St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 07, 1913, Image 7

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AdvtS quits wmi you nave ror Holiday Trade Will ..n .. n .
- nmnt ..,,1 ,..11.1.1 .... .. . I ' ' r"e' W'" MU Poultrf end
J"" .... . mr
anywhere It will lb. pnP.rly WW.
- "
Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides
rl'e tola? for taira and our net ruh prtre net.
(a fair treatment, hla-heat prl. ...
k l.v Iteturl. Mail." tjtve ue a trial -.It-
u o "' "' l""'ue- M. ihwiali ft ( .
SwUeeal I'M- HI Iti fc. Ufeal
EgE Poultry, Hogs, Veal I
aa, . Thankam-lvlriar - T,.L I
Oki a'" ir. V rito for JTW-. Nt prir-a
a. . I "". """ . r rawri vai- i
nr bulir. W; live hem ar.
jfclir. w i. un y hlum mail,
UBY lO-i 1"7 r nm, Ht., i'urtlftnd. Or.
pWtH.r K. Pt'KTUN - aa ttarelet,
I L.I. II. ruiINlt, Mlv .u.u rti.Mi (.1J
att.V", ' llljl tivtbMi ill lull .riff ilfl
galoiti i i'V-t ml 'I .'atiitr. vufkw
ftjyt-ht. aild ami e.-iantrl; engttiee. iM.ilere.
.WHMt.M rlf. ti'l 1"r hti-k I. tat .ml I'rlrM.
IHK MAUI IN ll.. M lal HI., furtlanl. Or.
The "Topgrade" Shoe
A Really Classy Shoo
II raw waai mm aal aaa!, wet a)
Portland. Oie.
iaa a sxiaa a .Tf7h."nT
1uimIii. 1'tiriis.iM.. Ot-ir-n.
Agents Wanted
. If apMHi.tnnl
Chiro praetor
ntlfl 1 nNatmait of ftll ArniU atvl rhmnlc
wava U rrtwa-al I'rAa llthanaM'. hutU U--T
A alt living
ArrhtiaM-lnrml Draft
I airplf v
4 amtrr ( Mti
I UarlritMtr
Maarh.Htrtll lTfL
hhow I art. Hritla
Wirvlawa TaJai-
Daiy Bflal Mhl HrllaMla
f.ll mt rtail ffaff C ataloar
V AW r T AY w f m W AT T ' T
' - ' - . - . .
Uur aa caui' a ilrrr )t muw, thouaanaaut
Mary of lb, bu.M.f.f b.umm. It will ahow you
Pt.rHw.ra. point and all h.i.Mint malarlala. a Wa
a ml
tat aw
I Bat a Uhav)
$22 W(
slaai-trt' W
II alaaiMat
material M !
kind U bl
aVa prlra Totl
a I a. La !
a-inat. rir, rw
HIIL ala.
fat.raia, !
f traa
at4 aiaaa
lor -
tara raai Vur
Iraai ,
Oaf fra
lo ta
flavit Mb Bf
aiiat Wall aata
raa aioaar oa
aalau lor Hoiiaa.
rwur. Waaaa ar
a r a,a Bar a
aoc raj.
For handling letter ftli'a on a wall.
t Maaiachueclla man haa paU-nted a
eriea of wire loopa to hold them in
the aame (maition aa if atandinif on a
Rheumatism, Sprains
Backache, Neuralgia
"Ye., daughter, Ui.f. good .tuff Th. pal. .0
gJaUful pep
Steele AaUe
riuM I think you deeeraa e Ju , .
market and I anaii aiwy. -
LUt. fcewe, iWaaw, MJ.
f?'lVeOi if
' J . a t 1 aaat
TaTaBUaa' '
. an- ..J It 0. 8Ua-a
Al an ueaueee a" " p
Add-reea Dr. Eerl S. Sloe-, le.
live per cent of o-maa ..i.. en
CW Mfl,D.
- " - v-u., roniand, Ore.
Old LlyI don't bellev. this ture
tonic it ,-goln' to do m any
Friend-It'a hlghly wken of In the
Old Lady Yei, but taken
forty-aeven bottlea and 1 don't feel a
bit better. I tell you what It ia.
