St. Helens Mist Foundad 1 8 s J ltrt E, FtlJ.r a. The Mi.t Publishing Company Knian.4 a-..n. clu m.ti.. j,,,,,,,, l0 Mlh. ihhiI i.m.-. i M.n.1 II..),.,,., () mi'lrr lli K'l ol March lrt. W,. n-Mon for not doin ho. itisa,' "--ryinirnf to Kain and nothing to lose. It mi-una more for Iloulton than it does for St Helena, but it means enough for St. Helens to warrant all up-to- ..aiC, ve, progressive 10 Koto the polla vote VeH, I ODCES citizens tomorrow and IIOI'MIJN CIUCI.K MMH, Women of Wowlcraft, meeti the arcon'l anl fourth Tu-wlay afternoon of each umnth at Iloulton, (lit. Mri. Klt-a Wikntnmi, iurllan NlfftiUr. Ni. .,(., Ort-. ; Minnie A. Morley, Clerk. 8uBJk.ilTloi Ratm "" "' I.M) Hi nionthi AilvertNhiK ralra known on prill- ... .1.... t i . 1 inuuu. i.cki noiicca criila jr ln County Official Paper A water system costing I.W.fMH) supplying St. Helens and Iloul ton with the jiUn.8t of mountain watr for household purposes and giving to St. Helens nde(uate (ire protection is now in oper ation. The water commission, ' composed of some of the leading business men of St. Helens, has decided on some extensions for the betterment of the service, which extension depends entirely upon the result of the vote to morrow on the quention of con nulidation of the two cities. The present water supply is sufficient to accommodate about 10,0K) people and the present pipes are large enough to carry the water for that number. At the City Hall in this city there is an average pressure of 85 pounds, sometimes running up to con siderably more. At convenient places along the streets are placed fire hydrants. There are small pipes leading to Iloulton nnd to th fast growing suburb, South St. Helens. If the two cities are consolidated and Iloul ton becomes a part of this city, a main pipe line will be taken out near the Harris place above Iloulton and run down along Mil ton Creek to iloulton, laterals will be extended around the town and fire hydrants will be placed at the street corners. thereby giving noulton the same water service and fire protection that St. Helens now has. Fire protection is a great thing too. Since the excellent water sys tem was installed in this city the proix'rty saved from fire alone by the use of the water, has amounted to considerably more than the cost of the entire system. Iloulton is Bndly in need of some sewers. So is that portion of St. Helens lying to the south of St. Helens street and west of Winter street. The people of that district could, and no doubt would, petition for a sewer dis trict that would drain nearly all of Iloulton and a portion of St. Helens, with the outlet in Frog more. The cost of sewering is considerable, but the method em ployed in this city makes it very easy on the property owner. For instance, three lots in sewer dis trict No. 2 were assessed l0.r for sewer improvements. The sewer is already in an connec tions are made. The property oAmcr signed an agreement that h would pay one tenth of the amount each year for 10 years, with 6 per cent interest on de ferred payments. Ii there a property owner in the city who would not pay $10 or $12 a year for good sewer connection? Thore is in prospect now the very best year for building and general progress for this city 'that was ever known. The city is going to uo ahead as never before. Industries are looking this way, in fact, some of them have already secured sites, and St. Helens is goirg to grow very fast. A considerable portion of that growth is going toward Houlton. The imaginary line between the two cities w-ll be lost sight of and one greater, better town will enjoy the bene fits arising from a general prog ress and prosperity than will the two towns, divided and torn by financed and selfish grievances. There is every reason why the cities should consolidate and no On another page will be found a call for a mass