la the other way?" "That la a certain method, and la baaed on the law of electricity that seem to govern aerial navigation." "What I ltr asked th count Impa tiently, aa Santos hesitated and looked at Roaltta, "It is the same aa when a boy take a piece of amber or any other sub stance that can bs magnetised and lift ap a paper scrap The quicker airman baa to maneuver so aa to alight on top of the hostile machine. Tb lower machine then sticks to the up per, like the paper to the amber, only with such great force that It cannot be releaaed until tbe current la a top pad and tha necessary tnaulation between the oppoalng force 1 obtained." "But tb wing of th lower machine might strike the upper," remarked the count "It looks that way," answered 8av tos wearily. It brought back the nap py days In tbe service of Napoleon, and bis heart waa heavy. "But aa I bare mentioned, different laws prevail In the air, totally different from the laws that govern the land or water. The atmospherical electricity haa qualities that cannot be Judged by omr present knowledge. It haa to be ex perimented with. Our trials on the Island of Clryne showed as that the aerodromonea do not injure each other; they might stick together, or be burled apart, but they are aever damaged." "Then you think, Mr. Duprel, that you will b able to captnre Bdisoaw forcs?" The little man cast an appealing glance toward Roaltta; aha looked him atralght in the eyee and encouraged him. He aald bravely: "Mr. Edison 1 a very formidable en emy, but our Improved machine win giv us tb advantage, and beaidea. we will have a larger fleet" Tbe count waa satisfied and th work under Santoa' direction went on. It took months before the factory waa In perfect ahape, and tha various part were manufactured for th aerodrc monea. They often wondered that Napoleoa had not appeared to interfere vttfc their work. (TO BS CONTINUITX) Keeping Har Sweet, "Your daughter la great reader. Isn't shr "Yes." "Do yon exercl a anaorahlp what sh reads?" "Only to th extent of barrio th popular norale." Behind en Hla Schedule. "What's the matter, old top?" "Lambago." 1 have a remedy I wtah yoa'd try.' "TO pwt the remedy on my waiting; list At my present rate of 111 sat to It In aboat two Pistol and RMe Winchester cartridges adapted to Winchester rifles are made to get tha best oossible results out of i them. As the same equipment, organization and system are employed in making all Win chester cartridges, it naturally follows that Winchester cart ridges produce the best results in all firearms. Winchester cart ridges are made for all calibers pn and makes of rifles, revolvers and pistols. Sold everywhere Ask For The Red W Brand Ahead of His Time. "You are going to fiddle while Rome burnB?" "Yes," replied Nero. "liiit you can't play the fiddle." "That's all right. That fact won't be noticed In the moving pictures." he diaeerful life T It is th right of everyone It to ourselves and those who cannot do so if ill heaitn takes The wife, mother and daughter suffering from not Oaabea, nervousness. tuacUcha, bkacb, d rmin-down feelinc. or any other weakiMa. duo to (Uaordre or trrey-ul.nue. of tha doacata iamal orgmna-ie net only a tardea ta hanait, tut to har luvod one. Thmn is a nrnmd. Forty years experience baa proven unmistakably thai li DR. PIERCE'S IFavorite prescription win reatora bMlth to weakened womankind. For 40 Tari It has aurvheai r j lldlCO, envy ana malice Iwia Dy anl m aiuinn. in imjuiu ot uun iim pisree'a FavoriU Preecrtpuon Tubiata can ba had of droKsnt or maiM aai ecVipt of ono-oant stamiw-luc gUX) or 6uc siie. Addrau K V. twnm. M. U. fcuffalo. N. Y. pr. Pierce's a-Ieaaant pellets rernt ana utibsh-siisj ajto-.hj u,vei tvaU bawei. Bagar-faalrda tiny grannlrsi. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try Itl Hair gets soft fluffy and beautiful Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glis tens with beauty and Is radiant with life; haa an Incomparable softness and la fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair If you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of Its lustre, its strength and its very life, and If not overcome It produces a feverishness and Itching of tha scalp; the hair roots famish, loos en and die; then the hair falls out faet Surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug tore and Just try it Double Trespassing. Henry James, the American novel ist, lives at Rye, one of the Cinque