Sarah, I m beKinning to think thee
nawapaper editor, don't know every.
Wrighl'a Indian Veg-table Pilla are aold
ilh and without soluble augar coaling.
They regulate the boweli. Invigorate the
liver and ponfy the blood. Ad.
"I)o you think you are able to iup
port my dHUKhler In the atyle to which
ahe haa bfen accustomed ?"
"I don't know, air, but I'll tell you
what I can do."
"Whafa that?"
"I can aave you about 60 per cent
of her preaint coat to your."
Vothara will flnfl Mra. wtnfiowa Bonihlna
r"M b. al rmnlv to tiaa luf llialr suUiiru
Bulli.ii tits Icalhlua iwuwl.
A certain culnrit unon rplaa f mm
Jail met a friend. "What were you
In forT" aaked the friend.
"I found a horae," the man replied.
"round a horae? Nonaenaet They
would never put you in jail for finding
a horae."
"Well, but you ace I found him be
fore the owner loat him." .'
just because your ap
petite is poor, the di
gestion weak and the bowels
constipated. What you need
just now is a short course of
It tones and strengthens the
"inner man" and helps you
A back to perfect health A
and happiness. But
be positive you get
"SWA I A r Ar r W AT 7if T 1
tntaiual wuatlarlul bafjun, tir aflrnd w Uir
kuw ta aava aum on Lumber, Stab. Doan.
aril to roil dirett at factory prk-a.
r rM Naiarr fra laa nlla Oaa a
t-m .. par, taat aill MM laal a., a ataaai
I at twa Oara H all a. a4 a.
W mm M at miu arMaa a4 aa raaa Haw ul
aa, .art-awaa. aaM arMa,
..(. aril I." f M aul aaM Hla
i4 la vw ...i. cafW
220 WaaUaiaan taanU
"Before I married my wife I could
liaten to her voice for houra and
"And nowT"
"Now I have to." Houston Poat.
! wto. the . opinion. Her. .
a ilea ail waa a
V H.llaaad f Bfc.
I waa trwiblrd with a aery bl Pln In w V
WkTrauma hme. I went to a doctor but I be
dirt not do m any .
nnrrhaaed bottlo of Sloan
fjiilnieut, and now I am a well
woman, lalw.yakeepabnt.
II. of Sloan a l.lniment In the
aUila Rhaa
"Wa have oaed Sloan a Linl
ment for orer ail yra and
found It the beat we eaerj njd.
Whea my wife had eclat lo
did her any fooil waa Moan a
linlmenW. cannot lJl-lt
tiiehly enw.iah.
Mr. i'arva,
.ed ankle. 1 '"?! TlZT
tecoaaaaaad Ul. woe
Better tkea ether Pewdeee
producinr lukt. lULatT. wkala.
one cakea and paatriaa .
la kish arraiU ajwl
eaodarmte in nrice
25e lb. tia at crocere.
Creeeaa Mf.. CawSeatd.
State School at Monmouth Praised
By Former Leader.
On October 17, 1913, Prealdent P.
L. Campbell, of the University of
Oregon, visited the Oregon Normal
school. Some yeara ago, Mr. Camp
bell waa president of the Normal
chool, so that he takea a deep interest
In its present growth.
In assembly, just previous to his ad
dress, while being introduced by Pres
Ident Ackerman, the faculty and atu
denta rose in a body and gave him the
"Chautauqua Salute." Following
this he gave a very capable talk on
"The Oregon System." He commend
ed the "Oregon System" aa the great
est growth in the political, social and
educational world. He urged Insist
ently that we get a bigger "perspec
tive." At the close of his addresa the
students sang to him in an enthusias
tic way, which pleased him greatly.
On the evening of the aame day the
faculty gave their annual reception to
the students and townspeople. Presi
dent Campbell, who waa a guest of
honor, in speaking commended the
early foundera of the school who had
done so much to make the school what
it is. He said that the value of the
school was determined by its work, by
ita spirit, rather than by ita number
of students. The keynote which ran
through hia Informal talk waa the
spirit of cheerfulness and helpfulness.
The people of Monmouth felt highly
honored in having had President
Campbell with them at tbia time.