meeting of the citizens of St. Helens to discuss the dovk nienfi.n 'n ....t , - .... ,nn iiiti't- mg should be attended by every tax payer in St. IHens. The ultimate decision of the meeting should by all means favor the erection of a public dock, regard lews of the location. The location will probably be the sticking point with a number of people, some holding that the dock snould be where the Strand is, near the foot of Cowlitz street! while others want it at the foot of St. Helens street, and still others who suggest the foot of Willamette street. The Cowlitz street location is in litigation and no doubt will be for some time yet. If that litigation should finally result in favor of the city, after that it would take quite a long time to get the buildings removed and the place made suitable for docks. The St. Hel ens street location is only a block from Cowlitz street and when me post cilice is moved to its new location, would only be a trifle more than one-half a block from the post office and only c block from what is now the busi ness portion or tne city. St. Helens street is !).r feet wide, while the other streets are 80 feet wide. The bluff at the foot of St. Helens street furnishes an ideal site for a double deck dock, if necessary, or a single dock either. The Willamette street ocation is a little too far re moved from the business part of town and would be more expen sive to build. So it would seem that St. Helens Btreet would be the logical place for the dock, but whatever the location, the building of the dock is the im portant question and that should be decided favorable regardless of the location. Columbia KncHiiiineiit No. 77, I. O. 0 K. meets In the I. O. I). K. Hull, on Hie mmoikI did fuiirth Thurwlay of each month, rojoiiux-) nig Patriarcha moM 1 iirilmlly iuviteil to meet u. (.. C. KuIh-j, Chii f Patriarch C. W hUkmley, Scribe. I'MIIIM MIZPAJI CIUlTKh. NO. 30, O. K. S Meet in Mnnonic HhII the wccnl and fourth Sutnr livi o. ach month MAKY iKOIlil' W VI. l.l'CY (iKAY, Kcthih. Av-jti IHljre No t)2 Kiiiith'H ol . n-nii-elH t-vt-ry Tu-mny KveninK In lie Hull, St. Ilflenn. YiMtiiiK KeiM" h1vb wt-lrvjiiii . M. I). Miller. (.'. C. IIhmiM It'iht, K . nf KS A ST. HKI.KNx I.OiMiK NO. A Y k A M. Meeti lot anl 3il Saturday in each month. Visiting brother cordially eloomi-d. U W Clark. MaBter; K. K. nli k. Secretary yi GOOD PLyien to DO J&USIrtESS Columbia County Bank ST. HELENS, ORE. $17 0,0 0 0 BOARD OE DIRECTORS Wm. M. Rom, President l R. Rutherford, Vica-Prea. A L. Stone, Cashier J. S. Allen, Aaat. Caahier L C. Roaa Speed Accuracy St. Helen bi'lue No. 117,1. O. O. F. meetH ill Hip I. O.O. Y. huild- iiijj.ou tl e Herond and fourth Saturday of rm li month, visiting rnPiuliera are alav (riven a heartv wt-lion.r. CIihh, Heeler, N. (1. J. VV. Ailen, Sec. I.'ni'rd ArtisMMH, Aasembly No. HO, mietH lir.-t and thud Saturdaya of each month nt I O.O H Hall, St. Ileler a. "fllctra: M. A , M s. Lizzie Iiolrson ; Snii'nt, Mis. IiIk-hIit ; Sec, Mra Mabel Bill , Tn as.. 1. Hill All visitii g A-ti-sano are cordially invited. The City of Salem was voted dry at the recent election. The City of Hainier met the same fate at the same election. At Salem the election board was ap pointed by the County court. At Rainier the election biard was not appointed by the County Court. The liquor men in both places have started suit to have the election declared void. At Salem one of the principal reasons assigned by them is that the County Court appointed the elec tion board. At Hainier one of the principal reasons assigned is that the County Court did net appoint the election board. Pretty hard to please some folks. NOTICE j. Court St. Helen-, No. Hti, meets every I'nd 4th Wedi eadays in K. of V. Hall. All iiieiiilx'rs urged to attend meetings Vmitiiijj I'.iotheiR ulways welcome J. O. rrinitl V K. M. J. Ford. Y S. nTTrrm CHURCHES Houlton M.E. Church First and third Sundays Preaching at 11 a. m. , and 7:30 every Sunday evening except fifth Sunday of the month. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. II. O. Oliver, Supt. Ep worth League. Wm. H. Smith. president, meets every Sunday even ing at 7:30, Wm. 11. bmith. presi dent. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening at 7:30. Wm. H. Smith, leader. Yankton Preaching on second and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Warren Preaching at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. every fifth Sunday. D. T. Summerville, Pastor. 30E3I Rainier Mineral Soap The Soap of a Thousand Uses COME ALL YOU PAINTERS, PR LYTIC US and MECHANICS and TRY A BAR OF RAINIER SOAP C.H.dOHN&CO. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY- at ioac All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished. R. CONSTANTIN Plumbing and Sheet Metal Heating Work To The Hon. Mayor and Common 1 1 he Citv of St. H l- ens, Oregon: We, the undersigned properey owners of real estate in the east side of block 4ti and the west side of block 45, in said City of St. Helens hereby petition your Won. body to improve or cause to be improved all ihat portion of Summer street in said city lying between Wycth street and West s'reet to be im proved by grading the same through the centei thereof. 24 feet in width, and covering the prude for a width of US feet with crushed rock, eight inches in depth in the center and gradually reduced to 4 inches at the edges. And your petitioners will ever pray. T. B. Lott. lots 12, l:S. 11. 2i. 21. 22. block 46. J. Skua. lots IS. lh Wock 4t! L. Duaont, lots 2, 3, 4. 6, 6, block 4!i. John Rubens, lots 8, 9, 10, 11. block 45. Pete Felton, lots 17, 18, Idork 40. G. F. Robertson, lot 1, block 45. j o o t II St. Helens W.J.MUCKLE m i AUCKLC f Oregon WASHINGTON MUCKLE ' HlRDWylRE COAPyMY TAINTS 1IAHMCSS D E A L E R 8 IN HARD WARE SASIf Stability These are the essential features in a typewriter, possessed ONLY by the UNDERWOOD which holds every inter national Record for SPEED and ACCURACY The Machine You Will Eventually Buy" IMDERV00D TYPEWRITER (INCORPORATED) eoAPyMY 68 Sixth Street Portland, Ore. BRANCHES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES in :r- This Chiffonier $6.25 W har. than from this pries up. Savaral of Utam with dreaara to match. W. aUo kav. kic tin. of Dreaaar in diffwant pattern, and firuahea, at pricaa accord, ng to quality. Civ ua our food a. a call and impact SHERWOOD IiO UNDERTAKERS HOUSEFURN1SHER3 EMBALMERS . a a m - . ' w ao vou like this Shoe? We have a full line of the Florsheim Shoes. Come in and see them. Don't forget that our Dry Goods and Fur nishings are the best. Drop in and see us P-I. MORGUS c3c SON J OILS DOORS V0WLITZ and RIVER STUEETS HO ST. HELENS, OREGON MM wr -m to to L BOOKS AND SUPPLIES ! THE EXCHANGE AND INTRODUCTORY PRICES O F SCHOOL BOOKS ARE STRICTLY CASH WATEfiM N'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS ' ALSO CENTURY, LAUCHL1N SELF-FILLING C AND NON-LEAKABLE, MOORE'S NON ES LEAKABLE AND OTHERS C EASTMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS C A. J. DEM ING, DRUOCtST, ST. HELENS 2 (jilt fOJAiAiJUJtS tlJLllllJLUllJLlJUlllAllJia liAIJUjl UHAA rfa) II P t-Cy 1 ISM' Chris Johnson & Sons Succaaaora to St. Halona Auto Co. Will positively meet every train Autos for hire. Calls answered day or night Phone connection Look for the cars with the Red Cards St. hblexs Oregon Allen, Felton & Quick REAL ESTATE DEALERS INVESTMENTS. KENTALS, INSURANCE. COLLECTIONS. LOANS, LAND TITLES. APPRAISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR. GUARDIAN. FISCAL AGENT CONVEYANCE. EXECUTOR. INFORMATION AND EMPLOYMENT ST. HELENS . OREGON Columbia County Abstract And Trust Co..... Abstracts, Real Estate, Insurance. Loans, Conveyancing St. Helens. Oregon