ports, but recently he left Rye and took a bouse in the country near the estate of a millionaire Jam manufac turer, retired. This man, having mar ried an eart's daughter, was ashamed of the trade whereby he had piled up bis fortune. The Jam rmrrrntacturer one day wrote Mr. James an Impudent letter, vowing that it was outrageous the way the James servants were trespas sing on his grounds. Mr. James wrote back: "Dear Sir I am very sorry to hear that my servants have been poaching on your preserves. p. s. You II excuse my mentioning your preserves, wont your .New York Globe. An Eye to FfTect "Is it true you eat with your knife?" "Not always; only In public, where my constituents can see me. Only 73 in 1000 letters delivered In the United Kingdom come from abroad. The average depth of the ocean bed Is about 12.000 feet, as against the average land height above aea level of 2300 feet Perfect Digestion depends upon the integrity of the liver. IF YOUR LIVER IS TORPID WILL WAKE IT UP AND YOUR SYSTEM WILL NOT RUN DOWN. The Right Way In All casea of DISTEMPER. PINK EYE. INFLUENZA. COLDS, ETC, Of All Horses, Brood Mare, Colta, Stallions, is to "SPOHN THEM" On their toniraaa or In tha feed put Snohn's Liquid Compound. Giy.theremly toallof tham. It acta an th. b o"d ar.d a lands. It mtita th. dumi by apilln th.dieei.rerma. It wart), off th. trau, til. nomattehowtheyar"eiped." Abaolot. y fre. from anvthtna In juriooa. AchUdcanaafa ly take It. o0entend$1.00: $R.0O and 110.00 the JTaaan. SoM by d raraiau. h.meu itaalia, ar aaat .Hiiaee paid by the auauiacturera. Soacial As-ents Wanted SPOHN MEDICAL CO. Chemieta and Bactariologiata GOSHEN. IND, U.S. A. rm Cartridges A Poor Crop. "How's your garden coming along this year?" "My cutworms and caterpillars ara doing fairly well, but my potato bug are not flourishing. " Kansas City Journal. to live snd enjoy the cheerful life. We owe live with us to bra the cheerful life. We. hold of us. A Real Need. "Hubby, the baby said something clever today, and now I've forgotten it." "We must get a nurse who is a stenographer, my dear." Kansas City Journal. A gate valve for a water pipe Una large enough to drive an automobile through recently was made In Gee many. The largest settlement In Greenland Is Sydproven, which has a population of 766, and the smallest Is Skansen, in North Greenland, with 46 inhabitants. Recent statistics showed 256.SSS motorboats, valued at more than 000,000, in the United States. Gleans Blood Through Kidneys A Most Important Func tion and One to be Care fully Guarded. The purpose of the kidneys being ta Alter the blood the question of treating supposed kidney wealraesa ahould be con eldered carefully. Instead of drugs and alleged kidney atlmulanta the better plaa is to purify the blood with an antidotal affect such aa you get from 6. 8. S. It ahould be remembered that the kid neys are made up of a fine net work of blood vessels, and it is to stimulate th functional activity of kidney tissue through this capillary net work thai 6. S. 6. shows one of its most remarkable afreets. The medicinal value of the component of S. S. S. are relatively just aa vital ta healthy kidney action aa the nutriment obtained from grain, meat, fats, sugar, or any other part of our dally food is ta the natural reconstructive requirement of the tissue. And there Is one com ponent of S. S. S. which serves the active purpose of stimulating the cellular tissue of the kidneys to a healthy and judlcteua selection of its own essential nutriment. Thus, in cases of rheumatism, cystitis, chronlo sore throat husklnes of vole, bronchitis, asthmaAand the myriad el other reflex lndiciwoni of weak kidney action, first purify your blood with 8. 8. 8. so It will enable the tissues to rebuild their cellular strength and regain thai normal health. You can get S. 8. 8. at any drug etore, but take no other so-called blood purifier. 8. S. 8. is purely a botanical product, and you will make a great mistake ta have some enthusiast palm off a mer cury, arsenic or iodide of potash prepare. I tlon that may do you irreparable nana. 8. S. 8. la prepared by The Swift Spe clflo Co:, 160 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Oa, 1 and It you have any deep-seated or oh i etlnate blood trouble write to their MeaV ' leal Department for free advice. It Wll be worth your while to do so. : P. N. U. No. 44. 'IS WHIM wrttiae- ta erfvwtiasra. plaa a. aa- " tie. Ui paper. i 'y'lw ( v.c3k SS W w