Worm a eipelled promptly from the human.
eyetrra witn itr. revry a venmiuf o
aiiol." Adv.
"We could have settled our difficul
ties by tossing a coin. Instead, we
spent a lot of money by going to law."
"I understand the jury settled mat
ters by tossing a coin."
"Your husband aays he haa to ait at
desk all day."
"Yea," replied the energtic woman;
"but most of the time he keepa hia
feet on the desk."
For a Red
Blotchy Skin
The Remarkable Action of
a Famous Remedy and
Some Facts About Ita
The akin Is but a net work of Una blood
Vwaaala And It la a perfectly natural
eonaaquance that any Influence lo the
Wood that la a condition of 111 bealUt Ita flrat appearance in the akin.
Thar are certain medicinal properties
that follow the course of the blood atreaua
and the Influence of thaae propertlee la
that of as antidote. Thla la why 8. B. B..
the beat known blood purifier, haa auca
a positive action In the akin. There la
erne Insredlant Ir. B. 8. 8. which peculiarly
etlnulatea cellular or glandular activity
i a elect from the blood or from thus
ana net work of blood veaaele la the akin,
thoee elementa which It requires for re
generation. Thua ptmplee, acne, ecaema, lupus, or
any other blood condition that attacka the
skin or seaka an outlet throuch the akla
le met with the antidotal effect of 8. 8. 8.
The action of 8. 8. 8. In the cellular
tlaauea of the body aervee the active pur
oae of atlmulatins each cellular part te
the healthy and Judlcloue selection of Its
ewn eeaentlaJ nutriment. Not only thla,
but If from the preaence of some disturb
ing polaon a condition of dlaeaae erlaee.
S. S. 8. so dlrecta the local cella that this
polaon Is rejected and eliminated from
their preaence.
Thla la why akin troubles vanish s
readily and why they do not return.
Under the influence of 8. 8. 8. thle fine
et work of blood veaaele In the akla Is
eonatantly taking from the blood the nu
trition required for healthy tlasue and th
eauae of dlaeaae la juet as eonatantly be
ta g removed, scattered and rendered
harmlaaa. These facts are more fully
explained In a book on akin troublee aent
by The Bwlft 6 peel no Co., ISO Bwlft
Bide. Atlanta, Oa. Tou will And 8. 8. 8.
aa aale at all drug stores. Oat a bottle)
tevday and banian ail akla amotions.
Work Ahead.
Don't give the lary hen houseroom ;
the will never pay for her feed.
An easily prepared remedy for sore
head or chicken pox la aent by B. F.
Howell, of North Carolina. He aaya
to dissolve enough epsom salts io
water to cleanse the entire flock, using
the solution to moisten a mash feed,
and feeding it two or three times ia
the course of a week. Mis fine table
salt with lard and cover the sores on
the heads. One or two applicationa,
he aaya, will cure.
When the pullets have about reached
maturity, enough old hena ahould be
disposed of to make plenty of room
for the youngsters. Crowding brings
aa many diseases. Farm and Home.
Constipation cauaea many serious
diseases. It is thoroughly eared by
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One
a laiative, three for cathartic
"Are you acquainted with Mrs,
Hlfly, your fashionable neighbor T "
"Only in a roundabout way. Her
sat boards at my house."
"Ever take a vapor batht"
"I've spent ten minutes la a
one boots."
Opinion of Farm Manager for West
ern Fuel Co., Nanaimo, B. C
By Tboa. Cunningham.
The moat economical, powerful, safe
and satisfactory stumping device 1
have yet aecn is a hand power- stump
ing machine, known In the United
Statea aa the "K" hand atump puller,
aold by Mr. W. J. Fitzpatrick, in Se
attle, Wash. This machine weighs
190 pounds and can be wheeled around
like a barn truck. I venture to aay
that it will come off with flying colors
in a contest with any of the various
makea of horse-power atumping ma
chines. It ia built on the double ac
tion pawl and ratchet principle. I
heard about this machine last fall and
traveled twenty miles to sea it, very
skeptics! sa to the stories I had beard
about It. The agent attached it to a
stsnding tree (fir), about 86 inches In
diameter, placing the cable about 12
feet up the tree. I took hold of the
lever, and pulled the tree down my
self, in eight minutes. I bought the
machine on the spot, and have pulled
the atumpa from 30 acres of land with
It aince, the machine coating not one
eent for repairs. Very recently. I
gave a demonstration on atump pulling
to the members of the Royal Commie-
sion on Agriculture, appointed by the
government of British Columbia. In
tbia demonstration I flrat attached a
large sized, horse-power stump puller
of the capstan variety to a fir aatump
of about 20 incbea diameter. This
atump waa on an open gravelly soil
and the roots penetrated quite deep.
