St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 14, 1913, Image 3

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In tin Nrt!iwrKrn part of Oregon, on
Kiver, with iilxnil 70 miles of river front
Ships from ull parts of the worhl carry Columbia County products down
the Columbia Liver ami to the market of the world. A through line
of Kudnmds traverse the county from the North to the South. Uiver
boats carry local products to local market at low rates.
A K !: A :
About 7lH) mpian miles 22,W.v urns
15.7'Jti ucrcs. 'I hi is lan.i that is ru-tually in cultivation
Hiiti cli'iircil, cxrl.mve of town lot.
0i 7iti tier. vl,i.(, in,-lui!i-M all t;n,,i r where tl:ne is
more linn it'll. )) h'ct n it imn ler si'diun, nh all lug
ged oil hmd Atii li ii. not i;iiu!i!c fr imi! in p,, comlit ion
I'm cultivation.
VIM! I '.a:
Alio'lt . ti liivl nil' lulf l i i ; -1,1 ! . i 1 1 1. ji i f,vt
as-i.,'.i:: va'."I-: . iimi:i:i:: ,"n. ..".-.-
vS!vS.-5;-:i V.M.l'i: ..' IILl.UU.i; ,.'l. fui :::.-.
total av.s.;ki n o;. a:.i. h:i kimy:
j Is.iiimi.imii.
M.I.I S )!' C'll'NTV I; ,1N:
r. t rileM, smiie !' whirli U iii tip. I ela.,." ci nilition, r:on r in
fair e,iiiiht"ni u el ;,.iinc in vim y poor condition.
About if, ib- v. hieli include the ii. am line of tin-S. 1'.
A: S. nml the va: n.s Inging roads.
("ensu of I '.M o .iM'M lO.fiMl luit a careful ctinuite this
year gi.'e it at I u t 1", 00.
Ti'iiilH fiit''. I 'u inc the summer the thcrmoin-'tcr rnrcly
t .: dies 100 in the ..i:iilc and in the coldest wisithcr of
u inter zi'iu wrath-r is uimoHt unknow n. During the
winter months then- is considerable ruin, but nut too much.
Just enough to insure crops Crop failures are unknown.
KiuiH of nil ku.ils, especially apples, lwars, plums ami
berries, til im af.d gr:i"; garden truck of all kinds and
Thousands of Here of first class land can be purchased at reasonable
prices upon which are .stump left from the timber operations. This
land is especially suited for forming, fruit raising "rid dairying.
r''; -V? V?;-V,!;
; ... . - .:- f -4
-r" rjinrrw.PLi til 1 ' r l:' '.ft. '
A city on the Columbia River, ?N miles from Portland, with a population
i, f lsitO people. The County Seat of Columbia County. A Four year
Standard llih School. Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal and
Catholic Churches. All the leading fraternal orders. Gravity water
s stem owned by the city suilicient to supply a city of 10,000 people.
Klectric lights, graded and macadamized streets, sewers. Principal
industries are lumbering, shipbuilding, creosoting, stone quarrying,
fining and shipping. Two large saw mills with a capacity of 250,000
feet per day; more than 5' million feet of lumber shipped each month;
several large ocean going vessels built each year; timber treated with
creosote and shipped all along the coast. Two big stone quarries and
rock crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of 300 tons
of Columbia Kiver Salmon caught and marketed. A farming country
back of it that cannot be excelled in the world. Several new business
blocks now under construction. Five miles of sewer being built.
Many beautiful and attractive homes.
Lumbering and timber is the principal induitry; there be
inn about twenty-five saw mills. Salmon flirting; in the
Columbia Kiver is also an important industry. Farming
and fruit raising; Stone quarrying; Ship buildin and all
kinds of lumber manufacturing plants.
There are fine opportunities for the small farmer, dairy
man, fruit grower and truck gardener. Also a number of
choice deep water sites for manufacturing plaats.
12,000 acres of ! w lands along the Columbia River which
have recently been dyked and are now in high state of
cultivation especially adapted to growing of vegetables and
small fruits.
Four standard High Schools;
Grade schools i n each
Nearly all denominations represented.
Circuit Judges, J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin
District Attorney, W. B. Dillard
County Judge, W. A. Harris
County Clerk, H. E. LaBarc
Sheriff. A. E. Thompson
Assessor, C. W. Blakesley
School Superintendent, J. B. Wilkerson
Treasurer, R. S. Hattan
Coroner, F. H. Sherwood
Surveyor, Geo. Conyers
Commissioners, John Farr, Louis Fluhrer.
St. Helens Rainier
Clatskanie Houlton
Scappoose Warren
Deer Island Goble
Yankton Vernonia
Mist Quincy
Mayger Marshland
Columbia City Reuben
Apiary Hudson
Prescott Trenholm
Patronize the Mist Advertisers
j i a t- in ri
Areycu icttini r.oic ry Vou
did last year? Are yon reasonably
sure of j;cttinst r-till more next year?
If not, this is your time NOW to
mail the coupon below onJ let the
International Correspondence Schools
explain how they can qualify you to
enter a more important line of work
in your present occupation or in a
different one where you e.m command a
higher salary at the start, with no limit
to your earning power.