I hitched a 1600 pound horae to the
tump puller and it failed to move the
atump. I then attached the Trewhella
machine to the aame atump and pulled
it out quite eaaily in aeven and one
half minutes, the roots being pulled
out clean and clear. While pulling
the atump (aa ia my uaual custom) I
kept a man with a mattock knocking
the dirt from the roots aa the atump
waa raised and allowing it to fall back
into the hole made by the lifting of
the atump. By doing this the ground
la left nearly level and requires very
litte grading afterwards. Naturally
the members of the Commission were
greatly delighted with the machine
and In order to personally teat it, Mr.
Hayward. M. P. P., chairman of the
commiaeion, and Mr. Shannon, oae of
the members, took hold of the lever
and pulled out a stump themselves.
Yea Cea Get Allen's root-f aae mt
ar.4 . 1 1. a mm.iui T . w v &
free aample of Allen's root-Eae, It eurea
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight ahoee eaey. A certain cure ol
aorns. Ingrowing Bella and bunions. All drug
gists seil IU 26o. Don't accept any eubatiluie.
Social Calls in China.
It Is difficult for a Chinaman to mas
ter the English pronounciation, and
this aecounta in great measure for the
prevalence of pidgin English. The
letter r la almost alwaya sounded use
I, so we have ki-lin or kleen for green,
and lain for rain. "Too muchee lain
juat now" ia often heard; "just now"
being a favorite expression to denote
the immediate preaenL In calling
upon a lady, one aaya to the boy
house servant of any age from 18 to
60 "Miaaee have got?" and the
anawer comes, "Hsve got" or "No
have got," according to whether ahe
is in or out. This recalls the time
honored, true story of the lady who
called and the boy reported ' to his
mistress of the house: "One piecee
man down aide, b long missus.'
Scarcely complimentary to the "one
piecee manl" National Magazine.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Marine lye Remedy. Mo Smarting reeta
sine acta v u i r k i j - . rj , . m. ncu. .
Watery Erea and Urannlated Eyelids. Ulna
trated Book In each Package. Murine la
toe' bna need In aucceaarnl Pbrelclane' free-, M An. im u mi i-nuiii nra
woe for many yeara. Now Oadioatea vo tee ran
Ee and aoia by urueaiata at Ko and flue per Bou ia.
Manna Mrs Balveln AaepUa Tubes, ue and too.
Murine By Remedy Co., cnioago
Moles in Ginseng Beds.
Molea are sometimes very trouble
some and cannot alwaya be caught with
trapa. A very effective meana ef
keeping them out has been followed
by T. S. Curtia, a Tennessee ginseng
grower. He dug a narrow trench 10
inchea deep all around hia beds outside
of the row of posts that support the
hade. Galvanized roofing in stripe 26
inchea wide waa purchased and cut in
two. lengthwise, making the sheets 12
inches wide. They were given a coat
of heavy black roofing paint on each
aide, then aet in the trench and tacked
to the posts so ss to form a perfect
barrier all around the beda. The earth
was then filled in and tamped hard.
The roofing projects three inches
above the ground and 10 inchea below
the surface and the moles will neither
go over nor under it. Farm and
fee llomaa Bye Balaam for Braiding aaa
aatloa In eyea and inflammation ef eyea a
ayallda. Adv.
A Mercenary Lass.
Wlllard D. Straight, the brilliant
young financier of Morgan & Co., was
discussing the American bankers'
withdrawal from the Chinese loan.
"I like China," Mr. Straight aald.
"Mw K.rH tnr China will not let ma
consider her from a purely selfish and
commercial viewpoint. i -annoi, in
v.t anaffae nnt mvaailf In the noaltion
of the young lady who was aaked by
her chum :
rv won think, dear, that It la
better to hsve loved and lost than
never to have loved at all 7
e wh of mnna it ia ' the vennr
lady replied, 'provided he leta you
. i . . . . ,1
Keep ail nia presents.
"Whatever became of that woman
who waa married on a bet?"
"She la probably now giving her
tie. to a crusade against gambling.
A aifJani Chinese trade union haa
been formed In Shanghai by 1000
goldsmiths and silversmitaa.
3.oo T3.5Q 4 AND sR.oo
r Bov' 0nof In the WtH '
4 J 00, $J.tt0mJ4 tJ.OQ
co. if smiircii nr im
LA friz HT MAI El OF ft SO
$-. eU.014 IA TJU WQAU
uoaaiaa I4.B4I, 4.UUaa4
aaoaa. Juat aa rood la stria.
wear aa eihar a-aa
nlf muffmt- la
leaiBre, tt?Ja a4
ir b Ma i a f lait if .
t UrtKktna,
I SX -X to. .jfVV
rarafulf If. l. ifOBaiaa obb Bra bbbbb, to
14 titea aadentaM war Ur are warraatee! I
Mtter, look fcattar, aol4
laaa aar ataer bib as far
If W. f iXiuglaa tho-a
Ofier n.r-t iron, in-
rie-ror tt.s rami if, at an
I H thai W.L. e3
Tr. v rite? rear I initiraten uiaiiig, u win
Itoar T"Q bo to ofW by iitail, auad wbyyoaeaa
live huifi! an ermia fd'atwravf.
It bnctora. W. I e Mat lata. tBl
By an ingenious arrangement of re
flectors a 30-candle power incandes
cent lamp, recently mounted on a
lightship off the Virginia coast ia
made to give flashes of more than
100,000 candle power in certain direc
tions. "
powder and shot.
.amsmsmmmmsmmejamwaemamsmmmeamneaaeawavj j m.
in this shell cover most shooters requirements,
and all of them give a full measure of shooting
satisfaction. Look for the W on the box. They are
Cotton waa cultivated in Morocco
and sold in England during the civil
war in the United States, and during
the cotton crisis of 1871. After that
period the demand fsiled snd cultiva
tion was dropped.
awmmmaa OUT
The Mosquito? '".rr
TE ARE all exposed to such "dangers our only armor ia good nd
blood t Let your stomach be of good digestion, your liver active
and your hugs full of good pure air and you don't surrender to any of the disease,
bearing germa. The best known tonic and alterative, that corrects a torpid liver,
and bsTpe digestion so that good blood is manufactured and the aystem nourished. Is -
rrOlden TJedical niscovery
Tkt. nt-dirina haa haien aold
over forty years, friving; (Treat satisfaction. If you prefer you can now obtain Dr.l
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tableta of your druirgist at $1.00, also in 60e else
or by mail send 50 one-cent atampa, R.V. Pierce, M. Buffalo, N.Y, for trial box.1
fltieofiina rf 1 ' ifo arafully and properly anawered In the People's Medical Ad-'
JU8ll0nS Of Lille TIKr br r.v. fierce, M. D. All the knowledge a yonna
nan or woman, wife or daurhter ehould have, ia contained In tbia bur Home Doctor Book
eontainlna- luug paaea with enarmvlnsa bound In cloth, aaat free to anyone aenrlina U eae
awat stampo to prepay coat of wrapptne and poetace.
Mother Don't ask so many ques
tion, child. Curiosity once killed a
Willie What did the cat want to
know, mat
By Timely Use of Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Here Is her own statement.
Cary, Maine." I feel it a duty I owe
to all suffering women to tell what
Lydia E. Finknam'e
Vegetable Com
pound did for me.