In making this offer, all your cir
cumstances have been taken into con
sideration, and it only remains for you
to fill out and nail the coupon. How
W;can succeed with the aid of I.C.S.
training by mail, as thousands like
you have succeeded, will be fully ex
plained at no coat whatever, to you.
ricase etplain, without further ,
AMirion on mv Mrt-how I can '
nfialifyrfora larger ilaria the .
faTToTbefore which I have ;
l'f ' t Irr. I.lli""
i4,.ll" Mn-liM. .l
flr Vmr " rlM yrnr
llt WhiwT lin,"
,1,11 .,,! Allrl
' .. dir.rl.r.l f
TIpMrlUM Hlnlnit NflHr
Hill a4 S f
Fvu. ixFOKM.nwx uvannnRmxa
H. V. REED, Manager
0 I). Kvlc visited St. Helens
M.itiday ami Tuesday of last wetk.
Mrs. Myrtle Schneider left Sun
ihiv for a short visit with her aunt,
;Mis. Klla Smith, at Happy Hollow. Lowe of Houlton was seen
on our streets Sunday.
The Library and Literary Associ
ation tfave a fine program at the
school house Saturday niht to a
Ihtk-, appreciative audience. The
new sectional bonk case is installed
in the school room, the books have
arrived and the Trenholmites look
forward to a tfreat amount of
pleasure in the persual of these
volumes during the Ion?, rainy,
winter evenings.
Miss Gladys Lamberson arrived
l in Trnhiilm last week and will
'mi.'nd the winter here at the home
of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack
Mrs. Chas. Hein made a trip to
Houlton and St. Helens last Saturday.
Mrs. George Wilson visited Houl
ton and St. Helens on Wednesday
V. K Eversaul is busy repairing
roads, and they certainly need re
pairing, as thev were becoming al
most inipussible.
0. T. Foster and son Lee re
turned from rortiaritl Saturday
where they went to sell their team..
P. B. Brockway was a visitor at
Houlton and St. Helens Tuesday.
A party of girls gathered at the
home of A. M. Campbell Saturday
afternoon to help Melissa Cjllen
celebrate her 10th birthday anni
versary. A pleasant time is re-
mi rt imI.
The telephone project is .pro
gressing nicely and Trenholm will
soon bo able t talk with the out
side world again, as we expect to
have one of the best telephone lines
in the state.
George Cropp visited Portland
Inst week ' and hud a splinter of
steel removed from his eyeball.
0. T. Foster has bil.s out for an
auction sale at Houlton ,on Satur
day, the 22nd of Nov., when he will
sell his team, cows and Other per
sonal property.
Join the Boosters
If you like the old town beat.
Tell 'em so!
If you'd have her lead the rest.
Help her grow!
When there's anything to do
Let the fellows count on you;
You'll feel bully when it's through.
Don't you know?
If you want to make a hit.
Get a name!
If the othor fellow's it.
Who's to blame?
Spend your money in the town
Where you pull the sheckles down;
Give the mail concerns a frown
That's the game.
When a stranger from afar
Comes along.
Tell him who and what we are
Make it strong.
Needn't flatter, never bluff;
Tell the truth, that's enough;
Join the boosters they're the stuff,
You belong?
If you'er used to giving knocks,
Change your style!
Throw bouquets imtead of rocks
For a while.
Let the other fellow roast;
Shun him as you would a ghost;
Meet his hammer with s boost
And a smile.
Author Unknown.
will call at my office in St. Helens
and make settlement within the
next two weeks and save costs.
Oct. 24th, 1913.
M. E. Miller,
$100 REWARD.
persons who shut down one of the water
gates on the main line recently, or of
any person or persons damaging or in
terfering with any wster pipes on the
line. By order of the Commission.
E. K. QUICK, See.
For Rent Rooms in the Bank
building. Steam heat, electric
The Water Commisi ion of the Uty or .
St. Helon. will nav 1100 reward for the I'Bht, hot and Cold water
arrest and conviction of the person or Columbia Co. Bank.
UiaLtytrtiti.LAaUL ,itlars,.itl.ibrUt
Methodist Notices
Tho Mpthndist services will be
held in the school house.
Sunday School, 10 a. m.
Morning service 11 a. m.
Epworth League, 6:45.
Evening Bermon, 7:30 p. m.
A cordial welcome is extended
to all.
E. T. Luther. Pastor.
H. Larsen, formerly in the mer
cantile business at Warren, has
placed his accounts in my hands for
collection. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to Mr. Larsen
The Mist management has made arrange
ments with Portland Evening Telegram
whereby we can give subscribers the advan
tage of a gigantic combination offer for a
limited period. You can get a Metropolitan
evening paper with all the latest news from
all over the world and all the news of St.
Helens and vicinity in the Mist at a remark
ably low price.
The Evening Telegram is the best pap
er in the state, market reports unexcelled,
Saturday edition contains a magazine and
comic section in colors.
The Evening Telegram
St. Helens Mist . - -
Both Papers Through this
office if paid in advance for
i year, on or before Decem
ber 31st, 1913 - .
$5.00 per year
$1.50 per year
$6.50 per year