One year ago I found
myself a terrible suf
ferer. I had pains
in both sides and
nch a soreness I
could aeareely
straighten up at
times. My baek
ached, I had no ap
petite and waa so
nervous I could not sleep, then I would
be so tired mornings that I could scarcely
get around. It seemed almost Impossi
ble to move or do a bit of work and I
thought I never would be any better un
til I submitted to an operation. I com
menced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound and soon felt like a
new woman. I had no pains, slept well,
had good appetite and waa fat and
could do almoat all my own work for a
family of four. I shall always feel
that I owe my good health to your med
icine." Mrs. Haywabo Sowers, Cary,
If yon are ill do not drag along until
an operation ia necessary, but at once
take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
If yon have the slightest donbt
that Lydla K. IMnkhara'a Vegeta
ble Compound will help you. write
to Lydia K.IMnkham MedlcineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Masa for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
- oo
Ml bb4
raatlBa? fv.QO ? 97.00 taw
ib prira. hfeo la all
aha pot I it axxlr.
a. aiajUsTiaa iara?a r art or.
bb4 bob fr rarmlf hBif
th-tf -hap a4 weaT aBBfer
laa arica.
are not for aal m yxrr -Irirrttr,
la'tory, rnim ht every iii'm-
pnr, nr rer-i roa, tKacaKs
Baaarfe aiat. Btatfaa. laaa.
Resenting the assertion that SycV
ney, Australia, waa the dirtiest town
in the Southern hemisphere, the lord
mayor has organized a special force ef
a hundred polite for the preservation
of good order, cleanliness snd neat
ness. "Repeater".
Smokeless Powder Shell3
a ' it
av ' a j,w
f vvaat a I
Tiaa euaaniuia I
For a high grade shell at a reasona&le price,
the Winchester Loaded "Repeater" has the
call among sportsmen who have tried all
makes. Although' xfloderate priced, the
is loaded with the best quality
The list of loads furnished
Gutta percha, now obtained from
the leavea of the caoutchouc tree, la
said to be more durable than that ob
tained by tapping the trunk and il
coming into use in France for insulat
ing submarine cables.
A gTTlwywlth sponary feet collects the Invisible 1
15 M. Ijgrrnu of disease spreads them over .-
lOOd SUad pOlSOmS US W1U1 tJplaM.
bv medicine dealers in Its liauid form for
Th Llnt Taat Pa Far tawlf Cfeeaasr tkaa
fas. eweMrMlt?, ktfow . aBat e-avs IU
All laaape sapplisya frwaw u pnmunrm tavak. lasUa
ar eataide ktuaaa. A aysHM eaa lasiall It.
1 trapa Also. Ori eatasuf. varsaa la aaaaa, aaA
4ai&i.a af F realm tiftr:
(No. S rVPBM iaalor. rjm 3 x 4V
t KxE ta nircaaaar m Lanampa lat i jraaur,
41 N LI6MT CO. 1413 UmUl SU lmm. 0,
An Australian wood called yate la
said to be the strongest known and la
imported for automobile construction.
Mrs. Howard, a famous London
beauty, haa had the words "Votes for
Women" tattooed on her cheek.
Liverpool's new cathedral now la
course of erection, will have the lar
gest pipe organ in the world.
In 1912 British Columbia admitted
56,817 new settlers.
aaa raealra rroartH tvaaB
ireata of Woa-Faiiaai iaja.
aaiBUaUaf fiaiiBlii
Try onoa mora if yoa kaa baaai aVietortaa vr4i
IB ia ooa ana u
tanan rallaf.
aioa laqairk, aarBaaa Bafa. Hi praaor1piaaa
ara oompon tided from Root a. Barbs, rlnda aa4
Boaa your caaa
Hariithat hirabasB amtharead from ararv a aa
trof the lohs. Tba aar rata of taaaa na4talaaa
acrota of iaaaa Ba41aiaaa
i da world, brat kaa aaaa
r t aaa ia tka k aiai a a'
ara not kitowii to the oaten
baadaa down from laUtBeT
laaauiaa la Caiaa.
If yrm lira oat of tow aa4 obb not aUl, wrfaa to
BTvBpto blaak aa4 aUtvaiaa, tairlirting 4 oaalB 1
162i rinst St., Cor. MerHso
rerrleee. Oreee.
- a
lean fo. tli.-laJ
F. N. U. No. 4S, H
WHKN wrttjaar aa aatiai lie at a, amaae sasa. I
'" ejea thai saner.